Theory for task 10 exam Russian. Unified State Exam in Russian: detailed analysis of assignments with specialists. the clause has ended, a new one begins

reference Information

Assignment 10 does not include spelling with nnn(a separate task is devoted to this topic . But even without them, the volume of material is large, because Russian is a language with a developed suffix system: there are many suffixes. A literate person needs to know the spelling of the suffixes of nouns, adjectives, adverbs and verbs. However, not all suffixes are found in KIMs. The wording of the tasks involves the search for words or with a letter e, or with the letter and... This allows you to significantly narrow the range of "necessary" suffixes. Moreover, in the vast majority of the training options prepared by the FIPI, the tasks actually contain mainly indefinite verbs, participles, participles, adjectives. Are there any questions regarding the spelling of noun suffixes? Yes, because, firstly, this is provided for by the "Generalized plan of the exam work of the Unified State Exam in the Russian language" and, secondly, the suffixes of nouns with diminutive meaning are found in the tasks.

I propose the order of presentation of reference material for preparation not in accordance with tradition (from nouns to other parts of speech), but according to the frequency with which words occur in KIMs. So, the order is as follows: verb forms (including participles and participles), adjectives, and only then nouns (there seem to be no more than 10% of them). Anyone who claims the highest possible score must come with us to the very end.

I advise everyone to carefully consider the examples. A deliberately learned example will serve as a model for reasoning by analogy.

Verb suffixes

1. Suffixes ova, eva, iva, willow: draw, grieve - be late, evaluate

Check yourself, for this determine the form of the 1st person singular present or future tense.

If in the 1st person singular present or future tense there are combinations

  • yuyu, yuyu, then write the suffixes ova, eva: advise - advise, command - command
  • I am, I am, then write the suffixes yva, willow: being late - late, considering - considering


eva and willow are phonetic variants of the suffixes ova and eva, which occur after soft consonants.

2. Distinguishing suffixes e + va and yva, willow: overcome, get sick - justify, soothe

Focus on stress.

The suffix wa is always stressed: To overcome, to get sick.
Before the suffix wa, write the suffix e.

Suffixes yva, willow unstressed: record, glue, aim.

Do not confuse:

In words like pour, chant letters and and e fundamentally.

3. Suffixes in the indefinite form of the verb:
see, paint

The suffixes of the 1st conjugation verbs are different. Suffix of the verb stem of the 2nd conjugation and.


Exception verbs are not of interest to complete this task: after all, you need to recognize the letter not in the ending, but in the suffix. Therefore, if you define a letter in the suffix of an indefinite form of a verb, feel free to write e in exception verbs in eat with an unstressed letter in the suffix: offend, see, hate, depend and derivatives from them: to see, to see, to be offended and others like that. In the rest of the exception words, the suffix is ​​in the shock position.

4. Suffixes in participles and participles.

V task 10 no one checks whether you know the participle and participle suffixes. The vowel stems from which the data in the form tasks are formed are missing in the participles and participles.

Examples from assignments:
gluing ... whipping, pulling out ... whining, aiming ... hovering, hopefully ... whipping up ... licking, screeching ... whining

You should not be distracted by the form of the participle and gerunds, remember their suffixes. You need to do something else: learn to accurately determine from which verb participles and participles are formed.

Gluing ...- from glue
pulled out ... vaya- from pull out
aiming ...- from aim
hopefully ...- from hope
having harvested ... lice- from become fertile
screeching ... screaming- from yelp

A common mistake is mixing different kinds of verbs when restoring the original form. For example, it is mistaken to believe that the sacrament gluing derived from the verb glue, aiming- from aim etc. In many cases, such a mistake will lead to an incorrect definition of the vowel.
Right: Gluing formed from glue, aiming- from aim.

Adjective suffixes

Here, only the suffixes of abstracted adjectives are considered, since it is this material that relates to the topic (verbal adjectives are words in the suffixes of which the spelling nnn). The list of adjective suffixes formed from nouns is not limited to the two rules given below, but in the practice of the exam, words for these rules are used.

1. Suffixes iv, ev, liv, chiv: handsome - fighting, happy, trusting

Focus on stress.

In adjectives derived from nouns:
- under stress write the suffix ive: beautiful
- without stress - suffix ev: combat.
Write suffixes liv, chiv and under stress: happy, and without stress: confiding.

2. Suffixes ov, ovat, ovit - ev, evat, evit: business, grayish, poisonous - speech, bluish, militant

Attention to the last consonant of the root.

After solid consonants, write the suffixes ov, ovat, ovit: businesslike, grayish, poisonous.
After soft consonants, hissing, h and c write the suffixes ev, evat, evit: speech, bluish, militant.

Noun suffixes

1. Suffixes with the meaning of the person (the producer of the action).

There are many suffixes with the meaning of a face, but, fortunately, not all of them cause spelling mistakes. Rarely does anyone make a mistake in suffixes:

ist: handball player, tractor driver
Nick: road worker, railway worker
navt: astronaut
ets: messenger
er: combine harvester

Erroneous suffixes: tel, as well as chick, shik. And they need to be repeated.

1) Suffix tel: teacher
Remember this suffix and always write it the same way, with the letter e.
Write the suffix tel in words denoting persons by occupation: teacher, writer, driver, leader, reader, viewer and etc .

2) Suffixes
chick, cheek: pilot, bricklayer, asphalt paver

Focus on the last consonant of the stem.

  • consonants t, d, s, h, f write the suffix chick: translator, pilot, peddler, carrier, defector
  • the rest of the consonants, write the suffix schik: ferryman, glazier, bricklayer, lamplighter


Before the suffix -chick- letters k, c, h are replaced by T: handed out+ -chick- ← distribution.

Write a soft sign only after l: roofer, glazier.

2. Suffixes with diminutive meaning.

In Russian, there are many suffixes with diminutive meaning. What are these suffixes and how to write them, you have to figure it out. Let us confine ourselves, however, to the suffixes in which the letters are written e and and, to which we are guided by KIMs.

1) Suffixes hik, ek: the ball is a handkerchief.
Watch out for a fluent vowel e when changing a word.
If, when changing a word in it

  • the vowel sound [and] is preserved, write the ik suffix: ball - balls
  • the vowel disappears, write the suffix ek: handkerchief - handkerchief

2) Suffixes ec, itz: brother - clever, coat - dress
Find out the gender of the noun.
In nouns

  • masculine write suffix ets: brother finger
  • feminine gender - itz: beautiful, clever
  • neuter can be both pec and itz:
    • in the pre-stressed syllable (before the stress) write ets: coat ', letter'
    • in the stressed syllable (after the stress), write itz: dress, cross

3) Suffixes echk, ichk: little daughter, little town, Vanechka - onion

For feminine words, define the derivative word.
Write the suffix echk in nouns: little bug, little daughter, little place, time, Vanechka, Sashechka

Do not confuse:

In feminine nouns formed from nouns with the ich suffix, write the ich and к suffixes:
titmouse ← titmouse, button ← button, onion ← onion.

4) Suffixes onk and enk: sissy - daughter

Determine what sound is before the suffix.
In nouns after

  • hard consonants, write the suffix onk: sissy, paw
  • vowels, sibilants and soft consonants - suffix enk: Zoya, darling, daughter, grandmother

5) Suffix k in combinations inc, enk:middle, cherry

Look for a manufacturing base.

If in feminine nouns with the suffix To producing base

  • on in, write suffixes in and To: middle + ka ← middle
  • on n, write a combination of letters enk: cherry + ka ← cherry.

Task 10 deals with the spelling of suffixes for nouns, adjectives, and verbs. Each part of speech has its own suffixes and rules. We remind you the algorithm of action in each specific situation.

Assignment 10 Unified State Exam in Russian

Statement of the assignment:

Write out a word in which a letter is written at the place of the pass AND.




suede .. out


This activity tests your ability to spell the correct suffixes for different parts of speech. To complete the task, you must determine which part of speech the word is, and clearly understand the structure of this word. Highlight the suffix and refer to the spelling rules.

Spelling of suffixes of nouns

  1. need to remember:

    IZN- yellow Out a, bel Out a

    IN- quiet Ying ah, peas Ying a

    FROM- kind From a, high From a

    OST- cheerful Ost, dare Ost

    SIC- school nits ah, ink nits a

    CHIK- suitcase chick, samovar chick

  2. Suffixes whose spelling Need to check:

    IR / -EK, -IT / -EC (this does not apply to the neuter)

    Key - no key; BEAUTY - NO BEAUTY(with the declension of the word And remains).

    Lock - lock; Korean - Korean(drops out with the declension of the word E).

    For neuter words: letter(emphasis falls on the ending)

    armchair(the accent does NOT fall on the ending).

  3. -INK- consists of two suffixes -IN- (see paragraph 1) and -K-: pea + K = pea;

    IChK- consists of two suffixes -ITs- (see paragraph 2) and -K-: clever + K = clever(in the suffix there is an alternation of c // h);

    in other nouns, -ENK- cherry ( no word Vishina), French and-ECHK - time, strainer.

Spelling the suffixes of adjectives

1.Suffixes whose spelling need to remember:

ENK-, -ONK- thin enk oh, dry onk ui

OVAT-, -EVAT- white Ovat oh, blue Evat th

IST- impulse Ist oh, load Ist th

CHAT- steps CHAT th, explosion CHAT th(exception: boardwalk)

LIV-, -CHIV- talent liv oh, envy liv oh, trust chIv oh, imperative chIv th.

2. Suffixes whose spelling Need to check:

The suffix -EB- is written without stress: gloss Ev th, quartz Ev th... (Exception: mercy AND oh, holy fool AND out)

Attention! Determine correctly which suffix is ​​in a word: in words gauze ev oh, flannel ev th, industry ev Oh written -ЕВ- (see point 2), since Л is not part of the suffix.

Spelling of suffixes of verbs, participles, participles

  1. Suffixes whose spelling need to remember:

    Verb suffixes (we use them to check the conjugation in an indefinite form) are written in the same way: hear A t - hear A l, seal AND t - seal AND l, hall I AM th - hall I AM l.

    The same verbal suffix is ​​preserved in the actual past participle (before the VS): hear A lice, seal AND louse, hall I AM louse.

    The same suffix is ​​retained in the verbal participle: hear A in, close AND in, hall I AM v.

  2. Suffixes whose spelling Need to check:

    IVA-, -YVA - // - OVA, -EVA-

    late Yva shout Willow be(we substitute the pronoun I AM(what am I doing?) late Yva yu, shout Willow NS- suffixes -IVA-, -YVA- remain in the verb);

    teams Ova th, night Eve l(we substitute the pronoun I AM(what am I doing?) I command, I spend the night- suffixes -ОВА-, -EVA- leave the verb).

    Attention! If the stress falls on BA, find out the structure of the word and only then turn to the check (paragraphs 1, 2), since BA can be a separate suffix:

    sing along - VA = sing along(in this word, E is part of the root)

    to command - VA = to command(in this word, E is a separate verb suffix)

    Exceptions: overshadow prolong, exhort, overwhelm

    get stuck interfere.

Let's complete the task:

slender(adjective with the suffix -ENK-)

fencing(VA percussion, word-exception)

gracious(adjective-exception with unstressed -IV-)

suede, glossy(adjective with unstressed -EB-)

Assignment 10

Spelling suffixes
various parts of speech (except -Н - / - НН-)

Exercise: Which answer option contains all the words where the letter is missing(letter indicated)!

Spelling of noun suffixes


The rule

Examples of

-ik-, -ek-

if the declension of a nounthe vowel drops out, then the suffix is ​​written- ek-;

nut ek - ore shk a;

vowel is preserved - spelled-ik-

hut uk - shala NS uk a

-ets-, -its-

In nouns M.R. EC -

young ets

In nouns J.R. IC-

virgins its a

Wed - if the stress precedes the suffix - write- IC-

ust its e, armchair its e, letter ets O

In shock position- EC-



-ichk- in noun Zh.r., formed from n. with suffix-its-

Clever its a - smart ichk a

-chk - - in other cases

seed - this echk O



Is written–Ink– , if the word is formed from the stem on-in ;

in combination-enk- writtene , if the word is formed by means of a suffix-To- from noun on-nya .

pearl inc a pearl in a

dog enk a dog nya

Spelling of adjective suffixes


The rule

Examples of

-iv-, -ev-

In an unstressed position, it is written-ev-

aluminum ev th, with ev th;

-iv- under stress

crybaby iv th

beauty iv th

Exceptions : mercy iv th ,

Yurod iv th



-onk- afterr, k, x;

su NS onk uh,

-enk- in other cases

green enk ui



Always spelledand

income chiv oh, envy liv th

-ow am -,


- ovit-

written after hard consonants

red ovate oh, cases ovit th



- evit-

Are written aftersoft consonants , afterhissing andc

pain NS evat oh, look c evit th

Spelling of Verb Suffixes


The rule


-o in a-


th (th)

(I am)conversations yu (1 l.u. h.n.w.) -conversations ova be - conversations ova l,

(I am)mountains yuyu (1 l.u. h.n.w.) -mountains Eve t - mountains Eve l,



If in the 1st l. units h crust, or bud. time. verb ends in-I'm -


(I am)infusion Ivay (1 L. u.h. n.w.)

    infusion willow be - infusion willow l :

(I am)order I am (1 L. u.h. n.w.)

    order yva be - order yva l ;

shock suffix


If the suffix -wa- discard and you get a perfect verb, then the vowel of the root is written.

zape wah be - sing (sov.v.) if wah be - add (sov.v.)

> Pay attention

In verbs before the suffix -l- the same vowel is written as before -t in the infinitive: view ate - view eat , se yal - behold yat .

Vowels before -Н-, -НН- in participles and verbal adjectives


Is written


and I

(-ann -,


In verbs on

-at-, -fat-

delay at - delay ann th,

cherished yat - cherished yann th



in verbs on -It-, -et-

viewing eat - viewing yenn th

resh go - resh yenn th

Decide for yourself

Test 1. 10. Write down the word in which the letter I is written at the place of the pass.

A. key ... howl

B. overcome

V. kra ... shek

G. shake ...


IN 1 . 10.



rasta ...

karakul ... out


Answer: ___________________________

IN 2. 10. Write down the word in which the letter E is written at the place of the pass

hide ... whack

beans ... out

nazoil ... oh

inflate ... inflate

picky ... wow

Answer: ___________________________

AT 3 . 10. Write down the word in which the letter E is written at the place of the pass

remember ...

overcome ... to overcome

step over ...


paint ...

Answer: ___________________________

AT 4. 10.

stable ...

bush ... vat

fabric ...

burnout ... in

enamel ...

Answer : ___________________________

AT 5. 10. Write down the word in which the letter I is written at the place of the pass

hesitate ... my


you wanna

turned off

stele ... shh

Answer: ___________________________

AT 6. 10. Write down the word in which the letter I is written at the place of the pass

doctor ... vat

prolong ...

love ... oh

whole ... howl


Answer: ___________________________

AT 7. 10

straw ...




hoped ... hoped

Answer: ___________________________

AT 8. 10 ... Write down the word in which the letter E is written at the place of the pass

tulle ... oh

bored ... oh

assign ... to assign

finish .. finish

trust ... out

Answer: ___________________________

AT 9. 10. Write down the word in which the letter E is written at the place of the pass


doctor ... vat

rocking ...


painted ... l

Answer: ___________________________

AT 10 . 10. Write down the word in which the letter E is written at the place of the pass

bow down ...


to grow

mercy ... oh

dov ... oh

Answer: ___________________________


Test 1 - to shake

IN 1 astrakhan

IN 2 bean

AT 3 overcome

AT 4 overcome

AT 5 turned off

AT 6 amorous

AT 7 steering

AT 8 tulle

AT 9 heal

AT 10 glossy

Immutable prefixes

O- run around, stop, change your mind
y- take away, run away, calm down
before- live, walk, delivery
on- run, courtyard, look
pro ride, space, view
great- "Distant degree of kinship": great-grandmother, proto-language
on- attack, cover, push
per- close, prisoner, confuse
over- (need-) bite, inscription, overstrain
under- (under-) swim up, prompt, wait
from- (oto-) give, push, open
about- (about-) fly around, wipe, go around
in- (in-) enough, up, involve
you- fish out, exit, hold out
c- (co-) move, get off, bend(there is only the prefix c-, no prefix z-)
des- misinform
counter- counter argument
trance- transatlantic
fast- postmodernism
sub- subculture
super- superhero
pan- pan-European
pre- (pre-) re-

preference, prejudice, caution

break, overflow, skew

Changeable attachments

1. Prefixes, the spelling of which depends on the voicelessness / voicedness of the subsequent consonant.
If after a prefix from this group we see a voiced consonant, then at the end of the prefix we write -з, and if it is voiceless, then, respectively, -с.

This includes the so-called prefixes on -s, - with, there are exactly six of them:

  • without- / without- unemployed, immortal
  • ra- / races- scattered, dissolve
  • vo- / sun- (v- / sun-) return, sunrise
  • from- / is- avoid, fright
  • bottom / bottom- to overthrow, descend
  • over- / over- (over- / over-) excessive, overly

2. Prefixes, the spelling of which depends on the lexical meaning.

A) Prefix values pre :

  1. The value of the highest degree of quality. Simply put, this meaning is equal to the meaning of the word very. For example: lovely, exaggerate, surpass, calm.
  2. A value close to the value of the prefix pere- (it should be understood that it is not always possible to replace the prefix in such cases with the prefix pere-, here the similarity of their meanings is important). For example: interrupt, criminal, instructor, transform, obstruction.

Words that you need to remember:

  • unquestioning
  • advantage
  • old
  • charming
  • neglect, neglect
  • punctuation marks
  • present

b) Prefix values at :

  1. "approximation" For example: come, come
  2. "Accession" For example: sew on, glue
  3. "Inaction" For example: cover, sit down,
  4. Completed action For example: come up with, cook
  5. "Closeness to something" For example: coastal, roadside

Words that you need to remember:

  • joke
  • appliance
  • fussy
  • ghost
  • habit
  • fit
  • picky

3. Prefixes whose spelling depends on stress

ras- / dews (ras- / ros-)

  • If you have not forgotten, then these prefixes belong to the first group, therefore they have the spelling -з / -с.
  • Without stress, the letter A is written in them, and under stress ... - there is no problem under stress, what we hear, then we write, as a rule, this is the letter O. For example: list, schedule, conversation, search. Exception: search

  • Solve with answers
  • Solve with the answers.
  • Study the Unified State Exam of the Russian language.

The approximate wording of the task:
Write down the word in which the letter E is written at the place of the pass.

nickel ... out
finish ... finish
hello ...
fastidious ... out
calm down ... calm down

What do you need to know? Theoretical material on spelling the suffixes of various parts of speech!

Spelling of suffixes of various parts of speech (except -Н- and -НН-)

1. Suffixes of adjectives -IV- and -EV-.

In adjectives, the suffix -ИВ- is written under stress, and -ЕВ- - without stress:
EXAMPLE: beautiful, true, edge, combatant, sailing.
Exceptions: merciful, foolish.

2. Suffixes of adjectives -CHIV-, -LIV-.

Suffixes -CHIV-, -LIV- are written only with a vowel AND (in Russian, there are no suffixes -LEV- and -CHEV-):
EXAMPLE: persistent, caring, touchy, calculating.
BUT: enamel, diagonal, gutta-percha (consonants CH and L belong to the root).

3. Suffix of adjectives -CHAT-.

In the suffix -CHAT- the letter A is written: stepped, membranous.
Before the suffix -CHAT- the final Ts of the stem of the noun alternates with T:
EXAMPLE: crumbled (grain), ciliated (eyelash), tiled (tiles).

4. Suffix of adjectives -IST-.

The suffix of the adjective -IST- is written only with the vowel I:
EXAMPLE: flooded, abrupt, rolling, clayey, broad-shouldered.

5. Suffixes of adjectives -OK- (-ENK-).

In adjectives, after the consonants Г, К, Х, the suffix -ОНЬК- is written, after other consonants - ЕНЬК-:
EXAMPLE: young, heavy, dry.
Possible spellings: light, light.
The suffix -INK- is not written in adjectives.

6. Suffixes of the verbs -OVA- (-EVA-), -IVA- (-YVA-).

In the indefinite form and in the past tense, the suffix -ОВА- (-ЕВА-) is written for verbs, if in the 1st person singular present or future simple tense this suffix alternates with -УЮ (-УЮ):
EXAMPLE: conversations O shaft, conversations O vat - conversations yu; patch e shaft, patch e vat - potch yu

In the indefinite form and in the past tense, the suffix -YVA- (-ИВА-) is written for verbs, if in the 1st person singular present or future simple tense this suffix is ​​preserved:
EXAMPLE: discernment NS shaft, look NS to see - to see yva NS; unbuttoned and shaft, unbuttoned and vat - unbuttoned willow NS.

Note. Verbs with the root -VED-, having the form of the 1st person in -УЮ (-ЮЮ) -, are written with the suffix -ОВА- in an indefinite form and in the form of the past tense: to confess - to confess, to preach - to preach, to be in charge - in charge (so as I confess, preach, teach),
BUT: scout - scout, taste - taste, visit - visit, visit - visit, ferret out - ferret out (since the suffix is ​​preserved).

Verbs with the suffix -EVA-, -IVA- should not be confused with verbs in which the stressed suffix -ВА- is combined with the preceding root vowel A or I. Such a root vowel, unlike the suffixal one, is retained in an indefinite form in verbs without the suffix - VA-:
EXAMPLE: wrap - wrap, pour - pour, overcome - overcome.

In the verbs to get stuck, obscure, intend, prolong, defile, the suffix -EVA- is written.

Now let's go back to the beginning of this article. Guess what word you need to write out? Of course the word nickel!

nickel ev th ( in unstressed position the suffix -ev- is written )
completion willow th ( I'm finished willow yu means willow )
Hey liv O ( no suffix -left- )
fickle liv th ( no suffix -left- )
reassurance willow be
(I calm down willow yus means willow )