Is he destined by fate? Secrets that help you understand that this is your person. From an esoteric point of view

Hello, dear readers! The more choices there are, the more difficult it is to make a decision. Even if you have little experience in relationships, then I think that 3-4 people could definitely already lay claim to the role of your soulmate until the grave. Actually, this is the question that will become central in our conversation with you today.

How to find out who is destined for you. Are you dating a worthwhile man who under no circumstances should you let go anywhere or a meaningless story? In fact, when partners mentally ask themselves this question and decide whether to stay or whether it’s time.

Where do questions come from?

When we meet a person, we are completely absorbed in him and do not ask unnecessary questions: “Why,” “Why,” “Do I need this?” We just meet more often than usual and have a good time.

A little later, various ones begin to come into our field of vision. They prompt the thought: “Or maybe I’m just wasting my time? It’s time to think about how to find another soul mate?” The ideal is crumbling, and we understand that in the future all these minor shortcomings will only grow: should we come to terms with it, try to correct our partner, or simply leave without explanation?

Since ancient times, when a person could not understand something, decide, or make a choice, he turned to fortune telling, and also looked for signs and clues of fate. It's all basically a coin toss. But you must admit, few people will become a piece of metal. It's too basic.

More sophisticated methods were invented - fortune telling on cards, stones, runes. In order to further “complicate” a simple scheme, arguing for the “workability” of the method, they did fortune telling on special days or turned to difficult people who “understood” the signs.

Why the methods work

When you are faced with a difficult choice and turn to predictions, and also look for signs of fate, you feel that you have done a lot of work and can relieve yourself of all responsibility with a clear conscience. “This is my man and I should build my life with him,” or vice versa, “The guy is completely unsuitable for me.”

In fact, when you hear a prediction, you unconsciously strive for it and deprive yourself of the opportunity to carefully choose what is best for you. If you liked the result, then over time you stop analyzing the behavior of your other half and wave your hand: “Well, that’s my fate.” You forgive more, look for compromises and fight for your happiness.

If the result of fortune telling shows that your significant other is not a fateful person, then most women most often begin to say that the predictions do not work and they do not believe in them. So was it worth trying to look for signs at all?

The big secret that everyone knows about

The biggest secret is that you yourself are responsible for the person who is nearby and decide whether he was given by fate or not on your path. You can build with any partner and, in the same way, destroy it with your own hands. No matter what kind of person is with you, you are already halfway to happiness; all that remains is to do little - work to ensure that you both have a good life.

I can recommend the book Ruslan Narushevich “Man and Woman. The path to happiness." In it you will find many tips on how to become a little happier and create a harmonious union with a man.

If you doubt that the one who is now next to you is really worthy of your love, then this is a serious reason to think more thoroughly and take your life into your own hands. Don't be afraid, there is a lot of good in the world, and you deserve to be the happiest on the planet.

See you again and don't forget to subscribe to the newsletter.

Some believe in fortune telling, others prefer to remain skeptics, but absolutely anyone would like to know their destiny. What awaits him in life: luck and success, wealth, love, of course everyone would like all this.

But how to look beyond the veil of time, is there a 100% way?

Of course, there is no such method, because everything depends on our actions and yet there are events that do not depend on us in any way, the weather (it started raining) or an accident (the bus broke down), all this is fate or fortune. It is precisely such accidents that can be seen, and also determine the paths that should be followed or not (for example, will you be happy with this person, should you take this job). It is especially good to tell fortunes on Christmas night; they say that higher powers take their power over the world of the living into a ring and begin to be reborn.

Simple ways to tell fortunes

Method one. Fortune telling on the water.

This method will help you decide on your betrothed. And for this we need three candles, a mirror and a glass plate. Pour water into a plate and leave for three days, the water should recharge your energy. After this, place the candles on the table in a triangle, opposite the mirror, and a plate of water in the center. Close your eyes and mentally transfer the energy and ask a question. In the reflection of the mirror in the water you will see the answer to your question.

Method 2: Yes or no

The simplest way to find out about fate. Make a question about the future, for example, I will find my soul mate this year. And then look out the window.

Pay attention to the first one walking:

  • If the man is YES, the goal will materialize.
  • Woman - NO, let go of the desire.
  • Child - will be born with a delay or according to a different scenario.
  • Deserted on the street - put off the divination for another time.

Method three. Fortune telling on a gold ring.

For this ritual we need four plates and pieces of fabric, a wedding ring and candles. The ritual is carried out together, preferably on Christmas night.

One of you will hide the ring in a plate of water and cover it with a cloth. The second person entering must guess where it is. If you guessed right the first time, then your wish will come true. Don't forget to meditate before starting fortune telling. You should feel vibration or warmth from the ring plate, don't poke at random.

Method four. Fortune telling on wax.

To do this, we only need a candle, a container of water and a spoon. The candle is melted into a spoon, then the resulting wax is poured into a container of water. Concentrate, you should see clear wax silhouettes in the water. Take a closer look, meditate and you will see the answer to the question that is tormenting you.

Fortune telling with tarot cards.

One of the surest ways of fortune telling is, of course, fortune telling with cards. Who among us has not tried to take a regular deck of 36 cards and say “magic” words to spread it out? It is best to tell fortunes using tarot cards, but this method has many nuances, each layout has many meanings, so it would be more correct to contact a knowledgeable person.

But don’t believe in any online fortune-telling, the cards should definitely recharge your energy. To do this, simply hold them in your hands and mentally redirect warmth and your energy into them, thinking about the problem that interests you. After this, give the cards to the fortuneteller and he will explain the layout to you.

A simple way to predict

Focus on the question. For example, what to expect in your destiny tomorrow. Now randomly select one card from the deck and interpret it. This card will tell you what to focus on that will have an impact on your life.

Gypsy way to find out fate

Get ready for fortune telling, shuffle the deck (preferably tarot) and turn to higher powers so that they can help you tell fortunes truthfully. Pull out 7 cards and interpret them.

Here is the interpretation of the tarot in detail.

  1. Personal situation. Your Self.
  2. Relationships with people, their opinions about you
  3. Concerns. What you should know to protect yourself.
  4. Aspirations. What to expect.
  5. What will you gain in life for sure?
  6. Near future.
  7. Your destiny. The card speaks of what will stay with you.

The gypsy method of predicting fate is very effective, try it.

English fortune telling

It is held on a birthday. You will need:

  • ring (any ring will do, as long as it’s not a wedding ring)
  • sweetness
  • slice of bread
  • ace of spades
  • willow twig
  • ace of diamonds
  • 10 clubs

It is important to prepare all things in advance, put them in a white towel. The cards must be new. All attributes folded in a towel Be sure to place it under your pillow at night.

Now go to sleep, dreams will reveal your destiny to you. It’s just important to relax with an open window. It is necessary.

In the morning, remember what you saw in the Embrace of Morpheus:

  • The key is a lucrative offer, a career.
  • Ring - love achievements, marriage is possible.
  • Bread - material income, prosperity.
  • Sweetness - prosperity, creative self-expression.
  • Willow branch - good news
  • Ace of diamonds - luck, winning.
  • 10 of clubs - trip, travel, moving.
  • The Ace of Spades is a negative prediction, indicating bad news, illness, or health problems.

If you didn’t see these things in your dream, it means it will be a smooth, calm year, without any sudden changes or shocks.


These are the fortune telling you can try on the magical night before Christmas and remember your wishes come true! You can guess on any other day.)

On Christmas Eve, the best time for fortune telling begins; it will last until Epiphany (January 19). It is believed that on these days all prohibitions are lifted, mysterious forces rush to the Earth, and girls begin to guess their fate, a successful marriage and future children.

If you are not yet married, then be sure to try one of these fortune tellings. What if it comes true?

1. Fortune telling from a book

No, this is not a fortune telling where you need to guess the page number. It works a little more interestingly.

What you need? A book, preferably fiction and about love.

What to do?

  • Open the book to a page equal to the number of your birthday. Write down the letter the page begins with.
  • Open the page equal to the day of your birth month and write down the first letter.
  • Open the page equal to your father's birth number and also write down the first letter on this page.

Did you get three letters? These are the initials of your future spouse's name.

2. With small pieces of paper

What you need? Paper, pen, bed, pillow.

What to do?

  • Tear the blank sheet into many small pieces of paper.
  • On each piece of paper, write one male name (there can be as many of them as you like; remember any names you like, or the names of all your friends).
  • Carefully fold the pieces of paper.
  • Place them under your pillow before going to bed.
  • When you wake up, take out one of the folded pieces of paper and you will see the name of your future husband.

3. With small pieces of paper and water

What you need? A container of water (basin), a candle (cinder), a walnut shell, plasticine and pieces of paper with names (see point 2).

What to do?

  • Attach pieces of paper with names with plasticine to the sides of the container with water from the inside.
  • Light the candle stub and place it in a nut shell.
  • Place the shell on the water in the center of the basin.
  • The candle shells should stop near one of the pieces of paper glued to the side. Then you will find out the name of your chosen one.

4. On apple peel

What you need? Apple, knife.

What to do?

  • Carefully remove the peel from the apple so that it does not tear and looks like a spiral.
  • Throw the peel over your left shoulder and then watch it fall. It is believed that in the position of the peel you can see the first letter of the name of the future husband.

5. With a frying pan

An interesting fortune telling in which you will need your mother's help. If you live separately, then go visit her one Christmas day.

What you need? Pan.

What to do?

  • Place a frying pan under your mother's bed (there is one subtlety - she shouldn't know about it).
  • Before you go to bed, say to yourself: “Betrothed, come and visit your mother-in-law for pancakes.” If a mother dreams that she is feeding some young man pancakes, then he will be her daughter’s fiancé.

6. Using wax

What you need? Candle and dish with water.

What to do?

  • Light the candle and let it melt a little.
  • Tilt the candle over the saucer and start dripping wax into the water.
  • After a few seconds, the wax will harden on the surface of the water in the form of one or more letters. This will be a hint to the name of the future husband.

By the way, such fortune telling is known in a different format. You ask a question that interests you, pour out the wax and see what happens. Usually the figure is the answer (an asterisk - good luck in work or study, many stripes - there will be many trips in the year, a flower - a happy meeting, etc.).

7. On the bulbs

What do you need? Several onions.

What to do?

  • Write on the bulbs the names of men who are not indifferent to you (or to whom you are not indifferent).
  • Place them in water. The bulb that sprouts first will mean your man of life.

8. Using a needle

And we will again need pieces of paper with men's names.

What else is needed? Needle or gold ring, silk thread.

What to do?

  • Thread a 15 cm long thread through a ring or needle.
  • Using your thumb and forefinger, hold the thread and bring the needle/ring to each piece of paper with a name on it. Freeze.
  • If over one of the names the ring begins to swing like a pendulum or spin around itself, then this is the name of your betrothed.

9. With lock and water

What do you need? A bowl of water, a lock with a key.

What to do?

  • Take the castle and hold it above the water.
  • Lock it with a key, saying: “Come, my betrothed, ask for a drink.” Whoever dreams will be the groom.

10. By shreds

This fortune telling will help you find out the appearance of your betrothed.

What you need? Scraps of fabric of different colors (white, black, red, brown), box.

What to do?

  • Place the scraps in a box.
  • Ask the question: “What color will my fiancée’s hair be?”
  • Pull out any scrap. White means light hair, black means dark hair, red means red hair, brown means light brown hair.

In the same way you can find out eye color and other signs.

11. Using a comb

What you need? Comb, pillow, bed.

What to do?

  • Before going to bed, comb your hair with a comb and place it under your pillow.
  • Say: “My betrothed, dream about me” and go to bed. In a dream you should see your future husband.

12. At the mirror

The most terrible and difficult fortune telling. At midnight, the fortuneteller should be alone in a dark room.

What you need? Two large mirrors, candles.

What to do?

  • Place one mirror opposite the other, place candles. A “corridor” should appear in the mirrors.
  • Concentrate, look in the mirror intently and motionlessly, peer carefully into the “corridor”. In the mirror you will see the face of your future husband.
  • Look at it and say the amulet spell: “Beware of this place!” After these words, the image of the man will disappear and everything will end.

13. By the name of the first person you meet

Be careful with this fortune telling: it can be dangerous for a beautiful girl to go out alone in the dark.

What to do?

Leave the house at midnight and ask the name of the first man you see. It is believed that the name of your betrothed will be the same.

Are you going to tell fortunes for Christmas time?

In the most ideal relationships, doubts and reflections sometimes creep in about the right choice. For many years, many have been trying to find the answer to the question “How can you tell if this is your man?”

We can talk a lot about intuition, about the importance of living not by logic, but by listening to your own heart.

But, unfortunately, not every woman is able to recognize the signs of fate. And the voice of reason sometimes turns out to be more convincing than feelings and emotions. However, with a little care, you will definitely understand that your meeting is a real gift of fate.

An accident planned by fate

Often fate helps two lonely hearts find each other in the daily bustle, among many people. It happens that two strangers often collide with each other, as if someone from above is trying to connect them.

Another fateful scenario: you were friends with a wonderful boy throughout your childhood, but then his family moved to live in another place and you lost each other. After some time, your life paths cross again to unite into one road.

It happens that a man and a woman have a romantic relationship for some time, but due to certain circumstances the couple breaks up. But they break up only to meet each other a year or two later and never be separated again.

How to recognize your soulmate?

You are tormented by the question: “How can you tell if this is your man?” Listen to your feelings.

  • Do you feel like you have known each other for many years and even knew each other in a past life?
  • Are you able to understand every action of your man?
  • Do you have a feeling of understatement?
  • And your chosen one experiences the same?

In this case, drive all doubts away, because you are our only man!

Think about how easy it is for you to communicate with your lover. Communication should be easy, simple, without understatements or ambiguous phrases.

You never hear the phrase “Forgive me” from your man just because there is no reason or reason for these words. Only a truly in love person is not capable of causing pain to his soulmate.

Remember how you experience the time you spend not with your chosen one? Are you sincerely worried, bored, can’t concentrate, is it difficult for you to do anything and everything simple seems complicated?

And with the advent of a man, life again boils, seethes and attracts with new ideas, this indicates that you need each other. Two loving hearts will always be a source of inspiration, good mood and achievements in life for each other.

The whole world for two

Another way to understand that this is your man is to be silent with him. It is important not to feel any discomfort; silence should be natural, pleasant and not burden the relationship, but unite two souls.

Common interests indicate that you are one and strive for the same goals in life. The main thing to remember is that intimacy and common interest are two different concepts.

If your relationship was initially built solely on sexual affection, it is unlikely to have a future. After all, over time, the passion will subside, you will look at each other with a sober look and what will you see?

That in this life you do not have common interests, common friends, joint plans for the future and interesting topics for conversation for both of you. Even if you remain a couple, you will essentially experience loneliness in each other's company.

Sexual relationships are undoubtedly important for harmonious and fulfilling relationships. After all, we should not forget about procreation. The birth of a child is a natural development of the relationship between two people in love.

Sex with a man destined for you is like an ocean of pleasure in which you feel like one. If you are making love and at the same time thinking about work or your figure, this is a sign of a lack of harmony in your relationship and, it is likely that your destiny is not with you now.

How not to be deceived?

In life, it is important not only to know how to understand that this man is your destiny, but also not to make a mistake in such a difficult choice.

Sometimes, a woman, finding herself under a man’s spell, takes wishful thinking and, as a result, becomes severely disappointed in her chosen one. What signs will tell you that a random travel companion is next to you?

  1. You are too focused on his appearance and material condition and are not interested in his inner world.
  2. You are not interested in his hobbies and events in life.
  3. You are not ready and do not want to sacrifice anything for the sake of your beloved, but you yourself demand a lot from him.
  4. Conversations with this man are frankly uninteresting for you. You only pretend to be interested, but in reality you are thinking about abstract topics and changing the topic of conversation at every opportunity.
  5. You are not ready to follow a man if life circumstances require it.

Not the same...

If a man tries with all his might to avoid a relationship with you, then his behavior will be like this:

  1. Complete indifference to you and your possible future together. The person doesn't want to make any effort at all for the two of you. You will be forced to constantly demand serious actions from your chosen one.
  2. A man will not want to introduce you to his family and friends, thus protecting his personal space.
  3. The chosen one does not tell you about work, how his day is going, about the time spent without you. At the same time, he deliberately avoids talking about your relationship.
  4. The man doesn’t want to see you and avoids meetings, each time coming up with excuses and reasons not to come on a date.
  5. Your lover does not keep his word to you and does not strive to fulfill his promises.

It is likely that you are not the only one in the life of such a man. You should not hold on to a relationship with a person who does not want to communicate with you.

In order to accurately understand your feelings and the feelings of your chosen one, time is needed. Do not rush, because haste in matters of the heart can result in serious family problems in the future. Show a little patience, and you will definitely meet your soul mate, destined for you from above.

Very often you can hear a question that people ask psychics: “How to find your chosen one?”, or: “Is this my person?” or another way: “Is this person destined for me or not?”

You can identify your chosen one, given to you by fate, by some certain characteristics, assessing which, you can guess whether this person is really yours.

To begin with, everyone needs to realize that before fate gives you the one and only one, your soulmate, you must undergo a kind of preparation - these can be a variety of relationships - from light flirting to conflicting heavy alliances with people completely unsuitable for you. Sometimes, at the same time, you may get the impression that you are a chronic loser in everything related to your personal life, but this is not so.

By meeting and parting with different people, you gain irreplaceable experience and the ability to truly appreciate the moment when you finally meet your person.

There are key signs by which you can identify it:

1. Next to this person you don’t need to put on masks and play roles, you become yourself.

2. This person perceives you as you are, does not force you to make global changes, does not force you to compromise your principles and beliefs, respects and accepts your decisions.

3. With this person you gain greater confidence in yourself, your strengths and capabilities.

4. With this person, you become more successful and luckier in life, starting from ordinary life circumstances, and ending with career advancement, achievements in creativity, improvement in the material sphere, etc.

5. Even your health, when you are with this person, begins to improve - chronic and incurable diseases go away, you become more active and energetic.

Next to your person, you inevitably become luckier and more successful in all areas of life, and more and more new opportunities open up before you.

And on the contrary, if there is a person next to you who is not destined for you, who is energetically incompatible with you, then you will lose your success in life and constantly feel tired and irritated. You may suffer losses in the material and professional sphere, and you will also notice a deterioration in your well-being. Of course, these signs may appear clearly or be hidden, but one way or another, after a while you may realize that you are either marking time, or your life is beginning to slowly but surely collapse.