The story of the prophet Muhammad. Main dates and life events, short biography. Some excerpts from the life of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ)

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is truly one of the most influential figures in the history of Islam. But few people know what kind of person the great prophet of Islam really was. The facts presented below are the most amazing about the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him).

  1. He was an orphan

The Prophet's father died before Muhammad was born. According to ancient Arab tradition, little Muhammad was given to be raised by the Bedouins. When Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) was 6 years old, his mother died while returning from Medina, where she had gone to visit relatives. After this, his grandfather Abdulmuttalib became his guardian, and Ummu-Ayman looked after him. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) later said that she was his second mother. When he was 8 years old, his beloved grandfather also died. According to his grandfather's will, his uncle Abu Talib became his trustee.

  1. He married for love

The widow Khadija was 40 years old, the Prophet Muhammad was 25 years old, the Prophet Muhammad worked for Khadija and was escorting trade caravans. Khadija, noticing Muhammad's pious disposition, herself invited him to marry her. Truly, this was great love, based on respect and caused by an attraction to good character. Muhammad was young and could have chosen another young girl, but it was Khadija who gave his heart, and they were married for 24 years until her death. Muhammad yearned for Khadija for 13 years before he left the world himself. His subsequent marriages were driven by personal motivation to help and provide social protection. In addition, Muhammad only fathered children with Khadija.

  1. His first reaction to receiving the prophecy is doubt and despair.

At a certain age, Muhammad developed a need for privacy. He was haunted by questions to which he could not find answers. Muhammad retired to the cave of Hira and spent time in meditation. During one of his regular solitudes, he received the first revelation from Allah. He was then 40 years old. In his own words, at that moment the pain was so severe that he thought he was dying. The meeting with the Angel of the Most High became inexplicable for him. Muhammad was gripped by fear and despair, from which he sought peace from his wife Khadija.

  1. The Prophet was a reformer

The message of Muhammad, who became a prophet, having acquired the true message and revelation, went against the established norms of Arab society. Muhammad's message was against the corruption and ignorance of Meccan society. The continuing revelations coming to Muhammad demanded social and economic justice, which caused dissent among the elite.

  1. Prophet Muhammad advocated peace

The Prophet was subjected to many difficulties throughout his life, including rejection of him as a prophet, the militia of polytheists, and organized oppression of him and his followers. The Prophet never responded to aggression with aggression; he always maintained a sound mind and tolerance, calling for peace. The highest point of the Prophet's love of peace is his sermon delivered on Mount Arafat, where the messenger called on his followers to respect religion and peoples, and not to harm people even with a word.

  1. He died without leaving a successor

The Prophet left the world without leaving a successor, since all his children died before him. Under such conditions, many thought that the prophet would clearly define his desire for a successor, but this did not happen.

Saida Hayat

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All major world religions began with man. More precisely, not from an ordinary person. After all, at the heart of all religious teachings is a prophet - a real historical figure, who was the founder of each new cult. Over time, all these personalities acquired an aura of mystery, but still there are many interesting stories associated with them, which few people know about. The history of the prophets from Adam to Muhammad may seem surprisingly fascinating even to people who are far from understanding the basics of religion.

Who is a prophet?

There are three main religions in the world, each of which has one or more prophets. Before embarking on the history of the prophets from Adam to Muhammad, it is worth understanding what a prophet really is.

Theologians distinguish two types of prophets - Christian and Muslim. Depending on belonging to a particular religion, the very meaning of this word differs slightly. In Christianity, a prophet is a person who has direct contact with divine forces. And in the Islamic religion this is what they call those who carry the will of God to all other people.

In general terms, the interpretation of the word is identical in all world religions, but the number of prophets is different everywhere. The history of the prophets from Adam to Muhammad includes many miracles and oddities that people mistook for divine providence.

Quran: the book in which all the prophets of Islam are mentioned

Everything a pious Muslim needs to know is contained in the main holy book - the Koran. The history of the prophets from Adam to Muhammad is collected here; almost all known facts about these people can be found on the pages of the Koran. In general, the holy book talks about more than one hundred thousand prophets, but twenty-five of them are considered the most important.

According to the Koran, the very first prophet was Adam, and the last and most important of all was Muhammad. Islamic theologians have even counted how many times each name is mentioned on the pages of the holy book. This fact determines the significance of the prophet and his contribution to the development of Islam.

What should a prophet be like?

The stories about all the prophets - from Adam to Muhammad - separately highlight the qualities that God's messengers were supposed to possess. After all, divine power endowed them with the ability to perform miracles, and for this they had to be absolutely pure in soul and body.

The most important quality of a prophet is truthfulness. He should not convey false information to people and simply must be faithful to his convictions. The Koran mentions that all the prophets were absolutely sinless and intelligent, only such characteristics allowed them to accurately convey the will of Allah and convince people to follow them.

The stories about the prophets from Adam to Muhammad also contain information about additional qualities that only the last prophet of Islam, considered the highest of all, possessed. The Koran notes that Muhammad has power not only over people, but also over all spirits. Moreover, his power will be extended until the last day of humanity.

Are all prophets the same?

The history of the prophets from Adam to Muhammad, as set out in the Koran, divides all the messengers of God into three categories:

  • rasul - a messenger who receives information from the angels and the Creator;
  • nabi - a person who transmits the covenants and dogmas of religious teaching to his people (he can receive them from Allah or Rasul);
  • ul-l-azm - prophets who not only carry the word of God, but also endure hardships for their people and faith.

Each of them is mentioned in the holy book. It is interesting that one prophet can consider himself to be in all of the above categories. This is also noted in the Koran.

If you have never been interested in the religious dogmas of Islam, then it will be a surprise to you that almost all the prophets mentioned in the Koran have their counterparts in Christianity. That is, it is very likely that all these people were real individuals who brought the light of faith to the world. It’s just why their revelations served as the reason for the creation of two religious movements remains unclear to this day.

The history of the prophets from Adam to Muhammad contains numerous references to Adam, the first prophet of Islam. It is interesting that in Christianity and Islam the name of Adam is translated exactly the same. The story of the creation of the first man on Earth is interpreted equally identically. But differences in perception are still present. If for Christians Adam is a mythical person, then Muslims will tell you all the details of the life of the prophet Adam on earth and point to his grave in Jerusalem, where, according to legend, it was moved after the flood.

Not everyone knows that the prophet Adam was a giant. His height was about fifteen meters, but after his expulsion from the Garden of Eden, he decreased slightly. And yet he remained a very tall man.

Of all the prophets mentioned in the Koran, Ilyas, or Elijah, occupies a special place. According to the holy book, for his righteous life he was taken to heaven while still alive. Muslims believe that he is still the most important adviser to Allah and travels through the heavenly lands with him.

Stories of the prophets from Adam to Muhammad: the most interesting things about the last prophet of Islam

There are a lot of legends about the Prophet Muhammad. It is believed that he constantly performed miracles that converted many people to faith. The most common legend is about the splitting of the moon. According to legend, Muhammad split the night luminary into two parts at the request of the crowd, which immediately converted to Islam. But this part of the legend is not surprising. Historians find confirmation of this fact all over the world. Many written sources contain information about the moon, which suddenly split apart and remained in this state for some time. It is surprising that people who were in no way connected with each other passed on the same legends from mouth to mouth. It turns out that the splitting of the moon is not a legend at all?

Muslims know that Muhammad was married several times. He had many children from his wives, but not a single child could survive him. All of them died before Muhammad turned fifty years old. The only exception was one daughter, who gave birth to the prophet's grandson, Hussein. She lived to see her father begin his preaching work, and only after that she died. From Hussein came a line of descendants of Muhammad who became an influential ruling dynasty in Morocco.

One can approach Islam in different ways, but one should not exclude the fact that everything that is told in the holy books is the absolute truth. After all, the greatest prophets mentioned in the Koran were supposed to bring only the truth to people.

1. Prophet Muhammad was an orphan

Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah Almighty be upon him, was left an orphan at the age of 6 when his mother died. His father left this world while he was still in his mother's womb.

2. He lived with his first wife for 24 years, and if she had not died, he would not have married again.

When he married Khadija, she was 40 years old, he was 25, and if she had not died, he would no longer have wives. The Prophet Muhammad himself reported this. They were married for 24 years. All subsequent marriages were concluded with a personal motivation to help and provide social protection to women. In addition, Muhammad only fathered children with Khadija.

3. He only became a prophet at age 40

Muhammad, peace and blessings of the Almighty be upon him, really became a prophet only at the age of 40. Archangel Jibril brought him revelations when he was in the cave of Hira on Mount Nur.

4. One of the miracles of the prophet was the splitting of the moon into two parts

The splitting of the Moon was one of the greatest miracles of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of the Almighty be upon him. When he was 52 years old, the leaders of the disbelievers from the tribe of Quraish came to him and said:

“If you are a prophet, then split the moon into two parts. Prophet Muhammad wanted the people of his tribe, especially his close friends and relatives, to convert to Islam. He prayed, raising his hands up, and the moon split into two equal halves. Each part of the moon could be seen from different mountains. The disbelievers said: “Muhammad performed a miracle.”

5. Prophet Muhammad had certain qualities that others did not possess

Interestingly, the smell of his sweat was like perfume. And this is without exaggeration. Everyone who communicated with him reported this. Also, his saliva was medicinal. And his voice was so loud that during his last sermon the Prophet, peace and blessings of the Almighty be upon him, could easily be heard by 124,000 pilgrims.

6. His prophetic mission lasted 23 years

His prophetic mission lasted 23 years - 13 of them in Mecca and 10 in Medina. Throughout this time, verses of the Holy Quran were revealed to him.

7. The main evidence of his prophetic mission is the Koran

He reported this himself. The main proof of his prophetic mission is the Holy Quran. Until now, no one has managed to create a single surah or verse like the Koran. And some verses that were revealed over 14 centuries ago are only beginning to acquire meaning and scientific validity.

8. He is the last prophet to people

Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of God be upon him, is the last messenger and prophet from God. After him there will be no prophets on earth, and the religion of Islam is the last from God. The Koran is the last Holy book for people.

9. The Prophet had a great character

Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of God be upon him, had the best character. This is stated in the Koran. This was necessary so that people would perceive the truth of religion, since rigidity and excessiveness repel a person.

10. Prophet Muhammad had seven children

The prophet had seven children - 3 boys and 4 girls. The boys died in childhood, and the girls all got married.

11. Prophet Muhammad had 4 names

The prophet had 4 names - Muhammad, Mahmud, Ahmad and Mustafa

12. The Prophet's greatest fear was hypocrisy

Hypocrisy is one of the most condemned human qualities in Islam. The Koran says that hypocrites will be at the very bottom of Hell. The Prophet's hadith says: "Indeed, the greatest thing I fear about you after I am gone is hypocrisy."

13. Muhammad was both a prophet and a messenger

In Islam, a person who has been chosen by Allah and to whom He has given the scripture is called a messenger (rasul). And the person who is chosen by Allah, and to whom the scripture was not given, is a prophet (nabi). Allah Almighty inspires revelations to both messengers and prophets. However, receiving revelation does not mean that one becomes a messenger. However, prophets who receive scripture by revelation are messengers. Therefore, Muhammad was both a prophet and a messenger.

14. His favorite food

His favorite food was barley stew, dates, honey, vinegar, olive oil and the traditional food of the Quraish tribe - Tirit lamb dish

15. At the time of his death, he instructed his companions about two things: about prayer and about slaves.

Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of the Almighty be upon him, when he was on his deathbed, instructed his companions not to abandon prayers - five times a prayer and treats female slaves well. He said: “Prayer, prayer and what your right hands have acquired.” He strongly desired that there should be no slavery on earth at all, and encouraged his companions to free slaves. This is evidenced by his numerous sayings.

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious and All-Merciful!

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was the best example. This includes his attitude towards his wives. Everything about him was wonderful: his patience with them, his mercy, his condescension towards their morals, his nobility and generosity in dealing with them. They did not have golden mountains and luxurious homes, but they were rich because they had what even kings do not get - sincere love, strong relationships, support and support in each other.

The most beloved wife of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) (after Khadija) was Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her. It is about their relationship that more hadiths have come down to us (compared to the hadiths concerning his relationships with other wives), and it is the love of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) that is called the first love in Islam. Various stories from their lives confirm the depth, strength and reliability of their mutual love and affection for each other.

When they were quarreling...

The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said to Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her: “Truly, I know when you are angry with me and when you are pleased with me.” She asked: “How?” He replied: “When you are pleased with me, you say: “No, by the Lord of Muhammad!” And when you get angry, you say: “No, I swear by the Lord Ibrahim!” She said: “You are right, I do not use (in anger) your name” (Bukhari, Muslim).

When she wanted some rest...

Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, said: “Once the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, invited me with him [when the Abyssinians were playing with spears on the prayer ground]. [It was a holiday]. The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, asked me: “Hey, humairah! Do you want to look at them? I answered: “I want.” [Then he put me behind him] and tilted his shoulder so that I could see. [I put my head on his shoulder, leaning my face against his cheek], and just looked, looking over his shoulder (in another hadith: resting my head on his shoulder).

And he kept saying: “Be careful, my dears!” Then he asked me several times: “Aisha! Well, did you look?” And I answered him: “Not yet.” And in this position, standing behind him, I continued to look until I satisfied my curiosity.”

And further: “And people asked from time to time: “Abul-Qasim! So good?" In one of the hadith transmissions: “And so I stood until I got bored. Finally, the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, asked me: “Well, is that enough?” And I answered: “Yes.” And then he told me: “Go ahead.”

In another hadith transmission: “And I answered: “A little more.” And he continued to stand for me for some time, and then asked again: “Well, is that enough?” And I answered: “A little more.” [At the same time, I noticed how he shifted from foot to foot]. And further: “I’ve long been tired of looking at the Abyssinians, but I wanted all the women to know how he stood like that just for me alone, and how very close to him I was [then just a girl].

[Judge for yourself how much the girl – [very young], little – wanted to see something funny].” Aisha also said: “On that day, the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said: “And let the Jews know that in our religion there is a place for rest” (Bukhari, Muslim, an-Nasai, Ahmad).

When she asked if he loved her...

It is said that Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, having married the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, asked him: “O Messenger of Allah, do you love me?” “Yes, Aisha, of course I do!” - answered the Prophet, may Allah bless him and greet him. Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, wanted to know more - how does he love her?

And the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, answered: “Strong and strong, like a knot of rope (in another version, “like a dead knot”).” And then Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, often asked: “O Messenger of Allah, what is the condition of the dead knot?” And the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, always answered: “The same as on the first day!”

When she was jealous...

From Umm Salama, may Allah be pleased with her, it is reported that one day she brought the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and his companions food on her plate. Then Aisha brought a small hard stone and broke the plate with it. The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, collected what was between the two fragments of the plate and said to his companions: “Eat, eat, your mother was just jealous, your mother was jealous.” Then the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, took Aisha's plate and gave it to Umm Salama, and gave Umm Salama's broken plate to Aisha.

When they drank from the same vessel...

It is reported that Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, said: “It often happened that during my menstruation I drank, and then passed (the cup) to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), and he touched his lips to the place that he touched. my lips, and drank. And it often happened that during my menstruation I would bite off a piece of meat that was on a bone, and then give (the bone) to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), and he would touch with his lips the place that my lips touched.” (Sahih Muslim).

When he read the Koran...

It is reported that Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) said: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) more than once laid his head on my lap and began to read the Quran when I had my period.” (Sahih Muslim).

When he played with her...

Once Aisha accompanied the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, on one of his campaigns. She was just a girl then. Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, says: “I was thin, I didn’t weigh much. Suddenly, the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, commanded his companions: “Go forward,” [and they went forward], and he said to me: “Come on, let’s run - whoever is faster!”

I ran a race with him and got ahead of him. A few years later, when I went on a hike again with the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, he commanded his companions, as before:

“Go ahead,” and he turned to me: “Come on, let’s run, whoever is faster!” By this time I had forgotten about that first incident, I had matured and become heavier. I said: “O Messenger of Allah! And how can I, like this, run a race with you?”

And he’s all for his own thing: “Well, come on, come on.” I ran and the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, of course, got ahead of me. “Then [he laughed and] said: This is for you for the time you beat me to it.”

Islam is one of the most widespread religious movements in the world. Today, he has a total of over a billion followers worldwide. The founder and great prophet of this religion is a native of Arab tribes named Muhammad. His life - wars and revelations - will be discussed in this article.

Birth and childhood of the founder of Islam

The birth of the Prophet Muhammad is a very important event for Muslims. It happened in 570 (or so) in the city of Mecca, which is located on the territory of modern Saudi Arabia. The future preacher came from an influential tribe of Quraish - the guardians of Arab religious relics, the main of which was the Kaaba, which will be discussed below.

Muhammad lost his parents very early. He did not know his father at all, since he died before the birth of his son, and his mother died when the future prophet was barely six years old. Therefore, the boy was raised by his grandfather and uncle. Under the influence of his grandfather, young Muhammad was deeply imbued with the idea of ​​​​monotheism, although most of his fellow tribesmen professed paganism, worshiping many deities of the ancient Arab pantheon. This is how the religious history of the Prophet Muhammad began.

The youth of the future prophet and first marriage

When the young man grew up, his uncle introduced him to his trading business. It must be said that Muhammad was quite successful in them, gaining respect and trust among his people. Things went so well under his leadership that over time he even became the manager of the trading affairs of a wealthy woman named Khadija. The latter fell in love with the young, enterprising Muhammad, and the business relationship gradually grew into a personal one. Nothing stopped them, since Khadija was a widow, and in the end Muhammad married her. This union was happy, the couple lived in love and harmony. From this marriage the prophet had six children.

Religious life of the prophet in his youth

Muhammad was always distinguished by his piety. He thought a lot about divine things and often retired to prayer. He also had the custom of annually retiring to the mountains for a long time, so that, hiding in a cave, he would spend time there in fasting and prayer. The further history of the Prophet Muhammad is closely connected with one of these solitudes, which occurred in 610. He was then about forty years old. Despite his already mature age, Muhammad was open to new experiences. And this year became a turning point for him. One can even say that then the second birth of the Prophet Muhammad took place, the birth precisely as a prophet, as a religious leader and preacher.

Revelation of Gabriel (Jabreel)

In short, Muhammad experienced a meeting with Gabriel (Jabreel in Arabic transcription) - an archangel known from Jewish and Christian books. The latter, Muslims believe, was sent by God to reveal to the new prophet a few words, which the latter was ordered to learn. These, according to Islamic beliefs, became the first lines of the Koran - the holy scripture for Muslims.

Subsequently, Gabriel, appearing in various guises or simply expressing himself in his voice, conveyed to Muhammad instructions and commands from above, that is, from God, who in Arabic is called Allah. The latter revealed himself to Muhammad as the Lord who had previously spoken in the prophets of Israel and in Jesus Christ. Thus the third arose - Islam. The Prophet Muhammad became its actual founder and ardent preacher.

Muhammad's life after the beginning of his sermon

The further history of the Prophet Muhammad is marked by tragedy. Because of his persistent preaching, he acquired many enemies. He and his converts were boycotted by his countrymen. Many Muslims were subsequently forced to seek refuge in Abyssinia, where they were mercifully sheltered by the Christian king.

In 619, Khadija, the faithful wife of the prophet, died. Following her, the uncle of the prophet died, who defended his nephew from his indignant fellow tribesmen. To avoid reprisals and persecution from enemies, Muhammad had to leave his native Mecca. He tried to find shelter in the nearby Arab city of Taif, but he was not accepted there either. Therefore, at his own peril and risk, he was forced to return.

When the Prophet Muhammad died, he was sixty-three years old. It is believed that his last words were the phrase: “I am destined to live in heaven among the most worthy.”