Sagittarius woman: what kind of character she has. Horoscope of a Sagittarius wife: what is the marriage of Sagittarius women like? What does a Sagittarius woman need?

Sagittarius is the most straightforward zodiac sign of all the other constellations. They are distinguished by cheerfulness, optimism, as well as an easy attitude to life and some daydreaming. The Sagittarius woman - what she is like in different areas of life, the characteristics of her character and behavior - this is what we will talk about in this material.

The Sagittarius girl is a real explosion of emotions, which is impossible to predict. She has such a changeable mood that it often tires even her. But with all this, the Sagittarius woman has such a powerful natural optimism that is easily transmitted to the people around her.

By her character, such a lady is distinguished by the following features:

  • emotionality;
  • sensuality;
  • I am not inclined to hang around with grievances for a long time, as I quickly get rid of them;
  • friendly enough;
  • always willingly provides assistance to all those in need;
  • very original;
  • tender;
  • strives to be a leader;
  • very extravagant;
  • independent;
  • has natural enthusiasm;
  • has a very rich imagination.

Such women have few typical female character traits, namely: complaisance, humility, timidity and diplomacy. They are distinguished by straightforwardness, frankness and are capable of traumatizing their interlocutors in a conversation.

These representatives of the fair sex are used to always doing what they want. They rarely suffer from prejudices and are accustomed to a fairly relaxed lifestyle, complete independence from other people.

Sagittarians are not prone to depression; as a rule, they have a positive attitude and are accustomed to easily overcoming difficulties with a smile on their face. For them, life is an exciting game; such women easily attract people to them.

Since Sagittarius is very inquisitive by nature, it is interesting to communicate with him, he easily carries on a conversation on any topic.

Appearance Features

Girls of this zodiac constellation have bright external characteristics. In their young years, they are distinguished by a proportional physique and have large breasts. But Sagittarius women are not very interested in fashion, giving their preference to the convenience and appropriateness of their clothes.

Upon reaching middle age, such a lady will probably add several extra pounds, since it is difficult for her to control her diet and give up her favorite harmful foods.

Having naturally good health and an excellent metabolism, the Sagittarius woman often displays a somewhat irresponsible attitude towards herself. She simply does not have free time to get sick, plus she distrusts people in white coats, so sometimes she can bring herself to critical conditions.

It is very important for Sagittarius to control their diet, in no case overwork their body and not put increased stress on the nervous system.

A representative of the zodiac sign Sagittarius is always easy to recognize in a crowd, because she has a very sweeping, ungraceful gait and is used to constantly being in a hurry. Therefore, it is very important to be careful and move carefully to protect yourself from possible bodily harm.

Sagittarius woman in career

Communication and an active social life are vital for a Sagittarius woman. Such ladies rarely stay on maternity leave and turn into housewives.

Sagittarians are well suited for leadership responsibilities. But a Sagittarius girl can be equally good at being both an organizer and a performer.

The only thing that has an extremely negative impact on the deterioration of the results of her activities is the presence of a constant routine and boredom, when there is no opportunity for self-realization. A Sagittarius girl will never agree to go to a job she doesn’t like; she must be interested and passionate about what she does.

In their careers, Sagittarians are accustomed to overestimating their resources and often burden themselves with impossible tasks. Such girls strive for creative professions that are connected with public activities and are not without some risks.

Such individuals make excellent journalists, translators, publishers, and PR people. But in order to find a stable financial position, the Sagittarius woman will have to work very hard and use all her entrepreneurial spirit.

Sagittarius girl - what is she like in love and marriage?

Love can amazingly transform a hot Sagittarius, because everything connected with emotions is its element. She completely surrenders herself to her feelings, and no logic will help to understand the actions of a Sagittarius who has fallen in love.

At the same time, Sagittarius girls are distinguished by their straightforwardness in expressing their sympathies - this is the typical behavior of representatives of this sign in all areas of her life. The behavior of the ardent Sagittarius will scare weak or indecisive men away from her (however, why are they needed?). But such frankness, on the contrary, will attract strong representatives of the opposite sex.

In intimate terms, Sagittarius rarely suffer from complexes. In sex, such girls are temperamental and energetic, but they need a partner who is as active and passionate as they are. If a Sagittarius woman does not have romantic feelings for her chosen one, then it is unlikely that she will be able to get real pleasure in bed.

According to astrological characteristics, the Sagittarius lady puts her freedom first, therefore she prefers to get married a little later than her peers. She likes to feel in the center of male attention, but loneliness does not bother her too much.

It is very important that the man next to her can provide her with sufficient freedom and personal space. In return, the Sagittarius girl will promise him her loyalty and devotion. If such a lady understands that the feelings have passed, she will not pretend, but will prefer to break off the aggravating relationship.

It is also not recommended to impose any restrictions on Sagittarius, because otherwise, sooner or later such relationships will come to naught. Thanks to their natural optimism, Sagittarius is not afraid of love mistakes and failures. Therefore, such women often get married several times, but each time they take the relationship very seriously and hope to become very happy in love.

It should be noted that Sagittarius women are far from enthusiastic about housework. They love to decorate and change the interior of their home. Sagittarius makes a wonderful mother, because thanks to her natural cheerfulness, she can easily cope with the whims of her kids, and having a creative streak helps her come up with interesting activities for the kids.

In the case when a representative of the sign was unable to fully realize herself in her life, she can try to fulfill her desires in children. But in general, Sagittarius mothers do not insist too much on their children doing unloved activities. A woman dreams that the baby has shown his personal potential without harming his character.

Who is the best person for Sagittarius to build relationships with?

A Sagittarius sign will feel best with other fiery constellations - namely Aries and Leo. The entire element of Fire is dynamic and independent, so it is easy for them to find a common language with each other; there is no desire to limit the freedom-loving Sagittarius woman. Such unions will be long and happy.

But it’s better not to choose Sagittarius men as potential suitors: it will be problematic for two leaders to get along under one roof, and regular showdowns will negatively affect the general atmosphere in the house. Therefore, we can say that friendship is quite likely between two Sagittarius, but not love.

It is also possible to achieve harmony with Aquarius and Libra, but only if the representatives of these signs are not boring and can fully share the interests of Sagittarius.

But Virgo, Capricorn and Taurus are quite difficult partners for Sagittarius. These signs belong to the earth element, they are homebodies and it will be difficult for them to understand the eternal travels of active Sagittarius.

In the Sagittarius-Gemini union, the latter will constantly try to take away the freedom of his beloved. But if partners manage to achieve harmony in everyday matters, then such a couple can become very successful.

Sagittarians are bright and extraordinary personalities, with whom it can be very difficult, but if you learn to interact with them correctly, you can create harmonious friendships or love relationships.

Characteristics of a Sagittarius woman in love include the characteristics of her behavior in a team, society, in public, and most importantly in relationships with men, the style of her clothing, the manifestation of her charisma, what kind of men like her and what kind of men she likes.

What does a Sagittarius woman look like?

The Sagittarius woman is restless, wild, cheerful, enthusiastic at best, unpredictable at worst.

You seem to be an open person, an idealist and a friend to everyone.

Men admire your straightforward approach, it makes a strong man put up with your anxiety and idealistic view of love and life.

When you appear at a party or in a restaurant, women are outraged by your optimism or flirtatiousness with ambiguous hints. But men will be drawn to you as if you were the only woman in the world.

You thrive when surrounded by people, but you quickly become bored if you are not entertained or if you are not having fun yourself.

You love to play romantic games and catch your luck.

It seems that you are getting out of the situation using all sorts of tricks and tactics. And if you really promised a man that you would meet him at eight, then either you are very much in love with him, or you have forgotten how unlikely it is that you will be there on time.

Freedom is paramount to you, and you hate being considered just a piece of furniture.

It's more likely that you'll give the man a date, rather than him giving you a date. And if you find someone you can trust, you will think that you have met the man of your dreams. It will be so, but until you find someone else to dream about.

You are like a faucet, turning the spell on and off to suit yourself. Excitement beckons, but routine sex bores you with insensitivity.

You are clearly a romantic, so be proud of it.

Charisma of a Sagittarius woman

The Sagittarius woman is an inspiring, easy-going, free woman and a convinced optimist.

If you don't ask questions, you philosophize about everything.

You exude an aura of self-confidence and amazing humor. Men can't resist your inspiring words, your independent motivation and self-confidence.

You are a talkative creature. Without words you go on a crusade or travel in search of new experiences, with words you instantly fall in love with something or someone you meet along the way.

You are more likely than any other sign in the zodiac to fall in love in new places, with strangers on trains, buses and the subway.

You radiate such an optimistic aura that men instantly feel at ease in your company.

The way you project yourself in a relationship with a man either aligns with your inner values ​​and desire to be yourself, or it directs you into exaggerated romantic scenarios. This depends on the other planetary influences in your horoscope and your level of self-knowledge.

You intuitively find yourself in the right place at the right time to ensure that you meet the next Mister Right.

What kind of men do Sagittarius women like?

Sagittarius women like funny, witty talkers, interesting writers, professional representatives of the media, philosophers, travelers, foreigners and young men.

Because you're so romantic, it's easy for you to fall in love more often than any other sign in the zodiac, with the possible exception of Libra.

Whatever the case may be, you are instantly attracted to men who are younger or simply young, cheerful, sarcastic and incredibly smart. A man who exhibits these qualities may not be exactly your long-term soul mate, but he will definitely make you feel as if he is.

Gemini, the opposite sign of yours, is always inevitably attractive to you.

Men with planets in Gemini are notorious for being impulsive and restless. You may hate them for being shallow and slick, but you'll fall hopelessly in love with them for being so fun and sexy.

This is a man who wants to enjoy life and flirt with you and other women as much as possible.

He is irresistible because he cannot wait until tomorrow. He's dangerous because he won't notice you if he catches another pretty face in his car mirror.

He is a genius, including with words.

You hate him because he's so fickle and unattainable, but you love him for his sass, his good nature, and his all-knowing sexuality.

You create an aura of enthusiasm, a thirst for adventure, and he runs around you like a rooster, organizing your next trip.

Sexually mysterious, spiritually liberated, you will not waste time thinking, let the lonely think about time.

This often turns out to be a fatal attraction. But it can also be a long-term goldmine of joy, especially if the man’s horoscope sign is Sagittarius or the planets form good aspects between your horoscopes.

Your main problem is that you are trying to explore life and find meaning in everything, but he doesn’t have time to think about it, he doesn’t think about what it all really means.

What kind of men like Sagittarius women?

Sagittarius women are liked by business men, businessmen and travelers.

With such a dynamic, flirtatious appearance, you will attract bright, clever guys, travelers and fortune hunters.

Foreigners will find your thirst for cultural knowledge fascinating. Do you still have letters from the Juans, Dominics and Romeos of the whole world?

Independent Sagittarius and curious Gemini will line up at your door. The latter will adore you for your quickness of mind and freedom of spirit, and the former will understand your impatience and the fact that you brush your teeth with anything.

But Gemini can become evasive and elusive if you start ranting about how you're more interested in cultural intersections than sex.

After a hard day surrounded by constant problems, such a companion will help you take your mind off the drabness of everyday life. She will willingly teach you how to truly enjoy life. Of course, in order for your compatibility and the compatibility of the Sagittarius woman to allow you to be around long enough, you need to try. But the result will be worth all the effort.

A lively and interesting interlocutor, capable of turning a head or “breaking off” all the best impulses of her suitor. The Sagittarius woman is not the easiest prey for gentlemen who are drawn to her. After all, her sincerity, cheerfulness and openness become an excellent alternative to intrigue and hidden motives.

A noisy, cheerful and cheerful Sagittarius girl always attracts attention in any company. She knows how to rejoice and laugh from the heart. A friendly and sincere attitude towards everyone is devoid of falsehood and games.

She is always the way she is, and portraying something that really isn’t there is beneath her dignity. She has a very active imagination, which allows her to come up with many interesting ideas and immediately bring them to life. With such a companion you will never get bored.

Those born under the sign of Sagittarius, which is part of our Zodiac, are not characterized by manifestations of melancholy and pessimism. And in order to become despondent or depressed, such a woman needs to endure many strong blows of fate.

Characteristics of a Sagittarius woman

The main trait that the Sagittarius woman possesses is her straightforwardness. She always says what she thinks and does not think at all about the reaction to her words from others. A woman can afford such behavior because she knows exactly her worth and is well aware of her strengths and weaknesses.

Truthfulness also manifests itself in relation to oneself. Self-confidence makes Sagittarius a very strong and unbending person who can stand up for himself and his opinion. Any rumors and gossip in her direction will in no way affect her self-esteem.

To enjoy work, those born under the sign of Sagittarius, which is part of the Zodiac, must have the opportunity to create, search and realize themselves. She does not like control and pressure; they will interfere with her ability to cope with her tasks. At the same time, it is important for her to bear social responsibility and be needed by someone. In a male team, such an employee will feel confident and will be able to keep everyone on their toes.

In her personal life, it is quite difficult for her to choose a gentleman. After all, she immediately calculates possible compatibility and does not hesitate to voice a refusal if the man is not suitable for her.

Sagittarius woman compatibility in love

The compatibility of a Sagittarius woman in love with other zodiac signs is very problematic. With all the positive characteristics, it is quite difficult for ladies born under the sign of Sagittarius to find love and a life partner. Especially considering how easily they mislead their suitors.

The behavior of this seductress and coquette leads to the creation of an opinion about her availability and desire to go further. In view of her behavior, many will count, for example, on intimate intimacy. This is exactly how her suitors perceive her, but they are mistaken.

A flirting Sagittarius girl is able to point out to men their superficial judgments the moment they try to “cross the line.” Anyone, even the most experienced seducer, can be plunged into severe despondency by a harsh refusal received from the object of courtship. At the right moment, Sagittarius will calmly and coldly reject the claims of a gentleman who is unable to understand the true depth of such a woman.

For this sign, lying is unacceptable, and they do not hesitate to tell the truth. Therefore, a boyfriend who is focused on testing himself for compatibility with Sagittarius needs to be prepared for the truth about himself. Such a companion will not think about male pride and will not soften the blow. It's just that the moment you make a mistake, she will directly tell you everything she thinks.

In love, the Sagittarius woman values ​​sincerity and strives for equality. She sees nothing wrong with quarreling with her lover on business and then making peace with him. Cunning and guile are not for her. She expects the same attitude from her partner.

This woman can fall in love only for her spiritual qualities, which excessive tinsel will not prevent her from considering. The Zodiac gave her this opportunity. In response to sincere feelings, the partner will receive spiritual comfort and undemandingness from her.

Such a woman knows how to forgive mistakes and support when a man needs it. She is able to show how easy it is to enjoy ordinary things and can charge you with a positive mood.

Not all men are suitable for a Sagittarius woman. After all, she is so bright and multifaceted that the compatibility of a Sagittarius woman with many men will be very difficult.

The most harmonious union can be created by two Sagittarius. They will see only the best in each other, and understand their partner perfectly.

With an Aries man, the Sagittarius woman will also be happy. He has thoroughness and assertiveness, which, at times, this lady lacks. He will help her realize even the most daring plans, and their similar temperament will make intimacy simply ideal.

A proud man under the sign of Leo, which is part of the Zodiac, will look down on his Sagittarius partner. But this look of his will be full of sincere admiration and admiration. He will forgive such a passionate lover a lot, even spending a lot of money on surreal projects.

Compatibility with a Libra man is possible for a representative of the Sagittarius sign. Despite the low level of initiative, he is able to organize and implement his plans according to her plans. He can easily smooth out sharp corners and slow down on sharp turns.

A beautiful romance awaits a Sagittarius lady and a man under the sign of Aquarius. But in the end the relationship will turn to friendship, since the Zodiac instructs Aquarius to save the world.

The compatibility of a Sagittarius woman with some men is very difficult. With some zodiac signs it may simply be impossible.

The connection between the seemingly similar partners Sagittarius and Gemini will end quickly. Mutual inflated demands will reduce compatibility in other areas to “no”. And Gemini doesn’t owe anyone anything.

Men born under the sign of Pisces will avoid Sagittarius women. Such irrepressible energy will scare them away, and according to the properties that the Zodiac has endowed them with, they prefer the concept rather than its implementation.

Scorpio men, after meeting Sagittarius, will not agree to a second role. Self-centered and narcissistic, they will not be able to pass the compatibility test with a flirt who loves to flirt.

After an affair with a Cancer man, the Sagittarius lady will probably have a bad feeling in her soul. And he seemed to be fired up by her idea, but he would not move forward to implement it.

Very rarely, a Sagittarius woman may become interested in a Capricorn man. But after a closer acquaintance, she will prefer to leave, since the world without a miracle is incomprehensible to her.

The compatibility of a Sagittarius woman in marriage with other signs is very ambiguous. Of course, you can marry a representative of the Sagittarius sign, which is part of the Zodiac. But whether she will agree is the question. After all, the main value for this woman is freedom and the ability to do what she likes. And the bonds of marriage are a cage, even a golden one. Therefore, when making a choice between her beloved man and her freedom, she may well choose the latter.

Among the representatives of this sign there are many old maids, but they are not greatly burdened by such a fate. After all, they do not have to give up all their interests, of which Sagittarius has a lot. They do not need to miss the opportunity to travel and be tied to home or family. The energy and desire for diversity that the Sagittarius woman possesses does not allow her to enjoy family peace and comfort.

And if compatibility is important to you, then you need to give her freedom of choice and channel creative thinking into the home channel. She will make a wonderful housewife. Such a woman will pamper her family with unique and delicious dishes. She can also implement interesting design solutions in the interior and direct her imagination to other household chores.

If you're looking for family compatibility for a Sagittarius woman, then don't be surprised when she suddenly packs her bags and goes on a trip. She needs it, and it is important to respect such a need. For communication, the Sagittarius wife may prefer someone else, but she should not be jealous. She builds a family on sincerity and trust, so there is no need to disappoint her in this.

Representatives of this sign make wonderful lovers. They know how to do everything with brilliance and elegance. In the sexual sphere, the Sagittarius woman strives to experience new sensations and experiment.

Sex for women born under the sign of Sagittarius, which is part of the Zodiac, is a source of pleasure. Knowing the erogenous zones of the zodiac signs, in particular the Sagittarius woman, you can give her a lot of pleasure.

If the partner does not have a fiery temperament and is not capable of openness, then this may be the beginning of the end of their relationship. After all, the inability to express oneself through bed and denying oneself pleasure can become a reason for stress for such women. And this will lead to Sagittarius being unhappy.

Disharmony can lead to this woman looking for another way out of the current situation. And this could be the search for sensual pleasures on the side. At the same time, all ties with a permanent partner will be severed, since she will not be able to portray something that actually does not exist.

If a Sagittarius woman’s compatibility with her partner is good, and it is supported on both sides, then such a relationship can last quite a long time.

In childhood, a female person born under the constellation Sagittarius resembles a tomboy in a skirt. Having become an adult, the lady retains the originality inherent in her in her youth, and for this reason, not every man will be satisfied with a wife under the sign of Sagittarius.

If your wife's horoscope is Sagittarius

A representative of this Zodiac Sign has the following distinctive features:

She does not like to bind herself to any obligations, and is not inclined to maintain family ties.

More than anything in the world, she loves freedom and independence.

She is amorous and often marries.

She is sincere, sincere, reserved and modest.

She does not like all females, and does not hide it.

With men she feels at ease and at ease.

The Sagittarius wife is never a homebody; she is attracted to the vast unknown world. She is very active and loves to dance and play sports. Most often, she chooses her husband herself, instantly falling in love with him. Having lost interest in her chosen one over time, the Sagittarius woman just as easily breaks off her marriage with him.

Having married a Sagittarius Woman, a man should not expect her to sit at home, cook delicious dinners and spoil her with homemade pies. Quite the contrary, the husband will take care of household chores, and at this time his chosen one will, for example, jump with a parachute. The monotony of family life is not for her.

A man’s attempt to curb his obstinate Sagittarius wife will end in divorce, and in the very near future. A Sagittarius (woman) remains to live with a man only on the condition that she can leave him at any time and will not tolerate any pressure from him.

How does a wife of the zodiac sign Sagittarius behave in marriage?

Probably, purely intuitively, she chooses for herself soft-bodied life partners who are not able to resist her desire for freedom and independence.

In addition, the Sagittarius wife and the kitchen are simply incompatible with each other, and is not a spectacle for the faint of heart. Not only is her cooking never tasty, but during its preparation the hostess manages to cut herself repeatedly and break a fair amount of dishes.

When another marriage collapses, the Sagittarius woman, so as not to infringe on her freedom, sends the children born to her in different marriages to her grandmother, and with her behavior resembles the well-known cuckoo. At this time, she herself is riding a horse, shooting at targets and is in search of another husband who suits her in spirit and worldview.

Sagittarius woman- this is a brilliant, independent, free from prejudices, very lively, natural woman in her behavior.

Sagittarius she captivates with her friendliness, simple and sincere attitude, there is nothing false about her. Both her tears and her laughter are from the heart. She is noisy, cheerful, cheerful, interesting to talk to, smart, extravagant in ideas, an inexhaustible dreamer and knows how to surprise others with her enthusiasm and optimism.

Melancholy and pessimism are completely unusual for Sagittarius, and she needs to receive enough blows from fate for the gloom to affect her for a long time.

Everything this woman does is done with brilliance. She is quick in her movements and decisions, smart, and attracts people, and especially men.

In relationships with men Sagittarius woman does not recognize any conventions. She is on friendly terms with them, does not consider herself inferior, is always surrounded by them and from the outside seems frivolous, ready for flirting and love affairs, especially since she is feminine and alluringly desirable for men.

But you need to know that Sagittarius woman she is so careless about what they think about her and does not care about her reputation, she behaves with men so relaxed and freely because she knows herself, her honesty, decency and impeccability. This knowledge is enough for her to not pay attention to rumors and gossip. In addition, she is a strong-willed woman who knows how to protect herself and not be offended.

Men communicating with her Sagittarius woman can also be misleading. It seems to them that she is easily accessible, since they consider any flirting as a prelude to an intimate relationship. In fact, this is not the case, and a woman of this sign knows how to show men how superficial they are in their assessments and how unable to understand women. She can plunge any seducer into despondency, forcing him, perhaps for the first time, to suffer defeat, coldly and proudly rejecting his claims.

This woman does not know how to lie and will tell the merciless truth to anyone who asks for it. And she will directly express to her loser beau everything that she thinks about him, without trying to soften the blows to male pride.

Sagittarians value sincere, honest, direct relationships with others. Often they lack female sensitivity, female softness, in order to feel the full horror of their straightforwardness. Often their remarks are tactless, but never intended to offend or humiliate. Everything they say is from the heart and for the good, as it seems to them. Lies are simply disgusting to them, and they rush into battle with their truth bravely and fearlessly, not realizing that sometimes it is better to remain silent. This has nothing to do with callousness, and they will be perplexed and deeply offended if their desire for sincerity and truth does not produce the reaction they expected.

Sagittarius woman She is as independent and values ​​freedom as the man of this sign. She is prejudiced towards marriage and may well remain an old maid without experiencing any inconvenience and without becoming a man-hater. For her, getting married means losing freedom. First of all, she will have to forget about her broad interests, she will have to stay at home, travel will be ordered for her, and her energy and passion for movement and variety in life will be shackled within the family framework. She does not see the meaning of life in a calm family life, and future worries about her husband and children are for her shackles and fetters that interfere with her rapid flight through life.

Fearing that she will fall into the hotbed of passions, which, as it seems to her, lead to the abyss of vegetating in dull good looks, in subordinating herself to the generally accepted norms that a married woman is obliged to adhere to, she can pretend to be cold and reserved, which, of course, is completely wrong. In fact, she is romantic and remembers everything that touched her heart, carefully keeping gifts and letters. Sagittarius belongs to the fire signs, this woman has a warm heart, a kind and beautiful soul, asceticism is alien to her, she loves life, is sensual and emotional.

Having decided to connect such a woman with family ties, you need to show a lot of patience and a lot of imagination in order to show her how diverse and emotional her role as a housewife, mother, and wife can be. It is necessary to direct her curiosity towards the family hearth and promise her in the future to control her own destiny, firmly promise not to interfere with her interests and hobbies, not to put slingshots in front of her desire for freedom, not to demand obedience from her.

Although Sagittarius woman reluctantly allows herself to be tamed, tied into marriage, she will be interesting and energetic in her new role. After all, she always believes in a good future, she is an optimist to the core. Not very inclined to daily housework, she will nevertheless become a good housewife, hospitable, and inventive. Here too she will find the opportunity to create and experiment. As objects for the application of her imagination and ingenuity, she will choose exquisite, unprecedented dishes and a house, which she will transform into a secular salon. She will find a way to spend the money that usually went on her travels and entertainment - now she will furnish rooms, dress children, arrange receptions for friends.

If the husband knows that his wife is from the Sagittarius “breed,” he will not make a scene when she packs her suitcase at a time not planned for vacation, and will not suspect her of selfishness or infidelity when she prefers his company from time to time to another. A woman of this zodiac sign values ​​trust and will respond to it with an honest attitude towards her husband. She is not capable of a double game and loves clarity and sincerity.

Children will adore their Sagittarius mother, interesting, cheerful, sociable, romantic, visionary, proud, sincere, wise, incapable of tricks and deception.

For husband Sagittarius woman will be an ideal sexual partner. She knows how to do everything gracefully and brilliantly. Intimate relationships are no exception. She craves new experiences - and is also inventive in sex. Her partner receives true pleasure, since her energy and temperament are inexhaustible, she strives to convey to him all her emotions, to which she also gives herself without reserve.

Sex for Sagittarius women- this is part of the pleasures that life gives people. It is sad if this woman's husband does not have the same openness of feelings and the same temperament. This is fraught with complications in relationships. A woman of this zodiac sign, usually faithful to her sexual partner, will be forced to suffer, which may result in nervous stress. There are other possible options to which disharmony will push her: either extramarital affairs, or divorce. At the same time, this strong woman, true to her fiery zodiac sign, can perceive such an outcome as an unfortunate joke of fate, without losing heart, and not seeing a tragedy in it.