Which party does Navalny belong to? Who is Alexey Navalny: biography, fight against corruption, political activity. Navalny is a businessman

Where does Alexei Navalny disappear all day long, what real cases are going on in the FBK office, what kind of person is he?

Currently, politician Alexei Navalny spends most of his time in his office of the Anti-Corruption Foundation. FBK's address in Moscow is Leninskaya Sloboda Street, building 19, office 1001, this is the building of the Omega Plaza business center.
When the office is searched, the opposition leader goes to regional headquarters or spends time in safe houses.

However, Navalny doesn’t really hide from law enforcement officers. The arrest of an oppositionist for 30 days for participating in rallies does not surprise anyone - this happens after almost every protest. Considering that Alexey Navalny is currently serving a suspended sentence in the Kirovles case, according to the Criminal Executive Code, the politician faces a real prison sentence for systematically violating public order. However, Russian authorities are in no hurry to put Navalny in prison.

There are several possible versions for this:

    Navalny is a representative of the Kremlin’s “pocket opposition”;

    The image of an oppositionist who does not stand for the truth and cannot participate in elections or launch a serious investigation by the Ministry of Internal Affairs is beneficial to the Kremlin, since in the minds of the audience this creates additional arguments about the omnipotence of the authorities;

    They don’t want to get involved with Navalny due to external pressure. Moreover, the politician won his case in the ECHR. After the murder of Nemtsov, prison for Navalny will be a strong argument for worsening relations with the West.

Navalny’s location can easily be chosen from three options: work at headquarters, rallies, and an isolation ward. The politician actively travels around Russia, opens new headquarters, engages in information coverage of compromising evidence, after which he calls a protest rally, and safely sits in the monkey bar.

It should be noted that despite the lack of significant results, Navalny’s support among young people is really strong. Since the aging “Soviet” government, using the Second World War and Orthodoxy as ideological propaganda, is rapidly losing its young audience. Navalny, who has charisma, actively uses YouTube, which is close to young people, is young, fit, and knows English, is gradually strengthening his ideological positions.

Where does Alexey Navalny live?

Alexey Navalny and his family live in Moscow, in the Maryino district, on Lyublinskaya Street. In the most ordinary panel high-rise building. Navalny’s three-room apartment in Moscow is an extremely modest option with laconic furnishings and a total area of ​​75 m2. Footage of searches in the oppositionist’s house was repeatedly broadcast by TV channels and YouTube; the income statement confirms the existence of this property.

Information also flashed on the Internet that Navalny owns a house in France worth 3 million euros. However, the politician has not visited this country in recent years, and the news about foreign real estate has not been confirmed by anyone.

At the same time, according to the income statement, the Navalny spouses live approximately on the same level as other Muscovites. They have a used Ford Explorer SUV, and Alexey himself drives around Moscow in a rented car.

What does Navalny do?

Alexey Navalny is engaged in legal and political activities, and at the same time is a shareholder in a number of companies. Previously, the politician took part in the management of various corporations, including serving on the board of directors of Aeroflot.

From a policy point of view, Alexey Navalny took a win-win position by starting an active fight against corruption in the public sector. He founded the Anti-Corruption Foundation and directed the films “The Seagull” and “He’s Not Dimon,” which received hundreds of millions of views on YouTube.

Despite pro-Western statements and accusations of connections with the current government, Navalny’s activities have found great support in Russia, especially among the younger generation. However, people of the older generation, who never received support from the state, also often go to opposition rallies.

At the same time, it cannot yet be said that Navalny’s activities are capable of influencing the situation in Russia. Rallies continue to be held in unauthorized places; the politician has not been able to win a single lawsuit based on his films.

In fact, Navalny’s main task now is to reduce the influence of Kremlin ideology and show the hungry population the richest villas of officials and main propagandists. And he is gradually succeeding, people’s opinions are changing, as can be seen from the government’s ratings and comments on the Internet.

Will Navalny be president? Hardly. But he will still play his considerable role in Russian history.

Alexey Navalny is one of the most notorious Russian politicians, businessman, lawyer, born in the Moscow region (Odintsovo district, Butyn), 06/04/1976.


Alexey’s father is Ukrainian by origin, graduated from a military school and after several years of service received a transfer to Moscow. There he met his fate - a simple Russian girl originally from Zelenograd near Moscow, who after school also moved to the capital. But the career she had hoped to build failed, and Lyudmila went to work at a woodworking plant.

Alexey in childhood

In the early 90s, when a severe crisis began in the country, Alexei’s parents managed to get their bearings and, on the basis of a bankrupt workshop, they created their own small enterprise that produced exclusive products from wicker. This allowed the family not only to stay afloat, but also to make their first capital.

Meanwhile, Alexey successfully completed school and also moved to Moscow. Before that, he lived most of the time with his grandmother, since his parents were practically not at home - they invested all their efforts in ensuring the financial well-being of the family.

Having graduated with an excellent certificate, Alexey submitted exams to the law department of Moscow State University, but he only needed one point to receive the coveted student card.

The next year he continued to actively prepare for exams, while helping his parents in business. This year played a decisive role in his future career in many ways. He did not give up his dream of becoming a lawyer, but at the same time became interested in economic disciplines.

A year later, the exams were passed successfully, and he began studying at the Institute of Friendship of Peoples. In his senior years, he simultaneously studies at the Government Finance Academy, choosing finance and lending as a specialization. Navalny was also one of the first in Russia to receive a diploma in stock exchange business and is a professional broker.


Navalny began his career with a modest position as an ordinary lawyer at Aeroflot, where he was invited as a student after a successful internship. In 1998, he officially registered his first private company, Allekt LLC, but worked mainly for another company.

But a year later, immediately after defending his diploma, he begins to actively engage in his own business, while simultaneously continuing to build a career at Aeroflot. The young lawyer established himself as an excellent specialist there, and his deep knowledge of economic disciplines helped him solve the most complex problems at the highest level, and just a few years later he was included in the directors of Aeroflot.

Navalny began his political career in 2000, joining the Yabloko party. Quite quickly he showed his leadership qualities and already in 2004 he began to manage its Moscow regional branch. However, already in 2007, after a loud scandal with the leaders of the party, Navalny was expelled from its membership.

Then he creates another political movement, “The People,” and positions himself as a fighter for the rights of the people and against the abuse of power by officials. Several more public organizations are being created in this vein, and around the same period it begins to actively appear on television screens.

Having first appeared on the “Political Debates” program, Navalny interested the audience so much that he later became a regular participant.

Since 2008, Navalny has been actively involved in anti-corruption activities and even created a special committee. His attention in those years was directed to fraud with oil, which, contrary to all antimonopoly laws, was sold abroad only through one joint-stock company.

In order to have funds for independent investigations, a fund is established in which independent entrepreneurs invest.

In 2011, the object of research by Navalny’s company was Russian roads, which are still in a catastrophic state, despite constant funding for their repair. A year later, he would organize an independent election monitoring system.

At the same time, he is investigating and publicizing facts about the illegality of the acquisition of expensive real estate, airplanes and other luxury items by people whose official income does not allow them to do so.


His investigations affect the interests of the highest echelons of power and, naturally, begin to irritate them greatly. But at first, “precautionary measures” were taken against him. Several times he was arrested for 15 days for illegally holding rallies.

But already in 2011, the first criminal case was opened against him, which, however, was dropped less than a year later due to the lack of corpus delicti.

In July 2013, by a court decision, he was sentenced to 5 years in prison and a half-million fine for the activities of the Kirovles company, of which he was one of the leaders. But this verdict had political motives. At that time, elections for the post of mayor were underway, and Navalny could well have won them. Later, his lawyers proved the sanctions were illegal, and Navalny was released.

The situation was repeated with precision in 2016, and again he receives a similar sentence, and again his lawyers prove the connection of this case with the political situation in the country. Nevertheless, Navalny is again seeking to have the sentence overturned, since he has openly declared his intention to take part in the 2018 presidential race.

According to unverified data, he can count on the support of 70% of voters.

Personal life

Navalny is married and values ​​his family very much. He met his future wife Julia while on vacation in Turkey in 2000. And very soon the young people got married. And a year later a girl was born into the family. In 2008, Navalny’s long-awaited son was born.

With his wife Yulia and children

Alexey Navalny is a Russian public and political figure leading a public fight against corruption. He is considered a symbol of the Russian non-systemic opposition. He is the head of the RosPil project, aimed at combating abuses in public procurement. The biography of Alexei Navalny is full of scandals and criminal cases in which he was the main accused of embezzlement and fraud.

Childhood and youth

Navalny Alexey Anatolyevich was born on June 4, 1976 in the military town of Butyn, located in the Moscow region. His parents are Anatoly Ivanovich and Lyudmila Ivanovna.

Alexey Navalny as a child with his parents and brother

At the time of democratic changes, they managed to become businessmen, owners of the Kobyakovsky wicker weaving factory. Alexey does not directly talk about his nationality, but in an interview he noted that his ancestry is closely connected with Ukraine.

After graduating from school, Navalny entered the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia at the Faculty of Law. In 1998, he continued his studies at the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the young man worked as a lawyer at Aeroflot Bank and the development company ST Group.

Having received a diploma in financier, Navalny did not stop there and supplemented his education with a 6-month course of study at Yale University under the Yale World Fellows grant program, where he managed to get on the recommendations of Sergei Guriev and.

Career and business

Alexei Navalny’s working career started back in his student years, but was exclusively business-oriented. Over the course of several years, he became the founder of a dozen enterprises with zero income, which he sold very successfully after a short period of activity.

In 2008, Alexei Navalny began to become interested in investment activism and began buying small stakes in the companies Transneft, Surgutneft, Gazpromneft, Rosneft, VTB and Sberbank.


The start in politics was the democratic party "Yabloko", in which the man held leadership positions until 2007 thanks to the support of his associates, and Evgenia Albats. After being expelled from Yabloko, Navalny co-founded the national democratic movement “People” and took part in the “Russian March” procession.

Alexey Navalny often criticizes not only current officials, but also those who were already in leading positions in the public administration system. For example, TV viewers remembered the discussion between the oppositionist and the reformer of the 90s in the “Direct Conversation” program, which was hosted by.

Gradually, Alexey Anatolyevich turns from an ordinary politician and active blogger into a large-scale leader of the opposition in Russia, and after the murder it is he who is considered the main critic of the authorities within the country.

In 2013, Navalny ran for mayor of Moscow, but did not receive the required number of votes. At that time, he had already created his own anti-corruption Internet projects “RosPil”, “RosYama” and “RosVybory”, and also registered the Anti-Corruption Foundation.

Soon the foundation presented several investigative films. The first film that caused a public outcry in Russia was the investigative documentary film “The Seagull.” Other anti-corruption revelations followed. Navalny himself also fueled interest in the fund’s activities with publications on microblogging services “ Twitter" And " Facebook ».

2 years before the presidential elections, Navalny announced his candidacy. He reported this from the official website. The candidate’s program also appeared there, in which he proclaimed slogans of wealth for all citizens of Russia, the subsequent fight against corruption and the development of social projects.

In 2017, Navalny’s headquarters on the YouTube channel presented a new film, “He’s Not Dimon to You,” in which information appeared that exposed his empire, created thanks to corruption schemes. Viewing the tape stirred up the public - mass rallies followed, which led to the arrests of the organizers of the movement, including Alexei himself.

Arrest and criminal cases

The criminal prosecution of Alexei Navalny started in 2011, when he was convicted of crime. Two years later, the oppositionist was sentenced to 5 years in prison, but the day after the verdict he was released on his own recognizance.

Then both Russians and international society condemned the verdict, considering it politically motivated. He even expressed his attitude towards the verdict, calling it “strange.” After reviewing the case, the court changed the sentence to probation.

Among the subsequent high-profile cases in which Navalny’s name appeared were the trials of the Yves Rocher and Kirovles companies. Despite the persecution, in 2012, according to Time magazine, Navalny became the only Russian to be included in the top 100 most influential people in the world.

Personal life

The personal life of Alexei Navalny is not particularly remarkable against the backdrop of his scandalous career. In 1999, while on vacation in Turkey, he met his future wife Julia, a holiday romance with whom ended in marriage.

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Alexey Navalny and his wife Yulia

The politician's family has two children - Daria and Zakhar. In 2019, my daughter entered Stanford University in the USA. The Navalnys live in the Maryino district of Moscow region in an ordinary panel house, in an “economy class” apartment with an area of ​​about 80 square meters. m.

According to official data, Navalny’s income in 2012 amounted to 9 million rubles, which became known during his election campaign for the post of mayor of Moscow. In 2016, this amount was about 8.7 million rubles.

The other day, Alexei Navalny, who is tipped to be the leader of the opposition and almost the future president of Russia, registered the Anti-Corruption Foundation and began collecting legal donations.

Lord of the "hamsters"

You could say that as a politician Alexey Navalny was born on the Internet. There he started a blog, which later grew into the mega-popular online resource about corruption “RosPil”.

It would seem that it has never been a secret to anyone that in Russia there is theft and rampant corruption. But it was on this platform, trampled many times by the independent press, politicians, and even the authorities themselves, that popularity began to grow rapidly Alexei Navalny. “Respect!”, “You are doing an important job,” “It’s good that such a person exists” - the virtual wrestler was quickly elevated to a virtual pedestal by his virtual friends.

Navalny hit the target clearly - the audience was waiting for such a lone fighter who, with facts and figures, would call all the unsightly things by their true names. Virtual Robin Hood quickly assembled his own small, combat-ready online army, which, as if on command, immediately “tears” on the Internet everyone who doubts the radiance of Navalny’s image.

Navalny not the smartest of bloggers, not the bravest, he’s not even the first - before him there were sites and blogs exposing corruption (for example, Zakupki news by Alexander Malyutin. - Ed.), but it’s a blog Alexei Navalny became number one on this topic. For people familiar with political technologies and the basics of PR, it is obvious that serious efforts and, probably, funds were involved here to promote this blog, says an expert from the Center for Political Conjuncture Dmitry Abzalov.– In addition, it is not without reason to assume that initially the blog had not so much political as business goals: Navalny became a minority shareholder in many state-owned and blue-chip companies, received and partially published internal information, and also started lawsuits, in during which access was opened to documents that had not previously been made public. The Transneft company openly called these actions “industrial espionage.” Such technologies were widely used in the USA in the 80–90s and, perhaps, have reached us.

Navalny really brought horror to the hitherto “unafraid” and all-powerful structures - VTB, Sberbank, Gazprom.

Internet “hamsters” (a stable expression in relation to the Internet crowd) began to dedicate poems, websites and enthusiastic posts to Navalny throughout the vast space of the Internet. The voices of some experts who considered Navalny’s activities to be camouflaged “greenmail” (corporate blackmail) sounded quieter and more boring.

Virtuality and reality

Online Alexey Navalny received everything: the position of “mayor of Moscow” according to Internet users, maximum trust according to online polls, the delight of bloggers. But the blogosphere, by definition, is the most critical and distrustful audience, so in a bright guise Navalny not immediately, but there were spots.

A pleasant young man with a short and transparent biography is an ideal option for the role of a “Teflon politician” who is not in danger of any exposure.

– You’re probably talking about Lesha? Of course, I remember him,” the former class teacher told Interlocutor Navalny Irina Vakhrusheva. “He came from a very good family: his father was a military man, his mother worked in the administration of a large furniture company, was on the parent committee and was always worried about Lyosha, interested in all his affairs. But he gave no reason for worry: he was always smart, balanced, serious, very calm, although not always convenient for teachers - he could disagree and argue with the teacher.

Alexey Navalny grew up in a small military town near Moscow. The times were the most difficult for the army - the 90s. On the one hand, there is a prosperous family, on the other, there is widespread talk about “traitors who ruined the country.” The opposition vector was given Navalny since school days.

Navalny entered the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, after graduating from which he went to the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation to study stock exchange business. As they say, ambitious applicants enter the “Belodom” university in order to acquire useful connections from the criminal institute.

Having received two prestigious diplomas, Alexey Navalny did not pursue a career in the generally accepted sense. He was caught up in politics. He joined Yabloko, but in 2007 he was expelled from the party with the wording “for causing political damage to the party, in particular for nationalist activities.” To this day, there are videos from “early Navalny” circulating on the Internet, where he demonstrates the advantages of a fly swatter, a slipper and a pistol, which can be used to deal with a fly, a cockroach and a Caucasian, respectively.

“Believe me, I don’t have a tattoo with Hitler,” Navalny jokes about the topic of nationalism, which is inconvenient for him now, which has become a dragging burden for a federal politician, where he is aiming.

But it is known that Navalny is a participant in all “Russian Marches” without exception. Old Yabloko members tell how Navalny, when he lacked arguments, could interrupt his party colleague, an Armenian woman: “But your place is in the market!” And in 2007, during a debate at the Gogol club Navalny shot several times from a traumatic pistol at car mechanic Timur Teziev, which is why a criminal case was opened, which was closed six months later.

U Navalny there is no work history in the general sense: he does not go to the office or the workshop, but rather to rallies and marches. Almost his only official place of work was as an adviser to Governor Nikita Belykh in the Kirov region in 2009–2010. Assisting the most liberal head of the region in Russia is a good thing, but it is unlikely that Navalny himself likes to remember that period: the director of the local enterprise Kirovles accused Navalny of imposing an unprofitable contract and actually ruining the enterprise, and the head Navalny The Foundation for Supporting Initiatives of the Governor of the Kirov Region was disgraced by letters to entrepreneurs asking them to make a financial contribution.

Skeletons in the closet

A revolutionary on the Internet, in real life Navalny is a well-fed bourgeois who drove around Kirov in a gold Lamborghini, around Moscow in an Infinity, and celebrates the New Year in a country that is not the cheapest for tourist trips from Russia - Mexico.

“The Lamborghini is not mine, they let me drive it,” Alexey innocently parries the questions of Internet users.

It is known that Navalny lived in the United States for about six months, studied at Yale University and often visits the States. In America, they say, Navalny’s wife also lives most of the time.

It turns out that fighting for a just cause with proper organization can become a good business. Navalny’s project “RosPil” has already collected 5 million rubles in donations, some of which came in large contributions.

"It is clear that Navalny We've scrolled through the dough - and we need to somehow legalize this grant. But it’s not that oaky, yeah. SUDDENLY a million. In a day,” the political scientist commented on his blog Timofey Shevyakov.

Opponents Navalny they wonder how a professional fighter for truth lives and supports his wife and two children, and they wonder whose Navalny project – the USA or the Kremlin?

“The United States, of course, has a long-standing “image of the enemy,” and the Kremlin may be trying to channel the opposition under Navalny, lead it in circles, let it off steam,” says Dmitry Abzalov.

Alexey Navalny- This is the first Russian attempt to create a professional “white-gloved” politician. And so it was. But exactly until the virtual image acquired the features of a real person.

Alexey Navalny- lawyer, public and political figure. Creator and head of the anti-corruption project "RosPil".

Photo: http://www.gazeta.ru/tags/navalnyi_aleksei_anatolevich.shtml

Biography of Alexei Navalny


In 1998 Graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN). In 2001Graduated from the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation with a degree in securities and stock exchange business.

Awards and prizes

In 2009, Alexey Navalny became one of the six “persons of the year” according to the Vedomosti newspaper.

Became a laureate of the Finance magazine award in the nomination “For the protection of the rights of minority shareholders” based on the results of 2009.

Alexei Navalny's blog on LiveJournal became the winner in the category "Best blog of a politician or public figure" of the "Runet Blog 2011" competition.

In 2011, he became “Politician of the Year” according to the Vedomosti newspaper.

Personal life of Alexei Navalny

Alexey Navalny is married and has two children.

Labor and social activities

  • From 2000 to 2007 he worked in the Yabloko party. He took part in election campaigns at various levels as a lawyer for election headquarters.
  • From April 2004 to February 2007, he headed the apparatus of the Moscow regional branch of the RUDP "". He was a member of the Federal Council of the Yabloko Republican Democratic Party.
  • In 2004, he founded and became one of the leaders of the social movement “Committee for the Defense of Muscovites”.
  • In 2005, he became one of the organizers of “Political Debates” - an alternative debate project for opposition politicians.
  • In 2007, he co-founded the national democratic movement “People”.
  • In 2009, he served as adviser to the governor of the Kirov region.
  • In December 2010, he announced the creation of the RosPil Internet project to combat corruption and abuses in public procurement. The following year he created the projects “RosYama”, in 2012 - “RosVybory” and “RosZhKH”.

Criminal prosecution of Navalny

  • In 2013, Alexei Navalny was convicted under the so-called "". The oppositionist and public figure was found guilty and sentenced to 5 years in a general regime colony and a fine of 500 thousand rubles for theft of company products worth 16 million rubles. Alexey Navalny was taken into custody in the courtroom, however, the next day, at the request of the prosecutor's office, he was released on his own recognizance.
  • On February 28, 2014, the Basmanny Court of Moscow sent Alexei Navalny under house arrest until April 28. During house arrest, the oppositionist is prohibited from leaving or changing his place of registration, communicating with anyone other than relatives and lawyers, receiving parcels, using the Internet, giving comments or making any statements.

    The preventive measure for Alexei Navalny was changed during the investigation into the case of theft of funds from the Yves Rocher company, at the request of the investigators. They considered that the oppositionist had repeatedly violated the rules of being under recognizance not to leave by traveling to the territory of the Moscow region. Navalny himself stated that he was allowed to visit the Moscow region.

    On December 30, 2014, the Navalny brothers were sentenced in the Yves Rocher case. Alexey Navalny again received a suspended sentence of 3.5 years in prison. His brother Oleg, who owned a processing company that, according to investigators, unreasonably inflated prices for services, received 3.5 years in prison in a general regime colony. The brothers must also pay a fine of 4.8 million rubles.

Alexey Navalny Foundation

The Foundation is a non-profit organization founded by Alexei Navalny to fight corruption in Russia. Among the fund's projects: "RosPil" to combat corruption and abuse in the field of public procurement, "RosYama", "RosVybory", "RosZhKH", DMP and "Olympiad". Website of the Alexei Navalny Foundation: http://fbk.info/


Website: www.navalny.ru

Navalny's Twitter: https://twitter.com/navalny

Blog in LiveJournal: navalny.livejournal.com