Mongol-Tatar Igo: shocking facts. Tatar army rus under the yoke

Where did the term "Tatars" originally, the term "Tatars" himself was noted well, the first answers were given. But here it would be necessary to recall the further development of the Golden Horde. It was a huge empire, stoled in the west of the Crimea, and the southeastern territories of Ukraine to the Caucasus and Central Asia in the south, and Western Siberia in the East. It is asked: how could she exist at all, and not fall apart immediately? And because there were uniting factors inherent in the Ulus Juchi (the remaining former territories of the Mongol Empire also had their own):

Thrick nations lived throughout the entire territory of the Golden Horde. Nomadic, or recently such former. Most differences in the majority were non-critical; So they were mainly mutual understanding. As a language of communication and the official used, in different versions, Starotürksky, or Turks. Which badly could also understand Polovtsy (the main ancestors of the Crimean Tatars); and the ancestors of Uzbeks; and Bulgars from the Volga region; And those turks that downtown in the Caucasus, etc.

Yes, like in nomads, a huge part of the population of indigenous contradictions, as such, did not exist with the Mongols. They perfectly fit into the Mongolian battle car. Mongols originally constituted a minority. Quite quickly they were assimilated among the surrounding Turkic population.

Soon, Islam was accepted as an official religion. It strengthened sympathy for the country of found in the territory of Zo. Turil-Muslims from the Volga region and from Central Asia. Their culture and socio-economic structure were a kind of cement factor. And allowed to simultaneously develop many unsticked peoples.

In Ulus, Juchi lived and Nudyurk and non-Muslim nations. Let's say numerous Finno-Ugorsky, or those that lived in the North Caucasus. But it was the Turks who confessed Islam (both nomadic and sedentary) in such an empire almost arranged; As a result, they began to perceive it as "their" state, and maintain and guard him. Specific community to create within such an empire has been possible.

For Rusich XIII-XV centuries, meanwhile, there was no particular difference between the Mongols and Turks. There were simply those worst Eastern appearance, talking in incomprehensible language, which tribute came to the horses, and raids were satisfied. He continued to call them the words, under what kind of Mongols was originally in horror information on all surrounding countries was held.

After the golden horde was still broken, for the Russian man of Turks on the horses professing Islam, with whom we had to fight as the next Khanate, all one were "Tatars". Especially since the Crimea, and from Western Siberia really appeared riders who believed in Allah, speaking dialects indistinguishable for the Slavic ear. And then, as the country expands, and the creation of the Russian Empire, the rule has spread almost all Turkic peoples. Roman wrote: "In general," Tatars "in Russian is approximately as" Germans "(those that do not speak in understandable language, siren" dumb ", unable to speak humanly), it is not the name of some particular people, And the general term for "aliens", nomadic and half-blooded tribes from somewhere from the East. " - But after all, the Tatars were called, for example, not at all nomadic Azerbaijanis - "Transcaucasian Tatars". (This is what makes the brain while reading the fiction of the XIX century associated with the Caucasus). Karachay - "Gorish Tatars", Nogai - "Nogai Tatars", Khakasov - "Abakan Tatars", etc. In the story "Enchanted Wanderer", N.Lazkova, under Tatars, mean Kazakhs. Even despite the fact that few of them themselves called themselves so called, and the differences between, say, Karachay and Chulemen are huge.

Historically, several peoples still perceived the Word as the official name of the ethnos: Volga Tatars, Crimean Tatars, and Siberian Tatars. And that, it finally happened only in the XX century.

So initially, it can be said that when Mongols only invaded the territory of Russian principalities, Tatars Nor in the original (exterminated Mongolian tribe), not in subsequent sense among them. But when the state of Ulus Juchi appeared - the Golden Horde, through which, above all, was carried out by the so-called IHO, the majority of the population was very fast there.

Supplement the previous wonderful answer of Roman Khmelevsky replica on the second part of your question. The fact is that the term "yoke" is the traditional name of the system of relationship, which has developed between Juchi Ulus and Russian principalities in the XIII-XV centuries. At the same time, the term itself has a relatively late origin and was first used by the Polish chronic dulgothe in the XV century. In Russia, the term "IHO" appears no earlier than the middle of the XVII century, and the expression of the "Mongol-Tatar Igo" was first used in 1817 by the German author of Christian Cruz in the "Atlas on European History". Thus, for the designation of the medieval state of nomads-Mongols, the term "IHO" is not applicable, it is used only to designate the relationship between them and the Old Russian lands (and at present the correctness of its use is not the phenomenon, namely the term "IHO" - is delivered under doubt).

As for the term "Golden Horde", then it is a little more difficult with him. Traditionally, this name is used in historiography for the designation of state formation of nomads-Mongols, which existed from the 30s. XIII is approximately the end of the 15th century. The word "Horde" has Turkic origin (from Ordu - a fortified military camp) and at that time meant it is a khan bid, the place of stay of the commander-in-chief. For the first time, it was used by IBN Battuta, the Arab traveler of the XIV century - so he called the Golden Chamber of Khan Uzbek. It pretty quickly gothes, especially since it was quite appropriate in the context of the Mongolian tradition denote the main and secondary rates of the Khanov. So, after the conquest of the territories included in Ulus Juchi (the Senior Son of Genghis Khan, who was supposed to conquer him), he was divided into several cars, who headed the grandchildren of Chingis - Batueva part was called the White Ord, and part of his older brother - Blue Horde (In the Mongolian tradition, the West was indicated in white, the East). But they themselves, they themselves, who ordered from the Great Khan themselves, were not called the Golden Horde - they called him just "ulus", the state, adding different epithets to him (the word "Ulug", the Great, or the name of the current or famous in the past Khan). Nevertheless, the name "Golden Horde" seems correct, because It has long been accepted in historical science. You can spend a parallel with Byzantium - this state itself is never called (although this name was sometimes used by Roma for the sublime naming of Constantinople), but in modern historiography, this is the most common thing for the East Roman Empire, and even the most science of it is referred to as Byzantinistics.

I agree with the author above. With Tatars among Mongols theme is very muddy. But if briefly, then the situation is:
There were Mongols, there were Tatars. There was a man named Juigai, who first just fought with his brave horsemen, then decided to unite all the territories north of China, populated by nomads, whom the Chinese themselves called "black mongols", while the "white" was assimilated in the northern provinces. And inside the black mongols there was a distribution directly on the Mongols and those who were called Tatars. And then the brave Esigai Battur with his allies interrupted all the enemies and the Tatars, including, and for the first time in history, combined Mongolia. But the then Mongolian Dikari did not know the words "honor", and very soon the night of the Tatars on the way home was poisoned. Then the hunt for his family began, but now for us the main thing that survived the boy, named Tamuchzhin, who saw the Tatars cut everything he loved. Then he grew up, found those who remained faithful to his father and declared the war to Tatars, who considered the obey (fairly) in the death of his father. Everything was decided in one big battle, at night, when Tamuchin managed to defeat the combined Tatar army and a lot of warriors captured. You understand that the exact numbers are better not to give here, because everything will be a lie. So Tamuchin became Genghis Khan, and the Tatars were forcibly so in the Mongolian army.
I wondered all this? I led to the fact that the prisoners in the Mongolian military traditions have always been infantry in the forefront and very quickly died, for death waited on both sides: and in front, and from behind from the Mongols, if he decided to retreat. So we can boldly say that the grandson of the Grandson of Genghis Khan Batiya on Russia and Europe was a bit of the original Tatars in the troops, and those that were left, by the service and loyalty to the commander of the ranks among the Mongols and were finally assimilated among their conquerors.

There is a complex and confusing story. First, the "Tatars" in the "Tatar-Mongolian IHE" is, in general, not at all those "Tatars", which in the current Kazan and Tatarstan, and this creates the first confusion. Tatars in Tatarstan are rather descendants of the population of the Volga Bulgaria, partially Polovtsy, they always lived there on the Volga, and no relation to Mongolian tribes do not have (although, of course, there was no way there, since then, a lot, like everywhere). In the period of the Golden Horde (Ulus Jushi), these Tatars, like many other peoples, were included in her composition.

Those "Tatars", which "Mongol-Tatara" was a Mongolian tribe, subordinated at one time in Genghis Khan (Temuccin), and, in the process of submission, practically destroyed and assimilated (there is a long history, why did they kill the father's father and he avenged ).

In general, the "Tatars" in Russian is approximately as "Germans" (those that do not speak in understandable language, siren "dumb", unable to speak humanly), it is not the name of some particular people, but a common term for "Aliens", nomadic and half-blooded tribes from somewhere from the East. Tatars and to Genghis Khan were numerous and constituted tribal associations of the Tatar OU (thirty Tatar tribes) Tatar currents (nine Tatar tribes). This is written on the monument to Kul-Tegin - the Turkic commander. There is no data that Genghis Khan destroyed all 39 Tatar tribes.
3. The Tatars were Turkic - on the monument Kul-Tegin they are described as Turks. Later, mixed with the Mongolian peoples, they accepted their language.
4. Mongols of the Middle Ages are mostly turks and to modern Mongols (Halha) they have nothing to do. The fact that Genghis Khan was Halha-Mongol can be successfully refuted on the grounds that he said not in Mongolian, but in Tatar. This is evidenced by the story of the Flemish Monk - Franciscan Guilloma de Rubrock, who visited Khan Batya in his time. Rubruk retells a widespread parable of that time. A certain Arab who came in Mengu-Khan (one of the grandchildren of the universe), began to describe his dream, saying that he had dreamed of Genghis Khan, who demanded that Muslims in his possessions would betray everywhere execution.
And then Mengu Khan asked Araba: "What language did my famous ancestor talk to you?" "On Arabic," was the answer. "So you all lie," Mangu Khan angry - my ancestor no other language, except Tatar, did not know. "
And the same story is almost one to one in its "Collection of Chronicles" and Rashid-Ad-Dean.



o (Mongol-Tatar, Tatar-Mongolian, Ordinskoe) is the traditional name of the system of exploitation of Russian lands who came from the east conquerors to nomads from 1237 to 1480.

This system was aimed at implementing a mass terror and robbery of the Russian people by charging brutal shares. She operated primarily in the interests of the Mongolian nomadic military feudal nobility (Neuonov), in favor of which the lion's share of the Dani was collected.

Mongol-Tatar Igo was established as a result of the invasion of Khan Batya in the XIII century. Until the early 1260s, Russia was under the rule of the great Mongolian khans, and then - the Khans of the Golden Horde.

Russian principalitys were not directly in the Mongolian power and retained the local princely administration, whose activities were controlled by baskakov - representatives of the Khan on the conquered lands. The Russian princes were danutrics of Mongolian khans and received labels from them to possession of their principalities. Formally, the Mongol-Tatar Igo was established in 1243, when Prince Yaroslav Vsevolodovich received a label from the Mongols to the Vladimir Grand Principality. Rus, according to the label, lost the right to fight and should have been regularly annually (in spring and autumn) to pay the tribune khans.

There were no permanent Mongol-Tatar troops in Russia. The need was supported by punitive campaigns and repression against recurrent princes. The regular entry of Dani from the Russian lands began after the census of 1257-1259, conducted by Mongolian "numerals". There were units: in cities - courtyard, in rural areas - "Village", "Sokha", "Plug". Only the clergy was released from Dani. The main "Ordinous burdens" were: "Exit", or "Tsareva Dan" - the tax directly for Mongolian Khan; trade fees ("sot", "Tamka"); perceptions ("holes", "Summaries"); The content of the Khan ambassadors ("food"); Different "gifts" and "bleacious" of Khan, his relatives and approximate. Every year, a huge amount of silver left the Russian lands. Periodically gathered large "requests" to military and other needs. In addition, the Russian princes were obliged to send warriors on the order of Khan to participate in the campaigns and in the closed hunting ("Loviters"). At the end of the 1250 - early 1260s, Muslim merchants were collected from the Russian principalities ("demenny"), whipping this right among the Great Mongolian Khan. Most of Dani walked Great Hanu in Mongolia. During the upright of 1262, "degeneramen" from Russian cities were expelled, and the duty of collecting Dani passed to local princes.

Russia's struggle against Iga acquired an increasing latitude. In 1285, the Grand Duke Dmitry Alexandrovich (the son of Alexander Nevsky) defeated and expelled the army of the "Orda Tsarevich". At the end of the XIII - the first quarter of the XIV century, the speeches in Russian cities led to the elimination of bachers. With the strengthening of the Moscow Principality, the Tatar Igo gradually weakens. Moscow Prince Ivan Kalita (printed in 1325-1340) achieved the right to collect "exit" from all Russian principalities. From the middle of the XIV century, the leaders of the Gold Horde, not supported by a real military threat, were no longer performed by Russian princes. Dmitry Donskaya (1359 1389) did not recognize the Khan labels issued by his rivals, and the Vladimir Grand Principality seized by force. In 1378, he defeated the Tatar army on the river, in the Ryazan Earth, and in 1380 she won the Mama in the Kulikovsky Battle of the Kulikovsky rule.

However, after the hike, Tukhtamysh and the capture of Moscow in 1382, Russia was forced to again recognize the power of the Golden Horde and pay tribute, but already Vasily I Dmitrievich (1389-1425) received a Vladimir great reign without a khan label as "his victor." With it, IHO was rated. The tribute was paid irregularly, Russian princes conducted an independent policy. Attempting the Goldenordinian ruler of the Communication (1408) to restore the completeness of the authorities over Russia ended in failure: he failed to take Moscow. The excitement began in the Golden Horde opened the possibility of the overthrow of the Tatar yoke before Rus.

However, in the middle of the XV century, Moscow Rus sama survived the period of civil war, which weakened its military potential. During these years, the Tatar rulers organized a number of devastating invasions, but they could not bring Russian to complete humility. The combination of Russian lands around Moscow led to concentration in the hands of the Moscow princes of such political power, with which the weak Tatar khans could not coincide. The Great Moscow Prince Ivan III Vasilyevich (1462-1505) in 1476 refused to pay Dani. In 1480, after an unsuccessful campaign of Khan, the Big Horde of Akhmat and "Standing at the Ugra" IHO was finally overthrown.

The Mongol-Tatar Igo had negative, regressive consequences for the economic, political and cultural development of Russian lands, was a brake for the growth of the productive forces of Russia, which were at a higher socio-economic level compared to the productive forces of the Mongolian power. It artificially pressed for a long time a purely feudal natural nature of the economy. In politically, the consequences of the IGA were manifested in violation of the natural process of the State Development of Russia, in artificially maintaining its fragmentation. The Mongol-Tatar Igo, which lasted two and a half centuries was one of the reasons for the economic, political and cultural lag of Russia from Western European countries.

Material is prepared based on open sources.

In most history textbooks, it is written that in the XIII-XV centuries, Russia suffered from the Mongol-Tatar yoke. However, in recent times, the voices of those who doubt that the invasion did generally occurred? Is the huge hordes of nomads fled to peaceful principalities, enslaving their inhabitants? Let's analyze historical facts, many of which can be shocked.

The yoke came up with Poles

By itself, the term "Mongol-Tatar Igo" came up with Polish authors. The chronist and diplomat Jan Dlugosh in 1479 called the time of existence of the Golden Horde. In 1517, he repeated the historian Matvey Mekhovsky, who worked at Krakow University. This interpretation of relations between Russia with Mongolian conquerors quickly picked up in Western Europe, and already from there it was borrowed by domestic historians.

And in the Ordan troops themselves, the Tatars themselves almost did not. Just in Europe, they knew the name of this Asian people well, and therefore it spread to the Mongols. Meanwhile, Genghis Khan tried to destroy all the Tatar tribe, defeating their army in 1202.

First Population Census Rus

The first in the history of Russia Census held representatives of the Horde. They had to collect accurate information about the inhabitants of each principality, about their class affiliation. The main reason for such interest in statistics on the part of the Mongols was the need to calculate the amount of taxes, which were subject to subjects.

In 1246, the census was held in Kiev and Chernigov, the Ryazan Principality was subjected to statistical analysis in 1257, Novgorod residents were recalculated in two years, and the population of Smolencins in 1275.

Moreover, the inhabitants of Russia raised the folk uprisings and were driven by the so-called "degenemen" from their land, which were collecting tribute for the Khanov of Mongolia. But the governors of the rulers of the Golden Horde, called Baskakov, lived for a long time and worked in Russian principalities, sending recovery taxes in Saray-Batu, and later in Saraj-Berk.

Joint hiking

Princely squads and the Horde warriors often made joint military campaigns, both against other Rusich and against the inhabitants of Eastern Europe. So, in the period 1258-1287, Mongolov's troops and Galician princes regularly attacked Poland, Hungary and Lithuania. And in 1277, the Russians participated in the Mongolian Military Campaign in the North Caucasus, helping their allies to conquer Alania.

In 1333, Muscovites stormed Novgorod, and next year, Bryansk squad went to Smolensk. Each time the Ordia troops participated in these internecine strune. In addition, they regularly helped the great Tver princes, which were considered in those times the main rulers of Russia, to pacify the unfortunate neighboring land.

The basis of the horde was Russian

The Arab Traveler Ibn Battuta, who visited the city of Saraj-Berk in 1334, in his writings "a gift contemplating about the wonder of cities and wonders" wrote that there are many Russians in the capital of the Golden Horde. Moreover, they constitute the bulk of the inhabitants: both working and armed.

This fact also mentioned Beloeamigrant author Andrei Gordaev in the book "The History of Cossacks", which was published in France at the end of the 20s of the 20th century. According to the researcher, most of the Ordane troops constituted the so-called sponsors - ethnic Slavs, inhabited by the Azov region and the Don Steppes. These predecessors of the Cossacks did not want to obey the princes, so they were moved to South for the sake of free life. The name of this ethnosocial group probably happened from the Russian word "wander" (wander).

As is known from the chronicle sources, in the battle of 1223 on the side of the Mongolian troops, strucks were fighting, which were led by the governor of the Plane. Perhaps his knowledge of tactics and strategies for princely druzes was of great importance for victory over united Russian-Polovytsky forces.

In addition, it was the plane to the cunning to the ruler of Kiev Mstislava Romanovich, along with two round-pin princes and handed them to Mongols for execution.

However, most historians believe that the Mongols forced the Russians to serve in their army, i.e. The invaders forcibly armed representatives of the enslaved people. Although it seems implausible.

And the senior researcher at the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences Marina Poliboyarinova in the book "Russian People in the Golden Horde" (Moscow, 1978) suggested: "Probably later, forced participation in the Tatar army of Russian warriors stopped. The mercenaries remained voluntarily joining Tatar troops. "

Invaders europeoids

Essugay-Bagatur, Father of Genghis Khan, was a representative of the family of Borghigin Mongolian tribe. According to the descriptions of many eyewitnesses, and he himself, and his legendary son, were high ceiling people with reddish hair.

Persian scientist Rashid-Ad-Dean in his work "Collection of chronicles" (the beginning of the XIV century) wrote that all the descendants of the Great Conqueror were mainly blonde and seruoglazies.

This means that the elite of the Golden Horde belonged to the Europeanoids. Probably, among other invaders, representatives of this race prevailed.

They were a bit

We used to assume that in the XIII century, Rus was flooded with unmearable Hordes of Mongol-Tatars. Some historians talk about 500 thousand troops. However, it is not. After all, even the population of modern Mongolia barely exceeds 3 million people, and if you consider the most severe genocide of tribesmen, arranged in Genghis Khan on the way to power, the number of his army could not be so impressive.

It is difficult to imagine how to feed a half-million army, besides horses moving. Animals simply would not have enough foot feed. But each Mongolian rider led with him at least three horses. Now imagine a 1.5 millionndist. The horses of the warriors traveling in the forefront of the army would eat and outpatched everything that could. The rest of the horses would have fallen from hunger.

According to the most bold calculations, the Army of Genghis Khan and Batya could not exceed 30 thousand riders. Whereas the population of Ancient Russia, according to historian, George Vernadsky (1887-1973), before the beginning of the invasion was about 7.5 million people.

Bloomless executions

Pebator people or disrespectful Mongols, like most of the peoples of the time, executed, cut off their heads. However, if the sentenced enjoyed an authority, then he was worn out the spine and left to die slowly.

Mongols were confident that blood is a compartment of soul. Shed it - it means to complicate the passage path of the deceased in other worlds. The bloodless execution was used to rulers, political and military leaders, shamans.

A reason for the death sentence in the Golden Horde could have served any crime: from desertion from the battlefield to small stealing.

The bodies of the dead threw in the steppe

The method of burial of Mongol, too, dependent on its social status. Rich and influential people found peace in special burials, in which, together with the bodies of the dead, burned values, gold and silver jewelry, household items. And the poor soldiers and killed in battle of ordinary warriors often just left in the steppe, where their life path ended.

In anxious conditions of a nomadic life, consisting of regular skimming with enemies, it was difficult to organize funeral rites. Mongolas often had to move quickly, without delay.

It was believed that the duty of a decent person will quickly eate animals and vultures. But if the birds and the animals were not triggered to the body for a long time, according to people, it meant that he had a heavy sin behind the soul of the deceased.

1243 - After the defeat of Northern Russia, Mongol-Tatars and the death of the Great Vladimir Prince Yuri Vsevolodovich (1188-1238x), Yaroslav Vsevolodovich (1190-1246 +) remained in kind, which became the Grand Duke.
Returning from the Western Wayer, the Bati causes the Grand Duke Jaroslav II Vsevolodovich Vladimir-Suzdalsky in the Horde and presents him in the Khansky bid in Saraj a label (a sign-permission) for a great reign in Russia: "You are older than all princes in Russian."
Thus was carried out and the unilateral act of vassal subordination of Russia Golden Horde was carried out.
Rus, according to the label, lost the right to fight and should have been regularly annually (in spring and autumn) to pay the tribune khans. In Russian principalities - their capitals - were sent to Baskaki (governors) to observe the strict collection of Dani and observing its size.
1243-1252 - This decade was time when the Orda troops and officials were not disturbed by Russia, receiving a timely tribute and expanding external humility. The Russian princes during this period were assessed by the established situation and developed their behavior in relation to Horde.
Two lines of Russian politics:
1. Line of systematic partisan resistance and continuous "point" uprises: ("Beatage, and not the king of serving") - led. kn. Andrei I Yaroslavich, Yaroslav III Yaroslavich, etc.
2. The line of complete, unquestionless submission of the Horde (Alexander Nevsky and most other princes). Many specific princes (Uglitsky, Yaroslavl, and especially Rostov) have established relations with Mongolian Khans, who left them "water and edit." Princes preferred to recognize the Supreme Power of the Orda Khan and donate in favor of the conquerors part of the feudal rent, collected from the dependent population than to risk losing their connections (see "On the arrival of Russian princes in the Horde"). The same policy was performed by the Orthodox Church.
1252 The invasion of "Neryoevo Rachi" first after 1239 in Northeast Rus - the reasons for the invasion: to punish the disobedience of the Grand Duke Andrei I Yaroslavich and speed up the full payment of Dani.
Horde Forces: the nullity army had a significant number - at least 10 thousand people. and a maximum of 20-25 thousand. This indirectly follows from the title of Neryrava (Tsarevich) and the presence of two wings headed by the Dathers - Elabuga (Olabui) and Cotion, as well as from the fact that the nurse could be dispelled on the Vladimir-Suzdal principality and "Speak" him!
Russian forces: consisted of regiments of the KN. Andrei (i.e., regular troops) and squads (volunteer and security detachments) of Tver Goloslav's Voivier, sent by Tver Prince Yaroslav Yaroslavich to help his brother. These forces on the order were less than the Orda in their numbers, i.e. 1.5-2 thousand people.
The progress of the invasion: Crossing R. Klyazma at Vladimir, the punitive ruin of Nurse hurriedly headed to Pereyaslav-Zalessky, where the KN was hidden. Andrei, and, having overtaking the army of the prince, broke his head alone. Ordans plundered and ruined the city, and then occupied all Vladimir Earth and, returning to Horde, "sigh" her.
The results of the invasion: the Ordane army broke and captured tens of thousands of prisoners of peasants (for sale in the eastern markets) and hundreds of thousands of cattle heads and led them to the Horde. Kn. Andrei with the remnants of the squad fled to the Novgorod Republic, which refused to give him asylum, fearing the Ordahn repression. Having fear that any of the "his" will give him Horde, Andrei fled to Sweden. Thus, the first attempt to resist the Horde failed. Russian princes abandoned the resistance line and bends to the line of obedience.
Alexander Nevsky received a label to the Grand Diction.
1255 The first full census of the northeast Russia, conducted by the Horde, was accompanied by spontaneous unrest of the local population, fragmented, inorganized, but combined common demands of the masses: "Do not give numbers of Tatars", i.e. Do not inform them any data that can become the basis for a fixed payment of Dani.
Other authors indicate other census dates (1257-1259)
1257 Attempting to census in Novgorod - in 1255, the census in Novgorod was not carried out. In 1257, this measure was accompanied by the uprising of Novgorod, the exile from the city of Ordane "counters", which led to a complete failure attempt to collect tribute.
1259 Embassy Murz Burke and Quees in Novgorod - punish-control army of the Ordane ambassadors - Murz Berke and the kaucker - sent to Novgorod to collect the tribute to the prevention of antiordan speeches of the population. Novgorod, as always in the case of military danger, gave way to force and traditionally looked off at, and also gave a commitment to himself, without reminders and pressure, to regularly pay tribute, "voluntary" determining its size, without making census documents, in exchange for a guarantee of absence in the city Ordane collectors.
1262 Meeting of representatives of Russian cities with discussion of measures to resist the Horde - it was decided to simultaneously exile collectors of Dani - representatives of the Ordane administration in the cities of Rostov Great, Vladimir, Suzdal, Pereyaslavl-Zalessky, Yaroslavl, where antiordan folk speeches occur. These riots were suppressed by the Ordane military units who were at the disposal of Baskakov. But nevertheless, the Khansky authorities have already taken into account the 20 years of repeating the repetition of such natural rebellious flashes and refused to have bacquities, having transferred the collection of Dani to the Russian, princely administration.

Since 1263, Russian princes began to bring tribute to the Horde.
Thus, a formal moment, as in the case of Novgorod, turned out to be decisive. Russians have not so much resisted the fact of the payment of the tribute and its size, how many were affected by an inactious, alien composition of the collectors. They were ready to pay more, but "their" princes and their administration. The khan authorities quickly understood all the benefits of such a decision for the horde:
First, the absence of own troubles,
Secondly, the guarantee of the termination of the uprisings and the complete obedience of Russians.
Thirdly, the presence of specific responsible persons (princes), which is always easy, convenient and even "legally" could be brought to justice, punish for non-delinos of Dani, and not deal with the difficult-acting spontaneous folk uprisings of thousands of people.
This is a very early manifestation of specifically Russian public and individual psychology, for which it is important visible, and not significant and which is always ready to make actually important, serious, essential concessions in exchange for visible, surface, external, "toy" and imaginary prestigious will repeat Throughout Russian history until this time.
The Russian people are easy to persuade, draw in a small handout, trifling, but it can not be annoyed. Then he becomes stubborn, inconspicuous and reckless, and sometimes even angry.
But it can be literally taken with bare hands, bother around the finger, if you immediately give way to some trivia. This was well understood by the Mongols, which were the first Ordane Khan - Batu and Berk.

I can not agree with the unfair and humiliating generalization of V.Pokhlebkin. Do not consider your ancestors stupid, trusting savages and judge them with the "height" of the 700 years. There were numerous antiordan speeches - they were suppressed, it is necessary to believe, brutally, not only by the Ordane troops, but also their own princes. But the transfer of the collection of Dani (from which to be released in those conditions was simply impossible) the Russian princes was not a "petty concession", but an important, principal point. Unlike a number of other countries conquered by the Horde, Northeast Russia has kept its political and social system. There was never a permanent Mongolian administration in Russian land, the conditions for his independent development were able to preserve the conditions for its independent development, although not without the influence of the Horde. An example of the opposite genus is the Volga Bulgaria, which under Horde was not able to preserve not only its own ruling dynasty and the name, but also the ethnic continuity of the population.

Later, the Hanskaya Power itself crushed, lost the state wisdom and gradually with his mistakes "raised" from Russia of his as cunning and prudent enemy, which was herself. But in the 60s of the XIII century. Before that, the final was still far away - as many as two centuries. In the meantime, the Horde of Spit Russian princes and through them all the ruus, as she wanted. (Well, the one who is revealed is the last - is it not true?)

1272 The second Ordane census in Russia - under the guidance and supervision of Russian princes, the Russian local administration, she passed peacefully, calmly, without a bitch, without a zadork. After all, "Russian people" conducted it, and the population was calm.
It is a pity that the results of the census are not preserved, or maybe I just don't know?

And the fact that she was held on the Khan orders are that the Russian princes delivered her data in the Horde and these data were directly served by the Ordan economic and political interests, - all this was for the people "for the scenes", all this "did not concern" and did not interest him . The visibility that the census goes "without Tatars" was more important than the entity, i.e. Strengthening the tax oppression of the tax oppression, impoverishment of the population, his suffering. All this "was not visible", and therefore, according to Russian ideas, it means that it was ... was not.
Moreover, in just three decades, which expired from the moment of enslavement, Russian society, essentially, was bothering with the fact of the Ordahn Iga, and the fact that it was isolated from direct contact with the representatives of the Horde and transmitted these contacts exclusively to the princes - quite satisfied it, both ordinary people and noble.
The proverb "From the eye, from the heart of Won" very accurately and correctly explains this situation. As it appears from the then chronicles, the lives of holy and holy father and other religious literature, which was a reflection of the dominant ideas, the Russians of all classes and states did not have any desire to learn their mistakes, to get acquainted with what they were breathing, "what they think like Thought, as they understand themselves and Russia. They saw the "Punishment of God", sent to Russian land for sins. If it were not sinned, did not warm God, there would be no such disasters - the starting point of all clarification by the authorities and the Church of the then "international situation". It is not difficult to see that this position is not only very consistent, but that she, in addition, actually removes the guilt for the enslavement of Russia and from Mongol-Tatars, and from Russian princes, who admitted such a need, and shifts him entirely to the people enslaved and suffered from it all.
Based on the thesis of sinfulness, the churchings called on the Russian people not to the resistance to the invaders, but, on the contrary, to their own repentance and to the submission of Tatars, not only did not condemn the Horde power, but also ... put it as an example of their flock. It was a direct payment by the Orthodox Church given to her by the Khans of huge privileges - release from taxes and shares, ceremonial receptions of Metropolitans in the Horde, the institutions in 1261 by the special Sarai diocese and permission to erect the Orthodox Church directly opposite the Khan bet *.

*) After the collapse of the Horde, at the end of the XV century. All staff of the Sarai Diocese was preserved and translated into Moscow, to the Kratytsky Monastery, and the Sarai Bishops received the title of Metropolitans of Sarai and Podon, and then Kratytsky and Kolomensky, i.e. Formally, they were equalized in the rank with Metropolitans of Moscow and All Russia, although no real CCRKO-political activity was already engaged. This historical and decorative post was liquidated only at the end of the XVIII century. (1788) [approx. V.Pokhlebkin]

It should be noted that on the threshold of the XXI century. We are experiencing a similar situation. Modern "Princes", like the princes of Vladimir-Suzdal Rus, are trying to exploit ignorance and the slave psychology of the people and even cultivate it without the help of the same church.

In the late 70s of the XIII century. The period of temporary lodge from Ordigan concentrations in Russia, explained by the decade underlined the humility of Russian princes and the church. The internal needs of the Horde farming, which has learned the permanent profits from the trafficking in slaves (prisoners during the war) on the eastern (Iranian, Turkish and Arab) markets, require a new inflow of funds, and therefore in 1277-1278. The Horde twice makes local raids in the border Russian limits exclusively for alliances.
It is significant that this is not the central khan administration and its military forces, but regional, ulus authorities on the peripheral areas of the territory of the Horde, deciding these raids their local, local economic problems, and therefore strictly limit and place, and time (very short, Sended weeks) of these military shares.

1277- Raja on the Earth of the Galician-Volyn Principality committed under the authority of the Tambouron of the Footholders from the Western Dniester-Dnieper Orda.
1278 - A similar local raid follows from the Volga region to Ryazan, and it is limited only by this principality.

During the period of the next decade - in the 80s and in the early 90s of the XIII century. - New processes in the Russian-Ordi relations occur.
Russian princes, who were mastered in the previous 25-30 years with a new situation and deprived, essentially, all controls from the latch of domestic bodies, begin to reduce their small feudal scores with each other with the help of the Ordane military force.
Just as in the XII century. Chernihiv and Kiev princes fought with each other, calling for Russia's Russia, and the princes of Northeast Russia are struggling in the 80s of the XIII century. With each other for power, relying on the Ordane detachments, which they invite to bodies the principalities of their political opponents, i.e., in fact, coolly call on foreign troops to empty the areas inhabited by Russian compatriots.

1281 - Son Alexander Nevsky Andrei II Aleksandrovich, Prince Gorodetsky, invites the Ordane army against his brother led. Dmitry I Alexandrovich and its allies. This army is organized by Khan Tuda-mengu, who simultaneously gives Andrei II label to the Grand Diction, before the outcome of the military collision.
Dmitry I, escaped from the Khan troops, runs first in Tver, then in Novgorod, and from there to his own ownership in Novgorod Earth - Coporya. But Novgorod, stating themselves loyal to Horde, do not miss Dmitry in his victim and, using the location of her inside the Novgorod lands, makes the prince to disturb all its fortification strengthening and eventually force Dmitry I to escape from Russia to Sweden, threatening to give it to Tatars.
The Ordane army (Kavgadai and Lechegia) under the pretext of the persecution of Dmitry I, relying on the permission of Andrei II, passes and empty several Russian principalities - Vladimir, Tver, Suzdal, Rostov, Murom, Pereyaslavl-Zalessky and their capital. The Ordans reach the trading, practically occupying the entire northeastern Russia to the borders of the Novgorod Republic.
The length of the entire territory from Murom to the tricks (from the east to the west) was 450 km, and from the south to the north - 250-280 km, i.e. Almost 120 thousand square kilometers, which were devastated by military actions. It restores against Andrei II Russian population of ruined principalities, and its formal "job" after the flight of Dmitry I does not bring tranquility.
Dmitry I returns to Pereyaslav and is preparing for Revanshi, Andrei II leaves in the Horde with a request for help, and its allies - Svyatoslav Yaroslavich Tver, Daniel Alexandrovich Moscow and Novgorod, are going to Dmitry I and conclude the world with him.
1282 - Andrei II comes from the horde with Tatar shelves under the leadership of Turay-Temira and Ali, it comes to Pereyaslavl and reonounced Dmitry, who runs this time to the Black Sea, in the possession of the damner of the foot (who at that time was the actual ruler of the Golden Horde) , and, playing on the contradictions of the foot and Sarai Khan, gives the data with the troops on Russia and forces Andrei II to return his great reign.
The price of this "rehabilitation of justice" is very high: Nogai officials are given to the deposit Collection of Dani in Kursk, Lipetsk, Rylsk; Rostov, Murom again exposed to ruin. The conflict of two princes (and the allies joined them) continues all the 80s and in the early 90s.
1285 - Andrei II rides again in the Horde and leads from there a new punitive detachment of Ordahn led by one of the sons of Khan. However, Dmitry I succeeds in successfully and quickly split this detachment.

Thus, the first victory of Russian troops over regular Ordi troops was obsessed in 1285, and not in 1378, on the R. Lake, as usual.
It is not surprising that Andrei II stopped in subsequent years to seek help from Horde.
Small robbing expeditions, the Ordans sent in the late 80s to Russia themselves:

1287 - raid in Vladimir.
1288 - Ryazan and Murom and Mordovian lands, these two raids (short-term) were concrete, local nature and were the goal of the property and seizure of the opponents. They were provoked by a denunciation or a complaint of Russian princes.
1292 - Dedeneva Raint in Vladimir land Andrei Gorodetsky together with Prince Dmitry Borisovich Rostovsky, Konstantin Borisovich Uglitsky, Mikhail Glebovich Belozersky, Fedor Yaroslavl and Bishop Tarasius went to the Orda to complain about Dmitry I Alexandrovich.
Khan Tokhta, having listened to the complainants, divided the significant army under the leadership of his brother Tudan (in Russian chronicles - Dedena) for the punitive expedition.
Dedeneva Raint throughout Vladimir Rus, raving the capital of G.Vladimir and 14 more cities: Murom, Suzdal, Gorokhovets, Starodub, Bogolyubov, Yuriev-Polsky, Gorodets, Uglchepole (Uglich), Yaroslavl, Nerekhta, Kseniatin, Pereyaslavl-Zalessky , Rostov, Dmitrov.
In addition to them, there were intact invasion of only 7 cities lying outside the route of the movement of Tudan's detachments: Kostroma, Tver, Zubtsov, Moscow, Galich Merry, Ungu, Nizhny Novgorod.
On the approach to Moscow (or at Moscow), Tudan was divided into two detachments, one of which went to Kolomna, i.e. south, and the other - to the West: to Zvenigorod, Mozhaysk, Volokolamsk.
In Volokolamsk, the Ordane army received gifts from Novgorod, hurried to bring and present gifts to the Hansky brother far from their lands. Tver did not go to Tver, and returned to Pereyaslavl-Zalessky, made by the base, where all the dead mining were overlooked and the prisoners were concentrated.
This hike was a significant pogrom of Russia. It is possible that Klin, Serpukhov, Zvenigorod, not mentioned in the annals. Thus, the area of \u200b\u200bhis actions covered about two dozen cities.
1293 - In winter, a new Ordinian detachment was appeared under the test of Toktemir, which came with punishable goals at the request of one of the princes to induce the order in the feudal strains. He had limited goals, and the chronicles do not describe its route and time of stay in Russian territory.
In any case, all 1293 passed under the sign of the next Orda pogrom, the cause of which was exclusively a feudal rivalry of the princes. It was they who were the main cause of the Ordane repressions who fell into the Russian people.

1294-1315 Two decades are held without any rational invasions.
Princes regularly make tribute, the people, frightened and inflated from previous robberies, slowly heels the economic and human losses. Only the entry into the throne of the extremely powerful and active Khan of Uzbek opens a new period of pressure on Russia
The main idea of \u200b\u200bUzbek is to achieve full disagreement of Russian princes and turn them into continuously warring groups. From here, his plan is the transfer of the Grand Distance to the most weak and unposable prince - Moscow (with Khan Uzbek, Moscow was Yuri Danilovich, who challenged the great reign in Mikhail Yaroslavich Tver) and the weakening of the former rulers of the "strong principalities" - Rostov, Vladimirsky, Tver.
Khan Uzbek practices to ensure the collection of Dani sending together with the prince, received instructions in the Horde, special authorized ambassadors accompanied by military units with a few thousand people (sometimes there were up to 5 dathers!). Each prince collects tribute on the territory of the rival principal.
From 1315 to 1327, i.e. For 12 years, Uzbek sent 9 military "embassies". Their functions were not diplomatic, but military punitive (police) and partly the military-political (pressure on the princes).

1315 - "Ambassadors" of Uzbek accompany the Grand Duke Mikhail Tver (see the table of ambassadors), and their detachments are robbed Rostov and Torzhok, near which they split the detachments of Novgorod.
1317 - Ordan punitive detachments accompany Yuri Moscow and robbed Kostroma, and then try to rob Tver, but suffer a strong defeat.
1319 - The robbery of Kostroma and Rostov again is performed.
1320 - Rostov for the third time becomes a victim of robbery, but mostly ruin Vladimir.
1321 - tribute to be knocked out from Kashin and Kashinsky principality.
The 1322 - Yaroslavl and the city of Nizhny Novgorod Principality are subjected to the punitive campaign at Vivania.
1327 "Shchelknova Raint" - Novgorod, frightened by Horde activity, "voluntarily" pay the Horde tribute to 2000 rubles with silver.
The famous attack of Chelkana's squad (Cholpana) is happening to Tver, known in the chickens as "Shchelknovo invasion", or "Shchelknova Rail". It causes an unprecedented decisive uprising of citizens and the destruction of the "ambassador" and his squad. The "shrimp" is burned in the hut.
1328 - follows a special punitive expedition against Tver under the guidance of three ambassadors - Turayka, Sygg and Fedoroka - and with 5 Dathers, i.e. The whole army that the chronicle determines as "Great Raint". In ruin, Tver, along with the 50th-thousand Ordivanese army, and Moscow Princely Fittings participate.

From 1328 to 1367 - the "Silence" is coming for 15 years.
It is a direct result of three circumstances:
1. Complete defeat of the Tver Principality as a rival of Moscow and thereby eliminating the cause of military-political rivalry in Russia.
2. Timely picking up Dani Ivan Kalita, who in the eyes of Khanov becomes an exemplary performer of the fiscal orders of the Horde and seizes it, in addition, exceptional political humility, and finally
3. The result of an understanding of the Ordane rulers that in the Russian population was determined by the fight against enslavers and therefore, it is necessary to use other forms of pressure and consolidation of the dependence of Russia, except for punitive.
As for the use of some princes against others, this measure is not already universal in the face of the possibly uncontrolled "manual princes" of popular uprisings. It comes a fracture in the Russian-Ordi relationship.
Paradise (invasion) in the central regions of Northeast Russia with an indispensable ruin of its population ceases.
At the same time, short-term raids with robberies (but not ruinable) goals for the peripheral sections of Russian territory, raids on local, limited sites continue to occur and are preserved as the most favorite and most secure for the Ordans, one-sided-short-term military economic action.

New phenomenon from 1360 to 1375 are retaliatory raids, or more precisely, the hikes of Russian armed detachments into the peripherals, dependent on the horde, border with Russia, the Earth - mostly in Bulgars.

1347 - Make a raid on the city of Алексин, border city at the Moscow-Ordan border on the Oka
1360 - The first raid is committed by Novgorod's earliest to Gzhkotin.
1365 - In the Ryazan Principality makes a raid of the Ordini Prince Tagai.
1367 - Prince Temir-Bulat detachments invade the raid to the Nizhny Novgorod Principality, especially intensely in the border strip in R. Pyan.
1370 - A new Ordinsky raid is followed to the Ryazan Principality in the district of the Moscow-Ryazan border. But through the Okaw of Ordans did not let the guard shelves of Prince Dmitry IV Ivanovich stood there. And the Ordans, in turn, noticing resistance, did not strive to overcome it and limited to intelligence.
The invasion raid makes Prince Dmitry Konstantinovich Nizhny Novgorod on the land of "parallel" Khan Bulgaria - Bulat-Temir;
1374 Antiordan uprising in Novgorod - the reason served the arrival of the Ordane ambassadors, accompanied by a large armed suite in 1000 people. This is usual to start the XIV century. The escort was, however, was regarded in the last quarter of the same century as a dangerous threat and provoked an armed attack of Novgorod to the "Embassy", during which the ambassadors and their security were completely destroyed.
The new raid of the scribynikov, who rob not only the city of Bulgar, but are not afraid to penetrate the Astrakhan.
1375 - Ordini raid on Kashin, brief and local.
1376 The 2nd campaign on Bulgars - the United Moscow-Nizhny Novgorod army prepared and implemented the 2nd campaign on Bulgars, and he took the contract from the city in 5,000 rubles with silver. It is unheard of the Russian-Ordane relations of Russians on the territory dependent on the Horde, naturally, causes a response military action.
1377 Early on R. Pyan - at the Border Russian-Ordane territory, on R. Pyan, where Nizhny Novgorod princes prepared a new raid on the Mordovian lands dependent on the horde, they were attacked by the Tsarevich Arapshi squad (Arab-Shaha, Khan Blue Horde ) And suffered a crushing defeat.
On August 2, 1377. The connected militia of the princes of Suzdal, Pereyaslav, Yuroslavl, Yuryevsky, Murom and Nizhny Novgorod was completely interrupted, and the "commander-in-chief" Prince Ivan Dmitrievich Nizhny Novgorod drowned in the river, trying to escape the flight, together with his personal friend and his "headquarters" . This defeat of Russian troops was explained to a large extent losing their vigilance due to multi-day drunkenness.
By destroying the Russian army, Tsarevich's detachments of Arapshi made a raid on the capital of the unlucky princes - Nizhny Novgorod, Murom and Ryazan - and subjected to their complete plunder and burning herd.
1378 Battle on the R. Life - in the XIII century. After such a defeat, Russians usually lost all hunt for 10-20 years, but at the end of the XIV century. The situation has changed completely:
Already in 1378, the ally of the Moscow Grand Duke Dmitry IV Ivan Ivanovich, having learned that the Ordan troops who buried Nizhny Novgorod were intended to go to Moscow under the command of Murza Begich, decided to meet them on the border of his principality on the Oce and prevent to the capital.
On August 11, 1378, on the shore of the right influx of Oka, the river, in the Ryazan principality, the battle occurred. Dmitry divided his army into three parts and at the head of the main shelf attacked the Ordynian army from the front, while Prince Daniel Prison and the Ocolnic Timofey Vasilyevich attacked the Tatars from the flanks, in the girth. The Ordans were broken down by the head and fled behind the river, having lost a lot of killed and calls, which Russian troops captured the next day, rushing to pursue the Tatar.
The battle on the river had a huge moral and military importance as a draft rehearsal in front of the Kulikovsky battle that followed two years later.
1380 Kulikovskaya Battle - Kulikovskaya Battle was the first serious, specially prepared in advance by the battle, and not by random and simprovized, as all previous military clashes of Russian and the Orda troops.
1382 The invasion of Tokhtamysh to Moscow - the defeat of the troops of Mama on the Kulikov field and his flight in Cafa and death in 1381 allowed the energetic Khan Tukhtamysh to commit to the authorities of the chamber in Horde and again unite it into a single state, eliminating "parallel khans" in the regions.
As its main military-political task, Tukhtamys has defined the restoration of the military and foreign policy prestige of the Horde and the preparation of the revengery campaign to Moscow.

The results of the Takhtamysh hike:
Returning to Moscow in early September 1382, Dmitry Donskoy saw the asset and ordered to immediately restore the ruined Moscow at least temporary wooden buildings before the onset of frosts.
Thus, the military, political and economic achievements of the Kulikov battle were completely eliminated by the Horde in two years:
1. The tribute was not only restored, but also increased in fact, because the population decreased, and the size of Dani remained the same. In addition, the people had to pay a great prince a special extraordinary tax to replenish the princely treasury by the Ordans.
2. Politically vassal addiction increased sharply even formally. In 1384, Dmitry Donskaya was forced for the first time to send the hostage of his son, the heir to the throne, the future of the Grand Dmitry Vasily II Dmitrievich, who was 12 years old (according to the generally accepted account, this is Vasily I. V.Pokhlebkin, apparently believes 1 -M Vasily Yaroslavich Kostromsky). The relationship with the neighbors - Tverskaya, Suzdal, Ryazan principles, which specially supported the Horde to create a political and military counterway to Moscow were aggravated.

The situation was really heavy, in 1383, Dmitry Donskoy had to "hide" in Horde for a great reign, which Mikhail Alexandrovich Tver again presented his claims. The reign was left for Dmitry, but the son of his Vasily was taken to the Horde. In Vladimir, the Ambassador of Adash (1383, see "Golden Cores in Russia") appeared in Vladimir. In 1384 it was necessary to collect heavy tribute (half of the village) from all over Russian land, and with Novgorod - black boron. Novgorod residents opened robbery along the Volga and Kame and refused to pay tribute. In 1385, it was necessary to show unprecedented condescension to the Ryazan prince, who decided to attack Kolomna (attached to Moscow in 1300) and won over the troops of the Moscow Prince.

Thus, Russia turned out to be actually discarded in position 1313, with Khan Uzbek, i.e. Almost the achievements of the Kulikov battle were completely crossed. And in the military-political, and in economically, the Moscow principality was discarded 75-100 years ago. Prospects for relations with the Horde, therefore, were extremely dark for Moscow and Russia as a whole. It was planned to assume that the Ordan Igo will be fixed forever (well, the eternal happening nothing!) If there were no new historical accidents happened:
The period of the wars of the horde with the Empire of Tamerlane and the full defeat of the horde during these two wars, violation of all the economic, administrative, political life in the Horde, the death of the Ordane troops, the ruin of both its capitals - Sarahi I and Sarahi II, the beginning of a new trouble, the struggle for the power of several Chanov in the period from 1391-1396. - All this led to the unparalleled weakening of the horde in all areas and caused the need for the Horde Khanov to focus on the turn in the XIV century. and XV century Essentially on domestic problems, temporarily neglected by external and, in particular, weaken the control over Rus.
It was this unexpectedly that the situation has helped the Moscow principality to get a significant respite and restore its strength - economic, military and political.

Here, perhaps, you should interrupt and make several notes. I do not believe in the historical chance of such a scale, and there is no need to explain the further relations between Moscow Rus with the Horde of an unexpectedly happened by a happy accident. Without going into details, we note that by the beginning of the 90s of the XIV century. Moscow, one way or another solved the emerging economic and political problems. The Moscow-Lithuanian agreement concluded in 1384 withdrawal of the Tver Principality from under the influence of the Grand Duchy of Lithuanian and Mikhail Alexandrovich Tver, having lost support and in Horde, and in Lithuania, recognized the championship of Moscow. In 1385, the son of Dmitry Donskoy Vasily Dmitriyevich was released from the Horde. In 1386, a reconciliation of Dmitry Donskoy with Oleg Ivanovich Ryazansky occurred, which in 1387 was bonded by the marriage of their children (Fedor Olegovich and Sofia Dmitrievna). In the same 1386, Dmitry managed to restore his influence under Novgorod, to restore its influence there, take a black boron in wallates and 8,000 rubles in Novgorod. In 1388, Dmitry collided with the discontent of the cousin and comrades to Vladimir Andreevich, who had to give "in his will," to make the political seniority of his eldest son of Vasily. Dmitry managed to repent of this with Vladimir two months before his death (1389). In the spiritual testament, Dmitry blessed (for the first time) of the eldest son of Vasily "I submit my great reign." Finally, in the summer of 1390, the marriage of Vasily and Sofia, the daughters of the Lithuanian Prince Vitovt, took place in the solemn setting. In Eastern Europe, Vasily I Dmitrievich and Cyprian, who became Metropolitan, which was trying to prevent the strengthening of the Lithuanian-Polish dynastic union and replace the Polish-Catholic colonization of Lithuanian and Russian land consolidation of Russian forces around Moscow. Union with Vitovt, which was against the Catholyatization of Russian lands, which were part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, was important for Moscow, but could not be durable, as Vitovt, naturally, had his own goals and his own vision of what the Russian gathering of Russians should happen Land.
The new stage in the history of the Golden Horde coincided with the death of Dmitry. Then, Tukhtamysh came out of a closer with Tamerlane and began to claim the territory subject to him. The opposition began. Under these conditions, Tohtamysh immediately after the death of Dmitry Donskoy issued a label to the prince of Vladimir his son, Vasily I, and strengthened him, giving him the Nizhny Novgorod Principality and a number of cities. In 1395, Tamerlana's troops smasted Tichtamysh on the Terek River.

At the same time, Tamerlan, destroying the power of the Horde, did not make his trip to Russia. Having reached without fighting and robbery to Yelets, he suddenly turned back and returned to Central Asia. Thus, the actions of Tamerlane at the end of the XIV century. He became a historical factor that helped Russia to survive in the fight against the Horde.

1405 - In 1405, based on the situation in the Horde, the Grand Duke Moscow said for the first time officially, which refuses to pay tribute to Horde. Within 1405-1407. The Horde did not respond in any way to this demarche, but then came the goal of one to Moscow.
Only 13 years after the hike, Takhtamysh (apparently, in the book of a typo - 13 years has passed since Tamerlane's honeycomb), the Ordane authorities could again remember the vassal dependence of Moscow and collect forces for a new campaign to restore the receipt of Dani, discontinued since 1395
1408 Going a bit to Moscow - December 1, 1408. The huge troop of the Dameman of the Fite approached the San Wayway to Moscow and besieged the Kremlin.
From the Russian side to the details, the situation was repeated when Takhtamysh campaign in 1382
1. The Grand Duke Vasily II Dmitrievich, hearing about the danger, like his father, fled to Kostroma (allegedly collect the army).
2. In Moscow, he was left for the head of the garrison, Vladimir Andreevich Khrabrey, Prince Serpukhovsky, the participant of the Kulikovsky battle.
3. The positive of Moscow again was lifted, i.e. All Wooden Moscow around the Kremlin, on the vest in all directions.
4. The unit, approaching Moscow, broke his camp in Kolomensky, and sent a notice to the Kremlin, which will stand all winter and take the Kremlin Emory, without losing a single fighter.
5. The memory of the invasion of Tokhtamysh was still so fresh in Muscovites, which was decided to fulfill any demands of one so that only he left without hostilities.
6. The unit demanded two weeks to collect 3000 rubles. Silver, which was performed. In addition, the troops of the Undar, clarifying the principality and his cities, began to collect all the monitants for the hijacking captive (several tens of thousands of people). Some cities were strongly broken, for example, Mozhaisk was completely burned.
7. On December 20, 1408, having received everything that was required, the Army's army left Moscow, without being attacked, no persecution by Russian forces.
8. The damage caused by the googie was less than the damage from the invasion of Tokhtamysh, but also he was a heavy burden on the shoulders of the population
The restoration of the infincial dependence of Moscow from the Horde has been launched from it almost for another 60 years (until 1474)
1412 - Payment of Tanya Horde has become regular. In order to provide this regularity, the Ordane forces from time to time made frighteningly-resembling raids on Russia.
1415 - the ruin of Horde Yelet (border, buffer) land.
1427 - Ride of Ordane Rugs on Ryazan.
1428 - Ride of the Ordane troops to the Kostroma lands - Galich Merry, ruin and robbery Kostroma, Plesa and Lukh.
1437 - Belevskaya Battle Hike Ulu-Mohammed to Zaoksky Lands. Bellevskaya battle on December 5, 1437 (the defeat of the Moscow troops) due to the unwillingness of the Yuryevich brothers - Shemyaki and Kraschen - allow the troops of Ulu-Mohammed to settle in Bellev and enter into peace. Due to the treason of Lithuanian Voivod Mtsensk Grigory Protasyev, who passed towards the Tatars, Ulu-Muhammed won the Bellevskaya battle, after which he went east, to Kazan, where the Kazan Khanate founded.

In fact, from this point on, the long struggle of the Russian state begins with the Kazan Khanate, which Russia had to lead in parallel with the heir of the Golden Horde - a big orde and completed only Ivan IV Grozny. The first campaign of the Kazan Tatars to Moscow took place in 1439. Moscow was burned, but the Kremlin was not taken. The second campaign of Kazan (1444-1445) led to a catastrophic defeat of Russian troops, the captivity of the Moscow Prince Vasily II of the Dark, the humiliating world and ultimately blinding Vasily II. Next, the raids of the Kazan Tatars on Russia and the response Russian actions (1461, 1467-1469, 1478) are not specified in the table, but they should be borne in mind (see "Kazan Khanate");
1451 - Mahmut's campaign, Kichi-Mohammed's son, to Moscow. I buried Posad, but the Kremlin did not take.
1462 - the cessation of Ivan III of the release of Russian coins with the name of Khan Horde. Statement Ivan III on the refusal of the Khan label to the Grand Diction.
1468 - Hanga Ahmat's campaign to Ryazan
1471 - Camping of Ordans for Moscow Lockers in the Zakov Strip
1472 - The Ordan army came up to the city of Åksin, but did not switch to OKU. Russian army performed in Kolomna. The collisions of the two forces did not happen. Both sides feared that the outcome of the battle would not be in their favor. Caution in conflicts with the Horde is a characteristic feature of Ivan III policy. He did not want to risk.
1474 - Khan Ahmat again approaches the Zakov region, on the border with the Moscow Grand Durability. The world is, or, more precisely, a truce, on the terms of payments to the Moscow Prince of Contribution of 140 thousand altyn in two times: in the spring - 80 thousand, in the fall - 60 thousand Ivan III again avoids military collision.
1480 Great standing on R. Green - Ahmat makes the requirement of Ivan III to pay tribute for 7 years, during which Moscow stopped paying it. Going camping to Moscow. Ivan III acts with the army towards Hanu.

We finish the story of the Russian-Horde relations formally 1481 as the date of death of the last Khan Horde - Ahmat, killed a year after the great standing in the thief, since the Horde really ceased to exist as a state body and administration and even as a certain territory on which jurisdiction and real The power of this once unified administration.
Formally, in the previous territory of the Golden Horde, new Tatar states were formed, much smaller sizes, but managed and relatively consolidated. Of course, almost disappearance of a huge empire could not be accomplished overnight and she could not "evaporate" completely without a trace.
People, peoples, the population of Horde continued to live their former life and, feeling that there were catastrophic changes, nevertheless did not realize them as a complete collapse as the absolute disappearance from the face of the Earth of their former state.
In fact, the process of collapse of hordes, especially at the lowest social level, lasted another three or four decades during the first quarter of the XVI century.
But the international consequences of the decay and disappearance of the horde, on the contrary, they affected pretty quickly and completely clearly, clearly. The elimination of the giant empire, which controlled and influenced the events from Siberia to the Balac and from Egypt to the Middle Urals, two and a half century, led to a complete change in the international situation not only in the specified space, but also radically changed the total international situation of the Russian state and its military-political Plans and actions in relations with the East as a whole.
Moscow managed to quickly, within one decade, to radically rebuild the strategy and tactics of its Eastern foreign policy.
The statement seems to me too categorical: it should be borne in mind that the process of crushing the Golden Horde was not a simultaneous act, but took place during the entire XV century. Accordingly, the policies of the Russian state changed. An example is the relationship between Moscow and Kazan Khanate, which was outlined from the Horde in 1438 and tried to conduct the same policy. After two successful trips to Moscow (1439, 1444-1445) Kazan began to experience increasingly resistant and powerful pressure of the Russian state, which was formally still in vassal dependence on a large horde (during the period under review it is hikes 1461, 1467-1469, 1478. ).
First, an active, offensive line in relation to both rudiments and quite viable Horde's heirs was elected. The Russian kings decided not to make senses to come to his senses, reach half of the defeated opponent, and not to rest at the winners in the laurels.
Secondly, as a new tactical admission, which gives the most useful military-political effect, the etching of one Tatar grouping on another. The Russian armed forces began to include significant Tatar compounds to apply joint blows on other Tatar military formations, and first of all for the remains of the horde.
So, in 1485, 1487 and 1491. Ivan III sent military detachments for strikes on the troops of a big horde, attacked by the ally of Moscow at that time - on the Crimean Khan Mengyli-Gurya.
Especially indicative in military-political relations was so-called. Spring hike 1491 in the "wild field" in converging directions.

1491 Hike in "Wild Field" - 1. The Ordane Khans Seid-Ahmet and Shig-Ahmet in May 1491 were besieged to Crimea. Ivan III united to help his ally Mengly-Hire a huge army of 60 thousand people. Under the guidance of the following warlords:
a) Prince Peter Nikitich Obolensky;
b) Prince Ivan Mikhailovich Repnie-Obolensky;
c) Kasimovsky Tsarevich Sutilgan Merzhulatovich.
2. These independent detachments went to the Crimea so that they had to go on three sides to approach the converging directions to the rear of the Ordane troops to hold them into the ticks, while the Mengyli-Gurya troops would be attacked from the front.
3. In addition, on 3 and 8 June 1491, the allies were mobilized to hit the flanks. These were again the Russians, and Tatar troops:
a) Kazan Khan Mohammed-Emin and his governors Abash-Ulan and Burash Seid;
b) Brothers Ivan III Specific princes Andrei Vasilyevich Big and Boris Vasilyevich with his detachments.

Another new tactical reception introduced from the 90s of the XV century. Ivan III in his military policy with respect to Tatar attacks is a systematic organization of verses over invading Russia by Tatar raids, which was never done before.

1492 - The pursuit of the troops of the two governor - Fedor Kolovovsky and Goryty Sidorov - and their fight with the Tatars in the passfold of fast pines and works;
1499 - chase after a raider of Tatars to Kozelsk, who beat the whole "full" and cattle with the opponent;
1500 (Summer) - Khan Shig-Ahmed's army (large horde) in 20 thousand people. R.Ticha Pine's mouth rose from the mouth, but he didn't even decide to go towards the Moscow border;
1500 (autumn) - a new campaign of even more numerous troops Shig-Ahmed, but further the oven side, i.e. the territory of the North of the Orlovsk region, it did not decide;
1501 - On August 30, the 20,000th army of the big horde began the emptying of the Kursk land, coming to the Rylsk, and by November it came to the Bryansk and Novgorod-Seversk lands. Tatars captured Ghangodgorod-Seversky, but further, in the Moscow lands, and this army of the big horde did not go.

In 1501, the coalition of Lithuania, Livonia and a large horde, directed against the Union of Moscow, Kazan and the Crimea. This campaign was part of the war of Moscow Rus and the Grand District of Lithuanian for the Verkhovsky Principles (1500-1503). It is not necessary to talk about the seizure of the Tatars Novgorod-Seversky lands, which were part of their ally - the Grand Duch of Lithuanian and were captured by Moscow in 1500. In terms of the truce of 1503, almost all of these land moved to Moscow.
1502 Liquidation of a large horde - the army of a large horde remained to winter in the mouth of R. Sym and near Belgorod. Ivan III has agreed then with Mengli-Girem that he will send his troops to drive out of this territory of Shig-Ahmed's troops. Mengley Gary performed this request, applying a big Horde a strong blow in February 1502
In May 1502, Mengli-Garyre was repeatedly defeated by the troops of Shig-Ahmed's mouth at the mouth of R. Sula, where they moved to spring pastures. This battle actually ended with the remnants of a big horde.

So Ivan III was painted at the beginning of the XVI century. With the Tatar states of the Tatars themselves.
Thus, from the beginning of the XVI century. The last remains of the Golden Horde disappeared from historical arena. And it was not only that it completely removed from the Moscow state any threat to invasion from the east, seriously strengthened his security, the main, essential result was a sharp change in the formal and actual international legal status of the Russian state, which was manifested in the change of its international Original relations with the Tatar states - the "heirs" of the Golden Horde.
This was the main historical meaning, the main historical importance of the liberation of Russia from the Ordane addiction.
For the Moscow state, vassal relations ceased, it became a sovereign state, the subject of international relations. This completely changed his position and among the Russian lands, and in Europe as a whole.
Until that, for 250 years, the Grand Duke received only unilaterally from the Horde Chanov labels, i.e. Permits for the right of ownership of their own behavior (by the principality), or, in other words, the consent of the Khan to continue confidence in his tenant and Vassal, to the fact that he will temporarily do not touch this post if he fulfills a number of conditions: to pay tribute to spend a loyal khan Policy, send "gifts", to participate in the case of the need for military events of the Horde.
With the collapse of the Horde and with the emergence of new Khantsi - Kazan, Astrakhan, Krymsky, Siberian on its ruins, - there was a completely new situation: disappeared, the Institute of Vassal Subordination of Russia stopped. This was expressed in the fact that all relations with new Tatar states began to occur on a bilateral basis. The conclusion of bilateral treaties on political issues began, at the end of wars and at the conclusion of the world. And it was precisely the main and important change.
Externally, especially in the first decades, in relations between Russia and Khunnov, there was no noticeable change:
The Moscow Princes continued to epizodically pay the Tatar khans tribute, continued to send them gifts, and the khans of new Tatar states, in turn, continued to maintain the old forms of relations with the Moscow Grand Durability, i.e. Sometimes they arranged, like the Horde, hiking against Moscow up to the walls of the Kremlin, resorted to devastating raids behind the halves, hijacked the cattle and robbed the property of the Grand Prince of the Great Prince, demanded that it would pay to the ending and so on. etc.
But after the completion of hostilities, the parties began to sum up the legal results - i.e. Choose your victories and defeats in bilateral documents, enter into peaceful or truce agreements, sign written obligations. And it was precisely that that significantly changed their genuine relations, led to the fact that the entire relationship of the forces of both parties was actually changed significantly.
That is why for the Moscow state it became possible to work to work on changing this relationship in their favor and to achieve in the end of the weakening and elimination of new hanses arising on the ruins of the Golden Horde, not within two and a half centuries, but much faster - less than 75 years, in the second half of the XVI century.

"From Russia's Russia to the Empire of the Russian." Shishkin Sergey Petrovich, Ufa.
Vladimir Pipokhlebkin "Tatars and Rus. 360 years of relations in 1238-1598." (M. "International Relations" 2000).
Soviet encyclopedic dictionary. Ed - E 4, M. 1987.