Test “Conflict personality. Test for determining conflict Psychological tests for conflict

Today I prepared another test for you.

If you are an entrepreneur or are somehow involved in the trading process and you need to build your team, then to achieve maximum results you need to select people who will work harmoniously with each other.

Therefore, today is a conflict test. There is also one that will also come in handy.

But first, let's figure out what conflict is? And who is a conflicted person?

What is conflict?

Here is the definition of conflict from Wikipedia:

Conflict- a situation or dispute in which each of two parties with opposing views seeks to take a position that is incompatible and opposite to the interests of the other party.

Conflict is a special interaction between individuals, groups, and associations that arises when they have opposing views, positions, and interests.

It is worth noting that conflict can not only be destructive in nature, but also have constructive functions.

The conflicting parties can be social groups of people or individual individuals.

Who is a conflicted person?

A conflict person is a person who manages to develop an increased number of conflicts out of the blue.

Personality conflict is a trait of a person’s character and habits that leads to the maximum frequency of conflicts and a person’s entry into them.

Personal conflict can be determined by a combination of a number of psychological factors, characteristics of temperament, level of aggressiveness, communication skills and the emotional state of a person.

Therefore, conflict is a cumulative indicator that is associated with a person’s personal prerequisites.

Conflict test

Now determine your conflict level.

Take a piece of paper, pen or pencil and try to answer the questions as honestly as possible by choosing one of the answer options A), b) or V). Then use the key to determine the test score. Then open the test result opposite the result obtained.

Conflict Test Questions

1. Imagine that on public transport a quarrel begins. What will you do?

a) I will not interfere in the quarrel

b) I can intervene, take the side of the victim, the one who is right

c) I always intervene and defend my point of view to the end

2. Do you criticize management for mistakes made at meetings?

a) I always criticize for mistakes

b) yes, but depending on my personal attitude towards him

3. Your immediate boss sets out his work plan, which seems irrational to you. Will you suggest your plan, which seems better to you?

a) if others support me, then yes

b) of course, I will offer my plan

c) I’m afraid that I may be deprived of my bonus for this

4. Do you like to argue with your colleagues and friends?

a) only with those who are not offended, and when disputes do not spoil our relationship

b) yes, but only on fundamental, important issues

c) I argue with everyone and on any occasion

5. Someone is trying to get ahead of you without waiting in line. Your actions?

a) I think that I’m no worse than him, and I’m also trying to get around the queue

b) I’m indignant, but to myself

c) I openly express my indignation

6. Imagine that you are considering a project in which there are bold ideas, but there are also mistakes. You know that the fate of this work will depend on your opinion. What will you do?

a) I will speak about both the positive and negative aspects of the project

b) I will highlight the positive aspects of the project and provide the author with the opportunity to continue its development

c) I will criticize: to be an innovator, you cannot make mistakes

7. Imagine that your mother-in-law (mother-in-law) tells you about the need for savings and frugality, about your extravagance, and every now and then she buys expensive antiques. She wants to know your opinion about her latest purchase. What will you tell her?

a) I will say that I approve of the purchase if it gave her pleasure

b) I will say that this thing has no artistic value

c) I will swear, I will quarrel with her because of this

8. In the park you met teenagers who smoke. How do you react?

a) I reprimand them

b) I think: why should I spoil my mood because of strangers, poorly behaved youths?

c) if it was not in a public place, then I would reprimand them

9. In a restaurant you notice that the waiter has shortchanged you. Your actions?

a) in this case I will not tip him, although I was going to do so

b) I’ll ask him to draw up the bill again in front of me

c) I’ll tell him everything I think about him

10. You are in a holiday home. The administrator is engaged in extraneous matters, having fun, instead of fulfilling his duties: monitoring the cleaning of the rooms, the variety of the menu... Does this outrage you?

a) yes, and I find a way to complain about him, demanding punishment or even dismissal from work

b) yes, but even if I express some complaints to him, it is unlikely to change anything

c) yes, but as a result I find fault with the service staff - the cook, the cleaning lady, or take my anger out on my wife

11. You argue with your teenage son and find out he's right. Do you admit your mistake?

b) of course, I admit

c) I will try to reconcile our points of view

Answer Key to Conflict Test Questions

Question number and Question answer ratings A b V
1 4 2 0
2 0 2 4
3 2 0 4
4 4 2 0
5 0 4 2
6 2 4 0
7 4 2 0
8 0 4 2
9 4 2 0
10 0 4 2
11 0 4 2

After you have calculated your score, look at the test results. Click on “+” and you will see your result.

Evaluation of conflict test results

From 30 to 44 points

You are tactful. Don't like conflicts. You know how to smooth them out and easily avoid critical situations. When you have to get into an argument, you take into account how this may affect your job position or friendships. You strive to be pleasant to others, but when they need help, you do not always dare to provide it. Do you think that by doing so you are losing respect for yourself in the eyes of others?

From 15 to 29 points

They say about you that you are a conflict person. You persistently defend your opinion, regardless of how it will affect your work or personal relationships. And for this you are respected.

Up to 14 points

You are petty, looking for reasons for arguments, most of which are unnecessary. Love to criticize, but only when it benefits you. You impose your opinion, even if you are wrong. You will not be offended if you are considered a scandal-monger. Think about whether there is an inferiority complex hidden behind your behavior?

I hope your results please you. If not, then you know what you need to work on. Share your thoughts on this matter in the comments.

Good luck, success and prosperity to everyone.

Is it possible to find out how conflicting he is at the stage of hiring a future employee? How to diagnose conflict in a team? We answer the questions in order.

From the article you will learn:

  • what parameters are used to identify conflict in a team;
  • what is personality conflict;
  • how to determine the level of conflict in a team and the level of conflict of an individual;
  • where to find a test for conflict in a team and styles of behavior in conflict.

Diagnosis of the level of conflict

Employee conflict may not show up during a job interview. Indeed, if you do not ask special questions or offer to take a test for conflict in a team, it is almost impossible to see how a person reacts to conflict triggers. And, nevertheless, you don’t want to take on a potential quarrel instigator. What to do?


The HR service selected the head of the economic planning department. At first, the candidate suited everyone. But it soon became clear that the manager turned out to be a conflicted person. Half of the staff resigned after working with him. I had to fire the employee with a scandal. Analyzing the situation, the HR director remembered that the candidate did not have time to check the level of conflict. And although he was forced to wait a long time in the reception area, he did not show that he was unhappy.

As a rule, the following character traits lead to conflicts:

  • inadequate inflated self-esteem, overestimation of one’s capabilities;
  • absolute immunity to criticism addressed to oneself;
  • lack of self-criticism as a regulator of behavior;
  • touchiness, vulnerability;
  • professional maximalism in managing subordinates and communicating with colleagues.

So, it is advisable to assess the level of conflict of candidates. How can this be done quickly and unnoticed by the applicant himself?

Method 1. Ask projective questions. For example, these:

“In your opinion, what qualities should a leader have?” (if he describes a strong, inflexible person with no flaws, then the candidate most likely strives for perfectionism);

“How did your former colleagues cope with their work - better or worse than you?” (if he calls himself the best, complains that he was underestimated, it means that his self-esteem is inflated).

Method 2. Conduct a test for conflict in a team. For example, tests by Thomas “Types of behavior in conflict”, Vasily Pugachev’s “How do you act in conditions of conflict”. The test for the level of conflict perfectly reveals inflexibility, uncompromisingness, demandingness, conflict - the person himself will be surprised when he learns something new about himself.

Method 3. Conduct a situational interview and ask the following questions:

“Has there been a time in your life when you had to quit your job so as not to violate your principles?” (if he gives insignificant details that led to him slamming the door and leaving, perhaps this is a person with a high level of conflict);

“What is your attitude towards conflicts?” (if from a conversation with a candidate you can understand that conflict is the norm for him and a way to defend his interests, then by hiring him, you will receive a time bomb);

“What are your shortcomings, weaknesses?” (if he names insignificant shortcomings, even with a bit of humor (for example, “love of delicious food”), then the candidate lacks self-criticism, which means his level of conflict is very high);

“If the attitude towards you from your boss or subordinates changes, will you notice it?” (if he gives examples of “conspiracies” against him, then he is excessively suspicious and can provoke conflicts).

Method 4. Offer to solve a case containing a conflict situation. For example: “The client emotionally complains to you about a situation in which you are not personally to blame (the failure occurred due to the negligent actions of another department). What will you do? (if he says that it is not he who is to blame, but others, he does not take responsibility, further aggravates the situation and provokes a conflict).

Level of conflict in the team

Having observed the communication between colleagues, we can say with high accuracy that a conflict is brewing in the organization. This will be indicated by the presence of the following signs:

  • spontaneously emerging small meetings of “conspirators”;
  • an increase in the number of cases where employees do not come to work;
  • decreased productivity, increased number of defects;
  • an increase in the number of conflicts between individual employees;
  • collective filing of resignations, mass layoffs at their own request;
  • sudden and spontaneous spread of rumors;
  • collective disregard for management instructions, sabotage;
  • spontaneous mass rallies;
  • growth of emotional tension, “heat of passion” with a surge of emotions in conversations.

Ways to resolve conflicts


Applies if:


it is necessary to make a decision that may cause indignation of subordinates;


it is impossible to determine a compromise solution, since each of the approaches to the problem is valuable;

long-term, strong interaction has been established with the party to the conflict;

the parties to the conflict can listen to each other and present the essence of their interests in a constructive manner


the parties to the conflict have presented convincing arguments and are endowed with equal power;

the desire to satisfy your desire is not expressed to a significant extent;

the parties to the conflict are ready to make a temporary solution so as not to waste time;

compromise provides some alternative to total defeat in achieving one’s goals


there is a lack of desire to waste energy on establishing one’s position as correct;

you need to gain time to get the information you are looking for;

a quick solution to the problem will aggravate the conflict;

subordinates can independently resolve the conflict;

Engaging a mediator

the conflict cannot be resolved on its own;

an independent expert is required to make a decision;

it is possible to bring the conflict to court

The test uses diagnostic indicators that are the most stable throughout a person’s life.

Test tasks:

  1. Interlace your fingers and notice which finger is on top.
  2. Take aim by selecting a target and determine which eye is your dominant.
  3. Interlace your arms on your chest (“Napoleonic pose”) and notice which hand is on top.
  4. Check which hand is on top when clapping.

Analysis of the received data:

PPPP. They avoid conflicts, but still go for them. They are consistent in conflicts and strive to bring them to resolution. Carefully correlate the goal with the means. Not supporters of conflict resolution at any cost. First they think about actions, then they make decisions. Show a lack of flexibility.

PPPL. They try to avoid conflicts. They prefer to resolve them by any means. They can often abandon their previous position. They can make decisions quickly. Quite flexible, but not always consistent. Very resourceful in resolving conflict.

PPLP. They do not like to conflict, but do not avoid conflicts. They enter them willingly. They behave freely and resourcefully. They resort to humor and find unconventional ways to resolve conflict situations. They don't always bring their plans to completion.

PPLL. Avoid conflicts. But if they encounter them, they behave firmly. Decisions are made after serious deliberation or consultation with intermediaries and loved ones. Touchy, somewhat vindictive. They never initiate clashes. Ready to make concessions. External softness is combined with internal hardness.

PLPL. Very noticeable aversion to conflict. Constant desire to get out of it. Attempts to smooth over and blur the conflict. A way out of the conflict can be achieved by abandoning one’s own demands. Decisions are made by succumbing to emotional rather than rational states. For them, it is better not to enter into conflict than to get out of it. Most often they come out with a loss of their own interests and do not find ways to justify their actions. They strive to make decisions after discussing the situation with one of their experienced trusted friends or relatives.

PLPP. Ready to enter into conflict. They clearly understand their interests and find the most rational ways to protect them. They calculate their capabilities well. When resolving a conflict, means are not always taken into account. They don't refuse to compromise. They are willing to enter into conflict. They often initiate it. They exaggerate when their interests dominate. In conflict they feel confident and comfortable. Sometimes they themselves can provoke a conflict, but not so much because they cannot do without it, but for the purpose of self-affirmation.

PLLP. They don't like conflicts. Easy character. They tend to exaggerate their own and underestimate others' capabilities. They understand the situation quickly and well. Many friends. They react emotionally to events, but make fairly thoughtful decisions. They strive to see them through to completion, but do not rule out compromises, possibly at the expense of abandoning some requirements. The goal is not always commensurate with the means to achieve it. They find unexpected solutions. They act flexibly but consistently. They listen to advice.

PLLL They are willing to enter into conflict. They often initiate it. They exaggerate their own capabilities, but in case of failure they do not retreat. Not inclined to compromise. They act deliberately and consistently in a conflict. The conflict is stopped only if their demands are met. The means are not always commensurate with the goals. A favorite technique is “psychological attack.” They act on their own initiative and do not really like to consult or listen to other people's advice.

BOB. They avoid conflicts and feel insecure in conflict situations. They show great flexibility in their resolution. Achieving goals is correlated with real means. They are prone to compromise and are ready to give up protecting part of their interests. The decision is made more emotionally than after serious consideration. They tend to listen to advice, but do not always follow it. There is a tendency to exaggerate one's own capabilities.

LPPL. Avoid conflicts. But in cases where they consider their interests to be affected, they enter into conflict without much hesitation. Hold a firm position; they are not very inclined to compromise. They can turn to the help of intermediaries, but they make decisions on their own. Issues of self-affirmation are in the background. In the foreground are the interests of the business.

LPLP. They consider conflicts inevitable and boldly seek to resolve them. In conflicts they firmly achieve their goals. When achieving goals, they do not take the means into account. Sometimes great importance is attached to insignificant, secondary parties to the conflict. They are not inclined to compromise if they do not solve all the assigned tasks. They may create the appearance of concessions, but the internal position remains unchanged. The rational side prevails. They are secretive and not inclined to seek advice, although outside help is not excluded.

LPLL. Internally aggressive. They are constantly looking for a reason for conflict. They are not always guided by essential points. Conflict is covered up by external softness. Consistent in achieving goals. The line of conduct is skillfully carefully calculated. They are not inclined to compromise, regardless of the satisfaction of their own interests. They show great flexibility and ingenuity in resolving conflicts from their own positions. Often the interests of the case cannot be separated from the internal psychological position.

LLPP. Avoid conflicts. They prefer to resolve controversial issues peacefully. They are ready to give up protecting their own interests, but consistently protect the interests of others. They always strive to combine the goal with the appropriate means. Their strongest side is the desire to prevent conflicts or nip them in the bud.

LLPL. They strive to avoid conflict, although they do not know how to prevent it. Very prone to compromise. They give in to the demands of the conflicting parties if the enemy turns out to be strong. However, they show intransigence towards the weaker. They cannot correctly calculate their strengths and tend to exaggerate the enemy’s strengths. Unable to weave a thread of intrigue. They willingly listen to the advice of others and follow their recommendations. They tend to hide the presence of a conflict situation, sincerely believing in its absence. Not principled enough.

LLLP. They do not avoid conflicts, although they rarely initiate them. They poorly think through their line of behavior in resolving conflicts and are more guided by emotions. In conflicts they act boldly and decisively, but make rash decisions. Prone to compromise. They clearly think through the possible consequences of the conflict and strive to prevent them. They often initiate compromise. They deeply experience the undesirable consequences of conflicts.

LLLLL. Conflicts are avoided. They are distinguished by their great ability to prevent them. However, when taking part in conflicts, they know how to impress the enemy, using the technique of demonstrating non-existent capabilities. They know how to exploit the weaknesses of the other side. They calculate well the possible consequences of a conflict and know how to adjust their behavior in a timely manner. Stubborn, secretive.

“Which am I more: peaceful or aggressive”

1. A loud argument broke out on public transport. What's your reaction?

a - do not take part;

b - meekly speak out in defense of the side that you consider to be right;

c - actively interfere, thereby “causing fire on yourself.”

2. Do you speak up at meetings and criticize management?

b - only if you have good reasons for this;

c - you criticize not only your superiors for any reason, but also those who defend them.

3. Do you often argue with friends?

a - only if these people are not touchy;

b - only on fundamental issues;

c - controversy is your element.

4. Queues, unfortunately, have become a part of our lives. How do you react if someone tries to take a detour?

a - you are indignant in your soul, but remain silent: it’s more important to yourself;

b - make a remark;

c - go forward and begin to observe the order.

5. At home, an under-salted dish was served for lunch. What's your reaction?

a - you won’t make a fuss over trifles;

b - silently take the salt shaker;

c - you cannot resist making caustic remarks and, perhaps, you will demonstratively refuse food.

6. If someone stepped on your foot on the street or in public transport, what will you do?

a - look at the offender with indignation;

b - make a dry remark;

c - express it without mincing words.

7. If someone close to you bought something that you didn’t like, what would you do?

a - keep silent;

b - limit yourself to a short tactful comment;

c - cause a scandal.

8. Unlucky in the lottery. How do you feel about this?

a - you will try to seem indifferent, but in your heart you will promise yourself never to participate in it again;

b - you won’t hide your annoyance, but you will treat what happened with humor, promising to take revenge;

c - losing will ruin your mood for a long time.

Evaluation of results

Points are awarded for answering questions:

a - 4 points;

6 - 2 points;

c - About points.

22 - 32 points. You are tactful and peaceful, deftly avoiding disputes and conflicts, avoiding critical situations at work and at home. The saying “Plato is my friend, but truth is dearer” has never been your motto. Maybe that's why you are sometimes called an opportunist. Take courage, and if the circumstances are such that you express your opinion, express it, regardless of faces.

12 - 20 points. You are known as a conflicted person. But in fact, you only conflict when there is no other way out and other means have been exhausted. You firmly defend your opinion, without thinking about how this will affect your job position or friendships. At the same time, do not go beyond the bounds of correctness and do not stoop to insults. All this gives you respect.

Up to 10 points. Disputes and conflicts are the air you cannot live without. You love to criticize others, but if you hear comments addressed to you, you can be “eaten alive.” Your criticism is for the sake of criticism, not for the benefit of the cause. It is very difficult for those who are close to you - at work and at home. Your intemperance and rudeness push people away. Is this why you have no real friends? In a word, try to overcome your absurd character!

6.4. Management: power, leadership, leadership styles

People communicate constantly. If this communication lasts for a long time, then people become a group. Group- these are 2 or more people who interact with each other, where each can influence others and at the same time be influenced by other persons.

In any organization there are two types of formal groups:

1. A formal group of leaders, which consists of a leader and his subordinates.

2.Production, which consists of individuals working on one task.

People also unite in informal groups within formal ones. They are formed due to the dissatisfaction of individual needs. The basis is friendship, common interests, and friendly feelings.

The motivation to join informal groups is a sense of belonging and mutual assistance.

Management has a great influence on management - it is a direct, legal influence on people in order to fulfill their assigned tasks. Management of formal structures is carried out within the limits of the rights assigned to the leader. Managers are responsible for work results. He is, as it were, a leader in his position, because appointed by order.

In informal structures there is also a leader, but he is not appointed, but is chosen by group members due to his authority.

Leadership – This is the process of psychological influence of one person on other people while jointly striving to achieve common goals. This process is carried out on the basis of perception, imitation, suggestion, and understanding of each other.

Factors to become a leader:

Position; - age; - professional competence; - location of the workplace; - freedom of movement in the work area, etc.

Most group members are authority-oriented.

Power - the ability to influence the behavior of others. The manager gains his power over his subordinates through their dependence on him (in salary, provision of work, satisfaction of social needs, etc.)

But the manager, to a certain extent, depends on his subordinates (providing information, desire to do work). Therefore, a reasonable balance of power should be maintained, sufficient to achieve the goals of the organization, and not causing negative reactions among subordinates.

Forms of power:

1.Power based on coercion. Associated with the fear of losing or not getting needs met. This form of power has a temporary effect. Long-term use causes constraint, alienation, and staff turnover.

2.Power based on rewards. Is the most effective.

3.Expert power. Based on the performer's belief that the leader has the knowledge and ability to meet his needs.

The performer takes on faith the value of the manager's knowledge. In this case, the influence is considered reasonable because the performer's decision to comply is conscious and logical. Leaders typically achieve this type of power through their visible achievements. The greater these achievements and the more obvious they are, the more power the leader achieves.

4.Reference power.(The power of example)

Reference power is built not on logic, not on a long tradition, but on the strength of the leader’s personal qualities or abilities. This type of power corresponds to charismatic influence.

Charismatic influence occurs in the form of the performer's identification with or attraction to the leader, as well as the performer's need for affiliation and respect.

5.Legitimate authority. The doer believes that the influencer has the right to give orders, and that it is his duty to obey them. He carries out the orders of the influencer, since tradition teaches that submission will lead to the satisfaction of the needs of the performer. Therefore, legitimate power is often called traditional authority. Legitimate authority is effective when a subordinate obeys the instructions of a leader only because he is at a higher level of the organizational hierarchy. All managers exercise legitimate power because they have the authority to manage other people.

Influence - it is the behavior of one individual that changes the behavior of another.

Ways to influence subordinates

Emotional Reasonable

influence influence

“infection” “imitation” suggestion

This is an unconscious belief. This is an internalized belief.

naya, automatic actions, actions, requests

logical transmission of threat behavior

emotional and even a way of bribery

states of one thinking (yes - orders

One person is impressionable to another.

1. Suggestion is an influence on a person. Achieved through the personal qualities of the manager: his recognition, authority, prestige. The higher the position, the more effective the suggestion.

2. Persuasion – conveying one’s point of view to another.

3. A request is a way of influencing a subordinate, based on voluntary, motivating, non-coercive motives.

4. Threat - intimidation, a promise to cause harm to a subordinate. The threat causes a fight between the two personalities.

5. Bribery - inducement in one's favor, favor in one's favor by any means in the form of some advantages over others, additional rewards for additional efforts (Work longer today, and leave early tomorrow).

6.Order – an official order from authorities. Orders are not discussed, but carried out. If the order is not carried out, then a negative consequence follows.

The test allows you to assess the degree of your conflict or


Choose one of the three proposed answer options - “a”, “b” or “c”.


1. Imagine that an argument breaks out on public transport. What are you doing?

a) avoid interfering in a quarrel;

b) you can intervene, take the side of the victim, who is right;

c) always intervene and defend your point of view to the end.

2. At a meeting, you criticize management for mistakes they have made:

b) yes, but depending on your personal attitude towards him;

c) always criticize for mistakes.

3. Your immediate superior outlines the work plan,
which seems irrational to you. Would you offer yours?
the plan that seems best to you:

a) if others support you, then yes;

b) of course, you will support your plan;

c) you are afraid that you may be deprived of your bonus for criticism.

4. Do you like to argue with your colleagues and friends:

a) only with those who are not offended, and when disputes do not spoil your relationship;

b) yes, but only on fundamental, important issues;

c) you argue with everyone and on any occasion.

5. Someone is trying to jump ahead of you in line:

a) considering that you are no worse than him, you will try to bypass the queue;

b) you are indignant, but to yourself;

c) openly express your indignation.

6. Imagine that you are considering an innovation proposal, an experimental work of your colleague, in which there are bold ideas, but there are also mistakes. You know that your opinion will be decisive. What you will do:

a) speak out about both the positive and negative aspects of this project;

b) highlight the positive aspects of his work and offer to provide the opportunity to continue it;

c) you will criticize her: to be an innovator, you cannot
to make mistakes.

7. Imagine: your mother-in-law (mother-in-law) constantly tells you about the need for savings and frugality, about your wastefulness, and every now and then she buys expensive things. She wants to know your opinion about her latest purchase. What will you tell her:

a) that you approve of the purchase if it gave her pleasure;

b) say that this thing is tasteless;

c) constantly quarrel, quarrel with her because of this.

8. You met children who smoke. How do you react:

a) you think: “Why should I ruin my mood because of strangers, poorly behaved mischievous people?”;

b) reprimand them;

c) if it was in a public place, you would reprimand them.

9. In a restaurant you notice that the waiter has shortchanged you:

a) in this case, you do not give him the tip that you would have prepared in advance if he had acted honestly;

b) ask him to count the amount again in front of you;

c) this will be a reason for a scandal.

10. You are in a holiday home.

The administrator is engaged in extraneous matters, having fun himself, instead of fulfilling his duties: he does not monitor the cleaning of the room or the variety of the menu. Does this bother you:

a) yes, but even if you express some complaints to him, it is unlikely to change anything;

b) you find a way to complain about him, let him be punished or even fired from his job;

c) you take your dissatisfaction out on junior staff (cleaners, waitresses).

11. You argue with your teenage son and find out he's right. Do you admit your mistake:

b) of course, you admit it;


Using the key, calculate the number of points.

Each answer option has its own rating:

answer “a” - 4 points;

answer “b” - 2 points;

answer “c” – 0 points.

30-44 points. You are tactful. You don’t like conflicts, even if you can smooth them out, you easily avoid critical situations. When you have to get into an argument, you take into account how this will affect your official position or friendships. You strive to be pleasant to others, but when they need help, you do not always dare to provide it. Do you think that by doing so you are losing self-respect in the eyes of others?

15-29 points. They say about you that you are too principled or even a conflicted person. You persistently stand up for your opinions, regardless of how it affects your work or personal relationships, and you are respected for this.

10-14 points. You are looking for reasons for disputes, most of which are unnecessary and petty. Love to criticize, but only when it benefits you. You impose your opinion, even if you are wrong. Will you be offended if you are considered a scandal-monger? Think about whether there is an inferiority complex hidden behind your behavior?