How to make a wish card with your own hands and how to use it. Is it possible to change your destiny by making a wish card? Wish card: how to make all your wishes come true

Psychologists have proven that any desire that was recorded on paper is much more likely to come true. This is explained by the fact that at the moment of writing his thoughts, a person is very clearly aware of what he wants and sends a powerful energy impulse to the Universe.

If you don’t have a Dream Card, then you definitely need to create one. This won’t take much time – just one evening, a good mood and sincere wishes!

Important points

A vision board is a powerful energy tool, the action of which is aimed at the productive fulfillment of innermost fantasies. To create it, you can use a classic A4 sheet, which can easily fit into a frame. But the optimal choice would be Whatman paper, which allows you to visualize numerous desires, as well as opening up limitless scope for experimentation.

Important! The selected sheet should not contain lines, cells or other graphic images. The sample card should be absolutely blank, symbolizing a new page in life that you will fill out yourself, representing secret dreams.

Parapsychologists focused on two main points that influence the effectiveness of the created map:
  • Before you start creating, you need to relax as much as possible and clearly formulate the goals you want to achieve and make a wish for them. To do this, you can use instrumental music, a candle flame or water, which allows you to concentrate and bring brain activity to a state of rest.
  • Select photographs and pictures that are as close as possible to real images. They can be cut out from glamorous magazines, brochures or taken from the vastness of the World Wide Web.
If there is no drawing in a suitable format, use creativity. You can draw your dream house, car or other goal that you want to achieve. A textual interpretation is also allowed - an inscription expressing fantasies in verbal form.

Stages of creation

After preparing whatman paper or a white sheet of paper, as well as cutting out suitable pictures from the album, you need to begin the process of creating a Vision Board. The first stage is divided into two procedures:
  1. Graphic layout layout, carried out in accordance with the unique Bagua grid. On the sheet you need to draw a square, which will be divided into nine equal zones. Each “inner” square corresponds to a specific area of ​​life, color and cardinal direction.
  2. Coloring the sectors in specific colors, symbolizing the main aspects of each person’s life. To do this, you should look at an example of a finished collage.
Each “inner” square in the Wish Map is assigned a specific shade. The order of colors should not be disturbed, because this may have a negative impact on the effectiveness of the energy tool in achieving its intended goals. The colors of the sectors are as follows:
  • yellow – central sector;
  • red – upper square (south);
  • blue – lower (north);
  • white - right (west);
  • green - left (east);
  • light green - upper left (southeast);
  • brown - upper right (southwest);
  • light brown or sand - lower left (northeast);
  • gray - lower right (northwest).

If it is not possible to paint the layout of the Goal Visualization Map in the required colors, it can be done in one shade. It will be called a monochrome board. This will not affect the efficiency of the magic tool, but a violation of the order of colors in the sectors can cause a malfunction of the energy flow wheel.

Important! On the color layout of the Map, the southern sector is located at the top, the northern sector is at the bottom, the eastern sector is on the left, and the western sector is located at the bottom.

Working with Map sectors - key points

Each sector of the Desire Map is responsible for a specific area of ​​human life. It creates a certain energy impulse, which opens up opportunities for the gradual implementation of cherished goals. The following sectors are distinguished:
  • Central, designed to accommodate your deepest dreams. If you doubt the importance of several desires or cannot choose one, then the best option would be to combine all the fantasies that should come true together. You can also supplement the sector with pictures that do not find a place in other areas of the layout.

    Many psychologists argue that in the middle of the central square you should place your own photo, emitting positive energy. It will help bring to life your most secret dreams that will become reality.

  • "Wealth", responsible for the material aspect of existence. Everything you need for a happy and comfortable life should be here - a mansion or a luxurious apartment, jewelry, antiques, money. You can place photographs of the desired things in the sector or paste a banknote, adding the number of zeros to the required amount. Captions under pictures should be positive and affirming.

    For example: “I celebrated my housewarming in the fall of 2020,” “I am happy from driving a new car,” “My fortune is estimated at 100 thousand dollars.” “I wear clothes from expensive, prestigious brands.”

  • "Health", which should contain your photo. You can cut out a person's shape that you like and paste your face on top of it. The text accompaniment should be as follows:

    “I have excellent health,” “My head is always light and clear,” “My sculpted and toned body is perfect!” It is prohibited to use the negative particle “not” and the word “thin”.

  • "Love and personal relationships". This sector is one of the main ones, because a person who has a beloved family cannot be unhappy. Here you need to place images of the closest people you want to see in your life. If we are talking about finding a true life partner, then you can simply write:

    “I married the man I loved,” “I married the kindest girl.” “I have a strong-willed, purposeful husband who achieves his goals. He leads a healthy lifestyle, loves me and our children, and is dedicated and loyal to his family.”

    It is important to focus on the personal qualities of your partner that are of the greatest value to you.
  • "Career and success at work". In the square you need to place a picture in which you are doing what you love and making a good profit from it. You can draw a kind of ladder, each of the steps of which should be labeled in accordance with the position you plan to occupy. It is important to determine the specific amount of wages, the features of the business and the dates when all this is implemented.
  • "Glory". This concept implies not only stunning achievements, such as winning the Olympic Games or an award at the Cannes Film Festival, but also public recognition at work, at home and in a narrow circle of loved ones.
Important! Many people, when creating a collage of desires, make serious mistakes that block the realization and material embodiment of their dreams. Most often they choose pictures of money raining down on a person from the sky, or a mansion surrounded by an impenetrable fence. In this case, the subconscious takes everything at face value.

In fact, these photographs mean that all your money will “fly away” and pass by you, and the doors of the long-awaited cottage will remain locked, surrounded by a fence. Therefore, it is important to choose dream images that our subconscious will perceive realistically and will realize it step by step. You can paste on a collage a photo with money in your hands, driving a car, or inside a long-awaited house, and not next to it.

Now you know how to make a wish map correctly so that it brings the desired results.

Well-known esotericists claim that the most favorable time to activate a wish card is the new moon. On this day, there is the most positive energy for creative rituals aimed at achieving goals. First, choose a place where you will hang your life guide. For the collage to work, you must adhere to the following rules:
  • You need to hang a photo collage when you are in a good mood.
  • Ventilate the apartment and the room in which the Treasure Map will be located, and also turn off your phone, computer and other electronics that may distract you.
  • Before the ceremony, you need to take a bath and put on new clothes. You don't have to buy a suit or dress. This could include new socks and underwear.
  • Set yourself up for meditation by listening to relaxing music or the amazing sounds of nature.
  • Hang the poster on the wall that best suits its placement. According to the Feng Shui technique, it is best to give preference to the place that you see last before going to bed and the first after waking up - during this period, visualizing desires and attracting good luck is most effective.
After this, take a comfortable position on the sofa, bed or wherever is convenient. Look at the location of the sectors in the Map and feel the joy of what is depicted on them. At this moment, you need to mentally thank the Universe for fulfilling your desires, opening your heart to happiness and serenity. Start saying the information out loud.

Select with your gaze an image that depicts a vacation, meeting with friends, or going to a restaurant (an action that will be easy to perform). Set yourself up for the positive and bring to life what is in the picture - invite your friends, create a gastronomic masterpiece, or go on a picnic, or to that movie session. When this happens, the card will gain power.

All. From this moment on, the wish card is activated.

  • Protect the Wish Card from prying eyes. If you have guests coming over, put the visualization diagram on the shelf. After they leave, return the Goal Board to its place.
  • According to Feng Shui, the card should be located on the sunniest side of the room. This instruction applies to all items that attract love, treasures and luck.
  • If your dreams have changed, you can replace one photo with another, taking into account individual preferences.

When to make a dream map

The most favorable period for filling out and materializing the Vision Board is considered to be the first 15 days after the Chinese New Year, called the “magic period”. Psychologists and psychics are sure that at this moment the energy calendar “freezes,” allowing prayers, requests and sincere desires to reach the Universe and be realized.

If instructions for creating a magical collage fell into your hands after the New Year celebrations, don’t be upset. It is not at all necessary to wait the remaining 8-10 months to start drawing and filling out the Dream Card. But you will have to listen to some advice:

  • Study the lunar cycle. The full moon is considered an unfavorable day to arrange your desires in the form of a collage. Also, lunar and solar eclipse days are not suitable.
  • After the “magic period” you need to wait one calendar month. Only after this can you create a map template, paste in photographs and begin to meditate.
The best option would be to choose the day when the moon begins to rise and will establish a balance of positive energy. Then you can draw up the drawing, creating a personal Treasure Map that will help you achieve your goals!

Text Alina Gess

The universe fulfills our desires if we tell it about them correctly,” says Alina Gess, motivator and blogger. She told Womenbz readers how to make a Wish Map - one of the main visualization tools. We suggest that you put aside your “Plans and Tasks for 2018” for now and dream hard.

“I have a wonderful life now. Husband and two Christmas kids. The daughter was born on January 7, 2009, and the son on December 25, 2014. Moreover, even the birth time of the children is the same! And this is not an accident. These are the wishes I made that came true. There are many such stories in my life, below I will tell you about some more.”

Alina Gess. Personal story

Things haven't always been smooth in my life. But it was the difficulties that pushed me to search for new knowledge that would help me correct the situation. The desire for self-development played a huge role. Since childhood, I adored books: I read everything I could get my hands on. This is how my first books on positive thinking came to me - I was 18 years old. I thought that perhaps this was the key to the solution. Therefore, I began to study new literature, tried on myself various techniques that allowed me to fulfill desires and change reality for the better. I was happy when it worked, and tried to figure it out if something didn’t work out. It was not easy to delve into this, but it was interesting.

Then, over the course of many years, I attended various seminars and trainings, plunging deeper and deeper into this knowledge. And in the end, I created my own step-by-step system for managing my desires.

Alina Gess

What is a Wish Card

Our reality is created by our subconscious. It is this that conveys our desires to the Universe. Often the subconscious interprets our desires in its own way and conveys something that is not at all what we need. But this process can be controlled. To do this, you need to learn how to correctly formulate your request.

Time after time, I am convinced that the Desire Map helps best with this. It represents a kind of basis with our “wants” in the form of pictures. With its help, visual images are created - the subconscious remembers them well.

The Wish Card has its own rules. And I will tell you about them.

From the heroine’s personal archive

What wishes does the Card fulfill?

Take a very responsible approach to shaping your desires. On the Internet you can find a lot of “fashionable” cards with yachts and palaces pasted on them. Don't put it on your card just because you think it's pretty.

The wishes that you do not make from the heart will either not come true at all, or they will come true, but not for you or not in the way you wanted.

Therefore, always listen to your soul, make sure that your desires evoke exclusively pleasant emotions in you, and not a feeling of discomfort.

In this technique, a very important component is your energy, with which you fill and charge your desires. You radiate this energy in the moments when you select pictures, then place them, look at them. It is very important! Therefore, I do not recommend making an electronic map.

How to make a Wish Card

The Map of Desires includes 9 equal sectors.

Each sector relates to a specific area, so it is very important to respect boundaries.

I suggest choosing pictures on the Internet and printing them on photo paper, rather than cutting them out from magazines. It looks very neat and beautiful, it is possible to adjust all the pictures to the same scale, and also choose from the whole variety exactly what suits and resonates within you.

9 sectors of the Wish Card

Map Center - “Health Sector”

We place our photo in this sector right in the center.

The most important thing: the photo should evoke joyful emotions in you! Never take photos from sad events or moments when you felt unhappy.

Further in the same sector, along the perimeter of the photo, we place all the pictures related to health, sports, and beauty. Do you dream of a beautiful snow-white smile, a toned athletic body, and good health? Find the corresponding pictures and place them next to your photo. You can see what it should look like below.

My example. I always wanted to pay enough attention to sports, but the gym never attracted me, and group fitness did not bring the desired results. I wanted to try myself in yoga, but it was not clear where or who to go to. I posted my wish on the board. Less than a month later, I won a monthly yoga subscription. So I found a group that suited me and I still continue to study.

Upper right sector - “Love and Relationships Sector”

If you are looking:

  • Select pictures of happy couples in love, maybe just a photo (of a stranger!) of the person you would like your future companion to be like.
  • Do not paste into this sector a photo of a real person who you like, but you don’t know if he likes you. And in general, if you insert someone real, then only with his consent, or if it is your spouse, with whom you have been married for a long time.
  • If in reality there is already a person for whom you feel sympathy, but for some reason you cannot say about it, then paste a photo of someone similar, for example, from the back.

If you already have a significant other:

  • Add photos of happy moments together to this sector.
  • Also, any pictures symbolizing love and harmony are suitable for this sector: hearts, flowers, a pair of swans or doves.

Middle right sector - “Children and Creativity Sector”

An important rule: we paste pictures of children here only if you still want to have them. If you have a child and don’t plan to have any more children, you don’t need to label either your child or someone else’s child.

If, for example, you have a son and you dream of a daughter, then paste a picture of a little girl into this sector; you don’t need to paste your son there at all.

This sector also includes everything related to creativity.

Maybe you dream of learning how to sew, knit, embroider. Or learn to take photographs. Or learn to play the guitar/dance/do origami/stand on your head. All these desires can be glued to this sector.

3 filled sectors of the Wish Card

Lower right sector - “Sector of assistants and travel”

In this sector you can break away and give free rein to your imagination. Stick here all the places you dream of visiting, even if they seem unattainable to you at the moment.

Since it is also called the “Helper Sector,” you can paste photos of your friends (for example, if you want to meet more often or dream of traveling somewhere together). If you don’t have friends and would like to have them, pictures of friendly companies, shared hobbies, and trips can help you.

You can also paste a photo of the band whose concert you dream of attending in this sector. Or a photo of a person who inspires you, your mentor. If you dream of moving to another country, then select a picture of the country you are interested in and paste it into this sector, signing something like this: I moved for permanent residence to the country I dream about.

My example. When I was making my first Wish Card, I came across a photo of a beautiful cruise ship in a magazine. This photo caught my attention so much that I decided to add it to the Travel Sector. I hid the map in an inaccessible place and forgot to think about the photo of the liner. A few months later, my husband and I received an invitation to go on a cruise!

The most amazing thing is that on my Map of Desires there, in the “Travel Sector,” the Roman Colosseum was pasted. And our cruise began in Rome!

Alina Gess with her husband on a trip

Lower central sector - “Career sector”

In this sector we place everything related to work or business. Career growth, sales growth, profit growth, salary increase - don’t be modest, turn all your dreams into real goals.

  • If you dream of opening your own business, decide on a theme and select pictures that symbolize this activity.
  • If you already have a business and want to develop it, select pictures that show the growth of customers and sales. For example, you have a clothing store. You can paste a picture of a store window, and next to it there is a queue. You can sign something like this: every day more and more clients come to me.

Lower left sector - “Knowledge sector”

This sector symbolizes any knowledge, be it getting an education, attending any courses, or simply personal growth, spiritual development.

If you are still studying or dream of enrolling, you can paste a picture with the desired diploma or a photo of the educational institution where you want to study.

Also, maybe you have long dreamed of learning a language, then you can safely paste a picture of language courses.

Maybe you want to learn to drive a car and get your license, this also applies to this sector.

If you don’t want any knowledge for yourself, maybe you have such wishes for your child? Then you select suitable pictures and sign them with the following wording: I am glad that my child is making progress in his studies; I am glad that my child successfully entered/defended his diploma/obtained his license.

6 filled sectors of the Wish Card

Middle left sector - “Family sector”

You can paste photos of your children, husband and other family members, including pets, into this sector.

Choose pictures that reflect happiness and harmony.

If you don’t have your own family yet, select pictures of the family you would like to have.

Also, everything related to housing for you and your family will fit here: an apartment, a house or a cottage; furniture, renovations, interior items, pets that you dream of - everything is here in the family sector.

Upper left sector - “Wealth sector”

I’ll tell you right away that you don’t need to glue it here.

Please avoid all these enticing photos of suitcases of money, chests of gold, and so on. Don't take this sector so literally!

If you really want to stick on a wad of money or a hand with money, be sure to sign such pictures, because the interpretation can be ambiguous: both that they give you money and that you give it away.

You can paste here the desire to receive a bonus at work, a salary increase, or profit from business. As well as any material assets: cars, jewelry, phones, household appliances, electronics, wardrobe items, and so on.

Upper central sector - "Glory Sector"

My example. My brother, who works as a chef, posted his desire to star in a film in this sector, and after a short time Channel One invited him to film a series of documentaries.

One more example. Thanks to my brother, one day another wish of mine came true without my knowledge. He sent my photos in a swimsuit to a competition of a famous men's magazine. And I was one of the hundred whose photos were published in the magazine. Only after some time I saw a picture of a magazine in my Map.

9 filled sectors of the Wish Card

A few more important points

Make sure that not a single sector is empty. This disrupts harmony and creates an imbalance that will lead to problems in various areas.

Sectors should not overlap, and desires should not be placed in several sectors at the same time.

Since the Map is a feng shui tool, it must be done on the right days. The best period of the year is considered to be 2 weeks after the Chinese New Year, which will be on February 16th. But if you missed this period, then the period of the waxing Moon is also considered favorable days.

It is best to place the card away from prying eyes. Everyone has their own energy, and it will not be very good for your desires if someone rewards them with their unkind energy.

The validity period of the Wish Card is on average 1–3 years. If your Card has expired, you can replace it with a new one, but with one important condition: You can only have one Card.

Activation of the Wish Card

After you have finished registering your Card, you need to activate it!

To do this, you post a photo of any symbolic desire that you can fulfill yourself and in a short time. For example: buy yourself ice cream, go to the cinema, meet a friend. As soon as you make your wish come true, your Card starts working!

How to make a Wish Card

Recently, various services have appeared that offer to make you a Wish Card according to your wishes. I really don't recommend you do this. Indeed, in this technique, a very important component is your energy, with which you fill and charge your desires. You radiate this energy in the moments when you select pictures, then place them, look at them. And this is very important!

Option 1: on whatman paper

Most often, a wish map is made on whatman paper. At your disposal is a large area of ​​paper, which is easily divided into 9 sectors and allows you to place any desires so that they do not interfere with each other.

Pictures can be cut out from magazines, drawn, or taken from the Internet and printed at the nearest printing house. The most interesting thing is to take pictures from the Internet, because there are a lot of them there and everyone can find something of their own, plus you can easily adjust the size of the pictures to fit them all on whatman paper.

Option 3: on paper with paints

For the most creative and assiduous, there is a more difficult task. You can draw your own Wish Card. Pencils, paints, crayons are at your disposal. You can reflect all your dreams with the help of drawings, or choose one and put your whole soul into its image.

Photo: online drawing school “Happy Owl”

Hi all. Many people want to know how to make a wish map, but they just don’t know how to approach it. Here you will find a detailed description of the work involved in compiling this magical Treasure Map.

DIY magic

A dream map is a mental representation of your goals, and visualizing your dreams is a powerful tool for transforming your life for the better. With the help of the Dream collage, you can achieve your goal almost without problems by programming the subconscious.

How to plan your future correctly?

  1. Take a large sheet of Whatman paper.
  2. Prepare magazine clippings that represent your dreams.
  3. Glue your best photo in the center of the sheet.
  4. Along the rest of the field, paste pictures with goals in each area of ​​your life.
  5. Make a table of contents for each picture.
  6. Attach it to the wall so you can see it in the morning when you wake up and in the evening before going to bed.

When is the best time to make a Wish Card? Best on a full moon or waxing moon. If you are afraid that they will laugh at you, hide it on the closet door when you are waiting for guests to arrive, then put it out of sight.

Attention: the Map should not contain gloomy objects or violent scenes. Only joy, health, beauty, prosperity, love!

Bagua Grid

To arrange pictures according to Feng Shui, use the Bagua grid, that is, divide the sheet into sectors. There should be 9 of them.

Choose any form:

  • rectangle,
  • circle,
  • Bagua shape (eight sides).

Don't worry if the South is at the bottom, the North is at the top, the West is on the left and the East is on the right. The main thing is that they have the correct relationship with each other.

If you already have a house, a car, but you want to preserve all this, and maybe increase it, reflect this on the Treasure Map. Decide on a time frame, for example, make it for a year.

If your wish comes true, then replace the picture and that’s it. You can always update your goals so they are “new.”

How to make a wish card online

Find an online designer, then it will be easy for you to create your collage. There are detailed instructions there.

Insert your photo in the center. To transfer it from your hard drive, click on the “my photos” button, select your photo, click “select photo”, then, after loading, click “save photo”.

When creating a family card, enter a family photo.

Installed photos can be resized, tilted, or deleted.

We add pictures symbolizing desires and insert them into Feng Shui zones. To do this, you need to click on those icons that represent the desired area of ​​​​life. There we stop at the desired photo. Or you can insert pictures from your computer using the “my photos” button in the bottom menu.

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Our world is so filled with magic that it is difficult for us to keep track of everything. Turns out,…

  • When adding 2-3 images, click on the arrows that say “higher or lower.” This way you can raise or lower the photo by 1 level.
  • To remove a picture, click on the cross. In the same way you can move it, reduce it or increase it.
  • To change the background in the bottom menu there is the word “background”, here choose the one you like.
  • After you have created a card online, click on “save”, enter your email and verification code. Wait a little, you will receive a wish card and a code by email, which you will use to make further changes. If the letter is not there, then look in “spam”, it may accidentally end up there.
  • To clear the collage, click clear all, which you will find in the menu at the top.
  • To add an inscription, in the bottom menu there is the word “Text”, select a color, position, and make an inscription.
  • To make changes, open the created collage and enter the code received by mail.

How to arrange pictures

Sector "Health"

Place yourself in the center, radiating happiness and health. When captioning images, do not write the particle “not”. Write: “My body is beautiful! My health is excellent!” “I'm slim! I weigh 65 kg!” Never write the word “lose weight.”

Sector "Wealth"

Glue the estate, car, diamonds, money here, drawing the desired number of zeros, signing: “It arrived in my bank account and there is 1,000,999 rubles.”

You could write it like this: “I’m driving my new car.” “We celebrated a housewarming party in our new apartment on March 12, 2019.”

By the way, watch a useful video about how to make inscriptions.

Sector of “Glory and Achievements”

This is the part of the map that is associated with self-realization, authority, and recognition in society. Paste pictures that demonstrate success and achieving goals.

For example, picture yourself on the red carpet, holding trophies and awards. Show yourself on the covers of magazines or on stage - you will be congratulated, awarded a diploma or medal. Or you speak at a seminar, or arrange your own exhibition, you are interviewed or shown on TV, you are surrounded by a crowd of fans, in general, everything that symbolizes your success and fame.

We sign all our wishes.

Sector “Love, relationships and marriage”

Place pictures that show fidelity and love between husband and wife. In your captions, focus on pleasure, love, and fidelity. What you can write in this sector and what pictures you can paste are very detailed in this 3-minute video.

Write: “I have a purposeful, strong-willed husband, leads a healthy lifestyle, loves me, our children, he is devoted and faithful to the family.”

Do not paste the faces of specific people here.

Sector "Family"

Paste a picture of a happy family with children.

Sector "Creativity and Children"

The pasted photograph should be responsible for the person’s wishes and dreams.

Sector "Career"

Place a clipping of your desired job or company with the caption “I run a company...”.

Map out the stages of your career growth. Let it be a ladder, sign the dates and positions held, your earnings, and also what kind of business you will have. Depict this with a specific date, timing and amount of income.

Sector "Knowledge"

It promotes learning new things, discovering interesting facets, and improving knowledge sector. It is best to focus on what is important for further development.

Sector "Travel and Assistance"

Determines the possibility of receiving help from other people to solve existing problems and actively explore the world.

Watch this video, from which it will become clear to you what you can write in sectors and what you absolutely cannot.

Thoughts materialize

How does the Wish Card work? Have you noticed how suddenly your wish came true, a miracle, and that’s all! This is the Universe making your dream come true. And a dream written down on paper will come true much faster, because a person clearly understands what he wants.

That is, you have taken the first step by sending your “application for happiness” to the Universe, and it begins to send you successful opportunities, various chances, amazing coincidences, influential people. All you have to do is recognize the signs sent by the Universe and use the opportunities given by fate.

Reading reviews of people who created their collages, you are surprised by the happy accidents that made their dreams come true. They say that wishes can come true almost immediately. For some in a week, for others in a month, at most in a year! Make all entries as if your dreams have already come true, just don’t put the word “I want.”

See what else is needed for the card to work.

Dear friends, now you know how to make a wish card. Start doing it this evening. Advice for newlyweds: create a family collage so that your life is full of love, fidelity and all earthly blessings!

Visualization of desires is the creation of the correct mental image of what you want to receive. There are rules according to which you can completely materialize your thoughts and turn them into reality. And one of the tools is a wish map.

Your subconscious is a translator, and your thoughts are reality. To get what you want with minimal effort, you need to learn how to correctly broadcast your desires to the Universe.

Why wishes don't come true:

  • Excessive importance - you are too fixated on what you are trying to get, which is why there is a bias towards excess potential
  • You make wishes in a negative way. For example, your goal is to harm someone (you want to steal someone else’s husband, get someone else’s property, force someone to do something against his wishes)
  • Your desire is not yours - you are striving for what your soul does not really want, ignoring its true needs
  • Unfavorable period - a vision board or wish card works only when compiled and activated at a favorable time

If you want to get the desired result, follow these rules:

  • Make truly your wishes, and not those imposed by society and the environment
  • If your goal concerns another person, he must want the same thing
  • The desire must be exclusively positive
  • And environmentally friendly. This means that it will not bring harm to anyone, but will only bring good

How to determine if your desire is truly yours:

  • When you think about it, it brings only joyful emotions and a feeling of inspiration
  • You don't have to doubt or convince yourself

Important rules:

  • Do a vision board only on an auspicious day.
  • Be sure to make the map yourself. This is necessary because in the process you fill it with your energy
  • Work with the card only in a good mood

If you do everything right, within a year all your goals will be realized. The duration of its fulfillment depends on the complexity of the desire.

Options and card layout

There are many ways to create a vision board.

For example:

  1. Electronic
  2. Paste pictures depicting your goals onto whatman paper
  3. Draw images of your aspirations on whatman paper
  4. Stick or draw on cork board

It is very important that the images are placed in the correct sequence on the map. The sheet of whatman paper is divided into sectors, into each of which you will glue pictures:

Favorable days for drawing a map

For the card to work, it must be done on the right days. This:

  • The first two weeks of Chinese New Year. The most favorable period
  • Any other day on the waxing moon (except for exception days)

Exception days:

  • On the waning moon
  • On days of solar or lunar eclipses
  • During Mercury retrograde
  • On the days of the New Moon or Full Moon

You can look up the exact dates on any astrological website.

Selection of pictures

It is very important not to make mistakes and choose suitable images for each sector of the map:

  1. Central sector: place your photo here. You should be shown alone, in positive emotions. Find a photo from a happy event: graduation, birthday or any other celebration where you are smiling and happy. The newer the photo, the better. In the same sector we glue everything related to health: you can place images of a beautiful figure, athletes, and so on
  2. Sector of love and relationships. Pictures of happy couples, weddings, flowers, romantic walks. Everything that concerns you, your significant other or future personal happiness. Photos of acquaintances (husband, boyfriend, friend) cannot be pasted here
  3. Children and creativity sector. Photos of the number of children you want, and everything related to creativity: hobbies, hobbies, everything you want to learn and master
  4. Sector of assistants and travel. Photos of countries you dream of visiting, travel, friends, noisy companies, hikes, and so on
  5. Career sector. Images of satisfied customers, graphs showing sales growth, logos of companies you dream of working for, and so on
  6. Knowledge sector: courses, trainings, educational programs, photos of driver's licenses, certificates, diplomas, everything you want to learn
  7. Family sector: grandparents, cats, dogs, pictures of family feasts, photos of children, relatives, husband. Everyone with whom you plan to stay and live happily
  8. Wealth sector: car, jewelry, expensive things, jewelry, brands, and everything related to income and wages, money can be used
  9. Glory Sector: your photo in a magazine, a blog with a large number of subscribers, presentation of prizes, certificates, awards, everything that symbolizes the calling of your merits

Important: each sector should have approximately an equal number of pictures. Otherwise, excess potential will be created in one of the sectors, which may cause all others to suffer.

Watch a detailed video about drawing up a Desire Map:

Activation of the wish card

For the card to start working, it must be activated. This is very simple to do: place an image of some simple desire in one of the sectors. For example, a movie ticket in the entertainment sector.

And then buy a ticket and go to the show. From this moment on, the Card will be activated and begin to work, attracting the forces of the Universe to realize everything you have wished for.

Before doing this, do not forget to sign all the pictures with positive affirmations. Examples:

  • Love sector - “I attract happy and harmonious relationships into my life”
  • Wealth sector - “my income is enough to buy everything I like and need”
  • Travel sector - “I travel at least twice a year, visiting different countries”

These are just examples, you can create your own signatures, taking into account what you want to receive.

You need to store the card in a secluded place where no one will see it. For example, you can glue it to the inside of a cabinet door.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

In Feng Shui, there are many symbols and tools that allow you to achieve what you want. The wish card is considered the most effective. This is a simple but effective tool that helps you realize your most cherished dreams and achieve your goals. Anyone can make it. How to make a wish map will be discussed in our article.

How does a wish card work?

Don’t think that a wish card is a magical thing. The action of the card is explainable from a psychological point of view. When a person clearly imagines what he wants, an image is formed in his head that characterizes the dream, for example, you can see the house you want, a car, a child, fans. If you constantly think about it, the image enters the subconscious and the person, without even realizing it, will take the steps necessary to make the dream come true. This effect is called visualization of desires.

Putting your goals on paper in the form of text or images helps enhance the effect. And if you arrange all this beautifully and look at the fruit of your labors every day, reminding yourself of what you need to achieve, what you want will not keep you waiting long. This technique in psychology is called a vision board. It is a wish card.

From the point of view of Feng Shui, the action of the wish card is explained by the fact that we and our thoughts are firmly connected with the Universe and if a person sends formulated signals to it, it will react and help in their implementation.

How to make a wish card correctly

The main and important thing you need to do first is to formulate what you want most, and then imagine that it has come true, i.e. visualize desires.

Most people benefit from a calm and relaxing atmosphere. Choose a time when no one will disturb you, turn on a pleasant melody, get comfortable, close your eyes and imagine. For example, if your dream is a house, try to assemble an image of it in your imagination, imagine what it looks like on the outside, how you walk around it, what rooms it has, how you light a fireplace in it. Remember the sensations that you experienced.

When all the desires are formulated, write them down on a piece of paper. You need to write down your desires without using the particle “not”, specifically and in the present tense. For example - “I’m thin”, “I’m healthy”, “I’m rich”, “I have a red Mercedes” Now start making and drawing up a wish map.

Instructions for filling sectors

You need to make a vision board yourself, without involving relatives, friends, and especially strangers. Although some sources say that the board can also be a family board, so all family members can participate in the composition. You need to start manufacturing with only a positive attitude.

Stock up on a piece of Whatman paper, a stack of old magazines, a ruler, a pencil, glue, paints or colored paper and scissors.

The Feng Shui wish map should have nine sectors corresponding to the main areas of life. The ancient teaching correlates them with the cardinal directions, each of which has a certain tone. Therefore, we need to divide whatman paper into 9 equal parts.

Afterwards you need to paint or seal each part with a color corresponding to each light. You can skip this step, leaving the whatman paper as is or painting it in one tone.

Rules for drawing up a wish map

Now the most important part of the work begins - selecting pictures and filling in the sectors. You can select suitable images from old magazines or on the Internet, and then print them on a printer. Several rules must be followed:

  1. Select pictures for the wish card that will reflect your dreams as accurately as possible. For example, if you want a two-story house, the image should show a two-story house, not a cottage, or another building.
  2. Choose only positive pictures, with smiling faces and sunny landscapes.
  3. You should like the images; when you look at them, you should have pleasant feelings.
  4. Do not fill the sectors at the same time, do everything sequentially, paying attention to each zone. For example, when you fill out the wealth zone, fill only that one and don’t get distracted by the rest, even if you see a picture that fits another sector. This approach will allow you to concentrate on your desires and carefully analyze them, setting priorities.
  5. If you know how to draw, you can fill in the sectors with your own drawings. This kind of vision board will work better.
  6. Desires must be precise and specific, especially if you write them on a card. Try to indicate deadlines for wishes where possible.
  7. All sectors must be filled with pictures.

Start drawing up a map from the center, then fill in the wealth sector, and then clockwise everything else.


The sector reflects your personality and health. You should place your photo in it. It is important that it reflects a good mood. Try to find a photo taken at a time when you were the happiest. In the center you can place several photographs, including mounted ones. For example, if you want to lose weight, cut out a picture of a slim girl and put your face next to it. If you wish, you can write your dream in the sector, but only the one that corresponds to it. For example, “I’m thin and slender” or “I’m happy.” The sector can be decorated with sparkles, hearts - anything that shows how much you love yourself.

Glory sector

It is recommended to place images related to self-realization, recognition and authority here. For example, you can paste images of cups and people who have achieved success into it, or you can correct the picture and place your photo instead of the person being awarded.

Love sector

The zone is responsible for relationships, marriage and love. If you already have a loved one, you can put an image of you and him in it and write something like “together forever” or “I am loved and love.” If you are just dreaming of meeting a man, find a picture of a man who best suits your requirements. You must accurately imagine his type, character, occupation and age. Place your photo next to the image. Any symbols associated with love can be placed here, such as wedding rings and a pair of doves.

Wealth sector

Desires regarding money and prosperity are placed here. This sector may contain everything that corresponds to the theme: stacks of bills, a stuffed wallet, a car, an apartment. It is desirable that the Feng Shui wish card in it has a corresponding talisman of wealth, for example it could be a Chinese coin or an image of a hotei.

You can add your own image to pictures with a car or apartment, as if you are already in them. When setting wishes related to money, try to be precise - name a specific salary amount or not only the color, but also the make of the car, otherwise, instead of a white BMW, a white Cossack may “come” to you.