The man is kept by black force in the family. Save the family and keep the husband. A husband will not leave a good wife. Show unconditional love to your man

8 ways to keep your husband. How to save a relationship on the verge of divorce!
It would seem that only yesterday your couple was a real role model! He tirelessly admired the grace of your gait, held your hand tightly when you were especially worried, idolized the mole on your neck, and you still remember the smell of the roses that he presented to you at the maternity hospital. But now the familiar and cozy world is bursting at the seams, threatening to crumble into dust. Total misunderstanding, oppressive silence, hysterics and loneliness together. How could you come to all this? And is it possible to stop a train that is threatening to go off the rails?

Here are some clever tricks to help save a relationship on the verge of divorce. How to keep your husband in the family and return love? Here are 8 magic pills - 8 ways to keep your husband!

8 ways to keep your husband. How to save a relationship from divorce?

1. Turn on emotional self-control mode

There is nothing worse than an offended woman who splashes out her poison, unable to control the strength of her emotions. She dumps everything on her husband’s head, not allowing him to catch his breath or defend himself, and then wonders why the man leaves. If you want to save your relationship, don’t rush to thoughtlessly discard negativity, it’s better to take a break and calm down.

Work through grievances in advance, find the true cause of the conflict, and then come to discuss disagreements. Men find it difficult to cope with a large number of emotions; their psyche is weaker.

2. Forgive your spouse for past mistakes.

If you decide to save your marriage, stop reminding your husband of the sacrifice you have made. Yes, he hurt, and you have been storing up resentment for so long, but now everything is in the past, let go of the situation! You yourself are far from an angel, so why not build the relationship anew, from scratch?

Meditate, try yoga practice, learn to live relaxed and on a positive wave. There is nothing like the present moment, you both have a chance if you just start noticing the best in each other.

3. Give freedom of action

Problems in the family begin when both try to control each other, imposing their vision of what is good. “You must” or “change for our love!” As a result, the man loses himself and realizes that he is no longer truly welcome. Stop imposing standards, nagging and remaking your partner’s personality, demanding good treatment.

Leave your husband alone. Give him freedom to take initiative, choose a pastime, and self-realization.

Want to spend an evening with colleagues? So please. And you spend time on yourself, get a new hairstyle, buy a beautiful dress. Let him look at you with new eyes, see not just a tired housewife, but a beautiful woman who is happy with him, who feels good with him! And also... smile more often in his presence.

4. Share his interests with him

How to keep your husband? A strong family begins where husband and wife profess the same values ​​and support common interests. How long have you been interested in how your man lives? Does he love locking himself in his room and making flying machines? So join him to help out with a little hobby.

Brought a box of worms and are going to go fishing? Buy pizza, rubber boots and volunteer to be a helper. At first it will seem ridiculous and funny, but very soon he will appreciate your enthusiasm and look at everything in a new way. As a bonus, you will be able to spend more time together and there will be new topics for chatting.

5. Learn to trust and rely

A man subconsciously feels everything well. If you showed distrust of him out of nowhere, did not want to believe in his strengths and capabilities - what can you catch in such a relationship? It's like living with an enemy who constantly keeps you at gunpoint and checks you for lice, when you simply cannot relax. Learn to show patience and respect to your spouse, since you once chose him for a reason.

Do not pester your husband with petty control or interrogations, do not prohibit or track him down. A man is inspired by a woman who believes in him; she wants to fit in with her.

6. React to signs of attention

Another mistake that costs you dearly is the inability to correctly accept gifts from a man. Finally, understand that not only flowers and diamonds are worthy of your admiration. If he selflessly looked after you during your illness, thank him and don’t take him for granted. Hold the doors to the store, chase away the angry dog, run in the middle of the night for Belgian waffles? These are small deeds in your honor.

Try to note such nuances, or even better, reciprocate, showing the same signs of attention. Mutual gratitude in a relationship is extremely valuable.

7. Give up the habit of complaining

Sometimes it’s so nice to come to your beloved friend with a bottle of wine to wash your spouse’s bones. And in a fit of anger, I want to call my mother and cry into her warm chest. But be careful! Looking for support on the side and throwing mud at half, remember, you will make peace, and a bad opinion of your husband will spread throughout the world like a plague, returning like a boomerang at the most inopportune moment.

Give up the habit of pouring a bucket of dirt on the head of everyone you meet; after all, you yourself chose this person and now you are putting the soul of your family on public display. Happiness does not like prying eyes...

8. Become an outlet for a man

Do you know what kind of woman is precious? Not the one who cooks borscht and makes dumplings like a regular, who raised her beloved son or became a real sex guru. The one who loves, believes and serves as support becomes truly irreplaceable. He doesn’t carry everything on himself, but inspires a man to achieve accomplishments, serving faithfully when everyone around him turns away.

Be close to your partner, become his muse and heart, and he will never want to lose you!

Stop sawing the branch on which your happiness grows. Stop cutting off oxygen to someone you want to see alive and full of energy. Learn to trust, be grateful, and also be patient. You've been destroying each other's happiness for so long that now it takes time to heal the wounds and dry the tears. Don't stop loving...

It is impossible to keep a man with sex © shutterstock

Feeling that the relationship is cracking, women often clutch at straws in desperation - they try their best in bed to keep a man. After all, from all sides you can only hear what stupid things men do for the sake of sex. And not stupid men.

Consider, for example, the story of Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky. The president of a powerful country, who has spent millions of dollars on his image, suddenly puts everything on the line for a blowjob, an ordinary blowjob, one of a hundred that have happened before.

Note: this is an experienced politician who knows how to control the smallest shades of his feelings and emotions, who knows the value not only of actions and words, but even of a glance and a sigh.

What kind of power should sex have over a man, if far from ordinary men are able to put their whole lives on the line for it... What then can we say about ordinary men, not trained in politics?

Why think for a long time about how to keep a man: you learn the Kama Sutra properly and sleep peacefully - where will he go, darling, bound hand and foot by the basic instinct - sex. So? No, it turns out that's not the case.

Sex means a lot in a man's life

But what do men understand by the word “sex”? The easiest way to find out is to simply ask them.

With the question “What does sex mean to you? And what sex do you consider the best in your life? website I turned to 5 men, just acquaintances, not sexologists or psychologists.

© shutterstock

For truly good sex, I'm willing to shell out a large amount of money. I dream of sleeping with a Thai girl: small, chiseled. I wouldn’t let her out of my hands for a day. But I can’t imagine that she will be next to me all my life. Life requires something different. For example, the opportunity to be snotty and lame and not be afraid of being abandoned.

What am I willing to do for good sex? I can cheat on my wife. And do not suffer from reproaches of conscience. I confess that I cheat on my wife regularly. And not because sex with her doesn’t suit me, but because I really like coming home after a great orgasm.

© shutterstock

It's like a contrast shower - very invigorating and very good for health. But to live with a woman just because she gives great blowjobs - are you seriously asking about this or are you kidding?

A man can be kept with sex if he wants this particular woman. There is a lot mixed into a man’s desire to sleep with this and only this woman: here you have her smell, and the woman’s manner of smiling, and the ability to cook, and the reluctance to pick up a frying pan, and that same “scar on her beloved butt.” I don’t know why sometimes I’m drawn to some woman with an irresistible force, I don’t know! But this is not a desire to simply throw off sperm, that's for sure.

© shutterstock

Is it possible to keep a man with sex? Can. If a man is an animal. If a woman has fallen in love with a male who is capable of eating and fucking, then with a good sandwich and a decent blowjob you can really keep him near you all your life. And if, besides jaws and a penis, he has something else, then you can’t hold a man back with sex.

A man is unlikely to put up with bad sex. If a woman is afraid to throw back the blanket again or has a chronic “headache,” the man will most likely leave. But not to the first woman he came across. He will still look for a person he likes. Don’t think that men are so primitive and ready to forget about everything for the sake of sex.

This is what the men told us. It’s strange, why then do women have such a persistent idea that a man is ready to do anything for the sake of sex: buy fur coats, endure whims, forget about family and children? Either the men lied now, or we are still mistaken.

How to keep your man, husband in the family? So that he does not go to his mistress or to another woman. This topic is very delicate and painful because it concerns many people. The main thing to start with is if your husband is a complete alcoholic, a drunkard, a drug addict, or you have been living with him for 2-3 years, and he has become a womanizer, it is not worth living with such people at all, and keeping him. You are not a martyr, you don’t have to endure all this, you just deserve better. Not necessarily a better man or husband, you deserve not to be offended, not to be humiliated. Of course, you have the right to choose either to endure it or to leave and experience some difficulties, primarily material ones, perhaps this is some kind of comfort. But in your soul you will be worthy, no one will offend you, no one will beat you and humiliate you. You will be free and be who you want to be. We immediately exclude these cases.

How to properly care for your husband

But let's return to our topic of conversation: how to keep your husband at home? For example, your man returns home, tired from work, and from the doorway you start nagging him about money, telling him what good and rich husbands your friends have. By doing this, first of all, you lower his self-esteem; this should not be done under any circumstances. Or from the very beginning you start complaining about the children, how badly they behave, how poorly they study. Wait, let the man first come to his senses after work, have dinner what you prepared, or cook it together. When he rested, the children went to bed, since children should not hear your squabbles, scandals and complaints, accusations towards your husband, then talk to your man.

The next thing you should not do is reproach him about little things: trousers, socks, shirt thrown in the wrong place. Naturally, if he was sitting at home and not working or came in at lunchtime and there was such a mess everywhere, then of course he could have cleaned up after himself. But when he has problems, stress, or conflict situations at work, there is no need to do this. Either he will go to someone who will not force him to clean up after himself every evening, who will be able to look after him after work, understand that with your whining you irritate him, even your voice begins to irritate him. He will want to go where it is quiet, calm and where he will be appreciated.

Not only women love with their ears, men also want to hear compliments addressed to them, so tell him what a good father he is, that he comes home from work and takes care of the children, what a good husband he is, etc.

Pay attention to yourself before you reproach your husband, because you are not perfect either.
The next thing you need to do is constantly talk with your man so that there is no misunderstanding between you. You should not overwhelm yourself by digesting everything within yourself. There definitely needs to be a dialogue, a conversation between two people. Everything that happens between you should happen through dialogue.
Remember, you cannot ask him about his ex-women, whether they were better or I was better, this should not be done under any circumstances. He lives with you, which means you are the best.

Learn to understand your husband's psychology

It’s better to find out from your man what kind of childhood he had, what difficulties he had, what difficulties, experiences he had, so that he could trust you with his most intimate thoughts, since he can go where they will listen to him, where he is interesting, and you will not be able to keep your husband. Even if she is not beautiful, fat, or interesting, as you think, but they will listen to him there, and he will feel necessary. The main thing is that your husband trusts you with his innermost thoughts, that you have mutual secrets, that not a single part of his soul is hidden from you. So that he would be an open book for you, a spiritual open book.
Dear women, know how to listen, speak, praise your man at least once a day, so that he feels necessary, then you will never lose your loved one.

Finding a man is one thing, but keeping him near you is something completely different. Both stages are equally important, but it is still more difficult to keep a man close to you. Maybe women who managed to marry successful men have some special secrets about how to keep the man they love?
This article is not a comprehensive guide to how to marry the man you love and keep the man you love, but it will nevertheless give you the basic guidelines that you need to follow in order to turn your dates into a deeper relationship.

Love yourself

If you yourself don’t like who you really are, then you shouldn’t expect this from a man. Do some self-reflection and change what you don't like. High self-esteem is key.

Chat with a man

From the very beginning of dating and throughout your married life, the key to maintaining your relationship with a man is communication. Tell him everything you feel - both good and bad. Oddly enough, for many it is not obvious that before receiving a marriage proposal, you need to build a close relationship with a man. Therefore, while you are still “just dating,” try to find out more about him, and in turn tell him about yourself.

Be natural

In order to captivate the man you love and keep him close to you for a long time, it is important to be able to be versatile.
Despite all the glamor advertising claims about silicone breasts, hair extensions and other rubbish, men really only value what is genuine. Be natural, don’t try to put on someone else’s mask. He must get to know the real you, because he will be married to the real you for many years.

Be sexy

Yes, sex is not the only thing in a relationship, but nevertheless it is still very important, and sex will help keep the man you love. Show that you “want” him. Don't be too stiff and cold. Allow this side of your relationship to be free, fun and lively. After all, men who want to get married are looking for more than just a roommate.

Be emotionally stable

Life with you doesn't have to be like a roller coaster. Men don't like hysterics. It can be very difficult at times to maintain composure in our crazy world, but nevertheless it is necessary. Learn to relax your nerves and calm your emotions. How to keep a man, captivate him so much that he cannot imagine his life without you?
Men take longer than women to decide about marriage. They are very careful in these matters and believe that they should get to know the woman well before making a marriage commitment. Often this slowness is simply unbearable for a woman. But men (as well as women, however) must be sure that they are compatible with their future partner on all levels. This process must happen at its own pace. Therefore, if you begin to put pressure on a man, forcing him to make a decision before he feels that he knows you enough, he will most likely choose to disappear from your life. Don't mention marriage until he brings it up or at least a year into your relationship. In other words, if theoretically a man is not against marriage, you should wait (within reason, of course) for him to mature. But if he remains a fierce opponent of marriage, even after a long period of your relationship, draw conclusions. And reconsider your attitude towards him.

Be happy and cheerful during your meetings

If your first dates are fun and enjoyable for both of you, he will definitely want a closer relationship. As he gets to know you better, more and more often he will think that perhaps you are the woman with whom he wants to spend his life, give birth and raise children. He will begin to think more seriously about his future, career, and buying a home. And, if he considers himself prepared and mature enough for marriage, as soon as he makes a decision about you, he will immediately propose to you.
It is useful to show yourself as a confident and slightly arrogant person. Many men love confident women. They are flattered that they were able to win a woman who values ​​herself highly.

Be gentle and affectionate

A special look, a scratch on the back, a light kiss... But(!) - nothing cloying or inappropriate.
Admire your man. Do this even if he already has a high ego. Praise him when he does something good, and avoid whining, scolding, and blaming him when he acts like a bad boy.
Be cheerful.

A woman who is happy with the very fact of her existence and enjoys every minute, irresistibly attracts men to her. Don’t be a prude and a pessimist, and the man you love will always be with you.
Men literally melt when they see the shining eyes of their beloved woman, in which one can read love for him and the warmth of her heart. This is something that can dispel all his doubts and bind him to you stronger than the heaviest shackles. It is to such radiant eyes that male poets dedicate their poems.

Modesty will help keep the man you love close

A humble person is not one who underestimates himself, but one who knows how to control his ego and takes a sincere interest in others.
Don’t try to turn your relationship into a “one-sided game” because you won’t be able to keep a man that way. If you want to be treated with respect and your wishes, respect his wishes and needs as well. Don't be afraid to give more than you receive. This is the only way to keep your beloved man with you for a long time.
Remember that many men don't mind dating a woman they really like as long as they don't view her as "marriage material." If, after six months or a year of your relationship, you have not yet heard about his future plans to start a family (no matter with or without you), ask him what kind of woman he imagines as his future wife. If you recognize him in the description of yourself, this is a good sign. If we are talking mainly about the sexual merits of a woman, most likely he is not going to get married in the coming years.
If you still feel the need for a serious conversation, just reconsider your approach to this. Don't start talking with a serious tone. The pressure will inevitably trigger his innate fear of commitment. Therefore, be extremely diplomatic: “I love you very much and I feel good with you. But like any normal woman, after some time I want to get married. So I want to know if you are planning to start a family in the future. And is it possible that as we get to know each other better and better, you will begin to look at me as your potential wife? You gave the man food for thought. Now he will think about it intensely and, willingly or unwillingly, try on you for the role of his wife. Don't give ultimatums or demand an immediate response.

Show unconditional love to your man

Lasting relationships are based on more than just mutual comfort. When you support another in a difficult time for him, without thinking about your own benefits and interests, you show your devotion, and in return you receive trust and gratitude. Unconditional love is something that develops over time. It's the choices we make, not necessarily the feelings we experience. If she is between you, you are not afraid of any rivals. Now this man belongs only to you.

Even the most ordinary simpleton can win a man, because, as you know, no special intelligence is required here. But not everyone will be able to keep a man. How to do this?

Having met the one and only, the girl tries in every possible way to arouse the return interest in herself. If this works out, the girl starts a relationship with him that she believes is promising, for which she is ready to go to great lengths. How else? After all, this is a loved one! She begins to devote all her free time to him, forgetting about her own interests and hobbies, which gradually shrink, and her social circle becomes smaller and smaller, as a result he is limited to only one lover. And why do you need someone if everything is already good, and besides, things are moving towards a wedding (as she thinks).

Plunging into dreams of a long, happy life with this person, the girl does not notice any changes, especially when it comes to the behavior of her other half. Usually all this is noticed too late, when the long-awaited and beloved person, instead of proposing marriage, talks about breaking up the relationship. In torment and bewilderment, the girl begins to replay this relationship in her head, constantly asking herself: “What was he missing? After all, I gave him everything!” As a result, like most of the female population of the planet, the girl comes to the idea that “all men are bastards, they themselves don’t understand what they want!” and everything like that.

We will not think stereotypically, but will try to understand the reasons that lead to a man losing interest in the woman he recently loved. By understanding these reasons, analyzing them, and following the tips described below, you can always remain the only one for your man, without worrying about your rivals. You simply won't have them!

Reasons for the cooling of relationships on the part of men.
It must be said that we all tend to seek novelty. And if women find it in a new thing or a new hairstyle, then men need the presence of novelty in a relationship with a woman.

Every man by nature is a conqueror, therefore a woman should present herself in such a way that she always wants to be conquered. This spurs the conquering instinct and maintains interest in the woman.

Women themselves belittle their own importance in the eyes of their beloved man because of their availability.

These are the most important aspects of the cooling of relations between a man and a woman, which arise for a variety of reasons.

Ways to keep men.
How to hold a man, tie him to you with a strong invisible thread? First, you need to change, become his dream girl in every sense - successful, strong, self-confident, independent, somewhat bitchy, the one he will never tire of loving. It is very important from the very beginning to let your significant other understand that he is special to you, and most importantly, the only one. Show him every day how much you appreciate him by doing some nice and special things for him. Of course, no one forces you to serve him, to fulfill his whims and desires on demand. It’s just that sometimes even the most ordinary little things (cooking his favorite delicacy, purchasing something he has long dreamed of, etc.), affection, care and attention can say more about your feelings than words.

Always be there, show special understanding and care when he feels bad. Usually representatives of the stronger sex experience all emotions within themselves, afraid to show weakness. But a man’s behavior always reveals his emotional state. You are required to show him that you have noticed changes in his mood, the presence of problems, without pressing, blaming or asking questions about anything. The man himself will want to tell you everything and will even ask for your advice on this or that issue. If he does not need advice, he will still be pleased with the care and attention shown to him.

The woman a man is proud of will never be left by him. Men often assert themselves when they hear other men admiring their significant other from the outside.

Relationships with your lover should always be warmed up. When a girl is in a relationship, she loses her vigilance, thinking that now the man will not escape from her. Huge misconception! Routine in relationships is not for men; they need variety. A woman needs to constantly stir up interest in herself, add color to life together, and not let things take their course, leading to an established routine.

Be different, resourceful and inventive! Know how to entertain a man who is bored, who has problems, and who should forget about everything next to you.

Be indispensable to your soul mate, this is the only way you can keep him. Become his friend, a magnificent lover, his right hand, personify everything that he was looking for in women, merge with him into a single whole. However, there is one thing: all this may begin to be taken for granted on his part. Therefore, sometimes you need to show a man how lucky he is, how much good you do for him, how bad he will be without you. For example, you can go on a short vacation (a week is enough) without him to a place where he is not eager to go (to your relatives in the village, for example). But here you need to be prepared for the so-called side effects. If you were able to go on a trip alone, it means that he can safely do the same. In addition, after returning, do not expect perfect order in the apartment.

Being there all the time at the right moment and in the right place allows a man to take advantage of you. Periodically go to meetings with friends, pursue your interests and hobbies. Show spontaneity in your behavior, don’t be so accessible, this will remind the man that you have your own interests. During your absence, he will have to do on his own what you previously took upon yourself.

Always remain well-groomed, don’t give up and don’t let yourself go. Whether you work or stay at home, you have to look your best. This does not mean that you should immediately go on a diet, run for a silicone bust and pump up your lips. It is very important to respect yourself, like yourself and try to be attractive. Usually, during dating periods, women spend hours preening themselves in order to make the right impression on their chosen one. But then everything changes, women stop watching what they wear, what kind of makeup they wear and whether they wear it at all, and they stop watching their hair. At home, they most often wear a faded robe and slippers. The beauty of a woman is not in her natural abilities, but in her ability to highlight her strengths and hide her flaws, the ability to always look like a luxurious woman. Often it is a woman’s lack of grooming that provokes a man to cheat, because there are so many beauties around.

If you want a man to stay with you forever, stop pissing him off, then he will stop pissing you off. Often women with their useful advice to a man do not notice that they present them in an orderly tone, as if they were explaining to an unintelligent child how and what to do. All this hurts a man’s pride. The problem can be solved if your advice or demands are presented in a normal, positive tone.

If you are already friends got tired of it your significant other and his spree with them, never tell him about it directly. Don’t put him before a choice where you will be on one side of the scale and his friends on the other. The choice may not be in your favor, he will do it simply out of principle. A man cannot be told with whom he should communicate and with whom he should not.

In this case, your problem is a lack of attention on his part, which is what you should tell him about. He will think for himself how to solve this problem. Maybe he will see less of his friends, but this will be solely his decision, and not your whim or your ultimatum.

Men don't like jealous women, and besides, you need to realize and accept the fact that they will never stop looking at other women. In this case you need to be more cunning. Also pay attention to those women who have attracted the attention of your man. Analyze what might have attracted his attention. Once you understand what a man finds sensual and attractive in a woman, you can then use this to your advantage. You can provoke a little jealousy on the part of a man, it is important not to overdo it, otherwise your imaginary favor towards another admirer may cause the opposite effect. Then nothing can hold the man back. Men do not forgive betrayal and betrayal.

Don’t be intrusive, don’t go too far in your efforts to keep your loved one. He should still have the illusion of freedom, just like you too. Then he will have and will continue to feel that he can lose you.