1 with Bitrix corporate portal. Corporate information management system. Ready-made solutions based on platforms

Corporate Communications

Intracorporate communications

Live dialogue directly through the Portal, in a secure environment - this is an effective tool for daily communication between employees! Why effective? Because it speeds up and reduces the cost of these communications, and, therefore, helps to increase their efficiency. As the number one tool, the instant messaging system through the Corporate Portal does not reject or cross out the “iron” telephone and email - on the contrary, it complements these familiar methods of communication.
  • exchange instant messages inside the portal (analogous to ICQ/Jabber messenger);
  • event calendars different levels with the possibility of mutual integration;
  • meetings/alerts;
  • open and closed thematic forums;
  • private and public photo galleries;
  • employee surveys and surveys;
  • interactive features: surveys, reports, external RSS feeds on the portal;
  • custom web forms (creating email requests with the required fields);
  • service " questions and answers»;
  • automated system for receiving and processing requests with the ability to view status.

Video conference and one-on-one video communication

Expand with Video Meetings to a full-scale video conferencing in company. Conduct your video conferences and online meetings, involve employees of remote offices and departments in discussing work issues. For high-quality video communication you don’t need anything other than a browser, a regular webcam and a microphone.

  • do video call directly to any employee - just click on the “Video call” link on a colleague’s page and wait for a response from him;
  • Confirm automatic installation of the video conferencing client application - just agree with the master’s suggestions;
  • start a video conference - invite participants by selecting them from the list of company employees that appears;
  • respond to the invitation-challenge to the connection that will come via the corporate instant messaging manager - chat with a colleague or join an active video conference;
  • planning a meeting in advance book a video meeting room- right in the Events Calendar.

Send&Save technology

With this technology Correspondence employees by email duplicated on the Portal, archived by topic and indexed by an internal search system. Save important contacts, data, discussions - and protect the company from information loss. Provide access to the archive to employees - in accordance with their access rights. Conduct directly on the Portal discussions within working groups - by E-Mail!

  • corporate mail integrates with group forums on the Portal;
  • all the archive of correspondence is saved in working group discussions;
  • bidirectional data exchange (from email to the portal and back) is possible through the built-in SMTP server, as well as through external POP3 mailboxes;
  • are used in advance configured rules when, for example, special tags for a selected group are inserted into the header of a letter;
  • available to choose from four scenarios for using the technology:
    • built-in SMTP server (*@domain);
    • shared POP3 mailbox (*@domain);
    • one mailbox for each workgroup (group@domain);
    • tagging a message in the subject line when using one mailbox for all groups (mailbox@domain);
    • placing mail correspondence in working group discussions.

Representation of company employees

Employee business card- his profile, . As in social networks - a personal space in which an image and a mini-dossier are formed that determine the status and position of a person in the company. All the information about him is at your fingertips: contact information, what groups he is in, what he is doing at the moment, who he communicates with, what he writes in blogs, what he is interested in. Here you can call and write to the person, and the system will tell you what?

  • single directory company employees;
  • fast search information about the employee (alphabetically, by structure, by parameters);
  • custom employee card(photos, contacts, area of ​​activity);
  • personalization employee personal page in visual mode- by moving the mouse around various information blocks, such as gadgets for working with personal tools, external services and user information;
  • “tooltips” that appear on the names of employees with detailed information about them;
  • fast contact with an employee (web chat, e-mail, VoIP), presence control employee on the portal;
  • information about employee absence, calendar absence;
  • lists of new employees and personnel changes, honor rolls, birthdays and other opportunities;
  • employee personal account with advanced capabilities (personal documents, photo and video materials, blog, personal calendar, etc.).

Company introduction

The face of the company itself- business card image. An entire section on the portal - “Company” - is designed to create this correct image - face. Post here official information about the company's leadership, mission, strategy and structure. Create a public photo gallery and video library. All this will not only create, but also strengthen the corporate culture and image of the company.

  • visual representation company structures , which is generated automatically;
  • general information about the company, its history, mission, values ​​and corporate culture;
  • official news feeds(orders, instructions, rules);
  • calendar of events companies;
  • photo and video reports about the company's activities;
  • important feed industry news, the ability to import from external sources;
  • internal vacancies companies;
  • contacts and details for quick access.


Teamwork and social networks

The team of your company is community! The corporate portal is a working platform for it. We took the path of using existing social network tools. And therefore, the product module of the same name is designed so that your employees solve business problems with the same pleasure as when communicating on Odnoklassniki. Unite employees into groups using the usual mechanisms for creating them - this will improve communications in the company and increase work efficiency.

  • Creation working or project groups for joint discussion and solution of production and non-production problems;
  • using the principles of a social network in organizing collaboration;
  • flexible configuration of group functionality and access rights for different groups of employees;
  • personalization of each workgroup using visual movement of tools such as gadgets for working with personal tools, external services, information;
  • search within each group, taking into account the morphology of the Russian and English languages ​​and access rights;
  • calendar of events the group and its members;
  • organizing group meetings;
  • discussion of work issues (forums, web messenger);
  • tasks and assignments group members, planning, execution control;
  • task completion reports from group members;
  • document library for a group, version and change control, working with a group’s document library through Windows Explorer and office applications;
  • photographic materials of the group.

Expansion of the corporate portal - - this is a protected cross-information space for interaction with the “outside” world.

Invite colleagues from other companies to work groups: suppliers, distributors, partners, and you will be able to solve common problems with them. At the same time, communication with “external” users will be confidential, and the security of the Intranet will not be compromised.
The extranet provides transparency, documentation, speed combined with simplicity, confidentiality - everything you need to organizing coordinated and teamwork. At the same time, we especially note, taking into account the fact that the work is ongoing with third party users.

Universal lists in the public part

Of course, you need to create on the Portal such lists as frequently asked questions. Do it directly from the “public”, without going into the administrative panel! Visual universal list editor will help you quickly create and configure repositories of any type of information. And by using visual components with support drag&drop, it's easy to do. Moreover, not only enter data into storage, but also edit it.

  • you can construct arbitrary object stores;
  • all functionality is available from the portal pages;
  • everything works on the basis of the Information Blocks module; All options are available: filters and sorting, cards and lists with customizable columns and fields, group editing, access rights, etc.
  • Any object storage hierarchy is possible;
  • as application options: FAQ, reference books and knowledge bases, lists of contractors, structured archives, libraries, file storages, etc.

Enterprise Information Management
(ECM, Enterprise Content Management)

Create any quantity centralized document repositories on the Portal, and not only on the Infoblocks, but also using the usual physical folder. The product's tools will allow you to manage them, search for them, integrate them with office applications and calendars, and connect them as network drives. A special component of the product “Document Library” will provide collective work with documents, and discussion directly under any published documents, and downloading documents via WebDAV, and storing version history through standard document flow, and all other functions related to document modification.

  • office document libraries with collective access and the ability to work through a browser and Explorer (network drives);
  • using shared physical folders on the server as document libraries on the Portal;
  • working with portal documents using Microsoft Office;
  • document management system Portal materials;
  • version control of Portal documents;
  • restriction of access to documents;
  • control multimedia materials(photo, video).

If you look for the “elephant”, you will find it everywhere - wherever it is hidden on the Portal: in the contents of pages, and inside documents in repositories, and in the profiles of employees and working groups, in forum and blog posts, and even in captions pictures. If you find, say, an employee with the last name Slonovich, the search system will show you not just a link to his page, but also display a photo with brief information. This happens because this system indexes the contents of files of many formats, and you can customize the list of them. For what? For example, you uploaded a lot of documents to the storage - then you will quickly find the ones you need among them!

  • full text search for all information posted on the portal, in Russian and English;
  • search inside each working group groups taking into account the morphology of the Russian and English languages ​​and access rights;
  • search query statistics collected by the internal search system on the Portal;
  • search by tags and tag cloud;
  • support for Russian and English morphology;
  • instant indexing I updated and new documents;
  • search by internal content documents (DOCX, XLSX, DOC, XLS, PPTX, PPT, PDF, RTF, ODS and others);
  • flexible settings for ranking search results;
  • access rights accounting employee when displaying search results;
  • advanced search query language;
  • federated search: displaying search results of different types for one request (news, employees, documents, etc.).

Integration capabilities

The portal is easily integrated into the company's IT infrastructure, having a large set of standard interfaces to various services: Active Directory, Microsoft Office, "1C 8.1: Salaries and personnel management", import/export of data in various formats. For example, you can easily download data from a 1C application by automating the download procedure itself: the company structure, lists of employees, and information about their absence and personnel changes. And this is not the only option for solving the problem: there are CSV lists, there are special files that can be used to automate uploading. Even uploading from the Active directory is possible! And the head of your company can view current data from the 1C:Enterprise system in real time - using gadget "Report 1C". Finally, you can integrate your corporate portal and external site using Controller, an integration system.

  • integration with Microsoft Office products (Outlook 2007 version recommended) and Open Office;
  • integration with " 1C: Salary and Personnel Management";
  • special gadget "Report 1C", placed on a personal desktop;
  • “Controller” - a system for integrating a corporate portal and an external website;
  • integration with Active Directory and LDAP servers, OpenID;
  • implementation of the principles of SSO (Single Sign On) - a unified authorization system;
  • cross-platform- work on UNIX and Windows (XP, Vista, Windows Server);
  • support IE 5, 6.7 and FF 2, 3;
  • support MySQL, Oracle, MSSQL, Oracle XE, MSSQL Express;
  • web services and SOAP protocol support;
  • exporting a list of employees and access rights to the portal;
  • integration into the corporate network(network drives and web folders of document libraries);
  • open protocols for data export and import (XML, CommerceML, CSV, Excel, RSS).

Employee training and testing

Right on the Portal you can train your employees by creating various courses: say, for new employees, for the sales department, for careless partners. Moreover, you can check how they will learn these courses by creating certification tests. Take a look at the personnel testing logs - you will see how many attempts were made and points scored when passing the tricky tests you created. Tip: start with the Portal course - it comes with the product.

  • Creation unlimited number of training courses;
  • questions based on the lesson results, self-test;
  • certification tests to assess users' mastery of course materials;
  • import/export of courses in IMS Content Package, IMS QTI formats;
  • testing log personnel, taking into account the points scored by the user when passing the test, a list of attempts;
  • automatic determination of results;
  • flexible system for distributing access rights to training courses.

Automation of business processes

Business processes

on the Portal - full-fledged and powerful management functionality! Automate routine business processes in your company, manage all stages of the process and the actions necessary for its execution. Shape visually a sequence of stages of a business process, and directly from the public part of your portal - without entering the administrative part.

All editions of the product already include a set of ready-made standard templates business processes, and in the “senior” edition - Business Processes - you will independently create your own, arbitrary, new business processes. By using "Business Process Designer"- a simple and convenient visual tool - it’s easy and not difficult to do.

  • run business processes for documents - and thus automate document flow;
  • organize processes without being tied to a specific document - translate yours routine tasks on business processes;
  • automate the processing of all requests for vacations, business trips, invoice approval, etc.;
  • manage a wide variety of business processes, from simple to the most complex;
  • use standard business process templates: business trip, vacation;
  • create new business process diagrams using "Business Process Designer";
  • visually design sequence of business process stages;
  • create simple and branched business processes in the “public”;
  • work with business processes from the public part Portal;
  • use manual or automatic launch of business processes (depending on settings);
  • include elements in business process diagrams control over its implementation;
  • collect information at any stage of the created business process;
  • perform additional actions: creating calendar entries, tasks, timeouts for decision making, escalation.

Automation and planning

The Corporate Portal has a whole set of excellent tools for automation of office operations! Plan your appointments and gatherings in advance - there is a tool for reserving resources and meeting rooms. Complete electronic applications “one or two times” - the Electronic Applications mechanism will speed up the processing of such procedures (passes, business cards, drivers, office supplies) and save time on routine operations. Use 100% document flow for collective work with documents, turn on the mail notification system when discussing important tasks - everything will go on time and as expected. And the Event Planner tool will not only select the time that is optimal for everyone expected participants in the meeting, but even the necessary meeting room will book - automatically!

  • document flow content on the portal;
  • custom web forms (creating email requests with required fields), appointment of employees responsible for processing;
  • automation of application servicing in the Help Desk system, control of application processing;
  • organization working (project) groups with assigning tasks and monitoring their implementation;
  • organizing meetings, sending invitations and confirmation mechanism, meeting reports;
  • booking meeting rooms rooms (and any other premises);
  • event planner, working in visual mode;
  • customizable postal notifications for any portal events.

A corporate portal is a company information resource management system that ensures effective interaction between employees, their work within groups and projects, and increases the efficiency of internal and external communications.

  • Consolidation of the company into a single whole;
  • Preservation of accumulated experience;
  • Information support for making management decisions;
  • Traceability and transparency;
  • Improving the efficiency of employees, teams and the business as a whole.

Using the Bitrix24 portal


  • Receives information for making management decisions with one click.
    Information basis for calculating KPIs, performance discipline, work results.
  • Unites disparate and geographically distant units.
  • Monitors and improves labor efficiency.
    Obtaining information on labor and performance discipline, monitoring deadlines, organizing work in groups and on projects, reducing time for searching for information.
  • Automates the company's business processes.
    Reducing the influence of the human factor on the company’s activities, searching for the “bottleneck” of the business process.
  • Preserves and increases information assets.
    Managing and updating a unified knowledge base and preventing information loss due to the fault of employees.

HR service

  • Forms the company culture.
    Mission, goals and objectives of the company, events from corporate life, success stories and the best specialists.
  • Informs company employees.
    General information about the company, regulations, procedures, details and document templates, business processes for reviewing documents, mailings.
  • Collects feedback.
    Receiving feedback within the framework of regulated procedures and receiving informal feedback online.
  • Improves qualifications.
    Training courses, answers to basic questions, knowledge base.
  • Quickly adapts new employees.

Commercial Director

  • Maintains a unified database of clients and leads.
  • Quick search and access from mobile devices.
  • Controls the sales funnel.
    Control of each stage of sales, automatic generation of reports.
  • Effectively interacts with production departments.
  • Increases the number of repeat orders from customers.
    By improving the quality of service and information interaction.
Heads of departments
  • Informed about the presence of subordinates in the workplace and their availability.
  • Set goals and track results.
  • Redistribute work among employees.
  • They plan work for the day, week, month.
  • They communicate with subordinates via chat, notifications are sent by email and SMS.

Our services We have a flexible approach to the development and implementation of a corporate portal, since much depends on the Customer’s business processes and functionality requirements.

Stages of work:

  1. Analysis of requirements and preparation of technical specifications.
  2. Installation and initial configuration of the portal.
  3. Transferring data to the portal.
  4. Development of portal functionality for the specifics of the Customer’s activities.
  5. Training company employees to work in the portal.
  6. Technical support and consultations.
From 1000/hour Order portal implementation

Comparison of Bitrix24 editions

Each product edition contains the capabilities of all of the following.

"Bitrix24" 1C-Bitrix24:
portal "in a box"

The software product is installed on your server. It has wider functionality and customization options. Supports integration with corporate information systems and 1C:ZUP.

Holding 25+ ∞ GB + your own domain

549 500

web cluster + cloud backup 50 GB

Corporate portal+ your domain 25+ ∞ GB

219 500

Administration of the corporate portal

Content management (visual page editor)

Advanced access rights management

Design options

Design customization

Developing your own business logic

Controller for integration with an external site

Analysis and statistics of visits

Cloud service "Bitrix24"

Your corporate portal is in the cloud. Register and get started right away. Less functionality, but unlimited scalability and low implementation time.

Company ∞ ∞ GB + your domain

10 990

Work reports to the manager

Time tracking

Meetings and planning sessions

Universal lists for automating your work processes, for example, document flow

Team ∞ 100+ GB

5 490

External users (extranet)

Integration with 1C

IP access restriction

In all tariffs and in the Project tariff 12+ 5+ GB Free

  • HR: personnel management

    Visual management of company structure

    List of employees, contacts

    Synchronize contacts with MS Outlook, Google, iOS, MacOS, Android


    Employee personal page

    Access rights to information

    Employee absence schedule

    Read confirmation announcements

    Motivation tools, gamification

    Pulse of the company (simplifies the implementation of Bitrix24)

  • Task and project management

    Gantt chart

    Time control


    Time tracking by task

    Task templates


    Internal and external communications

    Instant messages and group business chat

    Video calls



  • Integrations

    Integration with MS Office, MS Office Online

    Integration with GoogleDocs

    Integration with MS Outlook (contacts, calendars)

    Google integration (contacts, calendars)

    Integration with MacOS, iOS, Android

    Connecting external PBXs

    Connecting external mail services

    Working time planning

    Calendars (shared and personal)

    Team meeting planner

    Synchronization of calendars with MS Outlook, Google, iOS, MacOS, Android

  • Collaborate with documents

    Bitrix24.Disk for group work

    Online editing in GoogleDocs

    Online editing in MS Office Online

    Editing on a computer

    Search by document content

    History of changes

    Access rights

    CRM: customers and sales

    Business process designer

    Business processes in CRM

    Business processes in shared documents

  • CRM: customers and sales

    Clients and contacts database

    Deal and lead management

    Sales automation

    Catalog of goods and services

    Sales funnel and reports

    Integration with telephony

    Call recording

  • Safety and reliability

    SSL certificate

    Proactive protection (WAF - Web Application Firewall)

    Daily Live Backup

    Differentiation of user access rights

    Enhanced Data Center Security (SAS 70 Type II)

    Physical separation of data from different clients

1C-Bitrix: Corporate portal- a software product for creating an internal corporate information resource that solves the communication, organizational and HR tasks of the company. The solution was developed by 1C-Bitrix.


  • The standard product package includes 25 functional modules and more than 500 ready-made components for the most common tasks. This means that you can quickly start working with the portal and increase its functionality as needed.

The product actively applies the principles of Enterprise 2.0 - the use of simple, effective, familiar and user-friendly tools from the “Web” - social networks, instant messages, search, tag clouds, forums, blogs and other services that simplify information search and internal communications.

  • The product is easily integrated into the company's IT infrastructure, having a large set of standard interfaces to various services: Active Directory, Microsoft Office, 1C: Salary and Personnel Management, import/export of data in various formats.
  • The portal server can run both Windows and Linux/Unix and other platforms, depending on corporate standards and the requirements of IT services. Technical requirements also provide for the use of several DBMSs to choose from: MySQL, Oracle, Miscrosoft SQL Server.


The basic package for 25 users costs only 34,500 rubles. This version includes a license for 25 users. An additional user license for 1C-Bitrix: Corporate Portal allows you to increase the number of active users of the system. The cost of each additional user of the system is 500 rubles.

1C-Bitrix: Corporate portal 9.5

A specially developed licensing policy serves to provide clients with three approaches to managing communications within the company. Starting from version 9.5, “1C-Bitrix: Corporate Portal” is distributed in three editions (“Company”, “Collaboration”, “Business Processes”), each of which meets different market needs.

  • The “Company” edition allows you to create a full-fledged corporate portal in 4 hours, which serves as the official source of news for the company, is a single place for storing corporate rules and instructions, and contains information about the company, including its organizational structure and employee database. The edition is offered at a fixed price of 19,900 rubles, excluding the number of users, for a company of any size.
  • The “Collaboration” edition includes all the benefits of the “Company” edition, and also contains tools for increasing the effectiveness of teamwork in the organization. Employees can manage tasks and assignments, work with the calendar, projects, use WiKi and the Extranet. The Collaboration edition allows employees to communicate effectively with each other, even if colleagues are scattered across offices and different cities. For the convenience of all company employees, the “Collaboration” edition includes a corporate short message service, personal blogs and the ability to organize video conferencing. The edition is offered at a price of 59,500 rubles and includes a license for 25 users. A license for an additional user participating in collaboration will cost 500 rubles.
  • The Business Processes edition combines the functionality of previous editions and provides flexible tools for visual design, business processes and record management. The tools will allow management to monitor the implementation of key business processes, identify problems in a timely manner, improve quality and increase the speed of processes. The edition is offered at a price of 99,500 rubles and includes a license for 25 users. A license for an additional user will cost 500 rubles.

As part of the new licensing policy, current clients of 1C-Bitrix: Corporate Portal have the opportunity to switch to any of the new editions for free.

New customers can download and test any edition of the product for free for 90 days. For the convenience of IT specialists, an installer has been prepared for quick deployment of the product in Windows and Linux environments.

1C-Bitrix: Corporate portal 10.0

Version 10.0 is a new product with new features and concepts for task and project management, time tracking, CRM system, live updates, microblogs, integration with Microsoft, Google and Apple products, as well as productivity tools the work of each individual employee and the entire company as a whole.

One of the most anticipated tools of the new version is “Tasks 2.0”, a task and project management system with reports on the performance of each employee, each department and the entire organization. Companies often find it difficult to motivate employees to work on tasks on the portal and fully use this tool. “Tasks 2.0” actively involve self-organization: an employee can independently set tasks for himself and accept them from his manager.

In the performance report, the manager sees data on the performance of employees, departments and the entire company. Efficiency is determined by the number of completed, overdue tasks, and also depends on the assessment of the task by the department head. Each employee can view their performance data and compare it with the final results of their department.

The new system “Time Management 2.0” is used to track working time “without passing”, to increase discipline without creating tension in the company, and allows you to build discipline of any degree of rigidity, depending on the choice of the manager. The system takes into account the beginning and end of the working day (a timesheet of working days is maintained). Employees can backdate the start of their workday by requesting confirmation from their manager. The “Working Day” interface helps you plan tasks and events for the day, mark the beginning and end of the working day, and write a report for the day.

1C-Bitrix: Corporate portal 11.0

The 1C-Bitrix company announced in November 2011 the release of a new version of the product “1C-Bitrix: Corporate Portal 11.0”.

“We help companies become more efficient. “Planners” and working reports will allow many to actually cope with the problems of growth. For service companies Tasks and time tracking will help eliminate losses. Collaboration in companies is becoming increasingly social. Business is becoming social. This makes the working environment transparent and friendly for employees,” said Sergey Ryzhikov, CEO of 1C-Bitrix.

In the new version of 1C-Bitrix: Corporate Portal 11.0, the Meetings and Planning Meetings service has been developed. Planning meetings are an obligatory tool for the activities of any organization, which, unfortunately, is not automated in any way, preparation is carried out by correspondence by e-mail, the results are recorded at best by letter, the set goals are not achieved, meetings take a long time and are ineffective. The new tool in the Corporate Portal reduces preparation time, makes it convenient and quick to conduct and collect reports on the meeting, allows you to monitor the fulfillment of the goals set at the meeting, store history and ensure “transparency” of the entire process for management.

“1C-Bitrix: Corporate Portal 11.0” implements the “Have an Idea?” service, which taps into the potential of the company’s employees. Any employee can propose his own idea for developing the company’s business, evaluate the ideas of his colleagues, and comment on them. All votes “for” or “against” are taken into account, and based on the opinions of company employees, a rating of the idea is formed.

The new version also introduces a simple and convenient tool for preparing and checking “Working Reports”. Now these are not even reports in the usual sense, but part of the communication process with very important feedback, so necessary for the employee and manager. Once a week or a month, an employee prepares a “Work Report” to the manager using a special form on the corporate portal, and the manager evaluates this report - gives a positive or negative rating. All changes in the report are available to the manager and employee in the “live feed” and they can be discussed immediately. Employees quickly receive feedback to improve their work. The new tool makes reporting transparent at all levels of the company and allows you to quickly see problem areas and use reports to develop KPIs for employees and departments.

In version 11.0, every employee of the company can vote for a message, document or comment using the “Like” button. It is important for employees that their materials are seen, read, and even if not commented on. We are used to this on the Internet - we receive a lot of support from friends and colleagues in the form of “likes”. The ability to see who has rated you can inspire an employee to be creative and significantly more active within the company; this has fantastic potential for developing relationships in the company and motivating employees.

1C-Bitrix: Corporate portal 11.5

“Social Intranet” is a new approach to collaboration that allows you to use all the advantages of social networks in a corporate portal, such as: instant feedback from colleagues (“likes” and comments), “live feed”, internal messages, social search and others. “Social Intranet” increases work efficiency and allows each employee to become more successful.

The new version of 1C-Bitrix: Corporate Portal 11.5 includes the following changes:

  • two interface options “Classic” and “Bitrix24”;
  • new internal messaging system;
  • built-in Web messenger;
  • tools for visual design of company structure;
  • the ability to make a working group available for work on the Extranet;
  • integration of business processes with tasks and CRM;
  • new Calendars interface and much more.

Starting from version 11.5, the delivery of 1C-Bitrix: Corporate Portal includes two interface options - “Classic” and “Bitrix24”, named after the new cloud service, the launch of which 1C-Bitrix announced on April 12. The new interface has already been implemented in the Bitrix24 service, and now all its advantages are available in the boxed product 1C-Bitrix: Corporate Portal.

In the Bitrix24 interface, unlike the Classic one, in the center there is a “Live feed” of updates on the portal, from which employees instantly learn about any changes: new messages and comments from colleagues, new tasks and events, photos and much more. Another important difference is the “Add” button - a single access center for managing tasks, calendars, files and messages - allows you to quickly perform the desired action from any page of the portal.

In version 11.5, the developers introduced a new internal messaging system. A message to colleagues can now be sent in one click, directly from the Live Feed. Messages can be addressed personally to an employee, several employees, a company department or a work group. You can attach a document, photo or video to the message and discuss it with colleagues.

The product implements an internal Web messenger - a secure and effective communication tool for employees. To work with the web messenger, you do not need to install third-party programs - messages and files are exchanged on the portal through a regular browser. All correspondence with colleagues is stored on the portal in history - with its own built-in search through the message archive. The web messenger allows you to avoid installing XMPP servers and special Jabber clients in your company.

In version 11.5, the company structure can be designed visually - just “drag” an employee from one department to another with the mouse, change department heads, and add new employees. Subordination in the structure affects almost everything: who sends reports to whom, to whom a task can be delegated, etc.

In version 11.5, a separate template is not required to work on the Extranet. Employees now always work inside the corporate portal. Thanks to a well-thought-out system for dividing access rights to information, employees can invite external users to Extranet workgroups, place documents and files in them - Extranet users will not have access to proprietary internal corporate information.

Business processes in version 11.5 are integrated with tasks and CRM. Now you can add a task to any stage of the business process and assign a responsible employee. Integration with CRM allows you to automate the processing of leads in accordance with the desired business process. You can now automatically create a report for each business process, which will be saved in the history of the business process. You can add formulas to the parameters of any action (for example, insert into a field with the start date of a task).

The Calendars interface has been significantly updated to make working with events easier. Tasks are now displayed in the Calendar grid, and you can quickly distribute your working time or estimate the workload of your project team. The universal multi-button “Add” allows you to easily create in the “Calendar”: a new event, including an event through the “Scheduler”, a task, a new internal or external calendar.

1C-Bitrix: Corporate portal 12.5

Updates include: mobile CRM, account management, video calls, quick viewing and editing of documents using Google Docs and more. Also, the Bitrix24 cloud service opens an API, which will allow each web developer to independently expand the capabilities of the service with their own modifications.

Mobile CRM and account management

The new version expands the functionality of the mobile application: it becomes possible to work in CRM - view transactions, accounts, contacts and meetings. This update will be especially useful for companies whose sales staff are often on the road. Now clients’ contact information, information about meetings and cooperation history will be available to them from any mobile device – tablet or smartphone, both iOS and Android. According to Gartner Research analysts, the growth in the number of downloads of mobile CRM applications in app stores will increase by 500% by 2014. The ability for employees to work quickly using mobile devices is becoming a serious competitive advantage for companies.

Another important CRM update in the 1C-Bitrix: Corporate Portal product and the Bitrix24 cloud service was the ability to work with invoices. Now you can issue invoices, as well as set their statuses (from sending to the client to receiving payment) directly in CRM. Issued invoices can be sent to clients via email in PDF format directly from the CRM.

The innovation will significantly increase the transparency of the sales department, since now in CRM you can track the entire chain of work with clients - from the appearance of a “cold” lead to the completion of the sale. Transparency of the sales department's work processes makes it possible to increase its efficiency, since finding weak points in the work is no longer difficult. In the near future, the developers plan to release CRM integration with 1C:Enterprise to synchronize data on invoices issued and payments received.

Free video calls

Video calls without restrictions and tariffs have become available to all users of the desktop application of the Bitrix24 cloud service and the product 1C-Bitrix: Corporate Portal 12.5. The new functionality will also be available to those who use the latest version of the Google Chrome browser. Making video calls does not require installing new plugins or special settings.

The video calling service is developed using WebRTC technology, which ensures high quality video transmission and echo cancellation, thanks to the mechanisms used to adapt the signal to changing environmental conditions.

For companies whose employees are limited in their use of the Internet, it is proposed to install a media server, thanks to which video calls can be made within the corporate network, without passing traffic through external services.

Editing documents in Google Docs - an alternative to the office suite

Users of the corporate portal on the 1C-Bitrix platform and the Bitrix24 cloud service can edit documents uploaded to the portal without installing the Microsoft Office suite of office applications on their PC. The feature is implemented through integration with the Google Docs service. To view and edit files in popular office formats, the user only needs to be online - the document will automatically open in Google Docs, and all corrections made will be saved on the portal.

Bitrix24.Disk for Mac OS X

Cloud storage capabilities for working with Bitrix24.Disk documents are now available to Mac OS X users. Previously, this functionality was only available to users of MS Windows-based devices.

Cloud storage "Bitrix24.Disk" allows you to work with documents and files, even while offline, and also share them with colleagues. Synchronization of changes made to the document occurs automatically, even if they were made in the absence of the Internet. Cloud storage is connected to the computer “in one click” through the desktop application: a folder appears on the user’s computer, and all files saved in it are automatically transferred to the Bitrix24 cloud, where the entire history of changes is stored.

Open API

The Bitrix24 cloud service opens an API, which will allow developers to supplement the service’s capabilities with their own applications and customize the service to suit the needs of users. It will be possible to integrate with the service both third-party applications running on a separate hosting, as well as applications developed specifically for Bitrix24 and built into its interface. In the near future, the 1C-Bitrix company plans to open an application marketplace for the Bitrix24 service. The company's experience shows that this is a very popular area - the application store for boxed products has been operating for more than 1.5 years, it now offers over 1,000 applications.

Company records management

Users of the Bitrix24 cloud service now have access to “Universal Lists” - a convenient record management tool for the company. Using “Universal Lists” you can organize business processes such as recording incoming/outgoing correspondence, maintaining a register of contracts, as well as organize the recording and storage of any other structured data, and refer to them. Such a tool is often necessary for companies, regardless of their size or field of activity. Previously, this functionality was available only to clients of the 1C-Bitrix: Corporate Portal product.

Corporate Dropbox

On March 7, 2013, 1C-Bitrix launched a beta version of the Bitrix24.Disk cloud storage for testing for users of the Bitrix24 service and the 1C-Bitrix: Corporate Portal product, which provides the ability to access work documents and files from any device, even while offline, and share them with colleagues.

After connecting, Bitrix24.Disk creates a special folder on the user’s computer and copies documents from the portal into it. When you make changes to copies of documents from the portal, Bitrix24.Disk automatically synchronizes changes in documents on the portal. The SSL protocol ensures secure data transfer.

Files saved in the folder are automatically transferred to the Bitrix24 cloud, where the entire history of changes will be stored. If necessary, you can even recover deleted files that have been moved to the Recycle Bin.

“Previously, files could be downloaded via a web interface or by mapping a network drive via WebDAV, meaning you needed Internet access to access the files. Now you can always get access. This is the main advantage. Plus, the company stores all the information on its resources, nothing is lost or “goes away” with the quitting employee,” 1C-Bitrix explained to TAdviser.

The available storage limit is determined by the tariff framework, the company told TAdviser. For example, for the “Company” tariff it is 100 GB. For the boxed version of the product, the storage volume will be limited to the server where the company stores the data.

At the time of its launch in March 2013, Bitrix24.Disk became available only to Windows OS users. The release of the version for Mac computers is scheduled for April 2013. The April version of Bitrix24.Disk will also support synchronization of group and company documents and support shared folders for employees.

Tablet app

The Bitrix24 service and 1C-Bitrix: Corporate Portal now have an application for tablets running on both iOS and Android. Users of tablet devices will be able to read Live Feed, post photos, send messages and comments, discuss projects, work with documents, and view documents saved in Bitrix24.Disk.

The tablet app and previously released mobile app are integrated with calendars, allowing you to make and confirm appointments directly from your devices. Push notifications will allow you to be aware of important work events even when the application is closed.

In addition, registration of new accounts in Bitrix24 is now available directly from a mobile device.

Applications for smartphones and tablets can be downloaded from the App Store (www.itunes.com/appstore) and Google Play Market (play.google.com).

CRM system improvements

One of the most popular reasons for using the Bitrix24 service is the CRM system. After the update, navigation and interfaces became much more convenient, they were redesigned taking into account research of user behavior.

Now most of the most common actions in CRM can be performed without unnecessary clicks, this applies, first of all, to the interface for working with a “deal” - editing information about it, creating new deals, visualization and the ability to switch execution stages, a new format for displaying information about a deal.

It is now possible to search for information only in CRM and create your own search templates in a “smart” filter - these updates provide quick access to information. The filter also contains predefined forms that correspond to 90% of regularly asked search queries.

After the updates, users will be able not only to send letters to potential clients from CRM, as was the case before, but also to create letter templates for themselves and for colleagues. In addition, it has become possible to make calls through IP telephony applications directly from the CRM system interface.

1C-Bitrix: Corporate portal- a software product for creating an internal corporate information resource that solves the communication, organizational and HR tasks of the company. The solution was developed by 1C-Bitrix.


  • The standard product package includes 25 functional modules and more than 500 ready-made components for the most common tasks. This means that you can quickly start working with the portal and increase its functionality as needed.

The product actively applies the principles of Enterprise 2.0 - the use of simple, effective, familiar and user-friendly tools from the “Web” - social networks, instant messages, search, tag clouds, forums, blogs and other services that simplify information search and internal communications.

  • The product is easily integrated into the company's IT infrastructure, having a large set of standard interfaces to various services: Active Directory, Microsoft Office, 1C: Salary and Personnel Management, import/export of data in various formats.
  • The portal server can run both Windows and Linux/Unix and other platforms, depending on corporate standards and the requirements of IT services. Technical requirements also provide for the use of several DBMSs to choose from: MySQL, Oracle, Miscrosoft SQL Server.


The basic package for 25 users costs only 34,500 rubles. This version includes a license for 25 users. An additional user license for 1C-Bitrix: Corporate Portal allows you to increase the number of active users of the system. The cost of each additional user of the system is 500 rubles.

1C-Bitrix: Corporate portal 9.5

A specially developed licensing policy serves to provide clients with three approaches to managing communications within the company. Starting from version 9.5, “1C-Bitrix: Corporate Portal” is distributed in three editions (“Company”, “Collaboration”, “Business Processes”), each of which meets different market needs.

  • The “Company” edition allows you to create a full-fledged corporate portal in 4 hours, which serves as the official source of news for the company, is a single place for storing corporate rules and instructions, and contains information about the company, including its organizational structure and employee database. The edition is offered at a fixed price of 19,900 rubles, excluding the number of users, for a company of any size.
  • The “Collaboration” edition includes all the benefits of the “Company” edition, and also contains tools for increasing the effectiveness of teamwork in the organization. Employees can manage tasks and assignments, work with the calendar, projects, use WiKi and the Extranet. The Collaboration edition allows employees to communicate effectively with each other, even if colleagues are scattered across offices and different cities. For the convenience of all company employees, the “Collaboration” edition includes a corporate short message service, personal blogs and the ability to organize video conferencing. The edition is offered at a price of 59,500 rubles and includes a license for 25 users. A license for an additional user participating in collaboration will cost 500 rubles.
  • The Business Processes edition combines the functionality of previous editions and provides flexible tools for visual design, business processes and record management. The tools will allow management to monitor the implementation of key business processes, identify problems in a timely manner, improve quality and increase the speed of processes. The edition is offered at a price of 99,500 rubles and includes a license for 25 users. A license for an additional user will cost 500 rubles.

As part of the new licensing policy, current clients of 1C-Bitrix: Corporate Portal have the opportunity to switch to any of the new editions for free.

New customers can download and test any edition of the product for free for 90 days. For the convenience of IT specialists, an installer has been prepared for quick deployment of the product in Windows and Linux environments.

1C-Bitrix: Corporate portal 10.0

Version 10.0 is a new product with new features and concepts for task and project management, time tracking, CRM system, live updates, microblogs, integration with Microsoft, Google and Apple products, as well as productivity tools the work of each individual employee and the entire company as a whole.

One of the most anticipated tools of the new version is “Tasks 2.0”, a task and project management system with reports on the performance of each employee, each department and the entire organization. Companies often find it difficult to motivate employees to work on tasks on the portal and fully use this tool. “Tasks 2.0” actively involve self-organization: an employee can independently set tasks for himself and accept them from his manager.

In the performance report, the manager sees data on the performance of employees, departments and the entire company. Efficiency is determined by the number of completed, overdue tasks, and also depends on the assessment of the task by the department head. Each employee can view their performance data and compare it with the final results of their department.

The new system “Time Management 2.0” is used to track working time “without passing”, to increase discipline without creating tension in the company, and allows you to build discipline of any degree of rigidity, depending on the choice of the manager. The system takes into account the beginning and end of the working day (a timesheet of working days is maintained). Employees can backdate the start of their workday by requesting confirmation from their manager. The “Working Day” interface helps you plan tasks and events for the day, mark the beginning and end of the working day, and write a report for the day.

1C-Bitrix: Corporate portal 11.0

The 1C-Bitrix company announced in November 2011 the release of a new version of the product “1C-Bitrix: Corporate Portal 11.0”.

“We help companies become more efficient. “Planners” and working reports will allow many to actually cope with the problems of growth. For service companies Tasks and time tracking will help eliminate losses. Collaboration in companies is becoming increasingly social. Business is becoming social. This makes the working environment transparent and friendly for employees,” said Sergey Ryzhikov, CEO of 1C-Bitrix.

In the new version of 1C-Bitrix: Corporate Portal 11.0, the Meetings and Planning Meetings service has been developed. Planning meetings are an obligatory tool for the activities of any organization, which, unfortunately, is not automated in any way, preparation is carried out by correspondence by e-mail, the results are recorded at best by letter, the set goals are not achieved, meetings take a long time and are ineffective. The new tool in the Corporate Portal reduces preparation time, makes it convenient and quick to conduct and collect reports on the meeting, allows you to monitor the fulfillment of the goals set at the meeting, store history and ensure “transparency” of the entire process for management.

“1C-Bitrix: Corporate Portal 11.0” implements the “Have an Idea?” service, which taps into the potential of the company’s employees. Any employee can propose his own idea for developing the company’s business, evaluate the ideas of his colleagues, and comment on them. All votes “for” or “against” are taken into account, and based on the opinions of company employees, a rating of the idea is formed.

The new version also introduces a simple and convenient tool for preparing and checking “Working Reports”. Now these are not even reports in the usual sense, but part of the communication process with very important feedback, so necessary for the employee and manager. Once a week or a month, an employee prepares a “Work Report” to the manager using a special form on the corporate portal, and the manager evaluates this report - gives a positive or negative rating. All changes in the report are available to the manager and employee in the “live feed” and they can be discussed immediately. Employees quickly receive feedback to improve their work. The new tool makes reporting transparent at all levels of the company and allows you to quickly see problem areas and use reports to develop KPIs for employees and departments.

In version 11.0, every employee of the company can vote for a message, document or comment using the “Like” button. It is important for employees that their materials are seen, read, and even if not commented on. We are used to this on the Internet - we receive a lot of support from friends and colleagues in the form of “likes”. The ability to see who has rated you can inspire an employee to be creative and significantly more active within the company; this has fantastic potential for developing relationships in the company and motivating employees.

1C-Bitrix: Corporate portal 11.5

“Social Intranet” is a new approach to collaboration that allows you to use all the advantages of social networks in a corporate portal, such as: instant feedback from colleagues (“likes” and comments), “live feed”, internal messages, social search and others. “Social Intranet” increases work efficiency and allows each employee to become more successful.

The new version of 1C-Bitrix: Corporate Portal 11.5 includes the following changes:

  • two interface options “Classic” and “Bitrix24”;
  • new internal messaging system;
  • built-in Web messenger;
  • tools for visual design of company structure;
  • the ability to make a working group available for work on the Extranet;
  • integration of business processes with tasks and CRM;
  • new Calendars interface and much more.

Starting from version 11.5, the delivery of 1C-Bitrix: Corporate Portal includes two interface options - “Classic” and “Bitrix24”, named after the new cloud service, the launch of which 1C-Bitrix announced on April 12. The new interface has already been implemented in the Bitrix24 service, and now all its advantages are available in the boxed product 1C-Bitrix: Corporate Portal.

In the Bitrix24 interface, unlike the Classic one, in the center there is a “Live feed” of updates on the portal, from which employees instantly learn about any changes: new messages and comments from colleagues, new tasks and events, photos and much more. Another important difference is the “Add” button - a single access center for managing tasks, calendars, files and messages - allows you to quickly perform the desired action from any page of the portal.

In version 11.5, the developers introduced a new internal messaging system. A message to colleagues can now be sent in one click, directly from the Live Feed. Messages can be addressed personally to an employee, several employees, a company department or a work group. You can attach a document, photo or video to the message and discuss it with colleagues.

The product implements an internal Web messenger - a secure and effective communication tool for employees. To work with the web messenger, you do not need to install third-party programs - messages and files are exchanged on the portal through a regular browser. All correspondence with colleagues is stored on the portal in history - with its own built-in search through the message archive. The web messenger allows you to avoid installing XMPP servers and special Jabber clients in your company.

In version 11.5, the company structure can be designed visually - just “drag” an employee from one department to another with the mouse, change department heads, and add new employees. Subordination in the structure affects almost everything: who sends reports to whom, to whom a task can be delegated, etc.

In version 11.5, a separate template is not required to work on the Extranet. Employees now always work inside the corporate portal. Thanks to a well-thought-out system for dividing access rights to information, employees can invite external users to Extranet workgroups, place documents and files in them - Extranet users will not have access to proprietary internal corporate information.

Business processes in version 11.5 are integrated with tasks and CRM. Now you can add a task to any stage of the business process and assign a responsible employee. Integration with CRM allows you to automate the processing of leads in accordance with the desired business process. You can now automatically create a report for each business process, which will be saved in the history of the business process. You can add formulas to the parameters of any action (for example, insert into a field with the start date of a task).

The Calendars interface has been significantly updated to make working with events easier. Tasks are now displayed in the Calendar grid, and you can quickly distribute your working time or estimate the workload of your project team. The universal multi-button “Add” allows you to easily create in the “Calendar”: a new event, including an event through the “Scheduler”, a task, a new internal or external calendar.

1C-Bitrix: Corporate portal 12.5

Updates include: mobile CRM, account management, video calls, quick viewing and editing of documents using Google Docs and more. Also, the Bitrix24 cloud service opens an API, which will allow each web developer to independently expand the capabilities of the service with their own modifications.

Mobile CRM and account management

The new version expands the functionality of the mobile application: it becomes possible to work in CRM - view transactions, accounts, contacts and meetings. This update will be especially useful for companies whose sales staff are often on the road. Now clients’ contact information, information about meetings and cooperation history will be available to them from any mobile device – tablet or smartphone, both iOS and Android. According to Gartner Research analysts, the growth in the number of downloads of mobile CRM applications in app stores will increase by 500% by 2014. The ability for employees to work quickly using mobile devices is becoming a serious competitive advantage for companies.

Another important CRM update in the 1C-Bitrix: Corporate Portal product and the Bitrix24 cloud service was the ability to work with invoices. Now you can issue invoices, as well as set their statuses (from sending to the client to receiving payment) directly in CRM. Issued invoices can be sent to clients via email in PDF format directly from the CRM.

The innovation will significantly increase the transparency of the sales department, since now in CRM you can track the entire chain of work with clients - from the appearance of a “cold” lead to the completion of the sale. Transparency of the sales department's work processes makes it possible to increase its efficiency, since finding weak points in the work is no longer difficult. In the near future, the developers plan to release CRM integration with 1C:Enterprise to synchronize data on invoices issued and payments received.

Free video calls

Video calls without restrictions and tariffs have become available to all users of the desktop application of the Bitrix24 cloud service and the product 1C-Bitrix: Corporate Portal 12.5. The new functionality will also be available to those who use the latest version of the Google Chrome browser. Making video calls does not require installing new plugins or special settings.

The video calling service is developed using WebRTC technology, which ensures high quality video transmission and echo cancellation, thanks to the mechanisms used to adapt the signal to changing environmental conditions.

For companies whose employees are limited in their use of the Internet, it is proposed to install a media server, thanks to which video calls can be made within the corporate network, without passing traffic through external services.

Editing documents in Google Docs - an alternative to the office suite

Users of the corporate portal on the 1C-Bitrix platform and the Bitrix24 cloud service can edit documents uploaded to the portal without installing the Microsoft Office suite of office applications on their PC. The feature is implemented through integration with the Google Docs service. To view and edit files in popular office formats, the user only needs to be online - the document will automatically open in Google Docs, and all corrections made will be saved on the portal.

Bitrix24.Disk for Mac OS X

Cloud storage capabilities for working with Bitrix24.Disk documents are now available to Mac OS X users. Previously, this functionality was only available to users of MS Windows-based devices.

Cloud storage "Bitrix24.Disk" allows you to work with documents and files, even while offline, and also share them with colleagues. Synchronization of changes made to the document occurs automatically, even if they were made in the absence of the Internet. Cloud storage is connected to the computer “in one click” through the desktop application: a folder appears on the user’s computer, and all files saved in it are automatically transferred to the Bitrix24 cloud, where the entire history of changes is stored.

Open API

The Bitrix24 cloud service opens an API, which will allow developers to supplement the service’s capabilities with their own applications and customize the service to suit the needs of users. It will be possible to integrate with the service both third-party applications running on a separate hosting, as well as applications developed specifically for Bitrix24 and built into its interface. In the near future, the 1C-Bitrix company plans to open an application marketplace for the Bitrix24 service. The company's experience shows that this is a very popular area - the application store for boxed products has been operating for more than 1.5 years, it now offers over 1,000 applications.

Company records management

Users of the Bitrix24 cloud service now have access to “Universal Lists” - a convenient record management tool for the company. Using “Universal Lists” you can organize business processes such as recording incoming/outgoing correspondence, maintaining a register of contracts, as well as organize the recording and storage of any other structured data, and refer to them. Such a tool is often necessary for companies, regardless of their size or field of activity. Previously, this functionality was available only to clients of the 1C-Bitrix: Corporate Portal product.

Corporate Dropbox

On March 7, 2013, 1C-Bitrix launched a beta version of the Bitrix24.Disk cloud storage for testing for users of the Bitrix24 service and the 1C-Bitrix: Corporate Portal product, which provides the ability to access work documents and files from any device, even while offline, and share them with colleagues.

After connecting, Bitrix24.Disk creates a special folder on the user’s computer and copies documents from the portal into it. When you make changes to copies of documents from the portal, Bitrix24.Disk automatically synchronizes changes in documents on the portal. The SSL protocol ensures secure data transfer.

Files saved in the folder are automatically transferred to the Bitrix24 cloud, where the entire history of changes will be stored. If necessary, you can even recover deleted files that have been moved to the Recycle Bin.

“Previously, files could be downloaded via a web interface or by mapping a network drive via WebDAV, meaning you needed Internet access to access the files. Now you can always get access. This is the main advantage. Plus, the company stores all the information on its resources, nothing is lost or “goes away” with the quitting employee,” 1C-Bitrix explained to TAdviser.

The available storage limit is determined by the tariff framework, the company told TAdviser. For example, for the “Company” tariff it is 100 GB. For the boxed version of the product, the storage volume will be limited to the server where the company stores the data.

At the time of its launch in March 2013, Bitrix24.Disk became available only to Windows OS users. The release of the version for Mac computers is scheduled for April 2013. The April version of Bitrix24.Disk will also support synchronization of group and company documents and support shared folders for employees.

Tablet app

The Bitrix24 service and 1C-Bitrix: Corporate Portal now have an application for tablets running on both iOS and Android. Users of tablet devices will be able to read Live Feed, post photos, send messages and comments, discuss projects, work with documents, and view documents saved in Bitrix24.Disk.

The tablet app and previously released mobile app are integrated with calendars, allowing you to make and confirm appointments directly from your devices. Push notifications will allow you to be aware of important work events even when the application is closed.

In addition, registration of new accounts in Bitrix24 is now available directly from a mobile device.

Applications for smartphones and tablets can be downloaded from the App Store (www.itunes.com/appstore) and Google Play Market (play.google.com).

CRM system improvements

One of the most popular reasons for using the Bitrix24 service is the CRM system. After the update, navigation and interfaces became much more convenient, they were redesigned taking into account research of user behavior.

Now most of the most common actions in CRM can be performed without unnecessary clicks, this applies, first of all, to the interface for working with a “deal” - editing information about it, creating new deals, visualization and the ability to switch execution stages, a new format for displaying information about a deal.

It is now possible to search for information only in CRM and create your own search templates in a “smart” filter - these updates provide quick access to information. The filter also contains predefined forms that correspond to 90% of regularly asked search queries.

After the updates, users will be able not only to send letters to potential clients from CRM, as was the case before, but also to create letter templates for themselves and for colleagues. In addition, it has become possible to make calls through IP telephony applications directly from the CRM system interface.

The presence of a corporate portal in your company will not surprise anyone. More and more large and medium-sized business representatives are one way or another faced with the choice and implementation of a portal. And yet, many enterprises are still on the verge of making a decision to launch a project to implement a corporate portal. I hope my short review will help you take the first step in this direction.

So, all portal solutions presented on the market today can be divided into three groups:

  • platforms for creating corporate portals;
  • packaged products (ready-made solutions) based on platforms;
  • solutions offered as a SaaS service (cloud solutions).

Let's consider them sequentially.

Platforms for creating corporate portals

Platforms for creating portal solutions are in turn divided into commercial ones, such as

Oracle WebCenter Suite, MS SharePoint, IBM WebSphera, 1C-Bitrix

and open ones such as

Joomla!, Jboss, Plone, Drupal, Jive, etc.

The platforms are used to develop corporate portals for a specific technical specification (TOR), and theoretically meet the needs of customers better than other groups. If a competent technical specification has been drawn up, if it describes all the needs of the company, then in such a solution they will be implemented.

Here we remember the story about the intrepid Spartans: When Philip of Macedon (Alexander’s father) approached the walls of Sparta, he sent a message to the Spartans that said: “I have conquered all of Greece, I have the best army in the world. Surrender, because if I capture Sparta by force, if I break down its gates, if I break through its walls with battering rams, I will mercilessly destroy the entire population.” To which the Spartans replied: “If.”

Indeed, it is very difficult to foresee all possible ways of using it before starting test operation of the system. This may cause the project to miss deadlines and/or go beyond the approved budget.

Ready-made solutions based on platforms

Boxed products (ready-made solutions) are divided into solutions built on the basis of commercial platforms: IBM WebSphere Portal, Oracle Portal 11g, SAP NetWeaver Portal, DeskWork, Ittilan Portal, WSS Portal, 1C-Bitrix: Corporate Portal, and open solutions: Liferay Portal, Alfresco, JomPortal, Jive, Jahia, etc.

All these products can be divided into several groups:

  • heavy commercial solutions for large companies (IBM WebSphere Portal, Oracle Portal 11g, SAP NetWeaver Portal);
  • commercial solutions for medium and large companies (DeskWork, Ittilan Portal, WSS Portal, 1C-Bitrix: Corporate Portal);
  • open (free licenses) solutions for medium and small companies (Liferay Portal, Alfresco, JomPortal, Jive, Jahia).

Next, I will give a brief description of the listed ready-made solutions. The description provides approximate prices for licenses that do not include the portal implementation project. For final license prices and implementation costs, please contact your solution providers. From practice, the cost of an implementation project can significantly exceed the cost of licenses:

  1. Tough commercial decisions
    1. IBM WebSphere Portal() - a ready-made portal solution based on the IBM WebSphere platform. A feature-rich solution for content hosting, collaboration, and distance learning. The functionality of the system is built on modules - applications that can be further developed using WebSphere Portlet Factory. Full automation of any business processes, including routine operations (ordering business cards, ordering office supplies, requests for personnel selection, reserving meeting rooms, etc.) and project management mechanisms with tracking stages, deadlines and assigning users responsible for tasks. Among the disadvantages: a heavy system designed for large companies with a large number of concurrent users, and a correspondingly high cost of owning the system. The approximate cost of licenses is RUB 1,500,000. (either 300 named licenses, or a server with 2 processors with 2 cores).
    2. Oracle Portal 11g(www.oracle.com) - a full-fledged portal solution based on Oracle WebCenter. Business analytics tools and full-fledged team work with documents, tasks and projects are very strongly represented. Developed business process automation tools. Separately, I would like to note the search and indexing of information, both inside the portal and outside. Ideal for companies already using products from the same manufacturer. Disadvantages: Complex system, you can forget about launching it in a short time, high cost of ownership. If the enterprise already uses corporate systems from another manufacturer, you will have to tinker with integration. The approximate cost of licenses is 600,000/processor.
    3. SAP NetWeaver Portal Enterprise Portal (www.sap.com) is another top-level portal solution. The functions of integrating various systems are conveniently implemented - the function of a single point of access to the company’s information system. The main focus is on group work, project management and employee communications. One of the key competencies of the SAP-based portal is managing the company's knowledge base. Allows you to automate existing business processes and optimize document flow. It is possible to access from the portal not only SAP applications, but also applications from other developers. It is possible to modify the portal in the SAP Portal Content Studio environment and through the SAP Portal Development Kit. Disadvantages: the system is difficult to administer and configure, high cost of ownership and scaling. There is no open information about the cost of licenses, but the price level corresponds to the class.
    1. WSS Portal(www.wss-consulting.ru) - a ready-made corporate portal, includes a large number of functions, information about the company, application management, department pages and project management. Perfectly implemented: Forums, photo and video galleries, voting and FAQ. Search both through the portal content and external sources. Differentiation of access rights at the document level. Full integration with MS products. WSS Portal is one of the leaders in the market of portals based on MS SharePoint. Among the disadvantages: restrictions related to the operating system - it only works on Windows + MS SharePoint Server 2010, the approximate cost of a license is 450,000 rubles, the cost of standard implementation (including licenses) is 895,000 rubles.
    2. DeskWork(www.deskwork.ru) is a ready-made solution that covers all the basic needs of companies in a corporate portal. Company structure, address book, new employees and birthdays, management of applications and tasks. Shared calendars, etc. Disadvantages: limitations associated with the operating system - works on Windows. A budget version of the portal based on SharePoint Foundation, the approximate cost of licenses is 120,000 rubles - an unlimited number of users.
    3. Ittilan Portal(www.ittilan.ru) - a boxed portal solution based on SharePoint, more than 60 ready-made modules. The main page displays company news and events, information about the latest documents and forum posts, birthdays and new employees. Display of the company's key performance indicators (KPIs). Project management, electronic document storage and application module. Disadvantages: limitations related to the operating system - works on Windows. Convenient telephone directory and company knowledge base. The approximate cost of licenses is 400,000 rubles.
    4. 1C-Bitrix: Corporate portal(www.1c-bitrix.ru) - a boxed intranet, functions of a social network and group work are implemented. Project management, CRM functions, news feeds, microblogs and workgroups. Automation of routine operations. Integration with MS products (Exchange, AD, SharePoint). Advanced search functions, full-text, by tags, by content, taking into account document ratings. Company knowledge base and group calendars with the ability to integrate with Outlook and ical. Employee training module and vacancies for employees. Visual structure of the company. Disadvantages: Difficult to modify. Approximate cost (unlimited number of users) RUB 300,000.
  2. Open solutions with zero license costs
    1. Liferay Portal(www.liferay.com) is an open source corporate portal developed based on Java. According to Garthner (2009), it is one of the top 5 horizontal corporate portals, along with IBM, Oracle, SAP and MS. Organization of a single point of access to enterprise resources, unique display of pages for each user, convenient user interface, social communication tools included, automation of existing business processes, integration with MS Office, company news and bulletin board, high degree of scalability, full search for information both inside portal and in external sources. Support for free and commercial DBMS. Disadvantages: poorly adapted for Russian companies, difficult to modify. There is no cost for licenses for the basic version; it is possible to purchase the Liferay Portal Enterprise Edition, which is distinguished mainly by the availability of professional support (24x7).
    2. Alfresco(www.alfresco.com) - a ready-made intranet system for enterprise content management. The system is open source, the main difference from Liferay is the emphasis on working with documents (document flow), it is presented in Alfresco better than in other open solutions. Support for MS office documents, version control and execution discipline, document journal, etc. Just like Liferay, it is developed using Java technologies. Portal functions: Company news and events, address book, company structure, business process automation. Personal home page. Support for free and commercial DBMS. LDAP authentication. Among the disadvantages: when launching out of the box, it needs to be modified, it is difficult to modify. There is no cost for licenses for the basic version; it is possible to purchase a commercial version.
    3. JomPortal– a ready-made corporate portal based on CMS Joomla! Open source system. General information about the company (history, structure, division pages). Company news and events, information about birthdays and newly hired employees. Conducting surveys and surveys of employees. Project and application management. Electronic document storage, forum and company knowledge base (wiki). Videos and photo albums. Social network functions. LDAP authentication. Integration with 1C. There is no cost for licenses; it is possible to purchase technical support.
Cloud solutions

Cloud solutions include:

Bitrix24(www.bitrix24.ru approximate cost - 9900 rubles/month with an unlimited number of users and 100 GB of cloud space,

Simple business(www.prostoy.ru) approximate cost - 1000 rubles/month with an unlimited number of users and 10 GB of cloud space,

Teamtools(www.teamtools.ru) approximate cost - 700 rubles/month with an unlimited number of users and 5 GB of cloud space, etc.

Modern cloud solutions largely repeat the basic functionality of ready-made portal solutions, with the possible exception of integration with other corporate systems used in the company.

The advantages of cloud solutions are a reduction in fixed costs associated with the cost of owning a server and system software, lower requirements for a PC (in fact, input/output terminals are needed, and all logic is processed in the cloud), ease of scaling and speed of deployment (if I need to open a new office, just install a PC and organize access to the Internet), reduction in costs associated with software administration, territorial independence (access to the portal from anywhere where there is Internet access).

But all these advantages (perhaps with the exception of renting licenses) can be achieved by deploying a ready-made solution in the cloud when renting a server (dedicated server) - approximate cost - 3000 rubles/month (1 CPU Core i3-2100 (3.1GHz 2 cores), RAM 8GB, HDD 1Tb) or space in a data center rack (collocation) - approximate cost 2000 rubles/month 1 unit.

Disadvantages of cloud solutions are the lack of willingness of businesses to transfer corporate information externally, the complexity of integration with other corporate systems, low network bandwidth, lack of trust in providers of such services, three possible points of failure (in fact, there are three responsible ones: cloud solution provider, provider, IT department or system administrator), security-related issues.


In this review, I first of all tried to describe in simple language the variety of portal solutions present on our market, and based on the basic needs and size of companies, provide guidance in the direction of finding a suitable solution.

Today, any company can find a portal solution to suit its taste, budget and list of tasks to be solved.

Development custom portal solution based on existing platforms does not make much sense for two reasons:

  • there are a large number of ready-made solutions and the development of a custom solution is unlikely to be more functional or cost-effective;
  • Support for a custom solution may be more expensive than for a mass-produced product.

Tough commercial decisions More suitable for large, distributed companies with a large number of working users. Ideal for companies already using products from one of the major manufacturers (IBM, SAP, Oracle).

Mid-range commercial solutions more suitable for medium-sized companies. The products presented in this class cover most of the needs of a typical enterprise.

Guidelines for selection are the following:

  • number of concurrent users up to 3000 people;
  • budget up to 1,000,000 rubles;
  • personal sympathy for the product, availability of professional support.

Open solutions The functionality is close to commercial software and covers most of the needs of a typical enterprise. Zero cost of licenses seriously reduces the cost of the project. Recently, the open source software market has been developing dynamically, and the problem of lack of professional technical support, which was felt just recently, is going away.

Guidelines for choosing a solution in this segment are:

  • number of concurrent users up to 1000 people;
  • budget up to 400,000 rubles;
  • presence of successful projects with the solution provider;
  • availability of professional support.

Systems offered as a SaaS service (cloud) are more suitable for the small company market. The main arguments for: low start-up costs, territorial independence.
To a lesser extent, cloud solutions are suitable for medium-sized businesses for the following reasons: the complexity of integration with other corporate systems, the reluctance of businesses to take corporate information outside.


  • overview of corporate portals
  • choosing a corporate portal
  • free corporate portal
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