For those who cannot lose weight: workouts for body types. How to make a sex bomb out of a pear shape! Circular workout for a figure a pear for the house

As for training, they should be divided into muscle groups: two days a week you need to start the arms and shoulders, one day - the legs and hips. If you plan to practice at home, pay special attention to the following exercises: push-ups (various options), lying dumbbells, dumbbell press, pullover, dumbbell press to the waist, curls of arms (biceps). The weight for performing these exercises should be chosen so that you can perform 2 sets of 10-12 repetitions, no more. Exercise should be done slowly, feeling every inch of your arms and shoulders.

For the legs, do squats, lifting the pelvis, raising the leg to the side, raising the leg back (the last two exercises should be done standing upright, and then kneeling). Perform 4 sets of 30 times at a fairly fast pace, without using weights. Sometimes you can still find tips to add lunges to these exercises. This is not worth doing, because with the wrong pace and technique of execution, you can achieve the opposite result: the priest will grow.

Remember to do 10 minutes of cardio before starting your workouts.

In addition to training, for a successful result, do not forget about a healthy diet, as well as slimming wraps, which will improve the skin, help remove excess water and stimulate weight loss.

And here is what he says about this Champion of Ukraine in the category of physicist-model, personal trainer, European vice-champion Irina Luchishina.

It is genetically implied that the type of such a figure as "pear" implies a heavy and large bottom. For girls with this body type, I would recommend using high-intensity sets of exercises for training the bottom, many reps and drop sets. And put in the advantage of training the top (back) in order to display a proportional physique in the form of an hourglass.

It is necessary to systematically perform certain physical exercises. Exercises are important here not only for the lower body, but also MANDATORY for the upper.

Your task will be:

  1. Remove excess fat from the buttocks and thighs, tone the muscles of the legs, and achieve smoothness and elasticity with the skin. Thus, your body will acquire beautiful proportions and become fit!
  2. To pump up the pectoral muscles, arms, shoulders, as well as all the muscles of the back, which will noticeably increase the muscle mass of the upper.

Upper body exercises

For a pear-shaped figure, strength exercises for the muscles of the chest, back and shoulders should be done at least 1-2 times a week. At the same time, select the weight of the dumbbells so that you can do 10-12 repetitions and 3-4 approaches (usually 4-7 kg).

The main set of exercises must necessarily include:

tilted dumbbell rows, push-ups, triceps extensions (either standing or sitting), biceps curls, dumbbell pullover, treadmills, or similar dumbbell supine exercise.

Lower body exercises

All exercises for the buttocks and hips can be performed without dumbbells, but if desired, you can take dumbbells only for squats and lunges.

It is always better to start all exercises with squats, which are best done rhythmically and deeply, but not very sharply. It is important to ensure that the knees do not go over the toes and do not come off the heels.

Then 4 exercises follow, each focused on a specific muscle group:

1 exercise- wide lunges forward for the muscles of the thighs;

2 exercise- squats with a wide stance of the legs with a straight back - for the adductor muscles of the legs;

3 exercise- in the "horse" pose, lifting the legs up in sequence with or without an elastic band - for the gluteal muscles;

4 exercise- from a prone position, lifting the hips - for the muscles of the buttocks and thighs.

The number of repetitions for different exercises:

  • For squats, do 20-30 reps and 3-4 sets.
  • Exercises for the glutes and lunges - 15 reps for each leg with 3-4 sets.
  • All exercises must be performed at intervals of 10 seconds.
  • All leg exercises are best done 3 times a week.
  • In addition to these exercises, any cardio activity will be incredibly useful: dancing, running or jumping on a rolling pin. It is also recommended to do them regularly!

How to remove the sides of the thighs

Goltis exercises will help get rid of the protruding "ears" on the hips. It is best to do them as much and as often as possible. The exercises themselves are not as difficult, but quite effective!

One rep is an up and down swing of the leg. The pace should be kept high - 1 repetition in 2 seconds. Reps: 33 to 70.

I advise all beginners in fitness to watch another video from the TGYM team, which popularly demonstrates all exercises for the figure of the "Pear" type.

To maintain the balance of the upper and lower body for slender representatives of the "Pear" type figures, 30 minutes of continuous walking a day at an average pace, a short run or 10 minutes of jumping rope 3 times a week is enough. If a small adjustment to the bottom is required, then a 4-set treadmill, ergometer, or ellipsoid exercise will be helpful. At the same time, the intensity of the exercises should be slightly less than the maximum.

Also, women with this type of figure are strongly advised not to neglect additional helpers such as scrubs, massage, various wraps, contrast showers and massage. They will help you burn fat even more, always keep your skin toned, making your buttocks and thighs incredibly beautiful!

For women who have a pear-shaped figure, the following features are characteristic - a wide pelvis, small breasts and a long waist. In medicine, such a figure is called "gynoid". Young ladies who have a pear-shaped figure are distinguished by an increased level of estrogen (a female hormone). The main problem with pears is a reduced metabolism, which can lead to the accumulation of fat under the skin of the buttocks and in the thigh. Pear women are at risk due to the likelihood of osteoporosis, cellulite, arthritis and other problems.

When organizing a training program for women with a pear figure, the following points should be taken into account:

  • It is worth reducing strength and cardio loads, which are aimed at developing the muscles of the legs. This means that there should not be a treadmill or cycling in the training program;
  • To develop the top and reduce the bottom, it is worth training twice (preferably three times) a week. In this case, cardio loads should be in the intervals between strength training;
  • The main effort of the training process should be aimed at reducing the lower part;
  • In the case of working out the top, it is worth focusing on the dumbbell press (sitting and lying), push-ups, pulling the block to the belt, and so on;
  • The training program for the type of "pear" figure should be thought out so that it includes the lifting of the pelvis while lying down, the exercise "bicycle", straight crunches and others;
  • Banned barbell squats;
  • Of the aerobic exercise, you should give preference to walking, aerobic exercise, interval jogging, and others.

You may be surprised, but the pear body type in women with seductive curves and mouth-watering forms is the most attractive for men. Moreover, many of them are not even aware of this, because this process takes place at the subconscious level.

A narrow waist, pronounced hips and elastic buttocks - the attributes of a "pear" - are maximally designed for the process of pregnancy and childbirth. Even loved by everyone, they represent a proportional modification of the physique of a pear.

The main line of maintaining the feminine forms of the pear's body is not to pay attention to the "thin and sonorous" models, insanely imposed, like a stereotype, by the mass media.

Free from delusions, your self-awareness will understand that the pear shape not only reliably protects you from health risks, but also makes you feminine and attractive to men.

What is the difference between a female pear figure and other types?

This figure is also often referred to as a "triangle", as it represents the small proportions of the body in the upper torso, including the chest and shoulders, and the heavy forms - at the base - wide hips.

To determine your triangle shape type, you need to measure your waist and hips. The ratio of these two parameters may not be higher than the coefficient 0.8. That is, dividing the value of the waist by the hip, we should get a figure of no more than 0.8.

How to measure your waist and hips correctly?

  • Stand straight without sucking in your stomach. Measure your waist at the narrowest part of your torso (from the navel line to 2.5 cm above it - the waistline may vary from person to person at levels, but always around this zone);
  • Measure your hips around the widest circumference of your body.

Let us divide the results obtained. If the figure is 0.8 or lower, then you are a typical "pear", if higher, then your body has.

Pros and cons of triangle physique

Pear-shaped girls (in medical terminology - "gynoid", which means "woman") have high levels of estrogen. This sex hormone gives attractiveness and charm to any member of the fair sex. There is a maximum amount of estrogen in the body chemistry of pears!

But, as a result, this female hormone acts as a brake on the thermolipolysis process. The metabolic rate of a pear is very slow, any excess fat is stored in the subcutaneous layers, mainly on the thighs and buttocks.

This may calm you down, but the right weight loss strategy can bring significant results!

Pear Body Type: Health Risks

The good news for such girls is the news that their typical health risks are far from the problems of their peers, whom nature has awarded with an apple-shaped figure.

As you can see from the list, these risks do not threaten vital organs, but during menopause, if your weight exceeds 9 (or more) kilograms above the norm, then there is a high risk of getting the same problems as women with an apple shape.

This can be due to a sharp drop in the level of estrogen - a female hormone - in your body. Therefore, all "pears" must strictly monitor their body weight so as not to gain more than optimal weight.

The best diet for pear figure

The main goal of a healthy pear diet is to help eliminate fat in problem areas that stubbornly remain under the skin, as well as minimize the risks associated with gaining body weight.

Along with cellulite reduction (), the diet is aimed at losing excess weight and requires a diet low in fat.

Three Thing Tips for Healthy Pear Eating:

1. Eat a minimum of fat, preferring extremely healthy types: flaxseed oil for dressing salads, low-fat dressings and sauces (yoghurts and others), nuts (no more than a handful a day), salmon, mackerel, mackerel (as rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids ) to promote weight loss, cook food with a little coconut oil, which speeds up your metabolism.

2. Eliminate refined simple carbohydrates and animal fats from your diet: fatty meats, butter, cream, whole milk, yoghurts, cheeses, mayonnaise and sour cream, fatty and deep-fried foods, delicacies, pickles, fat-rich sauces and dressings. Avoid table salt and use Himalayan pink or Celtic sea salt instead, with reduced sodium (water retention) and rich in minerals. These types of salt can be found in online stores or Health stores.

3. Prefer complex, indigestible carbohydrates in your diet (whole grains, rye bread, brown rice, buckwheat, quinoa, oatmeal (oats), vegetables, beans, fruits. Satisfy your hunger with high-quality proteins: homemade eggs, white meat of turkey or chicken ( skinless breasts), lean beef or lamb, fish, seafood, "zero" - milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, yogurt or whey.

Always remember that the pear shape is associated with the threat of osteoporosis, so eat foods high in calcium: (wakame, kombu, nori - ingredients of Japanese miso soup, sushi, rolls, salads), greens, cabbage, turnips, garlic, arugula, broccoli, spinach, okra (okra or gombo), Brussels sprouts or cauliflower, celery, Chinese cabbage, chard (a relative of spinach or beet tops), potatoes, tomatoes. Eat calcium-rich fruits like oranges, apples and pears in your diet!

You can also replenish your body with calcium from vitamin supplements with this micronutrient, taking 500 mg three times a day, as your body can absorb only 500 mg of calcium at a time.

Important!!! When taking calcium, do not include fiber in your diet, as it interferes with the absorption of this micronutrient, making it difficult for you to get it in full.

The ideal diet for pears in nutrients looks like this:

  • 45% complex carbohydrates;
  • 45% quality proteins;
  • 10% healthy fats (flaxseed oil in salad and coconut oil for cooking);
  • A diet rich in calcium, plus this mineral in dietary supplements.

Workouts for the "pear" figure

The ideal complex should include strength training and aerobics.

  • Strength exercises for a pear figure should be performed three times a week to maintain healthy bones, strengthen muscle tone and slim body shapes;
  • Moderate intensity aerobics for half an hour should preferably be done in the early morning. This stimulates the acceleration of metabolic processes for the whole day. To protect yourself from osteoporosis, include warm-ups that put pressure on your bones and joints, such as walking, jumping rope, dancing and swimming, cycling, and playing ball.
  • Divide strength training and aerobics on different days. If you prefer to do them on the same day, then do aerobics immediately after strength training - you will be surprised at the results!
  • Balancing exercises are good: 5 Tibetan pearls, powerfully burning fat; exercises that strengthen bones - dancing, step aerobics, jumping rope, climbing stairs, tennis, as well as training with free weights.

In conclusion, we can say that losing weight can turn you into a smaller "pear", but you can never change your body type to any other. Is it necessary? ...

represents one of the most advantageous types of figures of a female body-foliation, since with a fragile torso and a brightly outlined waist, it has wide thighs. The problem of girls with a pear body type is cellulite and excessive fat deposits in the thighs, which is associated with a large concentration of fat cells in this region. -ty. In other words, girls with this type of figure need not mother-of-mind not hyper-trophy of muscle fibers to give the body more feminine and sensual forms, but for-mother Xia by working out the postural muscle layers and the mode of nutrition, which will provide almost 100% realization of the genetic potential.

This does not mean at all that girls with a pear body type do not need to work on the uppermost muscle layers at all, they just need to focus not only on them. It is also important to note that, since the thighs themselves are lush, if you do-de-te-ni-t-ro-vat yago-di-ts with heavy basic exercises, then their consequence will be hyper-trophy not only the gluteus maximus muscle, but also the quadriceps and the hip back. On the other hand, the upper part of the body of the "pear" lags behind the bottom, in a way, de-wush-kam not-ob-ho-di-mo to develop the broadest muscles of the back and shoulders in order to zit vi-zu-al-no his fi-gu-ru to the ideal proportions of the "hourglass". Among other things, training the shi-ro-tea-shih muscles of the back also allows you to visually enlarge the chest and make it more vigorous.

What to do for girls "pears"

Diet "pears" should not contain a large amount of meat products, de-wush-kam should pay more attention to fish and dairy products, as well as eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. Ra-chi-on of the "pear" nutrition must necessarily contain you-so-ko-if-honest-to-la-ge-na, so you should eat jelly almost every day. But the same must-be-but-be-home-welcome, since the factory-made jelly contains more simple corners than squirrels. Meat, of course, should also be included in the diet, but it should be di-e-t-t-me-so, as-pork and other similar products contain a lot of creatine, and the high content of creatine prevents the development of slow muscle fibers.

The bottom line is that slow and fast fibers are to some extent an-ta-go-nis-ta-mi, like, when fast fibers are well developed, the body utilizes slow ones for -dob-nose-tyu, and this-go-let-tue cannot. Firstly, slow fibers are contained in a high concentration in the post-tuple muscle layers, so their preservation is it gets old, and, secondly, slow fibers consume a lot of energy, pre-fingering the formation of subcutaneous adipose tissue and cellulite. We already wrote about the tre-ni-rov-ke of slow waves in this article , therefore, you can use this program during the period of losing weight. If you are not yet 30 years old, then in this period it may be ak-tu-al-no use-pol-zo-va-vie ve-ge-ta-ri-an-s-coy di- e-you.

The rest of the time, girls with a pear body type should visit the gym and for-mother-of-aero-bi-coy, or run, or do other sports, pre-la-ha-yu-mi aerobics type of load. The bottom line is that aerobic glycolysis allows you to break down fats, and it is excess fat that is the main problem with pears. Nevertheless, you will not be full with one aero-bi-coy, you have to carry the pieces of iron to add where it is necessary, and where it is not necessary just to give the muscles a tone. During this training period, we would re-ko-men-do-va-li "gru-sham" use a diet of carbohydrate alternation, because if "gru-sha" does not -but con-trol-li-ro-vat calorie content, then this will lead to an extra weight and extra probes with a whole-li-volume.

Pear figure training program

Workout number 1
Reverse hyperextension - 5 sets of 15 reps