Pea panna cotta. Italian panna cotta: recipes for a delicate dessert with photos. Tangerine or orange

Frederic Dar, the most popular author of detective novels of the twentieth century, claimed that this dessert looked like an angel in velvet pants. Intrigued? The article is all about “Panna cotta” - an amazing Italian dessert that gives you a meeting with angels in velvet panties.

  • One of the most famous and beloved Italian desserts has no author. The name "Panna cotta", literally "cooked cream", was not mentioned in Italian cookbooks until the 1960s.
  • However, the dessert invented by a Hungarian emigrant is often mentioned. The name of the talented lady has sunk into oblivion. It is only known that she lived in the picturesque region of Piedmont - Langhe. From 1900 to 1960, the creamy delicacy was called the “Traditional Dessert of Piedmont.”
  • Who first named the traditional Piedmont dessert “panna cotta” is also unknown. However, in the 1990s, the wonderful Italian dessert “Panna cotta” became the most fashionable dessert in the United States and began a triumphant world tour.

In 2001, the province of Piedmont included panna cotta in the list of traditional foods of the region.

The culinary relatives of Italian panna cotta are considered to be:

  • Bavarian cream (Bavarois, Bavaroise, Bavarian cream, Crème bavaroise, Bavarois)
  • Blanc-manger
  • English cream "Custard"

What made the dessert so popular? After all, panna cotta is on the menu of the most expensive restaurants in the world and is the favorite dessert of many famous chefs: Jamie Oliver, Gordon Ramsay, Eric Lanlard, Alexander Seleznev, Luca Montersino, Nick Malgieri, Christophe Mischlak.

The answer is simple: a minimum of effort and stunning results.

Classic panna cotta recipe

A few important details before you start creating a masterpiece delicacy

  • Italians are confident that preparing a creamy dessert requires no deviation from the recipe. If you have “cooked cream” on your menu, then cook with cream! Not from milk or homemade sour cream, but from cream! The fattier the cream, the tastier the treat will be. And you will be eating classic panna cotta, and not a dairy dessert without a name.
  • In addition to cream, the important ingredients of the delicacy are vanilla pod and vanilla extract (not essence!!!).
  • The recipe for a classic dessert always contains dark rum or Marsala as the base alcohol.
  • Leaf gelatin is preferable to powdered gelatin because it dissolves better and does not form lumps.
  • Be sure to study the gelatin manufacturer's recommendations: you need an amount calculated for 500 ml of liquid. The amount of gelatin recommended by the manufacturer may differ from the amount indicated in the recipe.
  • Any seasonal berries or fruits are used for the sauce. The sauce is an integral and essential part of this dessert.
  • You can serve panna cotta either in molds where the dessert has frozen, or by transferring the dessert to a serving dish.

Important. The main feature of a quality dessert is its velvety cut. That is why they say about panna cotta - an angel in velvet pants.


  • 2 cups or 500 g of cream with 33% fat content. The fat content may be more, but not less!
  • 2.5 tablespoons or 63 g granulated sugar.
  • 1 plate (8 g) sheet gelatin. Can be replaced with powder. When using powdered instant gelatin, water should be taken at the rate of 1 part gelatin - 6 parts water.
  • 1 vanilla pod. The pod should be soft and moist.
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract. Vanilla extract is a natural alcohol-containing product or, more simply, vanilla alcohol tincture. If you really want, you can do it yourself.
  • 1 tablespoon dark rum. If the dessert is prepared for children, the base alcohol should be excluded.

The easiest berry sauce for panna cotta

What to cook from:

  • 200 g fresh or frozen berries
  • 100 g granulated sugar

How to cook:

  1. Place berries and sugar in blender jar
  2. Grind thoroughly for 5 minutes

Advice. If you are using berries with small seeds, such as raspberries, additionally strain the sauce through a sieve.

Important: panna cotta is a very high-calorie dessert.

To solve the “to eat or not to eat” dilemma, remember the cheerful Italians who love to eat, and the advice of the magnificent Susan Somers: “If you really want cake, eat it, but before that, convince yourself that it is dietary.”

Video: Panna Cotta

How to make panna cotta at home?

Below is a less calorie, but no less tasty version of panna cotta.

Panna cotta with lemon syrup

For the panna cotta:

  • 250 g cream 33% fat
  • 125 g fresh milk 3% fat
  • 8 g sheet or powder gelatin
  • 60 g sugar
  • 1 vanilla pod. Any dry herbal mixture in an amount of 10-40 g can be used as a flavoring agent.

For the lemon sauce:

  • zest of 2 medium lemons
  • 50 g sugar
  • 50 g water

How to cook panna cotta:

  1. Soak gelatin according to package instructions

  1. Cut the vanilla pod lengthwise into two pieces. Using the back, unsharpened, side of the knife, scrape the vanilla seeds from the sides of the pod.

  1. Place in any convenient thick-walled heat-resistant container
  • cream
  • milk
  • sugar
  • vanilla (pod and seeds)

  1. Bring the cream and milk mixture to a boil over medium heat. Ideally, the mixture should be heated not over an open fire, but in a water or steam bath.
  2. As soon as you see signs of boiling, remove the container from the heat and remove the vanilla bean. If other ingredients were used for flavoring, for example, dry herbal collection of lavender or chamomile, the mixture should be strained through a sieve.

Important. If you are not using natural flavors, do not bring the mixture to a boil, but just warm the gelatin to the “working” temperature.

  1. Allow the creamy milk mixture to cool slightly to 82-85⁰C and add gelatin. If the temperature is lower than 82⁰C, there is a danger that the gelatin will not dissolve. At higher rates, gelatin may cook and lose its gelling properties.

  1. To remove the cooled dessert from the mold, lower the mold into very hot water (boiling water) for 10-20 seconds. The surface of the dessert will melt and it will easily slide out of the mold when turned over onto a serving plate.

Advice. If you are not sure that you can remove the dessert from the mold without loss, pour it into beautiful glass glasses or bowls and serve without removing it.

  • Panna cotta is one of those wonderful delicacies that can make the life of a modern woman much easier. This dessert tolerates freezing well. Shelf life at low temperature in the freezer is 1 month.
  • Panna cotta can be prepared and frozen directly in a mold, preferably a silicone one. The soft material of the mold makes it easy to remove the frozen dessert onto a plate. Thawing time for treats is about 30 minutes at room temperature.

How to make lemon sauce:

  1. Place the sugar, water and zest in any convenient heatproof container.
  2. Bring to a boil over medium heat
  3. Boil for a few minutes over low heat
  4. Cool

Calorie content of milky and creamy panna cotta excluding sauce and vanilla component in the table in the picture.

Strawberry Panna Cotta Recipe

Strawberries and cream are a classic of world gastronomy. Panna cotta with strawberries or Panna cotta con le fragole will make all the receptors of your body tremble: it is not only tasty, but also very beautiful.

What to cook from:

  • 50 g fresh strawberries
  • 500 ml cream 33% fat
  • 8 g leaf gelatin
  • 500 ml milk
  • 90 g granulated sugar

How to cook:

  1. Soak gelatin: 7 g - in cold milk, 1 g - in cold water.
  2. Pour the cream into a heatproof, heavy-bottomed container. Add 70 g sugar. Bring to a boil over medium heat.
  3. As soon as you see the first signs of boiling, remove the container with the sugar-cream mixture from the heat and let it cool to 82-85⁰C.
  4. Squeeze out the swollen gelatin and add to the sugar-cream mixture. Mix the mixture well with a whisk until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Leave to cool at room temperature.
  5. Place the washed, dried, stemmed strawberries in a blender bowl, add the rest of the sugar and grind thoroughly.
  6. Place the container with the swollen gelatin in a water bath and wait until it is completely dissolved.
  7. Mix strawberries and melted gelatin.
  8. Add the strawberry-gelatin mixture to the warm cream-sugar mixture and mix thoroughly.

Option for serving panna cotta with strawberries

Since the berry component is present in the dessert itself, no sauce is served.

Advice. Strawberries can be replaced with any other seasonal berries, each time getting a new taste of your favorite dessert

Chocolate Panna Cotta Recipe

This recipe is suitable for those who love chocolate in chocolate and definitely add more chocolate on top.

Important: use proven good quality chocolate with a percentage of cocoa products of at least 75% for panna cotta.

What to cook from:

  • 400 ml cream 33% fat
  • 100-150 g quality chocolate
  • 100 ml fresh milk 3% fat
  • 8 g gelatin
  • 80 g granulated sugar (the amount of sugar can be reduced to 40 g)

How to cook:

  1. Place the cream, milk, sugar and pre-chopped chocolate in a heatproof container.
  2. Heat the mixture over medium heat until the chocolate has melted. Remember to constantly stir the chocolate and cream.
  3. Once the chocolate is completely combined with the cream, remove the container with the chocolate-cream mixture from the heat.
  4. Squeeze out the swollen gelatin and add to the chocolate-cream mixture. Mix the mixture well with a whisk until the gelatin is completely dissolved.
  5. Pour the panna cotta into molds, cover with cling film, and place in the refrigerator until the dessert is completely set.
  6. Serve garnished with fresh berries and mint leaves.

Advice. Chocolate panna cotta goes well with sour berry sauces, toppings of nuts and cocoa.

Milk panna cotta recipe or preparing diet panna cotta

A sad fact for all the foodies in the world: panna cotta is a very high-calorie product! And no matter how much we convince ourselves that a creamy dessert is dietary, sometimes we have to say “no” to panna cotta.

In this case, may the Italians forgive us, milk panna cotta or diet panna cotta will improve your mood.

What to cook from:

  • 500 ml low-fat milk
  • 8 g leaf gelatin
  • 40 g honey (you can take a little more)

How to cook:

  1. Soak gelatin according to package instructions.
  2. Pour milk into any convenient thick-walled heat-resistant container and bring it to a boil over medium heat.
  3. As soon as you see signs of boiling, remove the container from the heat. Add honey to the milk and mix thoroughly.
  4. Allow the milk-honey mixture to cool slightly to 82-85⁰C and add gelatin.
  5. Mix the mixture with gelatin with a whisk until the latter is completely dissolved. Mix very carefully, avoiding the formation of bubbles.
  6. Pour the dessert into molds, cover with cling film, and place in the refrigerator until completely set. Hardening time: at least 5 hours.
  7. Serve with berry snow.

For berry snow, place 150 g of any frozen berries in a blender and grind thoroughly. If desired, you can add 30 g of granulated sugar to the blender bowl.

Panna cotta is a little angel in velvet pants. Be sure to feel his light touch!

Video: Panacotta

Video: Coffee panna cotta. Chickens stuffed with cottage cheese. Lentil salad

Do you like tender and airy desserts? And even from a minimum set of products? And so that you can prepare without hassle? I offer a recipe for an Italian delicacy - panna cotta.
Recipe contents:

Panna cotta - got its name thanks to the main ingredients - gelatin and cream. And it is precisely the latter, if we speak literally, that panna cotta in translation means boiled cream. What’s interesting is that previously the second essential component of the delicacy, gelatin, was replaced with a fish bone, and sugar was not included at all due to its high price. Today, despite the simplicity of preparation, this sweetness has become the most famous dessert, which is very popular in many countries around the world.

By the way, in our country everyone spells the name of this delicacy differently: pannacotta, panna cotta, pannacotta, pannacotta, pannacotta. But the most correct option would be panna cotta, which corresponds to the Italian name Panna cotta.

Lots of cream and a little milk, sugar and yolk, a little gelatin and any fillings to taste. At first glance, everything seems very simple. Well, if you look at it, then to prepare dessert you need to pay some attention to specific details.
  • A real vanilla treat is made only from heavy cream.
  • You can’t feel sorry for vanillin, because creamy panna cotta has a distinct vanilla aroma.
  • Very little gelatin is added, since the dessert should not be elastic, it just needs to keep its shape. Because panna cotta is always tender and soft.
  • If jelly lumps form in the dessert, then filter the mass through a sieve.
  • The cream is heated, but not boiled - this will ruin the taste. It is best to warm them well and add pre-diluted gelatin.
  • The sweet is served with berries: fresh or mashed into puree.
  • The dessert is formed either in molds, from which it is then removed onto a dish, or in tall glasses or glasses from which it is consumed.
Well, for the rest, the recipes are very democratic and require freedom of action, but following the basic rules.

As mentioned above, panna cotta dessert is prepared quickly and simply, so much so that the most inexperienced cook can handle it. Today there are already many variations of this dish, but most of them are based on the classic version. They differ in additional components that enrich the creamy taste.

For many, the classic panna cotta, made only from cream, seems too fatty. Therefore, confectioners began to add milk in order to reduce the fat content of the dessert. This does not affect the taste at all, but the dessert turns out lighter.

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 188 kcal.
  • Number of servings - 6
  • Preparation time: 20 minutes to prepare, 2-3 hours to set


  • Cream fat content 18-33% - 500 ml
  • Milk - 130 ml
  • Natural vanilla pod - 1 pc.
  • Instant gelatin - 15 g
  • Water - 50 ml
  • Sugar - to taste


  1. Pour the cream and milk into a ladle and add sugar.
  2. Remove the beans from the vanilla pod and add to the cream.
  3. Set the ladle on low heat and heat to 70°C degrees.
  4. While the mixture is heating, combine gelatin with cold water and stir. Pour it in a thin stream into the warm cream. Stir the mixture and leave to cool.
  5. Pour the cream mixture into molds and refrigerate for 1-2 hours.
  6. When the panna cotta thickens, it will become suitable for eating. Immerse the molds in hot water for a few seconds, lift the edges of the sweets, cover with a bowl and turn over. The dessert can be easily removed.
  7. Complete it with sweet sauces, jams, berries, fruits, grated or melted chocolate.

If you plan to serve sweets on a holiday table, then it is better to replace gelatin with agar-agar. And then you can be sure that the delicacy will not melt or spread all over the plate. Agar-agar is a vegetable substitute for gelatin, and a very healthy one. It is used in cooking to prepare jelly desserts as a thickener.


  • Cream 33% - 250 mg
  • Milk - 150 ml
  • Sugar - 100 g
  • Vanilla sugar - bag
  • Agar-agar - 1.5 tsp.
  1. Mix milk with cream, sugar, vanillin and agar-agar.
  2. Place the pan on the stove and stirring constantly until the first bubbles appear. Afterwards, turn off the heat.
  3. Pour the hot mixture into molds, preferably silicone ones, and leave them at room temperature. Then place the molds in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours.
  4. Place the frozen dessert on a plate and pour berry sauce on top.

Panna cotta at home - a classic recipe

Many people mistakenly believe that it is impossible to prepare a classic panna cotta recipe on their own, as if only an experienced cook could do it. However, this is not at all true, and this recipe corresponds to the ice recipe. Prepare and see that it is very simple.


  • Cream 30% fat - 400 ml
  • Gelatin - 25 g
  • Vanillin - 1 sachet
  • Sugar - 40 g
  • Drinking water - 50 ml
  1. Pour gelatin with warm boiled water and stir.
  2. Mix cream, vanillin and sugar in a saucepan and place on the stove to heat.
  3. Add the diluted gelatin into the heated mixture and immediately mix everything thoroughly so that no lumps form.
  4. Pour the resulting mixture into molds and place in the refrigerator until completely hardened.
  5. Place the finished dessert on a plate and garnish with fruit sauce or fresh berries.

Homemade panna cotta - inspired by Italy

This exquisite Italian dessert is prepared very quickly, and most importantly, it is so simple that any chef can handle it. Italian housewives love to dilute this delicacy with all kinds of fillings, and the most common addition is strawberries. We offer a recipe with this berry.


  • Cream - 500 ml
  • Milk - 130 ml
  • Gelatin - 15 g
  • Vanilla powder - sachet
  • Fresh or frozen strawberries - 150 g
  • Drinking water - 50 ml
  • Sugar - to taste
  1. Pour the milk and cream into a saucepan, add sugar, vanillin and heat over low heat until hot, but do not bring to a boil.
  2. Pour gelatin with warm water and stir.
  3. Pour the gelling mixture into the cream, stir and cool slightly. Pour the mixture into glasses and place in the refrigerator.
  4. Twist or crush half of the strawberries with a fork, and leave the remaining berries (smaller ones) whole.
  5. When the dessert has set, pour strawberry puree into each glass and add fresh berries.

We strain the creamy dessert through a sieve so that, firstly, our vanilla stick turns into small black dots, and secondly, we do not get any pieces of gelatin or foam formed as a result of high heating of the cream. In general, so that the dessert has the perfect texture.

And this is a photo of panna cotta, already strained through a sieve:

That's all, the Panna Cotta dessert is almost ready. The recipe for panna cotta from Yulia Vysotskaya is incredibly good and simple at the same time. All that remains is to pour it into molds or transparent glasses.

Now we wrap each glass with cling film and put it in the refrigerator. In about 2 hours, the classic Panna Cotta will harden and turn into a wonderful creamy jelly. And Panna Cotta with agar-agar will harden in an hour.

While the creamy jelly hardens, let's make the sauce. Throw the berries into the saucepan, you can leave a few, and add sugar. Place on the fire and cook the berry sauce-jam-syrup until thickened, stirring constantly, for 5-10 minutes. The longer you simmer, the thicker the berry sauce will be. For me these are blueberries and lingonberries.

Now the serve. If you pour the dessert into glasses, then at the end all that remains is to pour the berry sauce on top. By the way, instead of sauce, regular jam will do, if you have it. And if you poured it into molds, then you need to work a little more. Take dessert plates and pour a small layer of berry sauce on them.

Now we take out the Panna Cotta itself, the recipe for which was given by Yulia Vysotskaya herself, and put it on top. To do this, lower the mold bottom down into hot water for 10 seconds - homemade Panna Cotta will easily come out of there on its own. On top you can put a couple of berries left over from preparing the sauce. Beautiful, tasty, fast and easy!

Now let's summarize.

Brief recipe: Panna cotta or Panna cotta

  1. Pour the cream into a saucepan and place over high heat.
  2. At this time, cut the vanilla pod, remove the seeds from it with the blade of a knife and, if you are using gelatin, soak it in water.
  3. When the cream is almost boiling, add sugar, vanilla seeds and the stick itself (or vanillin on the tip of a knife), agar-agar or squeezed gelatin. Mix everything until completely dissolved.
  4. If you are using agar-agar, wait 5 minutes until it swells a little and heat the cream again until the first bubbles appear. Mix everything again.
  5. Strain the cream through a sieve and pour into transparent glasses or prepared molds.
  6. We seal the creamy dessert with cling film and put it in the refrigerator until it hardens for a couple of hours.
  7. At this time, prepare the berry sauce: put the berries with sugar in a saucepan, put on the fire and boil, stirring, for 5-10 minutes until thickened. Let cool.
  8. 5 stars - based on 2 review(s)

This delicate, creamy dessert came to us from the north of Italy and quickly won the hearts of sweet tooths around the world. The panna cotta recipe necessarily includes cream, vanilla (or vanillin) and granulated sugar. In addition to the classic version, you can prepare interesting varieties of it - with strawberries, coffee, chocolate and even citrus fruits.

The name of the dessert panna cotta translates as “boiled cream” or “cooked cream.” In its composition and method of preparation, it resembles pudding or ice cream, which is more familiar to us. But the taste of the treat is more delicate. This dessert is also good for a holiday table. Especially if you decorate it with the original one.

The cream in the delicacy in question is mixed with sugar, vanilla and other delicious ingredients.

The only drawback of the delicious panna cotta is its high calorie content - 298 Kcal per 100 g. For this reason, it is rarely prepared by young ladies who are worried about their figure.

Classic panna cotta recipe at home

Ingredients: 310 ml extra heavy cream, 90 g cane sugar (brown), package of gelatin, 60 ml unflavored cognac, pinch of vanilla.

  1. The cream is poured into a convenient container with a thick bottom. This container will prevent the dairy product from burning when heated.
  2. Brown sugar and vanilla are immediately poured into it. The mass is heated over low heat. Be sure to stir it constantly and continuously. The cream should not boil, otherwise the dessert will be ruined.
  3. Gelatin dissolves in 50 ml of water. The manufacturer will tell you the exact amount for such a volume of liquid - gelatin is diluted according to the instructions on the package. Usually, to do this, you just need to pour hot water over the product, stir and leave until the grains are completely dissolved.
  4. The prepared gelatin is poured into the hot cream through a fine sieve. A piece of gauze is also suitable for filtering.
  5. Cognac is poured in next. If the dessert is being prepared for children, this ingredient should be excluded.
  6. The resulting mass is poured into silicone molds and the sweetness is sent into the cool for several hours until it hardens completely.

The classic panna cotta recipe can be improved to suit your taste. For example, use melted chocolate instead of cognac.

Unusual coffee treat

Ingredients: half a liter of very heavy cream (for whipping), 80 ml of purified water, 14 g of gelatin, 2 small. spoons of instant coffee, 60 g of granulated sugar, 110 g of high-quality dark chocolate.

  1. Gelatin is diluted according to the instructions in the required amount of water.
  2. Instant coffee is poured with the amount of boiling water specified in the recipe.
  3. Sugar dissolves in cream. The mixture is heated over medium heat. Sweet grains should completely dissolve in the warm liquid.
  4. When the cream is already hot, pieces of broken chocolate are sent into the container.
  5. After removing the dairy product from the heat, coffee and gelatin are added.
  6. The mass is filtered and poured into silicone molds.

The resulting coffee panna cotta is refrigerated until completely cooled and hardened. The dessert is decorated with ground nuts.

How to make diet panna cotta?

Ingredients: 2 tsp. agar-agar, 610 ml low-fat milk (0.5%), 6 yolks of large eggs, 2 g vanilla pods, stevia drops (4 drops), 320 ml purified water, 4 small. spoons of corn starch.

  1. Agar-agar is filled with water for 25 - 35 minutes.
  2. In a separate bowl, mix milk, slightly beaten yolks, stevia, vanilla, and cornstarch. Beat all of the above ingredients at the slowest speed of the mixer.
  3. The mass from the previous step is sent to a water bath and heated until thickened. You can allow the cream to simmer a little, because it uses raw proteins.
  4. Agar-agar is brought to a boil over the fire and cooked for 1 - 2 minutes.
  5. The boiled mixture is poured into the milk cream. Beat the mixture with a mixer until it cools.
  6. The future dessert is poured into molds and kept cool.

Ready-made dietary panna cotta is served with tea after hardening.

The most delicious chocolate panna cotta

Ingredients: 1 tbsp. full-fat milk and the same amount of cream (for whipping), 14 g of instant gelatin, 90 g each of granulated sugar and dark chocolate, a pinch of vanilla sugar.

  1. The milk is brought to a boil in a saucepan. Next, it is removed from the heat and cooled. Cream is poured into warm milk. The fatter the better.
  2. Gelatin is poured into a glass or ceramic bowl. 50 ml of boiled water at room temperature is poured into it. The ingredients are mixed and left for 6 - 7 minutes.
  3. Chocolate is melted in a separate bowl and poured into dairy products. Two types of sugar are also poured here.
  4. Dissolved gelatin is poured into the mass from the third step. Over medium heat with constant stirring, the mixture warms up well, but does not boil.
  5. The future dessert is poured into bowls and placed in the refrigerator until completely cooled and cooled.

The finished chocolate panna cotta is decorated with coconut flakes.

With strawberry

Ingredients: 160 ml heavy cream, 90 ml milk, 70 g regular sugar and 2 pinches of vanilla, 220 g fresh strawberries, 11 g gelatin, 60 ml boiling water.

  1. Gelatin dissolves in boiling water. Mix the ingredients with a fork and leave for 6 minutes.
  2. Two types of sugar are poured into a thick-bottomed container. Both dairy products are added here. Do not use homemade cream, as when heated it instantly turns into thick fat.
  3. The mixture is heated for a couple of minutes, but not brought to a boil.
  4. The container is removed from the stove and gelatin is poured into it. The ingredients are mixed well and cooled slightly.
  5. Strawberries are peeled and pureed. The berry mass is poured into bowls. The creamy mixture is distributed on top. The layers are carefully mixed with a fork.

Kremanki with strawberry panna cotta are sent to cool until completely frozen.

Tangerine or orange

Ingredients: 3 tangerines, 310 ml heavy cream, 2 tbsp. l. sugar, 15 g of high-quality gelatin, 50 ml of boiling water, 2 drops of vanilla essence. How to make panna cotta from citrus fruits is described below.

  1. Citrus fruits are scalded with boiling water and the juice is squeezed out of them.
  2. Gelatin is poured with hot water and left for 4 - 5 minutes.
  3. The cream is poured into a saucepan and heated until the first bubbles appear on the surface.
  4. Sugar (1.5 tbsp) is poured into the hot dairy product and vanilla essence is added.
  5. Half of the gelatin mixture is introduced.
  6. After thorough mixing, the mass is poured into glasses (filling them 2/3 full). The containers are refrigerated for half an hour.
  7. As soon as the layer thickens, a mixture of tangerine juice, remaining sugar and gelatin is poured onto it.

This layered dessert is put away again in the cold. Instead of tangerine juice, you can use orange juice.

Vanilla dessert

Ingredients: 620 ml medium fat cream, 140 ml milk, 6 g vanilla sugar, 11 g gelatin, 60 ml purified water, 65 g granulated sugar.

  1. Gelatin is poured with cold water. The ingredients are stirred with a fork and left for 12 - 14 minutes. You cannot increase the amount of gelatin - the finished panna cotta should not be too dense.
  2. The cream is poured into a thick-walled container. Milk is added.
  3. Place the container with dairy products over medium heat. There is no need to bring them to a boil, just warm the liquid well.
  4. Two types of sugar are poured into the hot mixture. Next, the prepared gelatin is introduced.
  5. The mixture is stirred for a minute and then filtered through a fine sieve.
  6. The resulting liquid is poured into molds.

First, they are cooled at room temperature, then covered with cling film and stored in the cold.

Traditional Italian panna cotta recipe

Ingredients: 210 ml of full-fat milk, 140 g of granulated sugar, a couple of drops of vanilla essence, lemon, 55 ml of rum, 620 ml of heavy cream, a packet of gelatin.

  1. Gelatin is poured into a bowl and poured with cold milk. The components are mixed.
  2. Vanilla essence and finely grated zest from a small lemon are added to the cream (410 ml).
  3. When the mass boils, it is filtered from the citrus shavings.
  4. The remaining cream is whipped with sugar. Rum is added to them.
  5. The mixture from the previous step is poured into the hot, strained cream, and milk and gelatin are added here. If the latter is not completely dissolved, the mass is passed through a fine sieve.
  6. The future dessert is poured into silicone molds and stored in the cold.

To easily remove treats from containers, you need to immerse them in hot water for a few seconds.

With raspberry sauce

Ingredients: a glass of cream 10% fat and 2 glasses 33% fat, a small piece of lemon zest, 1 tbsp. l. vanilla extract, 80 g sugar, 9 g gelatin, 50 ml water, 130 g fresh or frozen raspberries, 2 tbsp. l. powdered sugar, 1 tbsp. l. freshly squeezed lemon juice.

  1. Gelatin is diluted in a small amount of water and left to swell.
  2. Cream and sugar are mixed in a saucepan and zest is added. The mass heats up.
  3. As soon as the mixture begins to boil, it is removed from the heat. The zest is removed and discarded. Vanilla extract is added. The mixture is filtered and poured into molds, after which it is refrigerated.
  4. The raspberries with the remaining ingredients are pureed.

The finished panna cotta is poured with berry sauce and decorated with fresh mint leaves.

Step-by-step recipe from Yulia Vysotskaya

Ingredients: 4 leaves of gelatin (10 g), a glass of heavy cream, kefir and milk, 90 g of granulated sugar, zest of 1 orange, vanilla pod.

  1. Gelatin flakes are poured with cold water.
  2. All cream is immediately mixed with milk. To these are added a vanilla pod and the pulp scraped out with a knife from its middle. Add a little sugar. The mass is brought to a boil and immediately removed from the heat.
  3. Kefir is combined with orange zest (very finely grated).
  4. The gelatin leaves are gently squeezed out using paper napkins and placed in the hot mixture from step two. When the gelatin is completely dissolved, remove the vanilla pod from the container.
  5. Kefir is whipped with a blender. Hot cream with milk and other ingredients are added to it.
  6. The mass is poured into small glasses and placed in the refrigerator until completely solidified.

The resulting delicacy is decorated with fresh berries.

Panna cotta from chef Hector Jimenez

Ingredients: 680 ml each of milk and heavy cream, 25 g of high-quality gelatin. 1 vanilla pod, 170 g granulated sugar, 230 g fresh and 130 g frozen strawberries.

  1. All dairy products and 100 g of sand are mixed in a saucepan. The mass is brought to a boil and the center of a vanilla pod is introduced into it.
  2. Gelatin soaked in cold water for a few minutes is added to the warm mixture from step one. The completely cooled mass is lightly whipped.
  3. The sweet composition is poured into glasses and put into the cold to harden.
  4. Puree thawed strawberries are mixed with the remaining sand, boiled until thick and cooled. The sauce is combined with pieces of fresh strawberries.

The finished panna cotta is topped with strawberry sauce and served immediately as a dessert.

Nuances of preparation and serving

To prepare panna cotta, you always use very heavy cream.

But their fat content should not exceed 35%, otherwise the product will turn into fat when heated.

To avoid dense lumps in the dessert, the gelatin mass is always filtered before adding to the creamy mixture.

Panna cotta can be served with any berry or fruit sauces. You can effectively decorate it with grated nuts, fresh berries and pieces of fruit, coconut flakes, and seeds. You can simply pour condensed milk or melted chocolate over the treat.