Photo recipe for meat and potatoes in the oven. Potatoes with meat in the oven. Kitchen appliances and utensils

Step-by-step recipes for preparing hearty and tender stewed potatoes with meat, in the oven in a cauldron, sleeve and pots

2017-10-28 Marina Danko





In 100 grams of the finished dish

8 gr.

13 gr.


8 gr.

183 kcal.

Option 1: Classic recipe for stewed potatoes with meat in the oven

Potatoes in various forms are one of the most popular side dishes. In combination with meat, you can prepare a lot of delicious dishes from it. Stewed potatoes with meat are considered to be a classic of culinary art - a dish loved by many for its delicate taste, such potatoes literally melt in your mouth.

Previously, potatoes and meat were stewed in an oven, cauldron or clay pot. In modern cooking, thick-walled dishes, pressure cookers and multicookers are used for this. We will tell you how to deliciously cook such a dish in the oven and be the first to look at the classic recipe. There are only three main components: meat, onions and potatoes, and the result is beyond praise.


  • pork or beef (pulp on the bone) - 500 gr.;
  • half a kilo of potatoes, not too boiled;
  • two large salad onions;
  • 40 ml refined oil;
  • 0.25 spoons of freshly ground pepper in a mortar.

You will need a suitable size cauldron or thick-walled duck pot. A frying pan will not hurt; we will fry the meat in it and sauté the onions.

Step-by-step recipe for stewed potatoes with meat in the oven

Dry the piece of meat washed with cool water and cut it into small pieces. We rinse again, checking for small fragments, dry again and put in a bowl.

We clean the bulbs. Cut each one lengthwise, thinly shred it into half rings.

Place a wide, thick-walled frying pan on very “quick” heat and heat the vegetable oil in it.

Dip pieces of meat into hot fat and quickly fry. Turn over frequently so that each piece is browned on all sides.

We transfer the half-cooked meat into a small cauldron or duck pot, and lower the onion into the remaining fat. Fry over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until nicely golden brown. This may take up to seven minutes. Next, transfer the sautéed onions to the meat and add a glass of water.

Place the pan on the stove and turn on high heat. Let the meat simmer for five minutes.

Peel the potatoes. Rinse with water and cut the tubers into large teeth, place in a container with meat. Cover with a lid and simmer for three minutes.

Remove the container with potatoes from the stove, season with ground pepper, add salt. Cover loosely with a lid and place in a hot oven. Simmer until done, 40-50 minutes.

Any meat is suitable for this dish, but bone-in flesh is preferable. If you take only tenderloin, it is better if it comes from the neck, thigh or shoulder blade; in these sections the flesh is juicier. It doesn’t hurt to add a small amount of lard, then the potatoes will be more tender.

Option 2: Quick recipe for stewed potatoes with meat in the oven

For a quick recipe, young pork is preferred, and it is the pulp; it reaches readiness faster than meat on the bone. Let's cut the vegetables and meat smaller, we won't fry anything. Place the ingredients in layers in a mold and simmer with the lid tightly closed. To make the potatoes juicy, add a little water to them. The dish is complemented with carrots, but if you don’t like its sweetish taste, you can omit it.


  • half a kilo of pork;
  • three tablespoons of sunflower, frozen oil;
  • potatoes - 1.3 kg;
  • two onions;
  • large carrot.

How to quickly cook stewed potatoes with meat in the oven

Peel potatoes, onions and carrots. We wash the vegetables with water.

We cut the carrots into short strips, the potatoes into medium-sized cubes, and finely chop the onion into half rings.

Preparing the meat. The best piece for stewed potatoes is the shoulder part. After washing the pork and drying it, cut out the shoulder bone from the piece and cut the resulting fillet into small square pieces. Place in a bowl and add a little salt.

Place the potatoes in the first layer in the stewing container. We definitely add some salt, but just a little. Next comes a layer of onions and carrots. Season the vegetable layer with a small amount of freshly ground pepper and place the pork on it. Drizzle with vegetable oil, you can add a few pieces of butter.

Turn on the oven, the air in it needs to be heated to 180 degrees.

Add 100 ml of drinking water to the mold with the food, close the lid and place in a hot oven. Cook the potatoes for about 50 minutes.

If you take beef, soak it in slightly warmed milk beforehand. The meat will be softer and juicier.

Option 3: Fragrant stewed potatoes with meat in the oven in pots with mushrooms

Potatoes and mushrooms are another combination that is hard to resist. Add champignons to the potatoes and meat stewed, and the dish will sparkle in a completely new way. We will simmer in pots, which will allow us to serve the aromatic dish in portions. For a more delicate taste and piquancy, add grated cheese and sour cream. Instead of water, it is better to use any broth.


  • ten medium potato tubers;
  • 400 gram piece of pulp (pork or beef);
  • 250 gr. fresh champignons;
  • two onions;
  • 100 gr. "Russian" cheese;
  • drinking water 100 ml;
  • 150 ml sour cream, maybe mayonnaise;
  • four tablespoons of refined oil.

Step by step recipe

First, let's quickly prepare the vegetables. Wash with water, clean and rinse again under the tap. Be sure to fill the potatoes with water so that the tubers do not darken until the right moment.

Let's prepare the meat. Rinse the pulp with cool water and dry with paper towels. Place it on a board and cut the meat into small pieces. It is advisable to maintain the same size and shape.

In a frying pan, heat two tablespoons of oil well and quickly fry the pieces of pulp in it. It doesn’t take long to cook, you just need to wait for the crust to turn golden brown.

After washing the mushrooms, cut them into slices and chop the onion into quarters of rings. Fry the champignons in a frying pan using the remaining oil from the meat until lightly browned. Add the onion and cook, stirring for no more than five minutes.

Grate the cheese into a plate with large shavings.

Cut the potatoes into slices, but not too large.

Visually divide the entire mass of potatoes into three parts and place them in pots. Lightly sprinkle with salt and season with pepper.

On top, also dividing equally into three parts, place the browned meat and mushrooms on it.

Pour a little drinking water into each container, about 30 ml, and add two tablespoons of sour cream (mayonnaise). Sprinkle cheese on top and close with lids.

Place the pots on a baking sheet and place it in the middle level of a cold oven, turn on the heat. Raising the temperature to 180 degrees, simmer the potatoes in pots for 50 minutes.

Champignons can be replaced with any wild mushrooms or oyster mushrooms. If you add a little dried mushrooms soaked in water, the potatoes will be more aromatic.

Stewed potatoes in pots according to this recipe can also be prepared in the microwave. You just need to set the maximum power. The dish is prepared in the microwave quickly and tastes just as good as cooked in the oven.

Option 4: Stewed potatoes with meat in the oven in the sleeve - recipe with lamb marinated in wine

It may happen that you don’t have suitable utensils at hand. In this case, you can use a baking sleeve. The potatoes will be stewed in meat juice, which will not evaporate. Instead of water, take wine, which will give the dish a special aroma and taste. And the wine marinade will help hide the specific smell of lamb.


  • half a kilo of lamb or any other meat (pulp);
  • kilogram of potatoes;
  • two fruits of red bell pepper;
  • garlic;
  • 1/3 standard bottle of Cabernet or similar wine;
  • a sprig of fresh rosemary;
  • a spoonful of fragrant honey.

How to cook

In a small bowl, mix wine and honey. Place the container in a water bath and, stirring, wait until the honey is completely dissolved. You can do this on the stove, but be very careful, the mixture should not boil.

Crush two cloves of garlic into the warm wine marinade and stir.

We rinse a piece of pulp under the tap. After drying well, cut into large pieces, put in a bowl and pour over the marinade. It is advisable to soak lamb for at least two hours, pork for an hour, and beef for at least one and a half hours.

Cut the sweet pepper lengthwise, remove all the seeds, and rinse under running water. Cut the pulp into thin strips. Cut the peeled potato tubers into small slices.

We tie the edge of the sleeve, put the vegetables and marinated meat into the resulting bag. Pour the marinade remaining in the bowl over the ingredients.

Having tightly tied the free edge of the sleeve, shake it well several times so that all the ingredients are mixed and the marinade is distributed evenly. Place the package on a baking sheet and place in the oven for an hour. Cooking at 190 degrees.

Before placing the filled sleeve on the fryer, pay attention to its surface. If there is perforation (small holes) on one side, it should be laid with it facing up. If there are no such holes, make them yourself with a needle or toothpick. They are needed for steam to escape, and if they are not done, the package will rupture. For the same purpose, you should not overfill the sleeve; cut off immediately with a margin.

Option 5: Stewed potatoes with meat in the oven: a recipe for oriental cuisine with rice

An unusual combination of potatoes, rice and meat, typical of oriental cuisine. We will cook with beef. Pre-marinate the meat in a yogurt marinade so that it is soft and juicy. To stew, you will need a cauldron or any suitable thick-walled container.


  • veal tenderloin - 450 gr.;
  • two onions;
  • 40 gr. butter;
  • long grain rice - 450 gr.;
  • half a kilo of potatoes;
  • a quarter spoon of saffron stigmas;
  • 30 ml milk.

For the marinade

  • garlic;
  • half a spoon of cayenne pepper;
  • 480 gr. natural yogurt without flavoring additives;
  • two teaspoons of cumin;
  • half a spoonful of freshly ground coriander.

How to cook

Mix all marinade ingredients in a large bowl. Finely chop the garlic (3 cloves), but it’s better to grate it on a fine grater.

We wash the pulp in random pieces. After drying well, add to the marinade and mix. Cover with a lid and leave on the counter for two hours.

Chop the onion into half rings and fry in a deep frying pan with 1/2 of the butter until golden. Place on a plate.

In the same frying pan, melt another one and a half tablespoons of butter and quickly fry the meat, dried from the marinade, in it.

Transfer the meat from the frying pan to a small cauldron or duck pot. Add the fried onions and potato cubes, pour in the marinade in which the meat was marinated, add some salt and add water. The potatoes should be completely covered. Check the spiciness of the marinade! Sometimes cayenne pepper turns out to be so hot that it can irreparably ruin the entire dish. In this case, reduce the amount of marinade when stewing.

Place the cauldron on the stove and bring to a boil. Next, cook over low heat for about 40 minutes, until the potatoes are soft.

In a separate pan, boil the rice in salted water for 5 minutes. Place in a colander, rinse and dry well.

Pour warm milk over the saffron for 5 minutes. Turn on and preheat the oven to 160 degrees.

Place the contents of the cauldron in a heat-resistant form and evenly distribute the rice on top. add the soaked saffron stigmas along with the milk and the remaining butter.

Close the mold with a lid. If there is no suitable one, cover it with double folded foil and place it in a hot oven for half an hour. Serve the dish in a deep bowl, garnished with fresh herbs.

If you use game meat (bear meat, venison, elk or wild boar) for such dishes, keep in mind that it must be marinated for at least 24 hours. After marinating, such meat will become much juicier and more tender.

I washed the pork and cut it into neat pieces about 1.5-2 centimeters thick.

Each of them was beaten with a hammer on both sides. I put it in a bowl in which the meat will then be marinated.

I poured oil, vinegar into the meat preparations and sprinkled with spices. Mixed everything together.

I used fragrant oil, but you can use refined oil if you want. My vinegar is raspberry. But in this case, wine, balsamic, apple or regular table water (but not acid) will also work.

You can experiment with spices to suit your taste. It is better not to add salt at this stage so that the meat does not become tough.

I cut the onions into quarters of rings. If you have medium or small-sized specimens, you can make them into half rings or rings.

I put it in a bowl with the meat and marinade. Mixed well.

Covered it with a lid and left it to marinate for an hour and a half. If you are in a hurry, you can reduce the time to 30 minutes.

Then each piece of pork was removed from the marinade and rolled up.

Place the meat rolls in a baking dish, leaving space between them.

I peeled the potatoes and cut them into cubes, or you can make them into not very thick circles - whatever you like.

I put water on the fire. Once it boiled, I salted it and put the potatoes in it. Cooked for about 10 minutes (that is, until half cooked), then drained the water, throwing the potatoes into a colander.

I added pickled onions (about half) to the pork rolls. Then - potatoes. The last layer is onion. I poured the remaining marinade on top.

Green onions and fresh dill were washed, dried and finely chopped with a knife. Dressed with sour cream. This time I chose 20%, but you can use from 10% to 35% or cream. Added salt.

Mixed it up.

The top of the potato and meat casserole was greased with the resulting mass.

Bake at about 200 degrees for about 50 minutes.

If the top will brown too much, cover it with foil or parchment paper.

I let the casserole cool in the pan for about 10 minutes, and then put it in portions on plates.

Very tasty and filling! Bon appetit!

- this dish can hardly be called dietary, but in terms of deliciousness, nutritional value and ease of preparation, it probably has no equal. It’s very convenient to cook potatoes with meat in the oven when a large company gathers and you don’t have time to bother with portioned dishes.

It is better to devote this time to preparing salads and snacks. For example, it can be cooked by everyone and always goes with a bang, for the sake of variety it can be made with shrimp or simple, but very tasty and spicy.

To cook potatoes with meat in the oven, you can take the pulp of either pork or beef. This time I had pork ham. For spices, in addition to the traditional pepper and salt, I used a barbecue spice mixture, a potato mixture, thyme and shamballa (fenugreek). You are free to choose the spices to your liking or just limit yourself to just pepper and salt.

To prevent the potatoes and meat from turning out too greasy in the oven, I mixed mayonnaise with sour cream. You can also limit yourself to one mayonnaise mixed with low-fat kefir or fermented baked milk.

Potatoes with meat in the oven

  • meat (pulp) - 500 grams;
  • onion - 1-2 pieces;
  • tomatoes - 2 pieces;
  • garlic - 3-4 cloves;
  • potatoes - 5-6 tubers;
  • sour cream and mayonnaise - 2 tablespoons each;
  • pepper and salt - to taste;
  • spices - to taste;
  • vegetable oil for greasing the baking sheet.

Baked potatoes with meat in the oven

So, let's start cooking.
  1. First of all, turn on the oven to heat up to 200°C.
  2. Next, let's take care of the meat. Rinse it under cold running water and cut it into small pieces.
  3. Transfer the meat to a separate bowl, sprinkle with spices and mix with your hands, distributing the spices evenly.
  4. Add 1 tablespoon of mayonnaise and the same amount of sour cream to the meat. Mix everything and place on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil.
  5. Next, onions. We clean it, cut it into thin half rings and place it on top of the meat.
  6. Tomatoes. If you cut them into circles, it is better to remove the skin; if you cut them into small cubes, then the skin will not interfere with the finished dish. For me, the skin came off on its own when defrosting in hot water. Place tomatoes on top of onions.
  7. Well, the last layer is potatoes. Peel and cut into thin slices 2-3 ml thick. If you like larger potatoes, it is better to blanch them in boiling water before baking.
  8. We transfer the potatoes into a separate bowl and do the same as with meat - add spices, mix, add sour cream and mayonnaise and mix thoroughly again.
  9. Place potatoes on top of tomatoes.
  10. Place the potatoes and meat in the oven for 50 minutes at 200°C and another 30 minutes at 150°C.

Your cooking time may vary depending on your oven. If desired, at the end of cooking you can sprinkle the dish with grated cheese and bake until the cheese melts.

How to prepare a hearty and tasty dinner for your loved ones? How to surprise and please long-awaited guests whom you want to feed from the heart? If you have meat and potatoes in your bins, then don’t think twice about it - potatoes with meat in the oven will be the ideal dish that will satisfy you in all respects. Let's find out how to prepare this dish.

Potatoes baked in the oven with meat - a dish that is suitable for both everyday and festive tables

This dish is popular not only among housewives in different countries, it is in demand even in professional cooking. This is due to the selection of ingredients.

Potatoes are a product that is found in almost every home. It is processed in a variety of ways: boiled and fried, stewed and baked in the oven and in foil. This root vegetable goes well with other ingredients. These include meat products; potatoes with mushrooms, tomatoes, and cheese are no less tasty.

Potatoes cook well with pork, beef, chicken, and rabbit. Therefore, housewives can safely change the ingredients in recipes, choosing those that they have on hand. Traditional recipes can be safely supplemented with mushrooms and tomatoes.

By the way, potatoes baked in foil in the oven go perfectly with both meat pulp and minced meat. The taste of the dish is complemented not only with mushrooms and tomatoes, but also with spices and herbs.

Stewed potatoes in the oven not only have an excellent taste. This dish is pleasing because it can be prepared quickly with minimal culinary skills. There are several important tips, following which you will retain maximum benefits and taste in the dish:

  • potatoes should not be peeled in advance, because without water they will darken and in it will lose a significant part of their valuable substances;
  • The meat product should be rinsed in running water without soaking;
  • for cooking in the oven, it is best to use dishes made of clay, heat-resistant glass or cast iron;
  • If you have an aluminum mold, you can cook a treat in it, but you cannot store the prepared dish in such a container.

We have selected the most interesting, but at the same time easy-to-prepare recipes for you. Among them is a French dish, which we offer you in a classic version. We emphasize that you do not have to strictly adhere to the list of specified products, changing the ingredients at your discretion.

You can bake potatoes with meat, laying out all the ingredients in layers

Simple and very tasty

Let's start with the classic recipe, which is very simple to perform and has enjoyed deserved popularity among many housewives for many years. The secret of the dish lies in the excellent taste and range of products: they are definitely found in almost every home.
You will need these ingredients:

  • 400 g meat fillet;
  • 1 kg of potatoes;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 tbsp. l. tomato paste;
  • 1.5 tbsp. water;
  • 50 g cheese;
  • salt, spices to taste.

This recipe allows you to use any meat you have in the house. Depending on this, the taste of the dish will be different. We start cooking by cutting the meat into cubes and the onion into rings. Grate the carrots.

Now place the prepared meat in a frying pan with heated fat. Fry, stirring, until golden brown, then add onions and carrots to the pan. After the vegetables change color, add tomato paste diluted in a glass of water. Salt the food and add your favorite spices. We leave the meat to stew, and in the meantime we peel the potatoes.

Boil the diced root vegetables until half cooked, then place them in a deep pan. Place the meat on top and pour in the sauce, adding another 0.5 cup of water. Cover the pan with a lid or foil and place in the oven for half an hour.

Five minutes before the end of cooking, open the pan, sprinkle the food with grated cheese and bake in the oven until golden brown. Stewed potatoes with meat in foil are served hot. When serving, the dish can be decorated with fresh herbs.

We are not afraid to add variety to the dish. For example, someone may like replacing tomato sauce with sour cream, and certainly, a treat with mushrooms will delight in excellent taste.

You can also get a tender and juicy dish if you bake it in a baking oven

Delicate dish with milk sauce

Now let's move on to a dish that is a little more difficult to prepare. It is prepared in layers, so all the ingredients, without losing their unique taste, acquire new shades. The potato and meat mixture stewed in milk sauce turns out juicy and tender. For it we need the following components:

  • 400 g meat;
  • 5 pieces. potatoes;
  • 150 g hard cheese;
  • 1 onion;
  • 100 g butter;
  • milk;
  • salt and spices.

Cut the meat for the dish into thin slices and lightly beat. Then it will be more tender and cooking will go faster. Cut the peeled potatoes into slices. Cut the onion into half rings, and cut the cheese into three.

We begin to place the prepared ingredients into the greased form. First comes a layer of meat, then potatoes, followed by onions. Now add salt and pepper to the food, add slices of butter and repeat the placement: layer by layer, the top should be potato.

Now you need to carefully pour the milk into the mold. It should not cover the top layer of products. Covering the pan with a lid or foil, send the dish to bake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. As soon as the milk boils, reduce the temperature to 150 degrees and cook the dish in foil for an hour.

When the potato mixture stewed in milk is ready, open the lid and fill the dish with grated cheese. Now let's turn up the heat and brown the treat.

This dish is perfect for any event.

The stewed casserole turns out very juicy. And depending on the chosen meat, the cooking time is different. So, with chicken the dish is prepared very quickly; with beef or pork, the casserole in foil should be cooked longer. Try cooking it with potatoes and mushrooms, swap the cream for milk or sour cream - each time the treat will have a completely different taste.

Festive treat in French

We invite you to try another popular recipe. This is French-style meat and potatoes, which decorates many tables during the holidays. It is curious that it has no analogue in France, since the French do not really value the combination of potatoes with meat products. But in domestic cooking it is widespread. What do we need to prepare a treat in French:

  • 1 kg of meat;
  • 1 kg of potatoes;
  • 0.5 kg of onion;
  • 200 g mayonnaise;
  • 200 g cheese.

This dish turns out delicious regardless of the meat used.

First of all, prepare the meat fillet by slicing it thinly and lightly beating it. Peel the potatoes and cut into thin slices. Chop the onion into half rings.

After greasing the mold with oil, we begin to place the ingredients into it. The first layer is meat, on which we place the onion. Combine the potatoes with mayonnaise and salt, spread the mixture on the onion. Now close the mold and we can bake the dish in the oven.

In this form, the dish is cooked in foil or under a lid for about half an hour at a temperature of 200 degrees, after which the heat is reduced to 160 degrees. After half an hour, we take out the treat with potatoes, cover it with grated cheese and put it in the oven for five minutes. During this time, the cheese will melt and brown, and the French-style meat dish can be served.

As you can see, the classic recipe does not even indicate a specific type of meat. Therefore, you can safely experiment with pork and beef, chicken and veal. If you are making a French dish with pork or beef, then the cooking time increases. But with chicken it will be ready much faster.

To reduce calorie content, the meat product can be replaced with mushrooms. To make the French-style meat in foil very juicy, we recommend experimenting with the amount of onion, increasing its volume. Some housewives add tomatoes to the ingredients, which can also change the taste for the better in its own way.

Note that the French-style treat should be prepared in layers, which are laid in the specified order. Because the meat acquires a certain taste and tenderness due to the fact that it is stewed in a mixture of juices - its own and onion. To make potatoes in foil not only tasty, but also healthy, we recommend preparing homemade mayonnaise for the dish.

Potatoes with meat cooked in the oven will not leave anyone indifferent. Whatever recipe you choose, this dish will always be satisfying and flavorful, and even the most inexperienced housewife can prepare it.

I also love this dish because it can be a wonderful everyday dinner for the whole family and at the same time decorate a holiday table. I invite you to learn how to cook this delicious dish yourself and suggest you master three simple recipes.

Recipe for potatoes with meat in pots in the oven

I especially love oven-baked potatoes with meat and tomatoes, a simple and satisfying recipe for which I bring to your attention.

Kitchenware: wooden board; knife; fine grater; several bowls of different sizes; frying pan; wooden spatula; 6 ceramic pots with lids.


How to choose ingredients

  • In this recipe I use meat from veal ribs because it turns out especially tender when baked.
  • I choose seasonal vegetables, so you can come up with your own variations of this dish.
  • I use both parsley and dill as herbs, but you can use what you have at home. And instead of an apple, you can use lemon juice or vinegar for the marinade.

Step by step recipe

This recipe is actually simple, but labor-intensive, so for your convenience, I have divided the cooking process into steps.

Marinate the meat

Preparing vegetables

Combining the ingredients

Bake in the oven

Recipe video

And now I suggest you watch a short video with step-by-step preparation of potatoes with veal in pots in the oven.

Recipe for potatoes with meat in a sleeve in the oven

This recipe for potatoes with meat requires a minimum of ingredients and effort, so I recommend writing it down in your cookbook for those times when you have unexpected guests.

Cooking time: 1 hour 20 minutes.
Number of servings: for 4-5 people.
Calories: 100 g – 225.00 kcal.
Kitchenware: board, knife, small bowl, baking sleeve and baking sheet.


How to choose ingredients

When choosing pork, pay attention to the meatball, neck, or just take goulash. And you can choose seasonings to suit your taste. I sometimes add a little curry to the Herbes de Provence.

Step by step recipe

  1. Cut 0.5 kg of pork into small cubes.

  2. Peel 5-6 potatoes and cut them into slices slightly smaller in size than meat cubes.

  3. Cut 2 onions into quarters.

  4. Place the sleeve on a baking sheet.

  5. Place the meat in it and sprinkle with salt to taste. Place potatoes and onions on top.

  6. Mix red and black pepper in a bowl, Herbes de Provence seasoning to taste, and add a little curry if desired. Sprinkle this mixture over the potatoes and meat. Mix everything well.

  7. Tie the sleeve on both sides and make several punctures with a toothpick.

  8. Place a baking sheet with a sleeve in the oven and bake for 1 hour 10 minutes at 200 degrees.

Recipe video

Despite the simplicity of the recipe, I suggest watching this video. This will help you better understand how to properly cut meat and vegetables.

Recipe for potatoes with meat and cheese in the oven

You can use this recipe for potatoes with meat in the oven both for cooking on a sheet pan and for baking in a mold.

Cooking time: 40 minutes
Number of servings: for 4 people.
Calories: 100 g – 266.00 kcal.
Kitchenware: board; knife; deep bowl; glass baking dish; silicone brush; grater.


How to choose ingredients

  • When choosing meat, I recommend paying attention to the pork shoulder and neck.
  • Hard cheese should be a little sharp and meltable.

Step by step recipe

  1. Peel 0.7 kg of potatoes and cut them into small slices.

  2. Cut 500 g pork into small cubes.

  3. Peel 0.2 kg of onion and cut it into half rings.

  4. Add salt and pepper to taste and mix well.
  5. Pour 1 tbsp into a glass baking dish. spoon of olive oil and spread it along the bottom with a silicone brush.

  6. Cut the butter (0.1 kg) and distribute it over the bottom of the pan.

  7. Pour the potatoes, meat and onions from the bowl and distribute them evenly in the pan.

  8. Place the dish with potatoes and meat in the oven and bake for 20 minutes at 180 degrees.
  9. Grate cheese (0.1 kg) onto a coarse grater and sprinkle it on top of the potatoes and meat.

  10. Bake for another 10 minutes.

Recipe video

You can see a detailed description of this recipe and a visual demonstration of preparation in this short video.

Basic truths

  • If you don’t have a baking sleeve on hand, you can cook potatoes and meat in foil in the oven.
  • To make the meat and potatoes cooked in the oven juicy and tender, I recommend marinating it with mayonnaise.
  • The required temperature for baking this dish is 200 degrees.

How to serve a dish and with what

Baked potatoes with meat can be sprinkled with chopped herbs or decorated with sliced ​​fresh seasonal vegetables.

As a decoration, and as an addition to the dish, you can use sliced ​​salted or pickled cucumbers. This dish is served hot in portions on large flat plates and can be eaten on its own.

Other possible options and fillings

In fact, there are a lot of recipes for baked potatoes. It can be made not only with meat, but also with mushrooms. And you can cook this dish not only in the oven. From my own experience, I know that “potatoes in the microwave” turn out no worse, and if you have a slow cooker, I recommend trying a simple recipe for “potatoes with chicken.”