Cooking time for pasta. How to cook spaghetti in time so that it does not stick together. How to cook whole grain pasta

Pasta has long been part of the traditional cuisine not only in Italy, but also in Eastern countries. Today, this product is ubiquitous, served as an independent dish, seasoned with sauces, or as an ingredient. And the main secret of deliciously cooked pasta lies in the proper cooking of the product.

How to cook pasta

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Some useful information about pasta

True pasta is created exclusively from two ingredients: water and durum wheat flour. On Greek and Italian-made pasta, such products are usually labeled pasta di semola di grano duro or durum. Russian manufacturers write that pasta is made from durum wheat.

Everything else is called pasta. They are usually made from soft wheat varieties, contain eggs or other ingredients. Such products swell in the soup, boil, stick together and spoil the whole dish. And they contribute to the appearance of extra pounds at the waist.

Durum wheat pasta, created in compliance with all technologies, does not boil soft during cooking. In addition, such products do not get fat, as they consist of complex carbohydrates. And the starch in them during heat treatment is not destroyed, unlike pasta from soft varieties, but turns into protein.

A variety of forms of pasta allows you to cook a variety of dishes from them. Large items are usually stuffed, pasta in the form of shells, spirals or horns is usually prepared as a side dish or used to make macaroni and cheese. Miniature bows look beautiful in salads, and spaghetti is served with sauce. For cooking casseroles, it is better to use pasta in the form of short tubes.

Durum wheat pasta has a smooth, even surface and a creamy or golden color. The fracture of such products is somewhat reminiscent of a glass fracture. In a pack of high-quality pasta, as a rule, there are no crumbs and flour residues. Pasta made from soft wheat varieties is distinguished by a rough surface, an unnatural white or yellow color. Traces of unmixed flour and various inclusions may be noticeable on them.

To cook delicious pasta, use a simple formula invented by Italian chefs: 1000/100/10. It means that for 1 liter of water there are 100 g of pasta and 10 g of salt.

Pasta should be thrown into already boiling salted water. And to prevent them from sticking to the bottom of the pot, it is important to stir them until the water boils again. If you miss this moment, you can spoil the dish.

Follow the cooking times indicated on the package. Usually it is 10 minutes, but it may vary depending on the type of flour from which the pasta is made. But the surest way to find out the degree of readiness is a test. Pasta should be firm but not hard.

If the pasta is being cooked for use in a dish that will be further cooked, such as a casserole, it should be slightly undercooked. Otherwise, in the end, their taste will be spoiled.

Pasta, after throwing it into a colander, does not need to be washed with cold water - then all taste qualities will be washed off. It is best to just leave them for a couple of minutes so that the water itself glass, and then stir with a spoon.

If pasta is used as a side dish, it is customary to put a little butter in it. The dish will turn out tastier if the butter is first melted in a saucepan and only then mixed with pasta.

Cooking technology for pasta


  • durum wheat pasta - 200 g
  • water - 2 liters
  • salt - 1 tbsp. a spoon

Boil water in a thick pot. Salt the water and put the pasta in it. Stir constantly until the water boils again.

To cook spaghetti, dip one end of the pasta in water, wait a couple of seconds, and slowly lower the whole pasta. They will quickly soften and completely enter the pan.

Record the time allotted for cooking pasta. It must be indicated on the packaging. Take a sample a couple of minutes before the end.

Drain cooked pasta in a colander and drain. Mix them with melted butter or a sauce prepared in advance.

How to boil nest pasta

Today, pasta shaped like bird nests is quite popular. Such products can be stuffed with a variety of fillings - from vegetables to meat. During cooking, it is very important not only to keep them in boiling water for the required amount of time, but also to keep their shape.

Put the "nests" in a saucepan or deep frying pan with a wide bottom. They should not fit snugly against each other and at the same time have room to turn over on their side.

Fill them with water so that it covers the "nests" by only a couple of centimeters. Bring to a boil, add salt and cook for as many minutes as indicated on the package. Carefully remove the cooked pasta with a slotted spoon and place on a plate.

Greetings! Instructions on how to cook pasta so that it does not stick together. What to do and in what order, and what not to do. This information will be very useful for you!

How to

We take a saucepan and fill it with water: for 100 g of pasta - 1 liter of water. If you add less water, then the pasta will turn out sticky. For one serving, as a rule, you need 100 g of pasta. Those. for a family of three, you need to cook 300 g of pasta in a 3-liter saucepan.

Dip pasta only in rapidly boiling already salted water. The fire under the pan should be maximum. Immediately after this, cover the pan with a lid for 30 seconds so that the water begins to boil again. As soon as the water begins to boil, remove the lid and reduce the heat (this must be done quickly, otherwise you can flood the stove).

In order for the pasta not to stick together, you need to follow two principles.

First, stir the pasta immediately after tossing it into the boiling water so that it doesn't stick together at the initial stage of cooking. Do this for a minute or two, until the outer layer of pasta is cooked. After that, they will no longer stick to each other, they can be left to cook quietly.

The second important principle: do not overcook pasta. You need to cook them exactly as much time as indicated on the package. If pasta is overcooked, it will stick together when it cools.

  • The first sample must be taken 1 minute before the minimum cooking time indicated on the manufacturer's packaging. Those. if the products are cooked for 10-12 minutes, then you should try already at the 9th minute.
  • Do not drain all the water from the finished pasta, otherwise they will dry out. It is best to pour 2-3 tablespoons of the water in which they were boiled before this. Then drain the pasta in a colander, transfer them to a saucepan and add the remaining broth.
  • It is also advisable to heat the colander before use so that it does not take away excess heat.
  • served hot, preferably on warmed plates. Therefore, before cooking pasta, you need to prepare the sauce so that they do not have time to cool.

How wrong

It is believed that pasta will not stick together if sunflower or olive oil is added to the water. It is a myth. Pasta is boiled in the depths of water, and vegetable oil is collected in a thin film on its surface. They have no contact with oil.

Rinse pasta with cold water after cooking is not necessary. This is a Soviet tradition associated with the fact that housewives could not trust the quality of flour. If you rinse pasta after cooking, it will become tasteless.

If we are preparing pasta with some kind of sauce, for example, tomato or cream, then hot pasta, after draining the water, should immediately be thrown into the sauce and mixed.

Pasta prepared for salads can be drizzled with olive oil. It will cover the pasta in a thin layer, and they will not stick together.

If the pasta is to be eaten hot immediately, you can add butter, sprinkle with sugar or cheese. For pasta that will be cooled, butter is not suitable: it will become tasteless when it cools.

What else not to do:

  1. Save on quality. Alas, in this case, quality does not come cheap. It is better to buy pasta from durum wheat.
  2. You can not salt the dish during the cooking process. The water is salted before the pasta is dipped into it.
  3. Do not put pasta in a saucepan in which the water reaches the edge - you can pour over the stove.
  4. Do not rinse cooked pasta with cold water. Chilled pasta is not tasty.

Bon Appetit!

Fill a large saucepan about ⅔ full of water. Since pasta needs a lot of space during the cooking process to stir it, use a large saucepan. For example, if you are cooking a whole pack of pasta weighing about 450 g, take a pot with a capacity of at least 4 liters. Then pour water into it about ⅔ of the height of the walls.

  • If you use too small a dish for cooking, most likely the pasta will stick together during cooking.

Cover the pot with a lid and bring the water to a boil. Place a pot of water on the stove and cover it with a lid. Turn on the burner on high heat and let the water boil. The fact that the water has boiled can be recognized by the appearance of steam coming from under the lid.

  • The presence of a lid on the pan will allow you to quickly bring the water to a boil.

Advice: Although pasta water should be salted, do not add salt before the water boils. Otherwise, salt stains or corrosion processes may begin on the surface of the pan.

Add salt and 450 g of pasta to boiling water. As soon as the water is actively boiling, remove the lid from the pot to add 1 tablespoon of salt (about 17 g) and a pack of pasta (450 g) to the water. If you're cooking long pasta (like spaghetti) that just won't fit in the pot, place it in the pot, wait about 30 seconds, and lower it all the way into the water with a pasta spoon or fork.

  • Pasta will soak in salt during the cooking process, which will make their taste more intense.
  • If you're not sure how much pasta to use for a given number of servings, check the label for recommended servings.

Advice: The amount of boiled pasta without any problems can be reduced by two or four times. If you want to cook about 100g of pasta, use a 2-3L pot.

  • Set a timer for 3-8 minutes. Stir the pasta with a pasta fork to keep it from sticking together and don't cover the pot again. Check the information on the recommended cooking time directly on the pasta package and set the timer to the minimum value indicated there. For example, if the box says the cooking time is 7-9 minutes, set the timer to 7 minutes.

    • Thin pasta, such as vermicelli, cooks faster than thick or long pasta, such as fettuccine (thick noodles) or penne (feather tubes), which take about 8-9 minutes to cook.
  • Stir the pasta occasionally while cooking. The water should continue to boil constantly while the pasta cooks. Stir the pasta every few minutes to keep it from sticking together.

    • If the water is about to run over the rim of the pot, reduce the heat to medium.
  • Pasta is the most popular food in the world. And if you count those dishes in the preparation of which pasta is used, you get a rather impressive figure. We can say that there is nothing easier. However, even in this simple matter, there are subtleties that make ordinary pasta even more appetizing.

    Pasta appeared on the menu of people several centuries ago. In Russia, this product was brought by the Italians, who built ships in our country during the time of Peter I. The benefits from the production of pasta turned out to be tangible, and therefore their production was established everywhere.

    The biggest connoisseurs of this product - Italians - say that it is not difficult to cook pasta, but not just cook them deliciously. True chefs know how to cook delicious pasta, who adhere to certain rules when preparing them.

    One of the tips on how to properly cook pasta is to take the required proportion of pasta and water. For every hundred grams of the product, one liter of liquid should be taken. Only in this case, the pasta will cook quickly and not stick together.

    Cooking utensils also play an important role. It is better if you take a large pot with thick walls. Do not pour water to the very edges of the container. Even with pasta, it doesn't have to be full.

    The water in the pan must be salted at the time of its boiling. It is very important to do this before pasta is dipped into it. They should be boiled already in salt water. For every liter of liquid, you need to take about 10 grams of salt. But after salting the water, it is better to taste it.

    There is one more main rule. Don't put the pasta in the water until it boils. Otherwise, they can stick together, and then the dish will be spoiled.

    Famous chefs recommend not to leave the kitchen during the cooking process. Pasta should be stirred from time to time, preferably with a wooden spoon. The water in the pan should boil throughout the entire time that the pasta is cooked. To do this, after they have been lowered into the water, you need to cover the pan with a lid to restore the boil. Then the cover should be removed.

    To find out how many minutes to cook pasta, you need to read this information on the package. It is impossible to name a specific time. It depends on the quality of the pasta and on the cooking process itself. Therefore, following the manufacturer's recommendations on how to properly cook pasta, it is necessary to take a sample two or three minutes before the end. If the pasta is soft and does not leave a taste of flour when tasting, then feel free to turn off the heat and cover the pan with a lid. After three minutes, you can drain the liquid using a colander. If you are planning to make a sauce, leave a glass or less of the broth in which the pasta was cooked.

    Good quality pasta does not require additional rinsing with water. But most importantly, never use cold water to rinse pasta. This has a detrimental effect on their nutritional value and structure.

    When cooking spaghetti, the technology does not change. This one doesn't need to be broken. Put them in a pot of boiling water and after a while they will sink completely into it. Next, do not forget to constantly stir the pasta so that they do not stick together.

    It must be served piping hot. Therefore, sauces for them must be prepared in advance. When the water is drained from the pasta, add the butter and some of the broth in which they were cooked.

    Knowing how to cook pasta correctly, you can create many delicious and original dishes. Pasta goes well with vegetables, cheese, meat. They may well become a separate dish if you prepare a sauce for them.

    Pasta is a simple, affordable and delicious food that everyone loves without exception. But if you add more various ingredients, then the usual everyday food can easily turn into a gourmet dish. So, let's find out how delicious to cook pasta.

    How delicious to cook pasta with stew?


    • pasta - 305 g;
    • in the bank - 285 g;
    • butter - 10 g;
    • spices;
    • fresh parsley - 10 g.


    We take pasta of medium size, throw it carefully into a pot of boiling water and boil until almost cooked. Then we discard them in a colander and leave for a while.

    Melt a small piece of butter in a frying pan and put the dried pasta there, stirring. After that, add the stew, stir and warm the dish for 5 minutes, covering the top with a lid. Season the dish with spices, sprinkle with chopped parsley and serve.

    How delicious to cook pasta for a side dish?


    • pasta - 495 g;
    • green basil - 3 sprigs;
    • olive oil - 95 ml;
    • spices;
    • garlic - to taste;
    • fresh thyme - to taste;
    • greens of fresh parsley.


    Peel the garlic cloves and squeeze through a press into the oil. Add fresh thyme, stir and set aside.

    Throw pasta into a pot of water and boil until boiling, adding salt to taste. We reduce the heat, cover with a lid and cook for 10 minutes, stirring so that the products do not stick together. Next, we throw the pasta into a colander, and when all the liquid has drained, we transfer the products to a plate and pour over the fragrant garlic oil. We throw fresh finely chopped greens, mix and serve to the table as a side dish with your favorite dishes!

    How to cook delicious pasta?



    Melt a piece of butter in a bowl. Boil pasta until tender, adding salt to taste, and then drain in a colander. When all the liquid has drained, put the pasta in a saucepan and pour warm oil over it. Mix everything thoroughly, heat over low heat and break a raw chicken egg. We turn on the fire to the maximum and, interfering, wait for the egg mixture to soak each pasta. Remove the finished dish from the stove, arrange on plates and serve as a hearty breakfast or a light snack at lunchtime.