Wheat bran: benefits and harms of use, composition and calorie content. Why wheat bran is useful, reviews Crushed bran

Wheat bran is the softest among all other types. Often, this is where they begin to consume grain fiber, then gradually move on to coarser products made from oats or rye. Wheat bran is very useful, can be used for the treatment and prevention of certain diseases, promotes weight loss and health. Bran is also used in cosmetology to cleanse and preserve the beauty of the skin.

  1. High beta-glucan content. These biologically active compounds bind bile acids, which helps lower cholesterol levels, prevents atherosclerosis and keeps blood vessels clean.
  2. Fiber improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, helps cope with constipation, and prevents its occurrence.
  3. Effect of adsorbents. Bran absorbs harmful substances and toxins and removes them naturally from the body.
  4. Wheat bran is a natural prebiotic. They help improve intestinal microflora and populate the organ with beneficial bacteria.

Bran is especially popular in dietetics. Grain husks are often used for weight loss and cleansing the body.

Video: About the benefits and harms of bran in the program “About the Most Important Thing”

How to choose the right bran

Wheat bran is the most common. They are much easier to find in stores than other types. The choice is also quite large. Among the variety of granular and bulk products, it is advisable to give preference to bran in the form of regular husks.

The composition should not contain any additives: flour, sugar, cereal, etc. Such additives significantly increase the energy value of the product, but they do not provide any benefit; on the contrary, all the most valuable qualities of bran are lost.

How to cook and consume bran

The dry product can be eaten without prior preparation, but when steamed, the fiber swells and becomes much more beneficial. The optimal daily intake for a person is 30 g. It is recommended to start taking it with 5 g, gradually increasing the portion.

Method for preparing bran

Pour bran into a bowl, pour boiling water over it, stir. Cover the dish tightly and leave to steep for at least 20 minutes. After the time has passed, drain off the excess liquid. Instead of water, you can use herbal infusions. Often the husks are soaked in cold kefir. In this case, the mixture is infused longer (preferably all night).

On a note: If it is more convenient to take granulated bran or grain husk bread, which do not require preliminary preparation, then the daily portion is determined based on the data on the package.

Methods of using the product:

  • as an independent dish;
  • adding to cereals, soups, salads;
  • use in baking;
  • mixing with dairy and fermented milk products.

Whatever method of consumption of the product is chosen, it is important to wash down the bran dish with a sufficient amount of liquid. Otherwise, fiber will absorb water from the body, and wheat bran will do harm rather than benefit.

Wheat bran for weight loss. Use Cases

For weight loss, bran is used as an aid. They are taken in addition to diets. Fasting days with the addition of plant fiber are popular. The main weight loss comes from cleansing the intestines. But bran also plays an important role: it removes waste products from the body. It is especially useful to consume fiber during rapid weight loss or following protein diets.

Basic Rules:

  1. It is advisable to eat wheat bran before 16.00.
  2. You can eat a serving at one time or divide it into several meals. Regardless of the method, you need to drink at least 200 ml of water or unsweetened tea.
  3. Fatty and sweet foods are excluded from the diet.

Fasting day on bran with kefir

A wonderful way to quickly get rid of 0.5-1.5 kg of weight, cleanse the intestines and relieve the body. The daily diet consists of 30 g of wheat bran and 1.5 liters of kefir 0-1% fat.

Options for a fasting day:

  • steam the bran with boiling water, divide into 4 parts, use with kefir during the day;
  • steam the grain husks, eat a fermented milk drink between meals, drink one glass of kefir every 2 hours;
  • Mix a daily portion of wheat husk with kefir and infuse, divide the resulting mixture into 6 servings, consume during the day at equal intervals.

Treatment of constipation

Wheat bran can be used both to prevent constipation and to treat it. The product carefully interacts with the intestines, cleanses it, improves motility and is not addictive. Methods for treating constipation:

  1. Pour boiling milk over the daily portion of the husk, leave, and consume in the morning on an empty stomach.
  2. Steam wheat fiber (20-30 g) in 100 ml of boiling water, leave, add 15 g of honey. Eat on an empty stomach.
  3. Boil a glass of wheat husk in a liter of water for an hour, then leave and strain, squeeze the juice of half a lemon into the broth. The drink should be divided into 3 parts and taken 30 minutes before main meals.

Treatment of constipation continues until bowel function improves. If no positive changes are noticed within 2 weeks, the course should be stopped. Perhaps the cause of constipation is not related to bowel function; it is advisable to consult a doctor.

On a note! Prunes will help enhance the laxative effect. It is enough to add a few pieces of chopped dried fruit to the steamed husk.

Use in cosmetology

Wheat husk contains protein that replenishes the functions of keratin. This substance is responsible for the elasticity and youth of the dermis, prevents aging, sagging, and preserves facial contours. With a deficiency of keratin, the skin becomes dull, gray, and wrinkles appear on it.

Indications for the use of bran in masks and scrubs:

  • dermatitis;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • eczema;
  • psoriasis;
  • irritation, abrasions;
  • sunburn.

The main healing power is possessed by mucus, which is boiled from wheat bran. Husk dust is also useful. They are used to prepare medicinal baths. Coarse fibers are used to prepare cleansing scrubs. They remove dead skin particles, but do not irritate, do not cause inflammation, and do not injure the upper layers of the epidermis.

Wheat bran bath

A recipe for a medicinal bath that can be taken to eliminate the manifestations of skin diseases or for cosmetic purposes. Place 150 g of bran in a saucepan and add 1.5 liters of water. Bring the mixture to a boil, boil for 5 minutes, turn off. Wrap the pan in a warm blanket and leave for 4 hours. Then strain the liquid and squeeze out the husks. Add the decoction to a warm bath at 38-40°C. The procedure takes 15-20 minutes. The remaining husk can be used for scrub.

Skin scrub

Cleansing scrub for face and body. You can use dry husks or leftovers from making a bath. In the second case, the product will work more gently and is better suited for sensitive facial skin. For dry skin, cream is used as a base; if you have oily skin, it is recommended to use kefir.

Place 2-3 tablespoons of bran in a bowl, add cream or kefir. The mass should not turn out liquid. Apply the scrub to a clean and damp body (face), massage the skin for about two minutes. It is important not to press, movements should be soft and gentle. Despite the apparent softness of the product, the flakes can leave minor scratches on the skin.

Video: About the miraculous power of bran in E. Malysheva’s program “Live Healthy”

Contraindications to the use of bran

The benefits of wheat fiber are undeniable. The product really needs to be used by people who care about their health. But in some cases, bran can cause serious harm. You should not consume coarse fibers in the following cases:

  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • diarrhea;
  • childhood;
  • vitamin deficiencies;
  • period of pregnancy, lactation.

You cannot consume several types of fiber at the same time. If your diet contains a lot of vegetables, it is advisable to reduce the daily dose of bran. Otherwise, abdominal pain, bloating, and flatulence may occur. It is also worth limiting the use of the product during drug treatment and vitamin therapy. At least two hours must pass between taking bran and medications, otherwise the fiber will transit the substances that enter the digestive system, they will not have time to be absorbed and act.

The benefits of wheat bran are what your body can benefit from. They are high in fiber, minerals and various acids. They are good in combating excess weight and maintaining the normal functioning of the entire body. Do you want to know the benefits of wheat bran, how to take it, and are there any contraindications? Read on!

How we lost the benefits of wheat

Our ancestors made baked goods from so-called whole grain flour - it was made by grinding wheat once and contained all the useful elements of grain. But recently, humanity has learned the art of refining, and now all popular products go through many stages of purification and processing.

Premium flour began to be considered the best. It has many advantages: it is uniform, has a beautiful white color, and baked goods are fluffy and soft. To obtain a top-quality product, grain began to be cleaned of all “excess”, for example, from fruit shells. They were no longer used for food and were given to livestock to eat.

But, having received external beauty and convenience, such flour lost almost all its benefits. It turned out that the maximum concentration of useful micro- and macroelements, vitamins, and most importantly, fiber is found in the fruit shells (bran). Now doctors and nutritionists around the world say that whole grains and bran are extremely important for our health. What exactly are the benefits of wheat bran, we will tell you further.

Composition and calorie content

The most valuable thing in wheat bran is fiber (dietary fiber) - a component that is not digested by the human body, but is processed by intestinal microflora. It is an important nutritional element for the healthy functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Also valuable elements of the composition of wheat bran are:

  • Vitamins E (tocopherol), B3 or PP (niacin), B2 (riboflavin), B1 (thiamine), B5 (pantothenic acid).
  • Minerals: magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, potassium, sodium.
  • Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids.

Calorie content of wheat bran: approximately 200 kcal.

Benefit for health

Improves digestion at all stages

The main component of wheat bran is dietary fiber called fiber. And although our body is not able to digest it, it still provides enormous benefits.

  • Firstly, it absorbs water, swells and thereby dilutes the feces.
  • Secondly, it acts as an absorbent and collects all harmful substances that come from food.
  • Thirdly, fiber is a natural prebiotic, which means it stimulates the growth of normal intestinal microflora.

Thanks to all this, wheat bran reduces the time it takes for food to pass through the gastrointestinal tract, relieves constipation, cleanses the body, and prevents the development of hemorrhoids.

Reduce the risk of developing cancer

This effect on the digestive system has an impressive effect: the risk of colon cancer is reduced by 40%! Interestingly, it is wheat bran that has this effect.

Improves blood

Researchers have also discovered a positive effect of wheat bran on the functioning of the circulatory system. Fiber and B vitamins lead to a decrease in “bad” cholesterol in the blood, and potassium and magnesium affect the rhythm and heart rate. Thus, by consuming wheat bran regularly, you reduce the risk of the following diseases: tachycardia, coronary circulatory disorders, arrhythmia, heart attack, atherosclerosis, coronary and other heart diseases.

Stimulates weight loss

Fiber, entering the stomach, swells, gives a feeling of fullness and protects against overeating. In addition, it provokes the burning of calories from fat reserves. So wheat bran for weight loss is a great option!

There is a fairly simple recipe for those who want to lose weight: instead of dinner, eat 2-3 tsp. wheat bran (you can pre-fill them with kefir or yogurt). You will remain full and satisfied, and your body will begin to lose unnecessary pounds.

Helps with type II diabetes

Fiber has another amazing property. It slows down the process of carbohydrate processing and, as a result, reduces the increase in the amount of glucose in the blood. This effect will make it possible to reduce the use of insulin-containing drugs in patients with type 2 diabetes.

Benefits for women

High levels of the hormone estrogen provoke the development of many “female” diseases. Wheat bran, due to the content of B vitamins and unsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6, can reduce its amount. This will prevent the development of diseases such as mastopathy, fibroids, endometriosis, breast cancer, etc.

Benefits for men

Men who introduced wheat bran into their diet were no less fortunate. This product will help to significantly prolong your active sex life and reduce the risk of impotence and prostate diseases.

And also wheat bran:

  • influence the production of bile and its enterohepatic circulation;
  • increase liver activity;
  • reduce inflammation.

How to take wheat bran

Wheat bran is consumed dry (as is) or pre-soaked. There is no particular difference in these methods, just choose the one that is more convenient for you. It is advisable to eat dry bran before the main meal and wash it down with at least a glass of water. If you want to soak bran, then pour boiling water over it, leave for half an hour, then drain the water. That's it - the product is ready for use.

Wheat bran is eaten both as an independent product and added to all kinds of dishes: salads, baked goods, soups, porridges.

Introduce into the diet you need bran, starting with a teaspoon. During the first week, do not change the volume. Gradually increase the dose to 3 tablespoons per day. When your intestinal function returns to normal, you can reduce the amount of bran to two teaspoons per day.

The daily intake of wheat bran is 3 tablespoons. This amount cannot be exceeded, otherwise your body will begin to lose essential beneficial elements instead of getting rid of harmful ones.

For children

You can start giving bran to children from the first year, and a decoction of them can be given as early as 10 months. The decoction is very easy to prepare: 1 tsp. bran is poured with boiling water and cooked for 12-15 minutes under a closed lid. All that remains is to strain it and prepare porridge, jelly or puree with it - and the vitamin supplement for your baby is ready.

Children over the age of one year can add bran themselves to porridge. Before cooking, mix a third of a teaspoon of steamed bran with a portion of porridge and cook as usual.


Wheat bran is contraindicated in patients who have:

  • ulcerative colitis;
  • stomach ulcers;
  • duodenal ulcers;
  • adhesive disease.

It is also worth consulting a doctor in case of exacerbations of chronic gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, hepatitis, gastroduodenitis.

Now you know the health benefits of wheat bran. Bon appetit!

Bran remained a forgotten product for a long time, but at the end of the 20th century it returned to store shelves. It was at that moment that nutritionists discovered a connection between eating the product and the fight against obesity, and in addition, studies showed that the inclusion of bran in the diet helps improve the condition of pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, digestive tract organs and weakened immunity.

What it is?

Immediately after the harvest of ripened cereal crops is completed, the grain is subjected to technological processing so that it can be used to produce flour. A by-product of such manipulations is the release of hard husks, as well as tiny dust that appears after the raw materials are ground. At its core, this is real bran. Waste is generated from any cereals - wheat, oats, buckwheat, rye and barley; it is a secondary product of their production.

As soon as research confirmed the exceptional usefulness of this secondary product and revealed the high content of mineral components, vitamins, as well as fatty acids and protein, bran began to be produced on an industrial scale.

The grain arriving at the elevator is cleaned of debris and unnecessary impurities, and then filled with heated water, intensively mixed, settled, and then mixed again. At the exit, the mealy part is separated from the husk, then the husk is mixed with cereal dust and granulated. To do this, the mass is first cleaned of metal-magnetic inclusions, then treated with steam heated to 150 degrees. At the final stage, the substrate is granulated and pressed. As a result of such actions, the total mass of the product is reduced by about ten times, however, in this type of bran there is much less dust and can be stored longer.

Nowadays, bran is widely available in supermarkets and pharmacies in any city. They come in medium, small or large fractions, loose and granular, and can be sold as an independent product or be an integral part of bakery products and all kinds of semi-finished products.


Depending on the variety of cereal crops, wheat, oat, as well as corn, barley, rye and other types of bran are distinguished, each of which is characterized by its composition and effect on the human body.

Wheat bran includes a fairly large set of vitamins, including The concentration of vitamins B, A and E, as well as nicotinic acid, is especially high. The product is no less rich in mineral elements - calcium, magnesium, potassium and zinc. Iron and selenium are just some of the microelements that are present in the required volume in wheat husks in an easily digestible form.

Barley and oat products contain a lot of soluble coarse fiber, which helps normalize the functioning of the digestive tract, and in addition, reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood.

But corn husks contain a lot of insoluble fiber, making the product quite effective as a preventative measure that prevents the occurrence of tumor processes in the small and large intestines. At the same time, corn husks are quite hard, so if you have an inflamed stomach, taking the product can often cause pain.

Rice bran is the husk of brown rice; it accumulates vitamin B, iron, phosphorus, and magnesium in significant concentrations. The product is widely used for the production of crispbreads, biscuits and the preparation of cereal mixtures and vitamin concentrates.

Rye bran is recognized as a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals needed by humans. They are 40% fiber, but they are extremely low in fat. The husk contains iodine and beneficial fatty acids such as Omega-3 and -6 - it is these components that have powerful antioxidant properties, helping to slow down the aging process and protect against the adverse atmospheric influences of the urban environment.

Flax bran contains less useful components than all others, but its nutritional value is high - 300 kilocalories, due to which the product creates a feeling of satiety for a long time. In addition, flaxseed husks are proven effective in removing waste and toxins from the body - the combination of these properties makes the product indispensable when prescribing diets for the purpose of losing excess weight.

Amaranth bran is a relatively new product on our shelves, but it immediately won over consumers due to the fact that the content of valuable substances in them is 3 times higher than the same indicator in wheat products. At the same time, the product is allergenic, so it should be used with great caution.

Quite often, manufacturers offer bran with all sorts of additives that have a pronounced therapeutic effect:

  • with carrots– prescribed for use if you are prone to colds and inflammation on the surface of the skin;
  • with apples– effective for anemia, anemia, as well as kidney stones and gout;
  • with beets– help to resist high blood pressure and rapid heartbeat;
  • with milk thistle– recommended for liver diseases;
  • with seaweed– alleviate the general condition of thyroid dysfunction;
  • with Jerusalem artichoke– suitable for diabetes.

Depending on the structure of the product, bran is divided into granulated and ground.

Composition and calorie content

For many years, bran was considered an absolutely unnecessary food product - the outer shells contain high concentrations of fatty acids, which, in fact, worsens the quality of products made from whole cereal grains during storage. That is why, when grinding flour, they try to completely rid it of various unnecessary impurities. All this led to the fact that in the last century, bran almost completely disappeared from people’s lives, since white flour is much more nutritious than whole grain flour - it consists of starches and carbohydrates in a form easily digestible by humans and contains a balanced composition of BJU.

Bran cannot boast of such nutritional value, but it plays a very significant role in restoring the supply of biologically important substances in the body.

The husk of cereals contains much more valuable substances than the grains themselves and the flour that is obtained from them.

Coarse shells are considered an irreplaceable source of energy - 100 g of product contains 216 kcal, the sugar content is minimal (0.4%), but the concentration of coarse fibers is several times higher than their content in regular grains (45% instead of 11% in grains).

Due to the increased percentage of protein (16%), bran is considered very nutritious and necessary for building muscle and bone tissue.

Compared to grains, they contain 2-2.5 times more fatty acids (4.5%), while they also contain essential components, that is, those that are not produced independently in the body and can only be supplied with food - They are the ones responsible for cell renewal and growth.

But most of all, the husk contains coarse fibers and fiber, which make the product valuable for people with pathologies of the digestive system.

How are they useful?

Due to the presence of a large number of useful substances, as well as vitamins, micro- and macroelements, bran is highly effective as part of complex therapy for a wide variety of diseases.

The fiber contained in their chemical composition is truly irreplaceable for any person and should certainly be included in the diet of adult children. Coarse fibers can stimulate the gastrointestinal tract; in the absence of such food, health problems arise that affect not only the digestive processes, but also metabolism in general.

Fiber, swelling in a liquid medium, literally bursts the intestinal walls from the inside and thereby causes a backlash in the body. The stretched muscles of the organs try to return to their original shape and begin to actively contract - all this improves peristalsis, due to which food moves much faster through the intestines.

For normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, its organs must experience the required load every day - this significantly reduces the risk of developing intestinal atony, constipation and other functional diseases.

Gluten has an extremely low nutritional value and is incapable of digestion, but in the lower intestines it actively decomposes, breaking down into poly- and oligosaccharides. These complex substances become a source of energy, as well as a stimulator of active growth of beneficial microflora. Food enriched with fiber is considered an ideal means for preventing the development of dysbiosis.

Fiber is very effective for high cholesterol; it prevents its excessive absorption, which is why regularly including the product in the menu is necessary for people suffering from coronary artery disease, as well as hypertension and other cardiovascular pathologies.

Bran is indispensable for people with endocrine disorders; their role is especially important in maintaining the normal well-being of people with diabetes. The husk can reduce the glycemic index of food and bind excess glucose.

It is known that coarse dietary fiber is recognized as an excellent adsorbent, capable of absorbing and removing dangerous toxins from the body that are formed as a result of food oxidation - they effectively relieve us of heavy metals, free radicals and other products of metabolic processes.

It is obvious that bran completely compensates for the body's lack of dietary fiber, beneficially affecting all processes in organs and tissues.

Traditional medicine uses the product as a powerful immunostimulant to increase vitality and improve a person’s condition after a serious illness. The husk is lightly boiled, diluted with honey and eaten in small portions.

And for an unproductive cough, a decoction of regular bran with burnt sugar is used to speed up the liquefaction of mucus and its expectoration.

Possible harm

Despite the exceptional usefulness of the product, its effect on the body cannot be called definite, so doctors do not advise getting too carried away with it. It is much more effective to use the husk in small courses with breaks, drawing up a plan for use with your doctor.

This supplement has a number of serious contraindications, despite the naturalness of its origin. Bran should not be used if:

  • the presence of adhesions in the stomach and intestines;
  • ulcerative conditions of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as erosions and enterocolitis;
  • any inflammatory processes in the digestive organs in the acute stage;
  • intestinal obstruction.

Using the product in these situations is fraught with deterioration and exacerbation of the disease.

In addition, with excessive consumption of fiber in food, the opposite result can be observed, manifested in the form of constipation, unpleasant gas formation, bloating, and intestinal pain.

The product should not be used by people allergic to gluten.

In recent years, numerous studies have been carried out in which phytic acid was found in raw materials, which reduces the body’s absorption of calcium, iron and magnesium from food, so if the menu contains husks in significant quantities, this can often provoke a deficiency of useful microelements, and, as the result is a deterioration in the functionality of a wide variety of systems and internal organs.

However, to be fair, it should be noted that this research is not completed, discussions continue to this day, since it has been proven that phytin is destroyed when exposed to high temperatures. This means that it is better to eat bran steamed with water or milk - with this method, the husk becomes slightly less harmful.

How to use?

There is no uniform information on the norms for taking the product per day - individual sources indicate different figures from 15 to 55 grams. This discrepancy is due to the fact that the husk is considered a natural product and the volume of the active component in it may vary depending on the overall composition of the main raw material. In addition, various herbs, sweet fruits, berries and even artificial flavor enhancers are often added to bran, so the norm largely depends on the final composition of the product.

If we talk about a pure product, most doctors agree that consumption should be limited to 2 tablespoons 2-3 times a day, and the product should be introduced into the diet very carefully. You should start with one teaspoon, then the dose should be gradually increased so that in a couple of weeks you bring its value to the standard value. At the same time, it is extremely important to adhere to the drinking regime. The use of bran should be accompanied by plenty of fluid intake; during this period, the body should receive at least 2 liters of water daily.

Taking bran to lose excess weight has its own nuances.

Bran must be taken before meals. To begin with, they are steamed with water, then the excess moisture is poured out and the swollen viscous mass is eaten. It fills the stomach and leaves no room for the main food. This diet allows you to significantly reduce the total intake of food in the body without compromising the energy and nutritional components received.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, bran can be taken, since this product is completely natural and its intake promotes a feeling of fullness, preventing overeating, and also prevents constipation, which very often occurs in expectant mothers in the third trimester. However, the intake must be strictly dosed: during this period, the daily dose of the product is 20-30 g, divided into 3-4 doses.

How to cook?

It is impossible to make bran at home unless you have a mini flour mill, but you can prepare many different dishes from the finished product.

Most often, bran is taken as a separate therapeutic and prophylactic agent. In this case, two options are used:

  1. the husk is soaked in boiling water and left for half an hour, after which the excess moisture is drained, and the swollen bran is consumed internally;
  2. Some people prefer to eat bran in dry form, but it is important to wash it down with at least one glass of liquid.

In addition, the husk is used as a component of a wide variety of dishes - jelly, minced fish, salads, porridges, cutlets and many other dishes.

The lightest and most common dish is buckwheat porridge with bran. To prepare it, the cereal is boiled and left to simmer with butter. At this time, onions are fried in a frying pan with the addition of bran. These products should take on a golden hue. After that, the roast is added to the buckwheat, mixed, and salted.

For every 100 grams of cereal, about 250 g of bran is required.

A good dietary dish is okroshka made with yogurt or kefir. To prepare it, you will need a cucumber, a boiled egg, small boiled beets and greens. All ingredients should be chopped into cubes and poured with kefir diluted with water in a 50/50 ratio. Bran is added to the prepared products, seasoned with salt and sour cream.

Bran cakes can be a very good alternative to bread. To prepare such “breads,” 100 g of sour cream is heated in a water bath so that it acquires a thinner consistency, but does not curdle.

In a separate bowl, beat the egg with refined sugar until a good foam appears and mix both components, add bran and grated cheese, form buns and bake.

Methods of preparing dishes with bran largely depend on the state of the body. When losing weight, the bran is passed through a meat grinder with raisins and prunes. For constipation, bran is brewed with hot milk and eaten on an empty stomach.

Bran jelly will help cope with any colds, as well as pneumonia and bronchitis. To do this, the husk is poured with water (at the rate of 400 g of product per 2 liters) and boiled for about 10-15 minutes, after which it is filtered and honey is added for taste if desired.

Expiration date and storage rules

Nowadays, the shelves are truly replete with bran of various types, but not all of them are beneficial for the body. Keep in mind that in its pure form, bran does not have a pronounced taste or smell, so to improve the confectionery value of the product, manufacturers everywhere add regular sugar, salt, various flavor enhancers and flavorings, most often artificial.

Preference should be given to products that have the simplest composition - without various additives, which are called “identical to natural”. Bran should not contain a large amount of salt, and to solve some specific problems it is worth purchasing an enriched product, for example, bran with calcium.

As a rule, bran is sold in plastic bags, which are packed in paper boxes.

To ensure that the product retains its nutritional properties for as long as possible, immediately after purchase, transfer them to tightly closed glass containers and store them in a place protected from direct light and moisture.

Go to the bread section of any supermarket and spend time studying the assortment. You will see wheat bran on the shelves. It is a valuable source of fiber, vitamins and minerals. The benefits and harms of this product deserve careful analysis. But the main thing in it is dietary fiber.

The food industry processes millions of tons of wheat to put delicious white bread, delicious cakes, sweet buns, gingerbreads, pastries and cookies on people's tables. Unfortunately, tasty is not always healthy.

Premium white flour is a product of wheat processing. In this case, the phrase “highest grade” does not indicate its benefits. Increasingly, nutrition experts are saying that refined white flour is not at all a safe product and can be harmful if used unwisely.

In high-tech production, wheat is divided into components: white flour, grain germ and bran. The latter are called a by-product of grain processing. The high protein content and other beneficial properties of bran have been known for a long time, but only at the end of the 20th century did packages with this valuable product appear on the shelves of supermarkets and health food stores. What has changed?

Beneficial properties of bran: in pursuit of fiber

We eat to get energy. Only after replenishing energy reserves does our body begin to take care of the supply of micronutrients (vitamins and minerals). First, the need for proteins, carbohydrates, fats, water, in other words, macronutrients is satisfied.

The feeling of hunger is a regulator of food intake. The modern food industry, with the help of various additives, has learned to quickly satisfy human hunger and at the same time receive large revenues. Supermarket shelves are filled with foods that are high in calories but low in micronutrients. The harm lies in the fact that a deficiency of vitamins and microelements is formed in the body.

Therefore, doctors, nutritionists and nutritionists recommend consuming foods high in nutrients and low in calories. To classify a product as useful, the following components must be present:

  • water;
  • fiber (plant fiber);
  • unsaturated fats.

Vegetables and fruits are generally low in calories, saturated with water, and rich in fiber. But the champion in terms of the content of the latter remains grain crops. Plant fiber takes a long time to digest (and some is not digested at all) and gives a feeling of fullness for several hours. This is its dietary benefit, especially considering that modern man consumes catastrophically little fiber.

Bran is produced from the outer shell of the grain, which makes up about 15% of the total weight. The rest (minus the husk) takes on the whiteness, softness and airiness of flour, but at the same time loses important nutrients. It turns out that the benefits remain in the bran, since it is in the shell that up to 90% of biologically valuable substances are concentrated: vitamins E, A, B9, B6, B3, B2 and B1, manganese, copper, sulfur, calcium, antioxidants, protein. The numbers are convincing, but does this mean that everyone should now eat this nutritional supplement by the spoonful?

Harm and side effects

We have already found out that wheat bran meets the criteria for a healthy product. However, they also have a number of side properties, which makes them taken with caution.

  1. Excessive consumption of bran can reduce the level of minerals in the body.
  2. This is rough food that irritates the intestinal mucosa. For this reason, the product is harmful to people with stomach and intestinal diseases. Ulcers, gastritis, postoperative period, diarrhea - all these are contraindications for consuming bran.
  3. A growing body may not be able to digest coarse fiber. Therefore, childhood is another contraindication for regular use.

Dangerous phytic acid

Experts discuss the harm of phytic acid contained in wheat bran. This compound is believed to affect the body's absorption of magnesium, iron, zinc and calcium.

Research shows that heat treatment reduces the activity of phytic acid. Consequently, in baked goods after fermentation and heat treatment, wheat bran fibers do not interfere with the absorption of microelements.

But until the final verdict of doctors on this issue is made, it is recommended to take a break from taking this dietary supplement so as not to harm your health. A medical consultation would also be a good idea.


The effects of taking it can be divided into three groups:

  • nutritional value;
  • mechanical effect on the gastrointestinal tract;
  • antioxidant properties.

Nutritional value

Wheat ranks second in the world after rice in terms of consumption, while the share of wheat bran accounts for a very small percentage. The product is quite high in calories: up to 296 kcal per 100 g.

Wheat bran is a good source of plant fiber that helps eliminate toxins. In a clean intestine, beneficial bacteria multiply faster and synthesize beneficial vitamins themselves.

For example, it has been proven that up to 90% of serotonin (the mood hormone) is produced in the colon, not in the brain.

Today, no one doubts that high-fiber foods improve health, of course, when consumed wisely.

Mechanical effect on the gastrointestinal tract

Constipation and other digestive problems are a very common problem. Most people consume no more than 12 g of fiber per day, with a norm of 25-35 g. It is easy to calculate the recommended dosage for children: child’s age + 5 g.

Dietary fiber in wheat bran, improving intestinal motility, reduces the transit time of waste elimination. The cellulose present in wheat bran has also been shown to soften stool.

The weight of the listed facts is given by the following argument: the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) recently confirmed the benefits of wheat bran for the health of the gastrointestinal tract.

Antioxidant properties

Experimental evidence supports the effectiveness of wheat bran in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and some chronic diseases. The product has antitumor properties and is able to reduce the risk of malignant tumors:

  • intestines (rectum, small and large intestines);
  • prostate (adenomas);
  • mammary gland.

How to use

  1. It is recommended to consume no more than 25-30 g of wheat bran per day.
  2. This food supplement is introduced into the diet, starting with a teaspoon, and the body’s response is carefully monitored.
  3. Bran fibers tend to absorb water, so they need to be taken with plenty of liquid: about a glass per 1 tbsp. l. It can be kefir, juice or just boiled water. It is recommended to drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water per day so that the product brings you only benefit and not harm.

Eating natural, unrefined foods provides health benefits and helps prevent diet-related diseases. By adding grain fiber to salads, baked goods, soups, and decoctions, you help the body.

Bran is a very popular dietary product, which is credited with a lot of healing properties. Therefore, the benefits and harms of bran is an issue that should be given special attention. The article will tell you about the value of this miraculous remedy, but will also point out contraindications to its use.

What is bran made from?

Bran, or bran, is not produced on purpose: it is a by-product of grinding cereal crops. They represent the outer shell of the grain, which is hard in structure, which is why it is not digested by gastrointestinal enzymes. Contains a sufficient amount of healthy dietary fiber, due to which they participate in maintaining the microflora of the large intestine within normal limits.

Comment! Bran is a product of processing cereal crops, which people have found worthy use for.

Types of bran

Depending on the processed cereal, they are divided into the following types:

  • buckwheat - husks from buckwheat;
  • rice - the shells of rice grains;
  • barley - the outer shell of barley;
  • oat - the shell of oats;
  • wheat - husks from wheat grains;
  • rye - a product of rye processing.

They are also divided into large and small depending on the degree of grinding.

Important! The most valuable and beneficial for health are oat bran.

Chemical composition and calorie content of bran

The chemical composition, properties and benefits of a valuable product directly depend on its type.

The table provides comparative information per 100 g of product.

Carbohydrates, g

Dietary fiber, g

Calorie content, kcal




Without exception, all varieties have a rich composition of macro-, microelements and vitamins. Therefore, bran is a dietary product, the benefits of which are enormous for various diseases and disorders of the body.


  • group B;
  • tocopherol (E);
  • vitamin K.


  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • manganese;
  • selenium;
  • zinc;
  • magnesium.

Warning! Despite the value of the product, in order to avoid harm, you should not use it haphazardly and immoderately.

Useful properties of bran

The product is rich in microelements and many vitamins. Thanks to these properties, it benefits all human organs and systems, and the possibility of causing harm to health when consumed is minimal.

The main beneficial property of bran for everyone is considered to be its beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract due to the high fiber content in the composition. There is an opinion that a person could extend his life by eating more roughage food (those rich in fiber).

They can also improve the functioning of the visual system, normalize blood glucose levels and have a general strengthening effect on the human immune system.

You can list other beneficial properties of bran:

  • beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, nails and hair;
  • It is a cleanser of the entire body from waste and toxins.

Attention! Bran for cleansing the intestines is an indispensable product.

  • can be introduced into the diet as a means for the treatment and prevention of dysbiosis;
  • cholesterol reduction;
  • regular, proper consumption prevents obesity;
  • contribute to the normalization of the bile secretion process;
  • recommended for use by hypertensive patients;
  • have a beneficial effect on the condition of the veins, therefore useful for varicose veins.

Is bran beneficial during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, bran is not contraindicated. If no abnormalities, deviations or pathologies are found during the process of gestation, this product is allowed for use by the woman and will certainly be beneficial.

Pregnant women suffering from constipation also use this useful remedy to normalize digestion. It can normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract of a pregnant woman due to its rich vitamin composition, beneficial properties and the presence of fiber.

Important! Bran for constipation should be consumed according to the doctor’s recommendation.

The product can quickly saturate the stomach, which is very useful for pregnant women when overeating. Excess weight in this position can negatively affect pregnancy and harm the development of the fetus.

Is it possible for a nursing mother to use bran?

Many experts accompanying pregnancy claim that bran is useful during breastfeeding for both the young mother and the newborn. However, you can start introducing this product into the diet only from the second month of a child’s life, when his intestines are already adapted to new products and normally perceive fiber.

Warning! The use of seedlings by the mother immediately after childbirth can cause harm to the baby.

The best time for a nursing mother to consume cereal shells is in the morning. First, the mother has a healthy breakfast, and after that she feeds the baby. Such nutrition will enrich breast milk with vitamins and amino acids, which are also beneficial for the growing body.

At what age can bran be given to children?

The main signs from which we can conclude that it is time for a child to introduce healthy bran into the diet:

  • poor appetite;
  • decreased hemoglobin;
  • constipation and other disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • excess weight.

You can start introducing this product into your baby’s diet at the age of 10 months in the form of a decoction. When a child has teeth and begins to eat cereals and soups on his own, then you can gradually add bran to your food. The shells of wheat grains have the most beneficial properties for children. Their harm to the child’s body is completely excluded.

Important! Despite the many beneficial properties of seedings, they should be introduced into a child’s diet after consultation with a pediatrician so as not to cause harm to development.

How to take bran for weight loss

Experienced nutritionists often recommend that people who want to lose weight introduce wheat husks into their diet. It can create a long-lasting satiety effect by swelling in the stomach, and thereby provide benefits by preventing overeating.

Fiber, in turn, normalizes metabolic processes, which is very important when losing weight.

With a large selection of bran on store shelves, many are lost, not knowing which one to choose. Which ones will benefit a particular person must be determined individually, taking into account the recommendations of doctors.

Nutritionists identify two types of bran that have the most beneficial properties for losing weight:

  1. Wheat. This product is able to stimulate the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. They are one of the cheapest, which is also a big plus.
  2. Oatmeal. This species is very useful for diabetes and for its prevention. Oat bran prevents overeating, maintaining a feeling of a full stomach for a long time.

Kefir with bran

Bran with kefir is one of the most important combinations in diets and simply in a healthy human diet.

The course of a diet based on kefir and seedings is 14 days. The guaranteed result if you follow the rules for taking products is minus 3-4 kg.

Every day you need to drink a glass of water at room temperature on an empty stomach. After half an hour, you need to eat a handful of steamed grain shells, washing them down with kefir.

In addition to the morning intake, you should not forget to drink kefir with bran at night. However, in the evening it is better to give preference to low-fat kefir. Its benefits are more noticeable during evening meals.

How to eat bran correctly

Proper use of the product and its gradual introduction into the diet is necessary in order not to cause harm to the body.

Basic rules to follow when introducing bran into your diet:

  • The first doses of this product should be started with 5 g (teaspoon) per day. Then you can add gradually, bringing the total volume to two tablespoons.
  • The main rule for taking healthy grain shells is the mandatory presence of liquid in the diet. The dietary fiber they contain is beneficial only in the presence of water. And they begin to show their beneficial properties only after swelling.
  • The recommended dose should not be exceeded. Despite the fact that this is a very useful product, the body's reaction can be unpredictable. Often, overeating causes bloating, pain in the lower part of the abdomen and constipation.

You can consume the shells of the grains either in their pure form (with water or kefir) or add them to your favorite cereals, baked goods, salads and even soups. Granulated bran is very convenient to use. They have the same properties as loose ones, but are lower in calories.

Medicinal properties of bran

Many people introduce bran into their diet even in the absence of any indications. However, there is a list of diseases and deviations from the normal functioning of the body when this healthy food is strongly recommended for use.

  • Diabetes. Fiber, which is found in large quantities in seedlings, has the ability to normalize blood glucose levels.
  • High cholesterol levels. Thanks again to the beneficial fiber.
  • Hypertension.

Important! When using bran as a remedy for high blood pressure, you need to exclude fats from the diet.

  • Constipation, including chronic.
  • Obesity. This problem can cause irreparable harm to human health.
  • Tendency to allergic reactions.
  • Skin diseases, including acne. Such problems, as we know, should be treated from the inside. Acne bran can significantly improve skin condition.
  • Weak immunity.

The use of bran in folk medicine

Traditional medicine, like traditional medicine, often uses bran-based recipes.

  • If you have a weak immune system, it is recommended to take them with liquid honey: 1 tablespoon of the shells should be mixed with honey to form a paste and eaten at one time.
  • Bran is also beneficial for hair. With regular use of this product in combination with milk, after a month your hair will become silkier and more vibrant.

Bran in cosmetology

Often, everything that a person eats, he can use to improve his appearance as masks, lotions and rubs. It is impossible to cause any harm with such beauty procedures.

The skin, which tends to dry out, flake and become inflamed, needs to be nourished with bran both from the inside and outside. Therefore, this mask will be useful for her:

  1. You need to add seedings to the honey heated in a water bath in such an amount that you get a thick mass.
  2. Apply the mixture to the face and neck and leave for 10 minutes.
  3. Rinse off with warm water.

This bran face mask, rich in beneficial properties, can be used twice a week.

  1. Pre-soak the product in water until it swells.
  2. Take a small amount of seedings in the palm of your hand and gently wipe your facial skin with them without injuring it.

In this case, harm to the skin can only be done if you rub your face with them excessively.

Harm of bran and contraindications for use

Despite the numerous beneficial properties of this product, its uncontrolled use can cause harm to health. For example, gastrointestinal diseases may worsen, and there is a possibility of unpleasant phenomena such as flatulence and bloating. In this case, vitamins are quickly eliminated from the body, so hypovitaminosis may develop. Such harm to health can affect the functioning of the brain and cardiovascular system.

If the daily dose of fiber is exceeded, side effects such as nausea and diarrhea may occur.

Dietary fiber, which is contained in large quantities in seedings, can resist the absorption of minerals such as zinc, iron, magnesium and vitamin B12.

How to choose and store bran correctly

It is very important to choose any product correctly so as not to harm your health.

Bran can be loose or granular. They can also often be found in the form of bread.

Loose ones are considered to be the most useful, since when forming one or another form of seedings (pellets or loaves), flour is added to them, which significantly increases their calorie content. And this, as you know, can negatively affect your figure and health in general.

Important! Healthy dietary bran should not have a calorie content of more than 220 kcal per 100 g of product.

  • When purchasing seedings, it is better to give preference to those sold in pharmacies or large supermarket chains. It is more likely to buy a quality product there.
  • It is imperative to check the composition of the bran. It should not contain flavor enhancers or harmful flavorings. These components will definitely not bring health benefits.
  • The peel of the seedlings should be very thin.
  • A package with a high-quality purified product should not contain husks or very little of them.

Bran should be stored at a temperature no higher than 30 degrees for up to 7 days. At a temperature of 10 degrees – 14 days.


The benefits and harms of bran is an important question that every person who cares about their health should decide for themselves.

Bran is proof that regular consumption of plant foods, which are rich in fiber and dietary fiber, can have a positive effect on health, improving the functioning of the digestive system and the condition of the body as a whole.

The benefits of bran for the human body are undeniable. By adding seedings to salads, cereals, soups, and baked goods, a person certainly makes a great contribution to his health. But do not forget about contraindications to the use of this product, so as not to cause harm to yourself.