Dream interpretation of construction. “Why do you dream about building in a dream? If you see Build in a dream, what does it mean? Modern interpretations of sleep

Construction is a dream symbolizing creation and incompleteness in reality.

Dream Interpretation construction of a bathhouse, high-rise building (high-rise buildings), roads, factories, wooden houses, railways, buildings, high-rise buildings, bridges

Building a bathhouse is a dream, which means that you will have to take care of your health. This dream may also mean your desire to put an end to the “dirty” past.

Seeing in a dream how a high-rise building is being built in reality means that you have taken on the implementation of grandiose plans and do not fully imagine the entire scope of work that will have to be completed.

If you dreamed of building a road, then in reality you want to quickly move through life in a civilized way. Construction of a wooden multi-storey large house will strengthen family relationships.

A dream in which you are building a wooden house means the dreamer’s active life position. A wooden house and a large construction site symbolize that all endeavors find support and approval from your family members.

Construction of a railroad is a dream that predicts that your plans are predictable. You most likely prefer to move “on a well-established track” than to “reinvent the wheel.”

Dreaming about the construction of a building or multi-story buildings means that in real life you do not want to put up with the old, and you may even sacrifice stability in order to reach new heights in your life.

Seeing the construction of a bridge in a dream is a symbol of upcoming difficulties. In real life, you will find yourself on the edge of an abyss, and will be forced to turn to others for help. Someone else's construction of houses, where there is a person carrying bricks, a crane for the construction of a new house (new houses, new building) is a sign of a joyful event in your life in the near future, and for women it promises pregnancy.

Dream Interpretation abandoned construction site (collapsing)

A dream about an abandoned construction site is a reminder that in real life you are not paying enough attention to ensuring the stability of your future.

Dream Interpretation construction in a cemetery, construction of a church (temple)

If you dreamed of construction in a cemetery, in real life you need to learn to appreciate the past before taking on the construction of a new one.

This dream can also symbolize a long but dull life.

Construction Miller's dream book

According to Miller’s dream book, a dreamed construction site symbolizes the dreamer’s bright hopes for the future, but to implement his plans, he will have to work hard.

Construction dream book of Juno

According to Yunna’s dream book, building a house is a joyful event that awaits you in real life.

Freud's dream book construction

Seeing in a dream the foundation of a kindergarten, a barn, repairs or sand - this means the realization of hidden desires and building a relationship with another woman or man.

Seeing the construction of a house in a dream means standing on the threshold of significant life changes.

But in order to find out more specifically what a construction project is about in a dream, you must remember the dream in detail and project it onto events in real life.

Supervise the construction site

If you dreamed of building a house in which you are going to live, then the dream book guarantees you will achieve your goal only if you make every effort to do so.

And if in a dream there is construction of someone else’s home, then all your efforts will be in vain. In addition, the dream interpreter warns you of possible theft.

  • If you remember the crane, your loved ones will approve of your action.
  • Workers in overalls - you have faithful, reliable friends.
  • Dreaming of building materials means a monetary reward.
  • Tools at a construction site mean a profitable business offer.
  • Dump truck - for hard work.

If you dream that your friends are constructing a building, then in real life it is difficult for you to make a decision, and you want to consult with someone. And seeing a friend in an unfinished window means worrying about him.

The dream book interprets the laid foundation as the beginning of a new life. And you dream of an unfinished high-rise building when you have not yet reached your desired standard of living.

If in a dream you are a builder

Taking part in construction means solving a complex problem yourself. Also, such dreams can predict a big win or a successful deal.

If you dream that you are at a high altitude, this is a sign that you will soon be offered a new position. And sitting in the cab of a dump truck means enlisting the support of management.

  • Working with a jackhammer means quickly achieving what you want.
  • Build walls - find a promising job.
  • Stir the solution - prepare for the holiday.
  • Making a roof is a great joy.
  • Building a private house means planning to start a family.

If you had a dream where construction was successfully completed, this means that success will soon await you in the main areas of life. And the dream book explains the construction of a house, which took a lot of effort from you, but was not completed, as your laziness and unwillingness to work.

Helping neighbors or friends build a building means expecting moral support from them. And when you dream that you are building a house that has been destroyed, it is a sign that you have hidden talents.

If you saw a dream about a construction site, you will definitely be able to find its interpretation in the dream book. And when you remember all its details, then there may be several interpretations. For a more detailed explanation of visions, experts recommend writing down dreams immediately after waking up.


New house according to the dream book

Some dreams help us better understand the present and predict the future. It is enough just to know what this or that plot is about. The dream book claims that a new house seen in a dream is the personification of a person’s inner world. Home is a place where you can relax and feel protected from the adversities of the outside world.

Did you see a new house in your dream? Try to listen to yourself, to your inner desires and needs. This is the only way to decipher the dream as accurately as possible. Various sources give different interpretations of what new houses mean in dreams. Let's look at all of them in detail.

Interpretation according to Sigmund Freud's dream book

This dream interpreter believed that a new house or apartment is a symbol of the person himself. A building with smooth walls is a symbol of a man, and a building with ledges and balconies represents a woman.

If a representative of the fair sex dreamed at night that she was making repairs in a new house, namely whitewashing smooth, even walls, then in life this lady will be especially sweet and courteous with her chosen one. The dream book recommends that in order to avoid misunderstandings and conflicts between partners, you need to periodically study what this or that plot is about in dreams and bring novelty to the relationship.

A young girl who sees a new house in a dream can, in real life, count on rapid favorable changes according to the dream book. She can get married, get a fairly good job, or get support from an acquaintance or loved one. No matter what exactly happens, this event will change fate for the better.

The meaning of a dream with a new house according to Freud can be negative. A new building without a roof or floor is a symbol of approaching death. Anyone can die in reality: a relative, an acquaintance, a colleague. You can understand more accurately what the dream means only by looking closely at the signs of fate seen in reality.

Decoding according to the dream book of Nostradamus

A new house, large or small, infested with cockroaches or any other insects, predicts a large number of ill-wishers. Enemies are already preparing plans for your destruction. You should be as careful as possible and try not to trust others. It is recommended that the dream book treat even friends with caution during this period.

The interpretation of a dream in which the roof of a new house is blown off is very interesting. This story states that one of your loved ones is suffering from a nervous disorder and needs help recovering. The dream book advises, become a support and support for this person during treatment and after it.

According to the dream book, a cozy new small wooden house is a sign of impending family well-being. Not only will mutual understanding reign in the family, but material well-being will also come. Each family member will experience immense joy from the upcoming idyll, as well as a sense of pride in their close relatives.

Why do you dream of a residential building standing right in heaven? He predicts the death of a close relative in the near future. This same house in heaven, filled with people, acts as a symbol of the loyalty of your friends and their devotion.

New house according to Miller's dream book

A dream about futile attempts to find your home speaks of a loss of faith in the decency and honesty of people. If you dreamed that you were leaving home, then in real life you will be traveling very soon, as well as changes in all your endeavors. Changes, as the dream book says, can be both good and not so good.

Interpretation of a dream according to Vanga

A small cozy house seen in a dream speaks of the speedy fulfillment of a cherished desire. It also has a definition of why such a dwelling is dreamed of. It is believed that it promises family well-being and happiness. Moving to a new house, big and bright, means material well-being and a good position.

Building a new house will improve your financial situation. Well-being in the material side of life will not come just like that, but only through the assistance of an influential person. But it is worth remembering that financial well-being cannot last forever. You can make the most of your money by investing in real estate.

Modern interpretations of sleep

The demolition of a newly built home warns of imminent loneliness and melancholy. In addition, financial difficulties will arise. Buying a new house in a dream foretells impending fame, as well as creative success. It is important not only to know what this or that plot is about in a dream, but also to know what to do. You will be able to gain respect and veneration from the people around you through hard work and decency.

Moving to a new house, inherited, predicts the reality of a devoted friend or acquaintance. This person will do his best to help you achieve well-being and prosperity. Cleaning your own home promises career success. The greatest success is if such a dream occurred to a person in military service. Soon he will receive an increase in rank and salary.

A new multi-storey building predicts quick material profit. Floors are a symbol of the career ladder and the more of them, the higher social status you will acquire over time. A dream in which you climbed floors indicates successful achievement of your goal. Why dream about the descent seen in a dream? According to the dream book, he predicts a demotion.

If in a dream you saw an unfinished new house, then in real life you will have to postpone some things for an indefinite period of time. But there is no need to forget about them. You can implement your plans at a later time.

Being in a home completely alone, according to the dream book, means losing friends. It is quite possible that existing friends will turn away for some reason, and new ones will not appear. The dream book also warns that the existing prosperity will also most likely evaporate.

The construction of a new house promises quick happiness and wealth. For an entrepreneur, such a dream promises success in planned activities. The dream book promises a big jackpot. The construction of a house seen by a sailor may indicate his passionate desire to lead a settled life. Another point about what this dream means is a quick marriage.

Buying a new house in the village in a dream means a change of job and the associated move. If you buy a home together with friends, then in reality you will have to help organize their lives. Receiving a large building as an inheritance according to the dream book means finding a devoted, reliable partner in real life.

You can also judge the dreamer by the house you dreamed about. If the interior was luxurious and stylish, it means that this person values ​​himself quite highly and has a certain confidence in his own abilities. A flimsy building in need of repair, according to the dream book, means a feeling of defenselessness in reality.



Freud's Dream Book

Any construction work- are symbols of sexual intercourse.

If you build it yourself- you are able to lead an active sex life.

If you are watching a construction site- you envy other people's sexual success.

Abandoned construction site- symbolizes functional disorders of the genital organs.

Modern combined dream book

Build a house in a dream- means that you will experience rapid advancement in life and a confident existence.

Help workers build their own home- a sign that happiness and prosperity await you; demolish the building- to the not entirely successful execution of your plans; see the building collapse- means that misfortune may befall your family or you.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Build- the need for creation.

Structure- reflection of worldview (point of view).

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Build it yourself- quick earnings; see how they build- change of residence.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

A dream in which you undertake to build your own house- portends a strong financial situation. If you see an already built foundation- this means that in reality you will avoid some tedious work. Build walls- You will encounter many obstacles on your path to success. Build a porch- means that you will soon receive a new appointment and a higher salary.

If you build a roof in a dream- This is a sign of incredible luck and success. Build your own home out of ice- suggests that your family existence, alas, will not be cloudless. Build a shed, garage or just a shed- to receive money from debtors.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Build- to the deceased; inspect the new building- changes.

Collection of dream books

build something- well-being; build a house- to success; take part in the construction of a large building- happy events.

Build it yourself- to good health, fullness of physical and mental strength; see construction- to favorable life changes; recurring dream of building a beautiful, durable building- may mean the need to build your own healthy body.


Construction in a dream symbolizes your ideas and plans. This indicates an internal desire to start something new, to begin implementing your plans. Depending on the accompanying signs, one can judge the results of these endeavors.

If, according to the plot of the dream, you have started construction, some changes are coming in reality. Perhaps you have been planning to start a new life for a long time, have outlined some goals, and now the time has come to act. If you miss a favorable moment, the implementation of your plans may be postponed indefinitely.

What construction did you dream about? What did you do in your dream? What kind of construction did you dream about? What did you do in your dream at a construction site?

What construction did you dream about?

Construction of a house

What did you do in your dream?

What does it mean if you had to build something in a dream?

According to Felomena’s dream book, building something in a dream means that your actions will bring the desired result very quickly. The main thing is not to be distracted by unimportant matters and not to allow yourself to be lazy.

If you observed the construction of a building, you will be dealing with influential people who will be able to help achieve all your plans, but will demand some kind of service for their help, which may confuse you. If you yourself were a developer, you can significantly improve your reputation and gain popularity thanks to the development of promising projects.

What kind of construction did you dream about?

Why do you dream about an abandoned construction site?

If you saw an abandoned construction site in a dream, this is a reason to think about the future. But don’t confuse pipe dreams with setting a specific goal and determining how to achieve it. This vision also serves as a reminder that it is necessary to complete the work started, no matter what.

What does a dream about a construction site with workers mean according to the dream book?

A dream in which you were busy at a construction site with workers means that the near future will be happy and joyful. You will experience many pleasant moments and spend time with your loved ones, forgetting about your problems.

Why see a big construction site in a dream?

According to the dream book, a large construction site reflects your relationships within the family. Close people will always support you in any endeavor. They will adhere to your position, even if it does not correspond to their opinion, as long as you are confident in your abilities.

What did you do in your dream at a construction site?

If in a dream you had to run around a construction site

Running at a construction site in a dream means that your conclusions are too hasty. Do not make decisions without carefully studying all the circumstances and assessing the current situation. Now is not the case when the time factor is decisive. It's better to be late than to have time to mess things up.

If you dreamed that you were crawling on a construction site

To dream that you are crawling around a construction site means you will miss favorable opportunities to realize your plans. Because of your indecisiveness, you will refuse a very lucrative offer for fear of responsibility. With this warning in mind, try to overcome your fears and take advantage of the opportunity.


House under construction

Dream Interpretation House under construction dreamed of why you dream about a house under construction? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a house under construction in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - House

Dream Interpretation - House

Dream Interpretation - House

A yellow cow comes to the house - wealth and nobility lie ahead.

Musk deer in the house - portends advancement up the career ladder.

Many people gathered around the stove in the house - harmony in relationships and happiness.

Breaking off young bamboo shoots, come home - your wife will give birth to a son.

A fire burning in your own home portends prosperity and strength.

The main building of the house is wealth.

The main building of the house is collapsing - misfortune in the family.

Renting out your house to someone means getting a promotion.

Moving to a destroyed house means there will be a beautiful wife.

You move to a new house that belongs to another person - fortunately.

Rebuilding and updating your home is a great blessing.

To sweep the house, splashing water at the same time, a person will come from afar.

You buy a house from a person in a rural area - moving due to a change of duty station.

A messenger entering your home means great happiness.

The messenger of heaven tells you to enter the gate or enters your home - great happiness.

If you force a robber to enter the house, the family will go bankrupt.

Coming home carrying a tree on your shoulder means joy in connection with material gain, acquisition.

An empty house, without people, portends death.

Renovating a village house will be a great joy.

The family leaves home - a joyful event for the wife.

Sitting in a boat, driving around your home - ruin, loss of wealth.

Snow covers your house and yard - foreshadows mourning.

A pine tree grows in a house - portends a turn in business towards improving well-being.

A table or shelf in the house - her business will be fine.

Standing under a roof, in a house, getting dressed - speaks of uncertainty, some kind of secret.

Building a latrine in the house means wealth and happiness.

You build walls, erect a house - great happiness and benefit.

A turtle in a well near the house means there will be wealth and nobility.

Dream Interpretation - House

Dream Interpretation - House

Dream Interpretation - House

Dream Interpretation - House

The Slavs have many versions of “correct” houses: brownies should live in the house, in every house there should be a cat in which the brownie lives or with whom the brownie communicates. It was believed that the house in which suicide happened was forever cursed and life in it would not be happy. Everything that is warm, dear and dear to the heart is associated with home.

Dream Interpretation - House, dwelling

Dream Interpretation - House

Dream Interpretation - House


Why do you dream about building a house?


Lina Krasilnikova

Construction seen in a dream foreshadows changes. Seeing a working crane on a construction site means that your actions will be approved and your opinion will be listened to. If you dreamed that a construction crane fell, then do not expect support even from your most devoted supporters. If you apply for a leadership position, you will not get it. If you see in a dream that low-quality building materials were delivered to you for construction, then in real life serious troubles await you, but thanks to your intelligence and ingenuity, you will be able to avoid them. If in a dream you build a wall, then in reality you will be able to achieve your goals. If you dream that you are building a house, then in reality you will make reasonable changes in your current affairs. Building a porch is a harbinger of new responsibilities. Building a garage means the inevitability of doing someone else’s work, communicating with people of a different profession, and the need to establish contacts with new people. [link blocked by decision of the project administration]

Galina Goncherenko

hello to big changes

Maria Bychkova

to joy; removing it means profit

Nastasya Shorinova

A house in a dream is a haven for your soul.


building a house means bold new plans, new relationships that you will try to bring to life.

Alar Naeni

means the formation of the human soul. if you are in it, then your soul.

Large house under construction

Dream Interpretation Large house under construction dreamed of why in a dream there is a big house under construction? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a large house under construction in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - House

A house (residential) most often symbolizes a person.

However, a wooden house can symbolize a coffin.

A house with smooth walls symbolizes a man, and a house with balconies, loggias and bay windows symbolizes a woman.

Renovating a house means having sexual intercourse.

If you renovate your house with pleasure, then your personal life is in complete order.

If you experience unpleasant sensations while renovating a house, then you don’t love your sexual partner, maybe even hate them, but hide your feelings.

If a man climbs or descends a smooth wall of a house, then he is prone to homosexual contacts.

If a man climbs onto the balcony of a house, then his feelings for a woman are quite serious.

If a woman climbs the smooth wall of a house, then her feelings for a man will most likely remain unrequited.

If a woman climbs onto the balcony of a house, then she needs female guardianship and is inclined to enter into a lesbian relationship.

Climbing onto the roof of a house means striving to complicate and clarify relationships, a desire for scandals and showdowns.

Seeing a destroyed house means you have health problems, including in the sexual sphere.

Being or living in a destroyed house - all your attempts to achieve mutual understanding with your sexual partner were in vain.

Dream Interpretation - House

Home - move to a new home - die. A house without windows and doors - this man's coffin falls. If you dream that they are building a new house, then this is very bad. If you dream of beautiful houses, it means wealth. If a wall falls in a house or in a stable, someone will die in that house (family). Bare walls in a house mean the death of a loved one. The wall fell - a dead man sooner or later. Like a locked house - this is death, evil. The wall falls - trouble falls on your head. As soon as the mother falls out, the owner or mistress will die, and as a wall, then one of the relatives will die. If one of the family members dreams of music and dancing in their house, there will be a dead person in that house. If you dream about building a house, it means illness. They are building a house for you: light and beautiful - your life, black and windowless - rowing. The storm tore the roof off the house - beware of a tragic disaster. Building, erecting, oiling a house means death. The house falls apart, the motherboard falls, the ceiling falls, the walls collapse (especially the corner wall), the stove falls - this means death. If you dream about a house, it means a change in life. To sweep the house - guests; get rid of enemies. Lit - to theft; news. High - wealth; falls - death.

Dream Interpretation - House

Dreams about houses often mean the structure of life, the course of affairs. What the future holds for you depends on the condition of your home. Sometimes these dreams repeat themselves. Especially if you think about your life and expect changes for the bad or, conversely, for the good. Seeing a shiny or gold-covered house is a sign of misfortune or trouble. Buy, inspect a house - make plans for the future. Such a dream also predicts changes in life and position. Pay attention to the condition of the room, furniture, lighting and the feelings you experienced when examining the house in your dream. Building a house in a dream means that you will have a hard time achieving a stable position in society and prosperity. Sometimes such a dream portends boredom, dissatisfaction with one’s situation, or illness. For the patient, such a dream predicts imminent death. Building a barn or shed in a dream means that you will soon have your own home and family. See interpretation: barn, shed.

Having your own home in a dream, as it is, means that your worries are in vain and life in your home will improve. If in a dream you are repairing or covering a house with a roof, then in reality you will experience disappointment and loss. Finding yourself in a locked room is a dream warning that someone is plotting against you. Seeing a devastated, looted house (your own) in a dream means profit and big good changes. Destruction in the house means troubles that threaten your well-being. Sometimes such a dream can mean a long illness (depending on the degree of destruction), and the patient who sees such a dream can die. To see renovations in your house in a dream means that you will soon have to work hard to correct the mistakes you have made or improve your situation. Seeing a house destined for destruction in a dream is a warning that your rash actions will harm your well-being. Changes and rearrangements in the house that you make in a dream mean changes or a visit from an important person. A dream in which you see your house empty warns you of a possible separation from a loved one, of unfulfilled hopes and of material losses. Such a dream also suggests that you are dissatisfied with your current situation and are painfully looking for a way out of it. A dream in which you see your house engulfed in fire is a sign of failure in business, troubles and grief. Such a dream often warns of danger to the lives of the inhabitants of this house. A burning living room or dining room is a harbinger of unpleasant news about the illness of the owner of the house. The same is true if you see furniture or draperies in your home catch fire and burn. The worst thing is if the situation in the house burns to the ground. In this case, expect great and lasting disasters. To see in a dream how the top floor of a house is burning and collapsing is a warning to the one who saw such a dream that he may lose his fortune and be humiliated. Unfaithful friends will leave him in difficult times. In addition, such a dream may threaten a large trial. However, if in a dream a house burns with a clear flame, without destruction or smoke, then a poor man will become rich, and a rich man will become noble. Trees burning in front of a house are a sign of loss for its owners. Seeing the house of your parents (old people) in a dream means receiving bad news about misfortune in the family. See interpretation: tenant, fire.

Seeing a strange-looking home in a dream means that your real life is not organized and you are deeply worried about it. If you see in a dream a transformation of housing from strange to normal, it is a sign that the same thing will happen to you in life. Entering such a home in a dream is a harbinger that you will soon get involved in an unusual business. If you dream that you are looking for a way out of such a house and cannot find it, then the dream warns you that you should refrain from risky ventures. Seeing a beautiful house from afar in a dream means that a wonderful and happy future awaits you. Walking into a beautiful and tall house in a dream means big changes for the better. After such a dream, you can count on a good and profitable place and making profitable deals. Such a dream often promises you a rich and powerful patron who will support you in all your endeavors. Finding yourself in a huge room of a rich house alone or feeling like a stranger there means that soon your well-being will crumble like a house of cards, and then many of your friends, whom you helped a lot, will turn their backs on you. Changing a house (apartment) in a dream means that unpleasant news awaits you about treason or betrayal of loved ones. A dream in which you saw that you were sweeping the floors in the house means that you will soon receive a visit. See interpretation: revenge, wash, order.

Cleaning a house in a dream is a sign that you would like to correct the mistakes you have made and deal with your opponents. Cleaning up the house, putting things in order is an omen that soon your affairs will return to normal, you will do a profitable business. Washing the floors in the house means the death of a loved one. Holes in the floor or roof of a house indicate an imminent separation from a loved one or a move. Seeing your house dilapidated in a dream is an omen of remorse, humiliation, and need. A dream in which you saw your house cramped means losses and damages, about which you will be very worried. This dream speaks of how persistently you are looking for a way out of this situation. Sprinkling a house with water means disappointment. Watering your house with water in a dream means compassion for your neighbor and improvement of your affairs. If you dream that you are wandering around and looking for the right house number, it means that you may take the wrong steps, which you will bitterly regret later. Leaving your home in a dream means that you will make a mistake that you will later regret. Greeting or kissing household members in a dream is a harbinger of receiving good news. Selling a house in a dream means ruin and hardships. Looking for your home means great disappointment and a meager existence. Living in a dugout in a dream is a sign of humiliation and poverty. Not having a home means failures and losses, due to which you will lose peace. See interpretation: building, premises, room, water, key.

Dream Interpretation - House

To leave on the road, to separate completely, changes in life, danger; big - suffering; to see new, tall, beautiful - wealth; to build - wedding, successful change of housing, profit, joy // death (to the patient), troubles, illness, hard work; rent a house - for a wedding, change; whiten – good // death; to coat with clay - to death; burning - profit, joy // illness, loss, news, theft; switch houses with someone - change; lay the foundation of a house - you will start a very profitable business; walking around an unfamiliar house, so it’s difficult to get out - it’s not good, you’ll be sad; and if you go out, you will avoid trouble; old house - contempt; buying it is good // end of life; seeing someone in a new house means misfortune for that person; moving to a new house - death; falling, fallen - quarrel with neighbors, the owner will die; to see your house cramped, to enter it - loss; cleaning your house is joy, profit; decorate - birth of a son, profit; watering your house with water is a pity; a house without windows and doors is death; in the house there is a dance, a game - to the deceased; sweep the house - guests, beware of enemies.

Dream Interpretation - House

This symbol has always personified the stability of the situation in society and confidence in the future, a calm, prosperous life. A house has many different meanings: it can be unfamiliar, new, it can be large and very tiny, it can be striking in sophistication and unusual shapes, or it can look like thousands of other shacks or concrete high-rise buildings. Since the times of the feudal lords, the British have considered a house not only a symbol of wealth, but also of protection, which is why they still call it a fortress to this day.

To see a house whose walls are made of sand and gradually, with every gust of wind, crumble and become thinner - do not be sad, soon everything will be forgotten; what is offered to you is short-lived, so don’t expect it to become your life’s work.

Seeing yourself in a good mood among the bare walls in your own home means facing troubles that only your family can help with.

Seeing yourself in endless chores around the house that don’t even allow you to sit down to rest is a sign of an addition to the family or the arrival of guests.

Seeing a richly furnished house with good repairs means an old dream haunts you, don’t miss the chance to make it come true.

Seeing yourself as the owner in an old house, where people come and praise him, means the loss of old connections, a quarrel with good friends.

To see a house from which demonic laughter can be heard means you will have to deal with a superstitious person, communication with whom will bring a lot of trouble.

Seeing the property from your home being sold under the hammer is a symbol of wealth and prosperity, a sign of a major purchase, the acquisition of something you have long dreamed of.

Seeing many different products and things in duplicate at home - your premonitions and worries may materialize, so stop stressing yourself out.

To see a renovation in your house in which all relatives and neighbors are taking part - you will not be able to find the correct answer to the question of interest, because you yourself do not know what you would like, and you are tossing between the opinions of others on this matter.

Dream Interpretation - House

Seeing your own house in a dream means that in reality you will arrange your well-being, if it is large and furnished with luxury that is unaffordable for you - in real life such a dream threatens disaster.

Seeing your grandfather's house in a dream means the death of one of your relatives. Renovated house - an uncertain situation will soon become clearer. An old and falling apart house means illness in the family; a collapsed one means quarrels and scandals.

A small, like a toy house - for the deceased. A burning house means failure in business.

An abandoned, uninhabited house - your hopes are not destined to come true. If it is intended for demolition, misfortune will befall you due to frivolity.

Seeing in a dream a house in which you once lived before - good news awaits you in reality. Entering it means long-term prosperity.

If in a dream you see yourself in a brothel, it means that in reality you will face dishonor and shame due to self-indulgence. Finding yourself in a gambling house (casino) in a dream means you will end up in an unworthy society and, hoping to earn more, you will lose everything you had. Seeing yourself in a madhouse means you will run into big trouble.

Finding yourself in a nursing home in a dream means family troubles await you.

Building a house in a dream means you will attend a wedding. Breaking a house is a sign of quarrel and frustration. To sell a house means you will go broke in reality; to buy it means you will die a natural death, calmly and with a smile on your lips. To put a roof on a house means you will suffer losses.

To carry out repairs and redevelopment in the house - expect a visit from distant relatives. Bringing new furniture into the house means that in reality you will be able to avoid danger. Cleaning the house means someone will leave the family due to discord.

If in a dream you can’t find your home, in reality you will begin to distrust people. Finding yourself homeless in a dream means failing in all your endeavors and losing heart. Moving to another house in a dream means receiving an urgent task, going on a long business trip. If in a dream you leave home, in reality you will find yourself surrounded by treacherous people who will deceive you.

Seeing the ruins of an ancient house in a dream means your wishes will come true. To see carpenters building a house - be careful with fire, beware of fire. If carpenters are renovating a house, your affairs will improve and you will be honored. The house in the village where you find yourself, it is unclear how, strange and inexplicable events will follow in reality.

Seeing freshly painted houses in your dream foretells that you will be successful in fulfilling your personal plans. If you dream that a nanny has been invited to your home for a child, this portends a serious illness or an unsuccessful visit. If the nanny leaves the house, this promises health and well-being in the family, prosperity and love of relatives.

If in a dream you have tenants in your house, this is a sign that you will be tied up in an unpleasant secret. If one of the tenants disappears from the house without paying, in reality you will face unforeseen complications in your relationship with a loved one.

Living in a dream in a magnificent country house with its own swimming pool, etc., means that lasting family happiness awaits you. Living in an old multi-storey, rotten house means deterioration of health, decline in business and a quarrel with a loved one.

Seeing yourself in a dream as the owner of a fashionable mansion in a prestigious place promises you the favor of fate. Expanding and completing such a house means that a new direction will soon appear in your affairs.

Putting out a fire in your house, experiencing the consequences of a flood or earthquake - do not despair if you fail, because it will be followed by wild luck.

Walking around an area built up with new cottages and looking closely at houses of various layouts, choosing the best option for yourself, means that you will never decide to take a step that could turn your whole life upside down.

Dream Interpretation - House, dwelling

This is a wife who gives her husband shelter near her. And whoever sees that he is leaving a small house will get rid of worries and worries. If he sees that his house has become wider, then this is an increase in his goods and harvest. Seeing houses in a dream is interpreted in different ways. If someone dreams of an unfamiliar house in an unfamiliar place with unfamiliar inhabitants, then this is his house in the afterlife, and the condition of this house will be the same as in the dream: good or bad. And if in a dream you see a house that is familiar to you, then this is a house in worldly life. If someone sees himself in a house familiar to him, then his worldly goods will increase as much as this house was wide and large. If you see your house in ruins in a dream, then this means the destruction of its material condition due to wrong actions. If you see an enlarged size of a familiar house or yard, or a new extension, then this also means an increase in worldly good. To see yourself in a dream in an unfamiliar house, to receive good news soon and to be cured if you are sick.

Entering the house, closing the door tightly behind you, means abstaining from sins. Building a house in a dream is good.

Breaking a house means facing evil and injustice.

Whoever enters the house of a familiar person in a dream will have his secrets revealed. Sometimes your own home symbolizes family and loved ones.

Dream Interpretation - House

Strong - for a stable, prosperous life, dilapidated - for failures and financial losses.

If you dreamed of a dilapidated house, imagine that it is very quickly demolished and a new stone house grows in its place.

Seeing your own house in a dream means serious changes: seeing your house abandoned means that your true friends will turn away from you; you did not find your home where it usually stood - you will be deeply disappointed in people; for some reason you lost your own home - you are threatened with financial losses and failures in fulfilling your plans; make repairs and furnish it with unaffordable luxury - in real life, disasters and catastrophes await you in family life; to see the father's house - to the death of a close relative; your house needs major repairs - to a serious illness of someone close to you; your house is collapsing before your eyes - quarrels and scandals in the family can lead to divorce; return to your old home - plans cannot be implemented due to old mistakes.

Various changes are happening to the house - you feel in disharmony with the world around you: building a house - you harbor illusory hopes for bright changes in your personal life; buying a new house - you feel an urgent need to hide from problems; destroy the house - the collapse of all your plans awaits you; the house is destroyed by the elements - unforeseen circumstances will break your will; the house was destroyed as a result of hostilities - you will not be able to take sides in a serious conflict, which will make you an outcast in the eyes of society; the house is overrun by invaders - you are trying to escape from the influence of a person who has paralyzed your will.

Imagine that you opened the door and went out into the courtyard of the house (see Door, Courtyard).

Dream Interpretation - House

If in a dream you could not find your home, then you will completely lose faith in the honesty of people.

If in a dream you realized that you don’t have a home, get ready for failures and financial losses.

If you found yourself in your old house in a dream, expect good news.

If you saw your old home cozy and joyful, long prosperity awaits you.

Moving is a dream of urgent news and hasty trips.

An abandoned house foreshadows sad events.

According to D. Loff, different things can happen to a house in a dream. You can build or buy it, or you can see how it is destroyed by the elements or war. The house can be overrun by terrorists or robbers - in short, anything can happen to the house. As a rule, a house is dreamed of serious changes, instability, but sometimes – great growth.

A house occupied by someone indicates your unstable relationship with the outside world. You are clearly depressed. Moreover, if you are in this state constantly, then you may well see your house inhabited by some people or animals. Such a dream is a sign of anxiety.

You dream of a destroyed house when moving or having financial troubles. He may dream of a serious illness or divorce. In such dreams, the house falls apart and you are left homeless.

Dreaming of building a house means change. Perhaps you are about to get a promotion or an improvement in your financial situation, which will open up additional opportunities. A qualitative transition to a more serious level in a relationship with a loved one is not excluded. Perhaps you will get married soon. Or maybe you are ripe to have offspring? Then it's time to build a cozy nest. In any case, dreams about building a house always have a positive connotation.

Dream Interpretation - House

Seeing your house new and durable in a dream is fortunate.

Seeing your home as cozy means family well-being.

If you see your house multi-story, it means big profits.

If you see your house collapsed, it means danger.

They demolish your house - to overcome all obstacles.

If you saw your house burning, it meant losses.

If you saw your house abandoned - you will regret the past.

Returning to your home again means living in the past, which is why you will face troubles and misunderstandings from others.

Building a house in a dream means external circumstances beyond your control will not allow you to accomplish everything you have planned.

Inheriting a house means meeting a partner or companion, thanks to whom you can improve your affairs.

The hut is a harbinger of changes in life.

Hut - to sadness.

A cramped clay hut means worsening living conditions.

A shack in a dream - for an upcoming trip or business trip.

Living in an unfinished house means unrest due to the danger of losing your fortune or property.

Living in a barracks means obstacles in business.

You see a building being built in a dream - a sign that you will be able to achieve your goal.

A skyscraper is being built - big profits, benefits, big money await you.

Administrative building - to losses and damages.

A beautiful newly built building means obtaining new sources of income, new work.

Most of the rooms in the building are bright, beautiful, large, then such a dream is success in business and well-being.

Poor, shabby, cramped premises in a building - foretell upcoming difficulties, obstacles in completing a profitable business.

Cottage - for upcoming renovations in your home.


House under construction next to

Dream Interpretation House under construction next to dreamed of why in a dream there is a house under construction next to? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a house under construction next to you in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Row

Shopping row - you will incur unexpected expenses if you buy goods.

Being in a shopping arcade is a sign of a new new thing soon.

Dream Interpretation - Row

Rows of rice and wheat alternate - portends great happiness.

Stars in rows in the sky - the owner will give gifts to servants and subjects....

Dream Interpretation - Rows

Dream Interpretation - Rows

Rows - (of something) - Smooth - there are no obstacles or obstacles on your way, but you yourself can deviate to the side and thereby slow down your progress along the path. Curves are interference in business, inspired from the outside.

Dream Interpretation - Row

Row is a symbol of organization.

Rows of soldiers or a neatly laid out garden.

Dream Interpretation - House

A house (residential) most often symbolizes a person.

However, a wooden house can symbolize a coffin.

A house with smooth walls symbolizes a man, and a house with balconies, loggias and bay windows symbolizes a woman.

Renovating a house means having sexual intercourse.

If you renovate your house with pleasure, then your personal life is in complete order.

If you experience unpleasant sensations while renovating a house, then you don’t love your sexual partner, maybe even hate them, but hide your feelings.

If a man climbs or descends a smooth wall of a house, then he is prone to homosexual contacts.

If a man climbs onto the balcony of a house, then his feelings for a woman are quite serious.

If a woman climbs the smooth wall of a house, then her feelings for a man will most likely remain unrequited.

If a woman climbs onto the balcony of a house, then she needs female guardianship and is inclined to enter into a lesbian relationship.

Climbing onto the roof of a house means striving to complicate and clarify relationships, a desire for scandals and showdowns.

Seeing a destroyed house means you have health problems, including in the sexual sphere.

Being or living in a destroyed house - all your attempts to achieve mutual understanding with your sexual partner were in vain.

Dream Interpretation - House

Home - move to a new home - die. A house without windows and doors - this man's coffin falls. If you dream that they are building a new house, then this is very bad. If you dream of beautiful houses, it means wealth. If a wall falls in a house or in a stable, someone will die in that house (family). Bare walls in a house mean the death of a loved one. The wall fell - a dead man sooner or later. Like a locked house - this is death, evil. The wall falls - trouble falls on your head. As soon as the mother falls out, the owner or mistress will die, and as a wall, then one of the relatives will die. If one of the family members dreams of music and dancing in their house, there will be a dead person in that house. If you dream about building a house, it means illness. They are building a house for you: light and beautiful - your life, black and windowless - rowing. The storm tore the roof off the house - beware of a tragic disaster. Building, erecting, oiling a house means death. The house falls apart, the motherboard falls, the ceiling falls, the walls collapse (especially the corner wall), the stove falls - this means death. If you dream about a house, it means a change in life. To sweep the house - guests; get rid of enemies. Lit - to theft; news. High - wealth; falls - death.

Dream Interpretation - House

Dreams about houses often mean the structure of life, the course of affairs. What the future holds for you depends on the condition of your home. Sometimes these dreams repeat themselves. Especially if you think about your life and expect changes for the bad or, conversely, for the good. Seeing a shiny or gold-covered house is a sign of misfortune or trouble. Buy, inspect a house - make plans for the future. Such a dream also predicts changes in life and position. Pay attention to the condition of the room, furniture, lighting and the feelings you experienced when examining the house in your dream. Building a house in a dream means that you will have a hard time achieving a stable position in society and prosperity. Sometimes such a dream portends boredom, dissatisfaction with one’s situation, or illness. For the patient, such a dream predicts imminent death. Building a barn or shed in a dream means that you will soon have your own home and family. See interpretation: barn, shed.

Having your own home in a dream, as it is, means that your worries are in vain and life in your home will improve. If in a dream you are repairing or covering a house with a roof, then in reality you will experience disappointment and loss. Finding yourself in a locked room is a dream warning that someone is plotting against you. Seeing a devastated, looted house (your own) in a dream means profit and big good changes. Destruction in the house means troubles that threaten your well-being. Sometimes such a dream can mean a long illness (depending on the degree of destruction), and the patient who sees such a dream can die. To see renovations in your house in a dream means that you will soon have to work hard to correct the mistakes you have made or improve your situation. Seeing a house destined for destruction in a dream is a warning that your rash actions will harm your well-being. Changes and rearrangements in the house that you make in a dream mean changes or a visit from an important person. A dream in which you see your house empty warns you of a possible separation from a loved one, of unfulfilled hopes and of material losses. Such a dream also suggests that you are dissatisfied with your current situation and are painfully looking for a way out of it. A dream in which you see your house engulfed in fire is a sign of failure in business, troubles and grief. Such a dream often warns of danger to the lives of the inhabitants of this house. A burning living room or dining room is a harbinger of unpleasant news about the illness of the owner of the house. The same is true if you see furniture or draperies in your home catch fire and burn. The worst thing is if the situation in the house burns to the ground. In this case, expect great and lasting disasters. To see in a dream how the top floor of a house is burning and collapsing is a warning to the one who saw such a dream that he may lose his fortune and be humiliated. Unfaithful friends will leave him in difficult times. In addition, such a dream may threaten a large trial. However, if in a dream a house burns with a clear flame, without destruction or smoke, then a poor man will become rich, and a rich man will become noble. Trees burning in front of a house are a sign of loss for its owners. Seeing the house of your parents (old people) in a dream means receiving bad news about misfortune in the family. See interpretation: tenant, fire.

Seeing a strange-looking home in a dream means that your real life is not organized and you are deeply worried about it. If you see in a dream a transformation of housing from strange to normal, it is a sign that the same thing will happen to you in life. Entering such a home in a dream is a harbinger that you will soon get involved in an unusual business. If you dream that you are looking for a way out of such a house and cannot find it, then the dream warns you that you should refrain from risky ventures. Seeing a beautiful house from afar in a dream means that a wonderful and happy future awaits you. Walking into a beautiful and tall house in a dream means big changes for the better. After such a dream, you can count on a good and profitable place and making profitable deals. Such a dream often promises you a rich and powerful patron who will support you in all your endeavors. Finding yourself in a huge room of a rich house alone or feeling like a stranger there means that soon your well-being will crumble like a house of cards, and then many of your friends, whom you helped a lot, will turn their backs on you. Changing a house (apartment) in a dream means that unpleasant news awaits you about treason or betrayal of loved ones. A dream in which you saw that you were sweeping the floors in the house means that you will soon receive a visit. See interpretation: revenge, wash, order.

Cleaning a house in a dream is a sign that you would like to correct the mistakes you have made and deal with your opponents. Cleaning up the house, putting things in order is an omen that soon your affairs will return to normal, you will do a profitable business. Washing the floors in the house means the death of a loved one. Holes in the floor or roof of a house indicate an imminent separation from a loved one or a move. Seeing your house dilapidated in a dream is an omen of remorse, humiliation, and need. A dream in which you saw your house cramped means losses and damages, about which you will be very worried. This dream speaks of how persistently you are looking for a way out of this situation. Sprinkling a house with water means disappointment. Watering your house with water in a dream means compassion for your neighbor and improvement of your affairs. If you dream that you are wandering around and looking for the right house number, it means that you may take the wrong steps, which you will bitterly regret later. Leaving your home in a dream means that you will make a mistake that you will later regret. Greeting or kissing household members in a dream is a harbinger of receiving good news. Selling a house in a dream means ruin and hardships. Looking for your home means great disappointment and a meager existence. Living in a dugout in a dream is a sign of humiliation and poverty. Not having a home means failures and losses, due to which you will lose peace. See interpretation: building, premises, room, water, key.

Dream Interpretation - House

To leave on the road, to separate completely, changes in life, danger; big - suffering; to see new, tall, beautiful - wealth; to build - wedding, successful change of housing, profit, joy // death (to the patient), troubles, illness, hard work; rent a house - for a wedding, change; whiten – good // death; to coat with clay - to death; burning - profit, joy // illness, loss, news, theft; switch houses with someone - change; lay the foundation of a house - you will start a very profitable business; walking around an unfamiliar house, so it’s difficult to get out - it’s not good, you’ll be sad; and if you go out, you will avoid trouble; old house - contempt; buying it is good // end of life; seeing someone in a new house means misfortune for that person; moving to a new house - death; falling, fallen - quarrel with neighbors, the owner will die; to see your house cramped, to enter it - loss; cleaning your house is joy, profit; decorate - birth of a son, profit; watering your house with water is a pity; a house without windows and doors is death; in the house there is a dance, a game - to the deceased; sweep the house - guests, beware of enemies.

Dream Interpretation - House

This symbol has always personified the stability of the situation in society and confidence in the future, a calm, prosperous life. A house has many different meanings: it can be unfamiliar, new, it can be large and very tiny, it can be striking in sophistication and unusual shapes, or it can look like thousands of other shacks or concrete high-rise buildings. Since the times of the feudal lords, the British have considered a house not only a symbol of wealth, but also of protection, which is why they still call it a fortress to this day.

The Slavs have many versions of “correct” houses: brownies should live in the house, in every house there should be a cat in which the brownie lives or with whom the brownie communicates. It was believed that the house in which suicide happened was forever cursed and life in it would not be happy. Everything that is warm, dear and dear to the heart is associated with home.

To see a house whose walls are made of sand and gradually, with every gust of wind, crumble and become thinner - do not be sad, soon everything will be forgotten; what is offered to you is short-lived, so don’t expect it to become your life’s work.

Seeing yourself in a good mood among the bare walls in your own home means facing troubles that only your family can help with.

Seeing yourself in endless chores around the house that don’t even allow you to sit down to rest is a sign of an addition to the family or the arrival of guests.

Seeing a richly furnished house with good repairs means an old dream haunts you, don’t miss the chance to make it come true.

Seeing yourself as the owner in an old house, where people come and praise him, means the loss of old connections, a quarrel with good friends.

To see a house from which demonic laughter can be heard means you will have to deal with a superstitious person, communication with whom will bring a lot of trouble.

Seeing the property from your home being sold under the hammer is a symbol of wealth and prosperity, a sign of a major purchase, the acquisition of something you have long dreamed of.

Seeing many different products and things in duplicate at home - your premonitions and worries may materialize, so stop stressing yourself out.

To see a renovation in your house in which all relatives and neighbors are taking part - you will not be able to find the correct answer to the question of interest, because you yourself do not know what you would like, and you are tossing between the opinions of others on this matter.


Temple under construction

Dream Interpretation Temple under construction dreamed of why you dream about a temple under construction? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Temple under construction in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Temple

The word "temple": means separation.

In ancient times, the temple was a crossroads or watershed between heaven and earth.

It was believed that the earthly temple was a copy of the heavenly temple.

If this sign appears to you, try to create an inner temple or sanctuary within yourself.

Dream Interpretation - Temple

Temples and spiritual abodes are common in dreams. This is because many dreams include themes about purification, preparation, moral judgment, or Divine communication. As a rule, such dreams visit you during those periods of life when your inner world is unstable and you strive to somehow strengthen it.

Sometimes in such dreams STRANGERS participate as clergy or priests of the temple. These clergy make it clear what kind of service is required in the temple and what area of ​​your life should be influenced. They can all be represented by older persons of the same sex or by subjects dressed in a special way.

If there are no clergy or priests in the temple, then this may indicate an internal journey or struggle, which, in contrast to external moral choice, requires resolution.

Dream Interpretation - Temple

A woman’s dream about a Greek temple foreshadows her selfless love. If you dreamed that you were in a temple, this dream can serve as a warning - you will have to experience the envy of others.

If a man sees himself entering a temple in a dream, the dream suggests that he will soon win the favor of a woman from high society. If you can see a temple from your window, it means that you will meet under circumstances that seem implausible to you, but it is this meeting that will bring you the fulfillment of your dream.

Dream Interpretation - Temple

Seeing a temple in a dream or going to a temple for worship foretells prosperity. To be present at the church at the all-night vigil is a sign of family troubles. Singing in the church on the choir - in reality you will acquire a useful acquaintance.

Seeing a priest at the altar means failure in commerce, repentance for mistakes; on the pulpit - you will find yourself in a boring society; near the icon case - success of a good deed; waving a censer - joy and prosperity; blessing you - show good feelings; whoever confesses you, expect trouble.

A church seen in a dream foreshadows disappointment. Being in church means taking part in a funeral, bad times will come. Praying in church is happiness in all matters.

Approaching the altar and kneeling is a valuable discovery. Leaving church is a mental relief.

To dream of a mosque means spiritual purification, self-improvement, rejection of evil in all forms and manifestations. Seeing a mullah in a mosque is a call to love and goodness.

A church in a dream means that your exalted nature, aspiring to the mountain heights, when faced with manifestations of baseness and evil, will be deeply wounded and will experience severe moral torment and suffering. Seeing a Catholic priest in a church means peace of mind in work and humility.

A dream in which you saw a synagogue speaks of numerous thorns on the path to a bright, sublime and noble goal. Hearing a rabbi in the synagogue foretells a successful course of affairs and danger has passed.

Seeing a Protestant church in a dream means that in reality you will find yourself in a society of educated and highly cultured people.

Dream Interpretation - Temple

D. Loff wrote: “Temples and spiritual abodes are widespread in dreams. This is because many dreams include themes of purification, preparation, moral judgment, or Divine communication. As a rule, such dreams visit you during those periods of life when your inner world is unstable and you strive to somehow strengthen it.

Sometimes strangers participate in such dreams as clergy or priests of the temple. These clergy make it clear what kind of service is required in the temple and what area of ​​your life should be influenced. They can all be represented by older persons of the same sex or by subjects dressed in a special way.

If there are no clergy or priests in the temple, then this may indicate an internal journey or struggle, which, in contrast to external moral choice, requires resolution.”

Dream Interpretation - Temple

A large temple of ancestors means happiness and good luck in all matters.

Images of deities move when you enter the temple of your ancestors - great happiness.

Dreaming of a temple means good luck, good luck in all matters.

Dream Interpretation - Temple

Temple - Spirit. The state of the temple speaks about the state of your spirit if you treat X with reverence in a dream. If you don’t feel emotional trepidation, then see “The Cathedral.” If X. a sacred ceremony of any kind occurs, you grow spiritually. If you take any oath, in reality you reach the level of Serving the Law of Existence. To build X. - to work for the benefit of building a spiritual society. Decorating X. - behind tinsel you are hiding the poverty of your spirit. Ruins of X. - you do not fulfill your karmic tasks, life is wasted. People in X. - look for like-minded people. Abbot X. - look for the spiritual Teacher, perhaps he has already come, but you did not see him.

Dream Interpretation - Temple

Entering a high temple - a dream means that thanks to wise teachers you will achieve great heights in life.

Imagine that you are entering a temple you dreamed of. Imagine its high dome, wall paintings, rays of light shining through the window openings.

Dream Interpretation - Temple

If you dreamed that you came to a temple, you will soon find peace and harmony in your soul. Do a few good deeds every day and very soon you will find harmony in your soul.

If you dreamed that you left the temple, you have lost support from above. To return this support, bring different gifts to the gods every night - place a glass of water in one corner, a burning candle in another, pour a little earth in the third, and place an empty bowl in the fourth;

Every evening, leave some gifts in the corners, and eat them in the morning.

Dream Interpretation - Temple

(see Temple) Good // to death, illness, for worse, sadness; an old temple means death.

Construction in a dream symbolizes your plans. This indicates an internal desire to start something new, to begin realizing one’s dreams. The results of these undertakings can be judged from the accompanying signs.

If, according to the plot of the dream, you have started construction, some changes are coming in reality. Perhaps you have been planning to start a new one for a long time, outlined some goals, and now it’s time to act. If you miss a favorable moment, the implementation of your plans may be postponed indefinitely.


What construction did you dream about?

What did you do in your dream?

What does it mean if you had to build something in a dream▼

If you observed construction, you will be dealing with influential people who will be able to help achieve all your plans, but will demand some kind of service for them, which can put you in trouble. If you yourself were a developer, you can significantly improve your reputation and gain popularity thanks to the development of promising projects.

What kind of construction did you dream about?

Why do you dream of an abandoned construction site ▼

If you saw an abandoned construction site in a dream, this is a reason to think about it. But don’t confuse pipe dreams with setting a specific goal and determining how to achieve it. It also serves as a reminder that the work started is necessary, no matter what.

What does a dream about a construction site with workers mean according to the dream book?

A dream in which you were busy at a construction site with workers means that the near future will be happy and joyful. You have to experience many pleasant moments and spend time with your loved ones, forgetting about.

Why see a big construction site in a dream▼

According to the dream book, a large construction site reflects your internal relationships. Close people will always support you in any endeavor. They will adhere to your position, even if it does not correspond to their opinion, as long as you are confident in your abilities.

What did you do in your dream at a construction site?

If you had to run at a construction site in a dream▼

Running at a construction site in a dream means that your conclusions are too hasty. Do not make decisions without carefully studying all the circumstances and assessing the current situation. Now is not the case when the time factor is decisive. It's better to be late than to mess it up in time.

If you dreamed that you were crawling around a construction site▼

To dream that you are crawling around a construction site means you will miss favorable opportunities to realize your plans. Because of your indecision, you will refuse a very profitable offer, being afraid. Considering this, try to overcome yours and take advantage of the happy opportunity.

How are other dream books interpreted?

Miller's Dream Book

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Did you dream about a construction project, but the required interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about Construction in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    • Oksana, perhaps you will experience changes at work associated with the arrival of a new person.

      • Ksenia, perhaps a dream in which a construction project is predicted for you, suggests that serious changes are possible in your life.

        I dreamed how my beloved person, with whom we are not together, was erecting a new one from an old building in order to create his own company there. I saw the wooden building, the workers, heard how he gave orders, resolved disputes about costs with which his employees disagreed, they believed that buying out the building and construction was expensive, he believed that it was profitable and that everything would soon pay off. And it’s as if our apartment will also be in the same building - we moved to live here together. And I saw his things, for some reason among them there were many old sheepskin coats hanging on hangers - the kind our fathers and grandfathers wore in the Soviet years. And I still couldn’t understand why he, a rich young businessman, needed them.

        • Ksenia, perhaps a dream in which you see a construction site led by your boyfriend reflects your subconscious need to change something in your relationship with him.

          Here's a dream: I dreamed about the construction of a church. Someone told me that you can buy an icon in this church. At the entrance to the church, a young man meets me (as I understood in the dream, he is building this church), invites me to come inside and tells me something. There are several people besides him who help him. But I didn’t buy the icons and left.

          I dreamed of the rapid construction of five-story buildings and large holes dug at construction sites for new houses, and two builders fell in turn from a great height, in short, it was a terrible sight, as if in reality

          Help me interpret the dream. I dreamed that I was walking through an unfinished construction site, something like a huge entertainment center. The work is not yet finished, but construction is already nearing completion, although no workers are visible. I walk around, inspecting the retail space, imagining what these premises will be like after the success of the facility. I’m kind of the owner and I’m already planning the number of retail meters to be rented, what will be in these stores and how much I will earn from it. Some premises have already been rented out by me, although they have not yet been completed. At the end I found myself in the middle of an unfinished circus arena, looking at the auditorium and imagining the performances after the end of this huge shopping and entertainment center...

          • Your dream in which you saw a construction site most likely indicates that you may find yourself in a situation that will require you to start all over again for successful actions.

            I constantly dream about the same construction site for many years!
            , very large, but not a residential building, a very tall building with external glazing, a brick building, a steel frame (I know for sure), something was being built over the years, but it was not completely finished, I didn’t see the workers either, only the redneck security guards. I’ve probably seen this construction at various stages for about 5 years. In the dream, most often it was a cold, clear day, autumn, light, but the grass was dry and yellow. From the south and west along the road there is a dense forest and artificial planting of pine trees. The building is incredibly strong, but everything is somehow rusty and is not being completed in any way! In my dreams I always wanted to see it finished.
            Well, I come there again and see (this building stands at the crossroads of three major roads) such a sight: the red brick walls have been dismantled right down to the foundation, but the frame is still standing. And then there was an extension from the west - a huge dome at the 15th floor level with an abundance of steel beams + and thinner ones again under black matte glazing) of unreal thickness. Even the tower crane seems smaller than this. There are almost no people, but someone said: the building will be rebuilt
            Fuck it (literally), get out of here. Well I left. Then he ran with some funny people
            down the concrete steep stairs in parkour style. Some of the steps have not been repaired for a long time

            Good afternoon I dreamed that I went out onto the balcony and saw that the neighbors had completed their balconies. A lot had been completed, entire rooms. I was amazed by the size of what had been completed. Below were bags of building materials. I was very surprised and looked at it all for a long time. The dream is as clear as reality. What could this mean? Thank you in advance.

            I'm at a construction site with some people. and next to the highway. A passenger car was driving out of this construction site onto the highway, and I had to tell the make of this car and the year of manufacture. I guessed right, but those people argued with me and, in order to check, asked me to name something else or guess.

            I dreamed that I was sitting with my ex-husband and suddenly a new house appeared in front of us at the stage of completion of construction. I know that I have an apartment there, which I am really looking forward to. I suggest that my ex-husband go and see this apartment. When we appear in the apartment in the kitchen, the renovation is mediocre, the wallpaper, linoleum are so-so... But I understand that there are many more advantages: the house is almost ready, the kitchen is large. And the renovation can be fixed, the main thing is to wait a little. And one more thing: I couldn’t shake the feeling that my ex-husband put a lot of effort so that everything works out, even though the apartment is mine.

            I dream that I am watching and observing the construction of a residential building, and my husband asks me how is the apartment for you? Like our apartment is being built there. Well, they’re not ready yet and he’s already asking whether I like it or not, I didn’t say good, although in the dream I think she’s not ready yet, what is he asking me?

            I dreamed that there was a grandiose construction site around me, a bunch of builders (although I recently bought an apartment in a new residential complex-saber, my daughter is a small apartment.) So this construction is going around us. We’ll look back-I’ll look much more at my daughter. in a dream I ask myself, how is this, I bought her a small apartment! And she tells me - the view from HIS window is even more interesting - you can see all the minibuses along the road. And she goes to meet her neighbors. Why is this?

            good afternoon!!!, I arrived on an incredibly beautiful island, it is all green in the middle of the blue ocean and there is construction everywhere, both on land and on water! and my friend and I did it!! but not as workers, but as foremen!!
            and they sailed to us at the same time, he was a passenger liner to him on a ship on a cargo ship and at the same time he was a passenger liner!!! beautiful!! I saw it from all sides, there were a lot of girls models and their main one)) the woman said that I had a beautiful hairstyle! I replied that she didn’t see me with my clothes, then another friend appeared, the three of us were in the cabin, we were fooling around with one and when he left I had 5200 money in my hands!!! and there was also some guy there, he pushed me from the boat into the water,

            I dream of an abandoned house with 4 floors, but now the 5th floor is being completed. It feels like the 5th floor is going to collapse. There are 2 men standing next to me, I don’t see them, I just hear them, and they are arguing about this floor.

            I had a dream, I was at a construction site, a multi-story building, like offices, rounded corners, I was running, looking, someone else was there, some friend
            it was very light, the walls were light, white, there was some kind of rag, like a blanket, covered my shoulders and ran around, that’s all

            I dreamed that there was a construction site right in the cliff; it was yellow and had the inscription “what are you doing?” but, as it were, a greeting. The construction site is right next to the road and I’m there with the child. then my child ran out onto the road, a white car hit him at high speed and I carried his headless corpse in my arms. but just a terrible dream!

            I dreamed that I was at a house construction site, I don’t know how I ended up on the balcony of a house being built, I went down, I couldn’t look for a way out of this house, I saw workers who were painting, then I left the house and saw how they were setting fire to the house where I lived for a long time, the fire was put out and I started looking for our apartment on my own and couldn’t do it remember then I woke up

            I was relaxing with friends near an abandoned construction site, then all my friends suddenly disappeared and I found myself in the building itself with some transparent people, and just stood in place, and then they threw me off the second floor

            Hello. I dreamed that the Mariinsky Theater was demolished, and in its place, at the time I passed there, there were only Foundation blocks (like a labyrinth) - and several floors - under construction. It was night, and I felt scared because the city seemed empty and night, and from memory I decided that I would now go through and go out to the embankment and to people at the market located there in reality, I took a few steps, seemed to have left the building, but was afraid to go further, since all the houses were on the way, too were demolished, and in their place there was also a construction site, I was afraid that I would get lost, and returned back. In reality, I lived there next to the Mariinsky for 4.5 years (4 years ago), and that 4-5-story building in which I lived, in a dream, became a multi-story and very wide building, reminiscent of office buildings with many windows. And in St. Petersburg I It was as if she had arrived for one night and had to leave back the next day. I wondered where to spend the night. then a man from the past, with whom I lived there, appeared and said that he would find me a place to stay for the night, only he asked me to wait for him. Suddenly another person appeared, like his friend. and says that I should not believe him and not hope for an overnight stay from him, that he will not return, and this friend himself will find me an overnight stay. but he still appeared in the frame, like looking for a place to stay for the night...

            I dreamed about the construction of a large business center or residential building. I walked around this construction site, in the most standing building, with a friend, and said that supposedly I had been here for the 3rd time. I also walked around this building and hid from the workers, I wanted to steal something there, after which I ended up on some factory, standing looking at the conveyor belt.

            I dreamed that I was at a construction site, a large building made of concrete slabs was being built, and this seemed to relate to my work, because it was my boss’s construction site. I walked there, seemed to be sleeping somewhere and lost my gold earring; it was on my left ear, and my mother gave me earrings a long time ago, well, they were so small, I didn’t seem to worry too much, but still my mother gave them to me.

            They were looking for me, I woke up from the touch of a loved one on the leg in a chair that was not my own, I saw builders dragging boards from this house for some kind of construction, there were children in the house, girls of 5,6,7 years old and adult women who seemed to be sisters, she was talking about animals with the children.

            I had a dream that I was at an abandoned construction site, all the locals call it B-13, I walked at this construction site about 5 times this summer. So, I go there, go up to the second floor, I see that none of my friends are there and I’m about to leave. But that’s not the case - the exit is blocked with bricks. I walked around looking for a way out, tried to jump from the second floor, run away, but again I find myself at a construction site with no way out. When I see my friend Rita and some other girl about seven years old. They they say that we need to call my dad and tell him to pick us up, and when I saw the second floor window, I said, “We can run away,” and then I heard the malicious laugh of a dwarf woman with a big hump, the girls said that her name was Margaret (that’s right, creating a VKontakte page a week ago, I signed up - Margaret). In the end, we never ran away. And since I study in Kremenchug, I asked this Margaret to let me go for 5 days a week, and on weekends I will return to her. I was shocked when she allegedly agreed.
            All day long I have been left with a feeling of anxiety and a premonition of something terrible!
            I had never seen such a dream before.

            I dreamed that my ex-beloved man was building a house with a team of workers, trying to finish it quickly, and when I went into the house, it was not very well made, the house was shaking, and there was construction nearby
            l my father’s house, although it took him a long time, it turned out well! The house was completed to the end!

            Hello! In my dream there were three dreams combined, at first I dreamed of a construction site in some deserted place, and then I moved to a canyon in which there was a well, later lower into this well we opened a secret door and found a lot of diamonds and gold jewelry, then In my opinion, but I’m not sure exactly in the same place, a person was dying, while I didn’t have any emotions, I just got out of there and came to the place where the construction site should be!

            I dreamed that my dad and I were doing renovations at our house, we were rebuilding everything, the door was moved to the other side, not where we have it, the room was expanded, and the other one was made a little smaller, but better, and everything was so compact, it turned out well, although it’s a big mess , as always after construction and renovation... but I was happy and I liked everything

            I dreamed of an abandoned construction site (located near my grandmother’s house in the village), me, a friend and two friends went down inside (it was like I saw 3 rooms). Roma went into another room, and the three of us were watching something. I immediately felt uneasy and walked closer to the exit. When I was standing at the steps, the entrance to the room began to close (it looked like a black hole), I quickly got up and my friend shouted something to me, suddenly a small thing appeared on my finger (probably a ring), I couldn’t take it off, then she took it off and quickly tossed it to a friend who stayed at the construction site with friends. The hole closed and I woke up.

            I was at the construction site of some tall building, there was a hole there, suddenly I stopped seeing, it just became dark in my eyes, I stumbled and began to fall into it, clinging to the edges, there was some kind of despair and a lot of fear, I began to cry. Then my vision returned and the construction site was surrounded by a fence, on the other side there was an angry German shepherd who was barking madly and apparently wanted to bite me, but since there was a fence there she couldn’t. I walked up to her and extended my hand, she almost bit me, but didn’t bite me, as if she was embarrassed.

            I felt bad at heart, I decided to go to an abandoned construction site there, I was talking on the phone, I don’t remember with whom, while talking on the phone, I stood on the edge of the height, I thought that just a little bit and I would fall from there... then I heard sounds that I was not alone there.. then I saw a person and this was a girl, she also seemed to be talking on the phone with her mother. then I called to come to me, she came and we sat down and talked about something.. everything

            Hello! I dreamed of a construction site, slabs, piles, holes, well, a construction site, and I walked along it, I saw a car with a crane in front, I realized that I had to give way to it so that it could pass, I began to move to the side and there was like a temporary road made of sand, gravel, etc. I step there and sink up to my knees, I step even more, I sink even more, everything is soft, I think that now the car will pass and I will go out onto the hard road, then I will let it pass, well, the car drove away and from there I went out onto the hard road

            Good afternoon I dreamed that I and my daughter were walking through the city and heard and saw shooting, began to run away and ran past a construction site, ran to a building in which there was an office on the ground floor, went there and began to try on beautiful clothes. What does this dream mean?

            Hello! I dreamed that I was climbing a construction site with my friends, and then when we were on the roof, I couldn’t get down because the ladder was shaking, then I saw my friends jumping from the roof and I jumped after them, when I was flying the feelings were great, I flew and got to my feet

            I am standing next to a construction site, a tall building, the builders are decorating the exterior of the building with travertine (a natural finishing stone), the building has windows and doors. A beautiful, grandiose building.

            I dreamed of my friend’s deceased husband, he showed me the built foundation of the house in which he and his friend would live. Then in a large house he showed me an apartment opposite my house, because from the windows of his apartment I saw my windows (the house in which I lived from birth to 27 years old), the walls in his new apartment were very fragile, as if they were made of plastic, and I was disappointed...

            Good afternoon, Tatyana! I dreamed about the construction of a large hotel, and I was the general contractor, the customer, and the developer. A water park (something like that) was being built next to the hotel. He hired some Ravshans and Dzhumshuts to build the water park, they promised to finish everything in 2 days, and paid each builder $20,000. In general, after 2 days everything was finished, except for the hotel, where a number of minor deficiencies remained.

            construction of some kind of establishment, cafe or restaurant, I was there but didn’t work, tried to start but something was constantly distracting me... there was also a girl present in the dream, we talked to her once, I don’t remember exactly what

            very often I dream of a construction site, I dream of various construction projects and that I seem to be fired from work or cannot be hired, but I still work today I dreamed of digging sewers, installing rings but not laying pipes, and I moved somewhere to a hostel there and negotiated with food and so construction dreams very often with uv. to you sazon im.

            I dreamed of a construction site, the construction of multi-story buildings. A lot of bricks, cranes, for some reason, rails and a train, a hangar into which the train enters. At this moment I find myself between two pieces of rail and am afraid, because... There's a train coming from one side and the other, I'm scared. They move in opposite directions. I see these heavy carriages moving past me, they are old, more like work trailers. Then I calm down, because... The trains have left, I'm not afraid. This is such a dream.

            Tatyana, hello!
            I dreamed of my old classmate, we met her by chance and she was very happy, we started hugging and laughing and suddenly we found ourselves near the construction site of a residential complex, there was a crane, workers, in general, everything was as it should be. I was surprised and asked what is this? And she said a new residential complex is being built and I am heading the construction. And she asked me to be sure to come to her office if possible. It was a strange dream... but I felt everything very vividly, as if in reality.

            me, my sister and mother were walking home, it was a sunny summer day, we decided to go up to the last 12th floor of our house, it was as if the entire floor was being renovated, one apartment was completely ready and beautifully furnished, the other, there were only pillars and walls not yet They erected the third one, only the plan was drawn, then for some reason my mother and sister went home while I was looking at the apartment plan.

            it was like this, my mother and stepfather and I went to his mother. His younger brother and his girlfriend were there, she gave us gifts and we went somewhere. after all this we ended up in the car of his older brother (stepfather’s older brother), and they were either sitting, arguing or talking, and at that time my mother was also busy with something, but I don’t remember what, and then the car drove off, “fence, fence,” and they didn’t seem to hear me, but then his older brother grabbed the steering wheel, and the closer we got, the faster the speed increased, and we crashed at such a high speed into an abandoned construction site near the hospital. And then it was dark and I woke up abruptly. Please help, what does this mean?

            Huge construction of a large building. During the construction process, the young man and we are looking for a place for privacy, but we have not found it. A flying object is flying in the sky, not an airplane or something else with a scattering of lights across the sky like from a searchlight, but it looked like fireworks, it was very beautiful

            Hello. I dreamed of our house in the village. I arrived in the village, and there was large-scale construction near the house. I see my relatives in the yard, but they don’t see me. I’m trying to break through to the house, but because of the construction I can’t get to it.

            Me and all my close friends ended up at a construction site. We had to start there and build a cottage community. In the dream there was my girlfriend and her friend and for some reason I really liked her friend. She even helped me when I got hurt. And friends and acquaintances kept coming to the construction site and there were more and more of us)

            I saw in a dream how my house stood and above it there were long gray foundations just being built, as if a five-story house was being built. then there are snowdrifts of white snow all around and cars can’t get through, I run with fear and with thoughts that I’m about to be carried under a snowdrift, and on the other hand I was afraid that this foundation would fall on me. at that moment the foundation began to fall, but at that moment someone I knew saved me, I don’t know for sure.

            I dreamed of a construction site. It was a huge house, on which, oddly enough, there were few or no workers (I don’t remember exactly). In front of the house, in some rooms for animals, there were tigers and dogs, however, in my opinion, they ,were not aggressive.

            for some reason I dreamed that I found myself on an unfinished skyscraper on the top floor with a friend whom I had not seen in reality for a long time, I tried to make a kind of parachute from improvised means to go down, then on the floor we found a hidden loophole down the floors, along which It was quite easy to go downstairs, but on that floor there were some people who looked more like teenage alcoholics. Then for some reason I don’t remember how we went down, but already at the bottom I met another friend, and we sat with him in a kind of cafe that was not very friendly from the side of visitors. Then for some reason I found myself in the courtyard of this cafe, more like the courtyard of some private house, but still, leaving in the car of a second friend who stayed in that cafe, but before leaving he came across a crowd of angry people who began to smash this car. I tried to resist people, then, in despair, I let the matter take its course in the hope that the cameras would see this process, and I would still remain in the right because I thought that later it could be presented in court, but still I decided to run and call a friend (supposedly the owner of the car ) when they returned, they saw a car wrecked by superhuman efforts, the trunk of which seemed to be rammed by an oak tree at a speed of at least 50 km per hour. I don’t remember anything else - tell me, what did that even happen?

            I hear a roar at home and understand that it’s an ice drift. And for some reason, on the edge of the river there is a high-rise building under construction. And I think that the ice will destroy everything now. People are wrapping. the object is supposedly saved by cables. Only then do I calm down.

            I had a dream that I was standing at the construction site of a multi-storey building with white gas blocks and they were just so softly white and clean and someone said this is what your house will be... and in this dream I really remembered this wall from those white gas blocks, and I even tried take part in this...

            I dream about a house being built, since I have now got a new job, in the dream I understand that this dream is connected specifically with work. In the dream, pink was the dominant color in this house. I don't remember any more details.

            a high-rise, multi-story construction site with a crane and I’m lying far away, watching through the fence. I see large bricks flying past through the fence. But one big brick or big stone from the sky seems to fall on me. Before I fall, I scream in fright and wake up.

            I was in a high-rise building, visiting my friend. This building was new, mostly made of pure transparent glass, looking out the window I saw construction work around me, everything was clean and in progress, I had a baby in my arms, he was strange, like a doll, one day he woke up and smiled at me - it was happiness

            I am walking through the construction site of a large multi-story building. Along unfinished stairs. Someone stepped on the stairs and she fell. But I didn’t go there. I started looking for another way out. The interpretation is not downward but upward. Found. And he started to get up and woke up.. It seems like I’m working there. I tell people who work. It seems like he has people working there. I communicate their work... Why would that be?

            I dreamed that I was walking along our street and the roofs were being blocked in two neighboring houses, I approached our house and the walls had already been erected there and they were also going to block the roof, although in fact we had not yet started building the house. why such a dream?

            Hello Tatiana! I saw in a dream the construction of some new enterprise... there were workers, building materials... and there was a man with whom I had recently broken up... we were filling out some papers... then they gave me a bag of candy and I went home... Arriving home (at my childhood home) I saw that my parents also started building a veranda... I saw cement blocks and a cleared area...

            I had a dream in which I and my friends were at the construction site of a shopping and entertainment center. I climbed metal beams. Then she sat down on one of them and started talking to a friend. Then I woke up.

            Hello, I dreamed of a construction site, but it was not a new building being built, but rather an old one being renovated, I walked along the floors and looked around, then I went out onto a kind of balcony and saw cars passing below. One of the cars stopped and a woman came out and threw a red rubber ball up to me, I threw it back to her... That's all. Thank you in advance.

            Hello. Today I saw a strange dream. I hope you can help me interpret it. In the dream, I saw that I was with friends at the construction site of a multi-story building. At least 3 floors had already been more or less built, and we were on these floors. In the dream I thought: “What exactly am I doing here?” And I wanted to leave. On the way to the exit, I discovered caches of food in the walls of the building, but I still went to look for a way out. Not finding a way out, I decided to go back and eat something from these caches, but no matter how I looked, I never found the caches. This is such a strange and funny dream. Why is this?

            I dreamed that I forgot my backpack with things in the classroom where there was a lecture, and when I started looking, it turned out that this building was undergoing renovations and all the internal doors were closed and some were even bricked up, but suddenly a builder appeared and all the doors (even the built-up ones) opened in front of him ) and I followed him and took my backpack with my phone to urgently call my loved one and ask for forgiveness.

            I walked around a construction site. It seems a new hospital was being built. I talked with the chief physician of this new hospital, he is supposedly a good friend of mine, about the deadlines for completion and that the hospital will represent a modern and technically modernized medical institution. The hospital was built of red brick. There were many multi-storey buildings - a whole complex. Then I visited another construction site. This was a multi-storey residential building being built, where I was supposed to get an apartment. I looked at what stage the construction is at. The house is panel. I woke up in the morning feeling positive.

            My name is Nastya
            I dreamed of abandoned high-rise buildings that were not completed.
            People known and unknown.
            We climbed around these houses and on them and in them.
            I also remember how they told me not to go near the house number 4
            What could this mean?
            Thank you

            Hello! I dreamed of the construction of a church.. More precisely, in the dream there were two of them, one made of red brick was like an abandoned construction site, and the second large white one behind the first was being built very quickly but had not yet been completed, there were no domes!!!

            I dreamed that I was walking around a construction site with my man. This construction is not finished yet, apparently suspended because it’s winter. We go and look. And opposite this construction site is another construction site, but there are children walking there, they were running and laughing. I looked at them with a smile and remembered how we, as teenagers, also ran around construction sites. This is where my dream ended. I woke up.

            Good afternoon. I dreamed that my mother (who was alive) was walking slowly and talking as usual. We walked through a large-scale construction site - many high-rise buildings that had begun, a whole block. Dogs appeared around - big ones. A fight broke out between a large adult puppy and an equally sized but mature dog. At first the young one won, pressing the old one to the asphalt, then vice versa - the old one crushed. All this time we walked side by side and talked, i.e. the fight started on the left front, and then as we walked, it ended up in the back. Then an old dog ran up to me from behind and started biting my sleeve...
            What does it mean?

            Hello, today I had a dream in which I was walking around the new building of my godfather’s house, whom I had not seen or communicated with in my life for a long time. She took me around the entire vast territory, showed me, told me where everything would be, we communicated very well, I compared this new building with the one I had already seen earlier from my friends, almost the same as this one... along the way, in the dream I met boys from my classmates, whom I also had not met in reality for a long time. And at the end of the dream, there was some kind of buffet table, on some knocked together from the boards on the tables, it was fun, noisy, there were a lot of girls, and then slightly dissatisfied husbands (the same boys from classmates) took their wives, I argued with them about something, proved that no one was drunk, including me... that's all I remember...

            I dreamed that I was walking around a construction site with friends (one of them is from another city, and one of them is not well known). There I found a room with a huge number of books, I wanted to take one. but I didn’t dare. And there was a mother and child there. And there were also many groups of guys walking around the construction site. Then suddenly everything changed to the fact that we were supposedly sitting on an abandoned wall and talking

            The land is empty! But suddenly the construction of new beautiful tall houses, shops, etc. began! And I dreamed of a dried-up lake, where a huge white bear was digging the ground, he was all glowing with his whiteness! I dug deep and deeply, there were enough people standing around and everyone was watching!

            I dreamed that I found myself in a house that was being rebuilt, with a man. He invited me. He started pestering me. And I tell him, we are not alone... I turn around and see that my dead uncle and his dead friend are looking at us. My friend took me to the kitchen to eat. And there is a lot of meat, there is meat all around, semi-finished products... I began to walk around the house, looking at it. I looked out the window - there was either a river or a lake. I went out into the street, and there was construction all around - the private sector was being demolished and new houses were being built. Somewhere in the distance there are already new houses. There are stones, clay, ruts from car wheels all around... I looked at a friend’s house - it was made of wood and there was a stone extension to it, some of the windows were also covered with stones. And inside the house is clean and beautiful... Again I found myself in the man's house. My mother sits at the table with him and drinks vodka and is already very drunk (my mother doesn’t drink at all). I wake up and understand that my friend who invited me to visit is also deceased, my uncle’s friend

            Hello, I dreamed that my girlfriend and I went to a construction site to drink beer and eat chips, then my friends and I were sitting at a construction site, and then some homeless man came in, and he began to climb towards my neighbor friend, I threw him off as protection from a construction site, the first time he fell, but there was some kind of rope stuck to everyone, and while I was tearing this rope away from everyone, it happened so that I pulled it and this guy got up, and this happened about 3 times, then we started leaving with construction site, but it felt like someone was dismantling it during that time, closer to the exit I met my nephew, with whom we don’t communicate that well, he was carrying some things upstairs, and that’s all

            I dreamed about the construction of a residential building, similar to my place of work. There were working guys and girls there, we sat down to rest and one girl next to whom I was sitting decided to lie down on her stomach, and I noticed that she was without underwear. Please explain what this means. Thanks in advance.

            I dreamed that there was a house under construction, still in the process of construction, since there were no windows. And my husband was standing looking at me so strangely. And I was walking in a floor-length dress and all this was next to this construction site. In real life, we are not together, We haven’t lived together for a year now, but we’re not divorced.

            In some incomprehensible way, I ended up at the construction site of a house, walking along the very edge, thinking that it was the third floor. Then, stumbling a little, I fell and flew off and was holding on to the edge with one hand, workers walked nearby and looked at me, but no one came to help me, even though I called. I was holding on to some bricks and realized that they were starting to move towards me and I would fall along with them, then in an incomprehensible way I scrambled up and looked down and as it turned out it was far from the third floor..

            Hello! My name is Indira. Lately, I often see a dream where a high-rise building is under construction. Today I saw that two high-rise buildings were being built, albeit very narrow ones. I was riding in the back of the car with my ex-husband and pointed my finger at these two construction sites and told him that the high-rise buildings were very narrow and high and that it was dangerous. Then my ex-husband did not pay attention to my words and for some reason I began to pester him against his will.

            Tatyana, today is my sister’s birthday and I dreamed about her all night, first, there was a huge stand near her multi-story house and everyone was saying, they are building Palmyra, not high, but sweeping, large-scale, all cement spans, stairs. And she was worried that now their apartment price would fall and I noticed that on my right hand the upper phalanx was missing from the index finger and I kept wondering how and when this happened. The index finger has become smaller, but healed and neat.

            Good afternoon. I dreamed that I was standing with a group of people in which there was my boyfriend. Then a fight started, including my boyfriend, which was broken up by the arrival of a police car. And then I woke up

            At first I was walking along the street, then the street grew into the construction of multi-story beautiful houses. The street along which he was walking was blocked by dump trucks, heaps of various building materials, and he began to make his way through a narrow passage, which then began to narrow. He quickly began to look for a way out, finding a large hole in the wall, climbed through it and began to climb up the formwork. At the top there was another bridge road across the entire construction site, which led to a beautiful colorful residential complex. On the way I met a friend from whom I borrowed money. He was looking for the police. I helped him find a policeman and moved on. Then the events unfolded, supposedly at home. I urgently needed to go out and buy something, I left my son at home alone, saying that I would return, so that he would wait. The road went through the garden, which led to the sea. Wide stone steps led down to the sea, where there were many people watching the dawn. There was no sun yet, the sky was purple, the sea was quiet and calm. After walking a little along the edge of the sea, he began to climb the steps and return home. Dawn has already arrived.

            Large construction site. About 7 multi-storey residential buildings. Some have already been completed and occupied. There are lights in the windows and a working elevator. Some buildings are at the stage of laying the foundation or erecting walls (block houses). There is a large residential area nearby, I know where it is (the year and area are known to me). City of Sevastopol. I lived there before.
            I walk between houses with people (3 men and 1 woman). I know the woman. We are trying to bury the body bag, but I don’t know if it’s a person or an animal. Black trash bag with yellow ties. The bag size is not big. None of us are involved in the death of what is in the bag. But we are trying to get rid of it (bury it), because someone is pursuing us. The bag is hidden and we manage to break away from the pursuit. Then the whole action moves to the confectionery shop. There I taste and choose a cake and pastries. Beautiful and tasty. All with buttercream and fresh fruit. Then moving to the house (more like a trailer on wheels) to the woman with whom I was at a construction site. Everyone who hid the bag with me had already gathered there. The cake and pastries have been tried, but for some reason the leftovers are put together and put in the refrigerator. Everyone takes out the trash (in the same black trash bags). There were definitely a lot of empty light glass bottles in the packages.

            I saw a house... two storeys... and my cousin and his family... just a house located near the seashore... and I will live here the same way... I walk along the shore, look at the sea, and the sea is calm, there are no waves at all.. and suddenly I see a construction site in the sea... a lot of construction, I think they’re probably building it for oil. Then I see how they’re building something like “dark clouds” and they’re also putting rocks in the sea, I ask what is this for? They say it would be beautiful in the sea, it’s too calm, but rocks and clouds will make the sea better and I like this idea, I also think in my dreams... and then we eat cherries that are not sour, red, big healthy ones, so to speak) and then I throw these seeds into the sand to plant a tree, so that it would be near the house it was beautiful, next to the garden and the sea just like that... I had a dream from Monday to Tuesday

            I’m sitting in a cafe, talking to someone, I don’t remember his face, I look out the large window and see how the wrong house is being built, which just a couple of days ago looked more like a fence, and now there are windows, an opening, but some walls... then wet, sand-lime brick is also wet. I thought it was because of the cement. Then I was at the end of the bus (yes, the cafe somehow turned out to be a bus, which inside looked more like a tram, and there were red, yellow and gray colors on the walls), so, at the end of the bus I noticed my neighbor, a nice woman of thirty, with with whom I have a very good relationship in real life, I run up and notice that she is pregnant, somewhere in the eighth month. She doesn't say anything, just looks at me and smiles like she always does. This makes me feel good and I’m glad that I met her there, but it seems that her height is smaller than usual, she turned out to be a head shorter than me. It seemed strange. All .

            I dreamed that I found myself at a large construction site, and more than one house, although some time ago there seemed to be houses there. And Tolya takes me up on an elevator or something else, above this line, to the top floor, where it is already landscaped. And so they raised it a couple of times,

            From the red target there is the front wall of the booth, the frame is a new beam, not sheathed. An acquaintance's booth. I'm lying on my back on the underside of his booth and talking to this man on the phone, which is the man in the old booth. I am marked by your squad and call you on the phone. I’m walking along the road, in the field, in the store trying on clothes. A guy runs into the store, peeking at me, I walk under the rack and then leave the store. I hit you in the back. with a long club and in a Vushan hat. Vin pishov did not notice me.

            Good afternoon, I dreamed that the old hut was transported to another place and placed so high, with windows and doors, painted in a blue color, but not finished, which means to write a belaska!!!

            I dreamed that I was walking through a microdistrict, which all consisted of huge high-rise buildings under construction, people had already moved into some apartments, I went into one house and wondered what the layouts were in the rooms. I go and I like what I see, I understand that there will be a very large and beautiful bathroom and shower, there is a children’s room and a living room. I walk and see that there are no doors yet, but people have already moved in and laid out a large crimson carpet. The boy is watching TV. I walk further, in the kitchen there is a woman my age, about 38. She tells me - I understand that she likes this place. She takes me to the floor above and I see that there are a lot of beautiful things for sale there, such a warm bazaar right in the house. I thought how convenient it was.!! Fur coats caught my attention, one grandmother was looking at a blue or beige fur coat and there were small tears all over her fur coat. And when I was in the apartment and realized that it was a bathtub, I suddenly saw Kirkorov there and he was sitting in the bathroom and explained to me that this was a bathtub and a wardrobe)

            I didn't dream about it! I am in 9th grade and my classmate dreamed of me at a construction site, and I was walking hand in hand with a small child. According to him, he also dreamed of how he came up to me and said “hi, what are you doing here?” — I answered “hello, I’m studying” and that’s it! The dream was from March 6 to 7! By the way, I sat at the same desk with this classmate from 1st to 6th or 7th grade! What could this mean?

            The airport... Huge, new, a new Terminal is under construction nearby. Electr. a board with a flight schedule... I choose which flight to take: morning or evening. This is the first dream. Today is the second one like this: I am at this Airport Terminal under construction…. Great construction is underway!!! I need to take a plane, flight at 10.50. I haven’t gotten ready yet… I don’t have time…. you need to get from the construction site to the airport 49 km.!? They are packing me for the trip, trying to load me with extra things... In the end: I take only two suitcases and leave... New suitcases that I had about 20 years ago... I’m going to the Airport in a Lexus that I had 10 years ago... black, number 7707. What does this mean? According to dream books there are conflicting indications... Thank you!

            I dreamed of a large abandoned building, and people in it were in a hurry to repair something. There was a lot of building materials. Some high-rise beams, and then suddenly I tripped over something and all the structures began to fall apart like a house of cards. I was scared and uneasy, but by some miracle everything that had allegedly collapsed was saved literally in the last minutes. And then, I was already standing in an empty place and some white material was scattered around me.

            Search a construction site to look for your new apartment. And thoughtlessly walk along the kariz. Fall, get wet in clean water and lose your left bass. Feeling the need to look for and put on another basque, you will see someone else's basque out of the water and go back to find your own.

            I was sitting at a construction site, and there was a little girl about 2-3 years old, dressed in a light green dress and with long brown hair, she was jumping from the construction site and screamed very loudly when she hit the ground

I often dream of the same type of dream with different variations. I am in a house under construction (not an apartment, but a country house) at different stages of construction. At the same time, I know that I still have a site, which, as a rule, is located in a more inconvenient place than the house in which I am located - it is either a steep slope or a low flooded area. And I constantly have the thought that I need to finish building my comfortable house and sell it, and then improve the inconvenient site and build a house there, taking into account the inconveniences that exist in my almost finished house. At the same time, my almost finished house in different dreams is at different stages of completion - from the need to arrange furniture to planning the layout of rooms.
What does it mean? Thanks for the answer.


I dreamed that I was on some ruins, or maybe not exactly ruins, but on some kind of construction site, in general, everything around was unfinished or already in ruins. I was not alone, with whom I don’t remember, I didn’t see his face, I only know that this person is very close to me. And now we see in a deep hole a whole tangle of tangled snakes, but they behave calmly and I know that nothing threatens us. Suddenly, a large turtle crawls out of this ball; its shell was brown, very clean and shiny. She slowly approaches the person who was next to me and it’s as if something is coming out of her, I don’t see it, but I feel like it’s some kind of energy or force. Having given him all her strength, she just as slowly disappears again into the ball of snakes, and as she plunges into it, I see that her armor has become very soft and pliable and wrinkles very much from each new touch, as if it were made of plasticine. Gradually she disappears completely, I feel sorry for her, she is exhausted and helpless. I extend my hand there and try to get it out of there. when I take it out, the shell is no longer on it at all and I see in my hand only the head of a turtle and one of its large open eyes, which looks at me very, very sadly.


The feeling is very strange... It’s either a dacha or a construction site, different every time, and different people. One time I was kicked out of there, I was upset. Another time we took it and I liked it there. One day there was probably a fire there and we were running away from someone along the green hills around the dacha. boys and me. They were not very happy with me, the nobles were friends, and HE stood up for me. I didn’t want to wake up, but...


I am walking along a wide street in a residential area of ​​the city. I approach a tall house under construction. The house is a high-rise building. As with frame construction, the spans of floors are visible, but the façade parts have not yet been installed. The house is located on a small hill and the surrounding area is decorated with natural stone into beautiful terraces. I am in a good mood. It's my favorite time of year - golden autumn. A light breeze rustles beautiful yellow leaves along the ground. The weather is cool but sunny. The overall picture is bright and clear, I can hear sounds and smell. According to the plot of the dream, my new apartment is being built in this house (I even know its number - No. 18). I climb the steps to my floor - the second or third (not very high). On a wide site, the developer of apartment No. 19 is dismantling small wooden panels into individual boards. The shields are old and dilapidated, in some places covered with scraps of old, half-decayed fabric. I recognize this man - I once studied with him in primary school. “What are you doing, Kolya?” - I ask him. “Yes, these are good boards, you can lay the floor, make a shelf,” the neighbor answers. What kind of floor, what kind of shelf can be made from this rubbish - I think, silently approaching the edge of the landing. As I said, there are no external walls to the building, so I carefully stand on the edge and look down. Here my good mood and state of comfort slowly changed to a state of anxiety - from above I saw something that I could not see when entering the house. It turns out that the area around the entire house is covered with regular rectangular holes, which, in turn, are lined up in regular rows (like a pattern on a chocolate bar). In those places where there are no holes, they can still be guessed by the step of the formation. All the pits were empty (according to my feelings, they had been cleared of contents). Here and there between the pits there were (slightly) the remains of old and antique coffins, which my “economic” neighbor dismantled into planks, planning to equip his “new nest” with them. I looked at all this and was upset, because housing cannot be built in such places, and I was “lucky” with my neighbor. I woke up in a state of discomfort, remembering the entire dream in great detail. I would like to note that I had a dream from Monday to Tuesday from the 17th to the 18th. In reality, I'm not building an apartment. I don’t know what to connect this dream with. I am 35 years old, male.


A house under construction is your “field of interests”, some kind of business. The dream most likely says that this matter is “dead”. It is dead for the soul, for the intimacy of life, for the inner world. Outwardly, you can get some dividends for this business, even a Nobel Prize, but - by and large - this is all “not for yourself.” There is a second decryption option, but less likely. We could be talking about the intervention of a deviation monitor, which always seeks to add a fly in the ointment. The deviation monitor is a mechanical addition to our mind, a mental automatism that seeks to introduce a feeling of sin into every purity, a feeling of fear or doubt into every pleasure. I say that this is a less credible interpretation of the dream because the deviation monitor reveals itself in such a naked form only when everything is really going well, in situations that cannot be confused with anything else.


I am in the village where I spent my childhood. The second floor of our old house is being built (in fact, the house has always been one-story), my brother is carrying boards. Half of the floor is open and a large hole is visible. In the house, a child (boy) falls open into this opening .I take him to the second floor. A man comes into the house. in the dream I kind of saw it. We want to go out into the street, but the staircase is very narrow and not high. (same as during frosts, but warm) there are a lot of children on the street. One child, about 9 years old (a boy, I think I know him too) is carrying the head of a calf. (no blood) then it’s as if someone has cooked soup from this head. the boy ate all the meat. I scolded him very much in a dream. Children sing songs in a circle, play catch. They catch some small dog. thank you, I don’t remember anything else a little about myself, I’m 45 years old, a woman, wife and mother of an adult daughter. I can’t connect the dream with anything, but my soul is restless

I dreamed that I wanted to enter the entrance, but the door was closed. There's a hole in the door below - I'll get through it. In front of me is a huge, sprawling yard and a huge construction site. And several workers. One of these workers passes near me and leaves through this door. And the door closes behind him. I try to catch him in time, because I remember that the door is closed. But the door was closed. And when I approached it, this door opened for me. And with that I woke up.

“What does it cost us to build a house? Let’s draw and we’ll live!” Who is the author of these lines and how they sound in the original source have been debated for a long time. But we are interested in the practical side of the issue, what concerns construction! It would be great, of course, if construction brought only joy, like painting. However, it is not! Builders are a strong and resilient people. It’s no joke to spend all day carrying bricks, hammering nails, drilling walls, laying floors and much more to do so that when we enter a brand new house, we feel reliable protection from the cold and heat. Do builders see their work in their dreams? Surely they see it! But not many people know why people dream about something like this! If you one day dream of a construction site, don’t worry about being lost in guesswork. Ask the dream book, he will tell you everything about dreams!

"We built, we built..."

Seeing a dream in which you are walking around a construction site is a sign of getting rich quickly, Miller’s dream book predicts.

If you dream that you are building your own house, you have high hopes for your family; if you dreamed that you were building a high-rise building, envious people will interfere with your plans.

To see a large construction site in a dream where you are walking - the dream book warns you of a possible acute illness. Take care of your health.

If you dreamed that the construction of a new supermarket or other store - take care of your money, the dream book warns. The dream predicts a major financial loss.


If you dream that you got an apartment in a high-rise building, it means you will get promoted. The higher the floor on which the apartment is located, the higher the position.

To see in a dream the reconstruction of an already finished house - you are terribly tired of something in life, and subconsciously you are trying to get rid of it, this is the interpretation of this dream.

If you dreamed that you bought an apartment in an unfinished building, obstacles await you on the way to achieving your goals, the dream book warns.

You dream that you are making renovations in a new apartment - you are no longer satisfied with your appearance. Even the smallest change will help you feel happy.

“And from above I send greetings to you!”

If you dreamed that you were helping builders build a high-rise building, this means a change of place of residence.

If you dream of a tower crane working at a construction site, no matter what you do in reality, your actions will be justified, the dream book predicts.

Seeing yourself as a foreman at a construction site means trouble awaits you in real life, but thanks to your ingenuity, you can easily cope with all difficulties.

Participate in the construction of the garage - before the arrival of guests.

If you saw that in a dream you built the wall of a house at a construction site, in reality you will achieve your goals only through exhausting and painstaking work.

Forgotten, abandoned

If you dream that you are wandering around an abandoned construction site, in reality you are taking on too many other people’s problems, and because of this, your interests are suffering. Learn to say a firm “no,” the dream book advises.

Seeing a dilapidated, unfinished building in a dream means your dreams are not destined to come true, the dream book upsets.

A dream that you are participating in the resumption of construction of a residential building means meeting friends whom you have not seen for a long time. Reconstruction of an industrial building means the resurrection of old desires.