The Makosh amulet is a gift from the Slavic goddess. Slavic amulet Makosh with your own hands - protect your family from harm Makosh embroidery meaning

The goddess Makosh was the only female representative in the mythology of the Slavs. By order of the Kyiv prince, her image was installed on the temple. embroidered on clothes, and the great deity was asked to protect family and loved ones.

In Slavic myths, Makosh is described as a woman with disproportionately long arms. She connected her life with needlework, often sitting at a spinning wheel or embroidering. The woman was hardworking. She did not sleep at night, sitting in the corner of the house and spinning or weaving. As a sacrifice, they gave her yarn, throwing it into a well. This is a small piece of information that has reached our times, thanks to which Makosh began to be considered the patroness of crafts.

There were signs that the Slavs believed in and tried not to violate the rules that existed at that time. You cannot do needlework on Fridays; on this day of the week the goddess was revered. If a girl began to sew, knit or spin, her hands quickly became wounded and pricked with needles. It was believed that this was a punishment for misbehavior.

The Makosh amulet is usually given to economical women who love embroidery and other needlework.

Makosh - Perun's wife

There is an opinion that the husband of the goddess was the great god Perun. Makosh played a big role in the creation of the world. According to another version, she opposed Perun and was a significant character in the times before the adoption of Christianity.

The Makosh amulet was especially revered by girls. According to the Slavs, he brought additions to the family and made fate favorable.

It is believed that the Deity appeared in Mordovia, since its name is similar to the name of the Moksha people living there.

Magic amulet Makosh

Makosh was one of the goddesses revered by the Slavs. The amount of harvest largely depended on it. They prayed to her that the land would be fertile and that natural elements would not cause damage.

Embroidery on clothes with the image of this deity was very popular among the Slavs. Now Makosh is also revered; you can find embroidery with her image. Many girls are sure that it will save them from troubles and misfortunes.

It is possible to use such a symbol to protect the hearth. The goddess will bring harmony and mutual understanding to the house. The relationship between the spouses will become peaceful and reliable, the children will grow up in a friendly, close-knit family.

Makosh is also popular among farmers. She helped to harvest good harvests every year.

Symbol meaning

The meaning of the amulet has been interpreted in different ways. They were used mainly by women rather than men. This was explained by the fact that women keep the family hearth; they are responsible for harmony and tranquility in the family.

The Makosh amulet was often embroidered on the clothes of little girls. As they grew up, girls tried to wear clothes with the face of a deity; this could speed up their marriage and promised a friendly and happy family. The guardian of family happiness, Makosh was one of the Slavic goddesses revered by married women. The amulet helped to bear and give birth to healthy offspring, could facilitate childbirth, help achieve mutual understanding in the family and resolve disagreements.

The atmosphere in the family where the symbol is present is friendly, the people are good-natured and hospitable.

Amulet Makosh as a gift

More and more often, people receive mystical gifts as gifts. This is a good gift, since in the modern world a person is surrounded by a lot of negativity that can have a bad effect on health. Makosh amulet protects the owner, changing his life.

If a young girl becomes, she will soon arrange her personal life. Her family will be strong and friendly. The amulet will also help you soon have offspring.

With the help of Mokosh's amulet, you can activate or enhance psychic abilities. The goddess will help develop intuition and perform magical rituals. Having carefully studied the amulet, you can understand its essence and count on constant magical help.

Rules for embroidering a symbol

Embroidery will not take much time and effort. Even an inexperienced needlewoman can cope with this work in a short time.

The greatest effect can be obtained from a talisman made of silver. This should be kept in mind when making a symbol.

If you want to make it yourself, follow the recommendations:

  • A special time is chosen for embroidery. It is better to do this on a waxing or full moon;
  • The mood should be high. The Goddess has a negative attitude towards psychologically weak people who are tired of life. Forget your worries and get to work;
  • A picture of the deity is embroidered. The talisman should depict the head of Makosh.

The embroidered talisman is filled only with your energy, which will significantly enhance its protective properties.


When doing embroidery, you need to follow the rules. Knots should not be tied and threads should not be cut with scissors.

To make an item effective, say magic words when creating it. They should be addressed to the deity with a request to help you in all your endeavors and bring good luck.

A man turns to the goddess with a request to fulfill his innermost desire. It will not only save you from misfortune and misfortune, but will also significantly influence your life, making positive changes in it. When turning to Makosh for help, a woman herself must make certain promises to her. When creating an object, the thread should be smooth and the design beautiful and neat.

Allow enough time to create the symbol. The environment around should be calm, nothing should distract the needlewoman while working. For many people, embroidery is a favorite hobby. It is often performed while music is playing in the background or while watching TV. When creating a Mokosh amulet, create silence around. You need to concentrate and try to establish contact with the Slavic deity.

Try to ignore everything that is happening; it is better not to answer phone calls at these moments. Incorrect behavior can be reflected in the energy component of the item, which in the future will significantly weaken its protection.

When doing embroidery, pay attention to the correct combination of colors. The background should be green or white.

If you decide to embroider the background in white, decorate the frame in green. Ears of corn will have a good effect on his strength. The symbol is embroidered with red, green or yellow threads.

It is not prohibited to use black threads when designing a symbol, but it is better to avoid white colors.

After completing the work, sprinkle the amulet with water from the spring. You can attach it in a visible place in your home or attach it to your clothing to keep it with you at all times.

Rules of care

Each such amulet requires a reverent attitude towards oneself and periodic cleansing. Since Makosh was considered the protector of all water sources, water from a well or stream is well suited for cleansing the amulet.

There are no specific time frames in which a person needs to cleanse a symbol; this is done as it accumulates negative energy. It is believed that the owner of the amulet will understand when the cleansing should be carried out.

The cleansing ritual involves passing through three elements - water, fire and air. Initially, the fabric with the embroidered amulet is washed. It is better to use regular soap for these purposes. It is forbidden to wash the amulet in a washing machine; this will not allow it to get rid of accumulated negativity. It is dried in the open air or near a fire.

If your amulet is presented in the form of a pendant, you need to hold it under running water and then put it out to dry in the sun.

If the amulet is cracked or the design has unraveled, it means it has served you well and it’s time to say goodbye to it. He won't be able to protect you anymore. It is better for people not to store a damaged amulet in their home; it is advisable to get rid of it as soon as possible. To do this, bury it in the ground, release it to float down the river, or burn it.

Try not to lose your amulet or leave it unattended. Unscrupulous people can use it to cause harm, since amulets store the energy of their owner. In such a situation, both your life and the life of the new owner can change for the worse. It is quite difficult to overcome the troubles that arise.

Combinations of amulets

Sometimes a talisman can be created even more effective by correctly combining it with any amulets. Often used together with the Makosh amulet. This is such a powerful female protector who personifies the phases of the moon.

Will make the life of its owner more eventful and interesting. It will bring health and luck, provide increased attention from men, and make a woman popular and in demand.

The protection of such a talisman is so strong that it extends to children. They get sick less often, can boast and constantly please their parents.

These two amulets combine perfectly, enhancing each other's properties. If you want to start your own family and offspring, be sure to start creating a magical amulet.

Lunnitsa makes the Makosh amulet several times stronger and more effective; happiness will last not just a few days, but for many years. For children, this combination of amulets is especially important, since in the process of growth and development they are constantly faced with troubles and unpleasant situations, which the amulet will help them survive. One of the conditions for the action of talismans is sincere belief in their power.

Anyone who believes in ancient Slavic mythology needs to keep this amulet with them. The Makosh amulet guarantees long-awaited positive changes in life.

History is rich in examples of how a woman protected her family and loved ones with the help of special magical objects. The Makosh amulet came from Slavic traditions, and therefore has a special energy close to us. It got its name from the goddess of magic and sorcery.

According to legend, Makosh was the wife of Veles. The Slavic goddess protected all women who were engaged in needlework. The syllable “Ma” denotes the image of a mother, “cat” is a synthesis of several, in particular, a purse or purse.

In this article:

Why do you need the Makosh amulet?

The Makosh amulet has amazing power that can nourish female energy so that she can work better, be more inspired and develop her talents. It is also believed that it is a symbol of intuition, allowing you to make the right decisions in everyday life. The amulet is able to strengthen basic instincts, which allows a woman to better understand where the truth is and where the lie is.

In ancient Slavic times, a woman was considered a more perfect creature, capable of giving life and taking it away. This multi-vector nature influenced the graphic representation of the amulet.

The image of the amulet contains a symbol of a crossroads as a constant choice between worlds. Diamonds are signs of different worlds. If a common frame is used as a border for the sign, then this depicts a rectilinear male world. Both the sign itself and the image of the goddess, made with a cross, were used in embroidery.

Usually the amulet is used in combination with other symbols, but it is unacceptable to place it on military clothing. Such a magical object is capable of:

  1. Heal from diseases, including chronic ones.
  2. Improve mutual understanding in the family.
  3. Reduce the number of quarrels in the house.
  4. Increase family income.
  5. Open up opportunities for development for all family members.

How to make such a talisman with your own hands?

Before you start creating a talisman, it is worth finding out when the favorable day will be for this.

  • It is best to start what you have planned on the 1st, 10th and 14th lunar day. They will help enhance the energy of the plan. In the process of work, the desired results for the family (health, success, financial well-being, etc.) must be discussed.
  • If there are problems in the family or loved ones are often sick, then a talisman for them should be created on the waning moon, but not on lunar days 29-31, when negative energy intensifies.

The Makosh amulet should only be created by a woman. It is usually customary to do embroidery on clothes or other household items. The cross stitch pattern is quite simple. It is customary to begin work after sunset in a room where there will be no other people. You should turn off the TV, computer and other devices that may produce extraneous sounds.

Until the embroidery is finished, no one should see it. If the period of the waxing moon ends before the embroidery finishes, then you should wait for a new favorable stage.

If a woman is sick or in a very bad mood, work on the amulet should be postponed. The reason for giving up needlework is also “critical days”.

If the hoop falls while embroidering, work must be stopped and continued another time. There is a deterioration in the general condition while the ritual object is being created. This means that the woman’s thoughts are not pure enough. You should get rid of bad mood and bad thoughts.

Every time before starting work, you need to turn to “Ma”. If possible, this treatment is repeated during the embroidery process. The words are:

“Great Makosh! Bless with your light my hands for useful deeds! Help me in my endeavors! Give a spark of joy and satisfaction! I ask you to save me and my loved ones (names can be listed) from illness, despondency and laziness! Give us strength, Makosh!”

Technical details of amulet embroidery and patterns

To make it easier to create embroidery, markings are made on the fabric with a special pencil, which leaves no marks after washing. The canvas can be divided in advance into quadrants measuring 10 × 10 cells, which are used as a basis in the diagrams.

When creating a talisman, no knots should be formed, Therefore, you need to use a pair of threads for better fastening. If there is a tangle of threads during work, you need to remove everything and start the embroidery element again.

It is necessary to embroider the elements of the amulet from left to right. Hide the finishing threads behind the existing crosses on the back. When embroidering, you should not use scissors or other metal devices, as they can take away positive energy. If a person masters the technique of double-sided cross stitch, then this greatly enhances the magical properties of the created object.

After finishing work, rinse the canvas in cool water. It is recommended to dry between two towels (preferably linen).

How to use Makosh correctly?

Makosh can be on a towel, clothes, shirt, pillow, and also placed in modern accessories - a purse, a bookmark. For newborns, a doll can be made with a talisman on its clothes. It is appropriate to make a picture or mat. It is important that this amulet be washed periodically. After all, the Makosh amulet should attract good energy with its color.

It is not necessary for the symbol to have contact with the one who created it or for whom it was embroidered. It is enough for him to be in the house.

How to maintain the power of the amulet?

In order to preserve the magical power of the talisman, you need to update it on time. Over time, frayed threads lead to the disappearance of some crosses. If some kind of dirt or liquid gets on a magical object that cannot be removed, it should be buried. In case of loss, be sure to restore the analogue as quickly as possible.

Water, fire and air add energy to this amazing symbol. It is better to use three elements at once: wash in a pond with running water or holy water, dry in the air and then carry over a flame of fire - you can do it over a fire or over a wax candle.

Those who acquire such a talisman for the first time will very quickly notice how their lives will change for the better, and unprecedented strength will appear for new things.

The day turned out to be warm today. The sun is shining, warming the earth, and making the sky happy with azure. A cheerful girlish hubbub can be heard in the yard. Beauties from all corners of the village gathered. They decided to test their skills and organize a competition to see who could weave the most beautiful fabric. But this is not envy at all, beauties know that it is not proper for a good Slav to envy his neighbor. That’s why the girlfriends don’t quarrel with each other, don’t wish harm, and encourage each other to work. Their agreement is that whoever wins will be the first to get married, and getting married is a passion, as everyone wants. So the craftswomen try, they lovingly pick the threads with their fingers and weave different, but bright, patterns.

To make the work go faster and more fun, someone in the crowd started a song. A high-pitched and ringing voice spread throughout the area. Others echo her. This is an old song, her mother and grandmothers sang it when they were girls. The song says that the girls are craftsmen, and they weave fabrics, just like the goddess Makosh. And the thread is not a thread at all, but human fate.

The old people have warmed themselves in the sun, they smile at their thoughts and listen to the song. Time flows inexorably like a stormy river, once upon a time, that’s how they sang, played and started all sorts of fun. Much water has passed under the bridge, they have grown old and become completely ill, but they remember this song, and they also remember Makosh the goddess. It is fate that a thin thread shines in her hands and fits into a wonderful pattern. Time - the river has no power over the handicraft of the goddess, and over this song. The weaver girls sing it today, and others will sing it tomorrow.

Slavic protective embroidery, like any other, has many specific conventions and rules. When performing, not only the quality and texture of the threads, but also the working time should be taken into account.

The ancient Slavs paid great attention to the color of embroidery. The amulet for the younger generation has always been red, for women - red or black, for men - green or blue. In the old days, embroidery was made using high-quality wool and raw silk, dyed red, almost scarlet. According to our distant ancestors, threads made of cotton perfectly protected against damage and the evil eye, silk helped to maintain clear thinking and solve complex issues, and wool protected people faced with evil.

Since ancient times, the goddess Makosh was considered the patroness of housekeeping and handicrafts. The amulet with an embroidered mistress of the hearth gave its owner the ability to quickly resolve household affairs and revealed both culinary abilities and talent for needlework. This is probably why this amulet is so popular among modern craftswomen.

There are no strict rules in making this embroidery. Makosh is embroidered on a green background. If this shade as the main one does not particularly attract you, try to add at least a green pattern or a green frame. As a last resort, protective embroidery can be decorated with green crosses in the background.

Preparatory stage

Makosh embroidery today does not require any special preparations. That is, it is not at all necessary to wait for the tenth or fourteenth lunar day.

You need to prepare the following “ingredients”:

  • green canvas;
  • yellow threads.

Let's get started

The embroidery pattern is quite simple and is freely available. The scheme is selected depending on the taste preferences and capabilities of the craftswoman.

The next stage is marking the canvas. To do this you will need a marker or basting. Mark squares measuring 10 by 10. This is necessary for convenience: you will not be mistaken with the number of crosses needed and will be able to work from anywhere.

An important point: if you are a beginner embroiderer, the ideal pattern for you is the goddess Makosh in the middle of the picture. Around it you can add elements that come to your heart - spikelets, flowers or birds. Thus, you will receive not only the correct, but also a very beautiful amulet.

In order to embroider a talisman, it is important to remember the following:

  • the needle should not be thick. If you have a choice, pay attention to numbers 24 and 26;
  • the embroidery will turn out impeccable if you work with an even number of threads - two or four;
  • Canvas with holes is an ideal material for cross stitch. If you work with material with a uniform weave of threads, then there is no chance of getting tangled;
  • despite the fact that the most popular pattern is Makosh standing on the waves, it is best to embroider a talisman with a sown field or a goddess standing on the ground.


The principle of embroidering the goddess Makosh involves embroidering crosses one after another. The pattern is first filled with half-crosses, and then the craftswoman sews in the opposite direction, covering them.
A scheme with a goddess depicted between two ears of corn would be the optimal solution. It is recommended to start work from the inner, brightest part. Cross stitching includes the following steps:

  1. The head of the goddess Makosh is embroidered. If you decide to embroider with four threads, then take two pieces and fold them in half. On one side you will get a neat loop, on the other - two cute “tails”. Both “tails” must be threaded through a needle. Next, thread it on the “face” of your work under the threads of the central cross;
  2. The result will be a small loop. Thread a needle through it and tighten the thread;

  3. Considering that the amulet is embroidered from top to bottom, the needle must be inserted into the top hole and brought out to the wrong side;
  4. From the wrong side, the needle is inserted into the bottom hole, after which the 1st stitch is made (it is important to remember that this pattern involves a “bottom-up” technique);
  5. After this, the first “half-cross” stitch is performed (diagonally and from bottom to top);

  6. The next stage is again to work with the wrong side. To do this, you need to insert a needle into the bottom hole and sew five neat half-crosses;
  7. Having sewn the first row of embroidery, feel free to start the second. This time the amulet will be embroidered using the “top to bottom” technique;
  8. As the diagram shows, there are also five nice crosses there. Work the row in the above manner;

  9. After this, bring the needle to the “face” of the work, into the same hole that is located above the site of the previous puncture. You will end up with a vertical stitch;
  10. Close the second row and feel free to move on to the third. The diagram shows that at least three crosses must be made there;
  11. The next stage of embroidery is working with half-crosses;

  12. After the last element is completed, bring the needle to the “face” of the work strictly under the last puncture;
  13. Start working on the fourth row (from top to bottom);
  14. Having completed work on the last cross, you need to bring the needle to the “face” of the work;
  15. The diagram suggests that in the next row you will need to make one cross. After this, bring your instrument to the front side;

  16. Then you will need to make two half crosses;
  17. Bring the needle to the “face” of the work (don’t forget about the last puncture!) and follow the opposite path, closing each half-cross. First, you should close two single crosses, then – rows with three elements, then – those with five pieces each;

  18. Having closed all the crosses, bring the needle to the front side and pull the thread under 3-4 elements;
  19. Pull the thread taut and cut it as close to the design as possible.

Surely you have noticed that the head of the goddess Makosh resembles a triangle in shape. Subsequent elements of the pattern are performed according to the same principle, except that each subsequent row is doubled.


The next stage is the creation of the body of the goddess Makosh. The body shape is rhombus.

When starting to create this element, it is important to remember that you need to embroider from the longest row. Next we proceed as follows:

  1. We fasten the thread from the wrong side;
  2. We “depict” half crosses (seven pieces);
  3. After we have closed the last element, we begin to work on the top element of the diamond;
  4. We embroider five more half-crosses of the second row;
  5. After completing work on the last half-cross, we bring the needle to the “face” of the work;
  6. We close our “fifth element” and in the upper part of the work we begin to embroider rows consisting of three crosses. We proceed in the same way: first come the “opening” three elements, then the crosses of the next row;
  7. Using the “left to right” technique, we embroider the lower half-cross. Then we “depict” the top one using the “right to left” technique and return to the starting point;
  8. Before the main row, close the last element, move down (there is no need to close the long main row) and embroider the lower triangle according to the same principle as the goddess’s head.

Don't forget to turn your work over and admire the reverse side. She turned out perfect!


An important stage is considered to be embroidering the skirt of the goddess Makosh. Even if you have already mastered all the “wisdom” of embroidering triangles well, do not fail to use some tips:

  1. There is no need to change threads. The entire figure of the goddess should be monochromatic;
  2. Start working with the longest row;
  3. Embroider crosses in accordance with the diagram: on the left side of the marking you need to depict eight elements, on the right - seven.

Head trim

In order for the amulet to be complete and beautiful, you need to sheathe it correctly. To work with the lining of the goddess's head, you will need a thread of a different shade, a little darker.
So, let's get to work:


The shade of the thread should be the same as that used when working on the edging of the head.

  1. Secure the thread with a loop and bring the needle to the side with the pattern;
  2. Following the diagram, make three half-crosses;
  3. Embroider the elements in the following sequence: one cross on one line, two on the next;
  4. Make one half-cross, go down to the next row and perform two more elements;
  5. Repeat the previous “procedure”. Remember that backstitching is not necessary;
  6. Embroider until the middle of the diamond (the main, longest row), skip the first of the three crosses located under it;
  7. Following the pattern, move down;
  8. Having reached the elbow, make two half-crosses, then embroider one cross;
  9. Embroider the last half-cross and move in the upper direction according to the principle of one element in the top row, the other two in the bottom;
  10. Embroider the handle to the end, close each “cross” row and secure the thread.

After you work your second hand in exactly the same way, your amulet will be completely ready.

Several rules of protective embroidery

Working on magical objects was a real sacred act for the ancient Slavs. Taking advantage of the invaluable experience of our distant ancestors, you can make a beautiful and effective amulet. In order for the embroidery to turn out perfect, you will need to adhere to a number of rules:

  • the choice of scheme should be approached carefully. First of all, you must analyze what exactly embroidery is for. The ancient Slavs sincerely believed that the amulet was capable of not only protecting the needlewoman’s house from evil, but also attracting health, love and prosperity;
  • despite the “love” of the goddess Makosh for the green shade, choose what you like best. If you want to strictly follow Slavic traditions, then you need to choose shades of green, blue and red.
  • Like any other handicraft, the embroidery of the goddess Makosh must be done with desire.
  • It is important to remember the order while embroidering, as well as a careful attitude to the work. The Slavs kept the finished amulet in a clean and bright place.

Thread selection

According to ancient Slavic craftswomen, the type of working thread had a great influence on the amulet. So:

  • linen thread, excellent for working on solar symbols, had a calming effect on needlewomen;
  • a wool thread protected the craftswoman and her loved ones from the “evil eye”;
  • cotton thread provided stable protection from unkind people;
  • silk thread helped to attract good luck.

Wool embroidery was done on garments in the solar plexus, heart and neck areas. Using flax, craftswomen embroidered symbolic patterns. Cotton floss is considered the best option. The main condition is that all materials must be “live”, otherwise the embroidery will not work. For example, it is better not to pay attention to “dead” synthetics at all.

The basis of embroidery is not only reliable, but also accurate fastening of the thread. Remember that after the first wash, loose ends will make themselves felt. To avoid this, you need to avoid knots and “hiding” dark ends under light stitches.

Video: patroness of needlewomen, goddess Makosh

The Makosh amulet is dedicated to the goddess of Slavic mythology. This was the only female deity whose idol was installed on the temple in Kyiv by order of Prince Vladimir. Her image is closely associated with weaving, spinning, crafts and fate.

Goddess Makosh

The Makosh amulet is strongly associated with the name of this Slavic goddess even today. In folk legends and legends, its connection with weaving and spinning is clearly visible. In this she is somewhat reminiscent of Arachne.

For example, according to beliefs that were widespread in Ukraine, you should not spin on Friday. It was a day that is closely connected with her image. Therefore, it was believed that wicked women, if they began to spin on Friday, walked around pierced by needles and wounded by a spindle.

In Slavic myths, Makosh is described as a woman with long arms who spins at night in the corner of the hut. It was customary for her to sacrifice yarn. She was thrown into a well. All this information that has reached us has allowed researchers to consider Makosh as the patroness of crafts. Conduct parallels between Makosh and the Scandinavian Norns, Greek Moirai and Slavic women in labor, who spin the threads of life among all peoples. That is why it is customary to give Mokosh’s amulet to economical girls and women who love handicrafts.

Perun's wife

According to one version, Makosh was the wife of the supreme ruler. At the same time, she played one of the key roles in On the other hand, she was often brought to the forefront as the central figure of the cult of pre-Christian Rus', opposed to the “retinue” Perun.

It is not surprising that Makosh was mainly popular with women. At the same time, it was considered not only but also fertility and prosperity in general.

There is also a version that this deity came from Mordovia, since her name is similar to the name of one of the two main peoples who live there, Moksha.

Amulet Makosh

Makosh was one of the most revered Slavic goddesses. Her symbol was often embroidered on clothes, and it is still popular today. Many modern women consider the amulet to be a reliable and useful protector from all sorts of misfortunes.

It was believed that the amulet of the goddess Makosh could protect its owner from any misfortune, while bestowing family happiness. There will also be peace in the home, harmonious relationships with your spouse and relatives, and well-being for children.

It is worth noting that in addition to women, farmers also revered her. The goddess personified the fertile earth, giving life to all living things and restoring itself every spring after the dead winter season.

The meaning of the amulet

Mokosh's amulets had different meanings, but most of them were more suitable for women than for men.

In this case, it was the woman who was perceived as the guardian of creativity and the family hearth. In ancient times, her image was taken by little girls. Unmarried girls also sought to have her symbol appear on their attire, because it was believed that in this way the visit of matchmakers and subsequent family happiness could be brought closer.

Makosh is a Slavic goddess, whose amulet was also worn by married women. She could ease childbirth and settle disagreements in the house.

Despite this, many people remove her symbol.

Best gift

It is not for nothing that many today believe that an amulet in the form of the goddess Makosh is an excellent gift. A father can present it to his daughter to protect her from unkind people and other troubles.

An unmarried girl will find a groom faster, and later will be an excellent housewife if she wears this amulet without taking it off.

Among the Slavic peoples, the goddess was also considered the patroness of female witchcraft. Therefore, if you are interested in the topic of the occult or simply want to test your intuition, then such a talisman will definitely come in handy. In this case, one should more carefully study the cult, the reason for which this goddess was worshiped. Perhaps this way you will find your place in life.

How to embroider the symbol of the Slavic goddess?

The scheme of the Makosh amulet is as simple as possible; any novice craftswoman can handle it, even if she has just recently started embroidering.

It must be remembered that it is preferable if the decoration of such a talisman is made of silver. It is believed that this will achieve maximum effect.

You need to know a few rules if you decide to embroider this amulet with your own hands. Makosh herself should be embroidered. The symbol must either represent her head or be located above the image of the goddess.

It is recommended to start embroidering the Makosh amulet on the waxing moon or on the full moon. Remember that the goddess does not tolerate people who are weak in spirit, those who are tired of life. Therefore, when you get to work, you should be in an upbeat and joyful mood and forget about all your problems.

Special conspiracy

A few more rules. Mokosh embroidery and the creation of a talisman, therefore, cannot be accompanied by tying knots; it is also strictly not recommended to cut the threads with scissors. It will be good if, in the process of work, you read a conspiracy that is directly addressed to this Slavic goddess.

In it, the girl must ask to be protected in this life, to be saved from grief and suffering. At the same time, she should promise that the thread will definitely be straight, and the house will be full of happiness.

In order for you to feel the effect of the amulet constantly, you do not need to be distracted by anything during its creation. Even if you like to embroider while listening to music or watching TV, this time you will have to forget about such habits. All attention should be directed to the ancient Slavic goddess.

You can’t even be distracted by anything during the embroidery process. You should ignore all conversations that distract you, and do not answer phone calls for some time.

If you have taken up embroidering a talisman, you can find Mokosh’s patterns in this article. The main thing is to remember that the background must be white or green. In the first case, it is advised to first embroider a green frame around the entire image. It is preferable if there are ears of corn on the embroidery. The symbol itself is best embroidered with red, green or yellow threads. If you use flowers, then green threads are suitable for them.

It is recommended to sprinkle the finished amulet with ordinary spring water for consecration. Most often they are kept in a visible place at home or sewn onto clothes.

How to care for the amulet?

This unusual amulet requires special care. Like all others, it needs to be cleaned from time to time. To do this, it is best to take water from an ordinary village well or spring. After all, Makosh was also considered the patroness of all water sources on Earth.

The amulet must be cleaned periodically. Moreover, there are no specific deadlines. This must be done as soon as the amulet accumulates a critical mass of negative energy. There is a belief that the owner of such a talisman will immediately understand when he needs cleansing.

During the purification process, the amulet passes through three elements. These are air, fire and water. First, hand wash the fabric on which the amulet is embroidered. It is best to use regular laundry or baby soap. Then dry your clothes in the sun or near a fire. Remember that the fabric with the amulet cannot be machine washed. This way it will be cleansed only mechanically from external dirt, but not internally from accumulated negative energy.

If you have a pendant or other similar jewelry, then hold it under running water, and then also put it in the sun so that it dries from all the drops.

Remember that if the amulet is cracked or the embroidery on the dress comes apart, then this only means one thing. His mission is completed, he is good for nothing else. After this, it must be burned and sent down the river. As a last resort, bury it in the ground. But never leave it in the house.

Also remember that it is extremely dangerous to lose or leave a talisman so that someone else could take possession of it. In this case, misfortunes will come into the life of both the new and the old owner. Getting rid of them will not be easy at all. Just somehow please the ancient Slavic goddess. Then it will bring results.

The most powerful amulets

Makosh is certainly considered a strong amulet, but it is especially effective in combination with Lunnitsa.

This is a special symbol that is combined with other amulets to get a more powerful talisman. Lunar represents all phases of this Earth satellite, without exception. Lunnitsa is also a female talisman.

Lunnitsa is capable of bringing health, popularity among males and good luck to its owner. She will protect her children from illnesses, as well as any problems. The ancient Slavs believed that two powerful amulets, if combined together, could enhance each other's properties.

So if you dream of a family, offspring, or need protection, then Mokosh’s amulet will come in handy for you.

In combination with Lunnitsa, the amulet becomes many times stronger. For example, family happiness will ensure not for a few days, but for many years; children will grow up healthy, without worrying about enemies and troubles.

If you believe in ancient Slavic mythology, then be sure to carry this amulet with you. It will bring you fame, fortune and family well-being. It's guaranteed.