Y rx graph. Function y =kx2, its properties and graph. Stage III. Application of knowledge and skills

Lesson 1 .

Function y=kh and her schedule.

Mathematics teacher at school No. 92

Pavlovskaya Nina Mikhailovna

  • systematize and develop students’ knowledge

on the topic function, domain of definition of a function,

function graph;

  • introduce the concept of direct proportionality;
  • develop the ability to build and read a graph

function given by the formula y = kx;

  • learn to determine:

- position of the graph on the coordinate plane,

- belonging of a given point to a graph;

  • learn how to graph a straight line using a formula


  • promote the development of cognitive interest


  • encourage students to self- and mutually control,

cause them the need to justify their


Lesson objectives:

Warm up.

1. According to the graph of air temperature changes during the day, find the temperature value at 6:00, 12:00, 18:00 .

2. What is the range of permissible values ​​of a variable algebraic fraction called?

3. Find the acceptable values ​​of the variable for the fraction:

0 k A function of the form y = kх is called direct proportionality, where x is a variable, k is an angular coefficient. Construct graphs of functions: y Properties: 8 7 a) y = 2x; b) y = - 3x. 1. Domain of definition 6 5 2. The graph is a straight line passing through the origin. 4 II I 3 2 3. If k 0, the graph passes through the first and third quarters and forms an acute angle with the positive direction of the x-axis. 1 -3 -2 -1 3 2 1 x -4 O -1 -2 III IV -3 4 . If k -4 -5 -6 -7 -8" width="640"

y = 2x

y = -3x



Function of the form y = khx is called direct proportionality, where X – variable, k – angular coefficient.

Build graphs

functions :


Properties :



a) y = 2x; b) y = - 3x.

1. Scope of definition



2. The graph is a straight line passing through the origin.






3. If k 0, the graph passes through the first and third quarters and forms an acute angle with the positive direction of the x-axis.
















4 . If k






1 graph stretches along the y-axis. 2. If |k| along the x-axis." width="640"

Construct graphs of functions in the same coordinate system. Find the peculiarity of the arrangement of the graphs and draw a conclusion.

a) y = 5x;

b) y = - 4x;

d) y = – 0.5x.

c) y = 0.2x;


  • If |k|1 the graph is stretched

along the y axis.

2. If |k|

along the x axis.

Using the graph, determine the type of function and define it with a formula, and also give it a characteristic.



a) y = 0.5x



b) y = x



c) y = 2x

d) y = - 2x

e) y = - x

e) y = - 0.5x

Solve from textbook

  • Orally: No. 490, 491.
  • In writing: No. 493, 494(a,c), 495(a,c)

Summing up the lesson:

  • What is the graph of a function y = khx ?
  • What is the slope of a line called? y = khx ?
  • In which coordinate quarters is the graph of the function located? y = khx at k 0, at k 0?

Write down your homework:

paragraph 6.1, 6.2 of the textbook,

494(b, d), 495(b, d), 496.

644 – optional.

Lesson topic: Function y =k x 2 , its properties and graph .

The purpose of the lesson: generalize and systematize knowledge about the quadratic function, its properties and graph

Educational objectives:

    consolidate the basic properties of the quadratic function y =kx 2 and its graph using computer modeling and an interactive whiteboard.

    solving mathematical problems using several methods and methods, identifying the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

Developmental tasks

    development of students' communication abilities,

    development of intellectual and research culture of students,

    development of skills in computer modeling and working on an interactive whiteboard

Educational tasks:

    develop respect for other people's opinions

    serious and responsible attitude to educational work.

Lesson type: lesson presentation, workshop.

Teaching methods: conversation, explanation, business game, demonstration, computer simulation, practical work.

Forms of organizing work with students: individual, frontal, pair (group).

Equipment: computer, multimedia projector, interactive whiteboard, regular board, graph paper, handouts: multi-level tasks, a memo with the requirements for performing practical work.

Software: presentation prepared V Microsoft PowerPoint; Advanced Grapher 1.62 (Multifunctional program for studying mathematical functions with a convenient graphical interface. Allows you to build graphs of functions and their derivatives, find extrema of functions and roots of equations, carry out integration, obtain a table of function values ​​​​according to its formula, etc., status: freeware, copyright: SerpikSoft, website: ); interactive whiteboard software.

Lesson plan.

1. Organizational moment – ​​1-2 minutes.

2. Setting goals and objectives for the lesson – 2 min.

3. Equipment – ​​1 min.

4. Repetition of previously studied material – 10 min.

    task No. 1

    task No. 2

5. Practical work – 25 min.

    Task No. 3

    Defense of completed task No. 3

    Task No. 4

    Defense of completed task No. 4

6. Homework – 2 min.

7. Summing up the lesson. Grading – 3 min.

During the classes

Slide 1 is shown.

Stage I. Organizing time.

The teacher greets the children, notes those who are absent, checks the availability of drawing tools, handouts: task cards, graph paper, reminders.

Setting the goal and objectives of the lesson

Shown slide 2-5

Teacher. Today we will summarize and test the acquired knowledge and skills in practice, expand and systematize knowledge about the quadratic function y = kx 2 , as one of the mathematical models. Let's continue to master the capabilities of the interactive whiteboard, using a computer in our work, and consider constructing graphs of quadratic functions using it.

In real life, there are processes described by various mathematical models of the form y = f ( x ), G de f ( x ) - function. In the 7th grade we became acquainted with the linear function, in the 8th grade we began to get acquainted with another mathematical model, having studied f ( x ) quadratic function. Let's check how you learned to distinguish one model from another in the first task.

Stage II. Repetition.

Task 1. Label the graph of the function.

For each graph shown on the interactive whiteboard, find the corresponding function.

Slide 6 shown

On the interactive whiteboard, students along the chain, using the method of moving objects (names of functions) from the gallery of drawings, move the functions to the corresponding graph, while justifying their choice.

The remaining students in a notebook and two on a regular board simultaneously write functions in two columns of the table, indicating the corresponding value k And b . The work is summarized. Students carry out mutual testing (on the interactive and regular boards, in notebooks).

Classification by type of mathematical model

y = kx + b

y = kx 2

y = 3x + 2 ; k = 3 b = 2

y =3x 2 ; k = 3

y =2x ; k =2 b =0

y = - 3x 2 ; k =-3

y =2x ; k =2 b =0

y = x 2 ; k =1



Task 2. List the properties of a quadratic function.

Slide 7 shown

Teacher. In mathematics, it is important to distinguish one model from another, knowing the properties of each, and being able to use different languages ​​(verbal, symbolic, graphic) when describing these properties. In preparation for the lesson, a group of children systematized general information about the quadratic function into a table using symbolic language. On the interactive whiteboard, the function properties table is covered with a curtain. Let's remember what we know about the properties of the quadratic function.

After a frontal survey to list the properties of a quadratic function, using the curtain technique from left to right, the first column of the table opens. The guys check the table to see if all the properties have been named. Then the properties of the function are listed depending on the coefficient; during the conversation, the rows of the table are simultaneously opened - the technique of moving the curtain down.

The students' answers are heard and the results of the repetition of the properties of the quadratic function are summarized. Students exercise self-control.

Stage III. Application of knowledge and skills

Practical work

Slide 8 shown

Task No. 3. “Construct and describe the properties of a piecewise given function

Teacher. So, now we will try to put all the knowledge into practice in different ways.

You will now be divided into three groups:

Group No. 1 “programmers”» – build a graph of a function using a computer.

Group No. 2 “practices”– build a graph of a function without using a computer on graph paper.

Group No. 3 “theorists” – describe the properties of a given function.

For the children of group No. 1 (attending an elective course in IVT), a work algorithm for computer modeling is displayed on the interactive board ( Slide 9 is shown) Group No. 2 uses the memo slide 23, application No. 2) , Group No. 3 has on the table a ready-made graph of this function, completed in advance by students in the IVT elective ( slide 14 ).

The task for children in group No. 2, with below average abilities, is divided into subtasks. Weak students build a graph of only one quadratic function, stronger students build a graph of a quadratic and a linear function, advanced students complete the entire task as a whole.

The teacher checks the assignment for the students who completed the assignment first in each group. Then, as the practical work is completed, students check each other’s assignments in a chain. This way, all students' work will be checked. Those students who are experiencing difficulties turn to the teacher or the comrades of the neighboring pair for help.

Slide 10-15 is shown

Protection of completed work

Each group identifies a leader responsible for protecting the work. Students analyze the stages of constructing and describing the properties of a function. Students of group No. 2 exercise self-control by comparing their graph with the graph on the interactive whiteboard, constructed using computer modeling by students of group No. 1. Students of group No. 3 comment on the properties of the function, the graph of which is presented on the board.

During the defense, the teacher asks questions that help identify the advantages and disadvantages of each method of graphing a function:

    What is the advantage of this method of graphing a function?

    What disadvantages of this method can you name?

Protecting work done using a computer

Slide 16 shown

Advantages of the method:

    Visualization, speed of work, accuracy of construction, ease of implementation, the ability to automate verification of the result; a schedule is created not only on paper, but also in electronic form.

Disadvantages of this method:

    Computational skills are not being improved, there is no connection with theory, there is no availability of hardware and software.

Slide 17 shown

Protecting work done without a computer

Advantages of the method:

    Independence from computer technology when used; development of computational skills, connection with theory.

Disadvantages of this method:

    The work takes a long time, there is no precision in the construction, it is impossible to automate the verification of the result; The chart is created only on paper.

Task No. 4 "Solve the equationx 2 = 4 x - 4"

Slide 18 shown

Teacher. We invite you to solve the equation using two methods: graphical and analytical.

1. Graphic method - in two ways (computer modeling and without the help of a computer).

2. Method – analytical.

By analyzing the stages of graphically solving an equation, students formulate an algorithm for completing the task. Slide 19 shown

When using the analytical solution method, it is necessary to remember the formula for the square of the difference of two expressions.

The graphical solution method can be presented in two ways using computer modeling and traditionally.

The task is performed by students of groups No. 1-3 according to the same scheme as when performing practical work of task No. 3. Students complete the task and compare the result.

Protection of completed work.

A group of guys working at a computer demonstrate the result of their work using a multimedia projector on an interactive whiteboard, indicating the point of intersection of the function graphs and signing its coordinates. Group of students No. 3 - “theorists”, the decision is made on a regular board. Group of students No. 3 – “practitioners”, check the results with the interactive board.

Slide 20 shown

Teacher gives a task compare the results. Determine in your opinion a more effective method.

Stage IV. Homework.

Slide 21 shown

Teacher. In class you worked in groups, in pairs, doing one task together. At home you will have to do practical work based on your abilities. The task is differentiated by difficulty levels ( slide 22 - Appendix 2, slide 23 ). A slide with instructions for completing the work is shown on the board.

Stage V. Summing up the lesson. Grading.

Slide 24 shown

Today we have summarized and systematized knowledge on the topic “Function y = x 2, its properties and graph” using computer modeling and an interactive whiteboard, examined the solution of a mathematical problem in several ways, and found out the advantages and disadvantages of each method. For you, a more universal method turned out to be the use of mathematical modeling. However, the choice of a specific method also depends on the goals that we set when solving a particular problem. Different mathematical problems give us the opportunity to apply different techniques, methods and methods for specific practical problems. And you have the right to choose those that will be more suitable under the given conditions. In the next lesson, we move on to getting acquainted with a new mathematical model, replenishing the stock of functions being studied. All the knowledge and skills gained from constructing function graphs in two ways will help you in your future work. Thanks everyone for your work.


    Magazine "Mathematics at School", No. 10, 2008

    Journal "Informatics and Education", No. 10, 2008.

    A.G. Mordkovich. Algebra 8th grade. Part 1. Textbook. M.: Mnemosyne, 2005.

    A.G. Mordkovich. Algebra 8th grade. Part 2. Problem book. M.: Mnemosyne, 2005.

    L.A.Alexandrova. Algebra 8th grade. Independent works / ed. A.G. Mordkovich. M.: Mnemosyne, 2006.

    A.G. Mordkovich. Algebra 7-9. Methodological manual for teachers. M.: Mnemosyne, 2000.

Annex 1


1. How to graph a function.

    Create a table of values.

    Construct points on the coordinate plane.

    Connect the points with a smooth line.

    Label the graph of the function.

2. How to find the value of a function f (x ) on schedule.

    Find the corresponding value of the variable on the x-axis.

    Draw a perpendicular to the graph of the function and fix a point on it.

    From this point, draw a perpendicular to the ordinate axis.

    Axis intersection point at – and is the value of the function f ( x ).

3. How to check whether a point belongs to the graph of a function.

    Find the value of the function from the abscissa of the point.

    Compare the result with the ordinate of the point.

    If the values ​​coincide, the point belongs to the graph of the function.

Appendix 2

Practical work

Option A

1. Graph the function y = 2 X 2

a) meaning at at x = -1; 2; 1/2

b) value X , if y = -8

V) y max. And y name on the segment [-1; 2]

3. Does point A (-5; 50) belong to the graph of the function?

Option B

1. Graph the function y = - 0.5 X 2

2. For this function, find:

a) meaning at at x = -2; 0; 3

b) value X if y = - 8

V) y max. And y name on the segment [- 4; 0]

3. Does point A belong to the graph of the function (-10; - 50)

Option C

1. Graph the function y = 3/2 X 2

2. For this function, find:

a) meaning at at x = 2; 1; 2/ 3

b) value X if y = 6

V) y max. And y name on the segment [- 2; 1]

3. Does point A (-8;- 96) belong to the graph of the function?

Linear function called a function of the form y = kx + b, defined on the set of all real numbers. Here k– slope (real number), b free term (real number), x– independent variable.

In the special case, if k = 0, we obtain a constant function y = b, the graph of which is a straight line parallel to the Ox axis passing through the point with coordinates (0; b).

If b = 0, then we get the function y = kx, which is direct proportionality.

bsegment length, which is cut off by a straight line along the Oy axis, counting from the origin.

Geometric meaning of the coefficient ktilt angle straight to the positive direction of the Ox axis, considered counterclockwise.

Properties of a linear function:

1) The domain of definition of a linear function is the entire real axis;

2) If k ≠ 0, then the range of values ​​of the linear function is the entire real axis. If k = 0, then the range of values ​​of the linear function consists of the number b;

3) Evenness and oddness of a linear function depend on the values ​​of the coefficients k And b.

a) b ≠ 0, k = 0, hence, y = b – even;

b) b = 0, k ≠ 0, hence y = kx – odd;

c) b ≠ 0, k ≠ 0, hence y = kx + b – function of general form;

d) b = 0, k = 0, hence y = 0 – both even and odd functions.

4) A linear function does not have the property of periodicity;

5) Intersection points with coordinate axes:

Ox: y = kx + b = 0, x = -b/k, hence (-b/k; 0)– point of intersection with the abscissa axis.

Oy: y = 0k + b = b, hence (0; b)– point of intersection with the ordinate axis.

Note: If b = 0 And k = 0, then the function y = 0 goes to zero for any value of the variable X. If b ≠ 0 And k = 0, then the function y = b does not vanish for any value of the variable X.

6) The intervals of constancy of sign depend on the coefficient k.

a) k > 0; kx + b > 0, kx > -b, x > -b/k.

y = kx + b– positive when x from (-b/k; +∞),

y = kx + b– negative when x from (-∞; -b/k).

b) k< 0; kx + b < 0, kx < -b, x < -b/k.

y = kx + b– positive when x from (-∞; -b/k),

y = kx + b– negative when x from (-b/k; +∞).

c) k = 0, b > 0; y = kx + b positive over the entire definition range,

k = 0, b< 0; y = kx + b negative throughout the entire range of definition.

7) The intervals of monotonicity of a linear function depend on the coefficient k.

k > 0, hence y = kx + b increases throughout the entire domain of definition,

k< 0 , hence y = kx + b decreases over the entire domain of definition.

8) The graph of a linear function is a straight line. To construct a straight line, it is enough to know two points. The position of the straight line on the coordinate plane depends on the values ​​of the coefficients k And b. Below is a table that clearly illustrates this.

The linear function y = kx + m when m = 0 takes the form y = kx. In this case, you can notice that:

  1. If x = 0, then y = 0. Therefore, the graph of the linear function y = kx passes through the origin, regardless of the value of k.
  2. If x = 1, then y = k.

Let's consider different values ​​of k, and how y changes from this.

If k is positive (k > 0), then the straight line (the graph of the function), passing through the origin, will lie in the I and III coordinate quarters. After all, with positive k, when x is positive, then y will also be positive. And when x is negative, y will also be negative. For example, for the function y = 2x, if x = 0.5, then y = 1; if x = –0.5, then y = –1.

Now, assuming k is positive, consider three different linear equations. Let these be: y = 0.5x and y = 2x and y = 3x. How does the value of y change for the same x? Obviously it increases with k: the larger k, the larger y. This means that the straight line (function graph) with a larger value of k will have a larger angle between the x-axis (abscissa axis) and the function graph. Thus, the angle at which the straight axis intersects the x axis depends on k, and hence k is spoken of as slope of linear function.

Now let's study the situation when k x is positive, then y will be negative; and vice versa: if x y > 0. Thus, the graph of the function y = kx for at k

Suppose there are linear equations y = –0.5x, y = –2x, y = –3x. For x = 1 we get y = –0.5, y = –2, y = –3. For x = 2 we get y = –1, y = –2, y = –6. Thus, the larger k, the larger y if x is positive.

However, if x = –1, then y = 0.5, y = 2, y = 3. For x = –2 we get y = 1, y = 4, y = 6. Here, as the value of k decreases, y at x increases

Graph of the function at k

Graphs of functions of the type y = kx + m differ from graphs y = km only in a parallel shift.

Linear function

Linear function is a function that can be specified by the formula y = kx + b,

where x is the independent variable, k and b are some numbers.

The graph of a linear function is a straight line.

The number k is called slope of a straight line– graph of the function y = kx + b.

If k > 0, then the angle of inclination of the straight line y = kx + b to the axis X spicy; if k< 0, то этот угол тупой.

If the slopes of the lines that are graphs of two linear functions are different, then these lines intersect. And if the angular coefficients are the same, then the lines are parallel.

Graph of a function y =kx +b, where k ≠ 0, is a line parallel to the line y = kx.

Direct proportionality.

Direct proportionality is a function that can be specified by the formula y = kx, where x is an independent variable, k is a non-zero number. The number k is called coefficient of direct proportionality.

The graph of direct proportionality is a straight line passing through the origin of coordinates (see figure).

Direct proportionality is a special case of a linear function.

Function propertiesy =kx:

Inverse proportionality

Inverse proportionality is called a function that can be specified by the formula:

y = -

Where x is the independent variable, and k– a non-zero number.

The graph of inverse proportionality is a curve called hyperbole(see picture).

For a curve that is the graph of this function, the axis x And y act as asymptotes. Asymptote- this is the straight line to which the points of the curve approach as they move away to infinity.

Function properties
y = -: