How to call a brownie, how to communicate with a brownie. What does the brownie come to: reasons

To find out if there is a brownie in the house, try this. Clear the kitchen table any evening. There should be nothing on it except the tablecloth. After this, put a full glass of semi-sweet red wine on the table, preferably Cahors. Place a piece of soft white bread (loaf) greased with butter on a saucer. You can sprinkle a thin layer of flour around it, but this is not necessary. Having prepared everything, say out loud: “Father Brownie, come and eat your dinner.”

There should be no one in the kitchen until the morning. This applies not only to people, but also to animals. In the morning, before sunrise, get up and be the first to enter the kitchen. Others can come in after you.
If there is one in the house brownie, he will definitely come and eat. You will see that there is less wine in the glass. There are small marks on the bread and butter and crumbs on the table. Sometimes the bread is bitten. There are also visible marks on the flour. When I called the brownie, they looked like the footprints of a small bird.

This method of calling a brownie is suitable for those who have a bad relationship with the owner of the house or for some reason he does not like you and does nasty things. In this case, you feed him for reconciliation.
The ritual is performed by the one who has problems with the brownie, and the words said are: “Father brownie! This is for you. Eat, help yourself, don’t be angry with me, don’t be offended.”

Usually after this the brownie does not touch the person whom he did not like before and stops doing nasty things.

Communicate with the brownie as with an ordinary person. Talk to him out loud, you can ask for help. Give him treats more often, not forgetting to tell him that the treat is for him.

You can write a note to the brownie and hide it in a secluded place. If he deems it necessary, he will take this note and answer it. If not, he will throw your message at your feet or will not react at all.

To see the brownie, develop clairvoyance. I saw all the brownies. And not because I wanted to, it just somehow happened naturally. One brownie slept with us, ate with us, and we watched TV together. If he didn’t like a movie or program, he climbed into the wires and started screwing around there. At night I sorted through cereals in the kitchen and went for a walk through the window. At first, my husband and I thought that it was strangers’ cats climbing, we watched, but the rustling continued, and no one was visible.

Then he began to come and sleep with us. It was clear that someone was climbing over our legs and lying down - a depression was visible on the blanket. Our cat got up to look and went back to sleep peacefully.

I saw two brownies. One - when we lived in Russia (black), and the second - in Kharkov (chestnut color). Both are small furry creatures with huge eyes that match the color of their fur. The nose is like that of a small dog, and the height is about 20 cm. Outwardly they resemble a soft toy.

And when I lived in my native Makeevka, our brownie cat was Nafanya. He appeared at night and left the house at dawn. Then I had to leave, and my uncle and his wife moved into the house. And our Nafanya disliked them. Whatever he did to them! He turned pots of food, pulled meat out of the refrigerator, took it outside and called other cats for lunch. No matter how hard my relatives tried, they could not get rid of Nafanka. This cat is over 20 years old, but he feels great and doesn’t seem to be going to die.

I don’t know why you need to see a brownie, but if such a need arises, then try to do this. Sit in the house all alone and say as loudly as possible (but do not shout): “I am addressing the brownie, the master-father. Appear, show yourself, open yourself to my gaze. I’m calling you and I want to see you in order to...” (explain why).

If it's just for fun, you won't see anyone. In general, you should disturb and disturb the owner of the house if you really have a serious problem, you need help, or there is danger hanging over the house. Otherwise, the brownie may get angry and punish. It can lead to madness. So it's better not to joke about it.

Brownie in the house and in the apartment. Who is a brownie and what is he like? What does a brownie look like? Is it possible to see a brownie? Photos of a brownie - do they exist? Why does a brownie strangle him in his sleep? How to appease a brownie? How to drive out a bad brownie? Everything about the brownie in this article.

One day one of my clients expressed to me her concerns about the behavior of her little daughter. The little girl behaved as if she was really communicating with some invisible entities: she smiled at someone, said hello, and waved her hand in a friendly manner. One of the woman’s acquaintances suggested that the reason for the girl’s behavior was the evil eye or fear, and advised her to contact her “grandmother” or a magician. What's the matter? The explanation may seem fantastic to some readers, but it is the most obvious. The girl really communicates with a representative of the astral world - with a brownie who lives in the same apartment with her. Because a brownie in an apartment or a brownie in a house is a common thing.


A brownie is an astral spirit, very close to our physical world, which lives in our houses and apartments. It is believed that brownies have within them the incarnated souls of deceased young children. Therefore, a brownie usually has the intelligence of a small child. Young brownies are playful and mischievous, they hide things and bully pets. Adult brownies try to behave seriously; they feel like the “owners” of the apartment or house in which they live. Every brownie in the house is sure that this is “his house.”


Yes, sometimes we can see a brownie. The human eye is capable of recording not only objects of the material world, but also non-physical phenomena. However, in the human mind there are a number of unique barriers through which such information does not pass. For some people, these barriers work poorly or do not function at all, and the perception of reality for such people differs significantly from traditional ideas about the world. For some especially sensitive and emotional children, the barrier to the receipt of “otherworldly” information has not yet been formed, and these children easily and unhinderedly talk and play with brownies, and with other astral spirits. If your child behaves in a similar way, you should not be alarmed. As a rule, over time, unusual games stop, but the brownie will carefully protect the baby from all sorts of troubles: from electrical appliances, fire, falls and even from diseases! This is precisely the function that a brownie usually performs: protecting a house or apartment from troubles and troubles.

However, if invisible things frighten a child, and he is afraid of the darkness and corners of the apartment, complains about visits from “women and gnomes who choke”, the matter really lies in the damage caused to the child or the evil eye. Or the child is strangled by a brownie, which also happens. In this case, you need to immediately remove this scourge from a specialist in magical affairs. It is often enough for me to spend 2-3 sessions with a child for the nightmare visions that haunt him to stop. And the doctor will prescribe tranquilizers to the child, which are more likely to destroy the liver and kidneys than to cope with evil spirits.


The brownie looks like some kind of mixture of a small furry gnome and a black cat. Most often, the brownie himself determines whether his household can see him or not. By the way, if you want to find out if there is a brownie in your apartment, ask your child about it. Perhaps he managed to spot a small furry man in the dark. If you happen to see your dog barking at the corner of the room or your cat hissing and trying to fight with emptiness, rest assured that the problem is the brownie. But this home spirit does not live in every apartment, and not in every house, as is commonly believed. It happens that modern multi-storey buildings are not to the taste of the brownie.

Would you like to see a real photo of a brownie? It is below, illustrating a story told to me in a letter by one of my old acquaintances. I quote the text of the letter in its entirety.

The author of the story made a completely correct assumption. In the photo in the upper left corner there is indeed an image of a classic brownie. By the way, this is a rare case when a brownie can be captured in a photograph! And the poltergeist happening in the apartment clearly indicates the activity of a disgruntled brownie. Perhaps among your relatives, neighbors or acquaintances there is a grandfather - such a tyrant, always dissatisfied with everything and constantly grumbling. This is precisely the character inherent in most brownies - after all, they are quite many years old. So, don’t be surprised if your brownie doesn’t like the idea of ​​renovations in “his” home, and he will actively show his dissatisfaction. Although, over time, the house spirit will most likely “let go.”


People often ask: is a brownie good or evil? It happens differently. More often than not, the brownie is a kind essence, he protects the house from fires, thieves, and can even turn off the iron you forgot. The brownie is especially active on the eve of significant events in your life. During such periods, he may appear to you at night, trying to warn and prepare you for something. You can cross him and read: “Our Father” - the spirit will disappear, but it’s better to ask the brownie: “For good or for bad?” He will answer, not very legibly, though (“Dooo...” or “Huuu...”), but it is clear to you what to expect. And the moans and cries of the brownie foreshadow the death of the owner of the house. How to appease a brownie? It is customary to sometimes feed a good brownie with bread or cookies and milk left on the table at night. In the morning, give the leftover food to the animals.


Sometimes brownies behave arrogantly and unkindly: they hide things, scare children and pets, and interfere with sleep at night. In this case, you need to talk very seriously and demandingly with the brownie - he will hear you, rest assured! Sometimes brownies show sexual activity towards one of the women living in the apartment (age and external characteristics do not matter to these spirits). In my practice, I communicated with dozens of women who complained about brownie harassment! Moreover, the domestic spirit in its harassment can be very jealous, and does not allow any man to approach the woman, and may even contribute to the destruction of the family! Such brownies must be mercilessly disposed of by expelling them from the house, otherwise the woman risks living her life alone, and even getting physically exhausted. Brownies are not averse to feasting on human energy, which is why it happens that brownies strangle people in their sleep. In fact, this process only feels as if a person is being strangled. At this time, the brownie sits on the chest of its victim and drinks its breath, engaging in energy vampirism.


It is difficult to drive out an evil brownie on your own; a magician or a strong healer was always invited for this procedure. The standard idea that comes to mind for most people in such situations - to call the priest from the church - actually turns out to be a stupid idea. Consecrating a house by a priest very rarely helps get rid of a bad spirit. Evil spirits may be afraid of either a strong white magician or a sincerely believing righteous priest. There are still strong magicians, but finding a righteous priest is an extremely difficult task.


Brownies with good character protect your home not only from physical troubles, but also from damage and curses. Many cases of the so-called poltergeist (hum, noise, fuss, voices, etc.) are explained by the struggle of the brownie against the damage caused. Sometimes poltergeist phenomena accompany the appearance in an apartment of the soul of a deceased person, for example, a relative. But more often, a poltergeist is a manifestation of damage caused to a home.

I have read many articles and pamphlets about poltergeist incidents. Every time the police, geologists, electricians, scientists with sensors and tape recorders came to such an apartment. Everyone gave their own logical and well-founded explanations for what was happening, and the anomalous chaos in the apartment continued until the owners thought of bringing a healer or magician. The apartment is being cleaned of damage, and the poltergeist is gone. And centuries ago and now, the methods of dealing with poltergeists (that is, with damage) are just as simple: candles, herbs, water, a broom and spells. You can read one of these conspiracies yourself if a noisy spirit appears in your apartment.

Walk around the apartment clockwise with a lit wax candle in your hand, spray the corners and thresholds with Epiphany water, and fumigate the room with smoke from the smoldering branches of wormwood and St. John's wort. And then sweep all the rubbish out of the apartment - from the farthest corner to the threshold with the words: " In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen. From the Prayer of the Mother of God, from the Cross of Jesus, from the Seal of Christ, from the help of the saints, from my word, be gone, unclean demon, cursed spirit, from this house to dry trees, to mosses and swamps. And there is your place, life, stay and will, and there you shout, and not in this house you are self-willed! The Lord Jesus Christ himself, the mother of the Most Holy Theotokos, all the heavenly power and all the holy wonderworkers: Nafont and Marof, Cyprian, Justinia, the Canon of Isauria, Dmitry of Rostov, Elijah the Prophet, Nicholas the Wonderworker and my terrible word and the conspiracy is strong; I forbid you, cursed demon, unclean spirit, do not live anywhere and do not be in this house, get out now and this very minute with all the damage and spells and get away from here and go to your place where you were and where the Lord God sent you and where he told me to live. Go to the abyss of the underworld, to the empty unmade land; go there, live there, and leave this house forever, from now until forever! Amen, amen, amen".

More information about brownies is contained in my article:

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In Japan, there is a funny tradition according to which you should say “Bless you” to a sneezing cat. In this case, the person will never have toothache, or at least in the near future he will not have to go to the dentist.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what awaits you in the near future.

How to see a brownie

Our ancestors knew exactly where the brownie lived - of course, in the most comfortable place, behind the stove. What about apartments? Or in modern cottages? How can you see a brownie and be convinced of its existence? Unfortunately, these mystical guardians are not very willing to make contact with humans, so their presence can (for the most part) only be guessed at.

How to see a brownie in the house?

Where does he live?

It is a little easier for owners of private estates to personally get to know the “grandfather” - he prefers dark, secluded corners, which are usually abundant in old houses. This could be an attic or cellar, a bathhouse or a barn. Sometimes during the day brownies hide under the stairs. Moreover, if you believe the rumor, exclusively under the third step from the top. The ancestors had their own tricks that allowed them to see the brownie at home. For example, trace where the cat most often looks, and then look at this place through a sieve or horse collar.

What does it look like?

The owner of the estate appears in “human” form extremely rarely. You definitely won’t find him during the day—this is not the time when otherworldly entities feel at ease. If you're lucky, you can see a brownie at night - in the form of a small fluffy lump that resembles a piece of fur or a ball of thread and dust. Sometimes the “grandfather” appears in the form of an animal - the same cat or dog. True, he demonstrates such clear evidence of his presence in exceptional cases - when it is necessary to give people a sign, to warn about something.

When can we meet?

But how can you see a brownie in an apartment when there are no hoops or attics or sheds nearby? The easiest way to do this is in your sleep. More precisely, at the moment of sudden awakening. It happens that people, lying in bed in a state of half-asleep, clearly sense some living creature next to them. It can sit next to you on the bed, creaking with springs, or perch directly on a person’s chest. If you open your eyes at this moment, you can see a vague silhouette, which, most likely, will immediately melt away. If the brownie strokes his cheek goodbye, the sign promises peace and prosperity to the house.

What to do if you see a brownie?

Don't bother, don't worry

The brownie is an ambiguous creature. On the one hand, there is a guardian and protector. But in some situations, the “grandfather” is capable of causing a lot of trouble for his “neighbors”. He is touchy, vindictive, and has a rather difficult, quarrelsome disposition. You shouldn’t irritate him again with obsessive attention. True, the old man gets along well with pets, and he treats small children favorably. If a child sees a brownie, there is no need to be afraid, it does not bode well.

From the other world, they are carefully hidden from human eyes, and accordingly, their appearance has a deep meaning.

The reasons for the appearance depend on the methods of the brownie's arrival. If he slams the door, he will be dead; if he groans or moans pitifully, he will be in trouble; if he rattles pots, he should be afraid of a fire.

Why does the brownie come

Russian people have always treated brownies with great respect. They were considered the owners of the house, who loved cleanliness, protected the inhabitants of the home and moved with people to a new place of residence.

Since ancient times, there has been a rule: if a brownie appears, he wants to warn about something, so you need to ask him the question: “For better or for worse?” The creature will certainly give an answer.

Sometimes the brownie comes just like that. This often happens when new residents move into the house. He appears not only to meet them, but also to show that he also lives here. And this also applies to pets. Cats and dogs clearly see brownies and sometimes play with them. But if the creature does not love them, there will be no peace for him. Therefore, beloved members of the household sometimes run away: they go out for a walk and never return.

Sometimes representatives of the other world appear to show concern for household members. This usually happens after a long absence of people. The brownie gets bored and shows that he managed to protect and preserve their home.

Why does the brownie come at night?

Most often, the arrival of brownies is felt at night. According to ancient beliefs, if a person sees a brownie or talks to an otherworldly creature, he may forever lose the ability to speak or go crazy. That's why these creatures come in dreams. A person can feel them, hear them, but will not be able to open their eyes and utter at least one word. And questions are asked mentally. The brownie can read minds and answers questions in a clear (usually male) voice.

There are many answers to the question of why a brownie comes at night and begins to strangle him:

  • the brownie survives a person from the house;
  • plays with the owner;
  • warns about something important;
  • predicts a quick move.
  • Cases of attacks by brownies on guests staying overnight are common. Most likely, strangers treat their owners badly, and the brownie is trying to make sure that these people no longer disturb his property.

    Brownies are very mischievous and love to play. They hide household items and then quietly drop them in unusual places.

    Brownies often warn their owners about damage. They feel people with negative thoughts at a distance and therefore try in every possible way to prevent them. For example, troubles happen to a person who comes: everything falls out of his hands, clothes may accidentally tear or he may get a headache.

    Sometimes brownies come during major church holidays to enjoy a tasty treat. This is where the tradition of feeding the mystical protector came from. To do this, sweets and milk are left on the table overnight with words inviting them to try the treat.

    In the old days, there were rituals associated with the brownie. They asked him about the future, asked him to help with business, and celebrated his birthday. It is not recommended to practice with rituals, since an incorrectly performed ritual can only anger the creature.

    One can only guess what the brownie comes to. Even if a person does not immediately understand what the creature from the subtle world needs from him, the answer will come in the coming days. with the household member himself or his loved ones, or maybe he will hear news about someone he knows.

    Many people think that a brownie is some kind of old man who consists of flesh and body. This old guy supposedly moves at such a speed and in such a way that we cannot see him. Many people think that the brownie constantly misleads us. But in fact, a brownie is energy, it is an energetic essence. Energy or spirit is invisible to the human eye. Only psychics see it, and even then not always.

    People have long believed that a brownie could have magical things, for example, an invisibility hat, as well as a “transferless coin.” But people still try to establish contact with the spirit world.

    You can try to pick up such a useful coin from the brownie. To do this you need to take certain actions. At midnight, swaddle a black cat, throw it into a bathhouse or bathtub and say the phrase: “You have a child on you, give me an untranslatable ruble!” Then run from this place, don't look back. In this case, you need to cross yourself three times. Perhaps after this the spirit will be favorable to you. Moreover, he will not be able to harm you if everything is done correctly.

    After this, the very first coin you find will serve as a sign to you that you will soon have more money.

    There is also a way to pick up the invisibility cap. To do this, you need to go to church and during matins in the church (when they go around the church in a procession of the cross), you need to return home with a lit candle. It is at this time that a brownie may be encountered on the way home. You need to not get confused, but take off the brownie’s hat, and let him put on his own hat.

    After this you need to return to the walls of the church. The candle should not go out.

    This is a method described in many sources. But it remains unclear how one can rip off the immaterial cap from an immaterial spirit? Probably not.

    A real way to see a brownie

    Several methods by which you can detect a brownie. First way– special detection. To do this, buy a large candle with such a layout that it will be enough for Good Friday and on Saturday and Sunday for matins. Between Matins on Sunday and Mass, you need to go into the barn or look into the attic with this candle. At this time, the brownie should sit in the corner and not move at all. You can even try to talk to him.

    Second way- This is an accidental discovery of a brownie in the morning or at night. At this time, the brownie walks around the house or apartment. At this time, he is either in a good mood, or he is not having fun, and then it is better not to mess with him.

    If the house has a wooden staircase, then you can stand on the third step and look between your legs.

    Also, a brownie may appear if you wait for it during Easter week in a barn or attic, wearing a collar. At the same time, you need to maintain complete silence and calm. If a brownie sees a person, he will try to harm him in some way.
    One of the surest ways to see a brownie is when on Easter Sunday, wearing everything new, a person goes to church service. Then you need to anoint your head with simple lamp oil and, during the service itself, suddenly look around. It is at this moment that you can see the brownie for who he really is. But such a meeting may not be without consequences. A brownie can harm a curious person.

    To see a brownie and try to make friends with him, you can enter into a special agreement with him. To fulfill this agreement, a person must bring a candle and a piece of bread to the housekeeper every night. In return, the brownie must help such a person in any of his endeavors and at any request.

    There are many more ways to see a brownie and attract its attention. But the brownie is an evil spirit, an otherworldly force that can not only not help, but also greatly harm a person. If the brownie is angry, he can even drive a person to suicide.

    If a person forcibly forced a brownie to show up, then after this he may become very ill and may die prematurely. The brownie has many ways to harm the curious. Its terrible appearance can frighten a person so much that he will never want to seek a meeting with the brownie again.

    If you disturb a brownie and force him to pay attention, then after that you can change a lot. There will be no turning back, so think not 10, but 100 times before doing something.