Rules for the formation of a patronymic on behalf of Daniel. The name Danil, Danila, Daniel: different names or not? Danil, Danila, Daniel: how to correctly say the full name? What is the difference between the names Danil, Danila and Daniel

Tell me, please, is there a rule in the Russian language that applies to patronymics? I found this explanation: “The only correct spelling of the patronymic is the one indicated in the passport/birth certificate. The rules of word formation in the Russian language may not apply to it, as well as to the actual name and surname.”

Rules for the formation and writing of patronymics in the Russian language exist; they can be found in specialized dictionaries and reference books (see, for example, “Dictionary of Russian Personal Names” by A.V. Superanskaya). Another thing is that from some names double forms of patronymics are formed ( Gennadievich And Gennadievich, Daniilovich And Danilovich). In such cases (when options are possible), the only correct spelling of a particular person’s patronymic will be the one indicated in his passport (or birth certificate).

Explain, please, how to correctly form the patronymic from the name “Daniil” - “Daniilovich” or “Danilovich”?

Russian help desk response

The patronymic from the name _Daniil_ is _Daniilovich_, from the names _Danil, Danila_ - _Danilovich_.
Question No. 204011
With the introduction of universal passportization in the 30s, for an unknown reason (most likely - illiteracy), patronymics derived from Slavic names ending in “-slav” began to be written with the endings “-vovich”, “-vovna”, although the traditional spelling and pronunciation for such patronymics “-lich”, “-na” Vladislavlich became VladislaVOVICH Yaroslavna became YaroslavAVOVNA, etc. Maybe it's time to restore the ancient Old Russian spelling and pronunciation. Otherwise, behind this cumbersome ending, the patronymic name itself is quickly spoken and lost - and this is already disrespect, because the point of addressing oneself by the patronymic is to respect its owner.

Russian help desk response

This is not illiteracy. In accordance with the norms of the Russian literary language, many patronymics are pronounced differently from how they are written. For example, the forms of patronymics _Nikolaevich, Nikolaevna_ are pronounced _Nikolaich, Nikolaevna_ (we emphasize that this is the _norm_ of pronunciation). This pattern also applies to patronymics formed from some non-Russian names, for example _Gustavovich, Gustavovna_ are pronounced _Gustavich, Gustavna_. Passport officers are required to ensure that colloquial forms of middle names do not make their way into official records.
The names you provided are exceptions. From all male names ending in _-slav_, as well as from several names ending in _-v_ and _-il_ (here is a list of them: _Gabriel, Daniel, Ishmael, Samuel, Manuel, Job, Prov_) two forms of patronymics are formed : _Yaroslavovich_ and _Yaroslavich, Daniilovich _ and _Danilovich_. Both options are spelling correct, you just need to make sure that the same form is always used in the documents of one specific person, this is important from a legal point of view.

Meaning: God is my judge

The meaning of the name Danila - interpretation

The male name Danila has become widespread in the post-Soviet space. Previously it was a short form of Daniel. Today it is often found as an independent plant. The name Daniel has a rich history and dates back to the 5th century BC. e. It was first worn by a prophet from the Old Testament. The name sounded like "Daniel". Translated from Hebrew, it means “God is my judge” or “God’s judgment.” They called confessors, governors, martyrs, princes, and archbishops.

Years later

At an early age, a boy with this name is distinguished by an affectionate, kind and calm disposition. He is funny and witty beyond his age. He treats his parents with respect, is sociable, and gets to know people easily. By the age of 10, Danya becomes more active and shows interest in various sports disciplines.

The boy is inclined to lecture his peers and ask tricky questions to adults. He directly points out people's shortcomings and is critical of comments addressed to him. Danilka has a mathematical mind and can easily analyze actions.

The boy defines his value system, considering it true. At school he is assertive, diligent and diligent. Often accepts the authority of the teacher, putting his opinion first. Danila is able to study around the clock, absorbing new information like a sponge.

In his youth, Danila remains good-natured and sociable. But he develops a tendency to excessive introspection and soul-searching. He perceives minor troubles as life's drama. This leads to the commission of rash and sometimes extravagant actions.

The guy doesn't like being alone. He constantly makes new friends and is the life of the party. Thanks to his natural charm, Danila is able to find a common language with anyone. Studying comes easy to him. But he shows zeal only for those subjects that are of interest, and treats the rest mediocrely.

The boy does not like lies in any of its manifestations and he himself never deceives. In communication, the bearer of this name can be quite difficult.

Adult Danila is a confident and reasonable man. He knows how to restrain his emotions. Conflicts are alien to him. He prefers to resolve disputes and quarrels peacefully. He has good intuition and follows it, although in the future he often thinks about the correctness of the decisions and actions taken.

A man named Danila has a kind, calm character. He goes through life with a smile, not noticing the difficulties. The man is hardworking and smart, but does not strive to stand out from the crowd. A strong will and balanced psyche allow him to achieve success both in his personal life and in his career.

Danila is a calm, moderately phlegmatic person with a balanced psyche and strong will. In communication he is sweet and pleasant. Often puts friendship an order of magnitude higher than love. Very well-mannered, polite, always ready to help.

Danila's character

The main positive characteristics of a man with this name are concentration and the ability to analyze. Danila can always learn lessons from the actions of others and her own actions. He has a penchant for constant self-improvement.

For your information, a man does not like to lie and does not tolerate being deceived. Rudeness, aggression, excessive assertiveness, and excessive emotionality are absolutely alien to him. Danila is an excellent psychologist, teacher, and spiritual shepherd.

No one is perfect and no one is holy. Danila has some shortcomings. This is uncertainty in the company of strangers, dissatisfaction with one’s own person. A man often has internal disputes, but does not allow others to see the problem; he is too proud for that.

He can be helpless, but he doesn’t admit it. Focus on the inner world often prevents Danila from seeing reality as it is and noticing everything that happens in the surrounding space.

Danila's fate

Danila’s fate can be either calm, easy and measured, or full of difficulties and trials. A man with this name is able to withstand and overcome any difficulties, acting slowly and judiciously.

In relationships with the opposite sex, Daniel is quite cold, as he does not like to show feelings in public. But in everyday life it’s easy with him. Does not shirk from household duties, loves to spend time with children. His attitude should be assessed not by kind words and compliments, but by his actions. Successful at work. The creative path and natural sciences are easy for him. Occupying a leadership position, Danila tries to be fair.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Professionally, limitless opportunities open up for Danila. He is well versed in the exact sciences, which contributes to success in the field of electronics, engineering, and design. Imaginative thinking allows you to develop in acting. His interests in painting and music often become his professional field. A man is distinguished by his ability to analyze and great patience.

Entrepreneurial activity is unusual for this person. He does not strive for leadership. Prefers to work under the supervision of a stronger, more confident and purposeful person. As an employee, Danila is responsible and efficient.

A man with this name has a frivolous attitude towards money. He doesn't like to save money, he lives one day at a time. He can spend his entire salary in slot machines or spend it on buying unnecessary things. To stay afloat, Danila needs to have a well-paid and stable job. He can become a truly wealthy person only by bringing to life an original idea and overcoming public criticism.

Marriage and family

Family ties are of great importance to Daniel. As a child, he is very attached to his mother. Sisters and brothers are surrounded by guardianship. Maintains good relationships with blood relatives into adulthood. The opposite sex is windy. Due to inconstancy, he marries late and only with his adored chosen one. His woman must have a strong character, a sharp mind, and patience. External beauty does not matter much to Danila; the inner core is more valuable. A man prefers affectionate and kind girls, but he himself rarely shows emotions.

In marriage, the bearer of this name is almost ideal. He is faithful, fair, strict, but not conflicting. A man is very attached to home and family, he happily performs everyday tasks, becoming a good helper for his wife. He idolizes, teaches and cares for children. The latter treat him with respect and are a little afraid. Loves to greet guests. He spends the holidays with his family noisily and cheerfully. He is very jealous, but tries to save his family under any circumstances.

Sex and love

Danila does not succeed in communicating with the opposite sex. For a long time, women perceived him only as a friend. Outwardly, he seems modest and rather timid. The topic of intimate relationships is unpleasant for him due to the discord between perception and sexuality.

But true masculine strength is hidden in him. In bed he is active and very temperamental. An ideal relationship, in his opinion, should be harmonious both in communication and in sex.


Danila is in very good health. As a child, he practically never gets sick. But an adult man should pay attention to this aspect. His weak point is his love for junk food and its absorption in large quantities. If you do not restrain your appetite, then problems with the gastrointestinal tract cannot be avoided, as well as excess weight.

Danila, who prefers to lead an active and busy lifestyle, suffers from chronic fatigue. He needs to competently approach the organization of work and rest schedules. Regular (annual) visits to resorts are recommended.

Interests and hobbies

Danila is a creative person. He can devote his free time to painting and music. He likes to arrange his life by choosing antique things. Good imagination and ability to work with his hands allow him to create unique objects. Indifferent to sports.

May engage in tennis or wrestling only for the purpose of improving health and maintaining shape. He prefers to relax in nature. He chooses fishing or hunting as a hobby. He is prone to gambling, which often has dire consequences.


What distinguishes Russian names from American, Italian, French and many other foreign names? The most striking difference is that when introducing ourselves, we voice not only our first name, but also our patronymic. What is this component of the generic name, in which countries there is a patronymic and how is it formed, how is a patronymic formed correctly in the Russian language and how to recognize a patronymic by name?

What is a middle name

A patronymic, or patronymic (from the ancient Greek “patros” - father) is a special way of naming a person after his father. In countries where it is customary to use this part of the family name, it is mandatory for the official identification of a person. In some cases, patronymic names are associated not with the father, but with a more distant ancestor - grandfather, great-grandfather, etc. At a time when there were no surnames, the patronymic performed an exceptional social function: with its help, a person was clearly distinguished. In addition, the patronymic indicates kinship in the family circle and also expresses a respectful attitude. In colloquial speech, it is acceptable to use a patronymic instead of a given name.

Russian patronyms are an integral part of determining the status of an individual. Without them, it is impossible to imagine a single legal document. In some papers, the first and patronymic names are indicated by initials. At the same time, in an unofficial environment (in a family, a circle of friends, in the company of children and youth), it is customary to do without a patronymic.

Ways to display middle names in different countries

In accordance with the ancient Roman tradition, in almost all European countries it is customary to name people using a surname and a personal name. An exception is Iceland, where the family name is replaced by a patronymic (father's name) or matronym (mother's name). Let's say the writer Arnald Indridason's father's name is Indriti (in the patronymic, the father's name is put in the form R. p.).

The tradition of naming a person using a patronymic, which is uncharacteristic for the West, exists in many eastern countries. The culture of using patronymics is characteristic of Arabic, Turkic, Vainakh and East Slavic languages. In addition, patronymics are common in Bulgaria and Greece.

For example, the Arabs use the particle “ibn” to indicate a patronymic, which means “son” (for example, Ibn Jamil). Other Semitic peoples adhered to a similar principle. Let’s say that the Jews used the particles “ben” and “bar”: Josaf ben Samson (that is, Joasaph the son of Samson).

The method of forming patronymics in the Bulgarian language is the same as that adopted in Ancient Rus'. The suffix -ov is added to the father's name, for example: Borislav Bogdanov (son of Bogdan). No less interesting is the process of formation of patronymics in the Vainakh language group. Chechens and Ingush put patronymics before their names: Zahid Abu (in Russian this combination would sound like Abu Zahidovich).

If you come across the postpositions “-ogly”, “-ul” and “-kyzy”, “-gazy” in the name of a man, then remember that this is a characteristic feature of Turkic languages. For example, the daughter of Azerbaijani Rufat Fatima is called Fatima Rufat-kyzy.

The tradition of using patronymics among the Greeks changed. In Ancient Greece, patronyms were used for official papers. For example, the full name of the ancient Greek mathematician Archimedes is Archimedes Fidius (father – Phidias). In ordinary life they made do with one individual name. Among modern Greeks, the patronym is placed between the first and last names. A patronymic in Greece is the father's name in the form of R. p. For example, Michalis Leonidas Dertouzos. An interesting feature: when a woman gets married, she changes her middle name to her husband’s patronymic.

The Mari had patronymic names in the pre-Christian period. They preceded the name and were put in the form of R. p.: Yanygit Aktan (Aktan Yanygitovich).

Among the Dutch, middle names were widespread in the past, but even now they remain in unofficial use among the Frisians. Patronyms were formed in several ways (using -zoon, -dochter, -s, -sz, -szoon): for example, Peter Swibbertson. Moreover, the common people of Holland might not have a surname at all, and its role would be played by the patronymic. Over time, all residents of the Netherlands “acquired” surnames, and patronymics were almost forgotten.

As for the countries of the Iberian Peninsula, it should be noted: patronymics were common here in the Middle Ages and ended in -ez, -oz, -iz and -es. For example: Garcia Iniguez. Later, the model for constructing patronymics on the Iberian Peninsula was adopted by surnames.

In Ancient Rus', the patronymic names of common people resembled modern surnames and were formed by means of a short form of a possessive adjective. For example: Vasily Platonov son (later Vasily Platonov). In modern Russia, the design of male and female patronyms differs, as in many other countries. To form male patronymics, the suffixes -ich, -ovich/-evich are used. To obtain a female patronymic, the suffixes -ovna/-evna, -ichna, -inichna are added to the parent’s name. In colloquial speech, a truncated version of patronymics is often found: Ivanych, Varfolomevna.

The model of word formation of patronymics in Belarus and Ukraine is practically no different from the Russian one. For example: Pyotr Ilyich Klimchuk, Ivan Maksimovich Poddubny.

Rules for the formation of patronymics in Russian

In Russia, patronymics are formed using the suffix method. According to the Russian-language tradition, the “patronymic rule” applies to the word formation of patronyms composed of Russian and non-Russian male names. For clarity, it is convenient to present the answer to the question of how patronymic names are written in Russian in the form of a table.

Hard consonant (in addition to -zh, -sh, -ch, -sch, -ts)

If the name ends with a hard consonant, then -ovich/-ovna is added to form the patronymic


  • German - Germanovich, Germanovna;
  • Alexander - Alexandrovich, Alexandrovna;
  • Karl - Karlovich, Karlovna;
  • Azamat - Azamatovich, Azamatovna.


In the following exceptions, patronymics are formed taking into account the classical form of the name:

  • Gabriel (from Gavrilo - Gavrilovich, Gavrilovna),
  • Daniil (from Danilo - Danilovitch, Danilovna),
  • Izmail (from Izmailo - Izmailovich, Izmailovna),
  • Mikhail (from Mikhailo - Mikhailovich, Mikhailovna),
  • Samuil (from Samoilo - Samoilovich, Samoilovna).

In Slavic names ending in -slav, patronymics can be formed both in the classical way and in the older way:

  • Stanislav - Stanislavovich, Sninislavich, Stanislavovna, Stanislavna,
  • Mechislav - Mechislavovich, Mechislavich, Mechislavovna, Mechislavna,
  • Yaroslav - Yaroslavovich, Yaroslavich, Yaroslavovna, Yaroslavna.

Some names use special patronymics:

  • Job - Iovich, Iovna,
  • Lev - Lvovich, Lvovna,
  • Pavel - Pavlovich, Pavlovna,
  • Prov - Provich, Provna,
  • Yakov - Yakovlevich, Yakovlevna.
End of name Added suffix Examples Exceptions
Hissing words zh, sh, ch, shch, as well as the letter c -evich/-evna Lorenz – Lorentsevich, Lorentsevna
Unstressed vowel a, u, y -ovich/-aries; the last vowels of the name are omitted Le Havre And la - Gavrilovich, Gavrilovna Anikita, Nikita, Mina, Foka, Savva, Sila form classic patronymics in -ich/-ichna
Unstressed vowel "o" -ovich/-aries; the last vowel of the name and the initial vowel of the suffix are combined to form the sound [o] Mi e Zhko – Miezhkovich, Miezhkovna
The final vowel preceded by the letters zh, sh, ch, shch, ts -evich/-evna Ezhi – Ezhevich, Ezhievna
Consonant + soft sign -evich/-evna; ь discarded Igor – Igorevich, Igorevna Emil – Emilievich
Unstressed vowel e -evich/-evna; the final vowel of the name and the initial suffix merge Snorre – Snorrevich
Unstressed vowel and -evich/-evna; the last vowel is retained Torgny – Torgnievich
Unstressed combination -y The last -y is omitted, the previous -i- goes into ь (after one consonant or combination -nt) or is retained (after k, x, ts; after two consonants, in addition to the combination -nt) Radiy – Radyevich, Lutsiy – Lutsievna
Combination -ee, -ia -evich/-evna; the last -i is omitted, -i or -e remains Menea – Meneevich
Vowels under stress -evich/-evna; the last vowel of the name remains Dogu – Doguevich
Combination of stressed vowel and -y -evich/-evna with discarding the last -th Kai – Kaevich
Two identical vowels or –ау, -еу -evich/-evna; double vowel combination remains intact Amarkhuu – Amarkhuuevich

The meaning and secret of the name Daniel, Danil, Danila.

Choosing a name for a child is one of the most important decisions in the life of future parents. After all, it has long been believed that it is capable of influencing fate, as well as shaping the life path of a baby. The most common names for boys are: Danil, Daniil and Danila. Many believe that these are different forms of the same name, while others are sure that these are completely different names.

In order to understand this, it is necessary to find the origins of these names. It is also important to understand which middle names combine most successfully with the names Daniel and Danila. Today, based on statistical and historical data, we will try to understand whether Daniel, Danil and Danila are different names or whether they are different forms of one.

The name Danil, Danila, Daniel: different names or not?

  • Surely among your friends and relatives there is at least one Daniel. And this is not surprising, because this name is on the list of the most popular in the former Soviet countries.
  • Children are often called this way abroad, using various forms and variations. The name Daniel has Hebrew roots and is found in the Bible. Literally translated it means “God is my judge.” Danila is the Russian form. The name was often used in the territory of Kievan Rus and the Russian Empire.
  • Danil is also one of the simplified variations of the name and has been found since the 19th century.

But in different countries there are forms that are more typical for multiple cultures:

  • In France, there are several variations of the name: (Daniel) Daniel, (Dani) Dani. It is also used for girls, calling them: (Danielle) Daniel.
  • In Germany there is a form (Daniel) Daniel for boys and (Daniela) Daniela for girls.
  • In Serbia they use Danilo (Danilo) and Danijel (Daniel) for men. And the female forms: Danila (Danila) and Danijela (Daniela).
  • In Finland, only the male version of Taneli (Taneli) is used, and in the church at baptism they call it Daniel (Daniel)
  • In the Netherlands, for boys Daniël (Daniel), and for girls Daniëlle (Danielle) and Daniëlla (Daniella).
  • In Bulgaria, several variations are used. Male forms: Danail, Daniel, Daniel. For women: Danaila, Daniela.
  • In Greece, only masculine forms of the name are used: Δανιήλ (Daniel), Δανιήλος (Daniilos).
  • The greatest number of options exist in Italy, depending on the region.
  • This name was especially popular in the Middle Ages, but even now it does not concede its position, remaining in demand.
  • On the Apennine Peninsula both female and male forms are also used.

For example:

  • In Sardinia: Tanielle, Taniele, Tanieli, Taniebi, Danielli, Daniebi for boys and Taniela, Tanieba for girls
  • In Liguria, the female form is Daniêla (Daniela), and the male form is Daniêle (Daniele)
  • In Puglia: for boys Danìile (Daniile), Anìille (Aniile)

Returning to our name - Daniel and its original forms, I would like to say the following. Despite the fact that in most cases these names are considered to be the same, their characteristics are somewhat different from each other.

  • Daniel most often he is a very sociable person with an excellent sense of humor. These are unhurried individuals who will never rush when making any decision. As a rule, people with this name are very kind and sympathetic, but secretive about their feelings. It is unlikely that you will expect emotional confessions and “acting” from Daniel. The owners of this name are distinguished by their great work ethic. Even as a child, Daniel always strives to be the first and completes all his tasks. It should also be noted that these individuals cannot stand lies and betrayal. Negative qualities include excessive scrupulosity
  • Danila– a more emotional and open person. It is characterized by simplicity and a certain slowness. As a child, Danila knows how to find a common language with completely different people. Adult bearers of this name are distinguished by their enterprising character and particular practicality. However, despite this, Danila is a romantic and a dreamer at heart. It should also be noted that men named by this name know how to win people over

It would not be amiss to say that the character of the people named by these names may differ depending on when they were born.

  • Babies born in winter are endowed with the following qualities: diplomacy, tolerance, restraint, loyalty and pragmatism.
  • Autumn boys are noted as reasonable, flexible, wise, stubborn and persistent
  • Summer Danilov and Danilov are endowed with the following qualities: innocence, dreaminess, vulnerability, creative inclinations
  • Spring babies are easily vulnerable, dreamy, idealize the world and people, and are also sociable

In fact, these names are different forms of the same name. However, much depends on how the person himself relates to his name and its original forms - this fact must always be taken into account.

Danil, Danila, Daniel: how to correctly say the full name?

Danil, Danila and Daniel are very similar names not only in sound, but also in spelling. Many believe that these are completely different forms with different meanings and origins. Because of this, confusion often arises when preparing legal documents, as well as when receiving baptism in an Orthodox church. After all, not all of them are permissible from a religious point of view.

But in order to avoid mistakes in the future, it is necessary to figure out whether all versions of this name can really be used in all areas of life.

  • The full form of the name is Daniel. It is also used during baptism in an Orthodox church. If young parents are thinking about naming their child this name, then it is worth knowing that it can be used when registering with all government bodies, as well as used in everyday life without changes.
  • Name Danila can be used for the legal registration of a child, as well as in colloquial speech. However, it is not used in church ceremonies. This form is popular among the population of our country, because it was firmly rooted during the baptism of Rus'. Today, more and more young couples who revere traditions and history are choosing it for their children. Therefore, from a legal point of view, the name can be on the birth certificate, passport and other documents. But delving into the origins, this form cannot be called complete.

Names Daniel
  • Danil- is most often used in modern society, believing that it is a separate name. But in fact, this is just a shortened version of the name Daniel.
  • And although the child can also be registered in legal documents and acts, this name is not on the list of acceptable ones for baptism and other rites. Therefore, a child can be named by him, but for religious rituals it is worth giving preference to Daniel.

What is the difference between the names Danil, Danila and Daniel?

  • In order to determine the difference in names, it is necessary to return to the roots of their origin. Since names, alphabet and sounds change under the influence of time, the full form may lose its relevance, while the variants derived from it, on the contrary, are in wide demand among the population.
  • This is exactly what happened with the use of the name “Daniel”. It was first used by the ancient Jews. One of the Bible stories is connected with this.
  • This name was borne by a prophet who later became a saint. And with the advent of Christianity in Europe, the Jewish version was borrowed by residents of different countries. However, in many languages ​​it was inconvenient to use, since the set of sounds differed significantly from the traditional sound features.

And they began to modify it:

  • Danilo
  • Daniel
  • Daniel
  • Taneli
  • Danielos

And during the Middle Ages and with the strengthening of the influence of the church, the name began to be used in the feminine form.

Many simplified variants have also occurred, including:

  • Danila
  • Danosh
  • Danus

The form of the name Danila in Russian and Danilo in Ukrainian were also derived from the full version Daniil. It is the old form that is still used in Orthodox writings and rituals: baptism, communion, etc.

  • However, with the advent of Soviet power and the modern alphabet, many ancient names began to be gradually replaced by new ones. This is how the form Danil came about.
  • It was as simplified as possible and sounded more modern than the original names. Even now, when registering a child, a specialist will say that Daniil is no longer the current version.
  • But in fact, this is the original form of the name in Russia, which was able to bring more modern variations in the form of other names. That is, by and large, these names differ in spelling and sound, in some cases in characteristics, however, despite this, they are still considered to be the same names.

Can Daniel be called Danil, Danila?

  • Many bearers of these names insist that when addressed they are called exclusively Danil, Daniil or Danila. Motivating the request by the fact that this is how they are written in the passport and this is the name chosen by the parents.
  • But this dispute is more like the eternal confrontation between glass-half-full and empty-glass fans. After all, everyone interprets data from their subjective point of view. Science – linguistics – will help resolve the situation.
  • In fact, there are actually several differences between the names. But they are not as significant as they seem at first glance.

For example:

  • The number of letters and sounds (the full version of the name Daniel is significantly different from the familiar Danil, although both words have the same root).
  • Formality of address (these names are usually used in both official and everyday settings, although this is not entirely correct).
  • Entry into the book of baptized Orthodox children (during the ceremony they cannot be given the names Danil or Danilo, since the church officially recognizes only Daniel).
  • Preparation of official documents (when registering a child, it is acceptable to use all forms of the name).
  • Origin. Danila is the Russian version of the Hebrew name Daniil, and Danil is a modern simplified form of both.

  • It must be said that each country has its own original variations, but they do not radically change the meaning of the name.
  • This means that any of these names can be used, knowing that it is not the original name. In principle, it is possible to call Daniel Danil and Danila, but it is important to take into account the opinion of the person himself, and if we are talking about a child, then the opinion of his parents, because initially it is they who decide what the baby can be called.

What middle name suits a boy to the name Daniel, Danila

  • Our ancestors have long believed that a name determines a person’s life path and his purpose in the world. Therefore, they treated his choice with special responsibility.
  • But not only does it have a sacred meaning, the patronymic also plays an important role, because its meaning complements the main meaning of the name.

The names Danil and Daniel are best combined with the following patronymics:

  • Pavlovich
  • Vasilevich
  • Lvovich
  • Eldarovich
  • Igorevich
  • Anatolevich
  • Modestovich
  • Petrovich
  • Valerievich
  • Gennadievich
  • Moiseevich
  • Adamovich

These patronymics have a similar meaning to the names Daniel and Danil, as well as similar energy and sound vibration, which, according to the Vedic scriptures, is the basis for a child’s happy life.

The name Daniel, Danila - compatibility with female names

  • There is a classification of names that are compatible in an ideal combination. You can rely on them when choosing the second half, as one of the general search criteria.
  • Men named Daniel, Danila and Danil, as a rule, are not distinguished by their love of love, but they become caring husbands and responsible fathers.

The best companions for them will be:

  • Olesya
  • Polina
  • Tamara
  • Tatiana
  • Elvira
  • Lyudmila
  • Olga

These female names have a similar meaning and influence on fate, and also ideally complement Danil and Danila in life together, because they are endowed with determination, inner core, patience and pragmatism.

But there are several names, the bearers of which are capable of destroying the lives of Daniel, Danila and Danil, since they have a radically different designation, as well as character.

Among them:

  • Irina
  • Elizabeth
  • Angelina
  • Ksenia

Names Daniel, Danila, Danil: love, marriage, family relationships, sexuality

As mentioned earlier, almost all Daniels are dreamers. They tend to idealize the world and the people living in it:

  • Love for representatives of these names is something that looks like magic and a fairy tale. As a rule, Daniels are not in a hurry in relationships; they can look for their ideal among girls for a very long time, and if they don’t find them, they idealize them.
  • Men named by these names can be shy, which is why the first step in such a couple is often made by the woman.
  • It is worth recalling that Daniels are not very good at, and do not like to show their feelings and emotions. More precisely, they show them only to really close people.
  • It is important for a woman whose chosen one is named Daniel to know that the timidity and shyness of this man is just a defensive reaction of the body. Once your partner feels comfortable around you, you will see a completely different person and believe me, you will be pleased with what you see.

Regarding marriage, Daniel always chooses his future wife very carefully:

  • Men named by this name most often pay attention not to their partner’s appearance, but to her inner world and character. Moreover, a vulgar and too bright appearance will definitely scare away such a man.
  • It is important for Daniel that his woman be moderately modest, charming, gentle and educated. Such guys value thriftiness and decency in girls.
  • Daniel will marry only if he has sincere feelings for his chosen one.

Daniil, Danila, Danil: love, marriage, family relationships, sexuality

Moving on to family life, it must be said that Daniel’s wife will be really lucky, because these men are created for the family:

  • For representatives of this name, family is something sacred; it is something that will always come first, regardless of the circumstances.
  • His wife and children are Daniel’s pride and daily joy. It is for the sake of his family that this man is ready to do anything.
  • Daniel’s wife will never regret her choice, because her husband will always help with the housework and will look after the children at any necessary time.
  • Family life with Daniel is very calm and measured. Screams and quarrels are rarely heard in the house.
  • The only negative quality that Daniel possesses is jealousy, so the wife of such a man should never give rise to this feeling.

As for sexuality and sex, Daniil is not very proactive:

  • Often, the shyness of these men does not allow them to enjoy their sex life with their partner.
  • That is why Daniels very often choose experienced ladies as their companions who know how to liberate a man and show all the tricks of this process.
  • It is also important to note the fact that intimacy for Daniel is not only physical pleasure. It is very important for such a man to receive moral pleasure from sex.

  • Daniil and Danilo need increased protection in childhood and adolescence. They are not distinguished by good health and stable psyche, so babies need to be protected as much as possible.
  • The patron saint of children with this name is the planet Mercury.

And lucky colors:

  • Grey
  • Blue
  • Yellow

The talisman will also help:

  • Protect yourself from damage and the evil eye
  • Get rid of bad mood
  • Develop intelligence
  • Strengthen the gift of divination
  • Reduce the risk of unpleasant situations
  • Increase strength

Another powerful protection for a child will be a figurine or toy of a totem animal. Danil and Daniel need to have a squirrel or a sperm whale.

These animals will help you achieve the following aspirations:

  • Gain wit and a sense of humor
  • Balance your state of mind
  • Get rid of fears
  • Increase performance and endurance

Amulet, talisman stone for Daniel, Danilo

Another successful purchase would be a plant: clear or buttercup. They can be grown in your own yard or purchased in the form of a brooch or cufflinks.

They help in the following endeavors:

  • Gain self-confidence
  • Develop communication skills and harmonious relationships
  • Increase income
  • Improve your personal life

Daniil, Danila, Danil - only you parents have the right to decide what exactly the name will be and name your baby. That is why, before you finally decide which form of name you like, you need to thoroughly familiarize yourself with the relevant literature.

In the end, the main thing for parents is to try to develop the positive qualities inherent in the child’s character and instill in him nobility, raising a real man from childhood.

Video: The meaning of the name Daniel

According to current legislation, parents have the right to give their child any name, even if its spelling does not comply with the rules. Therefore, today we should separate the grammatically correct spelling and the actual name of the person, which is written in the passport. In modern dictionaries you can find three variants of the name: Daniel, Danil and Danila.


Daniel, Danil or Danila?

Daniel– the most popular variant of the name, which meets all literary standards. Accordingly, the patronymic from this form of the name is also written with two “i”.
Daniilovich, Danilovna– correct spelling of the patronymic from the form of the name “Daniil”.

Danil– also the correct spelling, but in some dictionaries it is noted as a colloquial form of the name “Daniil”. In fact, it is the second most popular form of name recorded in a passport.
Danilovich, Danilovna– spelling a patronymic from the name “Danil” with one letter “i”.

Danila- this form of the name is marked as colloquial in most dictionaries, but is actually used when naming children. Therefore, in modern language it is the third most popular.
Danilovich, Danilovna– the spelling of the patronymic from the form of the name “Danila” coincides with the spelling of the patronymic from the name “Danil”.

With Danil or Danila?

As for the name itself, and for its forms during declension, dictionaries give various options.

Danilo, Danilo– most dictionaries recommend writing the instrumental case of the name ending in “-ом”. The spelling “and” is preserved according to the initial form of the name.
I'm going for a walk with Daniil (Danil).
Daniil (Danil) and I did a lot of work.

Danila, Danila– some dictionaries allow the instrumental case of the name “Danila” to be written with the ending in “-ой” or “оу”. In colloquial language, such forms are often used in relation to any form of a name.
He could walk with Danila for days on end.
Danila and I will go to the cinema today.

Daniilovich or Danilych?

Daniilovich, Danilovic– correct spellings of the patronymic from the forms of the names “Daniil” and “Danil”, respectively. The spelling of patronymics is also recorded in Russian language dictionaries.

Danilych- an exclusively colloquial form of patronymic that cannot be used in formal written or spoken speech. Can be found in fiction to convey a conversational style of speech.