How to open an account in Sberbank. What should an individual entrepreneur do after collecting documents? What documents are needed

Every legal entity and most individual entrepreneurs have to open a current account. Even if your business operates only in cash, LLCs are only allowed to pay taxes to the budget by non-cash payment. Sberbank is the largest bank in the country, including in terms of the number of corporate clients it serves. To be serviced by Sberbank for a legal entity and individual entrepreneur, you need to collect a package of documents.

Documents for opening a current account in Sberbank

The list of required papers may vary from bank to bank. For example, d for Sberbank LLC asks for a large package.

Documents for account in Sberbank:

  1. Constituent documents of a legal entity (Charter and/or Memorandum of Association). You can provide originals or notarized copies.
  2. Certificate of state registration of a legal entity and/or certificate of entry into the unified state register of legal entities. Original required.
  3. Certificate of registration with the tax authority. An original is provided, from which an authorized Sberbank employee can make copies.
  4. Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. An original or a notarized copy will do. It is also allowed to submit a copy made through the tax service service and signed with an enhanced qualified electronic signature of the Federal Tax Service. For legal entities registered for no more than 1 month, instead of an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, a Record Sheet in form P50007 may be submitted.
  5. Card with samples of signatures and seal impressions. The card must be notarized. Another option is to get a card directly at the bank in the personal presence of all the persons indicated on it.
  6. Client information according to the bank form. The form must be downloaded from the Sberbank website.
  7. Documents confirming the authority of the persons indicated on the card to manage the account. The term of office must be reflected. Originals or notarized copies must be submitted.
  8. Documents confirming the powers of the sole executive body of a legal entity, including extension of the term of office. Original or notarized copy.
  9. Identification documents of the persons indicated on the card. Originals required.
  10. Licenses (permits) - if the activities of the LLC are subject to licensing.
  11. License to work with state secrets (if available).
  12. If you plan to open a current account for an LLC through a representative, then a power of attorney is required to confirm his authority, as well as an identification document.
  13. If a client connects to the E-invoicing service and submits an application to receive a qualified electronic signature key, it is additionally required to submit SNILS (insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance).

Reservation of a current account in Sberbank

As you can see, opening a current account with Sberbank for LLCs and individual entrepreneurs is not so easy. You need to collect documents in advance, almost immediately after registering the company. While you are preparing the documents, you can use the service of reserving a current account. Sberbank offers to reserve an account through an online service posted on the website. You can receive your future account details in just 5 minutes.

A reserved account can only be used to deposit funds; you will not be able to withdraw money. Within 30 calendar days from the date of reservation, you must provide all documents to the bank. If the bank considers the documents to be correctly executed, the reserved account will become a full-fledged settlement account. You will be able to manage all accumulated funds and perform any banking transactions.

If you have not provided a set of documents within 30 days, the reserved account is canceled and the funds on it are returned to the senders.

Sberbank tariffs and service packages

Of course, one of the key points when choosing a bank is tariffs for opening an account and beyond settlement and cash services. In the table below we reviewed the most popular Sberbank service packages with current prices as of January 1, 2017. The information concerns the city of Moscow. In other regions, the cost of services may vary.

Package "Salary"
4800 rub./month.
Package "Minimal"
1700 rub./month.
Package "Basis"
3100 rub./month.
Package "Active"
3200 rub./month.
Optima package
4100 rub./month.
Internet banking using the Sberbank Business Online system
up to 30 payment orders per month Cash withdrawal up to 200,000 rubles per month Transfer of funds to individual accounts under a “salary” agreement
Internet banking using the Sberbank Business Online system up to 5 payment orders per month

Cash acceptance up to 50,000 rubles per month

Internet banking up to 10 payment orders per month

Accept cash up to 80,000 rubles per month

Cash withdrawal up to 140,000 rubles/month.

Internet banking up to 20 payment orders per month

Cash acceptance up to RUB 300,000.

Cash withdrawal up to RUB 100,000.

Internet banking up to 30 payment orders per month

Accept cash up to RUB 150,000.

Cash withdrawal RUB 250,000.

Advantages of Sberbank

  1. High bank reliability. In times of economic instability, bank closures are not uncommon. In Russia, since the beginning of 2016, the licenses of more than 70 banks have been revoked. You cannot envy the clients of these banks, since it is very difficult for them to return their own funds. Opening an account for legal entities with Sberbank can become a guarantee against sudden bankruptcy. The country's largest bank will not lose its license.
  2. Wide branch network. Sberbank leads in the number of branches and branches. This is a bank within walking distance. Even abroad you can use its services.
  3. Sberbank provides advice and support on foreign economic activity. Opening a foreign currency account on the same day is not a problem.

Disadvantages of Sberbank

  1. Cost of services. Opening a current account for an LLC in Sberbank will be more expensive than in many other banks. The cost of service packages is higher than similar conditions offered by competitors. There are fees for internal transfers, unfavorable exchange rates, etc.
  2. Sberbank is reluctant to work with small businesses; it is interested in large clients. A small LLC may be refused to open an account.
  3. Sberbank, as a very large financial structure, is inert. Quite a lot of bureaucracy. The package of documents for opening an account is “bloated”. When servicing legal entities, queues are not uncommon.
  4. Sberbank lacks flexibility and an individual approach to the client. Today, many banks offer the client to create his own personal package of services, which includes only those operations that are really needed.
  5. Your current account may be unexpectedly blocked if the transactions you carried out seemed dubious to bank employees. Unblocking is a long and tedious process.
  6. There is a problem with technical means. Users mainly criticize Sberbank Online for the lack of the ability to fully manage accounts.


In this article, we tried to talk about all the main points that accompany opening an account with Sberbank. Whether to follow our recommendations and where to open is, of course, up to you. In any case, you should not rely on “luck” or the opinion of one or two people. Carefully analyze and compare the tariffs, conditions, and capabilities of different banks. Read reviews on the Internet, talk to bank employees. These steps will help you make the right decision and choose exactly the bank with which you will be pleased to cooperate.

This article is the first of three that talk about the most popular banks for opening a current account. Read also our articles about and bank.

How to open a current account in Sberbank for a legal entity and individual entrepreneur updated: November 30, 2018 by: Everything for individual entrepreneurs

Modern commercial banks, in order to attract the maximum number of clients, offer their services remotely via the Internet. That is, today, in order to become a client of a bank, it is not necessary to visit its branch, stand in queues and fill out a lot of paperwork; it is much easier to get the required service without leaving your home using the Internet. Thus, today you can open an account for both legal entities and individuals remotely. However, it is worth considering how to open a bank account online without visiting a bank, and where you can actually do this.

Online banking services

It is no secret to many banking clients that they can manage the services of financial institutions without leaving their home. For example, all potential borrowers know that they can take out a loan using an online application; owners of plastic cards can manage their funds, as well as open deposits and take out loans using a personal account in the bank’s online system. This means, similarly, you can open an account online without personal presence, and indeed banks provide such an opportunity.

It is immediately worth noting here that each financial institution has an individual approach to customer service; accordingly, remote services may be available in one bank and not available in another. Let's give an example: Sberbank serves its clients remotely using the Sberbank Online service, if you are a card client of the bank, that is, you have the opportunity to open deposits and accounts remotely using your personal account in the remote service system. Otherwise, you will need to go to the bank in any case to open one of the many services. But legal entities can open current accounts remotely, or at least leave an application for it. Another bank, Tinkoff Bank, does not have its own branches throughout the country, but provides a full range of financial services for individuals and legal entities; here it is quite possible to open accounts, deposits, and take out loans remotely using online applications.

Submitting an application online

So, how to open a bank account online. First of all, you need to choose the financial institution in which you want to open a bank account, and you should pay attention to whether the bank provides the service or not. If this is the case, then you will need to fill out a form. For individuals, the questionnaire will be quite short; you just need to indicate some data:

  • Full Name;
  • address and contact details;
  • passport data.

This is mandatory information to use in order to use the bank's financial services. After the application has been submitted for consideration, a bank employee will contact the applicant to clarify some details of your account, as well as your personal data. Afterwards, he should explain to you how you can access your account and its details.

Opening an account with Alfa Bank online

Please note that some credit financial institutions require additional information about their clients, for example, TIN number, pension insurance certificate, or even place of work.

Once a bank account has been opened in your name, you can order a plastic debit card, which will be the key to your funds. That is, in order to pay for any of your purchases or withdraw cash, you will need a plastic card. In addition, after you become a client of the bank, you have the opportunity to use its remote services, for example, remotely pay for utilities, mobile communications and much more, or receive transfers to your bank account.

Current account for legal entities

As you can see, opening an account remotely for an individual will not be so difficult. In a similar way, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs can open a current account. Here it is also worth paying attention to the fact that not all financial institutions provide such a service, so first you need to choose a bank. In addition, it will be much more difficult for a legal entity to open a current account, and this cannot be done without visiting the bank, even though the application can be submitted online. The online application for opening a current account must contain several important information:

  • taxpayer identification code;
  • OGRN;
  • founder's passport.

This, of course, is not the entire list of necessary documents for opening a bank account. Moreover, it is worth noting that an individual entrepreneur or legal entity is required to provide the originals of all documents directly to the bank, including the charter of the enterprise. Among other things, banks are extremely careful about opening an account for legal entities and private entrepreneurs, so the time frame can reach 30 days.

Please note that opening a current account is possible only after providing a complete package of documents, and if you provide copies of documents, they must be notarized.

Thus, opening a bank account online has many features. First of all, it is worth considering that many credit institutions require the client’s personal presence at the bank to verify the authenticity of his documents. In addition, banking services are carried out on the basis of an agreement, which the client in any case must personally sign, so you can only submit a form online. In the future, a bank employee will explain further steps to you.

The country's largest bank offers its clients a variety of services that allow them to save, save and increase personal funds. In order to carry out all these operations profitably, it is necessary to open an account with Sberbank for an individual, and this can be done either directly at the nearest bank branch or online. The procedure does not take much time and does not require special preparation of documents. Both Russians and foreigners can take advantage of this opportunity.

How to choose a bank account for an individual

Before you go to the bank or sit down at the computer to open an account with Sberbank for an individual, you need to decide exactly why it is needed. If you have any doubts, you can call the hotline and get advice from a bank specialist. The currency of the funds placed is also important, because according to the universal banking service agreement, clients have the right to open not only ruble accounts.

Special purpose

An account in Sberbank can be opened for various reasons, and sometimes the same product can be used for different purposes. Among the main needs that motivate this banking operation are the following:

  • to save finances;
  • making payments for third parties and organizations;
  • obtaining a bank plastic card Visa, Mastercard, ;
  • for crediting pensions, wages, scholarships and other payments;
  • obtaining a loan.


Depending on their purpose, accounts can be perpetual or limited to a certain time frame. In this case, it is necessary to clarify in advance all the specifics of their closure or liquidation. In addition, it is possible to automatically extend the validity period for the next period, if this is specified in the agreement, and the client or bank has nothing against it.

Account currency

Russian legislation allows opening a foreign currency account with Sberbank for an individual. The Bank accepts US dollars and Euros as foreign currency for most deposits. For other currencies, the only option is the “Universal” product. In the past, the financial institution offered private clients the opening of a multi-currency deposit, but this has now been discontinued.

Types of accounts in Sberbank for individuals

There is an extensive system for classifying bank accounts, but not all of them are used in the current activities of Sberbank. The difference between them is that each is designed to carry out certain operations. Unlike legal entities, individuals are offered only three types of accounts, and some of them can be opened in different quantities.

Current account

Opened by an adult citizen to store funds or conduct a one-time large financial transaction. It can be created to receive money or, conversely, transfer it to another account. Such products are especially relevant when purchasing real estate, cars and other expensive items, payments in favor of third parties or entrepreneurs.

To open, it is necessary to visit the bank office, since it is not possible to carry out the operation online. No interest or bonuses are accrued on the cash balance. When opening a foreign currency account, you will need a ruble and transit account, which is intended for currency transfers or making payments abroad.


In order to accumulate funds, it is proposed to open a deposit account with Sberbank for individuals. Interest is charged on the cash balance. At the moment they have the following meanings:

The deposit is intended for free use of money with simultaneous capitalization. It is unlimited, it can be replenished an unlimited number of times, and cash withdrawals are possible at any time. There is no minimum amount for opening a deposit agreement, and there are no restrictions on the maximum value. The larger the deposit amount, the higher the interest rate.


Card accounts are a type of current account, but the main difference is that the owner can independently manage money without having to contact a branch of a savings bank each time. They are linked to a valid credit or debit card, which is used to pay for goods and services at any time in real time or online (the card number does not match the account number!). As a rule, interest is accrued on the balance of funds on a personal account at the “on demand” rate, unless otherwise specified in the agreement.

Documents for opening an account in Sberbank

A Sberbank current account for individuals is opened upon presentation of a minimum package of documents, which cannot be said for business representatives. You should know that it is not possible to open an account for several persons at the same time, however, third parties can manage it if the owner gives the go-ahead by issuing a power of attorney in the form of a bank.

For citizens of the Russian Federation

The easiest way is to open an account with Sberbank for an individual who is a citizen of Russia. To do this, he needs to visit the bank office and provide a passport. It is worth noting that if you do not have one, you can use a foreign passport or military ID. For pensioners who want to place money on offers that directly affect them, it is necessary to take a pension certificate.

For foreign citizens

If a person is not a citizen of the Russian Federation, he will have to take several documents with him. Firstly, it must be a national passport and migration card, and, secondly, any other document confirming the legal presence of a foreigner on the territory of Russia. A residence permit is also suitable. This is a prerequisite for placing money.

How to open an account with Sberbank for a private individual

If everything is clear with the necessary documents that need to be presented, then you should consider the procedure itself. You can open an account with Sberbank for an individual through the worldwide network, or by visiting any branch. Depending on the type, there may be some nuances, but they are not critical and do not affect the procedure in any way. There is only one condition: a person applying to open an account must be over 14 years old.

At a bank branch

A personal visit to a Sberbank office has several advantages. Firstly, the client can always get answers to all his questions, and, secondly, in this way mistakes can be avoided when filling out documents. After the bank employee is provided with a passport or other identification document, he proceeds to draw up the agreement.

An agreement is drawn up, one copy for each party. The bank representative and the depositor are required to sign the agreement, after which the bank’s seal is affixed to each copy. It is imperative to check all the data and details entered by the manager into the contract for errors. In addition, it is recommended not to hesitate to clarify information on unclear points. This will help avoid misunderstandings later.

To Sberbank Online

Opening an account with Sberbank Online is much easier for an individual, since it can be done without leaving home. However, only those clients who have it connected can use the service, otherwise they need to visit the office where they fill out the proposed application form for adding a banking product. In addition, you can use an ATM or self-service terminal or mobile banking service to register.

It should be said right away that for users of the Sberbank Online service it is possible to open only a deposit. First, you need to log in to the system using the received identifier. After that, in the main menu of your personal account, go to the “Deposits and Accounts” tab. All available deposits will be reflected there, and to create a new one, you need to follow the “Opening a deposit” link, and simultaneously with the creation of a new product, the procedure for opening a new account will take place.

Cost of opening a bank account

Any current or savings account with Sberbank is opened absolutely free - you don’t have to pay anything. However, it is worth knowing that you must deposit a minimum amount upon registration. Depending on the chosen currency, it will be 10 rubles, 5 US dollars or euros. You will have to pay extra for issuing a bank card, if necessary. Its tariff is strictly individual and depends directly on the selected product. In addition, you can use the voluntary insurance service for an additional fee.

How to open a deposit in Sberbank for an individual

As has already been mentioned several times, a deposit is opened in person at any bank office or remotely: ATMs, Sberbank terminals, mobile and online banking. It is important to understand that a deposit can be opened not only for oneself, but also for any person; it is only important that the depositor has with him a notarized copy of the identity document of the person for whom the deposit is supposed to be opened. His presence is not necessary.

You can also deposit money in the name of a minor citizen, but he will be able to personally manage the funds only after the age of 14, and before that, parents or legal representatives can monitor the finances. The depositor’s citizenship does not matter either - the only important thing is the presence of documents allowing him to legally stay on the territory of the Russian Federation. The deposit is made exclusively for one person, but the number of deposits can be unlimited - the law does not prohibit this.

Sberbank savings book

For several years in a row, Sberbank has been trying to get rid of the Savings Book. They are no longer produced, so even if you really want to, you won’t be able to get it. The remaining copies in circulation are maintained according to all rules, especially since this document is a strict reporting form. Instead of using a book to carry out deposit transactions, the bank offers special card products, such as a social card. The use of plastic is very convenient, because you can control expenses and income from anywhere in the world and at any convenient time.

What deposits are there in Sberbank today?

If you look at the official information on the Sberbank website, you can see that several deposit products are offered to clients and future depositors, and everyone can choose the appropriate option depending on the available amount and a convenient period for placing savings:

  • Time to save. A new type of deposit with a rate of 6.5% per annum. Moreover, you can increase it by half a point if you take a test on the social networks Odnoklassniki, VKontakte or Facebook. The minimum amount required to open a deposit is 100,000 rubles. The period for placing funds is 4 months. The deposit cannot be replenished or partially withdrawn, but it can be extended an unlimited number of times. Interest accrues at the end of the term and is paid in cash or to an account.
  • Gift a life. According to the deposit agreement, every three months the bank transfers 0.3% of the investment amount to the Gift of Life charitable foundation (for children with oncological, hematological and other serious diseases). The minimum deposit amount is 10,000 rubles with an annual rate of 5%. Money is placed for a period of one year without the possibility of replenishment and partial withdrawal. It is allowed to draw up a power of attorney and a will for the deposit.
  • Savings certificate. A security issued to bearer. Its profitability is higher compared to standard deposit offers. The placement period varies from 91 to 1095 days, and the interest rate is 0.01–7.20%. The minimum possible cost of a certificate is 10,000 rubles.

Sberbank has deposits that can be opened both through the bank’s cash desk and a mobile application. In the second case, interest rates will be higher. The table presents the main parameters for opening a foreign currency and ruble deposit:

Name Bid Minimum amount Posting period Special conditions

RUR – 3.80–5.15%;

USD – 0.01–1.05%;

100 EUR.

1 month – 3 years for RUR and USD;

EUR – 1–3 years.

No replenishment;

No partial removal.

Save Online

RUR – 4.05–5.63%;

USD – 0.01–1.25%;


RUR – 3.70–4.62%;

USD – 0.01–0.85%;

100 EUR.

EUR – 1–3 years.

With the possibility of replenishment;

No partial removal.

Top up Online

RUR – 3.95–5.12%;

USD – 0.01–1.05%;


RUR – 3.00–4.32%;

USD – 0.01–0.50%;

1000 EUR.

3 months – 3 years for RUR and USD;

EUR – 1–3 years.

There is a possibility
withdraw funds and
make additional contributions.
Manage Online

RUR – 3.25–4.82%;

USD – 0.01–0.70%;

Sberbank provides the opportunity to earn income from trading on the stock exchange, and you can choose any securities for placement. Individuals are invited to open a brokerage account with a maximum investment of up to 1 million rubles, valid for 3 years. To do this, you need to submit an application to one of the bank’s offices or call a Sberbank branch by phone. A commission is charged for transactions, but the client will be provided with tax benefits according to the system he has chosen.

How to open a retirement account

There are no separate programs for pensioners, as was previously the case. However, this state of affairs does not mean at all that there are no priority proposals for them. Elderly people can count on any deposit with only one difference - no matter how much is deposited, the interest rate will always be the maximum. In addition, retired citizens can open a perpetual nominal account for crediting social benefits at a rate of 3.67% per annum.

Opening an account in Sberbank for individuals in foreign currency

In addition to the above savings programs, clients can open payments with the possibility of partial withdrawal and replenishment not only in rubles, US dollars and euros, but also in other convertible currencies. The interest rate is 0.01% per annum, regardless of currency. They are accrued quarterly and added to the current amount. The minimum deposit is 10 rubles or 5 dollars at the exchange rate in any currency.


The opening of Sberbank took place back in 1841, and since then it has occupied the highest positions of rating agencies. Among the 4.5 million business representatives registered in Russia, more than 1 million are serviced by this bank.

Even a novice entrepreneur can afford to open a current account with Sberbank, since the tariffs are acceptable.

To open a personal account, documents are required that any businessman can provide in a short time. Conducting account transactions online makes business convenient and saves time.

More about Sberbank

Advantages of opening a current account with Sberbank

Sberbank, according to 70% of the Russian population, is the most favorable bank for opening accounts. Let's figure out why most legal entities choose it.

The advantages of opening a current account with Sberbank are the following:

reliability (when carrying out transactions on accounts, you can definitely be sure of their safety. The bank dates back to the 19th century, which speaks of its experience and stability in relation to various fluctuations of an economic and political nature);

you can open an account without leaving your own office, over a cup of coffee or while on the road (this is possible thanks to Internet technologies that allow you to register an account number online. In this case, the account becomes active after 5 minutes, it can be used until How will you provide the originals of all necessary documents);

the bank provides remote services, which frees you from visiting bank branches and waiting in queues;

payments are made all week from 6:00 to 23:00, which provides ample opportunities for business in terms of timely payment and receipt of funds from counterparties;

the bank offers several account servicing tariffs to choose from: you have the right to choose any based on annual revenue;

a large number of ATMs (you can always find a device nearby for withdrawing or depositing cash, which operate around the clock);

The bank has a dedicated telephone line for corporate clients. It works 24 hours every day, which means that you will receive an answer to your question at any time of the day.

Open an account

Free tariff at Sberbank “Easy Start” for opening a current account

This is an excellent tariff that Sberbank launched relatively recently. This service package allows you to:

  1. Open a current account - Free;
  2. Monthly maintenance - Free;
  3. The first 3 payments are Free;
  4. + 1 year card maintenance;
  5. Opening an account and making a reservation in 5 minutes (you can use the account immediately!);
  6. Internet banking and mobile banking - Free;

This is a very favorable tariff on the cash settlement services market, and even in the most reliable bank in Russia.

Open an account for free

All Sberbank tariffs for cash settlement services

You can choose a ready-made service package that already includes a set of functions from Sberbank. If none of them suits you, then the bank offers to draw up a constructor agreement, which can include only those functions that are specifically needed when running your business. The table shows 6 basic service packages that you can activate online or by contacting a Sberbank branch.

Sberbank tariffs vary in each region. In the following table we have collected for comparison several items from the tariff plans for the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Service Tariff in rubles for Moscow Tariff in rubles for St. Petersburg
Providing certificates on account transactions printed and certified by a bank employee 500 500
Transfer money to another bank in the amount of up to 100,000 rubles 32 (for each payment) 35 (for each payment)
Transferring money to an organization's account opened with Sberbank 10 (for each payment) 8 (for each payment)
Transfer of money to the account of an individual (including individual entrepreneurs) 0.5-6% of the transfer amount 0.5-6% of the transfer amount
Accepting cash through an ATM 0.3% of the amount 0.25% of the amount
Cash withdrawal through Sberbank ATM 1,8% 2,8%
1,8-8% 2,8-8%

Some entrepreneurs, when studying Sberbank's tariffs, consider them too high. This may be true when compared with other little-known banks. However, it is worth taking into account the reliability of Sberbank, increased convenience for customers, which are associated not only with the availability of various services within tariffs, but also with the largest number of branches and ATMs in the country.

Detailed tariffs

How much does it cost to open an account and what is needed for this?

Tariffs for opening a current account with Sberbank depend on the region of registration of your business. Prices for services are fixed in the bank’s internal documentation and are publicly available. You can see the cost of opening a current account with Sberbank in some regions in the table below.

If you open an account using the “Quick Start” tariff, then opening an account is FREE!

The list of papers required to open an account varies depending on the legal form of your company, and we will talk about this below. The list of documents also includes a banking service agreement, which spells out all the nuances of interaction with the bank.

To open an account you need contact a Sberbank branch or apply online through the official website of the bank. In both cases, you must fill out a form with information about the organization. The conditions for opening an account remotely and in a bank branch are similar. The difference is that in the first option you register an application and fill out the application yourself, while in the second option the operator completes the application.

If for some reason you do not want to open an account yourself, then professional intermediaries can provide assistance. In order for them to represent your interests in Sberbank, you will need to issue a special power of attorney and write down all transferred rights in it. For assistance in opening an account, the intermediary company charges a fee, which is most often paid before the services are provided.

Step-by-step instructions for opening a current account

You already know that you can open an account with Sberbank in two ways:

  • in the department;
  • in online mode".

For your convenience, we will analyze both methods in the form of step-by-step instructions. If you would like to contact a bank office to open an account, you must complete the following steps:

  1. Prepare a list of necessary documents (they will be discussed below);
  2. Contact the nearest Sberbank branch (a list of addresses can be found on the bank’s website);
  3. Punch the coupon in the electronic queue to open a legal entity (or individual entrepreneur) account;
  4. When it’s your turn, provide all documents to the operator;
  5. Fill out the form with company information;
  6. Select a tariff plan (their list will be announced to you by the operator);
  7. Write an application to open a current account;
  8. Sign a banking service agreement;
  9. Here you can connect a set of additional functions (for example, register a personal account of a legal entity on the bank’s website);
  10. Ask for a printed form with your company's account details;
  11. Next, the operator will ask you to deposit the amount necessary for servicing and conducting operations on the account.

Opening an account online

To open an account with Sberbank you will need to take 3 simple steps:

Go to the Sberbank website and follow the instructions below;

Click the button Submitonline application«;

Fill out the form and wait for a call from a specialist from Sberbank;

We contact Sberbank to open a current account for individual entrepreneurs

Opening a current account for an individual entrepreneur is accompanied by collecting a package of documents. The list of papers includes the following:

passport (you will need the original; the operator will not accept you with a copy);

form No. P60009 from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (original only);

an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (you can provide the extract itself or a copy of it, certified by a notary, a representative of the Federal Tax Service. Certification by a bank employee is also allowed);

card of sample signatures and seals (certified by a notary or by a bank operator, if authorized persons are present in person when opening an account);

information about the client according to the bank form posted on the Sberbank website (original only);

documents confirming the right of third parties to dispose of funds in the account (the original or copies are certified by a notary or bank, and the client’s signature is sufficient on statements);

for individuals authorized to operate the account, they will be required to provide passports;

licenses (if any). It is allowed to provide copies that are certified by a notary or a bank operator (if the original is available).

When opening an account for an individual entrepreneur in Sberbank, you will not have to deal with hidden commissions: the agreement is drawn up transparently, and the nuances of the tariffs are described very clearly. In addition, all funds in the entrepreneur’s account up to 1,400,000 rubles are subject to compulsory insurance. This service is free for individual entrepreneurs.

If an individual entrepreneur opens an account with Sberbank, then more counterparties will trust him. This bank in Russia has established itself as a reliable custodian of funds, and, as a rule, for business partners it is very important through which credit institution payments will be made.

The terms of service for individual entrepreneurs at Sberbank have many other positive aspects. And if you choose a ready-made package of services, you can save on the annual cost of maintenance.

Sberbank requirements for documents for opening an LLC current account

Opening a current account for legal entities will require preliminary preparation in terms of documents. You will need to present the following package of documents to the bank specialist:

Charter or Constituent document (originals. If you provide copies, they can be certified by a notary, a representative of the Federal Tax Service or a bank operator);

form P50007 of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (only the original document may be provided);

an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (you can bring the extract itself or its certified copy from a notary, a representative of the Federal Tax Service or a bank);

a card with signatures and seals (if you bring a copy, it can be certified by a notary or a bank specialist);

a form with the bank’s information about the client (posted on the Sberbank website. You must bring the original);

documents confirming the authority of third parties to manage the account (copies can be certified by a notary or bank operator);

papers confirming the rights of the sole management body (certified by a notary or a banking specialist);

passports of persons having access to the account;

licenses (copies signed by a notary or bank representative);

power of attorney if the account is opened by a representative (as well as the passport of the authorized person).

Opening an account online will also reduce your time: you can provide documents later, and use the account in the next few hours. Tariffs for services at Sberbank are quite attractive, and payments using electronic payments are also fast.

In the activities of legal entities, several money transfers can be carried out per day. To resolve issues related to them, you can call a dedicated telephone line at any time of the day and get help from a specialist.

In this case, your phone number remains in the system’s memory and when you call again, the operator will already know who he is dealing with. This significantly reduces time costs and allows you to solve the problem as quickly as possible. The cost of this service is included in each tariff, and therefore any businessman can use it.

A legal entity can link a card to a current account. With its help, it becomes convenient to top up your account through an ATM at any time.

Open an account

Settlement and cash services at Sberbank

In addition to a current account, Sberbank offers a wide range of additional services for legal entities. These include:

  • salary project(the maximum time for crediting wages is 1.5 hours. If you have any questions related to the distribution of funds among employees’ accounts, Sberbank can organize an on-site consultation at your office. You will also be provided with assistance in creating a register of employees );
  • currency exchange(Sberbank works with more than 20 currencies. You have the opportunity to gain access to the foreign exchange market with a well-thought-out hedging system);
  • customs payments(those who have activated this service are given the opportunity to control customs payments around the clock. There is no need to open a special account, all operations can be carried out from an open bank account. Legal entities can send all necessary documents to the Customs Service online) ;
  • exchange control(thanks to this service, you will be able to competently draw up international agreements, apply for loans to foreign organizations, and receive advice from Sberbank representatives on compliance with the law in the actions of foreign counterparties);
  • bank guarantee(protection of funds of the parties to the transaction. The buyer and supplier enter into an agreement. According to it, the seller ships goods or provides services. When the terms of the agreement are met, funds from the buyer’s account are transferred to the contractor);
  • online cash registers(Sberbank offers its clients a choice of two configurations. It meets all modern requirements, as well as legal norms. Using Internet acquiring, you can remotely control points of sale, print receipts, carry out inventory, etc.);
  • deferred payments(if you provide services to the public, then Sberbank makes it possible to make fund transfers more convenient. For example, the details of your organization can be reflected in all Sberbank ATMs. This way, clients will be able to pay for services quickly and with a minimum commission (and in most cases, without it) ;
  • merchant acquiring(to accept non-cash payments from clients, you will need a trading terminal. The bank installs it free of charge. Funds are transferred to the account literally the next day);
  • collection(bank representatives are engaged in the transportation of funds, securities, various documents, precious stones and metals. A separate agreement is drawn up for each type of value (or their combination));
  • self-collection(you can deposit proceeds into the current account yourself. To do this, you need to obtain an identification code from the bank. If the authority to deposit funds is transferred to another person, he also needs to obtain a code in advance. The combination of numbers is entered into the appropriate field of the ATM. This service allows you to deposit proceeds into any time of the day, without going to a bank branch);
  • accounting service(trained and experienced specialists will calculate wages for payment, calculate taxes, submit reports to the Federal Tax Service, advise on your questions, and also inform you about debt. Sberbank works with the 1C service, which will help legal entities keep their accounting books competently).

Thus, Sberbank is not only a bank known to everyone for its long history, but also a bank that follows innovations and is ready to offer them to its clients. Sberbank is one of the first to introduce new functions into its activities, which significantly simplify the work of businessmen.

Open an account with Sberbank

Additional Internet services from Sberbank

For the convenience of servicing its clients, Sberbank has developed a system for managing its own accounts online. Legal entities can make transfers in favor of counterparties and receive payments from them without visiting a bank office. This is possible thanks to:

  • remote service called “Sberbank Business Online”(allows you to use any browser to create and send payment orders, control the movement of funds in your account, exchange messages with bank employees, and also connect various services);

  • mobile application "Sberbank Business Online"(with it you can take a photo of the invoice, and the system will generate a payment order. The application also makes it possible to issue an invoice to a counterparty, sign salary registers, ask a question to a banking specialist in an online chat);

  • document flow system E-invoicing(you can send various documentation to business partners using an electronic signature. The service is also equipped with the function of checking counterparties);
  • website creation service(Sberbank cooperates with the company 1C-UMI, which professionally creates various Internet pages for business. Special reduced rates apply to Sberbank clients. You do not need to know the basics of programming: just select ready-made templates and follow the system prompts);
  • Manager's diary(the application recognizes business cards from photographs, has the function of dictating text, distributing tasks for each day of the week, and also attaching images to created notes).

A current account is necessary for legal entities and individuals in order to participate in non-cash money turnover, as well as accumulate non-cash funds on it, which will later be used for their intended purpose.

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Before you proceed directly to opening an account with Sberbank, you need to decide which account and in which currency you need. The account can be current, card or deposit. Detailed advice on this issue can be obtained from bank employees who, after analyzing the client’s needs, will help choose the most optimal conditions for opening an account.

  • Current account – intended for storing funds and carrying out transactions in national and foreign currency. No interest is charged on the remaining balance. The peculiarity of such an account is that a visit to the bank is required to carry out the operation. As a rule, such an account is used to make money transfers, pay for large purchases, as well as payments for contracts and serious transactions. It is more reliable to use such an account for transactions with large amounts.
  • Card account is often “linked” to a current account and makes it possible to make transactions using plastic cards. The advantages of a card account are that you can use it at any convenient time, without visiting a bank branch, and also send and receive money transfers or make purchases using an ATM. This account is most often used for everyday purchases, current payments, and cash withdrawals.
  • Deposit account – used for the purpose of accumulating funds, which the client receives through the calculation of interest on the balance of funds placed in the deposit account. Unlike the previous two options, funds that are in the deposit account cannot be used until the end of the agreement. Using a deposit account, thanks to accrued interest, allows its owner to protect funds from inflation.

Open an account for an individual

Any adult citizen can open an account. Russian citizens only need to have a passport with them when applying to a bank. Foreign citizens, in addition to a passport, need a document confirming the right to stay on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Opening an account at a branch

To open an account, you need to contact the nearest one and explain to the employees what operations you are going to carry out and in what currency. Bank employees will help you choose the appropriate type of account and tell you about its advantages.

Having decided on one of the options, you must provide the bank employee with a passport, on the basis of which an agreement on using the account will be filled out. The agreement is drawn up in two copies and will require your signature, which must be affixed after studying the agreement. Once you receive your copy of the agreement, check for the presence of the bank’s round seal on it.

Once the agreement is concluded, you can begin using the account. If, at the same time as opening an account, you decide to issue a plastic card, you can receive it at a bank branch in 2 weeks.

Open an account in Sberbank Online

You can open an account yourself using the Internet if you have activated. If you have not used such a service before, we definitely recommend it.

So, in order to open an account with Sberbank Online you need to:

Attention! Please pay attention to the terms of the deposit for withdrawal and replenishment. If you need a deposit for the sake of an account, then choose a deposit without restrictions on withdrawal and replenishment.

What to do if there is no “Deposits and Accounts” tab in Sberbank Online?

If there is no “Deposits and Accounts” tab in the main menu of your personal account, don’t worry. The tab may be missing for two reasons:

  1. You have not drawn up a UDBO agreement (Universal Banking Service Agreement). The agreement must be concluded in person at any Sberbank branch.
  2. The tab is hidden in settings. To activate it, go to your personal account settings and in the “Product Visibility Settings” tab, select the appropriate section.

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Open an account for a legal entity

For legal entities, a current account is the main financial instrument. With its help, enterprises manage their financial flows, pay their counterparties, transfer salaries to employees and pay taxes.

As a rule, opening a current account is a mandatory procedure that immediately follows the registration of an enterprise in the state register. To open it, the company will need to collect a certain package of documents, which should consist of:

  • statutory documents of the enterprise;
  • certificates that the legal entity has passed state registration;
  • extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • certificates from statistics on the assignment of codes;
  • documents confirming the powers of the director and chief accountant;
  • certificates stating that the company is registered for tax purposes;
  • licenses, if the enterprise carries out a licensed type of activity;
  • application form;
  • a card with the signatures of officials and an imprint of the company's seal.

It is also necessary to provide original documents, from which the bank will make copies and certify them. After checking the provided documents, bank employees will offer to sign an agreement for servicing the account. After signing the agreement, you will only have to wait for notification of account opening.

Important. After opening an account, the company must notify the tax office, the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund about this.

The procedure for opening an account for an individual entrepreneur is identical, with the exception of the list of documents required for this. An entrepreneur does not need to provide statutory documents.

Simultaneously with opening a current account, you can connect remote servicing services, which will significantly save time on payment transactions. This will allow you to track the movement of funds in your account in real time, as well as carry out payment transactions without visiting the bank. The ability to connect to the service is provided for in the account servicing agreement.