How did our ancestors search for treasures? Ancient beliefs. Earth grandfather. How can a digger appease an old man? Grandfather buried a treasure how to find it

Hello everyone, all of us, diggers and treasure hunters, are mostly superstitious people and believe in various signs, signs, and so on. It is not surprising, because the search for treasures is often associated with great luck, so it would be nice to increase the chance of getting the earth jackpot by all means.

There is a belief among coin diggers that the so-called " earth grandfather". Who is this, what kind of miracle Yudo? There are many versions, according to one of the bottom, the earthen grandfather is the head of all the treasures hidden underground, the so-called unspoken god of diggers. And in front of the cop you need to somehow bend in front of him, set up communication with the earth in a positive way, win the approval of the earthen grandfather and maybe he will become generous and give the digger a small treasure or a few coins.

How to appease the earthen grandfather?
It all depends primarily on the imagination of the treasure hunter. Everyone does it differently. Most often, of course, before starting the search, they bury a handful of unnecessary coins in the ground, saying some of their spells like "I offer gifts to you, earthen grandfather, in order to win your favor, give grandfather, a small treasure or a small amount of coins." Well, who is in what much.

In addition to burying coins, they also pour a glass of vodka into the hole and put a candy or a sandwich there to eat. After all, who knows, suddenly the earthen grandfather likes to drink a little. And every professional digger carries a little vodka with him just in case))

And here, take a look at the photo album, now I’m sorting it out, I think in the future I’ll teach you how to make amazing photo galleries.

By the way, I muddied the vote here, most of the diggers use garrett detectors, and I thought they would win. It seems to me that Garrett takes the number of cheap models, the same legendary one is not so expensive, but he is very good.

Who is or what is the earth grandfather? Perhaps the only more or less intelligible answer to this question is the earth spirit, the keeper of treasures, losses and other valuables hidden in the ground or lost. Of course, this character did not appear today. Mankind has been engaged in treasure hunting throughout its history and, of course, these searches were accompanied by rituals designed to appease or at least protect the seeker from the spirit, and sometimes God the guardian of underground riches. Hundreds of years passed, turning into millennia, whole peoples came and disappeared in the fog of history, but the spirit of adventure and excitement has always lived in a person, which means that the topic of treasure hunting is an eternal topic! And in what time you don’t live, what language you don’t speak, the treasure hunter on his thorny path will always be accompanied by someone who keeps the object of his desire, and this treasure or an arrowhead that has lain in the ground for a thousand years is not so important. It is clear that the image of the guardian spirit of the earth and everything hidden in it came to us from our pagan ancestors. After all, the then man, literally at every step, was accompanied, in modern terms, by all kinds of entities. And faith in many of them has successfully survived to this day. So, our earthly Grandfather image is very ancient and mysterious. How everyone decides to treat him, or decides for himself, I just want to note that people of different social groups (pilots, archaeologists, doctors, artists) have all kinds of beliefs and signs, as well as a certain procedure designed to attract good luck.

In our business, of course, there are a very large number of different ways to appease Grandfather. True, they all boil down to one thing. Treat him and make a request or conspiracy. But there are people who consider it quite enough to just go out into the field with a smile on their face and a kind word to the ground, and some search engines, without fail, before starting to dig, read a short, Orthodox prayer for the repose of the souls of the people who lived in this place. Here I want to give several ways of "feeding" the earthen Grandfather, which I see as the most revealing. Pouring vodka into the hole, they say - "Help yourself to Grandfather, let the coin be clean."

It must be remembered that Grandfather appreciates respect and likes to drink first.

Another interesting verdict, also, throwing a glass into the hole, they say - “Give me Grandfather, it’s not harmful, what a joy to give you. There will be Grandfather, in a hundred years and grace to you.

There are also our colleagues who believe that pouring alcohol to Grandfather is a uniform disgrace and claim that he prefers sweets, namely sweets. Here is an example - "Gave sweets, take coins." Of course, this is said when these very candies are put in the hole.

Well, another of the most common options for appeasing Grandfather is to offer him a modern walking coin or banknotes for exchange. Here are two such examples.

We dig the first hole and put a modern, paper bill there. And the spell is: "Exchange assets for copper Catherine." Why exactly Ekaterina, I personally don’t understand, but here, probably, someone wants to find something. Well, the last example. We pour a handful of little things into the hole, say - “These are the little things mountain! Give me Peter of silver." There are also stories, from the category of digging tales, about alleged meetings with an old man on a dig, in a deserted place. And here it all depends on how the digger behaves, if dismissively and boorishly, then forget about the finds. But if with respect and attention, then you will leave not just with prey, but with a dream.

About myself, I can say that for me, as a person for whom everything around is alive and has a soul, it is simply natural to have a respectful attitude towards nature, of course, first of all towards the earth. Therefore, I do not see the need for any special rituals. But here is the treat of the earthen Grandfather, this is a tradition that I observe with pleasure.

About the earthen grandfather... Among the muddy and heterogeneous in its form and composition of the society of lovers of instrumental search or diggers, there are many tales about the so-called earthen grandfather. These tales are often of a mythological nature and, like any myth, they carry reflections of real events. Most often, the earthen grandfather is perceived as a kind of inanimate force that lives in the places of former settlements, which can act both for the benefit and to the detriment of a person. Something like a goblin or brownie. A significant part of the diggers, arriving at the next abandoned village, performs a certain ritual - in an attempt to appease the grandfather. Having dug the first hole, they pour a stack of vodka or beer into it (vodka is better), they can put candy or a small modern coin there, while asking the grandfather to make an exchange for old coins. Oddly enough, many diggers in conversations noted that after the ritual, coins came across more often than without it. In believing in a certain sequence of actions leading to a positive result, diggers are not alone. Fishermen and hunters, drivers and pilots, many representatives of different social groups have certain signs and a certain algorithm of actions also aimed at achieving a positive result. There is, however, other evidence of an earth grandfather. Often he can appear on the field, in the form of an untidy village peasant, who can simply ask what the person with the metal detector is doing here, or turn to the digger with a request. In the first case, if the digger is a fairly sociable person, in a conversation he will say hello, show the peasant his finds - small coins, fragments of spoons, forged nails and the remains of horse jewelry. The peasant will look at all this goodness, laugh, think and ask about gold and silver, to which the digger (honestly!) Will answer that he found a lot of vodka corks, but there are problems with gold. And then the conversation will go on, gradually moving to the everyday level - how the people live here, how many berries are in the forest, until the trickle of conversation dries up. And in parting, the peasant will wave his hand towards the edge of the forest and with the words - look there, - he will go about his business. And the digger will look at the trail of the peasant, and knowing for sure that there is nothing there, at the edge of the forest, and never was, nevertheless, slowly shifts with his device in the indicated direction. And when, already thinking that the day was wasted, the digger hears a color signal, starts digging and at a depth of forty centimeters finds a bunch of copper nickels. And then, remembering a conversation with a peasant, it seems that the conversation is remembered, but you can’t even remember how that peasant looked, and there’s nowhere for him to come from - there are only fields around, abandoned and villages destroyed with huge poplars. There are no residential villages here, there is nowhere for the Russian people to come from. And a belated thought will come to mind that it was not otherwise that the earthen grandfather talked to the digger, he was bored sitting among the devastated Russian villages, so he came to talk. In other cases, the grandfather may also request to apply. It used to happen that a digger was driving in his car, in the rain, along a muddy dirt road, and he knew for sure that he was driving in vain today, and the rain would continue, and it wouldn’t be long to get stuck on such a road, and there was no tractor nearby, when he suddenly saw a dirty and a wet villager who, seeing a car through the rain, raised his hand. And knowing perfectly well that man is a wolf to man, and that if you don’t do good to people you won’t get evil, and that you will have to clean the car and wash the cover from the right front seat, the digger stops and puts the villager in his car. And the fellow traveler is not only dirty and not talkative, and the smell from him is such an old man's smell. And the fellow traveler grumbles - I don’t care ..., and the driver understands that it seems to be on the way, but then you have to turn off the dirt road and get through the field. And they drive on together, in silence, and the car floats along the muddy road, to the turnaround needed by the fellow traveler. And having approached it, you understand that you will drive off onto this road, but now you can’t drive further, and not only can’t drive, but you can’t get back to the dirt road. And with a sigh, with some relief, the digger tells his fellow traveler that he cannot go any further. The fellow traveler grumbles unhappily and unintelligibly, clumsily opens the door, and, getting out of the car, grumbles with displeasure - okay, take it. - and slamming the door, he leaves along the field road. The driver chuckling, opening the windows, drives on to his tract. And having arrived at the place, the weather is getting better, and the finds are pleasing. And at the end, he digs up a treasure trove of Soviet fifty dollars, wrapped in a rotten rag, and the smell from the rag is not good, old man's. Maybe grandpa paid for the fare.

Who is "Earth Grandpa"?

Who is Earth Grandpa? Let's touch on this topic and try to find an answer to this sensitive question regarding all search engines, superstitious and not so. Among the treasure hunters about Earth Grandfather everyone knows! On the Internet you can find a lot of legends and tales about this hero (character), while each of them can be radically different from each other.

Something else is important here, a real search is simply unthinkable if the search engine ... does not believe in this hero! For a layman or a beginner to delve into this hobby, this sign and belief may seem something out of the ordinary, funny and absurd! But tOnly practice shows that the lack of faith inEarth Grandfather , in most cases leaves the treasure hunter with a bunch of different shmurdyak. You can walk across the field for more than a day, dig up parts from agricultural machinery, but you can’t pick up anything worthwhile.

But it is enough to carry out a ritual of coaxing Earth Grandpa as soon as the situation is reversed. To believe or not in this matter - everyone decides for himself, but for a treasure hunter it is something sacred, he is revered, and it depends only on him whether you will have swag in your bag for finds, or lids from wine and vodka products 🙂

Ways to Appease Earth Grandpa

In fact, there is nothing complicated in this, and there are no rules for coaxing the Earth Grandfather - everything is simple. You can dig a hole and put a few coins (modern or any other) there, and then bury the hole; you can put a piece of sugar or chocolate in the hole, someone pours a stack on the field.

At the same time, you can and should ask Grandfather for some finds! Do not forget!

There is another side to this ritual: if you have found something, then by placing some objects in the ground, you thereby give other search engines a chance to find your “treasure”, that is, some balance and interest are maintained.

This is especially interesting in the fields, since the area with your coins is constantly plowed, and the coin can “walk” all over the field. Another peculiarity was noticed during the search, which defies explanation.

If during the search for finds there are practically no finds or only rusty pieces of iron and garbage come across, you can try to just talk to Grandfather, ask him for a coin so that he throws you something interesting. You can do this mentally, to yourself, but it is better to say the words out loud. It sounds, of course, ridiculous and absurd, but in tribute to traditions, many search engines do this!

And what's more, in some cases the method works, Earth Grandfather loves to be honored, respected and considered with his possessions. Naturally, it is necessary to observe the ethics of the search engine:

  • dig holes behind oneself
  • be careful in your search
  • do not litter
  • search only where allowed
  • just be human...

exists, even if not as a physical being, then as a talisman, an imaginary friend and assistant to the treasure hunter. And even if you have the simplest device, but great faith in your luck and the invisible help of the Earthy Dudushka, luck will definitely smile. What do you want!

Your Alexander Maksimchuk!
The best reward for me as an author is your like on social networks (tell your friends about this article), also subscribe to my new articles (just enter your email address in the form below and you will be the first to read them)! Do not forget to comment on the materials, and also ask any questions you have about treasure hunting! I am always open to communication and try to answer all your questions, requests and comments! Feedback on our website works stably - do not be shy!

When the treasure-hunting experience is calculated in years, you already somehow look at this hobby in a different way, the result itself is no longer so important, but the process of preparing for the exit caresses the soul much more, meeting with old hobby friends, “jumping” of a crowd of men with a variety of metal detectors over an interesting signal, in an attempt to guess what is there.

It is interesting to look at the newcomers, for whom the exit with a metal detector took place, if they managed to find something. They are still “young”, while the “cop” has not yet revealed itself to them in all its glory. Nothing, someday they will also comprehend this blissful state, when you stand in the morning or at sunset, the sun beats a little in your eyes, you inhale clean air, and the sky is so high, and the field is so huge, friends proven over the years are nearby. What else does a person need? But this understanding will come later.

One of the most unforgettable and revered by all diggers and all kinds of shmurdyak is the ritual of appeasing the Earth Grandfather. Who came up with this hero, where it all started, is hard to say, but the fact is that almost all search engines honor this action, pass it from mouth to mouth, and at the exit with newcomers, this ceremony is mandatory, giving it global importance.

How to appease the Earth Grandfather

The question arises, how can one persuade and win over the Earthly Grandfather so that he does not offend, so that instead of foil and wire, he tosses coins? There are many methods, and it's impossible to list them all. As a rule, many comrades simply dig a hole, ask Grandfather for swag, and then throw coins into the hole, most often a walker.

Other search engines are sure that the Earthly Grandfather is a fan of eating and eating a little, so they pour a little drink into the hole or just on the field, and apply a snack (sausage, a piece of bread). The third category is that loves sweets - and they are just as right in their belief in luck. This group of people drop sugar cubes, candies and other goodies.

Most importantly - believe in Earth Grandfather

There are many variations, the main thing is that people believe in it. At one time, it seemed to many of my hobby friends that this was all complete nonsense and some kind of complacency, that it was not worth wasting time on something that was not clear, but it was better to immediately start searching. And they searched, they found something. But, there were moments when you leave almost all day, and in the habarnitsa there is only dust and emptiness. Even traffic jams do not come across.

And believe it or not, but one has only to talk with the Earthly Grandfather, even mentally turn to him as the last resort, as a signal immediately appears, and joy overwhelms the person. It is difficult to say whether this is a coincidence or something else, but this fact happens regularly, each search engine notes such cases for itself, determines exactly its own style and manner of communication with the Earthly Grandfather.

Multifaceted treasure hunting

There are comrades who, instead of dropping coins and coaxing Grandfather with sweets, simply scatter coins across the field, as if sowing. And there are generalists who hide coins in tree bark or stumps. Over the years, such a tree will fall, rot, and the coin will naturally fall into the earth. From the realization of this, people are delighted.

So it turns out that this hobby is not attracted by single finds, there are so many topics around the search process itself that everyone will definitely find something for themselves.

And the seasoned, going out onto the field, will still make a hole, quietly drop a few coins there, whisper something softly under their breath, and, confident in their luck, press the button to turn on the device. And who knows, maybe there is something in this, and there is ...

Your Alexander Maksimchuk!
The best reward for me as an author is your like on social networks (tell your friends about this article), also subscribe to my new articles (just enter your email address in the form below and you will be the first to read them)! Do not forget to comment on the materials, and also ask any questions you have about treasure hunting! I am always open to communication and try to answer all your questions, requests and comments! Feedback on our website works stably - do not be shy!