What to write to a girl you like online. What to chat with a girl about How a girl will like it via correspondence on VK

The flexible world of dating has been expanded with another method - virtual communication. Now attention is paid to the fair sex not only on the streets, but also on the Internet. And inventive men need to learn to look for new ways to make interesting acquaintances. If you want to learn how to make a penpal girl fall in love with you, welcome to communication lessons!

Your first friend

Online dating is simple, which, of course, benefits the stronger sex. Agree, here you don’t need charm, a languid look and a bewitching intonation of voice. It is enough just to shoot a couple of sensual phrases, and the woman will show sufficient interest for further acquaintance.

So, how to make a pen pal fall in love with you? The first rule is to be simple in communication. You should not curry favor with your interlocutor, clearly boast about material achievements, and also talk only about yourself. Believe me, a stranger is unlikely to be interested in the results of your trip to boutiques or the price of a recently purchased perfume. And the last thing is boasting about non-existent things. In most cases, this tactic is used by dysfunctional men who want to take advantage of a woman’s money or those who are not okay with their self-esteem.

Interest and nothing more

Teachers and psychologists unanimously assert that communication is built on mutual interest. I would like to note that the golden rule is spoken by the highest minds! Girls are very subtle creatures, with their own quirks and character traits. And if an attractive person has high self-esteem: she is incredibly beautiful, not deprived of attention, is popular - be prepared to prove yourself fully armed, use the most unconventional ways to maintain interest in your personality!

Since making a penpal girl fall in love with you at first is not easy, give her the idea that you are not like everyone else. Unobtrusively pay attention to the best qualities of your personality: care, kindness, responsibility, reliability. These character traits of the fair sex are worth their weight in gold. Of course, the word must be confirmed by deeds. If in the future you hope to meet and continue communication in real life, tell the truth. Every man has worthy subtleties of character, so it is important to correctly emphasize them, and to clearly demonstrate them in the future!

We are cunning using tactics!

What questions can you ask a girl via correspondence so that she expects every message from you? At longer stages of dating, it is important to correctly apply the following tactics.

Start to literally bore you with messages about your well-being, business, worries, and so on. Find out about the events of her life, ask questions about her deepest secrets. There is no need to be afraid, because women love brave men who are much stronger than her both physically and spiritually. But don't go too far. If you feel a hint of irritation from your interlocutor, stop immediately, apologize and behave like a gentleman (that is, as at the beginning of your acquaintance). However, in most cases, the fair sex is pleased with such attention, they try to keep the conversation going at all costs.

And now, when everything is bright, sunny and radiant, abruptly stop communicating. Yes, stop writing a lot, ask less, create an atmosphere of abstraction and lack of interest. But remember that this is an appearance. As a rule, this behavior acts like a red rag to a bull, and the girl involuntarily makes contact herself and tries to start a conversation. After enduring such unusual tactics for a certain amount of time, go on a rampage and invite her on a date. Here's how to make a penpal girl fall in love with you! But use this tactic carefully, only after studying all the intricacies of her character.

Lack of complexes

When thinking about how to attract a girl by correspondence, forget about communication complexes. Remember that you can completely relax behind a computer monitor. If you don't want to date, no one can force you to do so.

Communicate freely, forgetting about all the failures and shortcomings, you are not on the red carpet. This behavior will create an atmosphere of male confidence. In addition, all women pay attention to those men who know what they want. The absence of complexes in virtual communication will only work to your advantage!

Intrigue and variety

How to interest a girl by correspondence? There are a huge number of examples, and most of them involve witty jokes, versatile phrases and interesting conversations. The usual “Hi, how are you?” does not apply here. Here creativity, a little mystery and positivity come first. While communicating, try to come up with an original riddle. There are a huge number of options on the Internet.

And even more, girls love unusual questions that they can think about. How to attract a girl by correspondence? Write a phrase of the following nature: “If all your relatives left the burning house, but you still had the opportunity to return for some thing, what would you take?” Another example: “What would you do if you were given a million?” This type of phrase development not only develops creative thinking, but also shows you as an interesting and extraordinary interlocutor. What questions can you ask a girl via correspondence? Now the answer is in a man's pocket!

Duration of conversations and... relationships

A small number of the fair sex will agree to a short relationship. Most girls and women prefer to maintain constant connections, and it is not so easy to firmly join their social circle. The important thing here is to convince her that you are serious. You can use examples from life, tell stories, or express your point of view about a particular situation.

Don't do it Girls are cunning creatures who do not show their feelings to the first person they meet. How do you understand that a girl through correspondence likes you and wants to make a real acquaintance with you? It’s extremely simple: invite you on a date!

To impress a girl by correspondence, you need to adhere to certain rules and avoid common mistakes. This way you can quickly achieve the main goal of communication.

Decide on the purpose of communication

There is no point in moving on to communicating with a girl if you have no idea what you want to get as a result.

The tactics of behavior are different in each case and depend on the goals: whether it is gaining experience in communicating with the opposite sex, or just a way to spend free time (have fun). Or targeted communication for a further invitation to a date with the possibility of a relationship.

The goal must always be kept in mind and reach by the shortest route.

Suppose you wanted to ask a girl out on a date, but got so carried away by online communication that you forgot your goal. As a result, you wasted an extra month on correspondence with the girl, and when you finally invited her, it was too late - she had already started dating someone else.

Positivity will help a girl like you

Be energetic, moderately emotional, cheerful and friendly. A couple of jokes never hurt.

During communication it is forbidden:

  • Whine, cry for your life.
  • Take offense. Turn grievances and oddities in communication into jokes.
  • To gossip. It is necessary to exclude any “womanish” qualities when communicating.
  • Talk about shortcomings their ex-girlfriends. The girl will immediately realize: “Yeah, he’s talking bad about his ex, and in the future he’ll talk like that about me.”

But you can talk about generous actions towards your ex-girlfriend.

Express your opinion, but not in a harsh, but in a well-founded form, supported by facts, but not in evaluative categories. Do it more gently if it concerns a girl, her weaknesses, or insults her. But don't fawn.

Post more good photos

Work on your online account and profile. Surround him with an aura of success, mystery and intrigue. Post photos that will show you at your best. Girls appreciate it.

  • in the family;
  • at a concert, performance;
  • play sports (snowboarding, cycling, football);

Make sure that the girl does not perceive you as an egocentric person, concerned only with herself and her own reputation.

Not worth it upload a photo like this:

  • against the backdrop of expensive cars;
  • selfies at breakfast, lunch and dinner;
  • with cigarettes, alcohol;
  • drunk.

Be an individual, have hobbies, interests and read books. Develop, grow as a person.

A girl is unlikely to like a guy who doesn't know how to put two words together into one sentence. But, your erudition can “hook” her.

Do you want to learn a lot more interesting things, how to learn how to write “catchy” messages, how to properly conduct interesting online correspondence with a girl? Don't know how to ask her out? Then we strongly advise you to read new free book by Yegor Sheremetev“Secrets of successful dating on VKontakte.” You will find our impressions from reading and the download link in.

How to diversify correspondence using media files

Women love variety. If you can surprise a girl, you will definitely attract her attention.

The girl will begin to associate the song you sent with you. And when she hears a song somewhere, she will remember you.

Interesting pictures, videos, films, articles - all this can diversify your communication and make it truly interesting.

What to avoid when communicating

Coarseness. Many people make the mistake of thinking that rudeness is a sign of confidence, but this is a false stereotype.

A girl doesn’t like it when a guy allows himself to behave aggressively, familiarly with her and use obscene expressions in his speech. In reality, a guy with such behavior looks more like a gopnik than an alpha male.

Obsessiveness. If a girl doesn't want to communicate, there's no point in insisting.

There is no need to “extort” information from a girl or “pry into her soul.” This kind of emotional abuse will scare the girl away. Allow the girl to maintain her personal space.

Spelling mistakes. Don't make mistakes in your writing. Your literacy is an indicator of intelligence.

At the same time, you shouldn’t point out mistakes to a girl - tediousness doesn’t attract anyone.

You can check your messages for errors using the text.ru service.

Templates. Everyone is tired of the standard type of expression “Hello, how are you? What are you doing?". It’s better to start developing a topic of conversation based on her hobbies and interests. For example: “Hello! I noticed that you like [actor's name]. And soon a film with him will be released on cinema screens, let’s go?”

Boasting. There is no need to talk about how cool you are - the girl will be disgusted. Talk less, work more.

Abundance of emoticons. Smileys should be in place. A large number of smiles in every sentence makes you think about the adequacy of the guy.

Detailed step-by-step guide If you see that a girl has lost interest, get off the Internet. Only losers hang out online all the time. A successful, self-confident person values ​​his time. He will not waste it on listless chatter on the Internet.

Sometimes you can abruptly interrupt communication without waiting for her response. This will create a little intrigue.

Call the girl by name more often. All people react sensitively to the mention of their name. Proven by psychologists. By actively using this, you can attract attention and gain trust.

Regularity. Send her messages at about the same pace as she sends you. If you correspond too animatedly, you will show excessive interest in communicating with her.

Relationships started online, have long ceased to be a curiosity.

Increasingly, single users are finding their soul mate.

Psychology experts know how to interest a guy or a girl by correspondence.

Stirring up interest

Starting a conversation let the guy be wise and strong.

Pretend to be a fool asking for help.

Play up the situation as if the handles of your “bag” came off right on his page. Let will feel like a hero and will help you.

Do not rush to claim the title of “friends”. It is advisable to send a friend request only after the conversation has exceeded a dozen messages. By the way, the guy’s instant answers will be a true indication of his interest.

So, the first conversation took place. But how can we make the next ones happen? For this it is important to end the first dialogue correctly.

Select another topic that interests him on his page. For example, a quote from your favorite movie. As if by chance, mention that you have long wanted to see this picture. In a day or two, you can safely appear and share your impressions.

To avoid getting into trouble, be sure to watch this movie. If a guy really parsed the tape into quotes, then he will immediately spot the liar.

We start to like you

The first rule of competent flirting is to be yourself. In order to do so, it is important to like yourself. , engage in self-development and never pretend to be an interesting person. Be it!

Simple tips on how to please a guy:

There are a few simple signs that the interlocutor:

  • he writes to you first;
  • is online more often than usual;
  • arranges the next virtual conversation;
  • warns if he plans to leave;
  • doesn't want to let you go.

If a guy willingly shares his thoughts and touches on topics that are important to him - he's on the hook. An analysis of the day and revelations about his experiences will also be an indicator. Not all guys are eager to share their secrets, so push him with an unobtrusive question.

If a guy touches on topics discussed in a previous conversation, it means he has repeatedly thought about you.

Common mistakes

Unfortunately, there are no universal tips on how to interest a guy or girl via correspondence. Companion may perceive the behavior of a new acquaintance differently than he would like.

And the initiators of acquaintance often make mistakes. The most frequent “failures” are committed by both girls and boys.

Online dating:

Dating on the Internet- a wonderful way to find not only new friends, but also a soul mate. For your search to be successful, it is important to follow simple rules of online conversations.

Have you noticed an interesting, pretty girl and don’t know how to present yourself? How should you start making acquaintances so as not to fail? Let's look at a few rules on how to please a girl and build a successful relationship.

We have such a fad - fear of uncertainty. And it has reasons - from childhood, fear is embedded in a person when he does not know what he can expect in the future. Eg:

    Parents, scolding their children, said that they did not know what they would do to them.

    At school they insisted that they did not see what the students would grow up to be.

These and other moments leave their mark, making us less confident, and sometimes even timid. And that's the best case scenario.

Live positively, dream about good things, they will definitely come true.

Sequence of relationship development

There is a certain order in the “maturation” of the relationship between a guy and a girl. If you want to achieve success, you need to stick to it. It is as follows:

  1. Acquaintance. People see each other for the first time, someone may develop a feeling for their interlocutor.
  2. Mutual sympathy. Both people get to know each other better, find common interests and points of possible common ground.
  3. Friendship. Relationships become closer, people have more information about each other.
  4. Mutual trust. They share intimate things, entrust secrets to their partner, and can influence his life.
  5. Weighing each other's pros and cons.
  6. Love, family. Both realize that they cannot live separately and decide to build a life together.

It should be noted that with each stage the separation will be more painful.

Standard set of positive qualities

If you are seriously thinking about how to charm a girl, you need to make an informed decision that after a while you will not give up on her.

After all, getting a person to like you and starting to communicate is not so difficult, but separation can cause irreparable harm to both. Any girl wants to see a competent, cheerful and decent person next to her. But don't be alarmed if you don't meet these requirements in every way. To please almost any young lady you just need to follow some rules:

    Be an attentive interlocutor, have the patience to listen. Do not interrupt her, she will independently tell you the necessary information about herself. All you have to do is take adequate steps in your behavior, everything will be decided on its own.

    Try to compliment her whenever possible, highlight her achievements, say how great she looks, how well she chose her outfit.

    Try to support her endeavors and provide all possible assistance. Every girl dreams of being weak, of having a reliable male shoulder nearby to lean on in difficult times.

    Behave like a well-mannered gentleman. Take care of your appearance, pay attention to your own spoken language and the physical condition of your body. Be polite, remember what etiquette is. Show concern, offer your hand on time, hold it gently when going out into society together. The girl is pleased to feel in caring, reliable hands.

    When meeting with friends, you should introduce your passion, this will make it possible to avoid unnecessary jealousy and future misunderstandings. And the girl will be pleased.

    Show interest in her, ask in advance when you can see each other, give flowers and souvenirs. Your companion will definitely like these signs of attention.

    Show you care. Ask if she might need help. Overcoming difficulties together will significantly bring relationships closer. Be calm, this is the key to success.

    Share your interests, women like purposeful guys.
    Don't forget about pleasant surprises. Communication should be interesting for her.

    Be punctual and keep your promises.

    Increase your self-esteem, learn to make informed decisions and take full responsibility. Confidence, in general, means a lot, a lot! The more confident you are, the greater your success.

    Be a kind and generous person. These are the qualities that are most valued in men.

Be sure to take advantage of this opportunity. Surely the object of your affection has a page on social networks.

It’s just important to approach everything wisely; you must intrigue the girl, hook her, and achieve the desire to communicate. Therefore, you need to prepare in advance:

1. You should put your page in order:

    review the posted information (remove outright nonsense);

    remove, add to photos (hide the worst ones);

    clean up your correspondence (just in case, suddenly invite your sweetheart to visit, and she will accidentally discover something that she shouldn’t see);

    reconsider friends, groups (unsubscribe from dubious ones, or hide them).

The girl will definitely be interested in the information posted on your page. And we need the impression we make on her to be good.

3. Next you need to find out your vital interests and study this information. You must be a competent conversationalist. It will be interesting for her to communicate with a person who understands the issues that interest her. However, if you don’t understand a certain topic, don’t be smart, just admit it honestly.

The main thing is not to be too annoying and persistent. Don't write 100,500 messages per hour. She'll think you're crazy...

Be calm, create the impression of a successful, balanced person. Any girl would want to keep in touch with someone like that and would initiate correspondence.

And don’t forget about humor and positivity! With them you will achieve results much faster.

Telephone communication

If everything goes according to plan, the next step will be a telephone conversation. For this it is important:

Find a quiet and comfortable place to talk.

Give a few compliments (praise her for her beautiful voice).

And, of course, watch your intonation, think carefully about what you say.

We have an article about what to answer a girl, because their questions are tricky.

If the dialogue is structured correctly, phone calls will be followed by a first meeting and date.

What if a girl doesn't like you?

What to do if your chosen one has negative impressions?

First of all, you need to understand what is wrong. There may be several reasons:

  1. Perhaps you behaved in the wrong way. You need to apologize and try to start over.
  2. Maybe she is poorly informed about you. You should show your best side and make a positive impression.
  3. Perhaps you chose the wrong girl, it’s worth reconsidering whether such a sweetheart is needed.
  4. A lot can depend on you. Make an action plan and achieve success step by step. But remember, everything needs to be done in moderation!

Responsibility for actions

You can establish relationships with virtually every person. Both by correspondence and as a result of live communication, just think carefully about whether they are needed at the moment.

Are you able to provide for this relationship, protect from everyday problems and evil tongues? Will it happen that after a while you will change your mind? Will she be able to bear the separation, what consequences might there be? Rarely does anyone think about this, but they should.

Before we say goodbye, let us remind you that you are the master of your life! If you have firmly decided to achieve reciprocity from the girl you like, take action... Show with examples that you are the best person who can meet on her life’s path!


At the time of correspondence, the girl should think that you are special, that is, different from everyone else, and for the better. The most important thing is to interest her, because this is a very important moment on the path to success.

Regularly surprise and communicate on various topics, ask her about her health, because, as a rule, caring young people are very popular with the weaker sex. All this will be a good start for future ones.

Try to show yourself as a versatile person with whom you can sit in a cafe, drink coffee or go to a nightclub, and not just spend one night. This will definitely interest her, because such young people are rare.

Be decisive, because many people dream of a man without complexes. Be interested in her problems. Often girls cry into their pillow, dreaming of a real guy who would become a protector and reliable support for her. Letting her know that this is who you are, making a penpal girl fall in love with you will become much easier.

Show your imagination, intrigue her. Communicate with her as if you are really there. Don’t mark time, unsubscribing in simple phrases. She will soon become bored with you. Make unexpected but pleasant surprises.

Remember that all girls are romantic. Send her a message with poems dedicated to your acquaintance, or a postcard with an interesting topic. Try not to answer her questions trivially; for her, become different from everyone else.

Don't bother, be the master of the situation. Tell her about your friends and how you spend time in company. Expand your worth, but most importantly, don’t overdo it!

Do not give the girl confidence that you are now her property, remember that this will kill your relationship. Most likely, the girl will definitely show genuine interest in you and agree to meet in reality.


If you have known a girl for less than two months, then most likely what you are experiencing is not love, but passion, infatuation. After all, true love can arise between people with similar values, views on life, family, etc. And it is simply impossible to understand this in a short period of time.

Helpful advice

In fact, you can try to evoke reciprocal feelings in a person, you just need to know how to do it correctly. How to make a girl fall in love with you? How to achieve a reciprocal feeling. First, decide whether you really want love. In addition, if you have only recently met, then you may develop an infatuation, passion, or falling in love. After some time, this feeling usually goes away. If you are sure that this is love, then go ahead!


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