How to become real fairies of water, fire and all the forces of nature in real life at home. How to be a wizard How to truly become a sorceress

Today, when half the country quotes The Watch, and the other half travels through the expanses of Narnia and the corridors of Hogwarts, it’s even somehow strange to wonder if there is a place for witchcraft in our lives. But it is one thing to feel the presence of secret forces, and another to be a participant and even the creator of Processes that change Reality. So, how to become a sorceress for real in life?

Today's sorceress no longer cooks toads, does not wear creepy amulets and does not scare others with narrowed eyes and threatening muttering. But the essence remains the same: this is the ability to influence what is happening, directing the course of events in the desired direction. And in such a way that from the outside it is completely unclear how she does it and what it costs her.

To become a modern urban witch (and so that no one confuses you with the urban madwoman), you will have to abandon the usual “witch” accessories. It is clear that a real sorceress is not the owner of transparent wings and a silver magic wand. Just like a witch is not defined by the presence of gray hair, a hunchback and a black cat on her shoulder.
Psychology has proven that words and secret “behavioral” techniques can be no less effective than blood conspiracies.

If there is no “magic” in magic, then why are there so few people around us with special abilities? It’s just that not everyone can follow the rules and regulations, without which one cannot touch magic:
- Refusal of the linear program. Most adults think in stereotypes, and therefore miss 90% of the nuances and opportunities. Anyone who sees and uses at least 50 of them enjoys the fame of a wizard. Ask yourself often: “Even though this is obvious, what else could it mean?”
- Willingness to take risks. A real wizard is much closer to a researcher than to a simple performer of rituals and spells.
- Confidence in yourself and your feelings. It is also written in the Gospel that Faith moves mountains.
- Humility. Many strive to master secret knowledge in order to gain power. Powerful and enlightened people prefer anonymity, refusal of (well-deserved) praise and self-affirmation.
- Moderation of effort. The Taoist principle is universal: any action gives rise to a reaction. If you try too hard, are too interested in the result, you will most likely be disappointed.
- Competent influence is always a little make-believe. Feel like not a player or a judge, but a spectator who doesn’t care which team wins - as long as the game is interesting!

Ecological, as they say among today's sorcerers, the impact on reality is determined by three concepts common to magic and practical psychology. This is the “Rule of Three Ps”: you must act gradually, correctly and constantly.
In relation to witchcraft, this means: daily training aimed at improving reality or, equally important, appearance in one particular segment of time and place.

Exercise 1. Just magic
All you have to do is develop a new habit. Once a day, change the mood of a living creature (a person, a dog or a sparrow - it doesn’t matter) for the better. And... go further without waiting for applause.
This task, at first glance, does not require supernatural abilities and is reminiscent of a game of boy scouts. But here three basic principles are trained at once. The first is taking responsibility for what is happening. The second is the search for non-trivial solutions (it is not a fact that the “beneficiary” will want to cooperate with you). The third is a refusal to assert oneself (the demanding “see what I did for you!” can negate the results of magic).

Exercise 2. In the world of images
To truly transform reality in life, you must, at a minimum, be able to see it from different sides. Too abstract! Try to focus on a specific task.
Forced waiting in a crowded place? Wonderful! Choose a face that, at first glance, seems especially unattractive to you. Now find the original and cute features in it. And think: if you were an artist, what angle would you choose for this face, what clothes and lighting to make it “play”?
Games with images have many options: listen to the sensations: which animal resembles the “object” with its gait? What about the manner of speech? Gestures? Your associations may contain the answer to how best to approach him, how to penetrate his inner world.

Another option that helps develop the ability to see the past and future. Imagine your friends at different ages: a child, a teenager, a mature person. What will he (she) look like at 5 and 75 years old? What will change and what will remain the same?
Now find the key for each age. What words, intonations, gestures do you use when speaking? with a teenager and a 35-year-old lady? The witches of the past, long before psychoanalysis and Gestalt therapy, knew: seven ages live in a person, and each of them has the right to vote.

Exercise 3. As written
What kind of witch is without the gift of providence or at least telepathy? Come on, remember how she meets the traveler: “ I know, I know what I came with!».
To be able to say these words, sit in a quiet place and imagine your good friend. Remember her characteristic gestures and facial expressions. Play them back, feel them. Try to guess what impulses these gestures cause. When she clenches her hands like that, what would she like to hear from you?
Repeat this exercise with at least three people of varying degrees of proximity to you. With constant practice you will be able to guess their thoughts as if they were written on their foreheads.

In fact, before you set foot on the magical path, you should decide on your image. Who do you want to be: a fairy, the Mistress of the Copper Mountain, or even Baba Yaga!
If the last option made you smile sarcasticly, you were in a hurry. Mythology experts have long proven: Baba Yaga- This is a deliberately demonized image of a certain powerful goddess. Despite the fact that children are frightened by her, she remains the only original witch of the Russian tribes.

Outwardly different from good sorceresses, she can teach every city witch an important lesson:
- She's free. Outside communities and without others like her, she easily moves in space. Most of her true life remains a mystery, and what she is up to when she is not helping good fellows or putting babies in ovens can only be understood through abrupt hints.
- She doesn’t impose herself on anyone. They come to HER for help - either for fire, or for advice. Moreover, you need to go quite far, overcoming difficulties. It is impossible to imagine that she would advertise in the newspaper and look for “clients.”
“She knows that people need to be tested and only the most worthy should be helped.
- With her lifestyle and established image, she warns: you have to pay for everything. Possessing too much knowledge and broad capabilities, you provoke “witch hunters.”

So never leave a trace. Work miracles in secret!
Elena Kruglova

The world of magic is beautiful and amazing. And we can join it, because each of us is born with certain magical skills. You just need to be able to “wake them up.” Let's try to figure out how to become a sorceress for real.

There are different ways to transform into a sorceress.

Method 1

Before you begin a magical ritual, choose what kind of sorceress or fairy you want to become. Each of them is responsible only for a certain force: water, fire, earth, air, animal world, plants, love, etc.

Now write your wish on an ordinary piece of paper. Don't forget to indicate what kind of sorceress you want to become. Drink a glass of clean water. Ideally, it should be spring water, but ordinary purified water will do just fine. After this, throw the leaf out the window so that it flies as far as possible. It is necessary to carry out the ritual before going to bed. Immediately after this, go to bed and fall asleep. And when you wake up in the morning, you will already be a fairy.

Method 2

For the next ritual you will need a bowl of water, a mirror, a candle and a piece of paper. It will be nice if the bowl is clay and the water is spring water. You will also need not plain paper, but colored paper. Its color should symbolize the power that the sorceress patronizes. If it is fire - red, sun - yellow, water element - blue.

Cut out a sorceress symbol (flame, sun, droplet, etc.) from colored paper. And now we carefully burned its edges with a candle. Work carefully as fire may cause a fire. Now put a piece of paper in the water and reflect it in the mirror. Then look into it yourself and repeat “I am a sorceress” three times. The next day, try to predict the weather. If the prediction comes true, it means you are a fairy.

Method 3

If the first two methods did not bring results, do not despair, but try this method. Ask your mom for an empty bottle of perfume or eau de toilette. It is possible that you already have a suitable one in your treasury. Take it and start preparing the magic potion. Pour into it exactly three pinches of sugar and salt, as well as some spice: a cinnamon stick, cloves, orange peel. You should like the aroma of the ingredients. If you have essential oil, you can add it, but only 1-2 drops. This will strengthen the drug.

Now put our magic mixture on the windowsill and wait exactly 2 weeks. Now every day before going to bed, spray yourself with magical perfume and mentally imagine how you become a real sorceress. It won't be long before your wish comes true.

And if your brother or friend wants to become a wizard, then information for him is located in the article.

It is necessary to prepare thoroughly in advance. Magical powers do not appear in people right away; this may take months and years of training. Therefore, if you want to become a sorceress, tune in to long and patient work.

Many of those who want to turn into a fairy at home give up this activity halfway, without achieving their desire, because they stop believing in success. Believe in your own strength and that you can learn.

If you suddenly begin to doubt that you are capable of becoming a fairy in a second, think about those real people you have heard about. For example, about Wang and Nostradamus, who predict the future, psychics who can read minds, find various objects and see through walls.

Since fairies are not omnipotent, but can control only one element, have only one gift, then it needs to be revealed in oneself. Even after much practice, having learned to become a fairy, you may not immediately notice that you have become the owner of a special power. Therefore, periodically try to show different abilities in yourself.

Make yourself a fairy so that when you develop superpowers, you can transform in one second, just by touching it. It is desirable that it consist of several parts. The first part is something very familiar, reminiscent of home, so that you can always easily become a person. The second part is something green, because this, as English myths say, is the favorite color of all sorceresses.

Add earth energy to the talisman. It must be a lonely growing flower. It is important that the distance from it to other flowering plants is at least fifty meters. Finding it is quite difficult, but without it it will be impossible to become a fairy.

Prepare items that represent the energy of water and fire. Collect
water from seven bodies of water (rivers, lakes or seas), mix it in a glass, place it overnight on the window so that the full disk of the moon is reflected in the water. Light a match and extinguish it in a glass. In the morning, collect some water in a bottle and save it, pour the rest at the intersection of three roads.

Find an object that represents air energy. It must be a bird feather. Tie all the collected items together and read the spell over them: “Ego filo quatuor industria iungere” (ego filo quattro industry inerge), which in Latin means: “I take the thread, the four energies, I unite.” Keep the talisman that helps you become a fairy in a second always with you.

Keep something with you that you can give to the inhabitants of magical worlds before becoming a fairy at home. These can be sweets, beads, a ring and other cute and pleasant little things.

In case you encounter evil fairies, you can add something metal to your talisman. A cross, water collected from seven rivers and seven lakes, and clothes turned inside out will also help scare them away. It is better, of course, not to meet such creatures on your way, but even if you find yourself next to them without protective items, you should not be afraid of them (otherwise they will feel it), you need to look them straight in the eyes, showing that you are stronger.

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Wizards are people who practice magic and have knowledge in this field. Whether you want to dress up as a wizard or just want to dress in a magical and magical style, there are plenty of options for you. Dressing in long flowing robes and capes, you will look like a real magician. You can also wear magical accessories, such as a long belt or hat. If you wish, you can do your hair and makeup to look older and wiser, like a real wizard.


Part 1

Selecting clothes for wizards

    Try on a long, flowing robe. Mages and wizards often stand out due to their long, flowing robes. You can buy a robe at a costume store or find something suitable at home. You can also try sewing your own robe if you can sew by hand or with a sewing machine.

    • Sewing a wizard's robe is quite simple. Fold a square piece of fabric in half to form a triangle; cut one of the corners so that the resulting hole matches the size of your head. In the remaining edges of the triangle, you can cut out the sleeves and sew them. Sleeves should be made loose.
    • If you are purchasing a robe or decide to wear a bathrobe, look for clothing that has magical colors or patterns. Darker colors, such as shades of blue or purple, work well. You can also look for clothes with patterns of stars or other celestial bodies.
  1. Decorate your robe if necessary. If your mantle is not yet decorated, try spicing it up a little with some details yourself. If you, say, buy an old robe at a thrift store, you may have to decorate it yourself.

    • You can cut stars out of cardboard or felt, or you can buy star-shaped decorative items at your local craft store.
    • Use craft glue to glue the stars to the mantle. If the stars are made of fabric or felt, you can sew them to clothing without any problems.
  2. Complete the look with a cape. Most wizards wear capes along with their robes. The cape is very easy to make yourself at home. You can also buy a cape at your local fancy dress store.

    • Ideally, you want a floor-length cape that is gathered in voluminous pleats at the shoulders. Such capes can be bought at a fancy dress store, and if there are none nearby, you can always look for them in online stores.
    • The color of the cape should also be magical. Shades of dark blue and purple are always associated with the attire of magicians and wizards. You should also choose a cape that is decorated with a pattern of stars or other celestial bodies to make it look magical.
    • Just as with the mantle, you can always decorate the cape with decorative felt elements in the form of stars and other celestial bodies.
  3. Choose shoes that a real wizard would choose. The shoes of magicians and wizards may be different, but they should look impressive. Excellent magical shoes would be boots in black or other dark colors. You can even look for wooden shoes, since such old-fashioned things seem magical and magical to us.

    • You can go to your local shoe store and look through all the models, paying special attention to shoes with a more magical look.
    • You can also always buy shoes in the online store. In this case, be careful, since the size of the shoes also depends on the model: before ordering a pair of shoes, check the size chart.

    Part 2

    Selecting accessories for wizards
    1. Wear a long belt. Everyone knows that magicians and wizards wear long, loose belts. Look for a belt that is knitted or made from leather or plastic covered with fabric. The belt should be tied around the waist, not on the hips, to slightly fit the robe.

      • Most department stores and clothing stores sell long, loose belts that are tied around the waist. Choose a belt color that complements the color of your wizard's robe.
      • You can also buy a belt in the online store. If you really want to enhance the magical feel of your look, you can buy a “real” wizard belt from an online fancy dress store.
    2. Don't skimp on the wizard's hat. Wizards wear tall, pointed hats. You are unlikely to find a hat like this in most regular hat shops and department stores. Luckily, you can always find a pointed hat at any fancy dress store.

      • If there is no such store nearby, order yourself a wizard's hat from an online store.
      • Look for a casual cut, with a pointed crown and wide brim.
      • If the hat you find isn't decorated the way you want, glue or sew decorative stars onto it.
      • Choose a hat that is the same color as your cape robes.
    3. You can also choose a mask for your costume. If you're dressing up as a wizard for a costume party, a mask can complement the look. Mostly magicians are associated with wise older people. A mask of an elderly man or woman can be found in almost any online masquerade costume store. This will really help complete the wizard look.

      • However, not all magicians are old. If you want to dress up as a young wizard or witch, forget about the mask.
    4. Buy or make a magic wand. All magicians have magic wands. Almost all fancy dress stores sell “magic” wands at a reasonable price. You can also find such a wand in a toy store, especially if they sell products from franchises like Harry Potter. If you don’t find a suitable stick in the store, you can always make it yourself.

    5. Try adding a staff to your look. Many wizards and magicians, together with (or instead of) wands, also carry magic staves. If you want to secure a magical image, try taking a large branch or stick with you.

      • You can buy a magic staff in an online store of masquerade costumes.
      • You can also find a large thick branch on the street. Make sure the branch is free of insects and dirt before you bring it home.


Do you like fluttering, charming, magical fairies who have miraculous powers? Surely, you secretly dream of becoming one of them, at least for a minute. Did we guess right? But this dream is real. There are ways to become a fairy, but you must take the described rituals seriously and be very careful if you decide to perform a magical ritual. After all, fairies accept only those who sincerely believe in magic.

Proven methods

If someone told a girl that fairies do not exist, he is very mistaken. History describes many examples when ordinary people met sorceresses and even talked to them. Mysterious incidents are written about in books and retold from generation to generation. If a girl decides to turn into a sorceress, she should know that there is no magic for turning back. Therefore, think carefully before using the suggested methods.


Write the phrase on a piece of paper: “I want to become a fairy (and add what - earth, water, nature). Depending on what you chose, dip the paper in water, kiss it and let it go in the wind, bury it in the ground. After this, you can’t talk, otherwise the magic won’t work, so go to bed right away. The next morning you will wake up as a beautiful fairy. Just leave the window slightly open - this way magical creatures can fly into the room.

Here's another paper way to become a fairy.


Are there other ways to become a fairy? For the second method you will need cool water. Take a bowl, a mirror, a candle and a sheet of colored paper. Keep in mind that the color of the paper should match the type of fairy you want to turn into. For example, the sorceress of love loves red and pink, nature – green, water – blue and blue. Light a candle and set the paper on fire with its flame. Immediately place the leaf in a bowl of water and reflect it in the mirror. Then look in the mirror and say to yourself: “I am a sorceress.” Bring the wet sheet to the candle flame; if the flame goes out immediately, you should be congratulated on turning into a fairy!


For the sugar method you will need an empty perfume bottle. Fill it with water, add a little liquid soap, three pinches of salt and the same amount of sugar. Then leave the jar with the magic solution on the windowsill and let it sit for two weeks. When time passes, you should suffuse yourself with this miraculous solution every day, imagining how you turn into a beautiful fairy. In three days the wish will come true and magical power will appear!

How to become a Winx fairy

To turn into a fairy-tale sorceress, you need to become a good friend to the people, plants, and animals around you. You can’t swear, let alone fight, otherwise you won’t see magic wings. Fairy is a force for good, don’t forget that. If within a month you can fulfill the specified requirement, begin to prepare for the ritual of transformation. Choose which Winx fairy you want to become.

  1. To turn into Bloom, a sorceress who is subject to the magic of Dragon Fire, you need to do simple steps. Take the following items: a sheet of red paper, a black felt-tip pen or marker, a magnifying glass. On a sunny summer day, go to the nearest park (but don’t go deep into the planting, fairies never put themselves in danger), write your name and the words “I’m becoming Fairy Bloom” on a piece of paper with a felt-tip pen. Then, using a magnifying glass, direct the sun's ray onto the paper and set it on fire. In a few days you will feel that you have changed.
  2. To transform into the beautiful Stella, who owns the magic of the Sun, Moon and stars, you must perform a special ritual on the full moon. Keep in mind that it must be done during the normal day, and not at night. Take a dark colored glass or cup, fill it with water and look into it. You must see your own reflection and say: “I am beautiful, like Stella. The sun, moon and stars help me." Then place a vessel with water on the windowsill for several hours so that moonlight, sun rays, and stars fall into it. When the water absorbs their magic, wash yourself with it. By performing the ritual correctly, you will become a full-fledged fairy.
  3. To become Flora, you need to cooperate with the forces of nature. The ritual should be performed on the first of March, when the sorceress was born. Prepare a beautiful green flower pot and soil in advance. On the specified day, plant the seeds of any plant you like. Don’t forget to take care of it, water it on time, saying: “My helpers are the forces of nature.” When the sprout appears, know that you have found the magic of Flora herself and become a fairy.
  4. To transform into Leila, you need to use the easiest spell. Your fairy partner, Pixie Piff, will help you. Find a pillow with butterflies on it. When you go to bed, call the sorceress by saying out loud three times: “Pixie Piff, come. Help me become Leila.” Go to sleep and wait, soon you will have a dream with Leila. In the morning, look at your reflection: if you find a few sparkles on your face, then miracles have happened here at night. Congratulations, you have become a beautiful fairy!
  5. To become a sorceress named Muse, burn your favorite songs from the Winx cartoon to a disc. On the disc box, write with a marker: “Muse from (your name). I want to become a sorceress." After which the disk must be hung on a tree branch higher from the ground, and after a few days it will disappear. This means that the Muse was here and took the message. Expect a rapid transformation, which will begin when you feel that you can hear even the quietest music.
  6. You will be able to become the sorceress Tekna if you have just as much knowledge. You will have to spend effort, make friends with the computer and find the component needed for transformation - a little dust from the system unit. But you shouldn’t disassemble your dad’s computer or get under the lid. Only dust collected from above is suitable. It needs to be mixed with glitter and stored in a small box. When it's windy outside, go out onto the balcony and blow on this magic powder and scatter it in the wind. If you do the ritual correctly, you will turn into a computer fairy. You will soon notice that it has become easier to play on the computer, you will develop a thirst for knowledge, and your school grades will be higher.
  7. How to become Fairy Roxy? Use your imagination, draw an imaginary dog ​​or cat on a piece of paper. Let the drawings be believable. Next, attach the drawing to the wall using a button or a magnet to the refrigerator. Go for a walk, find a similar animal on the street. When you find it, say in your mind: “Thank you, Roxy, for listening to me. I want to become like you." After a short period of time, you will feel that you have become closer to the animals.

You already know how to become a fairy. Some transformation methods are complex, but once you complete them, it is not difficult to gain magical power. Do not break the rules and do exactly as it is written, then the Forces of Good will give you magical abilities. But remember, if you quarrel or fight with someone, the magical power will disappear and you will have to start the ritual again.

How to become a water fairy

This transformation method is more complicated than some others, but the most effective. Wait until the full moon, try to get unnecessary thoughts out of your head. You're smart, so everything will work out! Prepare a note in advance with the name of the fairy you want to become. Then place the paper in a glass filled with water, but position yourself so that the moon is reflected in the water. You need to drink this water and go to bed. When morning comes and the moon is replaced by the sun, you will turn into a magical fairy.

How to become a fire fairy

If you wish, you can become a fire fairy. It is worth approaching the fire and imagining that you are gaining the ability to glow. Mentally say that you want to be a spark, try to feel it, but don’t touch it! If you feel uncomfortable near a fire, light a candle and do the same next to it. From now on you know how to become a beautiful fire fairy.

Fairy with wings in 1 second

Wait until your parents are not at home and sit in front of the mirror. Look carefully at your reflection and imagine that you already have magical abilities. Whisper: “I am a fairy.” Let some object lie in front of you the color of the sorceress you would like to become. A week after the ritual, the kingdom of beautiful winged sorceresses will accept you into their ranks.


Transformation into a snow and ice fairy

How to become a snow and ice fairy? Prepare a magical essence: mix a pinch of earth, a couple of flower petals, a handful of snow and a little sugar in a beautiful jar to attract the sorceress. Touch the miracle mixture with your finger every evening without saying anything. Imagine yourself as the fairy you want to become. When the night of the seventh day passes, the wish will be fulfilled.

Video: watch how to become a fairy in real life

Can you become a sorceress? Only those who sincerely believe in miracles can feel them. Learn to see magic in the most ordinary things, give joy to others, smile, say kind words to others - every person needs this. No magical rituals will help you become a beautiful magical creature until you learn kindness. The magic is already in your hands. Right now, start doing good deeds, pleasantly surprising others and making your parents happy. The video below will help you become a beautiful fairy.

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