How to make green tea ice cream. How to make ice cream with green tea? Green tea ice cream recipe

From the moment when small children become aware of their “I” and to infinity, the most beloved and desired thing is delicious ice cream in a waffle cone, chocolate or homemade ice cream with syrup or jam. Someone said that these are vitamins of happiness. There were times when a summer day without ice cream in a glass seemed joyless and wasted. And a popsicle on a stick was considered high class.

Store-bought ice cream is the simplest and most affordable dessert. Unless of course it is made from natural products. Many people don’t even think about how easy it is to make ice cream at home from natural products, even if an ice cream maker is not on the list of kitchen equipment. In its simplest form, a home ice cream maker consists of a container, a mixing blade and a lot of ice.

Homemade ice cream is a mixture of cream, milk and sugar. Various emulsifiers are added to industrial recipes - gelatins, starch, egg whites. The recipe for homemade ice cream is no more complicated than the recipe, the technology is similar, only the cream can be heat treated, and the creamy ice cream can be frozen. Dairy-free types of ice cream are less common, but they are no less tasty - frozen juices or fruit purees.

There are many exotic types of ice cream. One of them is Japanese ice cream with green tea, Green Tea Ice Cream, a mixture of regular creamy ice cream with unusual matcha green tea powder. The dessert is pleasing to the eye and very tasty, although its color is somewhat unusual. Ice cream with tea or tea ice cream will decorate any table and become the highlight of the party.

The recipe for homemade ice cream is simple and preparing the dessert is not difficult. If you have a home ice cream maker, you can easily prepare ice cream and, by adding matcha tea powder, excellent green ice cream without dyes.

By and large, ice cream is prepared quickly at home, but almost all the time is spent on cooling and freezing. If you have an ice cream maker, the process is greatly simplified, since there is no need to prepare ice and manually stir the mixture. As a rule, a simple mixture based on cream and sugar is first prepared, on the basis of which you can then make any creamy ice cream, with any filling - fruit, vanilla, berry, coffee or ice cream with green tea.

Homemade ice cream. Step by step recipe

Ingredients (4-6 servings)

  • Cream (33-35%) 250 ml
  • Milk 400 ml
  • Sugar 0.5 cups
  • Vanilla extract to taste
  • Matcha green tea powder taste
  • Chocolate, syrup, jam, mint or basil for filing
  1. Having prepared creamy ice cream as a base, you can create almost any dessert to your taste using various additives and fillers. For the creamy base you will need natural cream with a fat content of at least 30%. They are also called heavy cream or cream. There's Double Cream in the UK - it's the way to go. You need regular milk with a fat content of 2-2.5%, regular white sugar and a little liquid vanilla extract - it mixes well with milk.

    Heavy cream, milk sugar and vanilla

  2. How to cook

  3. To make creamy homemade ice cream, simply combine milk and cream in a large saucepan. Add sugar and liquid vanilla extract. This can all be done at once and sequentially, and then put the pan on low heat. By the way, at this stage you need to add all the ingredients that are used as fillers and flavorings to the milk mixture.

    Mix milk, heavy cream, sugar and vanilla extract

  4. Slowly heat the milk mixture, stirring constantly with a spatula. The sugar must be completely dissolved - without a trace at all. You should try the cream mixture and, if necessary, add sugar and vanilla - rely on your taste. Remove the pan from the heat and cool to room temperature by placing it in cold water. Place the pan with the mixture in the refrigerator - the better the mixture cools, the more convenient it will be to form the dessert.

    Heat the mixture until the sugar is completely dissolved

  5. Homemade ice cream maker

  6. An amazingly convenient and simple device for making ice cream. The models are very similar to each other. When choosing, you should pay attention to the cooling container - the more massive the walls and the more liquid in them that retains cold, the more product can be prepared without additional freezing of the container.

    Homemade ice cream maker - a simple and convenient device

  7. The essence of the process is simple: a massive container is placed in the freezer in advance, at least for a day. Before cooking, it is placed in the ice cream maker and covered with a lid with a mixing device. If you don’t have such a device, you can get by with a regular metal pan and prepare a lot of crushed ice for cooling. You can mix with a regular whisk.
  8. The milk mixture is poured into the ice cream maker, which is cooled by the frozen container while stirring. Gradually the mixture thickens and cools greatly. Usually, the time for freezing the mixture in an ice cream maker is up to 15 minutes, but gradually the ice container warms up a little, and more time may be needed.

    Pour cooled milk mixture into ice cream maker

  9. This produces an excellent ice cream - a simple creamy product that is suitable as a dessert or serves as a basis for other desserts. The almost finished creamy dessert should be transferred to a plastic container, covered with a lid and placed in the freezer. Depending on the degree of freezing, you can make soft or hard (hardened) ice cream.

    Creamy ice cream ready to be completely frozen

  10. How to make green tea ice cream

  11. The recipe for homemade matcha ice cream is not fundamentally different from the usual ice cream recipe. Matcha, in Japanese 抹茶, is an extremely interesting product that is on sale. This is a special green tea ground into powder, used in the preparation of certain desserts, baked goods, noodles and in the Japanese tea ceremony.

    Matcha, matcha, 抹茶 - dry green tea powder of a certain type

  12. At the stage of heating the milk mixture, add green tea powder to it, sifting it through a strainer. Green tea powder does not dissolve in milk. But it brews beautifully, coloring the milk a pleasant, soft green hue. After the tea has “brewed” in the milk and colored it, the mixture must be cooled in the same way as regular tea, without additives, and then strained through a cloth.

    Add green tea to milk mixture

  13. After thoroughly cooling, pour the mixture into the prepared ice cream maker and wait until soft green tea ice cream forms. Additionally, freeze green tea ice cream in the freezer.

The article will talk about interesting fashion that came to the world from Japan. Few would think that you can not only drink green tea, but also make delicious ice cream from it, which is something unique to Russian cuisine. But the Japanese have been producing similar types of ice cream for a long time, so a simple recipe based only on green tea will no longer surprise the average resident of the “islands.”

First recipe

In order to prepare the simplest ice cream of this type, you will need:
  • one tablespoon of tea powder (if this is not available, you can simply pass the leaves through a coffee grinder)
  • three tablespoons of hot water
  • two yolks
  • 3/4 cup milk
  • 3/4 cup cream
  • For sweetness, sugar is used - 5 tablespoons.
After all the products are prepared, you can begin to work. First, mix tea and water. The powder should form a homogeneous mass with water. In a separate container, beat eggs and sugar, after which the mixture is placed on low heat. During cooking, you need to pour in the milk evenly. Once the mixture becomes thick, it can be removed from the heat and cooled. When the temperature of the mixture drops to room temperature, add tea and whipped cream. All that remains is to put the ice cream in the freezer for 3 hours.

Second recipe

For the recipe you will need:
  • 1/5 spoon of large green tea
  • 0.5 icing sugar
  • 1 cup whipped cream
  • 2 squirrels
  • 1 yolk

The process begins with brewing tea. Afterwards, you need to let the tea cool and remove all the leaves from it using chintz. You won’t need any more green tea leaves in this recipe, because they gave all their taste and aroma to the boiling water. At the same time, you need to beat the whites with sugar and one yolk. When the mixture reaches a homogeneous mass, you can pour in the tea and continue whisking. The ice cream is almost ready, all that remains is to put it in the refrigerator for 3 hours, after which you can enjoy the interesting taste.

Third recipe

For this recipe you will need:
  • 6 eggs
  • 6 tablespoons tea powder
  • 100 grams of powder
  • teaspoon lemon juice
  • glass of heavy cream
  • teaspoon soy sauce
First, you need to separate the yolks from the whites. The first ones must be beaten with 50 grams of powdered sugar until foam appears. In another bowl, mix the yolks, lemon juice, soy sauce and tea. The mixture is placed in a water bath and powder is gradually added. All this needs to be whipped until foam forms, after which the whites and yolks are carefully mixed. This must be done so that the foam does not disappear, otherwise the ice cream will not turn out so airy. Now all you have to do is freeze it in the freezer and it’s ready.

Ice cream recipe using condensed milk

Here's what you'll need:
  • half a can of condensed milk
  • 4 tablespoons loose leaf tea
  • liter of milk
  • 8 spoons of sugar

The milk is put on fire, tea and sugar are added to it. Once the milk has boiled, remove it from the heat and strain to remove the tea leaves. Now you need to cool the mixture, then add condensed milk and put it in the freezer. This recipe is suitable for true sweet tooths.

Recipe using fruit

For the recipe you need:
  • 50 grams of berries or fruits
  • 3 tablespoons tea powder
  • a glass of milk
  • four spoons of sugar
  • 2 squirrels
  • half a glass of cream
The whites are mixed with tea and sugar, then cream is added and everything is whipped. At this time, you need to add strawberries to the milk and crush them, you can also use a blender. Now everything is mixed and brought to a homogeneous mass. The mixture is placed in the refrigerator, in a couple of hours the dish will be ready.

It is difficult to find a person who would remain indifferent to ice cream. First-class taste or fillings in combination with icing, chocolate, creme brulee, complemented by sweet moisture, captivates at first sight.

It is enough to lick this delicacy with your tongue and an irresistible desire arises to enjoy it to the last crust. However, if the traditional taste of ice cream no longer surprises anyone, then ice cream combined with green tea is an unusual recipe for a cool treat.

It has an invigorating effect, refreshes in the hot summer and creates an incredibly aromatic aftertaste in the mouth.

What is tea ice cream?

From this article you will learn:

For the first time, ice cream, of which ice cream is an important part, began to be produced in Japan. The country has developed a special and reverent attitude towards this delicacy. It should be noted that tea is used not only in the traditional tea ceremony, but also to obtain healing infusions and oils. Many modern recipes include tea.

There are several ways to make tea-based ice cream. Their main differences lie in the technique of brewing the drink: some types of ice cream require tea infusion, others involve the use of tea leaves, which allows you to obtain a more refined and delicate taste with an incredibly soft aroma.

I would like to immediately note that at home it is difficult to obtain the pistachio color of the product, in fact, as well as rich green. The company's production line certainly uses synthetic dyes. In the case of natural green tea ice cream, the drink will have a characteristic yellowish tint, nothing more. A rich infusion with a bright color can only be obtained by those who purchase Matcha tea powder.


Required ingredients:

  • 1 tablespoon of tea leaves;
  • 2/3 spoon of sugar;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 300 ml cream (high fat content).


Green tea in combination with ice cream can boast a tonic effect. If you enjoy this dessert after lunch, you can maintain high performance throughout the working day. This ice cream is also suitable for those with a sweet tooth who do not want to gain extra pounds. This mass does not contain any flavors or dyes, which makes it safe for children.

Share your favorite tea recipe with the readers of our site!

Delicious cold delicacy - a favorite among dessert connoisseurs. The refreshing mixture melts on the tongue with a subtle, slightly spicy sweetness and gives incomparable pleasure. In addition to the original taste, this dessert contains many benefits. After all, green tea is a recognized source of antioxidants and vitamins important for the body. Japanese chefs claim that it also has a powerful tonic effect. In a word, such a treat is pleasant to eat yourself and is not a shame to present to guests.

What's so special about Japanese green tea ice cream?

To make Japanese green tea ice cream you don’t need to have any special skills or special ingredients – everything is extremely simple and accessible. The only and main component that influences the taste of such ice cream is green tea. Matcha. This tea is very popular along with teas such as Sencha or Gyokuro and therefore it is easily available in shops and tea shops. It is important that the tea is powdered and not leaf. Since it will not need to be brewed, but will need to be placed directly in. If there is no tea in the store Matcha in powder form, no need to be upset. You just need to place the leaf tea in a blender and grind it (if the blender is not powerful enough, you can grind the tea with a pestle).

And now a few recipes:

Recipe 1


6 eggs
100 g sugar powder
1/3 cup strongly brewed green tea powder
1 teaspoon soy sauce
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1 cup 33% cream.


1.) Take raw eggs, cool, separate the whites from the eggs. Beat the whites with half the powdered sugar until stiff foam.
2.) Mix the yolks with soy sauce, tea and lemon juice. Add the remaining powder and beat in a water bath until strong, fluffy foam.
3.) Whip the cream until stiff. Mixing carefully, combine all ingredients. Place in pan and freeze in refrigerator for 2 hours.

Recipe 2


1 tbsp. l. with green tea top
2 egg whites and 1 yolk
150 g sugar
350 ml cream with a fat content of 33% or higher


1.) Brew strong tea with a quarter cup of boiling water, cool and strain. Beat the whites with less than a tablespoon of sugar into a strong foam, grind the yolk with the same amount of sugar until white, combine both mixtures and stir.
2.) Add cooled tea and stir carefully again, being careful not to let the whites fall off. Beat the slightly cooled cream with the remaining sugar into a fluffy foam, add to the rest of the ingredients, stir carefully one last time, pour the mixture into molds and place in the freezer.

Recipe 3

Ingredients for 6 servings:

1/2 cup boiling water
1.5 tbsp. spoons of Japanese green tea
2 egg whites
1/2 cup icing sugar
1 egg yolk
1.5 cups whipped cream
green food coloring (optional)


1.) Pour boiling water over the tea leaves and leave until completely cooled. Then strain the infusion.
2.) In a small bowl, beat the egg whites, adding sugar 1 tbsp. spoon. When the mass becomes sufficiently homogeneous, add 1 yolk and pour in the cooled tea infusion.
3.) In a separate bowl, whip the cream, then mix the contents of both containers.
4.) If desired, you can add a few drops of food coloring.
5.) Pour the mixture into glasses, cover with lids and place in the freezer.
6.) After a few hours of freezing, it’s ready!

Recipe 4


Milk (3/4 cup)
Egg yolks (2 pcs.)
Sugar (5 tbsp)
Heavy cream (3/4 cup)
Green tea powder (1 tablespoon)
Hot water (3 tbsp)


First, you need to mix the green tea powder well with hot water in a bowl. Once you're done, set the bowl aside. Then whisk the egg yolks in a saucepan and add a little sugar. Mix very well. Now add milk gradually into the pan so that it mixes properly. The pan should be placed on low heat and you should cook this mixture for a while, stirring everything with a spoon from time to time.

As soon as the mixture thickens, remove the pan from the heat and place the bottom in ice water. This will help cool the product. Green tea should be added to this mixture. Make sure you stir the tea thoroughly. Now add the whipped cream. After this, you need to pour the mixture into the ice cream maker and freeze it. Enjoy your green tea ice cream once it's thoroughly cooled!

Recipe 5


1 cup cream
1 glass of milk
100 grams of sugar
3 tablespoons Matcha (100% natural green tea powder)
1 pinch of salt


Stage one:
First, take a bowl and pour a glass of milk, a glass of cream into it and add 3 tablespoons of natural green tea powder, sugar and a pinch of salt. Beat everything well until smooth.

Stage two:
Now place the resulting mass on the fire and heat until hot. Important! Do not boil the mixture!!! While you are heating the tea and milk mixture, continue stirring and whisking until it begins to foam. Then remove from heat and let cool until completely cool. This should take about 30 minutes.

Stage three:
Now that your mixture has cooled, place it in a blender or special ice cream maker and blend for about 20-25 minutes. Then transfer the mixture into a plastic container and place in the freezer for at least 3 hours. Before serving, you can sprinkle with green tea powder or waffle chips. And also brew delicious green tea for ice cream.

We will show you how to make green tea ice cream recipe - this recipe is not complicated and very interesting in its taste. Watch to learn how to do it.

An exquisite cold treat, green tea ice cream is a favorite among connoisseurs of Japanese desserts. The refreshing mixture melts on the tongue with a subtle, slightly spicy sweetness and gives incomparable pleasure. In addition to the original taste, this dessert contains many benefits. After all, green tea is a recognized source of antioxidants and vitamins important for the body. Japanese chefs claim that tea ice cream also has a powerful tonic effect. In a word, such a treat is pleasant to eat yourself and is not a shame to present to guests.

What's so special about Japanese green tea ice cream?

To make Japanese green tea ice cream, you don’t need to have any special skills or special ingredients - everything is extremely simple and accessible. The only and main component that influences the taste of such ice cream is Matcha green tea. This tea is very popular along with teas such as Sencha or Gyokuro and is therefore easily available in shops and tea stalls. It is important that the tea is powdered and not leaf. Since it will not need to be brewed, but will need to be placed directly into the ice cream. If you don’t find Matcha tea in powder form in the store, you don’t need to be upset. You just need to place the leaf tea in a blender and grind it (if the blender is not powerful enough, you can grind the tea with a pestle).

And now a few recipes:

Recipe 1


  • 6 eggs;
  • 100 g powdered sugar;
  • 1/3 cup strongly brewed green tea powder;
  • 1 teaspoon soy sauce;
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice;
  • 1 cup 33% cream.

Cooking method:

  1. Take raw eggs, cool, separate the whites from the yolks. Beat the whites with half the powdered sugar until stiff foam.
  2. Mix the yolks with soy sauce, tea and lemon juice. Add the remaining powder and beat in a water bath until strong, fluffy foam.
  3. Whip the cream until stiff foam. Mixing carefully, combine all ingredients. Place in pan and freeze in refrigerator for 2 hours.

Recipe 2 (using condensed milk)


  • half a can of condensed milk;
  • 4 spoons of large leaf tea;
  • liter of milk;
  • 8 spoons of sugar.

Cooking method:

  1. The milk is put on fire, tea and sugar are added to it.
  2. Once the milk has boiled, remove it from the heat and strain to remove the tea leaves.
  3. Now you need to cool the mixture, then add condensed milk and put it in the freezer.
  4. This recipe is suitable for true sweet tooths.

Recipe 3


  • 1 tbsp. l. with green tea top;
  • 2 egg whites and 1 yolk;
  • 150 g sugar;
  • 350 ml of cream with a fat content of 33% or higher.

Cooking method:

  1. Brew strong tea with a quarter cup of boiling water, cool and strain.
  2. Beat the whites with less than a tablespoon of sugar into a strong foam, grind the yolk with the same amount of sugar until white, combine both mixtures and stir.
  3. Add cooled tea and stir carefully again, being careful not to let the whites fall off.
  4. Beat the slightly cooled cream with the remaining sugar into a fluffy foam, add to the rest of the ingredients, stir carefully one last time, pour the mixture into molds and place in the freezer.

Recipe 4 (using fruit)


  • 50 grams of berries or fruits;
  • 3 tablespoons of tea in powder form;
  • a glass of milk;
  • four tablespoons of sugar;
  • 2 squirrels;
  • half a glass of cream.

Cooking method:

  1. The whites are mixed with tea and sugar, then cream is added and everything is whipped.
  2. At this time, you need to add strawberries to the milk and crush them, you can also use a blender.
  3. Now everything is mixed and brought to a homogeneous mass.
  4. The mixture is placed in the refrigerator, in a couple of hours the dish will be ready.

Recipe 5


  • 1/2 cup boiling water;
  • 1.5 tbsp. spoons of Japanese green tea;
  • 2 egg whites;
  • 1/2 cup icing sugar;
  • 1 egg yolk;
  • 1.5 cups whipped cream;
  • green food coloring (optional)

Cooking method:

  1. Pour boiling water over the tea leaves and leave until completely cooled. Then strain the infusion.
  2. In a small bowl, beat the egg whites, adding sugar 1 tbsp. spoon. When the mass becomes sufficiently homogeneous, add 1 yolk and pour in the cooled tea infusion.
  3. In a separate bowl, whip the cream, then mix the contents of both containers.
  4. If desired, you can add a few drops of food coloring.
  5. Pour the mixture into glasses, cover with lids and place in the freezer.
  6. After a few hours of freezing, Japanese tea ice cream is ready!

Recipe 6


  • milk (3/4 cup);
  • egg yolks (2 pcs.);
  • sugar (5 tbsp);
  • heavy cream (3/4 cup);
  • green tea powder (1 tablespoon);
  • hot water (3 tbsp).

Cooking method:

  1. First, you need to mix the green tea powder well with hot water in a bowl. Once you're done, set the bowl aside.
  2. Then whisk the egg yolks in a saucepan and add a little sugar. Mix very well.
  3. Now add milk gradually into the pan so that it mixes properly. The pan should be placed on low heat and you should cook this mixture for a while, stirring everything with a spoon from time to time.
  4. As soon as the mixture thickens, remove the pan from the heat and place the bottom in ice water. This will help cool the product. Green tea should be added to this mixture. Make sure you stir the tea thoroughly.
  5. Now add the whipped cream.
  6. After this, you need to pour the mixture into the ice cream maker and freeze it. Enjoy your green tea ice cream once it's thoroughly cooled!

Recipe 7


  • 1 glass of cream;
  • 1 glass of milk;
  • 100 grams of sugar;
  • 3 tablespoons Matcha (100% natural green tea powder);
  • 1 pinch of salt.

Cooking method:

  1. First, take a bowl and pour a glass of milk, a glass of cream into it and add 3 tablespoons of natural green tea powder, sugar and a pinch of salt. Beat everything well until smooth.
  2. Now place the resulting mass on the fire and heat until hot. Important! Do not boil the mixture!!! While you are heating the tea and milk mixture, continue stirring and whisking until it begins to foam. Then remove from heat and let cool until completely cooled. This should take about 30 minutes.
  3. Now that your mixture has cooled, place it in a blender or special ice cream maker and blend for about 20-25 minutes. Then transfer the mixture into a plastic container and place in the freezer for at least 3 hours. Before serving, Japanese ice cream can be sprinkled with green tea powder or waffle shavings. And also brew delicious green tea for ice cream.


We offer you to see visually how you can quickly prepare green tea ice cream