How to ask about the weather in English. Talking about the weather Weather conditions in English

Weather is the state of the atmosphere regarding heat or cold, humidity or dryness, and so on. But when learning weather vocabulary in English, it is important to remember that some have both a noun form and a verb and adjective form.

drizzle light rain
light rain light rain (diameter about 0.5 mm, with a fall speed of 2 m/s and a fall rate of no more than 1 mm h)
moderate rain moderate rain (diameter 1 mm, with a fall of 4 m/s and an amount of 4 mm h)
strong rain heavy rain (diameter about 1.5 mm with a fall of 5 m/s and an amount of 15 mm h)
heavy rain heavy rain (diameter 2 mm, fall 6 m/s, amount 40 mm h).
violent rain very heavy rain (diameter 6 mm, fall 8 m/s and amount more than 100 mm h)
rainfall precipitation
precipitation precipitation
rain falls in torrents the rain is pouring down in torrents

Examples for describing weather in English with the word rain:

Natural disasters in English

The weather is not always favorable and there are special ones to describe such situations:

earthquake earthquake
catastrophe catastrophe
tsunami tsunami
tornado/twister tornado
snowfall snowfall
eruption eruption
avalanche avalanche
flood flood
wildfire forest fire
drought drought
snowstorm blizzard

Examples in English with translation:

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Basic sentences in English about the weather

When we talk about weather in English, we use some common structures:

  1. It + be (is, will be, etc.) + (adjective) = description of the weather. For example: It is a windy day. It's stuffy air. It's rainy season. What's the weather today? – The weather is sunny.
  2. It + be ( , was, be, etc.) + a + adjective + noun (day, morning, afternoon, night, etc.). For example: It was a cold day.
  3. There is (there are) + adjective + noun (day, morning, afternoon, night, etc.). For example: There is a warm May evening.

Nouns to adjectives: By adding a “y” to the end of an English weather noun, we turn it into an adjective: wind-windy, stuff-stuffy, rain-rainy, sun-sunny, cloud-cloudy, fog-foggy, gloom -gloomy, storm-stormy, ice-icy, drizzle-drizzly, mist-misty, breeze-breezy, frost-frosty.

Let's look at another rule: It is rain (snow, hail, etc.) - incorrect.

The correct way to say this in English is:

  • It’s raining (It’s snowing) Or: The rain is falling (The snow is falling down).
  • It is a rainy day (morning/season).
  • There is heavy rain.

Phrases and expressions to describe the weather in English

About warm weather in English

To talk about warm weather in English, use the following words:

warm weather warm weather
sunny weather sunny weather
sunlit sunlit
a spell of good weather period of good weather
swimming and vacations swimming and relaxation
warmest season warm time
summer solstice summer solstice
walks on the beach walks on the beach
breeze light wind
atmosphere atmosphere
warmth warm
a heat wave heat wave
hot, dry conditions hot and dry conditions
hot and hazy weather hot and foggy weather
torrid – very hot and dry very hot and dry
cool summer nights cool summer nights
the fresh wind blows the wind blows
the grass is wet grass is wet
the earth smells of earth the earth smells like earth
It's quiet in the afternoon quiet in the afternoon

Example sentences to describe warm weather in English:

About cold inclement weather in English

English words and expressions to describe cold:

cold weather cold
chilly weather – uncomfortably cool or cold cold weather (uncomfortable from the cold)
chilly day cold day
chilly out cold (chilly)
piercing cold piercing cold
fierce cold bitter cold
icy rain freezing rain
low temperatures low temperatures
wind and weather bad weather
overcast sky, overcast/overcast weather cloudy sky, cloudy weather
bad weather/foul weather bad weather (bad weather)
glowy day gloomy (gloomy) day
inclement weather inclement weather
it is getting colder it's getting colder
bit nippy today a little frosty today

Words for a story about the sky in English with translation

The table shows English words to describe the sky:

color of the sky sky color
white clouds White clouds
storm cloud/thundercloud/swarm thundercloud
extraterrestrial space extraterrestrial space
vault vault
the luminous stars luminous stars (stars shedding light)
horizon horizon
the night sky night sky
Venus Venus
Mercury Mercury
planets, comets and meteors planets, comets and meteors
the Sun Sun
the Moon Moon
twinkling of the stars twinkling stars

English sentences with translation into Russian:

Describing windy weather in English with translation

The following English words and expressions will help describe windy weather:

windy weather windy weather
gentle wind (light wind) gentle (light breeze)
the wind blowing strongly/blustery wind raging wind
strong or hard wind/ high winds strong wind/strong winds
fierce rustling of leaves strong (violent) rustling of leaves
hurricane force hurricane force
loud and deafening loud and deafening
bleak, thin wind dull, weak wind
violent gust of wind strong gust of wind
windswept windswept (open to all winds)
boisterous frantic
brisk (fresh) fresh
movement of air air movement
fair wind favourable wind

Examples of English sentences to describe windy weather:

Description of the weather in spring in English with translation

What is the weather in spring?

What's the weather like in spring?

When spring begins, you expect good weather right away and you want to go out and wear lighter clothes. Spring is by definition the “crazy season”. Spring is alternating moments that make us think of summer, others that remind us how winter has just passed.

When spring begins, you expect good weather right away and want to go outside in light clothes. Spring is by definition a “crazy season”. Spring has alternating moments that make us think of summer, others that remind us as if winter has just passed.

Why are these strong changes in temperature? Spring is one of the four seasons of the temperate zones as well as the one that marks the transition between winter and summer. Extreme natural events become a norm: it increases variability by alternating dry seasons with rainier seasons.

Why such strong temperature changes? Spring is one of the four seasons of the temperate zones, marking the transition between winter and summer. Extreme natural events become the norm: it increases variability, alternating dry seasons with wet seasons.

But still spring is perhaps the most waited season which warms us up after the long winter grayness and throws us towards the hot summer and the long-awaited holidays. With spring, nature awakens. Winter was long, it never seemed to end.

But still, spring is perhaps the most anticipated season, which warms us up after a long winter's greyness and leads us to a hot summer and long-awaited holidays. With spring, nature wakes up. The winter was long and it seemed like it would never end.

There have been days when the sun has not even peeped out. We had fog, clouds and a lot of snow. Now everything is painted and it shines. The trees, the flowers, the animals, woke up in the first rays of the sun. The birds already build their nests before the mud dries completely.

There were days when the sun didn't even appear. We had fog, clouds and a lot of rain. Now, instead, everything is colored and shiny. Trees, flowers, animals woke up in the first rays of the sun. The birds are already building their nests before the mud is completely dry.

A nearby stream already smells of violets and frogs, now awake from hibernation, brighten up their days with their croaking. The whole forest smells of spring. The sun warms the laws. The March drizzle bathes the daisies that raise their heads on the slender stems.

The nearby stream smells of violets and frogs, now awake from hibernation and brightening up their days with croaking. The whole forest smells like spring. The sun warms the lawns. The March rain washes the daisies, which have raised their heads on thin stems.

I close my eyes and feel the heady perfume of the flowers just bloomed. I listen to the chirping of birds like a concert of flutes and violins. The young grass touches my hands. I open my eyes and see a blue sky painted with air clouds. The sun warms my skin.

I close my eyes and feel the heady aroma of newly bloomed flowers blooming. I listen to the chirping of birds, similar to a concert of flutes and violins. Young grass touches my hands. I open my eyes and see a blue sky with airy clouds. The sun warms my skin.

Description of winter weather in English with translation

Winter is not a season loved by many: the temperatures that fall, the days that are getting shorter and the weather conditions that are not always favorable create an overall feeling of dullness. The cold that grips us and makes us put our hands well in the back of our coat pockets is a constant for several months of the year.

Winter is not a favorite season for many. Temperatures that drop, days that get shorter, and weather conditions that aren't always favorable create a general feeling of confusion. The cold that grips us and forces us to warm our hands in our coat pockets is constant for several months of the year.

Many of us would like to hibernate and wake up in the spring, but unfortunately it is not possible. Yet winter also has something magical, just know how to see it. I love winter: hats, gloves, giant sweaters, colored scarves, chimneys waiting for something that you do not know, sudden changes in weather, rain, snow, cold, plaid on the couch and my cats that cheer me up with their purr.

Many of us would like to hibernate (or spend the winter in warm regions) and wake up in the spring, but, unfortunately, this is not possible. But winter also has something magical, just know how to see it. I love winter: hats, gloves, giant sweaters, colorful scarves, umbrellas, chimneys waiting for something you don't know, sudden changes in weather, rain, snow, cold, a blanket on the couch and my cats purring to encourage me.

If you live in a particularly cold area, winter is also synonymous with snow: this frozen rain that whitens the surrounding landscape also seems to muffle all sorts of sound and gives the surrounding landscape something magical and fairytale. It is rain and snow that slow down the world for a while and make the landscape surreal.

If you live in a particularly cold place, winter is also synonymous with snow: this frozen rain, which bleaches the surrounding landscape, also seems to muffle all sorts of sounds and give the surrounding landscape something magical and fairytale-like. It's rain and snow that slow down the world for a while and make the landscape surreal.

Sink into a lonely melancholy inhaling the scent of the pungent cold that inflames the cheeks. It is in this season, in fact, that Christmas is celebrated and here everything smells of ginger, hot chocolate and the family heat becomes stronger.

Immerse yourself in lonely melancholy, inhaling the smell of sharp cold that heats your cheeks. This is the season when Christmas is celebrated, and everything here smells of ginger, hot chocolate and family warmth.

You wrap yourself in a warm plaid sitting on a soft sofa and admire the lights of the city outside the window. Rain, wind and snow do not seem terrible but give the city a different appearance, perhaps more melancholic, but no less romantic. The frosty air gives us a sort of shock every morning when we leave the house as if to remind us that we are alive.

You are wrapped in a warm blanket, sitting on a soft sofa, and admiring the city lights outside the window. Rain, wind and snow do not seem so terrible, but they give the city a different look, perhaps more melancholy, but no less romantic. The frosty air hits us every morning when we leave the house, as if to remind us that we are alive.

Description of the summer weather in English with translation

Summer is the hot season. The weather is always beautiful; you just have to be careful and do not cook under the sun.

Summer is a hot season. The weather is always beautiful; you just need to be careful not to get fried in the sun.

It is rare that it rains at this time of year. But the summer rain freshens. The summer weather is often quite stable and temperatures are pleasant both inland and along the coast.

It rarely rains at this time of year. But summer rain is refreshing. Summer weather is often quite stable and temperatures are pleasant both inland and along the coast.

As soon as the summer takes over the world as a rule at the end of May or the beginning of June you can see that people go out in the sun after a long and cold winter make a barbecue in the parks or on the beach. Temperatures in the summer can reach 25 or 30 degrees and there is almost no moisture in the air. Even the nights are often hot and the temperature of the water in the sea and in the numerous inland lakes usually reaches 18 degrees or more.

Once summer takes hold of the world, usually around the end of May or beginning of June, you can see people heading out into the sun after a long and cold winter, having barbecues in parks or on the beach. Temperatures in summer can reach 25 or 30 degrees, and there is almost no moisture in the air. Even the nights are often hot, and the water temperature in the sea and in the numerous inland lakes usually reaches 18 degrees or more.

The blue sky is without clouds. A walk on the water’s edge when it’s sunset time and the beach is empty.

Blue sky without clouds. Walking along the edge of the water when it's sunset time and the beach is empty.

It's hot, very hot, you cannot breathe. The beaches are already crowded.

It's hot, very hot, you can't breathe. The beaches are already crowded.

Description of the weather in autumn in English with translation

Today is just an autumn day: I notice looking out the window of my room that the first fog has arrived. What sadness! Everything looks so gray, so dark. It is a little colder and a light rain has transformed what was a beautiful colorful carpet into a slippery mud and leaf mixture.

Today is an autumn day: looking out the window of my room, I notice that the first fog has appeared. What sadness! Everything looks so gray, so dark. It's a little colder and a light rain has turned what had been a beautiful colorful carpet into slippery mud and a mixture of leaves.

The nature now shows off its new appearance. How many colors! Infinite gradations of reddish, yellow and brown enliven the still silent landscape. The black clouds slowly fill the sky with sadness, at which point you take refuge at home, close your eyes and you start dreaming.

Nature is now showing a new look. How many flowers! Endless gradations of reddish, yellow and brown hues enliven the quiet landscape. Black clouds slowly fill the sky with sadness, and at this moment you take refuge at home, close your eyes and begin to dream.

Time passes, the leaves fall, and the rains rustle in the air. Outside, meanwhile, flocks of birds are heading south, ready to face a long journey.

Time passes, leaves fall, and rain sounds in the air. Flocks of birds are heading south, ready for a long journey.

Then night falls, even colder and chilling than the day. I like to feel the humidity in the autumn air even if it is easy to get sick; and I like this unmistakable smell of slightly rotten leaves. In short, it is a wonderful season full of surprises.

Then night comes, even colder than the day. I love feeling the moisture in the fall air, even if it makes me sick easily; and I love that unmistakable smell of slightly rotten leaves. In short, it's a wonderful season full of surprises.

A mist covers almost the whole landscape. Everything that surrounds me begins to change according to the season, the days get shorter, the frost rests on the grass, the first mists appear and the swallows migrate to the warmer countries. Autumn is a melancholy season.

Fog covers almost the entire landscape. Everything around me begins to change depending on the season, the days become shorter, frost lies on the grass, the first fogs appear, and swallows migrate to warmer countries. Autumn is a melancholy season.

Weather and climate is a topic in English that is often covered in lessons in grades 9, 10 and 11. To make it easier to master, I bring to your attention a text with translation and useful phrases that will help consolidate this topic.

The condition of the atmosphere in some area in a certain interval of time is called weather. Weather is characterized by elements and phenomena. Weather elements are the following: air temperature, humidity, pressure. There are natural phenomena as well: wind, clouds, atmospheric precipitation. Sometimes the natural phenomena have extraordinary, even catastrophic character, for example, hurricanes, thunder-storms, heavy rains, tornadoes, droughts.

Weather is characterized not only by elements and the phenomenon, but also their combinations. At an identical temperature, but at different humidity of air, with precipitations or without any precipitations, with the wind or without it weather won't be identical.

Climate influences plants, people and animals. Scientists consider that the climate is now hotter than it was a dozen centuries ago.

The climate in different parts of the world changes a little from year to year. There are some seasons existing and each season has its own characteristics. In different continents seasons have the features and are different.

Sometimes people don"t know what to talk about, especially when they have a language barrier. But you can still do a small talk based on some common easy topics, even if you know the language poorly. One of such subjects is discussing the weather .


The state of the atmosphere in a particular area during a certain period of time is called weather. Weather is characterized by natural elements and phenomena. The elements of weather are: air temperature, humidity, pressure. There are natural phenomena: wind, clouds, precipitation. Sometimes natural phenomena are extreme, even catastrophic, for example, hurricanes, thunderstorms, rainstorms, hurricanes, droughts.

Weather is characterized not only by elements and phenomena, but also by their combinations. At the same temperature, but at different air humidity, with or without precipitation, with or without wind - the weather cannot be the same.

Climate affects plants, people and animals. Scientists believe that the climate is now hotter than it was ten centuries ago.

The climate in different parts of the world varies slightly from year to year. There are several seasons, and each season has its own distinctive features. On different continents, seasons have their own characteristics and differences.

Sometimes people don't know what to talk about, especially when there is a language barrier between them. But you can still carry on a conversation based on some general, easy topics, even if you don't know the language well. One such topic is discussing the weather.

Useful expressions:

Atmosphere - atmosphere

phenomena - natural phenomena

humidity - humidity

atmospheric precipitation - atmospheric precipitation

hurricane - hurricane

thunder-storm - downpour with thunderstorm

drought - drought

to influence - to influence

a language barrier - language barrier

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Sometimes, people don’t know what they could talk about, especially if there is a language barrier between them. But there are some simple topics, which could be discussed even if you have small knowledge of the language you try to speak or culture, religion and some personal interest of your interlocutor. One of these topics is weather.

The weather is uncertain, but people learned to forecast it. We can see the forecast on TV or in the Internet. Scientists get all data from planes, ships, space stations, etc. This information doesn’t let us forget to take an umbrella or a hat, gloves and scarf to avoid a flue.

In the place where I live it’s very changeable and variable. Sometimes it’s not possible to predict the weather with no mistakes because it’s changing all time in spite of all special forecasts. It could bring cold and mist, rain and sunshine, thunder and clear sky on the same date. My city is located in European part of the country and it’s considered to be one of the most beautiful cities in Russia.

We have four seasons there. The summer isn’t too hot but so oppressively warm. Autumn brings a grand variety of rains, drafts and winds. When it starts it looks amazing: gold woods, honey grass, cozy atmosphere. But starting from the end of the October it’s getting muddy and gloomy. Winter is mild and brings a lot of snow. The spring comes with green grass and birds, which come back from the southern countries.

There are a lot of English proverbs and idioms about the weather. For example, “When two Englishmen meet, they first talk about weather”, “There is no bad weather, there are bad clothes”, “fair-weather friends”, etc. There are also many quotes of famous writers about the weather. My favorite one is quotation of M. Twain: “It is best to read the weather forecast before praying for rain.”


Sometimes people don't know what to talk about, especially if they are separated by a language barrier. But there are several conversational topics that can be discussed, even if you don't know much about the language you're trying to speak or the culture, faith, and personal interests of your interlocutor. One such topic is weather.

The weather is very variable, but people have learned to predict it. We can see her forecast on TV or on the Internet. Scientists obtain all data using airplanes, ships, space stations and much more. This information prevents us from forgetting to take an umbrella or wear a hat, gloves and scarf to avoid the flu.

Where I live, the weather is changeable and varied. Sometimes it cannot be predicted accurately because, despite special forecasts, it is constantly changing. It can bring cold and fog, rain and sun, thunder and clear cloudless skies on the same day. My city is located in the European part of the country and is considered the most beautiful city in Russia.

We have four seasons. Summer is very hot, but too stuffy. Autumn brings a huge variety of rain, drafts and winds. When she first arrives, she looks amazing: golden forests, honey grass, cozy atmosphere. But starting from the end of October it becomes dirty and cloudy. Winter is mild and brings with it a lot of snow. Spring comes with green grass and birds returning from the southern countries.

There are many English proverbs and common expressions about the weather. For example, “When two Englishmen meet, they start talking about the weather,” “There is no bad season, only inappropriate clothes,” “friends only in good weather,” and much more. There are also many well-known aphorisms about this. My favorite quote is from Mark Twain: “It’s better to read the weather forecast before you pray for rain.”

The weather

Every season is wonderful in its own way. In spring the air is refreshing, the trees are in blossom, the ground is covered with the first tender flowers. The birds start singing heavenly songs. In summer it can be really dry and sultry, there are thunders and lightnings during the heavy showers. People go sunbathing, fishing and sailing and enjoy all kinds of fruits and berries. In autumn the trees turn golden, it often rains cats and dogs and it’s quite muddy. The sky is overcast with gray clouds, sometimes it’s foggy and chilly and the days become shorter. In winter the snow covers the ground, the air is frosty, the roads are slippery. It is mainly freezing and there are periods of severe colds and heavy snowfalls. The temperature can fall down to 35 degrees below zero.

I prefer not to complain about the weather but generally I enjoy mild and calm weather with a moderate breeze. I don’t quite like damp and gloomy weather and it’s hard for me to stand windy or hot summer days with mosquitoes and flies and oppressive heat. But so many men, so many minds.

Our country is so huge and the weather is not the same in different parts of Russia. It depends on the geographical position and the type of climate. We must admit that the climate has changed much due to global warming and winters have become much warmer. It looks rather strange and disappointing when there is little snow in winter and sometimes it even sleets or drizzles.

Frankly speaking, I don’t trust our misleading weather forecasts as they don’t come true as a rule. The weather is changeable and it is a thing that is beyond us, so it’s better to keep an umbrella in your bag all the year round.

Every season is wonderful in its own way. In spring, the air is invigorating, the trees are in bloom, the ground is covered with the first delicate flowers. The birds begin to sing heavenly songs. Summer can be very dry and stuffy, with thunder and lightning occurring during rainstorms. People sunbathe, go fishing or boating and enjoy all types of fruits and berries. In autumn the trees turn golden, it often pours like buckets and is quite dirty. The sky is overcast with gray clouds, sometimes foggy and cool, and the days become shorter. In winter, snow covers the ground, the air is frosty, and the roads are slippery. It is generally cold, with periods of severe frost and heavy snowfall. Temperatures can drop to 35 degrees below zero.

I prefer not to complain about the weather, but generally I like mild and calm weather with a slight breeze. I'm not exactly a fan of wet and gloomy weather, and I have a hard time coping with windy or hot summer days with mosquitoes and flies and oppressive heat. But there are so many people, so many opinions.

Our country is so huge, and the weather is different in different parts of Russia. It depends on the geographical location and type of climate. We must recognize that the climate has changed a lot due to global warming and winters have become much warmer. It looks quite strange and sad when there is little snow in winter, and sometimes it snows or drizzles.

To be honest, I don't trust our deceptive weather forecasts because they usually don't come true. The weather is changeable and beyond our control, so it's best to keep an umbrella in your bag all year round.

Everybody knows there are four seasons in a year. They are spring, autumn, summer and winter. Of course, all seasons are nice and every season has its color: spring for example is green, summer is bright, autumn is yellow, winter is white. Every season has its advantages.
Winter lasts for three months: December, January and February. The temperature in winter is low. It is frosty, and it often snows. Rivers and lakes are frozen. Everything is white with snow and it"s a merry time for both children and grown-ups, they can go skating and sledging, but sometimes the weather is rainy and gloomy, and this is the most unpleasant time.

Winter brings us a lot of wonderful holidays: New Year's Day with its New Year Tree, brightly decorated with toys and lights, the Snowmaiden and Father Frost. We also celebrate such holidays as Christmas. I think these are the most favorite holidays of our people.
Spring begins in March and ends in May. The Sun is warm, the sky becomes blue. The air is fresh, it is full of birds" songs. The trees and the grass are green. There are a lot of beautiful flowers. How beautiful they are: snowdrops, lilies, lilies of the valley, daffodils, lilac, tulips and violets - the first spring flowers. So nature returns to life.
The three summer months are June, July, August. In summer it is hot, the sky is clear and blue. The days are long and the nights are short and warm. Summer brings us fruits and vegetables. There are a lot of beautiful flowers. It is a very good season for holidays and vacations. We can go to the sea or to the forest and have a good time there.
After a good summer rest autumn comes. September, October, November are autumn months. The weather at the beginning is still fine. It is rather warm in the day-time, but it is already cool at night. The sun is not so warm as it is in summer. Autumn is the season of harvesting. Apples, pears, grapes and other fruits are in our gardens. In October and November is already cold. It often rains.
As you can see, it "s rather difficult to say what season is the best one, because as I have already said, every season has its own advantages. But nevertheless, my favorite season is spring. And it"s no wonder because i like fresh spring air and I like beautiful spring flowers. I also like to walk along the streets in spring and watch how nature awakens from its long winter sleep and returns to life.

  • advantage - advantage;
  • grown-ups - adults;
  • snowdrop - snowdrop;
  • lilies of the valley - lilies of the valley;
  • daffodil - yellow daffodil;
  • valley - valley;
  • violet - violet.
Everyone knows that there are four seasons a year. These are spring, autumn, summer and winter. Of course, all seasons are good, and each season has its own color: spring, for example, green, summer - bright, autumn - yellow, winter - white. Each season has its advantages.
Winter lasts three months: December, January and February. Temperatures in winter are low. Often frost and snow. Rivers and lakes freeze. Everything is covered with white snow, and this is the most fun time for both children and adults, you can go ice skating and sledding, but sometimes the weather is rainy and gloomy, and this is the most unpleasant time. Winter brings us many wonderful holidays: New Year with its New Year tree, brightly decorated with toys and lights, Snow Maiden and Santa Claus. We also celebrate a holiday like Christmas. I think these are the most beloved holidays of our people.
Spring begins in March and ends in May. The sun is warm, the sky turns blue. The air is fresh, it is full of birdsong. The trees and grass are green. There are many beautiful flowers. How beautiful they are: snowdrops, lilies, lilies of the valley, daffodils, lilacs, tulips and violets - the first spring flowers. Thus, nature comes back to life.
Three summer months - June, July, August. In summer it is hot, the sky is clear and blue. The days are long and the nights are short and warm. Summer brings us fruits and vegetables. There are many beautiful flowers. This is a very good season for holidays and holidays. You can go to the sea or to the forest and have a good time there.
After a good autumn holiday, summer comes. September, October, November are autumn months. The weather is still good at the beginning. Quite warm during the day, but cool at night. The sun is not as warm as in summer. Autumn is the harvest season. Apples, pears, grapes and other fruits in our gardens. It's already cold in October and November. It rains often.
As you can see, it is quite difficult to say which season is the best, because, as I said, each season has its own advantages. But, nevertheless, my favorite season is spring. And this is not surprising, because I love the fresh spring air, and I like beautiful spring flowers. I also love walking the streets in spring and watching nature awaken from its long winter hibernation and come back to life.