Intellect management using the Silva method. Silva method for mind control. The best methods to change your life

One of the authors of the book, Jose Silva, devoted almost his entire adult life to researching what the human brain can be taught. The result is the unique SILVA METHOD. Having mastered it in 40/48-hour courses, anyone became able to: remember what seems completely forgotten; control pain; speed up recovery; get rid of a bad habit; develop intuition so much that the sixth sense turns into a creative force, into a powerful means of solving many problems of everyday life... Now, with the help of the printed word, you have the opportunity to practically master all this, which was previously taught only in special courses.

From this moment the most amazing adventure of your life begins. Every result you achieve will change your own view of yourself and the world into which you were born. With the manifestation of your new abilities will come a sense of responsibility to use them for the purpose of “improving humanity,” as the teachings of the mind control method say. Yes, you will not be able to use them differently than you were taught.

The chief architect of one of the Western cities closed the door to his office behind him, leaving the worried secretary alone. The drawings of the planned shopping center had just been discovered missing, and a meeting with city leaders, at which the final decision on construction was supposed to be made, was scheduled for a few days later that week. They lost their jobs for lesser offenses, but the chief architect behaved as if he was not at all touched by what would have sent another boss into a frenzy that would have made his secretary tremble like a leaf.

The chief architect sat down at the table. After a while, the eyes closed and the man froze, motionless. From the outside, one might think that he was gathering strength in the face of misfortune.

Ten minutes later, the chief architect opened his eyes, slowly stood up and walked out to the secretary.

“I think I’ve found them,” he said calmly. Check the bills for Thursday when I was in Hartford. What restaurant did I have lunch at?

He called the restaurant. And the drawings ended up there.

The chief architect in question had taken Silva's Mind Control course to bring to life those abilities that are, for most of us, untapped brain resources. And one of the techniques he learned was the technique of retrieving fading memories, which an untrained brain would hardly have been able to cope with.

These awakened abilities are already doing amazing things for more than five hundred thousand men and women who have studied in the courses.

What exactly was the chief architect doing while he sat motionless for ten minutes? A post from another mind control graduate hints at this:

“Yesterday an amazing thing happened to me in Bermuda. There were two hours left before the flight on which I was supposed to take me back to New York took off, and I could not find my ticket anywhere. For a whole hour, three people searched the room where I lived. We looked under the carpets, behind the refrigerator - everywhere. I unpacked and repacked my suitcase three times, but I still couldn’t find the ticket. Finally I decided to find a quiet corner and concentrate. And as soon as I concentrated, I “saw” my airline ticket as clearly as if I was looking at it in reality. It was (according to my “inner vision”) in the closet between the books and was barely noticeable. I rushed to the closet and found the ticket in exactly the place I had imagined.

For those who have not been trained in mind control, this will seem incredible, but when you reach the chapters written by the founder of mind control, Jose Silva, you will learn about even more amazing capabilities of your brain. And perhaps most amazing is the ease and speed with which you can learn.

Mr. Silva has spent most of his adult life researching what the human brain can be taught. The result was a course lasting from 40 to 48 hours, during which you can teach anyone to remember what seems completely forgotten, control pain, speed up the healing process, give the opportunity to get rid of bad habits, develop intuition so much that the sixth sense becomes a creative force, a means solving many problems of everyday life. At the same time, a cheerfulness of inner peace sets in, a calm optimism comes, based on the conviction that we are more able to manage our lives than we ever imagined.

Now, through the written word, for the first time, you have the opportunity to learn in practice what was previously taught only in courses.

Mr. Silva borrows freely from the wisdom of East and West, but the final product is American in its essence. The course of study, like its practitioner creator, is entirely hands-on. Everything he teaches is aimed at making your life happier and more effective here and now.

As you move from one exercise to another in the order of Mr. Silva's chapters, you will begin to build one achievement on top of another, thereby strengthening your confidence that you are ready for achievements that, if you are not familiar with with the mind control method seem incredible. Scientific evidence confirms that your brain is capable of miracles. Further proof is the success of more than half a million people whose lives have been transformed by mind control. Imagine that with mental effort you can improve your visual acuity.

“When I took the Silva Mind Control course for the first time, I began to notice that my vision began to change and improved. Before that, I wore glasses for ten years while studying at school until graduation, and then put them on again at 28 years old. My left eye has always seen three times worse than the other.”

“In 1945 I put on my first reading glasses, but already in 1948 or 1949 I put on bifocals, which I changed only for stronger ones. After completing the course, I noticed that although I still could not read without glasses, my eyesight had certainly improved. Since the improvement process was happening very quickly, I delayed the moment of checking my vision with a doctor. And as a result, I returned to the glasses I wore 20 years ago.”

“When the optometrist checked my eyes, he agreed that the old pair of glasses would suit me much better, until I ordered new weaker ones.”

Such statements may seem like a fairy tale to you, but when you read Chapter 10, you will understand how course graduates tune their brains to regulate the body and accelerate natural healing. These methods are surprisingly simple, as evidenced by a woman who lost 26 pounds in four months:

“At first I imagined a black frame and in it a table laden with ice cream, cakes, etc., all the things that I know contribute to weight gain. I mentally crossed out this table with a bright red cross, and then imagined my reflection in a distorting mirror (similar to those displayed for entertainment in halls of distorting mirrors), in which I seemed very fat. Then I imagined the following scene in golden light: a table with only high protein foods like tuna, eggs, lean meat. I marked this picture with a gold sign, and then I saw myself tall and slender in the mirror. I told myself that I only wanted to eat the foods that were on the second table. I also seemed to hear the voices of all my friends who unanimously stated that I looked great, and I imagined that all this was happening by a certain date (this was a particularly important stage, since I set a specific goal for myself). And I achieved my goal! Before this, constantly being on diets, I came to the conclusion that this is the only real method.”

This is precisely the method of mind control - moving to a deep meditative level, where you can train your brain to take control, using its own language of images, enhanced by verbal attitudes. The results of a person who constantly continues training will improve all the time and almost indefinitely.

As you already understand, this is an unusual book. Little by little, in small steps, it will lead you to the technique of meditation, then to the many ways to use meditation, and so on, until at the last stage you are able to do with ease what most people firmly believe cannot be done.

It’s like there’s another book inserted into this book. The outer book (chapters 1 and 2, 17-20), authored by Philip Miele, describes the explosive spread of mind control and the assistance of thousands of people who took courses. In the inner book, Mr. Silva shares with you many of the techniques he teaches in his Mind Control classes. Since these classes are conducted in groups under the guidance of experienced teachers, the success achieved there is faster and more impressive than what you will achieve if you study alone. However, if you follow Mr. Silva's recommendations exactly and do all the exercises, the results will not slow down and will change your life for the better not so quickly, but inevitably.

This book should be read in a special way: first, read it as usual from beginning to end. But during the first reading, do not start doing any exercises. After that, re-read chapters 3-14 to get a clearer picture of the roads you have to take. Then read Chapter Three and do the exercises described there, and only those, for several weeks. When you think you're ready, move on to chapter four and beyond.

By the time you reach Chapter 14, you will have learned as much in practice as a mind control graduate. To deepen your experience, you may want to organize a small group of both friends to practice the same exercises together. Chapter 13 shows how this can be done.

Mind control using the SILVA method - Silva Jose (download)

(introductory fragment of the book)

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Mind control according to the Silva method is a way to develop intuition, memory, learn to manage your life, get better faster, and get rid of bad habits. Jose Silva suggested that through hypnosis and meditation we can significantly improve the capabilities of our mind, learn to think in a creative way, and correct problematic moments in life.

His research had significant success, more than 500 thousand people mastered the method of mind control and began to successfully apply it in life. Let's take a closer look at the basic principles of this method. How can you master the technique yourself?

Silva Mind Control - Basic Principles

The method is based on using the power of meditation to influence the mind and develop its abilities. Scientists have found that there is an alpha state of the brain, observed during sleep, rest, and a beta state, the period of wakefulness. Having learned to consciously move into the alpha state, you can move into a state of peace, restore strength, mental balance (passive meditation) and influence thinking (active meditation).

How to learn to meditate? If a person has never used the method of meditation, certain exercises will be needed to learn how to move into the desired state. The state is similar to the transition from sleep to awakening, often in the period before waking up we are in the alpha state, how can we consciously move into it and return to wakefulness?

  1. H. Silva suggests practicing in the morning, after waking up and washing your face, lie down again, just in case, you should set the alarm clock for 15 minutes, then close your eyelids, looking up, and count slowly from 100 to 1, to exit, use a count from 1 to 5, tuning in to wake up. It takes seven weeks to a couple of months to train. The countdown should be gradually reduced - from 50 to 1, from 25, from 15, 10, from 5 to 1.
  2. Having learned to switch to the alpha state by counting from 5, you can use meditation during the daytime to relax, tune in to the right thoughts, and restore memory. The exercise is done in the same way only in a sitting position, you need to sit relaxed, mentally relaxing parts of the body, then look up 45 degrees, above the horizon, then close your eyelids and count from 50 to 1. The exercise only takes 15 minutes a day.

Initially, meditation is used for relaxation, rest, and avoidance of negative thoughts. However, over time, you can use image visualization, program your thinking, solve life’s problems, and achieve your goals with ease.

Dynamic meditation and rules of conduct

  1. Learn to mentally imagine the screen in front of you, at a distance of 45 centimeters, imagining real objects, first simple images (fruits, animals), in a flat image, then in a three-dimensional one.
  2. To move from real life to the desired one, programming using the Silva method, you need to follow the following principles:
  • To wish with all your might for the event to happen. It must be important, have deep meaning;
  • Sincerely believe that everything is real and can come true if you really wish it;
  • Expecting an event to occur, using brain activity;
  • Use the reserves of consciousness only to create positive situations, the creation of problems is not supported and will not be realized in the alpha state, nature is against evil.

Mind control according to the Silva method involves the following sequence of actions when solving current tasks and problems:

  1. Imagine on the external screen a real situation that worries you in all its details, realize what needs to be changed, feel it for some time.
  2. Move the imaginary picture to the right and imagine a new one on the screen - the desired one, how it should be with the desired outcome, how you want to change the situation, life, live all the emotions of joy.
  3. Replace the previous picture with a new one, moving it to the right, tuning your consciousness to change the situation for the better.
  4. On the count of five, we leave the state of meditation and feel confident that the issue will soon be resolved.

Thus, a person can imagine that he is quitting smoking or losing weight; such exercises help create an internal image, a mood that promotes easy solutions to life situations. Interestingly, at the initial stage it is better to imagine real events, and perhaps a feeling of coincidences, the method works. However, over time, even unlikely things begin to come true.

Before the exercise, the creator of the method advises remembering the last successful experience as a point of support and confidence in the future result.

Yes, the pictures need to be shifted clearly from left to right, this is due to the fact that the passage of time occurs mentally in this order and, by shifting to the right, we put the event in memory as a fait accompli, replacing the unwanted picture.

How to improve memory using the Silva method?

Often in life there is a need to master large amounts of information; this is necessary during the period of study at colleges, universities, schools, as well as in professional activities. Mind control according to the Silva method includes a technique for quickly memorizing information, which his students successfully use in various fields.

Use the following steps:

  1. Read the information in an active state, record it on a voice recorder, tape recorder.
  2. Go to the alpha state, turn on the recording or ask someone to help by signal, listen to the recording with the voice. Can be repeated several times.
  3. It is better to use the method in the evening and in the morning before the event to restore and strengthen memory.
  4. During the period of recovery and reproduction, it is advised to hold three fingers on your hand together to access internal memory and transition to a calm state.

This technique greatly facilitates the memorization of information and is practiced in many educational institutions in America and other countries.

Dreams are the key to solving problems

Mind control according to the Silva method involves a special attitude towards dreams - it is not just a state of rest, a transition to another state of relaxation, but also a way to obtain the necessary information from the subconscious. To use the method, you first need to learn to remember dreams, before going to bed, convince yourself that I will remember the dream well. And when you wake up, immediately write it down.

The next stage is to ask yourself, your subconscious, before going to bed, how to solve the problem? And after waking up, be sure to write down the dream and analyze it, there should be a hint. Similar dreams often come to inventors, scientists, even unconsciously - the periodic table, for example. Musicians and composers create musical compositions, hear music in their dreams, and, having memorized it, can then reproduce it (Beethoven).

However, Silva found that you can take an active position and not wait for the mercy of fate with a possible answer, but look for it yourself and find it with the help of dreams, which are surprisingly connected with the subconscious mind, and some researchers argue with the higher mind.

J. Silva's students were often lucky - they won the lottery when they dreamed about certain numbers, and they independently resorted to using the method more than once to solve material issues and other current problems.

There is an expression: “Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find.” Perhaps this statement referred to similar questions, searching for truth, solving problems and creating new discoveries?

Mind power and health

Mind control using the Silva method helps improve health and overcome illnesses faster; the results often surprise doctors. Perhaps our capabilities have not yet been sufficiently studied, but H. Silva’s research and practice confirm that a person is able to influence his health with the power of the mind. This does not exclude communication with medicine, but rather simplifies and improves the overall condition.

To improve your health, you must do the following exercises::

  1. It is necessary to fill the consciousness with love, forgiveness, let go of all negative thoughts, concentrating on good impulses and aspirations.
  2. Go into a state of meditation, which helps, leaving all worries and problems, to concentrate on self-healing.
  3. Tune in to love and forgiveness by thinking through the first stage again.
  4. Mentally study the problem, what is bothering you, what the condition is. Imagine a disease on the external screen, feel it to concentrate your attention, but do not linger long on the image of the disease.
  5. Erase the unwanted image and imagine health and happiness, immerse yourself in the emotions and impressions of this state, enjoying the new image.
  6. At the end, we pronounce the attitude: “Every day I feel better and better.”

The proposed actions are quite simple, but they help set the body up for recovery, increase faith in the best, and activate internal reserves. In combination with medical methods, one feels an acceleration of recovery, a surge of strength and energy.

J. Silva claims that in a similar way you can help loved ones overcome illnesses, but you need to be able to clearly imagine the image of a person and sincerely and lovingly wish for recovery, directing positive impulses, replacing illness with health.

Many medical institutions in the USA and Europe are already using the practice of imagination to strengthen the body’s fight against the disease, and an improvement in the condition of patients is observed. People often underestimate that not only drugs have an effect on the body, but also the mood in which they are taken, inner faith.

Experiments with placebos (empty capsules) confirm the power of thought and self-hypnosis; if a person inspires a certain thought in himself, believes in the treatment, then the result comes quite quickly, faith improves the drug effect many times over.

Basic rules of happiness

Silva Mind Control identifies ways to experience joy and happiness in life. The rules are simple and effective, let’s take a closer look:

  1. Learn to enjoy life and the things you like. Everything is clear, but not everyone can reveal their interests, feel the joy and pleasure of life, communicating with loved ones, playing sports, music, love. And it is important to feel every moment of life.
  2. Avoid unpleasant things and people. The rule presupposes a feeling of inner freedom - we can change a job we don’t like, find a calling, stop communicating with unpleasant people, if we don’t look for excuses, but concentrate on finding a solution and improving the situation. It's more complicated, but much more effective.
  3. Change what cannot be eliminated from life. It is always difficult for a person to change something - lifestyle, relationships, learn new things, it is easier to go with the flow. But the result will be zero or negative. Only a conscious, responsible attitude towards life will allow you to breathe deeply, create your own world and build a life.
  4. Accept what cannot be excluded or changed. This is more difficult - having relatives with speech impediments or parents with character traits - you have to put up with it, a person is created this way, and you need to be able to adapt, accept it with all the pros and cons.
  5. Accept what you cannot rule out by changing your perspective on the issue. It's not easy, but it's possible. All situations in the world are neutral, only people paint them in positive, bright colors or dark, depressive ones. It’s worth looking for the positive side in everything, continuing to live and finding incentives. Even if you lose your finances, set new goals and strive for more. It all depends on attitude and mindset; you can change any situation by changing your point of view.

A person cannot be in a state of happiness all the time - there are ups and downs in mood, but following these rules will allow you to feel joy more often and be less upset. After all, we can influence life actively (by changing actions, work, hobbies) or passively (by changing our attitude towards life events).

The best methods to change your life

The question often arises of how to change life for the better when life does not live up to expectations and seems to be haunted by failures and a bad streak. There are several methods that are actively used in psychotherapy and practical psychology:

  1. Jose Silva, the mind control method is a way of programming life. By creating visual images, setting goals and working through meditation and visualization. It gives an effect both independently and in combination with other techniques.
  2. Strategy for planning and achieving goals. Suitable for people with rational thinking, who have high willpower, can set clear goals, concentrate attention and effort on a given issue, achieving high results. According to this strategy, a person can learn to manage his time, plan various areas of life, consciously distribute his resources, and look for ways and opportunities to achieve goals.
  3. Positive thinking method. A way to change your attitude towards life, search for the positive and learn to live on a positive wave. Significantly simplifies the process of achieving goals, success comes faster and life becomes easier.
  4. Developing the necessary habits. The technique allows you to gradually introduce new models of behavior into life; it is suitable for persistent people capable of self-discipline. It is more difficult for creative people to push themselves into limits; it is important to discover their potential and learn to direct energy in the right direction to achieve their goals.
  5. The method of radical changes. A way of changing life through a sudden change of environment, living conditions, introducing new models of behavior and hobbies. It can give a certain effect in combination with a change in thinking, in the case of only external influence - a change of environment, the effect is unlikely.

Stressful situations in life have a similar “shake-up” effect on a person: breakup of relationships, illness, and other troubles. At the same time, one person goes through a difficult stage and becomes stronger, the other loses heart. It largely depends on the person’s resilience.

Each person chooses his own way to change his life, finds special approaches, understanding his personality, analyzing life and situations. The most important thing is the ability to formulate life goals, recognize problem areas and set specific goals for moving forward.

How to change your life forever? It happens that a person loses enthusiasm and lacks the willpower to achieve results and make changes in life. It is important to gradually move towards the intended horizons, step by step approaching your cherished goals, and visualization is the key that unlocks faith, giving wings for new victories. The main thing is to change your attitude towards yourself and the world, to understand that we can create our own reality.

The article took a closer look at mind control using the Silva method, which simplifies the achievement of goals, and in combination with the method of planning and positive thinking gives significant results, allows you to radically change your life and believe in the impossible.

Goldman Bert, Silva Jose - Intelligence management using the Silva method - read book online for free


Each of us was given intelligence by Mother Nature. But not every one of us uses it fully. One is already lucky in life; the other gave up on everything and “buried his talents in the ground”; the third lazily floats with the flow; the fourth, exhausted by failures, lost optimism and faith in the possibility of changing at least something in himself or around him. The Silva Method is based on the philosophy of a positive and creative attitude towards yourself, your abilities and life in general.

Jose Silva, Bert Goldman
Intelligence management using the Silva method


Much time has passed since 1966, when the Silva Method was first introduced to a group of students in Texas, and the organization dedicated to introducing and popularizing this method has grown significantly. It has grown from a single group of enthusiasts with one instructor to a worldwide system with centers and offices in every major city in the United States and branches in seventy-five countries - from Japan to Israel, from Saudi Arabia to Ireland, from China to Zimbabwe, from Australia to Alaska. . Millions of people of different social and age groups listen to the Silva course, which is presented to them by 450 certified instructors in eighteen languages.

What is the philosophy of positive thinking that makes this method stand out from the rest? What causes this phenomenal improvement? What is it about the Silva Method that attracts people of different races, religions, social groups and professions?

Silva's method does not threaten anyone. People who have been trained in this method testify that their beliefs have become even more peaceful than they were before the training. The Silva Method mobilizes everything good and positive that is in people: they acquire a special taste for life, their relationships with others and health improve, they understand themselves and others better, they gain confidence that they can not only feel responsible for what is happening , but also to feel the strength and ability to control and change your life.

This is the second main book describing the Silva method. The first book, Silva Mind Management, co-authored by José Silva with Philip Miele, contains a series of lectures on the philosophy of self-improvement and the program for solving problems currently of interest to people around the world. This book offers you additional techniques for solving these problems, and it also helps you understand how the environment affects a person's life. Here you will find ideas and tips that will help you free yourself from the harmful influences of the environment, increase control over the work of your consciousness, over your health, luck, relationships with others and almost all other aspects of human life.

Jose Silva, Bert Goldman

Intelligence management using the Silva method


Much time has passed since 1966, when the Silva Method was first introduced to a group of students in Texas, and the organization dedicated to introducing and popularizing this method has grown significantly. It has grown from a single group of enthusiasts with one instructor to a worldwide system with centers and offices in every major city in the United States and branches in seventy-five countries - from Japan to Israel, from Saudi Arabia to Ireland, from China to Zimbabwe, from Australia to Alaska. . Millions of people of different social and age groups listen to the Silva course, which is presented to them by 450 certified instructors in eighteen languages.

What is the philosophy of positive thinking that makes this method stand out from the rest? What causes this phenomenal improvement? What is it about the Silva Method that attracts people of different races, religions, social groups and professions?

Silva's method does not threaten anyone. People who have been trained in this method testify that their beliefs have become even more peaceful than they were before the training. The Silva Method mobilizes everything good and positive that is in people: they acquire a special taste for life, their relationships with others and health improve, they understand themselves and others better, they gain confidence that they can not only feel responsible for what is happening , but also to feel the strength and ability to control and change your life.

This is the second main book describing the Silva method. The first book, Silva Mind Management, co-authored by José Silva with Philip Miele, contains a series of lectures on the philosophy of self-improvement and the program for solving problems currently of interest to people around the world. This book offers you additional techniques for solving these problems, and it also helps you understand how the environment affects a person's life. Here you will find ideas and tips that will help you free yourself from the harmful influences of the environment, increase control over the work of your consciousness, over your health, luck, relationships with others and almost all other aspects of human life.

To use the Silva Method most effectively, we recommend reading the entire book first. After that, if you need to deal with a specific problem, you can look in the table of contents and find a chapter that is dedicated to looking at ways to solve that particular problem. Are you having trouble with your aunt? Then you need to read Chapter 22 on solving family problems. Are you starting your own business? In this case, you need to familiarize yourself with the material presented in chapters 23–26. Do you lack self-confidence? Read Chapter 10, which addresses the issue of self-affirmation. Do you have problems with nervous tension and stress? Pay attention to chapters 1 and 6. Chapter 20 is devoted to examining problems associated with communication between people. If your sexual desire is waning, turn to Chapter 19. If your problems are related to fear, you will find answers to your questions in Chapter 7.

How many different diets have you tried? You'll probably find more useful information about managing your weight in Chapter 16 than in ten diet books. In Chapter 13, you'll learn how you can deal with problems from the past that still haunt you. However, the most important chapter in this book is chapter 2, which talks about changing the view of love in the general sense of the word. This question is central to the José Silva method. In Chapter 2, you will find an explanation of the concept of positive thinking, which will not only help you solve immediate problems, but will also provide significant support throughout your life.

Chapter 4, “Seven Basic Principles,” will help you understand the rules of life that govern everything around you: both minor events and global processes. These principles explain the emergence of fear and courage, guilt and self-forgiveness, hatred and love. In short, these principles explain everything that is a product of the activity of thinking. Imagination and visualization are also products of thinking activity. Chapter 5, called “Golden Images,” examines the products of thinking; It also talks about how you can better control your thinking through visualization.

The basis of the Silva method is the assertion that sensory perception is a product of the imagination. When the imagination is directed towards the negative, the world seems dark and hostile.

When it is aimed at the positive, the world becomes bright and joyful. With the concepts and techniques of the Silva Method, you can achieve better control of your mind. You also have the opportunity to use your imagination to change your life for the better.

Bert Goldman, Palm Springs, California, 1988

Basic principles and techniques of the Silva method

First level of meditation

All processes and phenomena occurring on our planet have their own hidden rhythm. The rhythm of light is manifested in its wave structure. The same can be said about sound. Each color of the spectrum also has its own rhythm. Even your heart beats at a certain rhythm. Over the past few decades, scientists have discovered that brain activity also produces waves that can be measured. These waves are closely related to whether you are asleep or awake, in a relaxed or, conversely, tense state. These waves also depend on whether you are healthy or sick.

© 1983 by Prentice-Hall, Inc.

© Translation. Potpourri LLC, 1999

© Design. Potpourri LLC, 2015

Dedicated to people who read this book, perform mental exercises, activate more minds, and as a result help make this world a better place to live.


I would like to thank, in order of assistance received, the following people: Drs. J.V. Khan, the doctors N. E. West, Dord Fitz, the doctors Jeffrey Chang, the doctors Richard McKenzie, Harry F. McKnight, the doctors Frederick Bremner, the doctors George DeSo, the doctors Clancy McKenzie and co-author of this project Dr. Robert B. Stone for his wisdom, learning and great humanism. All of these people made significant contributions to making Mind Control the effective and successful program it is today.

Chapter 1: Common Managerial Problems and Using the Silva Method to Resolve Them

A new dimension has been discovered in human thinking. It is now used by managers around the world, allowing them to improve perception, memory, insight and decision-making. It's called the Silva method. This method allows you to master your mind and make it work better for you.

When this happens, not only does your IQ increase, but subjective communication also becomes possible. You become able to neutralize the causes of discouragement in your employees, reduce customer dissatisfaction, reduce absenteeism, and ease congestion in the production process.

The key to success is a relaxed level of thinking called alpha. At this level, the intuitive right hemisphere of the brain is activated and cooperates more balanced with the logical left hemisphere.

We have already reached almost the limit of our capabilities, achieved by logical, deductive, intellectual processes of the left hemisphere. But the educational system largely ignores the intuitive, perceptual and creative abilities of the right hemisphere. This is where Silva's method comes into play.

The theme of one of our last conferences on the Silva method was “Innergization”.

Modern man is to a large extent an external person; he is influenced mostly by external forces. Due to the fact that these forces are often contradictory, a person experiences anger, irritation and indecision.

Problems exist between individuals, families, groups and nations. And a person, when making decisions, focuses on external elements, often directing his anger at the innocent.

The Silva-trained manager remains an outer man who, however, can also be an inner man. Preparation “energizes” him. He is able to control his internal state - his attitude and emotions - at the alpha level. He becomes more “rational”. Using the alpha level of the mind is all preparation. This is an internal, relaxed state of mind.

Using the alpha level, a manager who masters the Silva method is able to be assertive and aggressive and effectively achieve his goals. He does better by avoiding problems and solving them. His success becomes contagious and leads to success for his colleagues and subordinates. (The manager of the future is just as likely to be a woman as a man, and I should have added “or her” to “him” every time throughout this book. But since that would be too cumbersome, let me use the pronouns “he” " and "his" regardless of gender.)

An “energized” person is able to function better than a simple external person. He draws strength from an internal source, which a purely external person lacks.

This source, as you now know, is the source of creation and solutions. Please listen to the story of Bette Taylor from Austin, Texas, as she tells you how she uses the Silva Method in her work as a manager.

Programming solutions

“I am an executive involved with several companies in Texas and Canada. I achieved all this through using the Silva method, starting with line management. The first problem that every manager faces, whether he is a controller, a lead operator or a department head, is interaction with people.

Managers and the people they work with can be hostile, indifferent, or tired, depending on their personality traits.

I worked with people in factories for twenty years and had to deal with angry employees. When I was trained in the Silva method, I was a quality control supervisor at Motorola. Every day, at least twenty percent of my people became furious just because I crossed the threshold.

I would take a deep breath and as I exhaled, I would visualize a light around me that extended five to six feet. I programmed that anyone who entered the field of this light would become more positive and more tolerant of my work. It worked every time. I could see how the man who had just been literally smoking with rage and flashing his eyes, approaching me, instantly calmed down. It was already possible to talk to him, reason. And he left me feeling much better. He responded positively to my “space.”

If we were pressed for deadlines, I would enter the alpha level and imagine how everyone would work together as a team to get things done on time. And this happened in reality. I've seen us double our quotas and achieve them. This is how it actually became. I saw myself accepting congratulations from my colleagues and receiving a promotion. And I was really congratulated and promoted.”

This kind of alpha level imagination gives our minds what programming gives a computer. Bette Taylor programmed herself to make a million dollars a year. And she is successfully moving towards this goal.

A solution for every problem

Every field of activity or industry has its own problems. Every company in this industry has its own problems. And individual people in each company have their own problems, unique to them.

External or objective (beta) solutions to these problems may involve the use of a variety of techniques that have some relative success. The internal or subjective (alpha level) solution to these problems can also use various techniques, each of which will be successful to some extent. For complete success you need a combination of both levels.

The Silva Method includes various specific techniques, many of which are outlined in this book. All of them have many applications.

What technique you use for a given problem is not so important compared to the fact that you are already using subjective technique in addition to objective.

When you use both internal and external, you more than double your management abilities. Problems dissolve into solutions.

The Silva Method techniques are just the beginning. You can vary them, combine them and change them to suit your specific circumstances. You can invent your own visualization and imagination tools at the alpha level to improve your work.

You can write your own book.

In the meantime, the best the Silva Method can do for you is provide you with a basic methodology. To achieve this, we need to break problems down into a few broad categories.