Names of birds of prey (etymology). Order Accipitres Birds of Prey names

I really like watching birds of prey, especially during their hunt. There are many birds of prey living in Chuvashia, here I will show those that I happened to see:

Peregrine Falcon- a large falcon: its length is 50 cm, wingspan 120 cm.
This is the fastest bird, and generally living creature, in the world. In a rapid diving flight, it is capable of reaching speeds in excess of 322 km/h!!!
Having discovered prey, it takes off above the victim and rapidly dives down almost at a right angle, hitting it tangentially with its paws folded and pressed to the body. The blow from the claws of the hind toes can be so strong that even a fairly large game can have its head fly off or the body rip open along its entire length. The object of hunting of this falcon is mainly medium-sized birds, such as pigeons, starlings, ducks and other aquatic and semi-aquatic species, and less often small mammals. During the entire period of observation, peregrine falcons were considered a rare bird. After the end of World War II, their already small numbers began to decline noticeably, largely due to the economic use of DDT and other pesticides that negatively affected the embryonic development of the offspring. It was only in the 1970s, thanks to a ban on the use of this pesticide, as well as the introduction of environmental programs, that bird populations in many areas of the world began to slowly recover. The peregrine falcon is included in the Red Book of Russia as a rare species, as well as in Appendix I to the CITES Convention, which prohibits trade in these birds throughout the world.

Here's a successful hunt:

Black kite

Buzzard or buzzard , bird of prey of the hawk family:

Reed or marsh harrier , bird of the hawk family, genus harrier

and this is a male with prey:

Kestrel, a bird of prey from the order Falconiformes of the Falconidae family

Meadow Harrier , bird of prey of the hawk family


Steppe Harrier:

those. In Chuvashia there are 4 types of harriers: marsh, field, meadow and steppe.

The sparrowhawk, or small hawk (lat. Accipiter nisus) is a species of bird of prey from the hawk family (Accipitridae). Female sparrowhawks are almost twice as large as males. This species lives mainly in forest areas and is distributed throughout almost all of Eurasia. Their prey is small and medium-sized birds. The photographs show an adult female sparrowhawk. The pictures were taken in Novocheboksarsk, near my house

in these photographs, a hawk sits in ambush near a tree on which a flock of bullfinches is feeding... next to a nine-story building!

and in flight:

And this is a goshawk. The goshawk is the largest of all types of hawks, wingspan 105-115 cm, weight 860-1360 g., Food: Birds (grouse, hazel grouse, wrens, pigeons, pheasants, sparrows, wood grouse, geese, starlings), small mammals ( hares, rabbits, squirrels, lemmings), invertebrates and reptiles.
There is plenty of prey in any conditions: among branches and bushes, in open space, from the water. It hunts most often from ambush.

This goshawk was hunting right next to my house; I was lucky to watch this process from the window of my apartment. As can be seen from the photographs, his hunt was successful; he caught a pigeon in flight, sat on the roof of a nearby five-story building, rested, and dragged the prey to a secluded place to eat. I have been observing hawks appearing in our area for a month now; almost every day you can see them chasing pigeons and jackdaws. If suddenly a flock of pigeons begins to fly over houses, then if you look closely you can see a hawk chasing them. But during this time it was not possible to photograph the hawk normally, but today we were lucky!

I noticed that hawks hunt at heights, no lower than a five-story building, and this is not the same hawk, but several different ones, today after a hawk caught a pigeon and dragged it to a secluded place, 10 minutes later another hawk attacked the pigeons , everything happened so quickly that I didn’t even have time to get my camera. And the other day I photographed a sparrowhawk on a tree at a height of 3 meters on the corner of my own house, it was hunting smaller birds, a flock of bullfinches was feeding there, so predators are not uncommon in the city!

Here is another of our flying predators: The honey beetle (Pernis apivorus) is a diurnal predator of the hawk family of the order Falconiformes. The bird is medium in size, with a wingspan of about 1.2 m. The honey beetle got its name because it destroys wasp nests and eats their larvae. In addition to them, it can feed on the larvae of bumblebees or wild bees. It also feeds on frogs, lizards, rodents, beetles, grasshoppers, and small birds. The bird is rare, listed in the Red Book of Chuvashia

Yes, wildlife in the city lives its own life, today I went to the grove, photographed the birds, there are no new ones yet, they haven’t arrived yet, there is no one to photograph, and I went home. I’m walking, out of habit I turn my head, look where some birds are flying, suddenly with peripheral vision I saw someone dive onto a bush on the opposite side of the road, it turned out that a sparrowhawk caught a bullfinch, grabbed it with its paws and flew, I followed it, it flew across the road ( on my side) and sat down on a branch inside a dense tree growing along the road. I very carefully began to approach him, taking out my camera as I went. It was very difficult to see the hawk through the branches of the tree, and it was generally impossible to take a photograph, so I began to spin around the tree, choosing a gap between the branches, found it and started taking pictures. At this time the hawk began to eat its prey. While photographing the hawk and choosing a shooting point, I slowly and smoothly approached almost the tree itself, the hawk ate without paying attention to me but without losing sight of me for a second, no matter where I moved, it kept at least one eye but followed my actions, everything continued probably five minutes, during which time he ate the bullfinch without leaving a single bone, only a few feathers fell to the ground. The spectacle was, of course, bloody and creepy, but also fascinating; for the first time in my life I saw a bird of prey eat.

steppe eagle

Great-tailed owl

Feathered hunters, united by common characteristics to capture prey, are classified as predators. They all have sharp eyesight, a powerful beak, and claws. Predator birds inhabit all continents except Antarctica.

In taxonomy, they do not form a taxonomic group, but are always distinguished on the basis of the characteristic that unites them - the ability to carry out air attacks on mammals and birds. Large feathered predators catch young antelopes, monkeys, snakes; some species feed on fish and carrion.

The following units are predatory:

  • hawks;
  • ospreys;
  • falcons;
  • secretaries;
  • American vultures.

IN family of birds of prey includes species of owls and barn owls, which are characterized by nocturnal activity. The hawk community has the largest number of species, many of which live in Russia.

Griffon Vulture

The vulture lives in the southern part of Eurasia and North Africa. A large bird, weighing up to 10 kg, brown in color with a characteristic white collar of feathers. A distinctive feature is the finger-shaped wings, which span more than 2 m, and the square tail.

The long neck and curved beak are adapted for cutting victims. It settles on steep cliffs, not far from open landscapes for hunting in pastures. It looks out for prey from a great height and descends in spiral turns. The name “vulture” was given to the bird for its hoarse sounds, which are especially audible during the mating season.

Golden eagle

Lives in forest areas of Asia, America, Europe, Africa. Its large size does not allow it to go deep into thickets, so it settles along the edges of dense forests and in copses. Hunts foxes, hares, roe deer, black grouse. The golden eagle has long been of interest to hunters with birds of prey.

In flight, it uses currents of warm air. The “openwork” silhouettes of the golden eagle are known; they can be observed during the mating season. Like many birds of prey, in the nest the older chick suppresses the younger one, sometimes, if there is a lack of food, it eats it.

Marsh (reed) harrier

The body of the harrier is elongated. The bird has a long tail and high legs. The color of the male is brownish-reddish, the tail and part of the wings are gray. The color of the female's plumage is uniform, chocolate-colored, and her throat is yellow. The bird is attached to damp areas with aquatic plants.

The reed harrier is found in Central Asia and Eastern Europe. A significant part of the diet is occupied by mallards, snipe, corncrakes, and quails. Many hunters are familiar with the sharp calls of harriers. Depending on climatic conditions, birds lead a sedentary, nomadic or migratory lifestyle.

Meadow Harrier

Birds of medium size, with pronounced sexual dimorphism. Males are gray, noticeable are the black stripe running along the wing, and reddish streaks on the sides. Females are brown. They fly low and silently. The birds live in Eurasia and winter in the tropics of Africa and Asia. Feathered inhabitants of meadows are common in Russia.

Birds of prey of the Moscow region, along with the golden eagle, peregrine falcon, and gyrfalcon, they include the meadow harrier, which patrols lakes and forest-steppe areas. In flight, it describes large circles, looking for prey. In areas with a good food supply, it forms groups of several dozen individuals.


The birds are distinguished by their grayish-gray plumage of a noble shade, which became the basis of the well-known comparison - gray-haired, like a harrier. On the wings, unlike the meadow harrier, there are no black stripes, only dark tips of the feathers. Harriers are unsurpassed masters of flight, in which they make sharp turns, make intricate turns, fall sharply and soar, and somersault.

The prey is taken by surprise. The habitat covers wide areas of central and northern Europe, Asia, and America. In the south of the range they lead a sedentary life, in the north, in the forest-tundra zone, they lead a migratory life.

Bearded vulture (lamber)

A large predator that does not have unfeathered areas on the neck, chest, head, like other vultures. The beak is decorated with stiff feathers similar to a beard. The cream color of the upper part of the body turns into a reddish-red hue in the lower half.

The wings are very dark. It feeds mainly on carrion, but young and weakened animals become prey. The bearded man throws carcasses from rocks to break large bones. They are found in hard-to-reach places in the mountainous regions of southern Eurasia and Africa.

Snake eater

Medium-sized migratory birds. The specialization of snake eaters is manifested in the destruction of reptiles. Birds of prey have a large head, yellow eyes, and very wide wings. Gray color, striped tail.

They live in Europe and winter in the tropics of Africa. They prefer forest areas with alternating open edges and sunny slopes. During flight, they hover in one place, looking for prey. Birds are protected from poisonous snake bites by durable scales on their paws. Snake eaters swallow victims from the head.

Red kite

An elegant bird of reddish-red color with dark streaks. Kites are widespread in Europe, living in arable fields and meadows near forests. Excellent flyers, hunters of live prey.

It is found in cities in garbage dumps, where birds also look for carrion and garbage. They raid agricultural paddocks, where they can steal a chicken or duck or feast on domestic pigeons. Repelling birds of prey becomes a pressing task for many poultry farmers.

Black kite

The inhabitant of forest and rocky areas has dark brown plumage. The diet is varied, including fish, waste, and carrion. The predator has been seen stealing prey from other birds. The dexterity of kites is manifested in the fact that they snatch contents from food baskets even from people, without any fear of humans.

Lesser Spotted Eagle

Widespread inhabitants of Europe and India, leading a migratory life with winter quarters in Africa. The bird's appearance is characterized by fairly long wings and a tail. The color of the plumage is brown, light shades. Prefers deciduous forests for habitat, hilly and flat places with wetlands. It nests on the forks of trunks. The sonorous voices of birds can be heard from afar.

Common buzzard

A bird with a dense body, brownish color with transverse streaks. The rounded tail and neck pressed to the body are clearly visible in the air. Large birds of prey They live in various landscapes, in forest and rocky places, on plains. It glides for a long time at altitude, and catches prey on the fly. The birds got their name from their characteristic sounds, similar to the meowing of a hungry cat.

Common Buzzard

The color of the birds varies between whitish and brown shades of plumage. Characteristic streaks are observed in the lower part of the body. The weight of an adult bird is approximately 1.5 kg. The main habitats are in forest areas of Europe and Asia. Buzzards spend the cold season in Africa.

The diet is based on insects, mainly wasps. Dense feathers protect the bird's eyes and beak area from the bites of stinging wasps. Food supplements for the honey buzzard include small birds, amphibians, and small reptiles.

White-tailed eagle

Large, stocky birds of a dark brown color with a wide white tail edge. Adherents of the water element, nesting for centuries on rocky cliffs along rivers and sea coasts. Hunts large prey and does not disdain carrion.


A medium-sized feathered predator of a contrasting color of black and white tones, with a characteristic area of ​​bare skin on the head. There are long feathers on the back of the head and neck. Vultures are common in Eurasia and Africa.

Daytime birds of prey often hover over pastures and are found near human settlements. The food is based on waste, carrion at a late stage of decomposition. They easily adapt to any living conditions. Birds bring undoubted benefits by fulfilling the mission of orderlies.


The predator is a small representative of the hawk family. Sexual dimorphism is reflected in the colors of birds' plumage. Males are gray on the upper part, the chest and abdomen are cross-striped with a reddish color. Females are brown on top, the lower part of the body is whitish, with streaks. A notable feature is the white feathers above the eyes, like eyebrows.

The eyes and tall legs of the hawk are yellow. Sparrowhawks are common in Central and Northern Eurasia. They hunt small birds in a lightning-fast attack, looking for prey in the air. Lifestyle depends on the area. Northern populations migrate towards winter closer to the southern borders of the habitat zone.


The birds are larger than their sparrowhawk relatives. Masters of ambush hunting, they feed only on fresh prey. The speed is gained in a few seconds. They live in forests of various types, including mountain ones. Stick to certain areas. Predator birds the osprey family is represented by a single species.


The large feathered predator lives throughout the world, except South America and most of Africa. It feeds exclusively on fish, so it settles along rivers, lakes, and less often seas. If water bodies freeze in winter, it flies to the southern part of its range. The color is contrasting - dark brown on the top and snow-white underparts. Tail with transverse stripes.

The osprey fishes from a height with its long legs extended forward. The retracted wings have a characteristic bend at the carpal joint. The bird's outer finger rotates freely backwards, which helps in holding prey. Greasy feathers protect from water, nasal valves protect from water when diving.

The falcon family is distinguished by its high flying qualities. Falcon beaks have an additional tooth on the beak. The most famous species are found in South America and South Asia.


A small migratory bird that winters thousands of kilometers from its nesting sites. Lives in open spaces, preferring uncultivated fields and wetlands. It feeds on insects, especially chafers. When hunting, it plans low. Males are painted in a rich gray color, the abdomen is light. Females have a red head and lower body. Black stripes run along the gray back.

Common kestrel

Birds adapt well to various landscapes. The kestrel can be found in the mountains, forest-steppes, deserts, in city squares and parks. A lot of birds nest in Italy. In winter, their number increases due to migratory individuals.

The birds are multicolored. Gray head and tail, red back, light brown belly, yellow paws. A black border runs along the tail, dark spots are scattered throughout the body. A special feature of the kestrel is the ability to hover in the air in one place with its tail lowered and its wings fluttering.

Peregrine Falcon

A densely built bird with a large head. The wings are pointed, like many falcon representatives. Weight approximately 1.3 kg. The uniqueness of birds is their speed. The peregrine falcon is the fastest bird among all living creatures on Earth. At its peak, the speed reaches 300 km/h.

Mastery of flight allows predators to catch a variety of prey. The plumage of the peregrine falcon is black in the upper part of the body. The chest and abdomen are light in color, with dark longitudinal stripes. The beak and paws are yellow. Peregrine falcons live in Australia, Asia, America, and Europe.

Most birds are concentrated in tundra zones. The population of Mediterranean island birds is distinguished by its small size and reddish abdomen. Falconry enthusiasts often destroy bird nests, taking chicks, thereby reducing the population.


The bird is a type of small falcon that lives in vast areas with a temperate climate. The bird's weight is only 300 grams. Names of birds of prey sometimes replaced by comparisons. Thus, based on the similarity of color, the hobby is often called a “peregrine falcon in miniature.”

Birds migrate long distances before the seasonal cold snap. Prefers deciduous forests interspersed with open spaces. Sometimes birds fly into city parks and poplar groves. Hunts at twilight on insects and small birds.


The second name of the species is Mediterranean falcon. A large population is concentrated in Italy. In Russia it sometimes appears in Dagestan. Prefers rocky places, cliffs along the coasts. Lanners are quite silent, calls of birds of prey can only be heard near nests. Human disturbance leads to population declines.

Secretary bird

In the order Falconiformes, the large bird is the only representative of its family. The weight of an adult is approximately 4 kg, height 150 cm, wingspan over 2 m. There are several versions of the origin of the unusual name of the bird.

The most common explanation is the similarity of appearance - the color of the bird's plumage resembles a men's secretary suit. If you pay attention to the imposing gait, protruding feathers on the back of the head, long neck, slender legs in strict black trousers, then the birth of the name-image becomes clear.

Huge wings help to fly perfectly and soar at heights. Thanks to his long legs, the secretary runs excellently, reaching speeds of up to 30 km/h. From a distance, the bird's appearance resembles a crane or a heron, but the eagle's gaze and powerful beak indicate the true essence of the predator.

Secretaries live only in Africa. Birds live in pairs, remaining faithful to each other throughout their lives. American vultures are distinguished by their large size, food addiction to carrion, and soaring flight.


The species of Andean and Californian condors are stunning in their power and size. Giant birds of strong build, with a wingspan of up to 3 m. Notable are their long naked red neck with a white collar of feathers, a hooked beak with leathery earrings.

There is a fleshy outgrowth on the forehead of males. The range of condors is tied to mountain systems. Resident birds can be seen on rock ledges among high-mountain meadows. They rise into the air with a long run or take off from rocky ledges. During a gliding flight, they may not make a single flap of their wings for half an hour.

Despite their threatening appearance, the birds are peaceful. They feed on carrion, eating a large amount of food in reserve. Birds are amazing long-livers. In nature, they live 50-60 years, record holders - up to 80 years. The ancients revered condors as totem birds.


The species of American black cathart, the second name of the bird, is distributed over a vast territory of North and South America. The size is inferior to the condor, weight does not exceed 2 kg. The head and neck in the upper part are without feathers, the skin is strongly wrinkled, gray in color.

Thick paws seem better suited for running on the ground. They prefer open lowlands, deserted places, sometimes birds look into city dumps. In addition to carrion, they feed on plant fruits, including rotten ones.

Turkey Vulture

The bird is considered one of the most common in America. A special feature of the turkey vulture is its disproportionately small head compared to its voluminous body. There are almost no feathers on the head, the bare skin is red. The color is very dark, almost black.

Some feathers on the lower part of the wings have a silvery tint. Turkey vultures prefer to feed near pastures and farmland, looking for carrion. A keen sense of smell helps to find food in shelters under the branches of bushes. Birds are considered quiet, calm, but sometimes you can hear sounds of birds of prey, similar to grunting or hissing.

Royal vulture

The name of the birds is justified by their impressive appearance and isolated way of life outside the flock. In addition, when fighting with their relatives for prey, royal vultures often emerge victorious in fights. Birds are attracted to carrion; sometimes the diet is supplemented by dead fish, small mammals, and reptiles.

Night birds of prey, unlike most daytime hunters, they are represented by owl and barn owl species. The special anatomical structure allows us to distinguish a special order of owl-like predators.


The radiant corolla of feathers forms the so-called facial disc. All nocturnal raptors have large eyes located in front of the head. A special feature of vision is farsightedness. Unlike many birds, the owl has ear openings covered with feathers. Acute hearing and sense of smell exceed human capabilities by 50 times.

The bird can only look forward, but the ability to turn its head 270° provides a complete view of its surroundings. The neck is almost invisible. Soft plumage and plenty of down ensure silent flight.

Sharp claws, a movable outer finger that curves back, are adapted for holding prey. All owls have a camouflage color - a combination of gray-brown-black streaks and white stripes.

Barn owl

An unusual bird in appearance, which is said to have the face of a monkey. It’s like a white mask on the head adds mystery to the nocturnal predator. The body length of a barn owl is only 40 cm. An unexpected meeting at twilight with a small bird will leave a lasting impression.

Silent movement and sudden appearance are the usual tricks of a predator. The bird got its name from its hoarse voice, similar to a cough. The ability to snap its beak terrifies night travelers. During the day, the birds sleep on the branches, indistinguishable among the trees.

The diversity of birds of prey is represented by species that live in almost all corners of the planet. The skill of feathered hunters has been honed by nature since the ancient times of the creation of the world.

Birds that hunt their prey in flight are called birds of prey. Their characteristic features are excellent vision, as well as strong claws and beaks, used to capture and kill targets. Hearing also plays an important role in the hunting of feathered predators.

Types of birds of prey

Birds of prey are divided into two types:

  • diurnal carnivores;
  • nocturnal predators.

The families of diurnal birds of prey include

  • hawks;
  • ospreys;
  • falcons;
  • secretaries;
  • American vultures.

The nocturnal birds of prey include the order of owls, in which two families are distinguished: owls and barn owls. The most famous representatives are owls(white, arctic, long-eared, marsh, hawk and others), eagle owls, owls and owls (brow, sparrow and others), owls (bearded, long-tailed, gray), barn owls and scops owls.


Features of appearance and their impact on lifestyle

Almost all owls have common features. On the large head are large eyes, which appear even larger due to the plumage arranged like a fan around them. This is the facial disc. They have a short, curved beak with nostrils at the base.. These birds have thick and soft plumage, a rectangular tail, and fairly large rounded wings, with the help of which it glides and flies quickly and silently. The wings may differ depending on the species: birds that hunt in the forest have them quite short, while birds that search for prey in open areas have long wings.

The legs and fingers are covered with feathers down to the claws, with the exception of fish owls. Due to the fact that the front fingers are reversible, owls can sit on branches, and the presence of long and sharp claws gives them the ability to firmly grasp their prey. A striking feature that distinguishes them from other birds is the absence of a crop.

The coloring of owls is protective; it helps owls to camouflage themselves against the background of their environment and to be practically invisible during the daytime. Birds of prey of this species that live in the forest have a brown tint of feathers, while those living in coniferous forests change it to gray. Owls living on the plains have lighter colored feathers, while those in the deserts have a reddish tint. The color of males and females is always the same, with the exception of polar owls. Males are snow-white in color, while females are variegated with a brownish tint.

Owls are nocturnal birds of prey; their keen eyesight and good hearing help them hunt in the dark. Owls have large eyes that look forward, but the ability to turn their heads almost 180 degrees provides a wider range of vision. The ears are located on either side of the facial disc, and not in all species they are symmetrical, they may differ in size or be shifted up or down. These birds have a very large inner ear, as well as a huge number of neurons in the area responsible for hearing. Due to these features, owls perfectly hear their prey at night.

Most owls have a nocturnal lifestyle. Exceptions are the little owl and short-eared owl. Hawk and snowy owls that live in the Arctic hunt at night during the summer and search for food during the day in winter. The remaining representatives of the owl family sleep during the day on branches, in rock crevices, and in the attics of houses. Some species build their nests in burrows or depressions in the ground.

Almost all species of owls live their entire lives in one place and fiercely protect it from other birds, especially predators. However There are also species migrating for the winter, for example, the short-eared owl. The rest can change their habitat only if there is no food.

These birds feed on mice, rats, rabbits, earthworms, insects, snakes, fish, and crustaceans. In rare cases, they may eat carrion. Mammals are caught in flight, and fish are waited for, sitting on a branch above the water.

Owls are very talkative. Apart from the famous hoot, their vocabulary includes a large number of other sounds, which they emit when they are hungry, guarding territory, during the breeding season, etc.

Breeding owls

The reproduction of these nocturnal predators is greatly influenced by favorable weather conditions and the availability of food. If these factors are met, then the breeding season begins earlier and there will be more eggs in the nest. Otherwise, there will be 2-3 eggs in the clutch.

Depending on the species, some owls mate for the rest of their lives, while others form a new pair in each subsequent mating season. In most cases, nests of other birds are found for laying eggs., tree hollows, rock crevices. Some species use rodent burrows for these purposes or lay eggs in the grass. They very rarely build nests on their own. Having chosen a suitable place, the female lays up to 10-14 eggs within a few days. Hatching of chicks, depending on the species, lasts from 24 to 36 days and begins from the day the first egg is laid. Accordingly, the chicks appear within a few days. In the future, there are often cases when older chicks take all the food in difficult times, and the younger ones go hungry.

Chicks are born helpless, at 2 weeks the eyes open. First, the male brings food, and when the cubs grow up and more food is needed, the female also flies off to hunt. After 20-25 days, the owlets emerge from the nest. At first they fly poorly, so they do not move far from the nest.

The appearance and lifestyle of other nocturnal birds of prey are very similar to owls, although there are minor differences and features.

Most diurnal birds of prey belong to the order Falconiformes:

Nocturnal birds of prey are represented by representatives of the order Strigiformes, which include two families:

This order includes about 270 species. These are birds of medium and large size. One of the largest species - the American condor - has a wing about 115 cm long, a wingspan of up to 275 cm. The smallest birds of prey - the so-called pygmy falcons - have a wing 9-10 cm long.

Birds of prey are characterized by a strong, hook-shaped beak curved at the end, the base of which is covered with bare, brightly colored skin - the wax, into which the external openings of the nostrils open. The legs of birds of prey are of moderate length, with curved and usually sharp claws (only secretaries have long legs). The claws and beak are used for killing, and the latter for dismembering prey. The fingers are relatively long; on the plantar side there are pads that serve to hold prey. The body is dense, the plumage is rigid and tight to the body. The color is usually dull, predominantly gray, brown, red or black, often with an admixture of white. In some species that feed on carrion, the head and part of the neck are bare and unfeathered.

There are 10 primary flight feathers, the number of secondary flight feathers varies, most often 12, but in some well-flying large species (for example, vultures) there are 19-20. The tail is usually short (except for the secretary), rounded or notched at the top, of 12 tail feathers (in some large species, 14). In most species, males and females are colored similarly, but young birds in the first year, sometimes later, differ from adults in color. Typically, males are smaller than females, but in Old World vultures both sexes are the same size, and in American condors, males are larger than females.

Birds of prey are diurnal, only a few of them are crepuscular. Birds of prey are distributed all over the world: they are not found only in Antarctica and on some oceanic islands.

In northern and temperate latitudes, some of the species are migratory, some are sedentary and wander outside the breeding season.

The lifespan of birds of prey is quite significant. There are known cases when the buffoon eagle lived in captivity for 55 years, the golden eagle - 46 years, the condor lived in captivity for 69 years, and the goshawk - 25 years. Banding data also shows that medium-sized birds of prey live for at least about 15 years. These are hardly all deadlines.
Birds of prey are monogamous. They reproduce once (rarely twice) a year. Nests have a simple structure, usually in trees, sometimes in hollows, on rocks, on the ground. Often a ready-made nest built by another bird species is occupied. Usually the same pair nests in the same nesting area year after year. The number of eggs varies - from 1-2 (in large species) to 6-7 and even 9 (in small ones).

Incubation begins after the first egg is laid, and the chicks in the brood are therefore of different ages. The female incubates mainly, the male replaces her only for a short time. Large species incubate for almost 2 months (for example, condor, bearded vulture). Medium-sized species incubate for about a month. The chicks emerge from the eggs well-furred and sighted, but during their stay in the nest they need feeding and heating, as well as protection from enemies. Flight from the nest in small and medium-sized species of predators occurs at approximately one month of age, in large vultures - only at three or even four months.

The main food of birds of prey consists of various animals, primarily mammals, birds and insects. Birds of prey often feed on carrion. Few of them eat plant foods. Some species feed on a wide range of foods, others are highly specialized.

Under natural conditions, birds of prey eat prey with bones, fur, and feathers, the undigested remains of which are periodically thrown out through the mouth in the form of so-called pellets.

The cycle of life in our nature is structured in such a way that there are predatory individuals and herbivores. No matter how inhumane it may be, the presence of predators on Earth is an integral part of the overall system, which has been functioning for a very long time. A special niche in this system is occupied by birds of prey, which feed on various small animals and sometimes carrion. As for Russia, many species of these unusual animals live here.

Almost all types of carnivorous birds are similar to each other, this is due to a lifestyle that is based on constant hunting. That is why they have sharp claws and a massive beak; their tenacious grip does not allow the victim to escape - it is doomed to death. They are quite sensitive to their offspring; if threatened, they can attack and even kill the offender. There are few animals in nature that can resist such aggressive and powerful individuals.

Almost all types of carnivorous birds are similar to each other, this is due to a lifestyle that is based on constant hunting

Flying predators are usually divided depending on the preferred time of hunting - day or night. Without certain knowledge of ornithology, it is difficult to distinguish these species, since their characteristics are related to their habitats and diet.

If we analyze bird species, we can see that representatives of this type can choose victims that are significantly larger than their own size. These individuals include:

  • seagulls;
  • eagles;
  • falcons;
  • owls, etc.

The common aspects of these varieties are the following:

  • nutrition method;
  • a feature of life activity in which a separate place is occupied by the time when the bird begins to hunt;
  • diet.

Rough-footed Buzzard

Protection of the Buzzard's nest comes first. There have been no recorded cases of attacks on people; they can simply scream and float in the air. The bird fights off dogs and arctic foxes more aggressively; for this purpose, strong and sharp claws are used. The species is characterized by seasonal migration. Closer to the cold weather, the rough-legged buzzard goes to the middle zone of the country. It is interesting that the bird may not disdain carrion. However, this happens only in very hungry seasons, when it is not possible to obtain natural food.

White-tailed Eagle

The list of birds of prey in Russia cannot be considered complete without this representative; due to its large dimensions, it is one of the largest individuals in our country. The wingspan is more than 2 meters, which is truly impressive, and its weight of 7 kilograms makes it simply a real and fearless hunter. Adult individuals have a white tail, this is a sign that they are more than 3 years old; other individuals have a dark tail.

An eagle can easily be confused with a golden eagle if you do not know the characteristic features of this bird. For example, their tails have clearly visible differences. If the first one is very similar to a wedge, then the second one has a rounded tail. As for nesting, they give preference to deciduous trees and occasionally settle in rocks. The range is very extensive and covers almost the country with the exception of very cold or dry regions.

White-tailed Eagle

They try to settle near bodies of water, since their diet mainly includes fish. But they do not disdain small waterfowl. The nests look impressive - you can often find a meter-tall, solidly assembled structure.

This species includes a small number of birds; they are listed in the Red Book, so causing any harm is punishable by law. You can determine whether a bird belongs to this particular breed by the following species parameters:

  • massive dimensions;
  • yellow eyes;
  • contrasting color: the lower body is yellow, there is a red stripe across the bird’s crop, the wings and tail are dark, and there are black wide stripes on the head;
  • under severe nervous tension, for example, when someone threatens their offspring, they make unusual sounds.

They live all over the world, but do not like the northern regions. They prefer to winter in African countries and Asian regions. They feel great near bodies of water rich in food. They nest in trees with high altitude and dry tops, as far as possible from human settlements. Birds fly to the same nest every year. One clutch can contain no more than 4 eggs, usually 2 or 3. The eggs are dark in color, a distinctive feature is purple inclusions, located randomly.

It is of modest size; representatives of this species rarely exceed 30 centimeters. Such dimensions allow the merlin falcon to accelerate at lightning speed and develop high flight speeds. Sexual dimorphism is developed quite clearly; this is mainly manifested in the fact that females are significantly more massive than males.

As a rule, the weight is no more than 300 grams, the wingspan is in the range of 50-70 centimeters. In flight, the wings take the shape of a sickle, the individual’s voice is clear and at the same time abrupt. The coloring of females and males is different: females have light ocher tones with brown longitudinal spots, while males are reddish with a black tail.

A characteristic difference is the pattern in the neck area, which in appearance resembles a collar. Females visually resemble saker falcons, although much smaller, and the former have striped tails with brown stripes alternating with cream. Both sexes have yellow legs, dark brown irises and a dark beak.

Another representative of the falcon family, distributed on all continents except Antarctica. In terms of its dimensions, the peregrine falcon is no larger than an ordinary crow; it stands out for its unusual dark plumage, light belly and black head. In total there are about 17 subspecies of this bird.

This individual holds the speed record and holds the title of the fastest living creature in the world. Experts say that in a diving rapid flight the speed exceeds 320 km/h. Nevertheless, the predator is inferior to the swift in terms of horizontal flight speed. When hunting, the peregrine falcon sits on a perch or fends off in the sky. After detecting prey, it dives at it almost at a right angle, hitting the prey tangentially with folded paws. The impact of the claws can be so strong that even a large rodent's head will fly off.

This species includes the owl order, which has only two families: the barn owl and the owl. Common representatives are owls, as well as owls, eagle owls, tawny owls, scops owls, owlets and barn owls. To better understand the characteristics of these birds, we should consider some of them in more detail.

polar owl

Almost all owls are similar to each other. A distinctive feature is a large head with large eyes, the latter seem even more voluminous due to the fan-shaped plumage - this is the facial disc. Their beak is short, curved, and the nostrils are located right at the base. Representatives have soft and fairly thick plumage, a rectangular tail, rounded wings, which allows the bird to fly quickly and absolutely silently, as well as parry. The wings differ depending on the variety:

  • for those living in the forest, they are short;
  • those who prefer to hunt in open areas have long ones.

The toes and feet are covered with feathers right down to the claws, although this does not apply to fish owls. The front toes are reversible, so the owl can comfortably sit on a thin branch for a long time; the claws are sharp and long, so the prey cannot escape from its tenacious grip. A distinctive feature is the absence of goiter.

polar owl

Their color is camouflage, due to which the individual is invisible against the background of surrounding objects; in the daytime it is very difficult to notice an owl. Birds living in the forest are brown in color, while those who prefer coniferous forests have gray plumage. Plains owls are lighter in color, while desert owls are tawny.

Females and males have the same appearance, but there are exceptions here, including polar owls. Males are snow-white in color, while females are mottled and brown.

Barn owl

The size of the barn owl resembles a jackdaw, length is in the range of 33-39 cm, with a wingspan of about 90 cm. Weight varies widely from 190 g to 700 g, this difference does not depend on geographical features, but is largely limited by the genotype of a particular individual. Although in general island birds are much smaller.

The barn owl differs from the owl family in the shape of its facial disc; in them it has the shape of a heart. The common variety stands out from other barn owls by its light shades of plumage. These birds of prey rarely make sounds, usually during breeding - you can hear a hoarse squeal, sniffling and a characteristic hoot. Due to its hoarse, special, and also rattling voice, the bird was nicknamed the Russian word “barn owl”.

They are widespread throughout the world, including the islands. These individuals cannot accumulate fatty tissue, so northern climates are not suitable for them. Barn owls are not found in America or the northern part of Europe, but in Russia they live in the Kaliningrad region.

Birds of prey are found on every continent of our planet; there are a huge number of varieties of these animals, each of which has distinctive features and nuances. Our country is also rich in all sorts of interesting individuals, which should be familiarized with in more detail. Some even keep the above-mentioned predators in their homes; caring for them is significantly different from caring for.