What does it mean to give a gift in a dream? Dream Interpretation: why do you dream of receiving a gift from a man, woman, deceased, ex? Why do you dream about choosing and giving a gift? What does it mean - a gift from a deceased person?

Many of us love to receive gifts.

Few people like to give them.

The gift can be dedicated to some important or significant date.

Or it can be given just like that, from the heart and with all the soul, simply because you wanted it that way.

A gift is something (a thing, a work, a mood) that a person gives to another, that is, he gives for free, as they said in the cartoon about Blame the Pooh

Free of charge, that is, for nothing...

Dream book of Gustav Hindman Miller. Interpretation of the word gift

Dreams in which you are presented with gifts promise boundless happiness, and also successful financial transactions for entrepreneurs.

If you sent someone a gift, it means that you will not take advantage of the opportunity to resolve problems. There is a possibility that the public will criticize you for something, and this will greatly irritate you.

Receiving a delightful gift - for a young woman, such a dream means marriage with a wealthy person with whom they will be soul mates.

You were given gifts for your birthday - a dream for rare luck in all matters.

You gave a gift to someone in a festive atmosphere - the dream suggests that in fact this person does not evoke due respect from you.

Dream book of Sigmund Freud. I dreamed of a gift

The gift symbolizes not just the desire to establish sexual contact, but the desire to enter into a long-term relationship, possibly even marriage.

If you are the giver, then it is you who are striving for such contact, and if they give it to you, it means that they want to establish such contact with you.

Esoteric dream book. What does the word gift mean?

The image of a gift is a symbol of acquisition, even if you give the gift, because at the same time, you gain the gratitude of the one to whom you gave the gift.

Just as mentioned above, gifts in a dream can foreshadow news that you will receive in the real world.

In contact with

Pleasant surprises always make you happy, even if they happen in a dream. But in order to understand why you dream of receiving a gift and whether you should enjoy it after waking up, it is best to turn to dream books. After all, there are so many factors that influence the interpretation of a dream: who gives, what they give, and under what circumstances.

Receiving a gift in a dream is a favorable sign, usually meaning pleasant changes in life. For girls it promises marriage, and for men it promises both finding a soul mate and material profit.

The main thing in interpreting a dream is to pay attention to the personality of the giver.

Close people

  • If you received a gift in a dream from a good friend, then you can be sure of it. A friend will never betray you or let you down.
  • A gift from your parents means that you feel overprotective from your relatives and you like it. Perhaps it's time to reconsider your views on family relationships.
  • For unmarried people, receiving a gift from your significant other is a sign of an imminent wedding.


  • For a woman to receive a gift from an unknown man means to be too trusting, and from an unknown woman means to find a rival. And vice versa, for a man, a harbinger of a rival will be a dream in which he receives a gift from a stranger, and the dream of a stranger will tell him to behave more carefully.
  • If the donor was a child - to joy.
  • An elderly man or an elderly woman - for reasonable advice.
  • And if you received a gift from a random passerby, then get ready for surprises in reality.


No matter how strange it may be, receiving a gift from a deceased person is a positive dream. It entails many positive consequences for the dreamer. Dreams in which gifts are given by deceased loved ones are considered especially favorable. Pay attention to what kind of gift the deceased gave you:

  • an expensive item - to financial well-being,
  • a small souvenir - to minor joys,
  • in a beautiful package - to update your wardrobe,
  • to thank the deceased for a gift - to find spiritual harmony,
  • receive a gift in an unusual place - win the lottery, make a profitable deal, perhaps even meet your life partner.

Be a giver

  • To give a gift to a friend means to want sympathy and trust from him.
  • To a stranger - to gain new knowledge or acquire a new profession.
  • Choosing a gift means improving relationships with friends and family.
  • Losing a gift means minor difficulties.

Not least in deciphering the dream is the object of the gift itself.


  • Such decorations are a symbol of unresolved problems between the giver and the recipient of the gift. To stop thoughts of disagreements from tormenting you, talk to the person from whom you received a gift in a dream.
  • A ring as a gift from your significant other, if you are single, means a quick wedding.
  • If you don’t have a passion, then soon a pleasant acquaintance will happen that will change your personal life.
  • Receiving a ring with a red stone as a gift is a sign of treason.

gold chain

For girls, receiving such a gift in a dream from a man is a sign of a favorable attitude towards her. Promises strong and happy relationships.


Someone is trying to subjugate you. Be careful with your close circle.


Your defenders will turn their backs on you. It's time to learn to live independently so that it doesn't turn into big problems.

Wrist watch

To prosperity in the professional sphere, career growth, discovery of an entrepreneurial streak, and useful business acquaintances.


The donor respects you, but wants to use you for his own selfish purposes. Be more attentive to incoming dubious offers, especially in business.


It means a series of favorable days, not overshadowed by any problems.


Such a dream is especially pleasant for unmarried people, since bouquets in a dream promise wedding bouquets in reality.

Soft toy

If during a quarrel with your partner you dreamed that he/she was giving you a soft toy, this means a quick reconciliation.


The help you need is coming soon. This means that the problem that worries you will be resolved.


But receiving a gift in the form of money in a dream is a bad sign. Financial difficulties are just around the corner, although solvable, but unpleasant.


Someone confesses their love to you.


Receiving shoes as a gift from a partner is a symbol of his passion.


To the good news from loved ones.

Lots of gifts

If you were given a large number of pleasant gifts, this is a sign of pleasant changes, but if you had to give away gift boxes, be careful, such a dream is a harbinger of losses.

Dream Interpretations

Loff's Dream Book

Most likely, you crave communication with the one who gave you a gift in a dream. Call or meet the donor in real life. Communication will be fruitful.

Miller's Dream Book

Receiving a gift is lucky. You are promised material gifts in reality. Additional funds may be received.

Freud's Dream Book

To be given a gift or to give a gift yourself is to want to marry the giver.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Expect pleasant surprises. A welcome meeting is possible.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Fortunately. For a girl to receive a gift in a dream means marriage.

Esoteric dream book

Receiving a gift from an unknown person means the evil eye.

Modern dream book

Success in business and on the personal front. For a young woman - for a wedding.

Newest dream book

If you receive a gift and you don’t like it, you have been spoiled.

With a wealthy and congenial person.

Receiving birthday gifts in a dream- promises you rare luck in everything.

If you are giving a gift yourself in a festive setting- this means that in reality you do not have due respect for this person.

Freud's Dream Book

Present- symbolizes not just the desire to establish sexual contact, but the desire to enter into a long-term relationship, possibly even marriage.

If you give- this is the kind of contact you strive for, and if they give you- it means they want to establish such contact with you.

Dream book of lovers

Receive gifts in a dream- a happy omen. Such a dream foretells that you will be happy in love. A girl has a dream in which she is given a gift- portends a happy marriage, and her husband will be rich and close to her in spirit.

If she dreams that she is giving a gift to her beloved- this means that in reality she has no respect for him.

Aesop's Dream Book

Present- is a symbol of sympathy, friendly disposition, the desire to win the trust of another person.

A gift can symbolize- love, respect, contempt. It was believed that it was not customary to visit without a gift, but at the same time, any gift, even the most insignificant, should be accepted with gratitude. On this occasion, proverbs have appeared: “Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth”, “It’s not a gift that’s valuable, but attention.”

To dream that the person you love brings you a box with a gift, and you, out of happiness, forget to look at what lies inside the box - the dream foreshadows a love meeting, a secret date; someone to whom you have long sympathized, but did not dare to take the first step, confesses his love to you; you will be surprised with pleasant news, a surprise.

You are asked to bring a scarlet flower as a gift- to meet an unusual person; for the birth of a girl; to pleasant worries and an interesting journey.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Gift in a dream- this is a symbol of any surprise, not necessarily of a material nature.

A dream in which you receive a gift- warns you about the surprises of fate - pleasant or not, depending on what kind of gift it is and with what feeling you accept it.

If the gift looks untidy or for some reason gives you conflicting feelings- such a dream prepares you for unwanted surprises.

If you yourself give someone a gift and do it in a good mood- such a dream promises that some of your deeds will please not only your friends, but also yourself.

If you give a gift without much joy- this is a sign that in order to advance your business you will have to make some concessions to others.

Jewish dream book

Receive jewelry as a gift- you will be surrounded by hangers-on.

D. Loff's Dream Book

What gift is given and to whom?- this is an attempt to establish a balance in relationships in a dream, a message that speaks of a lack of communication and which suggests how to balance your relationships with others. For what occasion is the gift given?

If there is a direct reason for this: a birthday, holiday, etc.- what do you expect from this celebration? Is the gift appropriate for the event being celebrated? Perhaps a gift is expected, but no one gives anything. This fact reflects the inability to meet the expectations of others or, conversely, the inability of others to meet your expectations. It is also likely that you simply do not understand what is expected of you.

Dream book for a bitch

Receive gifts- profit, happiness, successful completion of troublesome affairs.

Give a gift- troubles, someone's unfair reproaches.

Receive as a gift something you have long dreamed of- a successful and profitable marriage.

Accept gifts on the occasion of a birthday or name day- great luck in all your affairs and endeavors.

New family dream book

Gifts received in a dream- portend great happiness. Business people have a similar dream- promises successful financial transactions.

If in your dream you sent someone a gift- try not to miss a good opportunity to solve your problems. This dream is also fraught with irritation for you due to someone's inappropriate remark.

A young woman who received an expensive gift in a dream- in reality, marriage awaits with a wealthy and congenial person.

Dreamed birthday gift- portends rare luck in everything. And if you yourself give someone a gift for a holiday, then in real life you do not feel respect for this person.

Modern combined dream book

Dreaming that you receive gifts- a sign that you will always have money to pay for necessary expenses. You will also be extremely lucky in commerce and matters of the heart.

Giving gifts- an omen of displeasure that you will cause in someone. In addition, expect failures in business.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Gift, souvenir in general- a convenient, happy occasion. A more specific interpretation depends on the dreamed object and can be a memory of a certain person, a feeling of love, a successful marriage.

Dream book of a gypsy

Gift received from a man- means possible danger, from a woman- anger.

If you are giving a gift- your problems and worries will disappear.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Give gifts to friends- ruin, loss of a friend; receive- benefit, profit to the house, news.

Esoteric dream book

Present- if the donor is known to you, expect troubles or troubles through him; if unknown- someone wishes you harm and with their energy strikes you, what is called the “evil eye.”

Choose someone- you are on the verge of financial losses, do not commit rash acts.

Make a gift with your own hands- your material well-being is in your hands.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Present- news.

Collection of dream books

Give gifts- to ruin, receive- to profit.

Present- visionary abilities.

Receive a gift from someone in a dream- to punishment for an imprudent act.

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

A gift in a dream hints at a big surprise, and it is not at all necessary that it will be material. The nature of the unexpected event will help determine the gifted item itself. Dream books will tell you in detail why you dream of some kind of surprise.

According to Miller's dream book

Did you dream that you received a gift? Meet a period of cloudless happiness. For businessmen, the dream book promises extremely successful deals. If in a dream you happened to send a gift by mail, then in reality you will miss an opportunity to solve a pressing problem. Why does a woman dream about her beloved giving her a stunning gift? In real life, she will marry a wealthy and congenial man.

It’s good to see someone giving a birthday present in a dream. This means that you will be extremely lucky in the coming days. Did you dream about how you yourself presented a gift to a friend in a solemn atmosphere? The dream book is sure: in fact, you don’t like him and don’t respect him at all.

According to Aesop's dream book

Why do you most often dream about a gift? In a dream, he acts as a symbol of friendship, sympathy, and trusting relationships. A gift, according to the dream book, is also associated with respect and love, but according to the law of inversion it reflects hatred and contempt.

If in a dream you were asked to bring a very unusual gift from your travels, then you will meet a very extraordinary person and go on a trip. If it was a scarlet flower, then the dream book is sure: you will give birth to a daughter.

Did you dream that your lover presented a box with a gift, and you were in seventh heaven? In reality there will be a secret love date or a person who has been liked for a long time will declare his love. In addition, the dream book promises good news and a real surprise.

According to the English dream book

Why do you dream if an acquaintance or friend gives you a souvenir gift? In the real world, a big surprise awaits you: friends will help you solve important issues. If a young man dreams of this plot, it means that he will have a loving, kind and thrifty wife. The dream book prepared a similar interpretation of the dream for the young woman.

Did you dream about how you yourself gave gifts to others? In reality, it will be possible to do the same. But if in a dream it was necessary to give something, but you were unable to, then there will be serious confusion in matters.

Why dream of a gift from a man, boyfriend, ex, stranger

Receiving gifts in a dream from a beloved man is good. Why do you usually dream about this? The vision promises happiness, fidelity, passionate love. Did you dream that a friend or loved one gave you a gift? You will successfully marry a like-minded person.

It’s not very good if in a dream your loved one literally showers you with gifts. He will soon leave you, but you will meet a more worthy candidate for marriage. If a stranger presented a gift that you didn’t like in a dream, then someone has cast a spell on you.

Why do you dream if you had to give a gift to your beloved husband or boyfriend? In reality, you will stop loving him and stop respecting him. A gift from an ex means that some event will literally force you to return to the past.

What does it mean - a gift from a deceased person?

Why do you dream if a gift was given by a dead person? Most often, the interpretation of a dream is positive and promises in reality prosperity, health, luck, contentment, happiness and wealth. If the deceased not only gave a gift, but also congratulated him in a dream, then in reality they miraculously avoided a great danger or performed a good deed.

But giving something to dead people in a dream is bad. This is an omen of monetary losses, moral and material losses, major troubles and troubles. During the night, did you happen to give gifts to the deceased or even just give something away? In fact, be prepared for major failures, losses, illnesses and other sad events.

I dreamed about a birthday gift

Why do you dream about a birthday gift? In reality, expect incredible luck in your endeavors and current affairs. Did you dream that you were showered with gifts on your birthday? In the very near future, your cherished dreams will come true.

Sometimes inversion comes into play and then a birthday gift promises the treachery of others and financial instability. Giving gifts to someone on their birthday or on some holiday means that you don’t really respect that person.

Why receive gifts in a dream?

Did you dream about being given a gift? Expect an unexpected surprise from fate itself. Also, expect profits and benefits. Moreover, the nature of upcoming events can be determined by the gift itself, as well as one’s own reaction to it.

If you happen to receive a nice gift, then you urgently need to listen to your intuition or wise advice. If you were given a gift that you didn’t like or made you angry, then the surprise will be extremely unpleasant.

If you had to give a gift

Why do you dream that you had to give gifts to other characters? If you were in a great mood during the donation, then in reality things will go uphill and you will be able to rejoice at your unprecedented successes.

Did you dream that you presented a gift without much enthusiasm? This means that in order to achieve the goal, you have to agree to an unpleasant compromise. We must not forget about the law of inversion. So, making gifts in a dream can also lead to complete disruption of current affairs and ruin.

Gift in a dream - exact meanings

A gift in the night symbolizes a successful coincidence of circumstances, a pleasant surprise. A more accurate interpretation is directly dependent on the meaning of a particular item, the personality of the donor, and personal attitude towards the gift.

  • a gift from a man is a possible danger
  • from a friend - favorable changes
  • from an unknown boy - illness of a loved one
  • from an elderly woman - anger, deceit of others, gossip
  • from a mature woman - useful, pleasant acquaintance, goodwill from superiors, colleagues
  • from a young girl - betrayal of a loved one
  • jewelry as a gift - you are being used for their own purposes
  • for a woman - luck in love, proposal, wedding
  • diamond is a stupid move
  • topaz - romantic adventure
  • agate - collapse of love
  • turquoise - a strange incident
  • gold - false friends or successful progress towards the goal
  • gold coins - profit from a dubious enterprise
  • jewelry as a gift - excess, living life
  • dear ones - success, prosperity
  • cheap - disappointment false hopes
  • made of leather - fidelity, family well-being
  • ring - proposal, partnership
  • pearl necklace - happy events, declaration of love or tears, loneliness
  • earrings - deception, useful, fateful acquaintance
  • beads, necklaces - a profitable, but very tedious task
  • brooch - surprise, surprise
  • cameo - pay attention to loved ones
  • chain – dependence, submission, connection
  • perfume as a gift - slight loss, new relationship
  • a bouquet of flowers of any kind - disappointment in a loved one or general luck
  • red roses – love, passion
  • asters - promotion, respect from colleagues
  • wildflowers - losses, modest existence
  • clothes as a gift - an ambiguous business
  • donating your clothes means loss of property
  • natural fur coat - an absurd situation, the need to hide the truth
  • socks – travel, road
  • boots - profit, luck, unfamiliar road
  • shoes - a service is to be provided
  • shoes - loss of strength, illness
  • house slippers – marriage for a man, dependence on a spouse for a woman
  • the gift of plasticine is a matter that contradicts the principles
  • dog – a period of comfort, pleasure, prosperity
  • cat - a trick, deceit, deception, flattery or a love adventure
  • expensive sweets - you will be accepted and appreciated in good company
  • wine glasses - friends will help strengthen the situation
  • books - good news, new knowledge, dedication
  • photo album as a gift - a pleasant coincidence
  • crystal vase - the fulfillment of a cherished dream
  • a car is the implementation of someone else’s idea, a gift of fate
  • yacht - suspicion, hostility
  • automatic – unpredictable events
  • house - an unexpected twist of fate
  • giving a gift to a stranger - worries and problems will disappear
  • friends - loss, ruin
  • relatives - relatives will provide financial support
  • to the boss - the need to maintain subordination
  • wife/husband – conflict period
  • children – a favorable resolution of a critical situation
  • send by mail - miss the chance to arrange your life
  • choosing a gift - financial losses, rash actions
  • do it yourself - fate and well-being depend only on you

Sometimes a gift in a dream symbolizes the memory of a certain person or specific events. This is especially true for gifts that are brought in dreams by deceased and former friends and lovers. But if you dreamed that you did not receive the gift you were waiting for, then in reality there was a threat to the current situation.

Everyone likes gifts. Both foolish children and adults wise with life experience enjoy them from the bottom of their hearts. Receiving a gift in life always brings a lot of positive emotions. But what does a gift mean in a dream, and what can it bring to your reality?

To get an accurate interpretation of a dream from dream books, you need to clarify some details of the plot you saw: who gave you a pleasant surprise, how expensive the gift turned out to be, what sensations you experienced when it was presented.

Basic interpretation

The women's dream book explains why a gift is dreamed of. It portends happiness and success to the sleeper. For people involved in business, such a dream portends good luck and excellent prospects for expanding their field of activity.

Why do you dream of receiving gifts? The Russian folk interpreter says that the explanation of the plot seen depends, first of all, on the sensations experienced in the dream. So, if you felt joy, then the giver will probably turn out to be a devoted and faithful friend in reality. If you feel hostility, then most likely the character from the dream does not have good feelings towards you.

For those born in autumn, accepting gifts in a dream means communicating a lot with family and friends. For those born in spring, such a plot foretells pleasant news from afar.

Grandmother’s dream book believes that if you are given a gift, then in reality you will have fun entertainment without any unpleasant consequences. If the gift was presented to your friend, then soon you will have a conflict with him.

Miller's dream book is sure that the interpretation of such a dream cannot be unambiguous. Although gifts sometimes evoke positive emotions and help lift the mood, they can change the life of the sleeper for the better only if the person is at the beginning of his journey. For example, he began to expand his business or conceived a new project.

Why do you have a surprise in a dream? If you are impulsive and often commit misconduct, then soon you will have to get what you deserve, says the French Dream Book. Punishment will not take long to arrive. Try to calculate the possible consequences before doing anything.

Are you wondering why you dream of many presents at once? The dream book believes that this episode is an unfavorable sign. This is especially true when you give all the gift wrappings to another person. According to the interpreter, this portends the dreamer huge losses and losses in reality. But if you received only valuable things as a gift, then amazing events await you in the future.

Why do you dream about buying gifts? The dream book claims that in reality you are selfless and selfless. However, in your desire to help, try not to overdo it. Otherwise, you will encounter misunderstanding and even contempt from the people being gifted.

Don’t know why you dreamed that you were choosing a gift? Most likely, in reality you are faced with a choice and do not know which path to take. Try to calculate all the options; your decision will determine how prosperous your entire future life will be.