Can the full moon affect your well-being? What happens on a full moon. Mood and health during the Full Moon

Have you ever noticed that on some days of the month you get up in the morning cheerful, full of energy and ready to move mountains, while on others you feel lethargic and tired all day in the morning, despite a full sleep? If at this time the thought has crept into your mind that some kind of disease has “started up” in your body, quietly and asymptomatically eroding your health, check the lunar calendar before visiting a doctor. Doctors can “discover” several dozen diseases, and the cause of poor health may be the banal first day of Hecate.

If you learn to heal your body in accordance with the phases of the lunar cycle, very soon many diseases will recede without expensive and harmful drugs, and your health and quality of life will significantly improve. A healthy young person may not associate changes in his health status with the position of the Moon, because he hardly notices any deviations in his health. When health problems begin with age, especially with the cardiovascular or nervous system, it is almost impossible not to notice the frequency of exacerbations.

Each phase of the lunar cycle affects a person’s health and well-being in a special way, either adding desire and energy for new achievements, or weakening the body’s already exhausted defenses. It should be remembered that the characteristics of the lunar day have a greater influence on human behavior, and the phases of the lunar cycle are responsible for the degree of our activity and vitality. Knowing how the phase of the Moon will affect the body tomorrow, you can distribute the overall physical and psychological load in advance, plan current affairs in such a way as not to harm yourself or, conversely, not to miss a favorable moment for active career achievements at the peak of vitality.

Before moving on to consider the impact of each of the four phases of the Moon on health, we note that the Moon affects women more strongly than men, due to the special “lunar” female nature. And the full moon has a particularly strong influence on women. Men react more strongly to the new moon, becoming aggressive, unbalanced and practically uncontrollable during this period. If your loved one suddenly begins to make unreasonable claims, to find fault with little things, look out the window - maybe it’s not a rival who has appeared at all, but the beautiful Moon has hidden for several days.

Let's consider the nature of the influence of different phases of the Moon on our health.

New Moon - impact on health and well-being

A new moon is the combination of the Sun and Moon on the same line from a person. Due to the increased gravity of the Sun and Moon, fluids in the human body are directed from the head area, evenly distributed throughout the body. This causes an increase in the number of mental disorders, a person is maximally exhausted, and the body’s energy resources are depleted. Blood pressure decreases, and a person’s body weight also decreases. The risk of food poisoning increases. Inexplicable phobias arise, the person becomes suggestible. At the same time, the activity of metabolic processes increases, so on new moon days it is useful to cleanse the skin, take warm baths, and replenish microelements. The liquid is well absorbed through the skin, heading to the internal organs.

You should minimize manifestations of aggression, reduce nervous tension, and engage in relaxing practices - during the new moon the risk of strokes and heart attacks increases sharply. It is advisable for men to behave especially carefully during this period. Heavy physical labor is strictly contraindicated during the new moon. It is better to replace active strength training in the gym with jogging or relaxation exercises.

What is good about the new moon period for health? On these days, anyone who decides to fast or adhere to diet requirements can achieve excellent results. Cleansing procedures will bring maximum health benefits. Getting rid of bad habits that destroy your health is also very good during the new moon. With the right attitude, already in the next lunar month you can live in a new way, with a new good habit to replace the old and harmful one.

Growing Moon - strengthening the body

The first phase of the lunar cycle, the waxing Moon, is characterized by an improvement in health due to the emergence of fresh strength. During this period, it is useful to strengthen the immune system, increase muscle mass and flexibility of the spine. Physical exercise will bring maximum benefit, and its strength can be calculated with a good reserve - the body will withstand increasing physical stress, which will only benefit it. Particular attention should be paid to nutrition - it should be of high quality, complete, balanced, but in no case excessive. The body absorbs everything that “gets” into it, and stores the excess in fat cells.

The second phase of the Moon begins at the moment when the lunar disk is exactly half visible. The vital forces of the body continue to grow, and the time is approaching for the active use of the inherent energy potential to achieve the planned results. Medically, this time is favorable for cleansing and healing procedures aimed at healing the liver, gallbladder and large intestine.

Full moon - take care of mental health

The full moon is a catalyst for conflict situations caused by the vulnerability of the human psyche. The body is filled with energy to the limit, and it must be spent wisely. Emotions and feelings are heightened, and many suffer from insomnia during the full moon. The number of accidents, traffic accidents, and violent robberies is increasing. During the full moon, it is necessary to drink an increased amount of liquid, excluding any alcohol - the full moon enhances the effect of alcohol on the body, greatly increasing the risk of alcohol poisoning.

In medical terms, during the full moon, symptoms of diseases manifest themselves to the maximum, and painful sensations increase. The blood becomes very thin and clots less easily, increasing the risk of heavy bleeding. Therefore, surgical interventions are highly undesirable. Surgery should be avoided at all costs because bleeding and significant blood loss cannot be avoided.

During the full moon, vigorous physical activity should also be avoided. Logically, if abstinence from excessive physical activity was recommended during the new moon, then during the full moon the pace of physical exercise should be increased to the maximum. However, during the full moon, increased stress causes the opposite effect, and instead of a surge of strength, a feeling of fatigue, pessimism, spoiled mood and futility of the efforts appears. The state of health during the full moon is largely influenced by the nature of nutrition. Refusal of meat, consumption of large quantities of vegetables and fruits, and lactic acid products will reduce the load on the digestive system.

Waning Moon – fighting chronic illnesses

The third phase of the moon is associated with the weakening of painful symptoms. The body tries to get rid of the disease as quickly as possible as if it were something foreign. By taking the necessary measures to improve your health, you can say goodbye to many chronic illnesses. During this period, such simple actions as normalizing sleep and rest patterns, developing a proper diet, walking and exercising in the fresh air, and giving up bad habits can achieve amazing results in the fight against chronic disease. In the third phase, immediately after the full moon, you can begin to restrict food in order to easily get rid of excess weight and health problems associated with extra pounds.

The third phase is favorable for solving dental problems and carrying out planned operations. Physiological procedures are especially effective, the purpose of which is to eliminate inflammatory processes and detoxify the body.

The fourth phase of the lunar cycle is the debilitated Moon. Energy levels noticeably decrease and fatigue accumulates. The body requires more time to rest, the body becomes lethargic and inactive. Immunity and biorhythms decrease. Metabolic processes slow down. Overeating during this period threatens not only an increase in body weight and volume, but also the accumulation of toxins and waste. The nature of the diet should be changed, focusing on cereals, vegetables and fruits, eating meat in minimal quantities. To remove toxins from the body, you should drink more fluids.

The most energetically and emotionally difficult days of Hecate are ahead, which will be replaced by the new moon, and the new lunar cycle will begin to affect your health. To ignore this proven fact or to deny the influence of the Moon means to deprive yourself of the opportunity to maintain excellent health practically free of charge and without additional effort. Treatment of any disease taking into account the phase of the moon allows you to achieve accelerated recovery and maintain stable health for many years.

- a powerful source of energy, it gives heat and light, and the moon only reflects this light. Our ancestors lived according to the sun. Holidays and weddings were celebrated on it. We woke up and went to bed with the sun. In many ways, these traditions had a rationale that was forgotten and erased from our memory. But it is there. So, for example, getting up before dawn and going to bed early is not just a whim or a tribute to the past - it is, one might say, a testament from those who knew and studied the real laws of nature. To see everything with our own eyes, let’s turn our gaze to the moon.

What do we know about the moon today? The influence of the moon on the waters of the world's oceans, on the rotation of the planet, and on the Earth's magnetic field is known. All this is recorded and studied by scientists. Its other influence is attributed more to mysticism or fantasy. It is known from fairy tales and legends that have come down to us from the depths of the past.

It has been noticed that during the full moon it is much more difficult for a person to cope with his negative qualities and control his emotions. It is during this period that the number of crimes increases. People weakened by illness react more than others to the full moon. It has a particularly strong effect on hypertensive patients. Children and some adults are also susceptible to its influence: insightful and sensitive people, people in a state of depression, as well as people with mental illnesses. Only all these observations are either interpreted from the point of view of crudely materialistic modern science and abstract psychology, or they are overgrown with legends and covered with a veil of mystery, giving birth to the notorious “mysticism”. But everything mystical and fantastic is something that is not yet known to man, that has not yet been studied and is not understood. And along with gaining understanding, common sense puts everything in its place, and the aura of supernaturalism dissipates.

Let's remember that in the folklore of different peoples, references to various creatures from the other world have been preserved and have survived to this day. Among them there are both good ones, helping people, and evil, hostile ones, causing harm. Legends and stories did not develop out of nowhere. People not only observed and described what they saw and felt, but also learned to live and interact with the mysterious and unknown. That is, initially for these people the other world was an integral part of life, without any doubt about its existence. And in some families, beliefs and instructions are still passed down from generation to generation: how to make friends with a brownie, drive away a kikimora, not anger a devil...

And now, after a long time when there was an invisible ban on everything mystical, we can see a return of interest in the otherworldly. On TV they show programs about parallel worlds and mysterious disappearances, about the reincarnation of people with different abilities and the ability to “go to the astral plane”, the ability to see the “aura” and look into the future, into the past. All this and much more excites people's minds. The most interesting thing is that the stories of eyewitnesses of completely different nationalities, ages and levels of education, living far from each other and in different countries with different traditions, are very similar and do not contradict each other.

And here, thanks to numerous facts and evidence, thought leads a person to the question of the soul and its reality. Such common expressions as: “you just radiate crazy energy”, “your words hurt me”, “you are spreading a hostile aura” - will suddenly emerge from the fabric of everyday life and show that a person actually already knows and feels a lot.

After all, what is visible and perceived habitually is not all that exists. The world is multidimensional. And other facets of reality manifest themselves not only in the mystical, but also in completely ordinary and familiar things. A person’s thinking, his emotions, memory - all this works and exists in the interaction of the physically dense world and the soul, in other words, essence (it is this word that most fully reflects reality, essence, that N.V. Levashov uses in his books, talking about the processes flowing in the soul, about the principles of its structure, the laws of education, etc.). She, who does not have a physical body, continues to live even after the death of her physical body. Moreover, the essence is located and waits for the time of its next incarnation in the place with which it is harmonious. We can say that she lives on her “floor” of the planet, which has seven such levels-floors. And this is a whole world with its own laws and rules.

If you imagine for a moment that a person has the opportunity to live under water, then it is quite obvious that he will have to change a lot in his habits. You will need to learn to re-orient yourself in a new environment, get used to it, and adapt to other living conditions. Even if, for example, you decide to move to a forest or village from the city. After all, the environment will require new skills, abilities and knowledge. So it is in interaction with the unknown. There, beyond ordinary perception, there are their own characteristics and laws of nature, although they are common to everything that exists in reality; but they manifest themselves differently than we are used to.

If during the daytime all earthly planes are saturated with primary matters from the sun (light of different wavelengths), then at night the sun hides. And just as without a constant flow of heat it becomes cooler, so with matter, without their constant renewal it becomes “hungry”. After all, they are absorbed by various living beings and partially dissipated. And until a new supply of primary matter begins with the first rays of the sun, space will lose energy. And the qualitative barriers between the levels of the planet, including between the physical level and the ethereal one closest to it, will become thinner. At such moments, it is easier for residents of those levels, which mainly fill the lower “floors” (etheric and lower astral), to come to the living and influence them and events in the physically dense world. This is especially pronounced at midnight and until the first rays of the sun, until the planetary levels begin to be saturated with energy from the sun again, that is, until about 4-5 in the morning. This natural process explains and substantiates the reasons why the so-called “evil spirits” disappear with the first rays of the sun. There is not enough energy to overcome the ever-thickening barrier between the levels of the planet.

As we have already said, a person’s protective shell protects the essence from external influences. It also plays a big role in maintaining immunity. The stronger and smoother (without deformations, gaps, etc.) the protection, the healthier, more balanced, more self-confident and positive-thinking a person is.

To compensate for the increasing negative influence in the dark, a person needs to maintain a stronger, denser defense around his physically dense body and essence . For those who have poor health or serious deficiencies, this is more difficult to do.

But let's return to the consideration of natural phenomena, to the full moon, because... We have already considered the influence of the time of day on a person. These days the moon is closest to the Earth. Their mutual influence is increasing. And the same process occurs as at night. The planetary levels of the earth are losing the matter that fills them. In this case, the moon “helps” the dispersion of matters, pulling them towards itself. And everything happens the same way as described above about night time.

First of all, work with your negative qualities. You can also maintain and fill your defense with energy by consciously concentrating your attention on this process. For example, to imagine a cocoon around oneself, impenetrable to anything bad coming from outside, so that nothing useful and good could leave a person without his free will.

Currently, there is a new technology that allows you to resist external negative influences - this is “Luch-Nick”. In addition, “Luch-Nick” helps to work through genetically determined gaps in protection or those acquired during life, which makes a person stronger, healthier, and more resistant to any influences and natural phenomena, including the full moon.

So, does the full moon affect the condition of the human body? Some people look at this skeptically, others, on the contrary, are convinced that a number of aspects of their existence directly depend on the lunar calendar. Which one is right?

It has long been noted that during the full moon, a person’s emotions become aggravated, and sudden waves of joy or despair come over them. Statistics confirm that this time accounts for the highest percentage of suicides, as well as exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Moon calendar

There are 4 phases of the lunar month: new moon, full moon, waxing and waning moon. The first lunar day coincides with the beginning of the new moon, the 7-8 lunar day is the first quarter of the lunar month, from the 14th to 17th lunar day is the full moon, the 22-23rd lunar day is the third quarter and, finally, the fourth quarter marks the end of the lunar month.

What happens to a person on a full moon?

First of all, the human nervous system reacts to this phase of the lunar month. There is a surge in positive and negative emotions, the emergence of phobias, the development of depression, and insomnia.

Also, since the time of Hippocrates, it has been proven that during the full moon the body’s metabolism sharply slows down and the blood picture worsens. Hence the conclusion: it is better not to perform operations these days, since massive bleeding occurs more often, and the recovery process takes much longer. But cleansing the body is most effective during the full moon.

During the full moon, the well-being of hypertensive patients and heart patients noticeably worsens, which is due to the fact that during this period the stable functioning of the heart is disrupted and the amount of fluid in the body tissues increases.

Experts also note an increased risk of poisoning and gastrointestinal diseases, which is the result of increased activity of pathogenic microorganisms and viruses. In addition, at this time the effectiveness of medications decreases and the likelihood of side effects increases.

Full moon and personal life

On full moon days, the likelihood of conception increases significantly, because... During this period, the passage of a mature egg through the fallopian tubes and its entry into the uterus accelerates. All this is further reinforced by a noticeably increasing level of attraction to the opposite sex.

The moon is full, vampires go hunting, wolves gather in camp and howl at the full moon, the forces of darkness triumph. Isn't it a familiar picture for horror films?

It is not surprising that the full moon causes us some trepidation and wariness. After all, it is well known that on days and nights when there is a full moon in the sky, there are especially many murders and suicides, disasters and accidents, conflicts and quarrels.

So what is it really like? Does the full moon really have such a sharply negative effect on all areas of human activity, or is it just superstition - one of the most widespread modern myths? Let's try to figure it out.

As a matter of fact, scientists who have studied the influence of the full moon on humans have long ago figured it all out. Not long ago, two tireless American researchers summarized the results of thirty-seven scientific papers on this topic. None of them found evidence of any special effect of the full moon on humans.

Thus, one group of scientists carefully studied the statistics of accidents in emergency hospitals, murders, train accidents, and even the number of penalties in hockey matches. The result is that no effect of the full moon was detected.

The statistics of fatal accidents on the roads for thirteen years was also studied. Scientists have stated that the day of the week, season of the year and other well-known factors have a much more real impact on the number of accidents than the phase of the moon.

Previously, they tried to blame Luna for provoking murders and suicides. However, most scientific studies do not find the slightest connection here.

Modern science also classifies as speculation the stories of “eyewitnesses” about an increase in sexual activity in themselves or their partners during the full moon. Almost twenty years ago, American chronobiologists carefully studied this problem. They stated the following fact: there is absolutely no relationship between the phases of the moon and libido.

German psychology professor at the University of Hannover Uwe Tewes decisively refutes the widespread belief that the Moon is responsible for insomnia. In his opinion, insomnia during a full moon is a consequence of trivial self-hypnosis: a superstitious person, who accidentally slept poorly during a full moon a couple of times, subconsciously programs himself for a sleepless night.

One more superstition. It is believed that the so-called sleepwalkers rise from their beds during the full moon and wander around in their sleep, as if guided by some mystical force.

This general belief is currently refuted by most scientists. Sleepwalking as a form of mental disorder does exist, but the Moon in this case is only to blame as a source of light, and nothing more.

German professor of psychiatry Volker Faust claims that sometimes it is enough to turn on a bright street lamp for a person prone to sleepwalking to begin wandering in his sleep. By the way, all the stories about somnambulists flying airplanes in their sleep or committing murders are nothing more than legends. Science has not recorded such facts.

And not so long ago, Greek scientists from the University of Athens collected data on 2,600 cases of dog bites. After studying them, they came to the conclusion that the phases of the moon have no effect on the aggressiveness of dogs.

Here it would be appropriate to recall the well-known stories that wolves howl at the full moon. In reality, wolves howl mainly at dawn, less often at night, and sometimes, especially after the death of one of the members of the camp, during the day. Experts consider wolf howls to be a fairly developed means of communication and distinguish between threat, melancholy, despair, sadness, messages about caught or found prey, love calls and much more.

Why does the general belief that the full moon does not affect us in the best way persist, despite the fact that there is simply no scientific evidence for it?

It's all about ingrained prejudice. If a person believes that the full moon affects the body, he will be constantly alert and pay attention to everything that happens that night. But no one will ever say: “What a night! Not a single incident - and this was during a full moon!”

Does the moon affect a person? Some are skeptical about this, others subordinate their lives to the lunar calendar. Who is right?

Remember your school geography lessons, where you were taught that the ebb and flow of the seas and oceans directly depend on the phase of the moon. And a person, as we know, is 80% water, and this means that whether we like it or not, the phases of the moon really have a certain influence on us. It manifests itself most acutely when the Earth's satellite is in the full moon phase.

People have long noticed that during this period emotions are heightened, bursts of joy or despair can suddenly surge, and inexorable statistics show that the highest percentage of suicides occurs at this time, as well as exacerbation of various chronic diseases, especially mental ones. It is not without reason that human fantasy attributes increased activity during the time when the moon is full to all sorts of evil spirits: ghouls, ghouls, werewolves and witches.

"Blood Moon" of July 2018. NASA reported that July 27 was the longest lunar eclipse in the last 100 years. According to Kyiv time, it took place at 23.21. Photo: REUTERS

Lunar mathematics

The lunar month consists of four phases: new moon, full moon, waxing and waning moon. The first lunar day marks the beginning of the new moon. The first quarter of the lunar month falls on the 7-8 lunar day, and the full moon falls on the 14th to 17th lunar day. Third quarter - 22 and 23 lunar days. The fourth quarter is the end of the lunar month.

If you decide to analyze your condition from the point of view of the lunar phases, it is better to purchase a lunar calendar in which all the days are clearly marked.

What to expect on a full moon?

It is unlikely that a vampire will knock on your window on a full moon night asking to be let in. Don't expect this. In addition, not everyone is “given” to feel the influence of the luminary in principle, and for those who have such good fortune, this happens in different ways. But there is still something in common.

First of all, the nervous system “suffers,” especially in people with a sensitive psyche. For many, reflexes become aggravated or change, and there is a surge of both positive and negative emotions: fatal doom, desperate joy, inexplicable phobias. Even the healthiest people complain of insomnia these days.

During the 2018 lunar eclipse, there was almost 100% alignment of the center of the Moon and the center of the Earth's shadow. At the time of the eclipse, the Moon, Earth and Sun were on the same line, while the planet was located between the Sun and the Moon and shielded its natural satellite from sunlight. Photo: IPA RAS

But not only mental processes and emotional state can be influenced by the moon. Numerous experiments (known since the time of Hippocrates) prove that during the full moon the metabolic rate in the body decreases sharply. body, it negatively affects the state of the blood, which is explained by the acceleration of biochemical processes. The conclusion is simple: it is better not to schedule operations on these days. Firstly, bleeding occurs more often, which is difficult to stop, and secondly, the healing process will take a longer time. But cleansing the body these days will be as effective as possible.

It is difficult for people with heart disease and hypertension to experience the full moon: the stable functioning of the heart is disrupted, and the amount of fluid in the tissues increases.

The risk of gastrointestinal diseases and poisoning also increases, which is explained by the increased activity of various viruses and microbes. In addition, experts note that medications are less effective at this time, and the risk of side effects increases.

"Bloody Moon" July 2018. Photo: IAP RAS

Moon-moon, love-love...

There is another interesting feature full moon: at this time, the passage of a mature egg through the fallopian tubes and its entry into the uterus accelerates, that is, in those few days when the moon is full, the possibility of conception increases many times over. This state of the body is reinforced by an increased attraction to the opposite sex, so be on the alert, those who are protecting themselves from unwanted pregnancy, and seize these days, those who are trying to conceive.

Is it possible to protect yourself from the full moon?

Do not rely on chance and do not be a fatalist, attributing all problems to the luminary; a lot depends on you, your behavior during this period.

It is better not to drink alcohol at this time: the psyche reacts sharply to everything, and the body’s defense mechanisms are reduced. Even if you are invited to an important event and cannot help but sip, limit yourself to, for example, a glass of wine.

Spare your psyche and do not additionally burden it with watching horror films, crime news, and for some especially sensitive and emotional natures, even ordinary ones are enough to get stressed. Temporarily give up such dubious pleasure - take care of yourself.

The same can be said about communicating with people you don’t like: if you can’t give it up completely, try to reduce stressful communication to a minimum.

Reader Questions

18 October 2013, 17:25

Good afternoon. My baby is 3 months and 2 weeks old, but our colic does not go away, he has not been sleeping for the third night, he has been screaming, I have been putting a gas tube in him for the same amount of time, air comes out along with the feces, but he has not yet pooped. We were advised to drink Riabal, I gave it to him, he vomited everything. His temperature is constant: 37, 37.1. They did an ultrasound and there is no pressure, but there is flatulence. And sometimes he poops green, and there are undigested elements of milk. Maybe it's worth feeding the baby? Tell me what to do and if I introduce picorm, what kind? Thanks in advance.

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And there is happiness in the full moon

The situation with the 13th 15th is interesting lunar days. The first of them is considered one of the most unfavorable and even life-threatening, but at the same time it is the best day of the month in order to resolve or somehow smooth out family conflicts.

And the 15th, which is said to be the most conflict-ridden and deceptive, promises a speedy recovery to all those who fell ill on this day.

Keep the situation under control and you will be able to benefit from this month's condition. It has been noticed, for example, that these days the best success is in those cases that require a “special” approach to people. When you need to ask for something, demand something - ask, demand - find the right tone and you will not be refused.