Steam cutlets in a multicooker cooking time. Chicken cutlets for a couple in a slow cooker. Ingredients for cooking

Steam cutlets - dietary dish and very useful. Prepare quickly, with minimal fat.Very good for the children's menu or, if necessary, observe a diet with a limitation of oily and fried dishes.

Today we will talk how to cook cutlets for a couple in a slow cooker. I prepared the cutlets for a couple in a multicooker Redmond, but in multicookers of other models everything is done in the same way.

So that the cutlets were more gentle and delicious, the white bread I replaced the semolina and did not add eggs into the mince. This time, I have a beef cutlets for a couple in a slow cooker, but you can take any other mince from meat, chicken or fish instead of beef.

Products for cooking Cutlet steamed in a slow cooker:
Farsh. 500 grams
Semolina 2 tablespoons with a slide
Milk or water 1/2 Glakana
Bulb onions 1 small head
Vegetable oil 1.5 tablespoons
Salt to taste (approximately 1/2 teaspoon)

How to cook steam cutlets in a slow cooker

Making minced or take ready. Homemade is definitely better, especially if you cook such cakes to children. So you will know exactly what stuffing in this, and how fat it is.

The semolina cereal is poured with milk or water and leave for 10 minutes to swell.

Onions are finely cut. If it is impossible to chop finely, you can grate onions on the grater or when making minced meal to skip it together with meat through the meat grinder. However, the sliced \u200b\u200bbow makes the cutlets are more juicy.

In a multicooker, we pour half liters of water and exhibit the cooking mode for a couple of 40 minutes. If your multicooker does not have such a mode, select similar, for example, cooking or soup.

While the water boils, mix all the components of the minced meat and add salt. You can add some black hammer peppers, but if these cutlets are not intended for children or people with the problems of the tract.

Machine mix well and additionally beat off, lifting and throwing in a bowl. In detail how to repel the minced me, I wrote in this article. Here I repeat briefly, it should not be neglected, because the chopping makes mince homogeneous, and the cutlets tender and lush.

A cup of multicooker, designed for cooking for a pair, lubricate refined vegetable oil.

Dishes cooked for a couple have always been considered the most useful. Of course, lovers of crispy fried crust, cutlets cooked for a couple may not be delivered to the desired pleasure, but they do not even argue about the benefits of such a method. Although, fairness it is worth noting that if you cook the cutlets on a couple, they will not only useful, but also very tasty.

First of all, it is worth paying attention to the preparation of minced meat. Experienced hosts are added to it, pre-operated in milk. It will make mince more air and easy. Also, it is not necessary to diligently with the addition of spices, quite enough salt and black ground pepper. Excess seasonings interrupts the taste of meat and makes your dish not so sophisticated and gentle.

By the way, you can cook steam cutlets in a slow cooker. For this purpose, two glasses of water poured into the bowl, and in a container for a pair, pre-lubricated with butter, cutlets lay out. After that, cover the lid, choose the "Crop to a pair" mode and are prepared for 25-30 minutes.

Boil the steam chicken steam cutlets for 20 to 25 minutes, from pork or beef - 30 - 35 minutes.

Looking for a way to feed your family not just tasty, but also useful? Now, knowing how much cooking cutlets for a couple, it will not be much difficult for you.

How much cook cutlets for a couple

Fish cutlets Cook a couple in a double boiler 15-20 minutes

Chicken cutlets cook for a couple in a double boiler 25 minutes

Meat cutlets Cook a couple in a double boiler 35-40 minutes

Fish cutlets Cook a couple in a multicooker 20-25 minutes

Chicken cutlets cook a couple in a multicooker 30 minutes

Meat cutlets Cook a couple in a multicooker 30-40 minutes

How much time to cook cutlets for a couple?

Cutlets can be prepared from various varieties of fish or meat. Use both ready-made mince, and make it themselves. Almost everyone has his own recipe for this dish.

For example, fish cutlets can be done so. Take in equal proportions 2 types of minced meat. Now mix them and add salt, pepper, spices and chopped greens. Form small balls, put them in the container. Fish cutlets cook for a couple in a double boiler for 15-20 minutes.

If you prefer chicken meat, then mix mince with crushed bow, salt and spices. You can soak a small piece of bread in milk, and when it becomes soft, too, put it in the mixture. Do not forget about the egg. Greens also welcome. Now form balls. Chicken cutlets for a couple in a double boiler boil 25 minutes.

As for meat kittball, the cooking process is the same as chicken. Just take any meat minced meat, you can take a few species. Additional ingredients are the same. Cook meat cutlets for a couple in a double boiler 35-40 minutes

How much time to cook cutlets for a couple in a slow cooker?

For a multicooker, the recipe for cooking is no different from a double boiler. Only the balls formed from the prepared minced meal lay out on the sieve. Then install it on the bowl, which was pre-floated water. Select the "Crop toile" mode and:

  1. fish cutlets Cook a couple in a multicooker 20-25 minutes;
  2. chicken cutlets Cook a couple in a multicooker 30 minutes;
  3. meat cutlets cook a couple in a multicooker 30-40 minutes.

Calorie Fish Cutlet for a couple - 72.9 kcal.

Calorie of chicken cutlets for a couple - 131.23 kcal.

Calorie meat boilers for a couple - 223.4 kcal.

If you have not yet acquired modern appliances, you can use for a couple for cooking, for example, 2 pots of different diameters. We will pour water to the greater, and to lower the products. Then put one to another, and cook for a couple. You can also use gauze or colander. Also in stores are available on the sale of steamers for a saucepan. So for the preparation of delicious and healthy food there are a lot of options.

Cutlets for a couple in a slow cooker - recipe and photo

We prepared these steam cutlets only from meat and onions with seasonings, and they turned out juicy and soft. At the same time, we welded in a slow cooker and potatoes. It's easy and tasty - try.

  • 450-550 g mixed minced meat
  • 1 pretty big bulb
  • third-half of a glass of milk (water)
  • salt, pepper, seasoning to minced
  • 4-5 rather big potatoes or a dozen bed

In mince, which is twice scrolled in a meat grinder with a shallow grid, add a very finely chopped bulb, seasonings and spices, some fragrant mixtures of herbs (this is to your taste, we added olive herbs), a little milk or water, as you should wash Minced and beat up, not less than 20-25 times in a bowl.

Now that mince is losing in the modeling, the shape of a few boiler and decompose in a steamer, which first lubricate vegetable or a piece of butter. Pour water - according to the warhead instructions for a couple, and in it, salted, put the purified potatoes - a whole or divided by half.

We turn on the cooking mode for a couple, time is set - 30-35 minutes, it is usually enough to get fragrant juicy cutlets and ready-made potatoes on the side dish.

And if you quickly prepare one of the sauces for meat - generally wonderful. Also easily prepare steam chicken or turkey cutlets. Tags: cutlets, meat in a slow cooker

Steam cutlets in a slow cooker. How to cook cutlets on a couple

We can talk about the benefits of dishes cooked for a couple. With such thermal processing of products, the maximum amount of beneficial substances is preserved. Steam cutlets in a slow cooker are considered not only a dietary, but also a very useful dish. The only drawback of the kitlet is unusual appearance and neurko pronounced taste. Because of this, many do not like steam cutlets. You can improve the taste quality of the dish, if you prepare steam cutlets in a slow cooker with the addition of juicy products.

Steam cutlets in a slow cooker

To prepare a dish useful for the whole family, can add chopped dill and parsley into meat minced meat. Add juits and taste to steam cutlets zucchini, pepper or cauliflower. Prepare classic steam cutlets in a slow cooker.

Ingredients for a cutlet for a couple:

  • minced meat (a mixture of pork with beef) - 0.5 kg;
  • white Baton - 1 \\ 4 part;
  • milk or water - 0.5 cups;
  • egg - 1 pc;
  • bulb - 1 pc;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

The appearance of the cutlets can also be a little "corrected" - to cut them into breadcrumbs. The juice of the dish will add a piece of cream or olive oil. Enrich the stuffing tablespoon of vegetable or butter.

Preparation of steam kitlet in a slow cooker:

  1. Almost every universal multicooker is equipped with an additional accessory - a basket with holes. This device allows you to prepare a pair of dishes.
  2. Prepare minced meat out of equal amount of pork and beef. For a steam cutlet, it is better to take low-fat pork and beef flesh. Refract on a meat grinder or grind meat in a blender.
  3. Cut part of the baton and soak it in milk. If at the moment you have no milk, then you can soften bread in conventional warm boiled water.
  4. Grinding bulb. It is recommended to shine onions with a sharp knife as much as possible. For those who do not know how to do this and is afraid of "letting a tear", it is allowed to crush onions in a blender bowl.
  5. Prepare deep tank and put it into it mince, add an egg and onions. Mix well.
  6. Remove the softened Baton from the milk, press the extra liquid and put it into the mince. Mix well with two hands. The mixer is not worth using - it will not help.
  7. At the end of the mixing, when the minced meat became soft and homogeneous, add salt and spices. Again well mixed.
  8. We divide the mince to equal parts in this way: a piece of minced meat is taken and "Kolobok" rolled out, which is immediately flattered. You have to get a medallion with a thickness of 2 to 4 centimeters.
  9. Lubricate the shape of sunflower oil and stacked semi-finished products.
  10. It remains to pour water into a slow cooker, close the lid and activate the "pair" mode. In some models, this regime is called differently "pairing" or "Cooking for a couple". The cooking time of the steam kitlet in a multicooker is 20 minutes.
  11. In the process of cooking a dish, you can turn the cutlets after 10 minutes. There are no fundamental rules for the preparation of steam cutlets - the meat is the same well steamed under the influence of hot steam.
  12. When steam cutlets in a slow cooker will prepare, remove them and let it cool a little.

Tasty minced secrets:

  1. To get tasty and juicy cutlets, it is better to make minced meat out of several types of meat.
  2. Bread is recommended to soak in warm milk.
  3. While the bread is swollen, finished mince, to give elasticity, once again passed through the meat grinder.
  4. So that the cakes are paired in the slow cooker are juicy, it is customary to add cabbage or raw potatoes into meat minced meat. Try first to make cutlets with the addition of cabbage - the flavor will be excellent!
  5. In the mince, it is better to add an egg not entirely, but only yolk. If the protein you have nowhere to do - send it to the minced meat.
  6. Picacity of cutlets will give garlic. Add the chopped garlic clove at the end of the minced meal.
  7. In some recipes, another ingredient is indicated: mayonnaise or sour cream. But the minced stuff can be even without them. Enough add 2 tbsp. Hot water and quickly mix content. Water "grab" meat and it will remain juicy.
  8. "Knock out" mince thoroughly and vigorously: they beat on the walls of the bowl or put into durable cellophane kracles and knock on the table.
  9. The finished mince leaves "rest" for 10-15 minutes.

Steam cutlets in multicooker dietary

If you follow your figure and dream of meeting Summer Slim, then you should pay attention to this recipe for a steam kitlet in a slow cooker. Such cobblets can be fed and a child, as they contain the minimum amount of fat.


  • chicken minced - 500 gr;
  • semolina cereals - 3 tbsp.;
  • bulb - 1 pc;
  • yolks - 2 pcs;
  • butter - 10 gr;
  • salt, spices - to taste.

How to cook steam cutlets in a slow cooker:

  1. Grind on the shallow grace onions (you can use the blender).
  2. If you make minced chicken fillets yourself, but with meat you can skip through a meat grinder and a bulb.
  3. In the hotel's bowl, soak the semolina camp: 3 tbsp. Manki - 5 tbsp. water. Stir the mixture and leave for 5 minutes.
  4. The semolina is allowed to replace a piece of white bread, operated in milk.
  5. In the chicken mince, put a gun, one yolk, salt and pepper. In order not to reduce the cutlets, add the salt gradually and try the mince "into the tongue". By 500 gr. meat minced meat is not more than 0.5 h. l. Salt.
  6. The mince is well stirred and creamy oil is added. Then steam cutlets in the slow cooker will be more juicy and tasty. Do not forget that the oil increases the calorie content of the dish.
  7. Form from minced meatballs and cut them first in the yolk, then in breadcrumbs.
  8. Capacity for cooking for cooking a pair. Lubricate the oil and lay out the cutlets. Each future cake should not come into contact with the neighboring, so that when heated, when they increase slightly in size, the cutlets did not stick out.
  9. Activate the multicooker in the "pair" mode, time is 20 minutes. Fill water into the bowl. If you have formed big cutlets, then cooking time should be enlarged for 10 minutes.
  10. After the informing signal, the cutlets are removed from the slow cooker and leave to cool.

Feed a ready-made dish with sour cream sauce or vegetable salad.

Steam cutlets in a multicooker beef with cheese

Even if such cutlets will have a crispy golden crust, they will have a special taste. Your homemade does not stand before this dish and will definitely ask for additives. Please make native beef cutlets with cheese.

Products for the kitlet:

  • homemade beef mince - 0.5 kg;
  • big bulb - 1 pc;
  • egg - 2 pcs;
  • creamy oil - 1 tbsp.;
  • fresh greens (dill, parsley) - 10 grams;
  • solid cheese - 100 gr;
  • ground black pepper and oregano - to taste.
  1. The most delicious cutlets are made from homemade minced meat. Do not be lazy - buy a young beef and make a mince yourself.
  2. Twist the bulb on the meat grinder.
  3. Add chopped onions into the mince, egg, salt and spices. Farm need to be elected to become homogeneous and leave for 5 minutes alone.
  4. So far, the mince "rests", in a small grater grind cheese.
  5. In the finished mince, add butter and mix again.
  6. Now the most interesting thing: we take a portion of minced me and roll off the ball. Click it and put a little grated cheese into the deepening. The edges wrap up, give the boiler the desired shape.
  7. The cutlets are laid in a short distance cutlets. Pour water into the bowl of water and activate the "pair" mode for 20 minutes.

Submit such fragrant and delicious steam cutlets in a slow cooker can be both an independent dish and with any side dish.

Steam cutlets in a multicooker from pike

You can make anything for a couple, even pike cutlets. The dish will be gentle, and have a spicy taste. Most owners do not want to deal with a pike, as its meat is dry and harsh. It is fixable when there is a slow cooker. Prepare juicy pike cutlets.


  • minced pikes - 1 kg;
  • onions - 1 pc;
  • white bun - 1 pc;
  • milk - 300 ml;
  • white crackers - 2 tbsp.;
  • creamy oil - 20 grams;
  • salt, pepper and greens - to taste.

How to cook steam cutlets in a slow cooker:

  1. Share with the mistress of a little secret: a juiciness and delicate taste of pike cutlets will give butter or fresh fat.
  2. A kilogram of fish minced is added 300 grams. Buns and 300 ml of milk (water). Soak bread in warm milk.
  3. Grind the bulb in a blender bowl or skip through the meat grinder.
  4. Add an egg, onion and pulp of pressed white bread to fish mince.
  5. In order not to kill the taste of fish, a moderate number of spices put into mince. Add greens, salt and pepper to taste.
  6. Looking the cutlets in ordinary breadcrumbs or bran. You can add crushed spices and dry herbs in a dry mixture.
  7. Form the cutlets and renger. Place semi-finished products in the barark bowl. Pour water into the container.
  8. Activate the "pair" mode, time - 20 minutes.

Succine steam cutlets with mushrooms and creamy sauce are served. Bon Appetit!

Steam cutlets in a multicooker with spinach

Spinach in our parts is not as popular as in France. And in vain, because this green vegetable, a real "broom" for our stomach. Sheet vegetable has no pronounced taste, but perfectly removes slags and improves metabolism. We offer to take advantage of this recipe and prepare a useful dish for the whole family of spinach, chicken minced meat and oatmeal.


  • chicken minced - 0.5 kg;
  • spinach - 500 gr;
  • egg - 2 pcs;
  • oatmeal (fine grinding) - 2 tbsp.;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

How to prepare steam cutlets in a multicooker with spinach:

  1. Do not be lazy - make minced yourself. Take chicken fillet and skip it through the meat grinder.
  2. Fresh spinach pour boiling water and leave for 3 minutes, then leak on the colander. Grind fresh spinach. Hard cutters are better not to use.
  3. Mix the chicken mince with spinach, add eggs, salt and pepper. Well wash the mince.
  4. Now it remains to pay attention to oatmeal: add oatmeal to mince and well "beat" on the walls of the bowl. Leave the mince to "rest" for 15 minutes. If the mixture turned out to be liquid, send it to the cold.
  5. Pour the water cooker in the bowl and set the steam basket. Wall and bottom with vegetable oil.
  6. Form the cutlets from the minor and put on the bottom basket. Activate the "pair" mode for 20 minutes.

You can feed cutlets with sour cream or creamy sauce.

Steam cutlets in multicooker carrot

Carrot cutlets will become a wonderful alternative to meat dishes for people who observe the post, adhered to diet and vegetarians. Carrot steam cutlets are popular and in baby food as a valuable source of vitamins and fiber.

Products used for cooking Kotlet:

  • carrots - 15 pcs (1 kg);
  • milk (fat 3.2%) - 15 ml;
  • manka - 3 tbsp.;
  • egg - 1 pc;
  • breadcrumbs - 2 tbsp.;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • salt to taste.

Step-by-step preparation of a steam kitlet in a slow cooker:

  1. Activate the Milk Porridge mode and pour milk into the bowl (can be replaced with water). So that it does not fit and not bought out, set the temperature by 70 degrees, activate the time - 20 minutes.
  2. While milk warms up, we will engage in carrots. We clean the vegetable and bubbling on the shallow grater (for lazy - it is possible on a large, but then the cutlets will not be so neat).
  3. We connect milk with carrots and mix well. We add sugar and salt. Activate the "quenching" mode for 30 minutes.
  4. After 15 minutes, we open the lid of the slow cooker and add a semi. Mix thoroughly. We continue to grieve carrots until readiness.
  5. After a notifying signal, the carrot mass is removed and cooled in a separate container.
  6. Multicooker's bowl prepare for the next stage.
  7. In the carrot mass add an egg and wash it carefully.
  8. We form from mince cutlets, pack in breadcrumbs.
  9. Capacity of the steamer lubricate with vegetable oil and put the cutlets.
  10. Turn on the "pair" mode, time is 30 minutes.

After cooking, we remove the cutlets from the steam container - we feed to the table with sour cream, honey or any jam.

Steam cutlets in a slow cooker. Video

  • Chicken Pilaf in Multivarce Redmond
  • Turkey Cutlets in Multicooker
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  • Jam in a multicooker polaris
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  • Chicken cutlets for a couple in a slow cooker
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Irina Kamshilina

Prepare for someone much more pleasant than for yourself))


Some dishes have become so familiar that any hostess should be prepared. For example, cutlets: in every family they love special, chicken, turkey, pork or beef, with cheese or egg, or vegetable. In such a modern kitchen appliance, like a multicooker, make them easier than simple. You only need to remember several different recipes and use them.

How to cook cutlets in a slow cooker

The dish can be made of meat, fish, vegetables. Prepare cutlets in a slow cooker will not be possible without additional components. To make them gentle and more comfortable, add buns, oatmeal meathed in milk. In the minced mandatory bow. Before taste, the backs are brought by spices. Remember couple of tips:

  1. In carrot bids you can add dried and fresh fruits, nuts.
  2. To make a more juicy mince, put a lot of onions in it. You can add a twisted fat, mayonnaise, sour cream.
  3. So that the cutlets are covered with a ruddy crust, cut them into a semoline or breadcrumbs. Flour is suitable.
  4. The frying kitlet in a slow cooker is not the fastest process, but you have almost no need to follow them.
  5. Sculpt the backs will be easier with wet hands. Stuffing is preferable to cool.

Recipe Cutlet in Multicooker

The device is good because the bits in it can not only be fasten, but also bake or make a pair. You can easily find a recipe kitlet in a slow cooker from meat, raw and boiled vegetables, fish. The dish can be made dietary or, on the contrary, very nutritious. It depends on the selection of components. Remember some of the best recipes and try to implement them.

On a couple

  • Cooking time: 45 min.
  • Number of portions: 3 persons.
  • Calorie dish: 164 kcal.
  • Purpose: Lunch, dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.

Magnificent cutlets for a couple in a multicooker from the pork mix and beef can not be called a dietary dish, but they are not roasted, it means that there are not so many calories. It is preferable to choose some light ranger, for example, boiled rice. Serve cutlets should be hot, for beauty you can trig out their chopped fresh greens. Read how to cook cutlets for a couple in a slow cooker.


  • spices, salt;
  • pork - 150 grams;
  • beef - 150 g;
  • onions - half of the head;
  • garlic - 4 teeth;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • cherry Baton - 2 slice;
  • milk - 50-70 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Two types of meat wash, cut into pieces and twist the meat grinder. Allowers and films must be deleted.
  2. Baton Put in a deep plate and pour there with milk. Make sure that the mass is reduced homogeneous.
  3. Painted onions with garlic, too, crush the meat grinder. You can use a blender.
  4. Put in the minced mead of the pulp of the baton, onions with garlic, spray, season with spices. The egg first beat in a separate plate, and then enter into the mass. Several times with the power to bulge her about the table.
  5. Paul liters of water pour into a slow cooker. Place the grille for steam cooking and turn on the appropriate mode so that the device starts to warm up.
  6. Formulate bits in a spoon or hands, panic in breadcrumbs. Put on the grille with one layer.
  7. Close the lid and cook half an hour. Call the turns and serve hot.


  • Cooking time: 125 min.
  • Number of portions: 8 persons.
  • Calorie dish: 199 kcal.
  • Purpose: Lunch, dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.

Cutlets in a multicooker fried are even tastier than in a skillet. Many hostesses are concerned that the folds cooked on the fire inside can remain a bit damp. When using the same multicooker, it is completely excluded. Curls should be soft and incredibly juicy. They will be good with boiled potatoes, and with Macarona.


  • minced pig-beef - 750 g;
  • salt, small black pepper;
  • lean oil;
  • bulgarian pepper - 2 medium multi-colored;
  • sukhari breading - 120-140 g;
  • petrushka with dill - beam;
  • garlic - 3 tooth;
  • milk - half a cup;
  • dry bread - 5 pieces.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut your crust bread, pour the ball with warm milk.
  2. Puffs connect with splash bread, salt, crushed garlic, pepper. Mix diligently.
  3. Pepper clean from seeds, tail. Cut with small cubes. Put on meat. Add crushed greenery.
  4. Form small billets, staging each in breadcrumbs.
  5. In the multi-stroke pour a little bit of lean oil, lay out a few cutlets. Close the lid and for 20 minutes each side prepare on the "baking".

Beefs for a couple

  • Cooking time: 105 min.
  • Number of portions: 12 persons.
  • Calorie dishes: 313 kcal.
  • Purpose: Lunch, dinner.
  • Cuisine: homemade.
  • Preparation complexity: Easy.

For a variety Remember another recipe for steam cutlets in a slow cooker. They are made from calf mince. In it, for piquancy and giving a beautiful shade, a little dried paprika is added. Taste of beef boilers in a multicooker truth wonderful. They are easy, suitable for different garnish. People who observe the diet usually eat them with fresh vegetables.


  • minced beef - 950 g;
  • petrushka chilled - 105 g;
  • onions - 2 heads;
  • pepper, salt;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • milk - 210 ml;
  • rolls are worn - 4 pcs.;
  • paprika - 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Machine boots with milk and do not touch half an hour.
  2. Sofasy bread with minced meat. Add eggs, greens, twisted in a meat grinder onions.
  3. Sung stuff, pepper, sprinkle paprika. Stir it carefully, take away several times.
  4. Multicooker plastic grille lubricate with lean oil.
  5. Wet hand shapes and lay out on it.
  6. Pour a little less liter of water in the bowl. Put the process "Cooking for a pair".
  7. Put the grille with the cutlets. Close the lid, prepare half an hour.

With gravy

  • Cooking time: 155 min.
  • Number of portions: 16 persons.
  • Calorie dish: 306 kcal.
  • Purpose: Lunch, dinner.
  • Cuisine: homemade.
  • The complexity of cooking: average.

The taste of the kitlet with a gravy in a multicooker is delightful. First, they are roasted, and then stew in tomato sauce, soaking them. They are very gentle, well harmonize with different handbrokers. The recipe is recommended to mix pork mince with calf, although you can use only one. Spices for cutlets pick up at your discretion, but do not put too spicy, so as not to kill the meat taste.


  • pork - 800 kg;
  • beef - 700 g;
  • sukhari breading - 180 g;
  • salt, spices;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • milk - 100 ml.;
  • flour - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • bread worn - 4 slice;
  • tomato paste - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • garlic - 3 tooth;
  • vegetable oil;
  • water - 0.2 l;
  • sour cream - 100 grams.

Cooking method:

  1. Slices of bread pour with milk.
  2. Break into the meat grinder both types of meat. Stir with wet bread. Add eggs, seasoning salt. Mix the mince well and let him relax for 10 minutes.
  3. Turn on the "fry" on the multicooker.
  4. Wet hands twist the cakes, run them in the breadcrumbs and delivering in both sides of 10-12 minutes.
  5. When all the backs are fire, fold them into the bowl. Mix the water with sour cream, tomato paste, flour. Fill the bits received sauce.
  6. Prepare a quarter of an hour on the "cargo".


  • Cooking time: 35 min.
  • Number of portions: 3 persons.
  • Calorie dish: 346 kcal.
  • Purpose: Lunch, dinner.
  • Cuisine: homemade.
  • Preparation complexity: Easy.

It is not necessary to fry all stuffing meter in a slow cooker immediately. You can form many pieces, but cook only as much as you need to have to have dinner or dine. The rest of the workpiece need to decide into the container and place in the freezer. After a while, frozen cutlets in the slow cooker are treated with steam. You do not need to bring them to room temperature, you should lay out in the grid and select the appropriate mode.


  • water - 2 glasses;
  • curls frozen - 3 pcs.;
  • lean oil - 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Fill the multicooker with water and immediately run the process of "cooking to a pair" process, so that it starts to warm up.
  2. Lubricate with lean oil and put on the bowl.
  3. Lay out bokings. Prepare half an hour.

Vegetable on a couple

  • Cooking time: 95 min.
  • Number of portions: 6 persons.
  • Calorie dish: 121 kcal.
  • Purpose: diet.
  • Cuisine: homemade.
  • Preparation complexity: Easy.

If you stick to a vegetarian approach to food or comply with a diet, be sure to learn to make vegetable cutlets for a couple in a slow cooker. The taste of their slightly specific, but real adherents of a healthy lifestyle, this never stopped. Vegetable folds for a couple in a slow cooker are slightly sweet. Serve them should be hot.


  • beets - 2 medium;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • salt - a couple of pinch;
  • prunes - 10 pcs.;
  • potatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • schuput - 2-3 tbsp. l.;
  • manka - 4 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour boiling water washed prunes.
  2. Clean the carrots, soda her finely. Squeeze juice.
  3. Beets also need to clean and rub the middle grater. SOK SOCKE.
  4. Onions Clean and charge small cubes.
  5. Stir all the vegetables, add a semolina camp.
  6. Potatoes are welded in the uniform. Give her cool, and then clean. Sutitate boiled potatoes large.
  7. Add in vegetable stuffing finely chopped prunes and potatoes. Suck, knead.
  8. From the released mass form the cutlets. Look in their sesame seeds.
  9. Put the blanks on the grille. In the form of a multicooker pour the liter of water. Cook under the lid on the "cooking for a couple" half an hour.

Chicken steam

  • Cooking time: 185 min.
  • Number of portions: 12 persons.
  • Calorie dish: 122 kcal.
  • Purpose: Lunch, dinner.
  • Cuisine: homemade.
  • Preparation complexity: Easy.

Chicken steam cutlets in a slow cooker are lighter, containing little calories. They can be included in the diet to people who feed only by dietary products. Cocks need to be prepared from low-fat mince, it is best to make it from breast. Meat stirred with oat flakes, carrot, onion. Such a dish you can easily diversify the child's diet.


  • chicken fillet - 1 kg;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tsp;
  • oatmeal flakes - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • cream - 100 ml;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • salt, spices;
  • carrot - 2 medium;
  • garlic - 1 teeth;
  • onions - 2 heads.

Cooking method:

  1. Heat cream and soak oatmeal in them.
  2. Clean the bow, garlic. Pull them through the meat grinder and chicken. In the same method, grind swelling flakes.
  3. Mix mince. Add carrot to it, pre-receiving and races on a shallow grater.
  4. Plastic grille to fool the oil.
  5. Form the products with wet palms. Lay out on the grille.
  6. Multicooker bowl fill hot water. Set the program "Cooking for a pair". Place the grille on top. Prepare minutes 20-25 under the lid.

Dietary on a couple

  • Cooking time: 85 min.
  • Number of portions: 12 persons.
  • Calorie dish: 233 kcal.
  • Purpose: diet.
  • Kitchen: European.
  • Preparation complexity: Easy.

Dietary cutlets for a couple in a slow cooker will fit not only to those people who seek to lose weight. They are useful and those who have problems with the stomach, intestines. Curls are very light and tasty, juicy and soft. It would be nice to prepare a useful and low-calorie garnish. You can cook a buckwheat croup or make potatoes-mashed potatoes. Do not put in the cutlets too many spices, because they awaken appetite, and it only interferes with a diet.


  • chicken fillet - 750 g;
  • pepper, salt, sugar;
  • sour cream low-fat - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • garlic - a couple of poles;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • starch - 3 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Meat first should be rinsed, and then skipping through the meat grinder.
  2. Clean garlic, crush the press and add to the mince.
  3. Enter the eggs, sour cream, salt and pepper, patch the sugar pinch.
  4. Sprinkle a mass of starch and diligently mix.
  5. Forming bugs with wet hands and lay out on the grid.
  6. Pour a liter of hot water into a multicooker. Turn on the "Crop to Paper" function. Install the grille.
  7. Close the lid and prepare the dish of the order of half an hour.


  • Cooking time: 190 min.
  • Number of portions: 16 persons.
  • Calorie dish: 121 kcal.
  • Purpose: Lunch, dinner.
  • Cuisine: homemade.
  • The complexity of cooking: average.

Cabbage cutlets for a couple in a slow cooker are surprisingly delicious and will also come to the soul of even those people who do not like vegetable dishes. Prepare them easily, though long. The cabbage recipe is first poured with a mixture of milk and tomato paste, but if you do not like the latter, you can use a similar amount of water. Then the cutlets will not be sour, but a creamy taste.


  • white cabbage - 1.6 kg;
  • lean oil;
  • milk - 1 l;
  • flour - 8 tbsp. l.;
  • tomato paste - 200 ml;
  • dill dried - 3-4 chips;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • salt pepper;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • carrot - 2 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. Kochan free from the upper leaves, rinse.
  2. Clean the onions and carrots.
  3. Cabbage cut into large pieces.
  4. Fill it with milk, add tomato paste, water. Put on the stove, let it boil and turn off in five minutes.
  5. Drain the liquid and cool the cabbage. Twist it, onions and carrots in a meat grinder.
  6. Stir with eggs, dill, satisfy. Thwart the mass of flour.
  7. Wet hand form cakes. Lay them on a plastic grille.
  8. In the slow cooker type hot water. Install the grille. Turn on the "cook for a pair" and cook for 20 minutes.

With potato

  • Cooking time: 80 min.
  • Number of portions: 8 persons.
  • Calorie dish: 321 kcal.
  • Purpose: Lunch, dinner.
  • Cuisine: homemade.
  • The complexity of cooking: high.

If you have very little time, make cutlets with potatoes in a slow cooker. The dish is incredibly tasty, satisfying. Each portion accounts for a pair of a kitlet and a lot of fragrant stewed potatoes. In the dish you can add different spices. Thymes are well suited, pippark hammer, rosemary, coriander. Be sure to try to learn how to make potatoes with folds at the same time.


  • beef - 0.6 kg;
  • tomato paste - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • onions - 3 pcs.;
  • bread crushers - 3-4 tbsp. l.;
  • lean oil - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • spices, salt;
  • lavrushka - 2 sheets;
  • potato - 750 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • starch - 1.5 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare products. The meat must first wash, and then dry and grind the meat grinder with one bulb.
  2. Enter eggs, spray and season the eggs. Add starch, mix.
  3. Form the backs. Lubricate the grille of a multicooker oil and put the blanks on it.
  4. Clean potatoes, carrots, onions. Wash.
  5. Cut the potatoes with medium cubes, grind onions, soda carrot. Put these products in a multicastry. Fry on "baking" no longer than 10 minutes.
  6. Fill products with water, add tomato paste, bay leaf, season.
  7. Prepare on the "cargo" 15 minutes.
  8. Open the device cover, place the lattice with folds. Close, prepare on the same mode for another half hour.

Tasty pork

  • Cooking time: 125 min.
  • Number of portions: 12 persons.
  • Calorie dish: 385 kcal.
  • Purpose: Lunch, dinner.
  • Cuisine: homemade.
  • The complexity of cooking: average.

If you want to make unrealistic tasty pork cutlets in a slow cooker, then be sure to use the recipe that you will see below. He is simple, can even be a newcomer. The dish prepared by the following technology is an excellent option for dinner. His cooking goes not so much time. Serve cutlets must be hot, with sour cream or mayonnaise.


  • pork - 1.5 kg;
  • garlic - 2 teeth;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • salt pepper;
  • white bread - 6 slices;
  • sunflower oil;
  • salo - 200 g;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • onions - 4 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash meat. Scroll it through the meat grinder. In the same method, crushing the fat without skins, two bulbs.
  2. Add eggs to mince, crushed garlic. Sung wash, mix and give 20 minutes to stand.
  3. In the multicooker pour a little lean oil.
  4. Formulate cakes with wet hands. Fry them on "baking" on both sides of 10 minutes.
  5. The remaining two bulbs and carrots will be cleaned. Sight them. Carrot soda is large, cut down by half rings.
  6. Fold into the container of the multicooker cakes, pour with vegetables. Pour some water.
  7. Close the lid, turn on "quenching" and cook for 40 minutes.


  • Cooking time: 115 min.
  • Number of portions: 2 persons.
  • Calorie dishes: 283 kcal.
  • Purpose: Lunch, dinner.
  • Kitchen: European.
  • The complexity of cooking: average.

Roasted fish cutlets in a slow cooker very unusual taste, juicy and slightly sweetish. They are preparing from fresh salmon with the addition of vegetables, soy sauce and some other products. This dish is guaranteed to enhance all people who love seafood. Prepare it is completely easy. Fry the cakes should be in a small amount of oil, laying up on the bottom of the bowl by one layer.


  • salmon (fillet) - 425 g;
  • dried paprika - 1 tsp;
  • milk - 50 ml;
  • salt pepper;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil;
  • green onions - a couple of twigs;
  • schuput - 1 tablespoon;
  • baton white dry - 1 piece;
  • soy sauce - 1 tablespoon;
  • garlic - 1 teeth;
  • carrot - 1 pc.;
  • onions - 1 pc.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut fish with small cubes.
  2. Fill bread with milk.
  3. Clean the onions, carrots and garlic. Wash.
  4. Skip all of the above products through a meat grinder.
  5. Add chopped greens, eggs, soy sauce, salt, pepper into the mince. Well wash it.
  6. Stir sesame seeds with paprika.
  7. Wet hand form cakes. Look them with a mixture of sesame and seasonings.
  8. In the slow cooker pour some oil. Put the "baking" and cook the bugs of minutes to 12-15 on each side.


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Multicooker cutlets: recipes with photos

How to cook delicious cutlets

From this article you will learn how easy it is to quickly cook delicious cutlets for a couple in a slow cooker, as well as why such cutlets are useful and light!

30 kcal

110 kcal

5/5 (5)

I do not know how you, and I love to cook children with the birth of children in a slow cooker - in it I can steply cook anything: at least a curd casserole, even steam cutlets or bokings, cook at least soup, even porridge and all this. While we are walking with children, or we draw - our favorite dishes are preparing in a slow cooker.

It is known about the benefits of steam food to everyone who, at least the edge of the ear heard of proper nutrition. Let us dwell on more about the benefits of a steam kitlet cooked in a slow cooker. Mistress, not very well acquaintances with this smart technique often wondered - how much do you need to cook beef or pork cutlets for a couple? It is not necessary to break your head over this question - the manufacturer of your technique provided a cooking regime for a couple of optimal time for cooking, a multicooker will do everything for you.

The advantages of steam coblet

Steam cutlets can easily replace fat, fried dishes, which is not only an effective way to combat overweight, but also the basis of proper nutrition. The taste of steam food, of course, differs from the usual roasted, but it does not mean that it is tasteful. On the contrary, there are many recipes oriented precisely on the preparation of the same dishes in the steamer.

Pieces cooked for a couple have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, quickly absorbed and maintain important trace elements. If you can use such food systematically, then you can normalize the metabolism, improve health and avoid many problems associated with digestion. Therefore, doctors recommend less fry, use less oil, giving preference to brave, boiled and steam food to avoid many diseases.

To other benefits of steam food can be attributed ease of preparation and speed. She will not nourish and will not "digest", they do not need to closely follow it, standing clock at the tile. Steam food is easier to digest, which means it is an excellent source of energy. However, it should be borne in mind that the products for a double boiler should be cut into large, otherwise it may be unpleasant homogeneous mass.

Steam food available to everyone, It practically does not have contraindications, which cannot be said about fried counterparts.

If you exclude all fatty, cooked on the oil from the diet, you can reset extra kilograms, without forcing yourself to exhaust diets. And if you add physical exercises to such a nutrition, then the result will not make yourself wait.

Thus, in a slow cooker you can cook absolutely everything. It will not be difficult to cook for a couple of meat, chicken, vegetables. And what used to be prohibited, for example, the cutlets, thanks to her again becomes affordable. Recipes steam boiler always simple and freaktyAny hostess will cope with them.

The advantages of the steam kitlet in front of fried are obvious: they are less fat, because There are no oil in their cooking,and thanks to the pair, a piece of fat from the minced is flipped. Therefore, the caloric content of steam cutlets is not high: such a dish will not spoil your shape. In addition, it is easy to prepare them and simply. They will not be inlent, it will be juicy and delicious and fit to any side man!

How to cook cutlets in a slow cooker


Get ready for cooking:

  1. For the preparation of the kitlet in a slow cooker will suit any kind of meat: chicken, pork, beef.
  2. To prepare dietary cutlets for a couple, first of all it is necessary to make out of the simple meat minced meat, from which you can cook delicious cutlets.
  3. To do this, clean one bulb and grind it. Do the same with garlic. It is best grinding garlic on a shallow grater or so-called garbaged. In both cases do it better stuffing over a containerSo that the juice does not disappear. Onions, mince and garlic need to mix thoroughly.
  4. Then in a separate bowl, soak the soft part of the bread. When he spins, together with the remaining milk, add it to the mince. Stir again until it turns into homogeneous mass.
  5. Now you can proceed to the formation of the kitlet. It is better to make them small, then they will prepare faster and stop evenly. The cutlets themselves must be cut into flour or breading mixture.

Before cooking cutlets, prepare a multicooker. You need to pour 1-2 glasses of water into the bowl, then install a paranar plate, to which you want to lay out the cutlets. Do not press them too close to each other, as in the cooking process they will increase in size. Click on the button "Cook for a pair" and wait for 20 minutes.

Cutlets - a universal meat dish, which is combined with almost any garnish - porridge, vegetable stew, mashed potatoes. Today we will talk about how to make them useful, having accelerating the cooking process. Learn how to cook cutlets for a couple in a slow cooker.

Many hostesses are thinking about how to feed the family not only satisfying, but also useful food. Steam cutlets are an excellent alternative to conventional cutlets, fried in vegetable oil in a frying pan. Nutritionists celebrate greater benefit of meat dishes cooked for a couple. They are better absorbed, do not lose taste and do not add extra kilograms.

However, this technological process takes considerable time. Before a woman is a question how to cook cutlets for a couple with minimal time spent. The answer is simple: to save time, make a pair of cutlets in a slow cooker.

This kitchen gadget greatly simplifies the life of a modern working woman, because you can make the blanks in advance, lay out in a multi-cooker and choose the time when they are ready. In this case, the cooking of the kitlet will seem fun.

Consider how to make cutlets in a slow cooker. To prepare mince for 10 meat, use such ingredients:

  • chicken fillet (alternative - beef, lamb) - 800 g;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 2 teeth;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • white bread - 50 g;
  • milk - 50 ml.

Seasonings (salt, mixture of peppers, oregano or basil) Add, focusing on your own flavoring addiction.

How to cook steam cutlets

Cutlets in a slow cooker - a simple dish, but also not to do without knowledge of technology. We'll figure it out how to cook cutlets on a couple in such a way that they get juicy, tasty and lush.

To do this, follow these steps:

  • Wash meat, cut into pieces and skip through the meat grinder.
  • Heat the milk and put bread into it.
  • Clean the onions and garlic. Place them in a blender with swollen bread and grind to Cashitz.
  • Mix the mince with a bulbous mixture, add eggs, seasonings to taste.

  • Stir and sweat the mince. To do this, lift several times and dramatically lower it in a bowl.
  • Score 2 tbsp. l. Minced meat and form the cutlets.

  • Pour 400-500 ml of water into the multicooker's bowl and install the plate for cooking for a couple, sprinkle it with water.
  • Put the cutlets, close the lid.

For the preparation of such a kitlet will take 20 minutes. Place the right time or check the timer with a delay.

Cutlets for a couple - an excellent dietary dish. Thanks to a slow cooker, they simply and quickly cook. The hostess will save time and feed households with a delicious and healthy dish.