Verses that can be read in prayer. Namaz. Surahs used in prayers

Verses that are important for everyone to know! (Part 1)

The first part contains verses on the topic “Tawhid” (“Monotheism”).

I created jinn and humans only so that they would worship Me. (Quran, sura No. 51, "Az-Zariyat", "The Scatterers of the Ashes", verse 56)

Were they really created on their own (or just like that)? Or are they creators themselves? (Quran, sura No. 52 "At-Tur", "Mountain", verse 35).

If Allah touches you with trouble, then no one can save you from it except Him. If He touches you with good, then He is capable of every thing. (Quran, sura No. 6 "al-An"am", "Cattle", verse 17)

Say: “Verily, my prayer and my sacrifice (or worship), my life and my death are dedicated to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. He has no partners. This is what I have been ordered to do, and I am the first of the Muslims.” (Quran, sura No. 6 "al-An"am", "Cattle", verses 162-163)

Say: “I call only to my Lord and do not associate anyone with Him.” (Quran, sura No. 72 "Al-Jinn", "Jinn", verse 20)

Verily, Allah does not forgive when partners are associated with Him, but He forgives all other (or less serious) sins to whom He wishes. Whoever associates partners with Allah commits a great sin. (Quran, sura No. 4 "An-Nisa", "Women", verse 48)

Verses that are important for everyone to know! (Part 2)

The second part contains continued verses on the topic “Tawhid” (“Monotheism”).

Learn for the sake of Allah and do not be lazy, these verses are the key to success in both worlds. Learn at least one verse a day, or even less often, because it’s better than not learning them at all! Guided by these verses, you will protect yourself and your family from error and will be able to spread the call of Islam to other people, exalting the Word of Allah.

Your Lord said: “Call upon Me and I will answer you. Verily, those who exalt themselves above the worship of Me will enter Gehenna humiliated.” (Quran, sura No. 40 "Ghafir", "Forgiving", verse 60)

Say: “Have you seen those to whom you call besides Allah? Show me what part of the earth they created? Or are they co-owners of heaven? (Quran, sura No. 46 "Al-Ahkaf", "Sands", verse 4)

You worship idols instead of Allah and invent lies. Indeed, those whom you worship instead of Allah are not able to provide you with food. Seek food from Allah, worship Him and thank Him. To Him you will be returned." (Quran, sura No. 29 "Al-Ankabut", "Spider", verse 17)

Isn't Allah sufficient for His servant? They frighten you with those who are lower than Him. (Quran, sura No. 39 "Az-Zumar", "Crowds", verse 36)

If you ask them, “Who created the heavens and the earth?” - they will certainly say: “Allah.” Say: “Have you seen those to whom you call instead of Allah? If Allah wants to harm me, will they be able to avert His harm? Or, if He wants to show me mercy, will they be able to withhold His mercy? Say: “Allah is sufficient for me. In Him alone will those who trust put their trust.” (Quran, sura No. 39 "Az-Zumar", "Crowds", verse 38)

Verses that are important for everyone to know! (Part 3)

The third part contains verses on the topic of “Tawhid” (“Monotheism”) and the importance of submitting only to Allah and His Messenger, despite everything that contradicts this.

Learn for the sake of Allah and do not be lazy, these verses are the key to success in both worlds. Learn at least one verse a day, or even less often, because it’s better than not learning them at all! Guided by these verses, you will protect yourself and your family from error and will be able to spread the call of Islam to other people, exalting the Word of Allah.

The living and the dead are not equal. Verily, Allah grants hearing to whomever He wills, and you cannot force those who are in the grave to hear. (Quran, sura No. 35 “Fatyr”, “Creator”, verse 22).

When you call on them, they do not hear your prayer, and even if they heard, they would not answer you. On the Day of Resurrection they will reject your worship. No one will tell you like the Knower. (Quran, sura No. 35 “Fatyr”, “Creator”, verse 14).

Who is in greater error than those who call instead of Allah to those who will not answer them until the Day of Resurrection and who do not know about their call?! (Quran, Sura No. 46 “Al-Ahkaf”, “The Sands”, verse 5).

When they are told: “Follow what Allah has revealed,” they answer: “No! We will follow what we found our fathers doing.” What if their fathers did not understand anything and did not follow the straight path? (Quran, sura No. 2 “Al-Baqarah”, “The Cow”, verse 170).

For a believing man and a believing woman, there is no choice in their decision if Allah and His Messenger have already made a decision. And whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger has fallen into obvious error. (Quran, Sura No. 33 “Al-Ahzab”, “The Allies”, verse 36).

Verses that are important for everyone to know! (Part 4)

The fourth part contains verses on the topic “The Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)” and the importance of submission to him.

Learn for the sake of Allah and do not be lazy, these verses are the key to success in both worlds. Learn at least one verse a day, or even less often, because it’s better than not learning them at all! Guided by these verses, you will protect yourself and your family from error and will be able to spread the call of Islam to other people, exalting the Word of Allah.

O you who believe! Do not get ahead of Allah and His Messenger and fear Allah, for Allah is Hearing, Knowing. (Quran, sura No. 49 "Al-Hujurat", "Rooms", verse 1)

But no - I swear by your Lord! - they will not believe until they choose you as a judge in everything that is entangled between them, cease to feel constraint in their souls from your decision and submit completely. (Quran, sura No. 4 "An-Nisa", "Women", verse 65)

He doesn't speak on a whim. (Quran, sura No. 53 "An-Najm", "Star", verse 3)

Say: “If you love Allah, then follow me, and then Allah will love you and forgive you your sins, for Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.” (Quran, sura No. 3 "Ali Imran", "The Family of Imran", verse 31)

O you who believe! Obey Allah, obey the Messenger and those in authority among you. If you begin to argue about something, then turn it to Allah and the Messenger, if you believe in Allah and the Last Day. This way it will be better and more beautiful in meaning (or in outcome; or in reward)! (Koran, sura No. 4 “An-Nisa”, “Women, verse 59).

Verses that are important for everyone to know! (Part 5)

The fifth part contains verses about the importance of understanding religion as it was understood by the righteous predecessors, starting with the companions (sahaba) and about the perfection of the religion of Islam, which prohibits introducing innovations into it (bid'a).

Learn for the sake of Allah and do not be lazy, these verses are the key to success in both worlds. Learn at least one verse a day, or even less often, because it’s better than not learning them at all! Guided by these verses, you will protect yourself and your family from error and will be able to spread the call of Islam to other people, exalting the Word of Allah.

Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. Those who are with him are stern towards the unbelievers and merciful among themselves. You see how they bow and prostrate, seeking mercy from Allah and contentment. Their sign is the marks of prostration on their faces. This is how they are presented in the Taurat (Torah). In the Injil (Gospel) they are represented by a seed on which a sprout grew. He strengthened it, and it became thick and straightened on its stem, delighting the sowers. Allah brought this parable in order to infuriate the unbelievers. Allah promised those of them who believed and did righteous deeds forgiveness and a great reward. (Quran, sura No. 48 "Al-Fath", "Victory", verse 29).

Allah is pleased with the first of the Muhajirs and Ansars who were ahead of the rest, and with those who followed strictly behind them. They are also pleased with Allah. He prepared for them Gardens of Eden in which rivers flow. They will remain there forever. This is great success. (Quran, Sura No. 9 “At-Tawba”, “Repentance”, verse 100).

And whoever resists the Messenger after the straight path has become clear to him, and follows not the path of the believers, We will send him to where he turned and burn him in Gehenna. How bad is this place of arrival! (Quran, Sura No. 4 “An-Nisa”, “Women”, verse 115).

Today, for your sake, I have perfected your religion, completed My mercy towards you and approved Islam for you as a religion. (Quran, sura No. 4 “Al-Maida”, “Meal”, verse 3).

Or do they have companions who legitimized for them in religion what Allah did not allow? If not for the decisive Word, their dispute would have already been resolved. Verily, the wicked are destined for a painful torment. (Quran, Sura No. 42 "Ash-Shura", "Council", verse 21).

Say: “Shall I inform you of those whose actions will cause the greatest loss? These are those whose efforts have gone astray in worldly life, although they thought they were doing the right thing! (Quran, Sura No. 18 “Al-Kahf”, “The Cave”, verses 103-104).

Verses that are important for everyone to know! (Part 6)

The sixth part contains verses about the truth of Islam and the uniqueness of Truth.

Learn for the sake of Allah and do not be lazy, these verses are the key to success in both worlds. Learn at least one verse a day, or even less often, because it’s better than not learning them at all! Guided by these verses, you will protect yourself and your family from error and will be able to spread the call of Islam to other people, exalting the Word of Allah.

He is the One who sent His messenger with the right guidance and the religion of truth to exalt it above all other religions. It is enough that Allah is a Witness. (Quran, sura No. 48 "Al-Fath", "Victory", verse 28).

Truly, this religion of yours is one religion. I am your Lord. Worship Me! (Quran, sura No. 21 "Al-Anbiya", "Prophets", verse 92).

Are they really looking for another religion besides the religion of Allah, while everyone in the heavens and on earth has submitted to Him, either by their own will or by force, and to Him they will be returned. (Quran, sura No. 3 “Ali Imran”, “The Family of Imran”, verse 83).

Indeed, Islam is the religion of Allah. (Quran, sura No. 3 "Ali Imran", "The Family of Imran", verse 19)

From one who seeks a religion other than Islam, this will never be accepted, and in the Hereafter he will be among the losers. (Quran, sura No. 3 “Ali Imran”, “The Family of Imran”, verse 85).

What could be the truth other than error? How turned away you are from the truth! (Quran, sura No. 10 “Yunus”, “Yunus”, verse 32).

The Holy Quran is evidence of the manifestation of the boundless Mercy of the Creator towards his slaves, a book of divine revelation, which each time opens up for us more and more new semantic depths and until the Day of Judgment will remain a faithful life guide for the entire human race. Of course, the Holy Book, consisting of one hundred and fourteen suras, is multifaceted and carries within itself an unlimited wealth of great wisdom, sent down by the Creator himself. And it is the Koran that is the key that opens any obstacles that arise on the path of life.

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) himself advised reading certain surahs to solve certain problems, depending on the situation. So, for example, He (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) commanded to read Surah al-Baqarah at home so that it would not look like a grave, al-Falaq as a protection from envy, and Surah al-Nas the Blessed One The Prophet advised reading in order to protect oneself from nafs and everything bad.

  • Surah ad-Dukha is a remedy for fear of the Day of Judgment.

It is quite natural that a person has fear of the upcoming day of the Great Judgment, because it is there that our future will be decided for eternity. However, the Blessed Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) suggested a good way to get rid of such fear, saying: “For the one who reads Surah “at night, seventy thousand angels will ask for forgiveness until the morning.”

  • Surah Yasin is the heart of the Holy Quran.

Called by the Blessed Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) the heart of the Qur'an, this surah carries multi-faceted knowledge and deep meaning related to both worlds. Noting the boundless significance of this surah, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Read, for there is good in it, and the one who is hungry will be full, and the one who is naked will be clothed. A bachelor will find a family, someone who has fear will gain courage. The one who is sad after reading it will be happy, the traveler will receive help on the road, and the one who has lost something will find his loss after reading it. A dying person will easily leave this world, and a sick person will receive healing.”

  • Surah al-Fatihah is salvation from any difficulty.

If Surah Yasin is the heart of the Koran, then "" is the soul of the Holy Scriptures. As the great theologian Hasan Basri said, the Quran has collected all the knowledge revealed in the scriptures earlier, and Fatihah is the basis of the Quran. Therefore, many scholars, including Hasan Basri, advised the faithful to seek salvation from the raging storm of life’s adversities in this surah.

  • Surah al-Waqiy'a - salvation from poverty.

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) paid great attention to the issue of mutual assistance and support between representatives of the ummah. He (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) told believers about the increase in the property of those who sincerely give alms and pay zakat, and about the obligation of every believer to help his brother in faith, who, due to certain circumstances, found himself in a difficult financial situation. In order to get out of a state of need, the Blessed Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also advised reading Surah al-Waqiy’a: “If a person reads Surah al-Waqiy’a every night, poverty will never touch him. Al-Waqiyyah is a surah of wealth, read it and teach it to your children.”

  • Surah al-Mulk - salvation from torment in the grave.

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) read this sura every night and said to others: “In the Koran there is a sura of thirty verses that will intercede for the person who read them and help him receive forgiveness. This surah is ".

Ihsan Kyshkarov

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There are several opinions about the origin of the name. According to one opinion, it is derived from the verb "karaa", which means "to read". According to another opinion, it comes from the verb "iktarana", which means "to bind". According to the third interpretation, it comes from the word “kira”, which means “treat”. Theologians believe that the Koran received this name because it is a gift from God to believers.

The Qur'an itself uses various names for the last revelation, of which the most common are: Furqan (discrimination between good and evil, truth and falsehood, permitted and forbidden); Kitab (Book); Dhikr (Reminder); Tanzil (Sent Down). The word “mushaf” refers to individual copies of the Koran.

Meaning in Islam

In Islam, the Holy Qur'an is a constitution that the Almighty (in Arabic - Allah) sent down to His Messenger so that every person could establish a relationship with the Lord, with himself and the society in which he lives, and fulfill his life mission as This is what the Lord of the worlds wished. It is an eternal miracle that will not lose any of its importance and relevance until the Day of Resurrection.

Anyone who believes in him gets rid of slavery to creation and begins a new life, since his soul seems to be born again so that he can serve the Almighty and earn His mercy

Muslims accept this grace, adhere to the divine guidance, follow its injunctions, obey its commands, avoid its prohibitions and do not transgress its restrictions. Following the Quranic path is the key to happiness and prosperity, while moving away from it is the cause of unhappiness.

The Koran educates Muslims in the spirit of righteousness, fear of God and good behavior.

The Prophet Muhammad explained that the best of people is the one who studies the Qur'an and teaches other people this knowledge.

Al-Fatiha - the first surah of the Koran

During the Meccan period of the revelation of the Koran, Islam was not the state religion, and in the Meccan suras more attention is paid to the doctrines of prophecy, eschatology (a system of religious views and ideas about the end of the world, redemption and the afterlife, about the fate of the Universe or its transition to a qualitatively new state. Also an industry theology, studying them within the framework of a particular religious doctrine.), spirituality, as well as ethical problems. The most important postulate and leitmotif of the entire content of the Koran is the doctrine of Monotheism, which rejects the existence of other gods besides the true Creator of all existing existence, and prescribes the obligation to serve only Him.

In the Revelations of the Medina period, greater importance is given to social, economic issues, problems of war and peace, law, family relationships, etc. Divine commands in a number of cases were sent down gradually, from easier forms to more complex ones, for example, initially Muslims prayed twice a day. day, and then came the command to pray five times a day. In accordance with real circumstances, Allah could send down a Revelation that was temporary in nature (mansukh), and then cancel it and replace it with a new one (nasikh); by analogy with jurisprudence, the term abrogation is used (cancellation or change of an outdated law (contract, agreement)). The revelation of the Qur'an in parts contributed to a better perception of it by the people and facilitated the study and practical application of the Qur'an in everyday life.

The Quran was revealed not only to the Arabs, but to all humanity: “We sent you only as a mercy to the inhabitants of all the worlds.”

At the same time, the Koran does not contain anything fundamentally new or previously unknown. It tells about the ancient prophets (Adam, Lut, Ibrahim, Yusuf, Musa, Isa, etc.) and various events of their lives. The Koran also tells about events that are to happen in the future.

The Koran also talks about the problems of the origin and essence of being, various forms of life, cosmology and cosmogony (Cosmogony (Greek kosmogonía, from kósmos - world, Universe and gone, goneia - birth) - a field of science that studies the origin and development of cosmic bodies and their systems: stars and star clusters, galaxies, nebulae, the Solar System and all its constituent bodies - the Sun, planets (including the Earth), their satellites, asteroids (or minor planets), comets, meteorites.

Cosmology is the study of the structure and changes in the modern Universe, while the scientific field of cosmogony deals with the question of the origin of the Universe. Observations of our present Universe may not only provide predictions for the future, but they also provide clues to events that occurred long ago when... the cosmos was just beginning. Thus, work on cosmology is based on the astrophysics of current observations and the construction of models of evolution - cosmogony does not duplicate, but complements astrophysics), contains Divine commands about service. Thus, the Koran contains general principles for all aspects of individual and social existence.

Structure of the Quran

There are 114 suras (chapters) in the Koran. All chapters are divided into verses (verses). In total, the Quran contains 6236 verses and more than 320 thousand letters (harf). The text of the Koran is divided into 30 equal parts, each of which is called juz in Arabic.

Some surahs were revealed to Muhammad in Mecca, others in Medina. The Meccan suras were revealed to Muhammad before the Hijra (migration to Medina) or on the way to this city. In turn, the Medina suras were revealed in Medina or during some journey made by Muhammad after the Hijra. Revelations revealed in Mecca are considered abrogated and in Medina true.

Muslims believe that the contents of the Koran cannot be changed, since the Almighty promised to protect it until the Day of Judgment:

“Verily, We have sent down a Reminder, and We guard it”

All suras of the Koran, except the ninth, begin with the words: “In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.” In the first surah of the Koran, these words are included in the text as the first verse.

Surahs, with a few exceptions, are arranged in the Qur'an according to their size rather than chronologically. At the beginning there are long suras, then suras with a gradually decreasing number of verses.

The most important suras and verses of the Koran

Sura 1. The most famous sura “Al-Fatihah” (“Opening the Book”), also called the “Mother of the Quran,” is repeatedly read by Muslims in each of the 5 obligatory daily prayers.

Sura 2, verse 255, called "Ayat of the Throne". One of the most striking statements about the universal dominion of Allah over everything that He created. It is this verse, according to Muhammad, that comes first in the Quran.

Sura 24, verse 35, “The Ayat of Light” is a verse describing the glory of God.

Sura 36. "Ya-Sin". In the teachings of Islam, this surah is the “heart of the Koran.”

Sura 112. The very short chapter “Ikhlas” is a kind of “creed” of Islam. Its name means "Sincerity".

History of the Quran

Main article: Codification of the Quran

Manuscript of the Koran 7th century.

According to Islamic tradition, it is believed that the Koran came down to the world from Allah in its entirety on the night of Qadr, but the angel Gabriel transmitted it to the prophet in parts for 23 years.

By order of the Prophet, the verses revealed to him were immediately written down. For this he had about 40 secretaries. Zeid ibn Thabit said that after the secretary wrote down the Revelation, the prophet forced him to read the verses again and only after that allowed him to read the Divine Revelations to the people. At the same time, he insisted that the companions memorize the Revelations, for such knowledge would be rewarded by Allah. Thus, some Muslims knew the entire Koran by heart, while others knew fragments.

Revelations were written on date leaves, pieces of flat stone, leather, and fabric. Records were made as Allah revealed the verses, but the revelation was mixed. Only after the revelation of a group of verses did the prophet announce which surah and in what order they should be written. There were also Revelations that should not have been included in the Koran, but were temporary in nature and were later canceled by Allah.

All the verses of the Koran, but in the form of separate records, were collected by the decision of the first caliph Abu Bakr.

Sources from this period state that twelve years after the death of the Prophet Muhammad, when Othman became caliph, various parts of the Qur'an were in use, made by famous companions of the prophet, in particular Abdallah ibn Masud and Ubayyah ibn Ka'b. Seven years after Osman became caliph, he ordered copies of the Koran to be made and sent to different countries.

Collected together, compiled into one list during the reign of Caliph Osman (644-656), these Revelations constituted the canonical text of the Koran, which has survived to this day unchanged. The first complete such list dates back to the year 651.

The Qur'an still exists in oral form, with people memorizing the entire Qur'an.

So, the Koran was sent down, or rather began to be sent down, in the month of Ramadan in the year 611 AD. The night of the beginning of the sending down is not known exactly, but the opinion about the 27th night of the month of Ramadan has great argumentation. This night is called the “night of power” and an entire chapter is dedicated to it in the Koran. After the first revelation, which can be found in the initial five verses (verses) of Surah (chapter) 96 of the Qur'an, prophecy continued for 23 years. The Koran is written in a special style. This cannot be called poetry or prose. Some suras have long verses, others contain short, laconic verses. The narrative of the Koran is so unique and harmonious that it excludes any human participation in its composition, given that the prophet, peace be upon him, was not taught either reading or writing.

The sacred verses from the Koran, which are the direct speech of the Creator of all things - Allah, are presented in a certain sequence and carry a very deep semantic load that can explain all the phenomena of the Universe.

What is a verse

This is one sentence from the chapters of the Koran, of which there are a total of 114 in the holy book of Muslims. Islamic theologians differed slightly on the question of how many verses are in the Koran, since they calculated using different methods, but unanimously agreed that there are over 6200 of them.

What do the verses from the Koran say?

Each verse tells about the hidden, they all reveal to people the truth about creation, existence and transition to another world. The entire holy book of Muslims is a comprehensive guide to the actions of the servant of God throughout his worldly life - examination and preparation for eternal existence.

The most common verses in practice

The first verse of the Quran sounds like this: “In the name of Allah, the Gracious and Merciful” and reflects the complete picture of human existence on earth - his whole life should be built on the motivation to live for the sake of the Lord and in His name, doing all good deeds to achieve His pleasure and avoiding sins to avoid His wrath.

Ayats from the Koran, speaking about monotheism, about Heaven and Hell, about the mercy and forgiveness of the Almighty, are most often found in the holy book, since they reflect the basis of Muslim beliefs. The essence of Islam is the worship of the One Allah, who has nothing and no one like him, does not need anything and is free from imperfection.

Mother of the Koran

The Quran begins with a chapter called “The Opening Book”, which contains 7 verses. Each of them reflects the seven main sections of the Koran. It is believed that the first sura is the mother of the Koran, which contains in its short text all the components of the holy book. She speaks about the qualities and attributes of the Creator, expresses the basis of belief in monotheism, asks to be directed to the true path and kept from errors and punishments that entail. In terms of semantic load, these are the points that are specified throughout the entire Quran over 600 pages of sacred text.

Healing verses from the Koran

The Muslim Holy Book is universal. It not only teaches and explains the essence of life, but is also capable of treating spiritual and physical ailments if one applies verses from the Koran with sincere faith and trust only in the help of Allah Almighty. For a sincere Muslim believer, it is enough to write certain verses on a piece of paper using saffron, which is easily washed off with water and is not harmful to the body, and then drink this water or wash the sore spot with it. If it is the will of the Almighty, the patient will be cured of his ailments. After all, every understanding Muslim knows that Allah has all the weapons against any misfortune, and He alone is powerful to correct the situation, save the sufferer from adversity and restore peace to the slave.

Whatever situations occur in the life of a Muslim, he knows that for every question there are certain verses from the Koran that can explain to him the essence of what is happening, suggest a way out of the situation and find the right guidance for action. And in order to understand the meaning of the Koranic text, which is difficult for the common man to understand, there are interpretations from leading Islamic theologians.