Fractional meals for weight loss, menu for the week. Fractional meals for weight loss: what is it and how to create a menu for a week or month Fractional diet 5 by 10 for weight loss

There is nothing better than having a beautiful figure and a healthy body at the same time. After all, it’s not enough to lose weight; you need to avoid injuring yourself by losing vitamins and microelements. A nutritious diet through a fractional menu will help you start losing weight, without dramatically changing your usual lifestyle.

There is probably no girl today who has not followed a diet at least once. Some achieved good results, others broke down after a few days. But the most unpleasant moment is the rapid return of lost kilograms.

But with what difficulty they left. And this is where fractional meals come to the rescue. This is a kind of diet, but it does not involve fasting. On the contrary, meals should be frequent, 5-6 times a day.

You can achieve good results in the first week

The fractional nutrition menu is designed not only for weight loss, but also for correcting the diet, for better functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. You can achieve good results in the first week. The kilograms will go away, and the feeling of hunger, and therefore anger, will disappear.

Proper and healthy menu

First, you need to decide what and at what time of day you can eat. It's no secret that the correct breakfast time should be from 7 to 9 am.

List of permitted products:

  • Complex carbohydrates: oatmeal, buckwheat, rice porridge.
  • Omelettes.
  • Fruits.
  • Yogurts.
  • Cereals, muesli.
  • Toast made from whole grain bread.

The next meal should be in 2-3 hours. That is, there will be 3 full meals. Everything else is snacks.

Yes, there are also restrictions on fractional meals. You should give up sweets, starchy foods, fried foods, alcohol, carbonated and sugary drinks; chips and crackers are out of the question.

For lunch, it is best to eat meat, fish, and vegetables. It is better to give up potatoes - this starchy vegetable is very high in calories. Your diet should include more greens and protein.

Dinner is a must have. 3 hours before bedtime, but nevertheless the same full-fledged intake. Best absorbed in the evening:

  • Dairy products (cottage cheese, hard cheese, kefir).
  • Eggs.
  • Proteins (chicken breast, fish, soy).
  • Vegetables.
  • Seafood.

Water must be still

Bread, dried fruits, and nuts can be snacks. It is necessary to consume as much fiber as possible and eat slowly. It is very important to drink enough fluid, 1.5-2 liters per day.

The water should be still, purified. It is useful to drink a glass of water half an hour before each meal. Then your appetite will decrease significantly and the portion will be smaller.

Rules and limitations of proper and healthy fractional meals for a week

To start eating this way, you need to start by cutting back on portions. Nutritionists advise purchasing small dishes for convenience. The portion should become smaller gradually. There should be no sudden steps or stress in fractional meals.

Try dividing your previous portion in half, a little later the food should fit into a glass, then into your palm.

The fractional meal menu for weight loss involves consuming up to 1500 calories per day. A little later, having consolidated the result, the calories eaten can be increased to 2000.

Many girls simply cannot live without sweets. Of course, you shouldn’t give up a spoonful of sugar in your tea.

You should limit yourself to eating sweets in the evening. But in the first half of the day, marshmallows, waffles, juice, savory cookies or dark chocolate will do you good.

There should be no sudden steps in fractional nutrition

After all, simple carbohydrates are a source of strength and good mood. The main thing is within reasonable limits.

Fractional meal menu for the week

A healthy food menu for the week should be planned in advance. Especially if you work, you need to provide for reception hours and food itself.

It's easier to start on a day off so you can make adjustments. We provide you with an example of a healthy food menu for weight loss for 7 days.

Day 1

Breakfast: oatmeal with honey and nuts (5 pieces), tea or coffee.

Snack: yogurt.

Lunch: vegetable broth soup with a slice of whole grain bread.

Snack: Avocado and carrot salad. Juice.

Dinner: eggs, vegetable salad.

Snack: 1% kefir.

Day 2

Breakfast: unsweetened corn flakes with milk.

Snack: apple, pear, orange, 5 plums, 10 grapes (to choose from).

Lunch: boiled buckwheat, chicken cutlets, vegetable salad.

Snack: cheese, tomato, grain bread, tea, coffee.

Dinner: low-fat cottage cheese.

Snack: cucumber, glass of milk.

What is fractional nutrition and how to organize it correctly?

Day 3

Breakfast: natural yogurt with fruit, tea or coffee.

Snack: waffles with milk.

Lunch: a piece of boiled meat with stewed vegetables.

Snack: a handful of dried fruits.

Dinner: seafood salad, vegetables.

Snack: a glass of kefir.

Day 4

Breakfast: rice porridge with milk and raisins.

Snack: nuts, juice.

Lunch: baked fish with vegetables.

Snack: marshmallows, coffee, tea.

Dinner: a couple of slices of cheese, grain bread, vegetables.

Snack: a glass of milk.

There is a lot of discussion about a current topic - nutrition. The variety of information and different sources can lead anyone into a dead end. Let's try to figure out which option will make your diet healthy and balanced. Fractional meals have become a real golden fleece for us. What are the secrets and advantages of this approach to eating, how flexible is the system and what rules should you follow?

In this article, we debunk popular myths about fractional meals and give advice to different categories of people - from pregnant women to patients with gastritis and obesity.

Fractional nutrition is the use of small portions of food throughout the day with breaks between meals of 3-4 hours. The essence of the approach is that the entire daily intake of diet and calories must be divided into 5-6 doses, keeping approximately the same time interval between them. Although this mode involves consuming very small portions, there should be no hunger, since a stable level of glucose will be maintained in the blood.

With fractional meals, the stomach is not so stretched from excess food, which will subsequently allow you to get by with smaller portions. This is especially important in matters of weight loss, when, due to the large size of the stomach, a person cannot get enough of a large portion.

Basic principles of fractional nutrition

Nutritionists have developed 3 options for the regimen. Each of them does not contradict the general principles of fractional nutrition, but can help you adapt to the new system depending on your work and rest schedule.

  1. Option 1 – food on demand. You are allowed to eat every time you feel hungry, and the portion should be as small as possible - just enough to satisfy the acute urge. In on-demand mode, it is allowed to have snacks every 30-40 minutes, but please note that the food for snacks should be healthy. The first option is suitable for people with a high degree of responsibility and not subject to chronic stress. It is easier for them to stick to the regime, they are less prone to overeating and will not turn split meals into one continuous meal.
  2. Option 2 – six meals a day. This is the most versatile mode that fits well into your daily schedule. The entire daily diet is divided into 5-6 servings with an equal number of calories in each. Thus, the break between approaches will be about 4-4.5 hours. In 4 hours, the body partially manages to assimilate the dishes of the previous meal, and the feeling of hunger only begins to make itself felt. Fractional meals for weight loss in the mode of six meals a day are the easiest to follow: the menu is easy to balance, and small portions will help reduce the volume of the stomach.
  3. Option 3 – eat every 2 hours. In this mode, meals should be planned so that the interval between them does not exceed two, maximum three hours. The number of calories in each meal will be approximately the same, but sometimes the calorie content can be reduced due to a busy eating schedule. This option is good for its flexibility; it gives more scope for creating a menu, since it does not require strict adherence to calorie content. The third option is appropriate for athletes who want to reduce the amount of body fat and at the same time increase muscle mass.

Important! Regardless of the frequency of meals, the daily amount of calories should remain the same. If you eat too much at each meal, then such nutrition will not bring any benefit.

What rules should you follow when eating fractional meals?

We have looked at the basic rules of fractional meals, now it’s time to dwell in more detail on the organization of meals. How to make food enjoyable and beneficial for your overall well-being and weight:

  • include at least three hot dishes in your diet - for breakfast, lunch and dinner;
  • the most satisfying meal should be breakfast; it should include complex carbohydrates, which will take a long time to digest and supply the body with calories in the first half of the day;
  • All restrictions are removed from water and tea without sugar - you can drink as much as you want;
  • even if there is no appetite, the diet must still be followed, but it is permissible to reduce the calorie content of dishes to an acceptable level;
  • the diet as a whole should be balanced, the presence of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals is mandatory;
  • It is advisable to draw up a menu for the day in advance so that there are no temptations to break it.

You won’t be able to lose weight quickly on fractional meals – the regime is designed to gradually normalize metabolic processes. To lose weight, you will have to include physical exercise, running, training in the gym, walking, and any possible load. But the achieved result will stay with you for a long time. Once the correct vector of metabolism has been set, it will become easier to stick to fractional meals, which means you won’t gain weight.

Experts have found out how many kilograms you can lose on fractional meals per week. Practice has shown that 3 kg is a very realistic figure, provided that you eat healthy food and have sufficient physical activity, but this figure may vary depending on your parameters.


Nutritionists emphasize that building a diet should be purely individual, adapting to your own life rhythm and biological clock. For example, “larks” will have breakfast early and dinner no later than six, while “night owls” can afford to have breakfast late and dinner just as late. Such fluctuations are quite acceptable if you adhere to the main principles of the chosen regimen - eating every 2 or 4 hours.

What else do you need to know:

  • It is advisable to have breakfast within an hour of waking up;
  • The optimal time for lunch is between 12 and 14 pm;
  • You can have dinner after 6 pm, the main thing is to do it about 3 hours before going to bed.

Between main meals there should be snacks - after the main breakfast there should be lunch, after lunch - an afternoon snack, and after dinner - a light second supper.

Hours of eating according to the average picture:

  • first breakfast – 7 am;
  • lunch – 10 am;
  • lunch – 13.00;
  • afternoon tea – 16:00;
  • dinner – 19 pm;
  • second dinner – 21.00.


When building a schedule of fractional meals, you can focus on the feeling of hunger. It is during those hours when hunger is most painful that it is worth scheduling meals. Conventionally, this feeling can be assessed on a 10-point scale, where one will symbolize complete saturation, and ten will symbolize wild “gluttony.” The reason for eating will be the feeling of hunger, which received a score of 5-6 points from you.

You can try eating fractionally in three options - on demand, six times a day and every two hours. Within a week or two you will understand which regime is best for you. The frequency of meals will also depend on your work routine. If traditionally there are intense activities at some intervals of the working day, food intake can be adjusted to this interval (before or immediately after).

Important! Calories begin to be stored in the form of subcutaneous fat when more than 2.5 hours pass between meals. Short pauses between meals will prevent you from getting hungry - fats will not have time to be deposited, and you will not want to eat a lot.

Portion volume

The main difficulty in organizing fractional meals is determining the serving size. Nutritionists advise following a simple guideline - a single serving for one person should not exceed the size of one palm. You can use glasses as a guide - approximately 1 standard glass (250 ml) per serving.

The weight of a portion is not so important - the energy value of the food is important. If the food is high in calories, the portion should be reduced by about half, limiting yourself to literally two tablespoons of the dish.

You will have to forget about a full meal (first + second + compote) - now you eat in fractions. For example, soup prepared for lunch can be eaten with the main meal, and a piece of roast beef can be left for an afternoon snack.

Do not forget about the norms of the energy value of products for different people - depending on gender, age, and work activity. So for men under the age of 40 who lead a sedentary lifestyle, 2400 kilocalories per day will be enough. Representatives of professions with high load will need a minimum of 3000 kcal. Women on average need about 2000 kcal, and after 40 years the daily requirement can be reduced to 1800 kcal.

Products: permitted and prohibited

You can put an equal sign between the concepts of “fractional nutrition” and “rational nutrition”. Only healthy food will reinforce the positive effect of eating on a split schedule. Therefore, you will have to exclude all “harmful” foods from your diet:

  • fast food category dishes;
  • quick dishes “from the street” - fried pies, pasties, shawarma, hot dogs, burgers;
  • products containing trans fats - cakes and pastries with butter cream, margarine, ketchups and spreads;
  • baked goods made from white flour - buns, white bread, milk loaves;
  • packaged instant food - pasta, concentrated soups, purees, “chemical” broths;
  • sweets and dairy products containing dyes, flavors and flavor enhancers - yoghurts with additives, candies, chewing marmalade, chocolate bars;
  • sweet carbonated drinks;
  • meat products - pates, sausages, frankfurters, sausages, various smoked meats.

What should be in the diet of a person who eats rationally and fractionally:

  • greens and vegetables - bell peppers, broccoli, asparagus, cauliflower, cucumbers, garlic, ginger, onions, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, green beans;
  • fruit and berry variety - apples, bananas, avocados, blueberries, strawberries, citrus fruits are considered the healthiest;
  • cereal products - oats, buckwheat, brown rice, lentils, beans;
  • seeds and nuts - almonds, coconut pulp, walnuts, cashews, peanuts, flaxseed, sesame;
  • sweets – dark chocolate, multi-grain baked goods;
  • animal products - eggs, natural yogurt, butter, whole milk, chicken, beef and lamb;
  • seafood - salmon, sardines, shellfish, shrimp, trout, tuna.

With such a list of permitted products, there will be no questions about how to create a menu. Don't forget to include vegetable oils in your diet - sunflower, olive and coconut.

How to switch to fractional meals

A fractional diet is good because it does not require a sudden change in eating habits and significant restrictions on the volume of food consumed. But not everyone can always be content with small portions, so we will tell you where to start.

Men and women who decide to switch to a fractional diet advise beginners to change their diet during periods when they have enough free time. This could be vacation, weekends, holidays. At home, you will be able to measure portions more accurately and eat calmly without deviating from your schedule.

Modern gadgets will come to the rescue - you can set a system of alarms or notifications. They will remind you that it’s time to have lunch, take a break for an afternoon snack or second breakfast.

Benefits of nutrition

It’s not for nothing that fractional meals are called “well-fed slimness” - using the usual set of products, you can get rid of not only hunger, but also extra pounds.

Benefits of eating small portions:

  • allows the body to gradually, without stress, get used to the new regime and proper food;
  • prevents subcutaneous fat from accumulating in problem areas (stomach, thighs);
  • normalizes the functioning of the digestive tract, therefore it is often recommended as a proper therapeutic diet for gastritis, colitis, and peptic ulcers;
  • reduces blood sugar to normal levels, which is especially useful for patients with diabetes;
  • increases testosterone in the blood due to intensive consumption of fats, which inhibit hormone secretion;
  • does not overload the body with a large amount of food, which promotes increased vitality, increases performance and relieves drowsiness;
  • heals the intestinal microflora, eliminates putrefactive processes and eliminates toxins;
  • small portions are easier to digest and absorb, so you can forget about such phenomena as overeating and heaviness in the stomach.

Is there any harm?

Some supporters of fractional diets abuse the regime, trying to snack on high-calorie foods. The result is overeating, heaviness in the stomach and excess weight. Doctors recommend that all patients with endocrine disorders treat split meals with caution. Their hormonal control is impaired and cannot cope with the regulation of metabolism. Women suffering from infertility and amenorrhea, as well as all persons with disruptions in protein and carbohydrate metabolism, will have to give up fractional meals.

Doctors warn about certain risks to dental health. Since food is consumed frequently during the day, natural acids are constantly released to digest it. This negatively affects the condition of the teeth and can lead to the development of caries. It is very simple to minimize the risks - take good care of your mouth and visit the dentist periodically.

Special cases

Since fractional nutrition can be conditionally classified as therapeutic, it is necessary to take into account some nuances that may be key for certain patients.


Women who are pregnant invariably gain weight. Fat reserves are necessary for the full growth of the fetus, but their excess has a bad effect on the condition and well-being of the expectant mother. A fractional diet helps eliminate the feeling of hunger, which means a woman will not rapidly gain weight. The “pregnant menu” would include any dishes containing vegetables - soups, stews, salads and cold cuts. Don't forget about animal foods - meat, milk, eggs and fish. A variety of cereals, especially whole grains, will be beneficial for expectant mothers. Products containing flavor enhancers, chemical preservatives and dyes, smoked meats, coffee, chocolate and foods high in fat are strictly prohibited.


Eating small portions of food is especially beneficial for gastritis. This will make it easier for the inflamed stomach to digest food, reduce the load on the mucous membrane, and pain symptoms will become less pronounced. Dishes should consist of foods that are easily digestible and do not irritate the mucous membrane. Puree soups and liquid porridges, low-fat fish and meat broths are digested in just a couple of hours and do not cause discomfort. The maximum interval between meals should be 3 hours, otherwise you will feel hungry and the stomach will begin to “eat” itself. It will be possible to create a detailed menu for gastritis after determining the acidity level. So, for inflammation of the stomach with high acidity, pureed soups, souffles from poultry, fish and meat, and vegetable casseroles are recommended. If acidity is low, you can eat fermented milk products, cabbage dishes, berry jellies and mousses, and rosehip infusion.


Treatment of inflammation of the pancreas also involves split meals - it is best to eat 6 times a day. Compliance with the diet will be aimed at reducing the secretion of gastric juice and reducing the load on the digestive tract. The menu is based on protein products - steamed cutlets and omelettes, meat soufflé, fish dumplings, lean boiled meat, soft-boiled eggs, lean cottage cheese. It is allowed to consume a small amount of carbohydrates - cereal mucous soups and soft vegetable side dishes. Foods with coarse fibers and fiber are strictly prohibited - radishes, beets, rutabaga, sorrel, onions, bran and rye bread. You will have to give up strong broths, any fried foods, sweets, spices and soda.


Obese people are advised to eat mini meals up to 5 times a day. You can have a larger breakfast and lunch, but dinner should be as light as possible and take place no later than 2 hours before bedtime. The energy value of the daily menu is gradually reduced. The proportion of fast carbohydrates and animal fats in a weight loss diet should be reduced to a minimum. Salt is limited, fast food products, any sausages, and canned food are also prohibited. Snacks between main meals should be healthy and include fruits, leafy vegetables, salads, kefir, unsweetened yogurt, bread, and unleavened cookies.


Important! In order for the body to be satisfied with even the smallest portion, food must be chewed thoroughly. Most scientists agree that solid components of dishes should be chewed 30-40 times, and liquid components - at least 10.

Nutritionists have compiled a list of healthy foods that are recommended to be included in main meals and snacks.

  • low-fat cottage cheese with honey and berries;
  • natural yoghurts from live cultures;
  • rye or whole grain bread rich in fiber;
  • buckwheat or oatmeal with bran;
  • chicken eggs in the form of an omelet or scrambled eggs;
  • muesli with the addition of dried fruits, nuts and berries;
  • fruits - bananas, kiwi, pears, apples.

For children, the healthiest breakfast is considered to be any porridge cooked with milk. They can also be flavored with berries and fruits to which the child is not allergic.

The second breakfast can be equated to a light snack, especially if the main morning meal was hearty. It would be good to give preference to a mono-product - eat an apple or banana, a piece of cheese or a slice of bran bread, whole grain bread or drink a glass of kefir.

The best lunch option is a combination of meat/fish and vegetables. It is best to choose seasonal vegetables, but you can prepare a hot side dish in the form of a stew of frozen vegetables with the addition of legumes (corn or beans). Low-fat dishes based on chicken fillet, rabbit meat, and fish (cod, pink salmon, tuna) would be appropriate for lunch. A good option is potatoes cooked in peeled form with vegetables.

  • any fermented milk products;
  • vegetable, fruit or milk smoothies;
  • a cup of green tea with a piece of dark chocolate;
  • a handful of nuts or berries;
  • any fruit;
  • carrot or celery stalk;
  • sandwich made from whole grain bread with vegetables and cheese.

Dinner options:

  • vegetables - cauliflower, zucchini, bell peppers, tomatoes, broccoli, avocado in the form of salads, stews or casseroles;
  • white meat - chicken or turkey;
  • white omelet or soft-boiled egg;
  • low-fat sea fish - pollock, cod, flounder;
  • seafood dishes;
  • side dishes of black lentils or buckwheat.

Products for the second dinner:

  • green sour apples;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • a cup of yogurt;
  • a glass of kefir;
  • a piece of dark chocolate;
  • pistachios;
  • warm milk with honey;
  • blueberry;
  • cheese roll;
  • Tea with lemon.

Advice! Buy for yourself a special set with neat bowls, cups and small plates designed for mini-portions. This will make it easier to control the amount of food consumed, and the meal will become much more enjoyable and aesthetically pleasing.

    Initially, this technique was developed by doctors for the complex treatment of diseases of the digestive system. Fractional nutrition normalizes the evacuation of bile, reduces gas formation and the aggressive effects of gastric juice, and maintains normal intra-abdominal pressure.

    Now this diet is used everywhere, including by athletes for weight loss and muscle gain, and also as one of the basic principles of a healthy lifestyle.

    The essence of fractional nutrition

    This method of eating food is indicated for athletes when increasing physical activity. It will help CrossFitters prepare for competitions, when they need to significantly increase the amount of food consumed and ensure its maximum digestibility.

    For those who want to lose weight, the diet allows them to achieve the desired result without excluding their favorite foods from the menu and often snacking. Compared to other diets, the fractional meal menu for each day is more variable.

    The essence of fractional nutrition is extremely simple - eat often and in small portions.

    As practice shows, most people, having found themselves at a feast with an unlimited amount of food, eat much more than their body requires. People do the same thing when they look into their refrigerator in the evening in search of something tasty. The result is known to everyone - excess weight, figure problems, moral dissatisfaction.

    Fractional meals minimize temptations in the form of huge portions and unload the digestive tract by eliminating lunches and dinners in the traditional sense (so to speak, first, second, third and compote). In accordance with the principles of fractional nutrition, portions are reduced, the frequency of snacks increases, but there are no strict prohibitions on foods or their combinations.

    For muscle growth

    Many nutritionists believe that this diet is best suited for bodybuilders and lean people looking to build muscle mass, as the diet allows you to eat more without stressing the digestive system, and also keeps insulin at optimal levels.

    This hormone is known to work in two directions. With an excess of fats and carbohydrates, it accumulates subcutaneous fat, and with a high intake of protein, it promotes muscle growth. Fractional meals correct the “work” of insulin in the second, beneficial direction. In this case, it is enough to focus on nutritious protein foods, and increase the daily calorie content by 500-1000 kcal, while maintaining small portion sizes and frequency of food consumption.

    For weight loss

    It is believed that eating at regular intervals tells the body that there is no need to accumulate fat tissue. However, the principle of equal periods of time is also valid for three meals a day.

    A logical question arises: does split meals work for weight loss? Definitely yes, but the only condition under which fat deposits are wasted in conditions of fractional nutrition will be an energy deficit: the body receives fewer calories than it expends. Other factors are secondary.

    Small meals are comfortable for people who are accustomed to snacking frequently. But for it to lead to weight loss, you need to keep strict records of calories and ensure the correct ratio of nutrients. The amount of fast carbohydrates with fats is minimized, calorie content is reduced by about 500 calories from the recommended norm. At the same time, physical activity increases.

    Advice! Fractional meals are used for weight loss, but the approach to the diet must remain reasonable, otherwise it will lead to exhaustion. To obtain more noticeable and faster results, this method is combined with intense training.

    Pros and cons of the approach

    Despite all its popularity, this diet still does not have a solid scientific basis, and its effectiveness has not been fully confirmed by any research. However, we can talk about many positive aspects, supported by practical experience and feedback from people who have already tried this diet.


    So, the indisputable advantages of nutrition according to the fractional system are the following points:

    • The system does not require significant restrictions and allows you to keep your favorite foods and dishes in your diet.
    • Appetite is controlled by eating a few snacks.
    • The body adapts more easily to limits due to a gradual rather than sudden reduction in calories.
    • Although the desired results do not appear as quickly as we would like, they are more lasting.
    • Many athletes who practice a fractional nutrition system note after a couple of weeks an increase in vitality: daytime sleepiness disappears, performance increases and night sleep improves.
    • A properly selected diet according to the fractional nutrition system has no contraindications. Moreover, such a diet is indicated for various diseases of the digestive system (gastritis, ulcers, cholelithiasis, colitis, pancreatitis, etc.)

    Difficulties and disadvantages of the mode

    • Fractional nutrition requires patience, responsibility and, in some way, pedantry. You will have to regularly plan your diet, keep track of calories, prepare portions of food and look at your watch.
    • It is not always easy to combine a routine with a lifestyle.
    • Snacking throughout the day leads to an increase in the volume of saliva and hydrochloric acid - increasing the risk of tooth decay.
    • Fractional nutrition is not suitable when you need quick results. For those losing weight, life is made more difficult by the illusion that you can eat everything all day long and still lose weight.
    • Don't expect noticeable results in one week. You will have to adhere to a low-calorie regime for at least a month, sometimes longer.

    We should not forget about individual perception. Any diet or regimen should not cause discomfort, depression, fatigue or other negative emotions that are more likely to lead to a “breakdown.”

    Fractional meals for weight loss (3 options)

    The principles and rules of each of them are slightly different, but the essence remains the same, as does the drinking regime. You need to drink 1.5-2 liters of water per day. When eating small meals, it is important to chew your food thoroughly, literally 40 times.

    So where to start with fractional meals? There are three options.

    Option 1. Focus on the feeling of hunger (grazing)

    The fractional meal option, also called grazing, is suitable for people who like to snack frequently or, due to an irregular daily routine, cannot afford regular meals.

    The principles of nutrition in this case are extremely simple:

    • Snack every time you feel hungry.
    • The food portion and calorie content are minimal. One meal, for example, could consist of a slice of bread or one piece of fruit.
    • The intervals between snacks are not strictly regulated, but it is advisable that they be at least 30-45 minutes.

    This eating regimen is suitable for a very limited number of people and has a number of disadvantages. Firstly, with chaotic eating, it is difficult to develop a balanced and healthy diet and create a normal menu for fractional meals. As a result, many people stop controlling the number of meals they eat and exceed their daily calorie intake. Secondly, the gastrointestinal tract, working non-stop, does not have time to rest and experiences overload. In this case, food will not be fully digested.

    Option 2. Breakfast, lunch, dinner and two snacks

    This option of fractional meals is the most optimal, convenient and rational.

    Its basic principles are:

    • A complete daily diet includes 5-6 meals.
    • The nutritional value of breakfast, lunch and dinner is approximately the same, snacks are low-calorie.
    • The size of one serving is small - about a handful or one glass.
    • The maximum interval between meals is no more than 3 hours.

    The diet will easily fit into any daily routine and will allow you to follow the prepared menu. Due to reduced portions, there is no danger of overeating, but a pronounced feeling of hunger throughout the day does not bother you.

    Option 3. Eating at a time

    If you correctly calculate the calorie content and nutrient ratio, this type of fractional nutrition is perfect for athletes who need to reduce the percentage of fat mass, but maintain muscle mass due to the high content of protein foods. The option is also suitable for those who set their goal to lose weight.

    The basic nutritional rules look like this:

    • The daily diet is divided into 8-10 meals.
    • Portion volumes are 1⁄2 or 3⁄4 of normal.
    • The interval between snacks is no more than 3 hours.
    • It is better to divide the daily diet into equal parts.

    With any of the methods, a strong feeling of hunger does not arise, but there is also no usual feeling of satiety. At least for the first time, until the body gets used to the reduced volumes.

    How to create an individual menu?

    Fractional meals do not tie your hands with rules and strict restrictions when creating a menu. At the same time, it is combined with different life principles, so it is suitable for both a gourmet or vegetarian, and a raw foodist or vegan.

    Make a list of dishes and products in advance that you will eat with pleasure and without difficulty during the day. Using various ready-made tables, it is easy to calculate their calorie content.

    Next, adjust your diet: reduce or increase portions, add or remove individual foods. Finally, divide the dishes from the list into 5-8-10 meals depending on the chosen method and get an approximate menu of fractional meals.

  1. Food products should be familiar, especially at the first stage, when the body is still adapting to small portions.
  2. The composition must meet all physiological needs and provide the body with the necessary nutrients (BJU, vitamins and minerals).
  3. The menu is compiled taking into account the daily calorie intake, which is calculated individually according to weight, age and level of physical activity.
  4. If fractional meals are selected for the purpose of losing weight, use the services of a nutritionist or a table of caloric content of foods.
  5. The menu should be convenient and accessible. You should not include recipes for complex dishes in fractional meals if you are not sure that you will have the time and desire to cook them.
  6. For lunch it is better to provide hot dishes, and for dinner it is advisable to plan hot meat or fish with stewed vegetables.
  7. Snacks should be as light as possible: low-fat cottage cheese, cereal, muesli, cereals, natural yogurt.

Not all vegetables or fruits in their pure form are suitable for snacking between main meals - some of them, due to their acid content, only increase the feeling of hunger, but do not satiate. Before adding any fruit to the menu, familiarize yourself with its properties.

  1. Proteins are divided approximately equally between lunch and dinner.
  2. Fats should be predominantly of vegetable origin. It is better to avoid animal fats altogether or reduce their amount to a minimum.
  3. It is advisable to move most of the carbohydrates in the first half of the day. This refers to long-acting carbohydrates, and it is better to avoid fast carbohydrates (sweets, starchy foods) altogether.

When switching to fractional meals, it is advisable to prepare the menu for a week in advance, or even better - for a month. This makes it easier to ensure that the refrigerator has the necessary products. Go on a diet on a day off in a calm environment.

Menu for the week (table)

Use the fractional meal menu table for weight loss as a guide.


Days of the week

Z breakfast Snack Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner Snack
07.00-09.00 10.00-11.00 13.00-14.00 16.00-17.00 19.00-20.00 Before bedtime
Monday + green teaBoiled egg + tomatoVegetable soupFruit + slice of breadMushroom stewNatural yogurt
Tuesday Buckwheat porridge + juiceA cheese sandwichBeet soup + + greens Mashed potatoes + chopKefir
Wednesday Semolina porridge + fruitsThe vinaigretteMushroom soup + greensSandwich with butter or cheesecottage cheese casseroleVegetable salad with olive oil
Thursday Scrambled eggs + toastTofu with vegetables, mushroomsChicken broth + breadZucchini frittersRice + stewed vegetables withFruit salad with low-fat yogurt
Friday Hercules porridge +steam cutlet + teaFish soup + slice of cheeseSmoothiechicken fillet + vegetable saladBoiled egg + vegetable salad
Saturday Milk porridgeVegetable saladMeatball soup + greensFruit salad + oatmeal cookiessteamed fish + vegetablesA glass of yogurt or
Sunday Risotto + cutlet + juiceOmeletteVegetable soup + fish + breadPancakes with berriesVinaigrette withCottage cheese

You can download and, if necessary, print the menu for the week.

To make your final decision for or against the diet, read medical articles and reviews about fractional meals. And remember that eating according to a schedule has a beneficial effect on metabolism and overall health.

Any nutritionist knows and advises his patients to adhere to fractional meals. It is the intake of food at least 5 times a day in small portions in the body and thanks to this, burn fat layers. Also, the schedule becomes more orderly and the general condition of the body improves.

In order for this system to work, you need to divide the daily amount of food you eat into 5-7 meals. They must stand through. Another important nuance is the portion size for fractional meals. The amount of food should satiate a person, interrupt the feeling of hunger, but not bring a feeling of heaviness.

  1. You can't eat three hours before bedtime. Any late-night snacking or overeating during the day is strictly prohibited.
  2. It is advisable to take a break of 3 hours between each meal. This time is enough for the body to cope with the previous food and require more.
  3. If weight loss has stopped, you need to do one fasting day every week. They can be made using clean water, mineral water, fruits, vegetables, and herbal infusions.
  4. It is necessary to exclude foods that are harmful to your figure from your diet. These are fatty meats and fish, salty and sweet foods.
  5. Every day you need to drink at least 2 liters of clean water. This way you will maintain water balance in the body.
  6. To ensure that a fractional diet does not bring harm to a person, it is necessary to gradually give up junk food and reduce the amount of food included in portions.
  7. To eat less and feel full faster, you need to chew your food slowly and swallow small pieces.

Advantages and disadvantages

Nutritionists say that such a food system does not have any negative aspects. However, this is not quite true.


  1. Acceleration of metabolism.
  2. Sustainable weight loss leading to long-term results.
  3. Thanks to slow weight loss, there are no stretch marks left on the skin.
  4. Food is absorbed much better, giving the body more beneficial microelements.
  5. The organs of the digestive system receive less load, so fractional meals can be used for people with disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.
  6. The body does not feel hunger due to frequent meals.

Not every person can adhere to fractional meals and eat on a schedule. This may be due to a busy work schedule, study, illness, or difficulties in life.


In order for fractional meals to take place correctly, you need to create a menu. Here you will be offered one of many diet options for the week:

Day of the week Eating Approximate menu
Monday 1 Boiled with a tablespoon of honey, freshly squeezed orange juice
2 Nectarine, apple
3 Boiled buckwheat porridge, seasonal vegetable salad, bread
4 A handful of wild berries
5 Vegetable stew
Tuesday 1 , berries, freshly squeezed apple juice
2 Eggplant and zucchini puree
3 Spaghetti, chicken breast, two breads
4 Baked potatoes, seasonal vegetables
5 Handful of nuts
Wednesday 1 Oatmeal with dried apricots and dates
2 Freshly squeezed carrot juice, boiled egg, bread
3 Bean soup, grated carrot and cabbage salad, bread
4 Two bananas
5 Boiled rice, vegetable salad, chicken breast
Thursday 1 Boiled buckwheat porridge, fresh herbs, boiled egg
2 Handful of walnuts
3 Chicken broth, boiled egg, vegetable salad
4 Fruit salad
5 Stewed vegetables, turkey fillet
Friday 1 , two boiled eggs, two loaves of bread
2 Toast, freshly squeezed carrot juice
3 Creamy pumpkin and potato soup, steamed minced chicken cutlets
4 Kissel
5 Boiled rice, fresh herbs
Saturday 1 Boiled oatmeal, a handful of dried fruits, half an orange
2 Fruit salad
3 Mushroom soup, fresh vegetables, two breads
4 handful of berries
5 Chicken breast, boiled buckwheat, greens
Sunday 1 , two apples
2 Freshly squeezed orange juice, toast
3 Vegetable soup, boiled egg, bread
4 Handful of nuts
5 Stewed vegetables with chicken pieces.

Before going to bed, you can drink a cup of herbal or fermented milk drink with less fat. All methods of heat treatment are acceptable except frying. Fried foods contain practically no useful vitamins and microelements, and their calorie content is higher if frying was carried out with the addition of vegetable or butter.

There are also 6 and 5 meals a day. These variations are absolutely identical to the seven-day one. If the weight stops falling, do a fasting day on the seventh day of the week.

Do's and Don'ts

Fractional meals imply a small number of prohibitions on the foods consumed:

  • sausages;
  • semi-finished products;
  • fat meat;
  • sweets;
  • baked goods and flour products;
  • dairy products with a high percentage of fat;
  • canned food;
  • fatty and salty fish.

You are allowed to eat other foods and prepare dishes from them.

Fractional meals - recipes

You can diversify your diet using combinations of permitted foods.


To prepare, you will need 6 potatoes, the same number of cauliflower inflorescences, a tablespoon of cottage cheese, the same amount of milk, parsley and dill.


  1. Peel the potatoes and cook over medium heat until fully cooked.
  2. Drain the water and transfer the potatoes to a blender container. Place the cauliflower in there too. Add cottage cheese and milk.
  3. Blend the ingredients until pureed. Sprinkle it with herbs.

Cream soup

Light and will suppress your appetite and saturate the body with useful vitamins and microelements. To prepare you will need 5 broccoli florets, 4 large cucumbers, lemon, lemon balm.


  1. Peel the lemon and cucumbers. Cut them into small pieces.
  2. Place all ingredients in a blender container and blend for 5 minutes.
  3. When finished, add lemon balm. For spicy lovers, you can add pepper.

Contraindications and side effects

This technique has no contraindications. It can be used by any group of people. However, you need to monitor your condition very carefully. Due to the small amount of fats and proteins entering the body, digestive disorders, pain in the stomach and intestines may occur. If such signs appear, you need to return to your normal diet.

Quitting the diet

Fractional meals are not a separate diet. This is a system that is one of the foundations of many weight loss techniques. However, if a person has achieved what he wanted and does not have enough fatty or sweet foods, you can diversify your diet. Leave separate meals, but replace something in each portion with junk food. This way you will protect yourself from rapid weight gain and please your body.

Fractional meals are very popular not only among people who are losing weight, but also among athletes and people living ordinary lives. This is due to a large number of advantages and an almost complete absence of disadvantages. Follow the rules, stick to it and you will succeed.

Fractional meals - reviews

Alena 32 years old

I often saw pictures of the results of fractional nutrition on the Internet. The girls simply transformed to the envy of those around them. I myself am very unhappy with my figure. Saggy sides, full belly, big cheeks. An oily sheen also appeared. I really wanted to look much more beautiful and tried to change my diet once and for all. I made fractional meals, gave up most foods that negatively affect my figure, and started going to fitness. I was very pleased with the result, but it took me almost three months to achieve it. At the moment I continue to adhere to fractional meals.

In this article you will learn what a fractional power system is. Also read the fractional meals menu and recipes for preparing dishes for children and adults.

To solve the problem of excess weight, fractional meals are often used. This eating regimen is known for the fact that it not only allows you to remove excess weight, but also has a great effect on your overall health. After all, a person eats evenly throughout the day - without overeating five to six times a day.

Thanks to fractional meals, you will not feel an unpleasant heaviness in your stomach. Also, the feeling of hunger will not interfere with your daily activities. With this diet, you don’t need to have quick snacks with light carbohydrates, fast foods, or other street food, which can make you fat and cause gastritis.

What is a fractional power system?

Fractional nutrition is a special system of rational eating, in which the daily diet is divided into small portions. To be more specific, you need to eat after three to four hours. Night sleep, of course, should not be interrupted.

What does split meals mean?

With such a system you can improve metabolism(accelerate the body’s absorption of beneficial vitamins, minerals, acids). An important condition for eating fractionally is reducing portions. Don’t put food on your plate as before, and don’t immediately eat the first, second, third.

Break these portions into several doses. Because of this, the walls of the stomach will gradually shrink, and you will lose weight; besides, the feeling of hunger will be unfamiliar to you. Try to plan your menu for the day in advance so that the food is healthy and there are no fatty, salty, fried, or sweet foods in your diet.

Fractional meals. The benefits of fractional meals

If you switch to this diet, then you should follow the following recommendations:

  • eat only healthy foods, decrease consumption animals fat, use vegetable oils in food
  • drink sufficient amount of liquid(at least 1.8 liters per day)
  • eat often, but not enough

Types of fractional meals:

  1. You can lose weight using different methods of balanced nutrition. A very effective method is to eat little by little when you are hungry, without looking at the clock. Trust the feelings of your stomach and do not allow yourself anything unnecessary. During this eating system, you will eat almost all day. Well, this regime is only suitable for those losing weight who sit at home, because all snacks should be healthy (not sweet buns or fried pies bought at kiosks, but fruits, cottage cheese, baked fish, meat, vegetables).
  2. This food system will be more suitable for working people. Its basis is not snacks, but full meals in small portions five to six times a day. More precisely, you should eat a full meal three times (serving for women 250 g, men 300 g), but not a sandwich or fast food, and the remaining times you can eat very little - fruit, drink kefir, milk, tea with bread (1 piece) or cocktail.
  3. The third method is to prepare six servings a day ahead of time and then consume them gradually. At the same time, you should not eat anything extra.

The benefits of systematic fractional nutrition are obvious:

  • the body does not experience stress, as on conventional diets, and accordingly there will be no accumulation of fat reserves for future use due to a lack of food
  • better absorption of nutrients
  • Confident consumption of healthy foods prevents blood sugar from rising
  • It’s easier to follow a rational diet than on a diet
  • no lethargy, feeling of emptiness, drowsiness, like on a diet
  • the functioning of all body systems improves, sleep normalizes

What should be the correct fractional meals for weight loss?

To lose weight, you will have to gradually reduce portions and eat only healthy foods. You need to switch to proper fractional meals in stages. It is often difficult for those losing weight to maintain this regime and cut down on portions.

But in order to become beautiful, you need willpower. Based on the experience of people who have already lost weight on such a nutrition system, it will be easier to switch to it if you follow the recommendations:

  • first, within three to four days, get used to the eating regimen itself, eat little by little, but six times a day (do not change your usual diet immediately)
  • when you are already accustomed to six meals a day in small portions, replace the diet (three to four days is enough for this)
  • then start cutting back on portions (ideally, eat 200 grams of food at one time)
  • do not forget to drink water, at least 1.5-2 liters per day

Fractional power mode:

  1. Have breakfast at 7 o'clock
  2. Second breakfast should start at 10-00
  3. Lunch - at one o'clock in the afternoon
  4. Afternoon snack - at 15-16 hours
  5. Dinner - at 17-18 hours
  6. The second very small dinner no later than 20 o'clock

Meal times may vary depending on your daily routine.

Fractional meals, menu for every day for adults and children: table

To benefit from a balanced diet, accustom your body to a certain regimen. Immediately when you wake up, do not sit down at the table; at least half an hour and no more than two hours must pass before the start of the meal.

Don't eat right before bed. Dinner should take place no later than two hours before bedtime. Next, we will study the diet for the week.


  • In the morning: boiled rice in plain water with a small piece of butter, green apple, coffee
  • Lunch: one boiled egg, cucumber
  • Dinner: low-fat baked fish, Chinese cabbage salad with cucumbers
  • Afternoon snack: low-fat cottage cheese, mint tea
  • Dinner: skinless chicken with stewed vegetables


  • In the morning: low-fat cottage cheese with herbs, a piece of rye bread and tea with hard cheese
  • Lunch: cottage cheese with honey
  • Dinner: low-fat chicken broth, vegetable salad (tomatoes, cucumbers, herbs)
  • Afternoon snack: kiwi or orange, green tea
  • Dinner: chicken fillet, two tomatoes

Fractional meals - low-fat cottage cheese with raspberries


  • On breakfast eat oatmeal with honey, banana, drink unsweetened green tea
  • Lunch: shelled walnuts, apple, coffee
  • Dinner: brown rice with vegetables
  • In three hours: casserole with cottage cheese, banana and semolina
  • Dinner: seafood with cucumbers, tomatoes, green peas


  • Morning: oatmeal with milk and fruit
  • Lunch: low-fat yogurt, bread, coffee
  • Dinner: sauerkraut with hake cooked in a slow cooker
  • Afternoon snack: salad with vegetables dressed with low-fat sour cream
  • Dinner: chicken baked in the oven, with Parmesan cheese, with cucumbers


  • Breakfast: mashed potatoes, boiled egg and cucumber
  • Through three hours: two kiwi fruits, coffee
  • Dinner: soup with oyster mushrooms and rice, black bread with cheese
  • Afternoon snack: cottage cheese casserole with raisins
  • Dinner: pollock baked in foil and seaweed


  • In the morning: two-egg omelette, tomato, green tea
  • Lunch: kiwi with banana
  • Dinner: baked potatoes with champignons cooked in a slow cooker with chicken breast, a glass of kefir
  • Behind three hours before dinner: apple
  • Dinner: cottage cheese with baked apple


  • Breakfast: barley porridge with a small piece of butter, weak tea
  • Behind three hours before lunch: banana
  • Dinner: boiled chicken meat, vegetables
  • Afternoon snack: seafood, a cup of tomato juice
  • Dinner: brown rice with fish cakes and a cup of tomato juice

Below, see another example of fractional meals according to the table for each day of the week.

Table. Fractional meals for a week

Recipes for fractional meals for children

Cheese casserole


  • Low-fat cottage cheese - 250 grams
  • Low-fat sour cream - two tablespoons
  • Semolina - one spoon
  • Egg - 1 piece
  • Honey 2 teaspoons
  • Raisins - tablespoon
  • Salt - a small pinch
  • Vanillin, oil for lubricating leaves


  • wash the raisins and add boiled water
  • pour semolina into a separate container and add sour cream (1 spoon), mix them, leave for 30 minutes
  • then mix the mixture with semolina, grated cottage cheese, and the rest of the ingredients, do not add honey yet
  • add soaked raisins, grease the pan with oil
  • Place the dough in the mold, spread sour cream on top
  • bake for forty minutes in the oven

When the dough is baked and cooled slightly, spread it with honey and garnish with fruit.

Mashed potatoes"


  • Potatoes - 150 grams
  • Cottage cheese - 1 large spoon
  • Milk - 1 large spoon


  • Peel, wash and boil the potatoes
  • then place it in a blender with cottage cheese and milk, grind, beat
  • When pleasantly warm, serve for dinner.

Fractional nutrition recipes for men and women

Vegetable salad


  • Green salad - one bunch, basil
  • Olives - 4 pieces
  • Cherry tomatoes - 200 grams
  • Vegetable oil from olives
  • Vinegar


  • Take a salad bowl, put basil leaves on the bottom, crush,
  • then pour in the oil, a little vinegar, stir well
  • then add lettuce (tear it with your hands), chopped tomatoes, olives
  • again, stir the ingredients, serve with chicken or fish

Curd soup with tomato


  • Tomato juice - two cups
  • Low-fat cottage cheese - 160 grams
  • Vegetable oil
  • Lemon juice - 1 teaspoon
  • Parsley dill
  • Salt pepper
  • Sugar half a small spoon


  • In a container, mix tomato juice with cottage cheese
  • then blend in a blender to make a puree
  • add remaining ingredients, stir, serve

Fractional nutrition: weight loss results, before and after photos

Below you can see the results of weight loss after following a fractional diet:

Fractional nutrition - results

What should be the correct fractional nutrition: reviews

Based on the results of reviews of fractional meals, we can conclude that people who strictly followed the recommendations kept their weight at the same level for many years or lost weight. And those who allowed themselves all sorts of deviations from the diet and the amount of food consumed did not achieve the desired effect.

Video: fractional meals