Why do you dream about big tarantula spiders? Why do you dream about Tarantula? Why do you dream about being bitten by a spider?

Did you dream about a huge spider? Seeing in a dream an insect so disliked by many is not necessarily a bad omen, nor is it definitely a good sign. Those who want to correctly interpret what a big spider is dreaming of should take into account the circumstances under which it happened and what emotions the dreamer experienced. Let's see how authoritative esotericists and psychoanalysts interpret the dream with the above-mentioned arthropod.

Favorable dreams

Having looked through Miller's dream book, you can be convinced that a large spider seen in a dream indicates business activity, a creative approach to work and quick recognition by superiors. Also a good omen - dream about this insect sitting calmly on a web. Such a dream foreshadows success in business and harmony in family life. But at the same time, you should take a close look at new acquaintances, since luck can be achieved through dangerous connections. This is what it says Loff's dream book.

It’s good to see a big spider in a dream in the company of a small one, this is a sure sign of good luck in all endeavors in the very near future. If you dreamed a huge black tarantula and they managed to kill it, you can rejoice - such a dream speaks of victory over enemies and the opportunity to avoid impending troubles. Vanga's Dream Book also indicates that victory in the fight with this poisonous arthropod in the dream will bring relief from diseases.

Kill an attacking black spider in a dream- an excellent sign, however, the ancient dream book interprets a dream with an insect of this particular color sitting calmly in the house as a promise of a good life. Promises no less favorable changes in life Miller's dream book those who dreamed of a white tarantula. For married people, this promises love and mutual understanding, and for single people, a wedding in the near future. For a girl, a dream with many large golden spiders means a quick and prosperous marriage.

Not a good sign

All esotericists agree that running away from a huge insect or even a tiny spider in a dream a very bad omen. In reality, this threatens the complete collapse of a career, and even with public humiliation. No less bad if you dreamed of an attacking tarantula, this portends trouble with superiors or representatives of law enforcement agencies. Vanga's Dream Book promises illness and gossip to those who dreamed of being bitten by a spider.

Dreamed of a huge hairy tarantula crawling or sitting on a person’s body,
indicates the presence in the life of the latter of obvious or secret influential ill-wishers. In addition, regardless of the situation, seeing a large spider in a dream from Saturday to Sunday is considered a bad sign.

Freud's Dream Interpretation

The famous psychoanalyst interpreted in his own way why women or men dream of big spiders. So, if a tarantula appeared in a dream to a representative of the fair sex, it signifies her lack of self-confidence. Freud believed that in real life, ladies who dream of these insects are afraid of losing their lover.

His dream book explains dreams with spiders in a slightly different way . If a man dreamed of a tarantula, this indicates his fear of losing his job or fear of a stronger representative of his sex.

In the case when a person sees himself as a big spider in a dream, he should think about demonstrating leadership qualities in real life. The psychoanalyst explained this by the subconscious consciousness, the feeling of one’s strength and the search for a reason to show it.

One way or another, for those who often see huge furry farts in their dreams, Freud strongly recommended that they re-evaluate themselves and work on increasing their self-esteem. As you can see, dreams with a tarantula are more likely to lead to good changes in life than to bad news.

Why might a spider appear in a dream? Find out in the video below.

Tarantula- warns that your most dangerous enemy is yourself.

Meeting with a tarantula- illness, quarrel.

Dream book for the whole family

Tarantula- you have an unpleasant conversation that you have been putting off for a long time.

If a tarantula tries to sting you and you feel pain- beware of spreading gossip, this will not achieve career growth, but will only make you enemies.

A huge tarantula covered in black fur attacks you- an influential person will try to cause you trouble.

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Why do you dream about a tarantula? Night dreams with such a plot are interpreted differently by ancient and modern dream books. Some suggest associating this insect with a sworn enemy who wants to do harm. Others believe that the tarantula symbolizes good luck, luck, and therefore dreams of happiness. In any case, it is necessary to remember how the tarantula spider looked and behaved in the dream.

Why do you dream about a tarantula: white and black?

Should a person whose night dreams include a white insect be afraid? No, because in this case he will be successful. Most likely, joyful events will occur in the professional sphere, and a significant improvement in your financial situation should not be ruled out.

Unfortunately, the black tarantula never appears in dreams for good. If the owner of the dream in which he appears is a man, the dreamer should beware of envy and intrigue in reality. It is possible that his achievements irritate his work colleagues who will try to poison his life by spreading false gossip.

Representatives of the fair sex should also be wary if they see a black tarantula spider in a dream. There is a high probability of a quarrel with your loved one, which will begin with an unpleasant conversation. A scandal can significantly worsen a relationship; even separation cannot be ruled out. Single ladies should be wary of a serious illness that may already be developing.

Tarantula attack

A tarantula bite is the subject of night dreams, which is considered in Miller’s dream book. If you rely on the opinion of the famous psychologist, in real life the dreamer will face a serious clash with the enemy. It is possible that the conflict with someone from the inner circle has already reached its climax.

A modern dream book claims that a large tarantula showing aggression in a dream promises a clash with a powerful person in reality. The most likely cause of a quarrel will be personal motives, but the conflict can negatively affect the dreamer’s career.

How does Vanga suggest interpreting a tarantula bite in a dream? A famous seer claims that such a dream predicts a serious conversation. The dreamer will try to avoid him, but these efforts will be in vain. If in a dream a person experiences pain from a bite, in real life he will have to face betrayal. The result may be a deterioration in the financial situation and family quarrels.

A large number of

Why do you dream about a tarantula, besides all of the above? Is a dream in which there are many tarantulas considered good or bad? Such a plot suggests that the dreamer in reality is surrounded by ill-wishers. If he is not careful, there is a high probability that their intrigues will achieve their goal.

Tarantulas in the jar also indicate that a conspiracy is being prepared against the sleeper, in which many participants are involved. If spiders destroy each other in night dreams, in real life a person can breathe easy. His ill-wishers are busy conflicting with each other, so they will temporarily leave him alone.

Fear, panic

Fear, panic are emotions that the Modern Dream Book suggests taking into account. The tarantula, which the dreamer is afraid of, is dreamed of if in reality the sleeper has no remorse. It is possible that this is connected with an act committed in the distant past, the consequences of which still torment the person.

Having seen yourself in a dream running away in horror from an attacking tarantula, in reality you should be mentally prepared to receive unpleasant news. This could be a letter that contains negative information.

Various stories

Why do you dream of a tarantula if the dreamer kills a spider? This indicates that in real life a person will be able to triumph over his enemies. Medea's dream book insists on this, predicting a quick reconciliation with one's shortcomings, forgiveness of oneself for bad deeds committed in the past. The dreamer can also say goodbye to phobias and fears that have long poisoned his life.

A spider on clothes - such a dream predicts the successful completion of a complex project. Feeding a tarantula is a plot that promises reconciliation with oneself. It is also possible that the dreamer will make peace with one of his long-time haters, which will allow him to finally find harmony in his soul, which he has been dreaming of for many years.

Many people have arachnophobia (fear of arachnids), so it is not surprising that dreams in which they saw tarantulas are considered warning signs. In addition, meeting a tarantula in reality does not bode well; some types of these insects are very dangerous.

Seeing a tarantula in a dream is a harbinger of a threat, risky situations, or meeting people with evil intentions.

The meaning of spiders in a dream

A warning about impending dangers and troubles is a dream in which you see a tarantula (a large hairy spider).

Watching how it gets close to you in a dream - in reality experience a feeling of hopelessness, doom. Also, a dream with such a plot can be interpreted as cramped circumstances in real life, which will greatly depress you.

A tarantula crawling along your hand is a symbolic dream that serves as a warning that your biggest enemy is yourself.

Lots of spiders

A dream in which you see that you are surrounded on all sides promises difficult moments in reality. You will not be able to control the situation as much as you would like.

Shaking off spiders - in real life you will experience a serious blow to your pride, your position in society will be shaken.

To clearly feel in a dream how a tarantula is crawling over you - to illness, malaise, depressed state of mind.

Seeing in a dream means enemies will appear in your life who are much stronger than you.

A large spider is crawling over you - you will learn about the gossip that is blooming behind your back and tarnish your business reputation, you will lose the trust of a person significant to you.

To drive away a big one means that in reality there will be a favorable outcome of situations, although initially you did not count on it.

Seeing a lot of black spiders in your home means doubts will overcome you. You will be confused and it is possible that you will not be able to navigate a critical situation, which is fraught with loss of well-being for everyone.

Black spiders in a government house (that is, in rooms where you visit, but this is not your home) - you will have to go through troubles related to the business sphere of your life.

Tarantula in the apartment

Seeing this in your home - such a dream promises that in reality you will have quarrels with people whom you previously trusted.

Seeing a tarantula in your bed means illness, loss of strength, and decreased vitality.

To see a tarantula and be very frightened in a dream - in reality you will hear alarming news from afar, you you risk becoming a victim of someone’s slander.

In the house

Seeing a tarantula in the house crawling on personal belongings means that in reality you will feel weak and defenseless.

Tarantula is hiding in the house - a competitor who previously hid his interests in relation to you will make himself known and begin to play openly.

the occurrence of annoying misunderstandings, minor financial losses are possible.

Two tarantulas

Seeing tarantulas in a dream - such a dream serves as a warning that in reality you will have to make a difficult choice on which your future fate will depend.

To see two tarantulas fighting - in real life you will have enough firmly defend one's interests, go against conventional wisdom.

One spider defeated another - this is a warning dream that you will be drawn into conflict situations against your will, which will not have the best effect on your well-being.

An aggressive insect that bites you many times - this dream warns that in reality a whole series of unpleasant situations awaits you.

Big spider bite to the displeasure of the authorities, and this will negatively affect your career.

Feeling pain from a bite in a dream - in reality addressed to you hear unfounded claims, which will upset you and force you to act more harshly towards the person who expressed these offensive words.

Seeing such a dream for a woman means the possible appearance of a woman who is determined to act very decisively.

Kill an insect

A message from the illusory world of dreams symbolizes your victory over circumstances and your weaknesses.

If there is a large crowd of people, many people will witness your triumph, which will give you additional strength and determination.

Kill a spider in your house - get rid of the burden, which weighed you down and darkened your life.

Seeing such a dream during a difficult period of life is a sign that soon your affairs will improve and your critical situation will improve. Another interpretation of this dream: learn important information, thanks to which you can improve your affairs.

Miller's Dream Book

A spider bite in a dream - there are two interpretations:

  • in reality a conversation will take place that you have long and diligently avoided;
  • hear someone else's confession or become the keeper of someone else's secret.

Seeing a spider in your home means you will lose peace, doubts and suspicions will poison your life.

A tarantula crawls along your hand - take spontaneous, thoughtless actions, something you will regret later.

Vanga's Dream Book

Be careful and avoid dubious companies and bad people - this is warned by a dream in which you see a tarantula crawling over you.

Tarantula bite - a dream serves as a warning that in reality you will be manipulated, you you will become a pawn in someone else's game.

Seeing a tarantula in your home is a sign of bad times for you and your family. turbulent times, you have to worry and be sad.

Seeing a tarantula in a dream is interpreted quite ambiguously by dream books. On the one hand, this insect brings good luck, on the other, it is identified with a sworn mortal enemy. When interpreting what this arachnid is dreaming of, you should take a closer look at its appearance and behavior.

Appearance of an insect

According to Medea's dream book, a dream about a tarantula is a warning that the most dangerous enemy for you is yourself. Perhaps, in order to secure the future, you should understand your own thoughts and establish an internal dialogue.

Seeing a large spider, according to Miller’s dream book, promises a difficult dispute with the authorities. The black tarantula is a harbinger of envy and intrigue among work colleagues. A large white tarantula in a dream symbolizes success in work and material wealth.

I dreamed of many tarantulas that had accumulated around the character, indicating the intrigues of those around him. Perhaps your successes haunt people who think you deserve less.

For a woman, what a black tarantula dreams about is interpreted in the dream book as an unpleasant conversation with a loved one, which could end in a huge scandal. Also, a dream vision can warn of the onset of a serious illness.


An aggressive, attacking large tarantula symbolizes a clash with a high-ranking official who will attempt to harm the sleeping person for personal reasons.

Many dream books ambiguously interpret what a tarantula bite means in a dream. So, according to the General Interpreter, the dreamed plot is identified with pleasant moments that will happen in the near future.

According to Miller's dream book, seeing that you have been bitten by a tarantula is a sign of a serious skirmish with an enemy. Perhaps in real life a conflict was already brewing with a certain person, and now this person demands revenge.

According to Vanga, such a dream is a herald of a long-pending serious dialogue, which the sleeping person avoids with all his might. Feeling pain from a bite in a dream means gossip or betrayal, which can shake the dreamer’s stable financial situation or affect family relationships.

According to the dream book for the whole family, feeling pain from a tarantula bite in a dream warns that in real life, to achieve your goals, you do not need to use slander and gossip. By your behavior you will not achieve advancement in your career, but will only acquire new strong enemies and lose your good name.

Seeing one or more tarantulas in a jar signals that an insidious conspiracy is being prepared against the dreamer. I had a chance to watch how they ate each other in a dream - in the near future, your blood enemies will be busy with an interpersonal showdown and will forget about you for a while.

Interaction with an arachnid

Seeing a black hairy spider sitting on your clothes in a dream means that you can handle any task. The main thing is not to lose faith in yourself and confidence in your abilities.

The explanation for why you dream of feeding a spider is ambiguous. On the one hand, this indicates reconciliation with one’s own inner self, on the other, it speaks of the opportunity to find a common language with one’s long-time enemy.

Killing an arachnid in a dream is a sign of victory over prevailing circumstances or hated enemies. According to the interpreter of Medea, killing a tarantula in a dream means reconciliation with oneself, liberation from fears and phobias that paralyze the will.

According to the Modern Dream Book, why you dream of being scared of a tarantula is explained by the remorse that the dreamer will experience from the committed act. A dreamed image may be a harbinger of receiving devastating news, in the form of a letter or greeting card.

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Choose your dream!

Have you ever dreamed about it?


    In the dream, we ourselves got a tarantula, and I pretended that I wasn’t afraid at all, but in fact the fear was colossal, and it crawled towards me and crawled, and it itself was black and red and the red color was already burning, as if it was filled with blood.

    I dreamed that I went under the stairs in the entrance, and there were black tarantulas. I wanted to go out, but they covered the passage with cobwebs and there were 5-6 spiders on it. I had to touch the web to get out and there were 3 spiders hanging from my hood (these were the only ones I saw). Then I carefully took off the jacket without killing them. And then I woke up.

    Many black, furry tarantulas climbed under my jacket, right on my back, and then walked on my clothes. But I caught them all and cooked them.

    The tarantulas were brown, attacked white hares, and sucked them out. Their bodies attracted themselves and stuck to the walls, while they could talk. Then I slammed one in the book and it was all over, it turned out that this crowd was lazy at first, and then, when I killed one, it all ended because he turned out to be the main one.