Signs and customs for Maundy Thursday. What do you do on Maundy Thursday? When to bathe and wash. How to count money on Maundy Thursday Church Services and Last Supper

Maundy Thursday 2019– one of the most anticipated days of Holy Week. Many rituals, signs, customs and traditions are associated with this day, designed to make a person clean, healthy, successful and prosperous.

What you will learn from the article:

Orthodox traditions and customs of Maundy Thursday

  • On Maundy Thursday you need to wake up a couple of hours before dawn and devote this time to cleansing your body. The tradition is connected with the biblical story that on the last night before his betrayal, Jesus washed the feet of his disciples.

It is believed that water at this time becomes many times more powerful and is capable of washing away not only dirt from the body, but also dirt from a person’s soul. Therefore, on Maundy Thursday, before dawn, you must take a swim in order to wash away sins, the beginnings of diseases, damage, the evil eye and the bad influences of strangers.

For girls and women, bathing on Maundy Thursday gives beauty, youth and feminine attractiveness.

  • In addition, a haircut on this day has no less power. It is known that negative energy is concentrated in the ends of the hair, “picked up” along the way. If you cut them off on Maundy Thursday, you will be spared all sorts of ailments, and no evil will stick to you for a long time. By the way, if you are planning to cut your baby’s hair for the first time, do it on Maundy Thursday.
  • Confession and communion on Maundy Thursday after morning ablution will help cleanse you of sins. We are, of course, not talking about mortal sins, but Holy Thursday communion has enormous cleansing power.
  • Services in churches on this day are dedicated to the tragic story when the Jews decided to kill the Son of God. At the end of the evening service, worshipers hold lit candles in their hands. It is customary to take them home while they are burning and put them to burn out in front of the icon in your home.
  • And of course, on this day housewives bake and prepare Easter cakes, paint eggs and prepare the house for the upcoming three-day holiday.

Signs of Maundy Thursday

  1. *during cleaning on this day you may find things that you thought were lost forever
  2. *When getting rid of garbage and junk on this day, remember: things can only be thrown away. You cannot give anything to other people on Maundy Thursday - you will symbolically give up your own well-being. And subsequently this can lead to financial losses.
  3. *you also cannot borrow anything - neither money, nor food, nor even dishes. And no one, close relatives living under another roof also count! The reason is the same as the previous point.
  4. *this day is the only day of the year when you can prepare Thursday salt, it is also called black. This salt, like a talisman, will protect your home from any evil, heal your household, and protect you from fires and robberies. More details
  5. *if you wash your face before dawn with water from a river or lake, and also dip your hair in it, beauty, youth and feminine happiness will remain with the girl for the whole year.
  6. *if suddenly – oh, horror! – you have cockroaches or some other insects, catch three of them and take them away from the house to a field, park or “make happy” another natural object. Our ancestors believed that the rest of the uninvited “household members” would run away to look for their own and would never find their way back.

How to make your home a magnet for money, wealth and prosperity on Maundy Thursday 2019 - folk recipes

*a special ritual that promises prosperity for the whole year is to count all the money in the house three times on Maundy Thursday. This must be done in the morning, during the day, and when it gets dark, and it is very desirable that no one sees you.

  • *if you decide to wash windows and doors on Maundy Thursday (and this is a very good tradition!), then before washing, throw a handful of coins into a bucket of water and read any prayer, or in your own words, turn to higher powers with a request for prosperity. You can also choose any of the .
  • This will attract wealth to the house for many years to come. When the windows and doors are washed, remove the change from the bucket and throw it in the corner farthest from the entrance. And let it lie there for a whole year and lure wealth into the house.

Every year the Orthodox world prepares to joyfully celebrate one of the main Christian holidays - the Bright Resurrection of Christ, called Easter. Before this, the so-called Holy Week (week) takes place, each day of which has a specific name. The traditional question of what date is Maundy Thursday in 2018 according to the church calendar worries users today.

Easter customs of Holy Week

To begin with, we note that on each day of the week that goes before Easter, it is customary to perform certain actions.

  • On Monday, the best thing to do will be to pre-clean your home and prepare it for the Easter celebration. On this day, unnecessary things accumulated after the winter were thrown away.
  • Tuesday was considered a favorable day to begin preparing food for the holiday table. At this time, our great-great-grandmothers made medicinal potions, which they later used to treat their family for various ailments.
  • The housewives carried out the main cleaning on Wednesday. In addition to thoroughly cleaning the floors, it was necessary to wash the dirty laundry of all family members.
  • In addition to continuing the general cleaning, on Maundy Thursday the main focus was on health and everything connected with it. It was necessary to take care of both the physical health and the state of the soul of the believer. An important task for housewives on this day was the preparation of the main dishes of the holiday: Easter cakes and Easter cottage cheese. By the way, for the entire week following the holiday, it was believed that before eating, you must eat a piece of blessed Easter cake, and then start the main meal.
  • Good Friday was considered a day when it was customary to reflect on the suffering of Christ. On this day they preferred to do nothing. However, in some regions Easter cakes are still baked on Fridays. Our ancestors also swept the corners of the house with a dry cloth. It was believed that such a talisman would help cure diseases of the lower back and legs if a rag was applied to the sore spots.
  • On Saturday, Easter eggs are painted and painted, pies with different fillings and cookies are baked. This should be done in a good mood, discarding negative thoughts and emotions. In the evening you are supposed to go to church, and with the beginning of the all-night service you can bless Easter treats.
  • Bright Sunday should be dedicated to festive prayer (on this day priests do not conduct funeral services for the dead, and if it is necessary to hold a funeral service for the deceased, it is supplemented with Easter rituals). Bells can be heard ringing from everywhere, and instead of the usual greeting, people exclaim, “Christ is risen,” and answer, “Truly he is risen!” After the solemn service, people sat down at the festive table, because Lent ended on Easter.

Why Maundy Thursday is so important

According to Christian teaching, Maundy or Maundy Thursday is an important day because it was then that Jesus Christ gathered his disciples for the Last Supper to be with them and teach them for the last time. Demonstrating the principle of love for one's neighbor, Christ washed the feet of the future apostles and invited them to share bread and wine - his body and blood. Thus, Jesus for the first time performed the rite that the church calls the Eucharist or communion, and which Christian believers are obliged to perform. At the same time, the betrayal of Judas occurred, the arrest of the Lord, and at night he was sentenced to death.

A large number of rituals and traditions are associated with this day, many of which go back to the times of Slavic paganism. Traditionally, the belief in omens for Maundy Thursday 2018, which also comes from Ancient Rus', continues to exist. The most common of them are as follows.

  • You cannot borrow household and kitchen utensils on this day, otherwise prosperity will leave your home.
  • After cleaning on Maundy Thursday, they no longer sweep the floor in the house until the end of Bright Week.
  • This day is considered the time when swimming in an open reservoir will benefit the body and give health and strength.
  • Seeing an old person in the morning is a sign of failure, while young people are a sign of family happiness. A good option would be to meet a dog - it will also bring you good luck.
  • Cutting your hair means cleansing yourself of sins over the past year. Girls and women were advised to do this to keep their hair thick and silky. It was recommended that newborns over one year of age have their hair cut for the first time.
  • Another sign - a monetary one - was that at dawn, noon and sunset you should count all the money that is in your house. Such “accounting” helps preserve banknotes over the next year, but it needs to be done so that no one sees.


First of all, of course, Maundy Thursday can take on human sins and must cleanse the human body with the help of water. In order to preserve their beauty for a long time, girls and women also washed themselves with rainwater from silver dishes. A gold ring can replace it, but the water must be rainwater.

It is believed that water on this day, although it does not change its polarity like Epiphany water, has properties that can heal the body and soul. To do this you need to swim before sunrise. It is better, as noted above, to do this in an open body of water, but today most of our compatriots wash off the negativity in a bathhouse or bathroom. Before swimming, say a prayer and ask for your health. At the same time, let your thoughts program you to feel good.

Maundy Thursday is known for carrying out such a ritual as making medicinal Thursday salt. Our ancestors also used it as a powerful amulet for people and domestic animals, capable of protecting them from damage and the evil eye. This salt was made in the oven, adding wood ash to it. For treatment, it was placed in the patient’s food and drink.

In modern conditions, city dwellers prepare salt in a frying pan by mixing table salt and rye flour in equal proportions. While the salt is fried in a frying pan until brown, it is stirred clockwise with a wooden spatula and the Lord's Prayer is read. Then Thursday salt should be blessed in the church along with Easter cakes and colored eggs. This amulet is kept in a linen bag tied with red thread in the house until next year.

Since the celebration of Easter among Orthodox and Catholics is celebrated at different times due to differences in the church calendar, the dates of Holy Week and Maundy Thursday will also be different. For all Orthodox Christians in 2018, Easter will come the day after the Feast of the Annunciation - April 8, and Maundy Thursday will accordingly fall on April 5.

Maundy Thursday is the day of Holy Week when you need to think about cleaning your home and washing yourself thoroughly. On this day it is also important to go to church to confess, pray and, of course, receive communion.

Signs for Maundy Thursday were invented by people in large numbers. Perhaps this is the most ritual day of Holy Week, when you not only need to go to church and pray, but you can also perform other important rituals.

Signs for Maundy Thursday in 2018:

1. If you take a swim before sunrise, this will ensure good health for the whole year. It is believed that water on this day has healing properties: it washes away the sins that have accumulated over the year. This water is also considered healing and, according to folk superstitions, can cure diseases. So, you should not be lazy and get up early on Maundy Thursday 2018 (April 5) to feel the full power of water.

2. also imply such a procedure as general cleaning of the entire house. If you clean your house on this day, a person will be guaranteed a lot of joy and happiness this year. It is also important to remember that after Maundy Thursday you will not be able to clean your house for six days.

3. Also on this day you need to count your money in order to provide your family with financial stability for the year. Money must also be counted according to special rules. Firstly, there should be one family member who is responsible for the budget. Others should not see or even know that the ritual is being performed. It is necessary to collect all the money that is in the house and count it at sunrise, then at noon, and then at sunset. Even babies should not be in the room where the ritual takes place.

4. You should also wash the windows and doors with water and throw some small change into it. This is not just a ritual to attract money, but a ritual to increase capital this year. You need to take a bucket of water and throw a handful of change into it. Let the water sit for a while and then wash the windows and doors with it. At the same time, you can read some prayer to yourself. When the washing process is completed, you need to take out the small change and, secretly from all family members, hide it in the most secret corner of the house. As for water, it can be poured under any tree growing in the yard. It is better to carry out this ritual before starting general spring cleaning.

5. If you wash your face with silver on Maundy Thursday, it will drive away evil spirits from a person. For this ritual, you need to prepare silver water in advance. On the evening before Maundy Thursday, you need to fill a vessel with water and put a silver item in it. In the morning, wash your face with this water, and also wash your children. It is especially necessary to wash a child who is not yet a year old with this water, this will protect the baby from the evil eye and evil spirits.

Note! On sale today you can find economy class silver, which has the lowest standard. For the ritual, it is better not to use such silver, but to pay attention to higher quality things. But the sample of silver during this ritual does not play as important a role as faith.

6. Thursday salt. It must be collected from three households, and it is believed that such salt can cure a person from a fatal disease. If such salt, according to an old Russian saying, is collected from three households and added to the food of a terminally ill person, then he can be cured. Collecting salt from three yards is very simple: you just need to ask friends and acquaintances for some salt. These must be good and happy people. This salt is best made in clay dishes.

7. There is one more sign for Maundy Thursday, which concerns Thursday salt. You can prepare it yourself. To do this, pour a pack of salt into a frying pan and fry, stirring constantly. At the same time, say the prayer “Our Father.” When the salt is ready, each person will experience this moment himself. If the salt in the frying pan begins to turn black or shoot, this means that the person is being damaged. You need to fry this salt until it completely calms down and be sure to continue reading the prayer.

8. The signs with Thursday salt do not end there. It is also recommended to store this salt at home throughout the year. If some kind of quarrel occurs, then you need to take a vessel with salt, put a candle in it, light it and take it to the place where the quarrel occurred. This ritual will cleanse the energy.

9. If on this day you rearrange different things from place to place while cleaning, then the family will not have financial problems this year. You can even rearrange the furniture.

10. Family Easter cake. In Rus' there was a tradition that one Easter cake should be baked specifically for the family. Since you can start baking Easter cakes on Thursday, this tradition can also be attributed to Maundy Thursday. In such a cake you need to put notes with predictions: “happiness”, “success in business”, “health” and others. Anyone who gets a piece of Easter cake with a fortune, then this is exactly what they should expect this year. It is considered a bad omen to cut such a cake in the presence of guests, because strangers may be unkindly jealous of your happiness.

11. If on Maundy Thursday a person met an old woman first on the street, then this is bad luck. By the way, this is a fortune telling that can be done on this day. You have to look out the window to find out your fate. An old woman promises bad luck, especially if she carries an empty bucket. A man, especially with a dog, promises happiness and good luck.

At a minimum, you need to do a thorough cleaning of the house. From Thursday you can start baking Easter cakes. One of the traditions says that if all the traditions of Maundy Thursday are not followed, then the Easter cake will not rise.

Orthodox Christians continue Holy Week, which in 2017 will end on the night of April 16 with the most important Christian holiday - Easter. Holy Week is the last and strictest week of Lent, when believers not only fast, but also prepare for Easter in order to celebrate it according to all the rules, according to traditions and customs.

Maundy Thursday – 2017

There are especially many traditions and signs associated with Maundy Thursday - the day when Christians remember the Last Supper and the establishment of the sacrament of the Eucharist (communion) by Jesus Christ. Also on Maundy Thursday, they remember Christ’s washing of the disciples’ feet, his prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane and the betrayal of Judas.

On Maundy Thursday, the liturgy of St. Basil the Great is served in churches, freshly brewed myrrh is blessed, and the patriarch symbolically washes the feet of 12 priests.

Maundy Thursday in folk tradition

In Rus', this day was traditionally called Maundy Thursday. There are many folk signs, customs and conspiracies associated with Maundy Thursday that have pre-Christian roots. The fact is that Easter is the Christian analogue of much more ancient celebrations associated with the spring awakening, for which one should be well prepared, having cleansed itself of winter dirt not only physically, but also spiritually.

On Maundy Thursday, everything related to washing, cleaning, water and bathing has symbolic meaning. According to tradition, on this day the villagers got up before sunrise and washed or swam in open reservoirs (especially if Easter was late and the weather was favorable). It was believed that bathing on Maundy Thursday is akin to Epiphany - a person, as it were, washes away sins and illnesses, stocking up on health for the whole year.

On Maundy Thursday it is also customary to go to church for confession and communion. After returning from the temple, the housewives began to prepare the house for Easter: they carried out general cleaning, cleaning all corners of the home, washed floors, benches, kitchen utensils, walls and ceilings, organized a grandiose wash, cleaned and shook out all the rugs: in Rus' it was believed that if in Clean Thursday, thoroughly clean the house, then it will be clean all year, including spiritual cleanliness.

According to custom, after the Thursday general cleaning, the housewife no longer swept the floor and did not clean the home until Easter.

Having cleaned the home, the housewives began to cook: they baked Easter cakes from pre-prepared dough, prepared Easter cottage cheese and other holiday dishes, and baked meat. Also on Thursday evening it was customary for the whole family to color eggs.

Beliefs strictly prohibit giving away anything from home on Maundy Thursday. Even if a neighbor comes to you for salt, find a reason to refuse her, otherwise, along with the salt, you can give her prosperity and peace from your home.

Maundy Thursday 2017: conspiracies

Although the church does not encourage such “fun,” the tradition of conspiracies and other folk rituals on Maundy Thursday is still alive.

Thursday salt

For example, since ancient times in Rus', on Maundy Thursday, the whole family prepared the so-called Thursday salt. To do this, each family member took a handful of salt with clean hands and put it in a common bag. The salt was then calcined and used as a “cure” for all diseases (it was believed to have healing properties) or added to water when washing floors to keep the house clean. Bags of Thursday salt were also used as amulets for the home, barn, garden, field, etc.

Money plot

There are also rituals associated with Maundy Thursday: for example, on this day it is customary to count money three times - in the morning before dawn, at lunch and at sunset. It is believed that this ritual helps to lure wealth into the house.

Conspiracy for well-being

Another popular Maundy Thursday conspiracy for prosperity, wealth and good income. To do this, they threw a handful of coins into the water intended for washing the house before Easter, saying: “Money, keep going, don’t transfer – grow, multiply, don’t get to the enemy!”

Also, from Maundy Thursday until Easter, they tried not to take anything out of the house, so as not to become poor.

Easter cake conspiracy

They make wishes on Maundy Thursday and for Easter dishes - it is believed that if the hostess's Easter cake and Easter were a great success, the year will be nourishing and happy, and if the dishes are not successful, you need to be on the alert - there is a high chance of all sorts of troubles.

Hair spell

Haircut on Maundy Thursday: girls on this day specially cut the ends of their hair. It was believed that after this the hair grows better and becomes more voluminous.

A spell for girls against bad luck

A sign associated with Maundy Thursday for girls and women who are unlucky in love or in family life. It was believed that the best remedy for such bad luck was to go waist-deep into the river on the night of Maundy Thursday. However, it is better not to use this remedy in our latitudes and in our climate, otherwise women’s diseases would not be added to the troubles in the form of an unfaithful groom and a drunkard husband.

Spell for beauty and happy marriage

On Maundy Thursday, the girls left some water prepared for cleaning the house. A silver object, a spoon or a coin was placed in this water. And on the morning of Easter, the girls washed themselves with this water left from Maundy Thursday. It was believed that washing this way would bring beauty, health and well-being, including in family life.

Spell on a towel

If the beauty stayed too long as a wench, she would take the towel she used to dry herself on Maundy Thursday and secretly put it in a basket with colored eggs and Easter cake, which were given as alms on Easter. It was believed that after this, matchmakers could be expected any day now.

Hello dear readers. With the arrival of spring, we await the arrival of the holiday of Great Easter. Everyone prepares for this important day in their own way. Many people have been fasting since the end of winter by giving up animal products, because in this way they can cleanse not only their body, but also their soul. The week before Easter is especially difficult for many of us, since the first and last weeks of Lent involve setting quite strict restrictions on food intake. Thursday of this particular week is considered clean, which means that on this day we will have quite a lot of things to do that relate to the cleansing of not only the spirit, but also the body and home. Every year on this day we do all those things that relate to cleaning, washing and other household chores.

We have to throw away all our other, no less important, affairs in order to cleanse our home of all the unnecessary things that have accumulated in it. In addition, you must not forget to prepare your body for such a great holiday.

Many people perceive Clean Thursday as an unscheduled spring cleaning, which is combined with bath procedures. But the cleansing ritual itself is not a simple set of actions that must be performed on this particular day. You should familiarize yourself in more detail with such a day as Maundy Thursday 2018 - what date, signs and customs.

Maundy Thursday 2018 - what date?

Every year on that very Thursday we do unscheduled cleaning in our home, even if the house is perfectly clean. All ordinary affairs fade into the background, and all the time is devoted to cleansing procedures.

In 2018, Clean Thursday is on April 5th.

As a rule, we do the same things. We wash our clothes, clean our rooms, and also arrange a bath day for ourselves, cleansing our body of physical “dirt.” These simple deeds symbolize the purification of not only the material world, but also the spiritual.

The day of Maundy Thursday is determined depending on what date Easter will be celebrated. Naturally, it will change every year, so Maundy Thursday can fall on any date.

What do you do on Maundy Thursday?

Today, not so many people adhere to all those customs that were so important for every Orthodox person some time ago. Having reached our time, all these traditions have lost their true purpose, turning into a simple list of things that must be done on this day.

You must clearly understand that by getting rid of all the rubbish that has accumulated in your home, you must part with all the bad events that have happened throughout the year. That is, you get rid of not only material garbage, but also spiritual ones.

Say goodbye to your fears and problems that prevent you from enjoying life. Get rid of this burden that you have been dragging around with you for a long time. Even before Easter, you must cleanse yourself spiritually, and not only fasting will help you with this, but also some rituals that are performed on Maundy Thursday.

So, you should figure out what needs to be done on this “clean day”?

1. Silver washing ritual

The day should begin with just such a ritual. Basically, you just need to place any silver object in the vessel from which you will draw water. This can be either a simple coin or a piece of silverware. By the way, you can wash your face directly from a silver spoon by scooping a little water into it.

It is generally accepted that such washing gives a person good health and beauty. Therefore, if you suffer from any disease, then washing with such holy water will help you cope with the disease. And in order for this to really work, the silver must be borrowed from someone.

But the most powerful silver item is considered a stolen coin. No one says that you need to steal money from other people, but one small coin will definitely not make a person poor. In the future, such a thing will be used to treat diseases and conduct holiday fortune telling. Therefore, do not try to spend the coin right away, as it will come in handy more than once. This, naturally, contradicts laws and morals, including Christian ones. Therefore, not everyone takes such actions. And this tradition has practically no practical distribution.

2. Cleaning the home

One of the stages of preparation for the holiday of Great Easter is cleaning your home. Even if you just recently cleaned, this does not mean that you can’t do it on Thursday. That is, no matter how clean your home is, it still requires cleaning.

You cleanse your home not only of material debris, but also of the unfavorable atmosphere that may have arisen over the year. Remember to think about this as you clean.

Typically, our weekly cleaning consists of dusting, vacuuming, and mopping the floor. But on this day you will have to look into every corner of your house, collecting all the cobwebs that probably have already connected your floor to your sofa or closet.

If there is an item in your house that you have not used throughout the year, then you will have to get rid of it. Of course, you don't have to throw it away, so you can simply give it to people in need.

Thus, along with room dust and unnecessary things, you get rid of all the negativity that has been in the room throughout the year.

3. Swimming at dawn

Many people don’t like this idea, because they have to get up before dawn just to take a shower. But, alas, this is the only way to “wash away” all the negativity from yourself. This procedure will help you remain a happy and cheerful person for a whole year.

Today we give preference to the shower, because not everyone will risk going to the river so early to swim in cold water. Although, people used to do just that, and it helped them be much healthier and happier.

The fact is that it is on this day that the water in reservoirs is endowed with special power, which will help your body get rid of not only physical fatigue, but also problems. Therefore, if you are not afraid of the cold of the morning river, then you can safely go for a swim before dawn at the nearest body of water.

Well, for those who plan to limit themselves to only a warm shower, you need to imagine that water not only cleanses your body, but also takes away negative energy.

Please note that before the ritual, you need to read a prayer and also say words of gratitude for what you now have.

4. Baking Easter cakes

Since Good Friday is not the most favorable day for holiday baking, it is on Thursday that you need to bake Easter cakes.

On this day, every housewife wakes up early in the morning to prepare the dough for future Easter cakes. The dough will “rise” throughout the day, and only in the evening should the housewife read a prayer, after which she should begin baking holiday cakes.

It is popularly believed that the quality of the baked Easter will determine how successful the next year will be for the whole family. If Easter cakes can boast of their splendor and bright taste, then next year you should expect only joy. Well, if the dough did not fit well, and the structure of the baked goods turned out to be broken and stale, then you won’t have to wait for luck this year. To believe in it or not is a personal matter for everyone.

When to swim (wash) on Maundy Thursday

Well, as we already said, you should swim just before dawn. This is due to the fact that it is at this time of day that water is endowed with miraculous properties that can help get rid of many diseases. In addition, this water helps to wash away not only all negativity, but also a person’s sins.

You don't have to go to a pond to bathe in holy water. So your day might as well start with a nice shower or hot bath. If you are not too lazy to heat the bathhouse, then such a morning will generally be an ideal start to such an important day.

Remember that during the procedure itself, your thoughts should be bright, which means you need to try to forget about all the bad things.

Many people ignore the fact that they need to swim early in the morning, because, you see, it’s not so easy to wake up at such a time. Therefore, as a rule, we swim in the evening, which will not bring the same effect as morning water procedures.

If you really want to get healthier, then don’t be lazy and force yourself to get up early in the morning. You will immediately feel invigorated after such a shower.

Signs and customs of Maundy Thursday

We know for sure that on this day we need to put things in order not only in our home, but also in our soul, getting rid of everything unnecessary. Cleaning the house and bathing procedures are the main plans for this day.

But besides this, we should do the following:

- this cleaning will be the last one before Easter, so try to get all your work done on Thursday. Did not have time? Afterwards, it may happen that, along with the household rubbish, you will be able to sweep away prosperity and good luck from your home;

- get a new haircut, because on such a day we get rid of everything unnecessary. So why not cut off your split ends? In addition, a new haircut will “charge” you with positive energy;

- on this day you cannot borrow any things or lend money. Together with what you borrowed, you can simply give the well-being of your family to another person, for example;

- if during the cleaning process you find something that was lost a long time ago, then such a find will definitely bring you good luck;

- the rearrangement of the premises carried out on this day will help you cope with financial problems;

- When you wake up, the first thing you do is look out the window. If you saw an elderly person, then this will indicate upcoming failures. If it is a dog or a young man, then next year only good luck awaits you.

— throughout the day you need to perform a ritual that involves preparing medicinal salt. Previously, they did this: they wrapped the salt in a piece of simple cloth and sent it to the oven for heating. After that, it was crushed and sifted. This salt was medicinal, so it was used to treat not only people, but also livestock;

Maundy Thursday conspiracies

Each church holiday gives the day of celebration a special power that an ordinary Orthodox person can use. Therefore, there are special rituals that help achieve what you want.

1. Conspiracy to attract money

Any conspiracy involves performing certain actions that will be accompanied by special words. In this case, we need to prepare water into which we should place several coins (preferably not one penny at a time). The larger the coin, the more money you can attract.

So, we need water charged with monetary power in order to wash windows and doors as best as possible. When you throw coins into the water, you will need to say the following: “Money, move around - don’t transfer, grow, multiply, don’t get to the enemy.”

2. Conspiracy to attract love

To carry out such a ritual, you will need a small piece of soap, which you must make yourself. It is important here that little is created by you, because this is the only way you can charge it with your energy. And the natural ingredients that will be used for cooking are the best conductors of energy.

On Maundy Thursday you will have to wake up before dawn in order to take a shower. During the process, you should only use soap that you have prepared yourself. Please note that no one else should use this soap except you.

Next, you need to do cleaning, during which you need to use the same soap. During the cleaning process, you need to say the following: “(Lover's name) sticks to me like soap.” You will have to say the cherished words throughout the cleaning.

If at the end of the conspiracy you have a small piece of soap left, then you should take it to the church, placing it under the threshold. But it is better to try to use up all the prepared soap, so it is better to prepare a small piece initially.

When to count money on Maundy Thursday

For quite a long time there has been a tradition that involves counting all the money in the house. It is believed that this particular ritual will help attract money into your life.

Please note that such a ritual should be carried out alone, so ask all family members not to distract you at this time.

In addition, only the family member who manages this money is allowed to count money. If a married couple is used to solving all financial issues together, then they will also have to recalculate together.

Maundy Thursday happens only once a year, so on this day every person should at least temporarily postpone all their important affairs in order to have time to do everything that was planned. We waste time mindlessly cleaning without thinking at all about what it symbolizes.

Therefore, in the process of all these important matters, it is necessary to think that along with the collected rubbish, we also get rid of some of our problems, fears and negative energy. And by taking a morning shower, we spiritually cleanse ourselves of all the bad things that happened to us last year.

And we can also charge our body with health only on a day like Maundy Thursday. What date is Maundy Thursday in 2018, signs and customs did you learn today.