Bioenergetics of water. Living and dead water. What kind of water does the body need? Anyone can “charge” water

The properties of water have always been shrouded in mystery. A person cannot live without water; water contains the energy of life.

This energy has been known to people since ancient times and its healing power has been used since that time. Among the fairy tales, myths and legends of every nation, there are sure to be those that tell about its healing and rejuvenating properties, and even properties that defeat death, resurrect and give immortality.

Water is used in various cult, spiritual and religious ceremonies, rites and rituals.

The fact that water is an excellent cleanser has also been known since time immemorial, as this is its natural property.

We find water everywhere: these are rivers with lakes, and seas with oceans, and snow that covers the highest peaks of mountains, and rain that irrigates our Earth from the clouds, and even our bodies, which are 80% composed of the same water. And this unites us with all of nature.

A person cannot live without water, a person receives pleasure from water, because water is created by nature with already inherent properties for cleansing, renewal and rebirth. And this ability of hers - to heal, cleanse and rejuvenate - is used not only by humans, but also by representatives of all the numerous flora and fauna of the Earth.

And of course, for humans, water is the best natural healer , a great way to give back health and vitality.

The simplest and most wonderful way is swimming: in the sea, lake, river. The interaction of our entire body with the water element relieves stress, cleanses, and strengthens. But it is important not to turn a good friend into an enemy. It is best to swim in fairly warm water - from 20 to 27 degrees Celsius. Before entering the water - give your body a little breath of air - undress and expose your body to the sun and fresh air. Don't jump into the water if you're sweating - let your body cool down a little. And you don't need to swim on a full stomach. The duration of one bath, depending on your well-being, is from 3 to 20 minutes.

Of particular benefit are sea bathing, which has a healing effect on almost everyone, especially those suffering from cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases and many others. The only restrictions are all diseases that are in the acute stage, a significant increase in blood pressure, as well as children under two years of age.

While swimming, help your body get as much energy as possible from the water. Moreover, it makes absolutely no difference where you take water procedures - in the sea or river, or maybe in a pool or in your bath.

How to fill yourself with water energy?

The water should not be very cold or hot. Let it be cool or slightly warm.

As always, when we want to get energy, we turn to helpbreathing .

We begin to take full breaths, breathing rhythmically. Duringinhalation imagine how water sends us energy that is absorbed by our pores, and whenexhale – this energy spreads throughout the body to the very tips of our fingers and toes. The energy of water becomes the energy of our body.

Due to natural conditions, we cannot swim in open bodies of water all year round, but we can take water procedures that heal our body without even leaving our home.

There is a law in hydrotherapy, which is one of the main ones, which reads: the stronger the irritation, the stronger the rush of blood to the site of irritation.

Water can be a powerful irritating factor, provided it is hot, or vice versa, cold, or if hot and cold water are alternated. And since such water has an irritating effect on our skin and our body, it means that it causes a rush of blood to the places of irritation and thereby stimulates blood circulation. And increased blood circulation enhances the cleansing processes in our body, and therefore the processes of renewal of tissues and fluids are also enhanced. In addition, this is an excellent workout for the elasticity of our blood vessels.

Avicenna also wrote about the benefits of such exposure to water:

“swimming in cold water immediately deposits the innate warmth inside the body, then it flows back to the surface of the body, enhanced several times”.

The main means of hydrotherapy are a bath, shower, compresses and wraps.

You need to start contrasting water procedures at a comfortable temperature: for cold water – 16-18 degrees, and for hot water – 39-40 degrees. But the best effect from this procedure will be obtained if the temperature of the cold water is 11-15 degrees, and the hot water is 41-43.

If you have never taken contrast baths, you need to start with foot and hand baths, gradually move on to a contrast shower, and only after that, it is possible to do full contrast baths (at home this is practically impossible, since this requires 2 baths - one with cold and the other with hot water).

Thanks to this alternation of temperatures, cleansing of skin cells, skin respiration will increase, blood vessels subjected to such “gymnastics” will regain their elasticity, and powerful restructuring will begin in the body. All this will increase blood circulation, enriching it with oxygen, which will carry it with the blood to every cell, filling them with vitality. At the same time, a kind of internal massage of the vessels occurs, which means their cleansing.

This is a fountain on the embankment of the city of Gelendzhik. Look how much energy water carries!

If you were interested in the information or want to express your opinion, leave a comment and share with your friends. I would appreciate a tweet.

Purifying water from impurities and harmful programs.
Endowing water with healing properties


While practicing Reiki, I became interested in experiments related to “charging” water. The results were impressive. The water I treated really helped the patients. But doubts remained. Does water really acquire new qualities under my influence? Or is this the effect of suggestion?
Doubts were dispelled when chemical and bioenergetic analysis was done on the water I had charged.
It is clear that the impact on the quality of water occurs at the astral-mental level and energy helps me. While practicing Reiki, I became interested in experiments related to “charging” water. The results were impressive.
The water I treated really helped the patients. But doubts remained. Really Reiki. But how?
Only after reading the book of the Rostov esotericist V. Yu. Rogozhkin did I understand the process of consciously influencing water and what it can do every. I began to work with water more consciously, and this enhanced the effect.

Everyone knows that water has extraordinary and diverse properties, including the ability to perceive and store information. The simple chemical formula of water, H 2 O, hides complex polymer structures. We will not go into details; it is enough to know that hydrogen bonds are very mobile and, under the influence of additional energy, they can rotate in space and fix their new position, thereby changing the quality of water.

The process of “charging” water is most easily explained using the example of recording information on an audio cassette. Small crystals called domains are applied to the tape base. Domains have their own magnetic moments and their vectors are initially directed chaotically in different directions. In this case, the film is “clean” and does not carry information. When played, it produces only a slight background hiss. When recording, the recording magnetic head of the tape recorder aligns the domains in a certain direction, the information is recorded and can be reproduced.

Something similar happens when exposed to water on an unconscious level, as with all people in everyday life and with me at the beginning of my experiments, as well as with healers, during conscious work. For the latter, it is purposeful.

A person thinks, his thoughts are accompanied by images, and at the mental level figurative manifestations of thoughts arise - mental images. Thought images of the mental plane are formed by independent, astral energy-informational entities - thought forms. Thought forms are able to specifically manifest themselves on the physical plane, that is, materialize. Naturally, the more specific the mental images are created, the more they are filled with the energy of our feelings, the stronger and more vital the thought forms are, the more specific and faster their materialization will take place. I don’t know how mental images and thought forms are generated, how materialization occurs. Orthodox science has already recognized that thought is material, and maybe someday it will figure it out. For us, it’s not so important how, but that it works.

The easiest way to materialize thought forms is in water. Any person, voluntarily or involuntarily, constantly transmits some information to water, and it perceives and stores it, and for this, the person charging the water does not necessarily have to have strong bioenergy.

That's what we'll do. It is not for nothing that in Russian fairy tales, which carry a deep esoteric meaning, “living” and “dead” water are often found. First, the hero’s wound had to be treated with “dead water,” then with “living water.”

So, we mentally separate our energy double from ourselves and ask him to help us. Together with him, we stretch out our hands so that the vessel with water is between our palms. Now we form the mental images necessary to purify the water:
- With the help of newly created anti-programs, water is cleared of all negative and unnecessary programs. Programs are annihilated, and pure energy goes to the Universe.
- With the help of newly created programs, water is purified from all harmful and unnecessary chemical and biological impurities; they break down into their original elements and, together with other harmful and unnecessary chemical elements and radicals, are transferred to their deposits.

Explanation. You can formulate the mental image in your own way. But the energy received from neutralizing other people’s programs must be directed to the Universe (the Absolute, the Supermind, God, whatever you call it). They know how to use it for the good. And harmful and unnecessary elements must be sent to their deposits in order to at least somehow help Mother Earth in restoring her balance. Do no harm, this must always be remembered, first of all, so that the harm does not come back to you. The “Boomerang Law” always works!

Water purification programs have been launched. If you drink this water, the cleansing programs will be transmitted to the entire body. But we want to strengthen and expand the impact of charged water, so let's go further. We launch our programs, making the water “alive”, forming the following mental images:

The water is charged with the programs I need

To relieve anxieties and fears;

To improve sleep;

To eliminate the causes of my ailments (a separate mental image for each);

To bring the cardiovascular system back to normal, to normalize the liver, etc. (a separate mental image for normalizing the work of necessary organs);

To eliminate allergies, warts; etc.

Everyone will have their own set, but do not forget to implement programs to eliminate the causes of diseases, otherwise you will never, nor in any way, get rid of them forever. You can charge water for the whole family and for any other person. To do this, you need to replace the word “me” in the settings with “us” or “him”, “her” and be sure to mentally imagine these people. Programs may need to be general for everyone or specific for everyone. Turn them around, they won't mix.

In order for charged water to be drunk at any convenient time, so that a stranger can accidentally drink it without harming himself, so that it is not subject to the guidance of other people’s programs, both accidental and intentional, the following mental images are necessary:

I (we, they) can drink this water at any time, in any quantity, while receiving the maximum necessary benefit;

All others who drink this water will receive the maximum necessary benefit for themselves;

The water is protected from changes in the programs added to it and does not change its properties even when boiled; it does not accept other people's programs.

Now the last thing remains: ask your energy double to complete the job, and then be sure to return and connect with you. It is important. The doubles we have lost weaken our vital energy. Don't forget to thank him and yourself and be happy about what you have done. In a couple of hours the water will be ready for use.

If there is little charged water left, and you do not have time to charge a new portion, then you can dilute it approximately half by half; after a short time, the embedded programs will spread throughout the entire volume.
That's all. Good luck!

P. Leiman. 2000 G

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They recommended her to me at the clinic. I was sitting in line to see a therapist, and one of the elderly women was actively convincing another granny to drink a wonderful drink. And I had to keep my ears open, as the conversation took place nearby.

I became interested and asked where to buy it. Because the description is impressive:

  1. unique composition;
  2. helps with hangover;
  3. helps with toxicosis of any severity;
  4. light;
  5. soft;
  6. ionized;
  7. is absorbed better than all other liquids;
  8. a list of diseases and diagnoses for which it can be taken, it’s too lazy to even list, well, there’s a lot, it’s a panacea;
  9. it is not much more expensive than our regular mineral water;
  10. It is manufactured using super technology using modern equipment and you can’t even fault the packaging.
The manufacturer even takes the liberty and offers to test the magic of the miracle and freeze it as an experiment. They say that the resulting pattern is perfect and symmetrical, which proves the ideal structure of the water. I haven’t tried doing this, it’s too troublesome and I don’t have a microscope.
But for the prescribed 2 weeks I even drank it with pleasure and gave it to my husband. We finished it somehow quickly. And when the question arose: “Well, does Longavita work?!” I could only shrug. In my opinion, the mineral one from our market is no worse.

What is its peculiarity

Cluster structure. a phrase that finally convinced me to make a purchase. :) Everything new and unknown attracts.

In my 30 years, I completely forgot about physics lessons at school and what happens to ordinary water when it freezes. Thanks to Longavita, although it was late, I had to remember.

In fact, the product is based on former ice. That is, frost form technology, in my opinion, is simply purifying water in this way.

Remember - at low temperatures, clean water freezes faster, moving to the edges. And inside there remains a “brine”, a solution of other substances, since the mixtures do not succumb to frost longer. That is why it is advised to freeze the water for a certain time, draining what is in the center. And to thaw and drink the pure one, it is the most useful.

The taste of Longavita reminded me of something similar. Light, pleasant, refreshing.

I can’t say for sure, but I assume that this is how they produce it somehow. They freeze it, getting the purest, and then enrich it with ions.

It is mineralized in exactly the same way as conventional sources. Plus or minus indicators of substances. Contains calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chlorides and sulfates.

Why don't I want to buy it again?

Remembering the properties of frozen and then thawed water, I realized that I no longer had the desire to overpay for simple mineralization. The entire processing process can be done at home. The main thing is to overcome laziness.

No, I don’t want to scold Longavita water, it’s good. Of course, I didn’t cure my illnesses in 2 weeks of taking it, but the quality of the products is high. If you regularly take such courses, perhaps the effect will appear.

But I'll pass, thank you. My toad decided that the money spent would be better spent on a child. And we use a household filter; we don’t drink untreated water.


Dear taster!

I, as the developer of Longavita water, am very grateful to you for your review, written in an intelligent, friendly tone, which is very important and decent in relation to any product that we consume.
You learned about “Longavita” from grandmothers sitting at the therapist and praising the water. Elderly people, children and pets are the most grateful consumers, whom it is difficult and simple conscience does not allow to deceive.

No matter how loud it may sound, Longavita helps with all diseases that we have voiced and not voiced because it first of all saturates a person with energy. This property (the so-called “trigger mechanism”) was confirmed by research from the Institute of Human Ecology and Environmental Hygiene. Sysina. Water picks up energy in the form of free electrons from the environment (which is why we keep it for 22 days under certain conditions) and transfers it to the body, and also redistributes the energy inside. The easiest way to check this is to use gas-discharge imaging (Kirlian glow). This effect is not permanent and disappears over time after stopping drinking water.

On the website in the research section there is a table of changes in the functioning of the cardiovascular system of a young female athlete within 4 minutes after drinking Longavita water. The most interesting thing is that the girl did not feel these changes on her own, since she was in excellent physical shape, but the devices recorded an improvement in the functioning of the cardiovascular system in various parameters by 15-30%. This is precisely the transfer of energy, since in 4 minutes the water could not completely enter the blood and have such an effect on the body. By the way, the Scientific Council of the VNIIFK of the Ministry of Sports of Russia conducted research on athletes - athletes of the near Olympic reserve and confirmed the positive dynamics of changes in the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Based on their research, methodological recommendations were made for doctors and specialists in training athletes of all levels of sportsmanship.

I have water from the 1st batch, baked in 2009, i.e. she is almost 6 years old. According to GOST, the shelf life of water is 6-12 months. During this time, the water in the bottle not only retained all its properties and taste, but also, according to experts, increased its energy potential almost 3 times compared to freshly produced water. The shelf life of Longavita is 24 months without the use of antibiotics and preservatives.

Regarding freezing. “Longavita” is absolutely transparent both in frozen and thawed versions and does not lose its properties. But you won’t be able to get a snowflake at home, because... For this you need a cryochamber, a floor microscope and a whole bunch of other special equipment. There are only a few laboratories in Russia capable of obtaining an image of a snowflake.
A cluster structure is a combination of water molecules at the level of hydrogen bonds (by the way, this is still not very recognized by classical science) and can form clusters of 5 to 912 molecules. This structure is present in any natural water (except boiled), but the design and size of the clusters in it are different. It is this ratio and their quantity that determines its energetic and healing properties, as well as the stability of the clusters over time.

Now there are a lot of installations that “structure” water, but as soon as you remove this water from the “structurizer”, the water becomes ordinary, since the lifetime of hydrogen bonds without a stabilizer is 10-6 - 10-8 seconds.
We don't freeze and thaw water, as you suggested. We use a different ideology and, accordingly, technology.
Frozen water contains more structured water, but it also disappears quickly with increasing temperature, the so-called “protium water” effect.
The lifespan of melt water is several days and there is no such obvious effect on the body.
We achieved the preservation of this structure and properties for 24 months.

Answer Delete


    I am very pleased that you, as a taster, liked the taste of Longavita. We have participated in “blind” tastings many times and our water has always been chosen to taste the best among waters of a similar price segment (mostly foreign)..
    The fact that you did not notice the effect of drinking water on yourself suggests that:
    You have no obvious diseases or exacerbations
    as yogis say, any disease is treated as long as it takes to develop, so 2 weeks is not a period for treatment - it is half the period of cleansing the body and stabilizing it (80% of cells).
    It is impossible to independently feel a change in body temperature of 0.1-0.2 degrees (according to Longavit, it reduces the temperature by 0.2 degrees). The same can be said about a change in heart rate by 5-10 beats/min. These changes can only be recorded by devices.
    According to our observations and consumer reviews, the more problems a person has, the more noticeable the effect he observes.

    Some of the most obvious things are toxicosis and allergies. Water flushes out toxins accumulated in the body and there is a clear change in well-being for the better. There are examples not only from our customers, but also from family life. With stable consumption of “Longavita” in 2010 before and during the allergic period, symptoms did not occur (Since 1978, allergies to polynosis - the flowering of wormwood and tansy in July-August). I myself have been noticing this effect for 5 years.

    A hangover is also toxicosis, only less pronounced, and water perfectly helps in overcoming it:
    The water is slightly acidic, pH 6.5-6.9 - in this environment, the oxidation of alcohol occurs through ethers, and in an alkaline environment through ketones and aldehydes (this is why you need to eat alcohol with acidic foods and brine in the morning helps for the same reason)
    Alcohol is 80% excreted from the body through the lungs (therefore, when people sing during a feast, they sober up), and water, diluting the blood, enhances this excretion through the pulmonary alveoli.

    Water mineralization is a lot of work that had to be done to increase the effectiveness of Longavita. The fact is that the antagonist of magnesium is calcium, and potassium is sodium, so it was necessary to balance the composition of 4 components in a certain proportion. There are many waters that contain more magnesium and potassium than Longavita, but the presence of calcium and sodium in the composition suppresses their effect on the body, and an excess, in turn, can cause negative effects.
    For example, an excess of magnesium can not only cause a weakening of the stomach, but also lead to depression of the central nervous system.

    This is true for every chem. element in the composition.

    Regarding water filters - I don’t want to discuss their advantages and disadvantages - just go to any specialized forum and you can witness the irreconcilable struggle between supporters of home filters and supporters of bottled water. All water treatment systems use entire filtration systems, but their maintenance and control of parameters constitute an impressive expense item for any respectable manufacturer.
    Home filters purify water from impurities, organic matter, chlorine, but, as a rule, do not change its mineral composition and, most importantly, do not structure it, and our body needs precisely structured water with a balanced mineral composition. Such water is much better absorbed and the body spends much less energy on this process.
    My family uses a built-in filtration system in our apartment and country house, but we only use this water for cooking.

    In conclusion, I would like to say that the toad is strangling many, starting with Ivan Tsarevich. She also strangles me. But my advice is never to regret spending money on your health - it will pay off sooner or later. The choice of how and where to spend it is always yours.

    With respect to you,
    Babenko Pavel Petrovich
    Doctor of Chemical Sciences, General Director of LLC NPKF DEKOS

  1. Hello, polite and pleasant Babenko Pavel Petrovich. :) Thanks for the comments. I think they will be useful to the readers of the review.

    You really convinced me to buy it again. The mood was lifted.

  • Dear Anonymous!

    You are right in your reasoning; probably, if you were a water producer, you would do exactly as you wrote - a pinch of salt and soda, bottling in the basement, purchased certificates and research. Everyone knows very well that good things are quickly forgotten, and bad things are remembered for a very long time - this is the essence of human consciousness, but fortunately this conversation is not about me. My achievements are known, my credentials are not hidden from anyone.

    Since January 2016, state registration for water has been cancelled, only the declaration remains, so your version of the production process is now easily implementable, the number of unscrupulous entrepreneurs will increase, and the quality of water will correspondingly decrease.

    The fact that water is taken from the water supply is a conscious choice, since the source water for our production is simply “raw material”. Look for a production site, overcome bureaucratic thorns, dig a well, extract water from underground, and then, according to our specifications, change its salt balance, reduce the number of unnecessary elements and create an internal structure - this automatically transfers the water from the category of the highest category of drinking water (for which you need to dig a well in the right place) in waters of the first category, since any additional processing is limited by law. In fact, we are returning to the beginning and I repeat - the source water is simply “raw material”.

    By the way, the choice of production location is also a conscious choice related to the quality of the source water, which is not affected by seasonal fluctuations (spring, autumn) of water and there are no impurities from other horizons, especially since the quality of natural water only worsens every year. This trend is clearly visible - you just have to want to find information in both industry and mass sources. For example, in 2014, the cover of Forbes magazine wrote: “You have to pay for water because it needs to be cleaned.”

    Based on the sample of studies, you are wrong. Please study what a representative sample and the Wilcoxon test mean. Our research is carried out in respected institutions and meets all requirements.

    Health to you from the bottom of my heart!

    Babenko Pavel Petrovich

    Answer Delete
  • Bioenergetic properties of water
    What do you think about this? What is your opinion. Do you agree with the scientific article?
    We examined the two components of the trinity of the nature of water above; there remains a characteristic no less important than these two that describes the energetic properties of water. It is the bioenergetics of water that determines its vitality.

    We know well that you can spend hours without getting tired looking at a flowing stream of water, which fascinates and calms. Why is water so fascinating and nourishes human energy? Water does not contain any material substances capable of producing such an effect. It turns out that water has the ability to receive and transmit any energy, including the energy of the Cosmos, keeping it intact. The past, present and future are dissolved in water. These features underlie the methods of healing the human body with the help of water. Water is the most accessible and at the same time the most universal means that should be used in difficult life situations.

    Flowing water constantly takes the energy of the Cosmos and releases it in its pure form into the surrounding near-Earth space, where it is absorbed by all living organisms located within the reach of the flow, since the formation of a biofield by flowing water is constantly increasing due to the energy released. The faster the water flow moves, the stronger this field. Under the influence of this power of water energy, the energy shell of living organisms is aligned, and the body is healed.

    All living things on our planet are united by one thing - energy, which allows us to gain strength from each other and understand each other. Water, as if reading our thoughts, can help in difficult times.

    Natural drinking water, which has a fractal structure (photo 1), has specific, natural bioenergy, which in the literature is called “living” water. The meaning of “living” water here means that such fractal water is capable of preserving the energy of living things. This means that by placing a fragment of a living structure, for example a plant leaf, in such water, such water preserves the processes in the living, green leaf for a sufficiently long time. The nature of this phenomenon of “living” water remains to be studied.

    The presence of water’s own bioenergetics was first proven through studies of the influence of the geometry of the shape of the vessels in which water is located on its energy and physical properties.

    The concepts of “living” and “dead” water are associated in the literature with the activation of drinking water using membrane electrolysis. Many different studies have been carried out on the therapeutic or health-improving effects of living (catholyte, water in the cathode tank of an electrolyzer) and dead (anolyte) water. The most complete and comprehensive studies of the properties of “living” and “dead” water for the electrical activator “Espero-1” have been carried out. The Espero company team has developed and put into practice almost 50 different medical applications of “living” and “dead” water, including for use inside the human body. Electroactivated water has been shown to have healing and cosmetic properties and can be used widely in practice.

    Various membrane electrolyzers have been developed and put into production and, accordingly, electroactivated solutions (anolyte or catholyte) obtained using membrane electrolyzers have been studied.

    The most typical membrane electrolyzers were "Espero-1", "Espero-3". In addition to membrane electrolyzers of the Espero-1 type, the design of the so-called W-shaped water seal is described.

    The authors of the monograph are the first to indicate that, according to the mechanism of action of the electric field on water, catholyte “living” water is right-handed (R - water), and “dead”, anolytic water is left-handed (L - water). If indeed such a separation into R - and L - water due to membrane electrolysis takes place, then this should manifest itself in the physical characteristics of the separated waters in relation to the original drinking water.

    Our numerous studies of the structure and properties of such R - and L - waters, obtained in various models of electrolyzers, confirm that R - water, obtained, for example, using the Espero-1 electroactivator, has a disymmetric fractal structure of the type shown in photo 1. Such water has a preservative property, i.e. is living water. Dead or L - water has a completely different structure, which is apparently characteristic of water that has left-handed symmetry.

    In this work, these features of electrically activated water separation were tested experimentally. The idea of ​​such an experimental study was to study the nature of the interaction between each other, respectively, R and L - water. If the point of view is correct that R and L are indeed water, it is chiral, twisted, or as the authors write, torsion water, then for such waters the laws of interaction between left and right activated water, such as in living nature: left with left and right with right, are intensified , and opposite: right and left compensate each other.

    For such studies, the parameter of acid-base or bioenergetic balance can be used. For an equilibrium, neutral state, pH = 7, and, accordingly, an increase from this value means an increase in the R-component of field water, and a decrease in pH means an increase in the L-component of field water.

    Neutral water consists of two racemates (R- and L-) of water, which can be separated by membrane electrolysis. If you now mix R- and L-activated waters in equal volumes, respectively, you can check the features of the interaction of these R- and L-activated waters. The results obtained are shown in Table 1.

    Ph.D. O.V. Mosin

    There is no more mysterious substance in nature than water. In fact, water does not obey any laws of physics. She has her own laws, created by nature only for her. When water is cooled below +4 °C, it does not compress, but expands. Water in the solid state is not heavier than in the liquid state, like all bodies, but on the contrary, it is lighter. No other gases except oxygen and hydrogen form liquid when mixed with each other. Any volume of water is one giant molecule – a dipole. Water remembers everything that happened; it carries information throughout the cell and the body. Water has its own energy, which seems to be one of the mysteries studied by science.

    Water stores “genetic memory” due to the fact that the structural and dynamic parameters of the aquatic environment (which have specific biological activity) retain information about previous impacts, including the impacts of the water treatment processes themselves. Purified water can be considered water with a high level of structural and dynamic parameters (like “melt water”).

    Water differs from other liquids in that it is a two-phase system - a crystalline liquid with intense processes of crystal formation, strong intermolecular bonds (hydrogen bridges) with the formation of conglomerates of hundreds of molecules and an infinite number of possible forms of the liquid crystalline phase in water, which is called a complex lattice structure . Such a lattice system has many different vibrations, like an antenna, and forms a large number of natural frequencies. This frequency spectrum is a physical copy of the geometric structure of water and undergoes characteristic changes during certain life processes.

    The peculiarities of the physical properties of water and numerous short-lived hydrogen bonds between neighboring hydrogen and oxygen atoms in a water molecule create favorable opportunities for the formation of special associated structures (clusters) that perceive, store and transmit a wide variety of information. Homeopathy, which has already two hundred years of experience and is currently experiencing a new stage of development, is based on this ability of water.

    Water, consisting of many clusters of various types, forms a hierarchical spatial liquid crystal structure that can perceive and store large amounts of information.

    Rice. Water clusters

    Physical fields of very different nature can be carriers of information. Thus, the possibility of remote information interaction of the liquid crystalline structure of water with objects of various natures using electromagnetic, acoustic and other fields has been established. The influencing object can also be a person.

    The structural unit of water is a cluster consisting of clathrates, the nature of which is determined by long-range Coulomb forces. The structure of the clusters encodes information about the interactions that took place with these water molecules. In water clusters, due to the interaction between covalent and hydrogen bonds between oxygen atoms and hydrogen atoms, migration of a proton (H+) can occur via a relay mechanism, leading to delocalization of the proton within the cluster. Clusters, in turn, form water associates.

    Water is a source of ultra-weak and weak alternating electromagnetic radiation. The least chaotic electromagnetic radiation is created by structured water. In this case, the induction of a corresponding electromagnetic field may occur, changing the structural and information characteristics of biological objects.

    Any system whose level of order is above the minimum acceptable 60% begins self-regulatory maintenance of ordered interactions. The higher the content of clusters in water, the more ordered its structure, the more capable it is of reproducing itself, which is observed in living systems. This indicates that water in the human body can play a system-forming role, on the one hand, and a regulatory role, on the other.

    In this regard, the concept of a two-component system for the restoration of damaged tissues (K.M. Reznikov, 2005), where the restoration algorithm is implemented at the level of structured water, is interesting.

    The role of water, which is part of biological fluids (blood, lymph, cerebrospinal fluid, etc.), is still poorly covered in modern literature, but its importance as an information factor is extremely high and requires further understanding. At the same time, according to scientists, any effects on water and solutions - electrical, magnetic, electromagnetic, ultrasonic, electrochemical - can be explained by the basic energization of a virtual pair of electron-positron elementary particles.

    The sequence of the process of structuring biogenic water was proposed by K.M. Reznikov in 2001. These data reveal the processes of information transfer in living systems and the possibility of using them for therapeutic and diagnostic purposes. In this case, the concept of “information” is considered as a measure of the organization of the movement (interaction and movement) of particles in the system.

    Multichannel receptor-information system of the body (fragment)

    Specific mechanisms for transmitting information through structured water can be considered in accordance with the model of K. M. Reznikov in the form of a multichannel receptor-information system, including 3 levels:

    1st – proton jump along the spiral of structured water, most likely characteristic of terminals ending in the region of biologically active points (BAP), on the one hand, and tissues of individual organs, on the other.

    2nd - the formation of proton condensations and rarefaction along strands (collaterals), consisting of individual spirals and realizing the transfer of information from several BAPs or from internal organs and back.

    3rd - intercluster exchange of water molecules, clusters included in the structure of parallel strands that form the basis of the so-called channels (meridians), is the central link in the transfer of information between BAP and internal organs in both directions.

    Individual clathrates and clusters, which exist for the least long time, can be, on the one hand, a substrate for the construction of more complex structures of the system, and on the other, transmitters of information between individual cells.

    These data indicate that if under the influence of any external factor (microorganism, toxin, electromagnetic radiation, etc.) the informational properties of water change, then the structural and functional components of cells, tissues and organs also change. Changes in the information characteristics of structured water may be the earliest signs of the possibility of pathological phenomena occurring.

    S.V. Zenin believes that one should distinguish between the primary memory of water in the form of a transformed matrix of structural elements in a cell with the appearance on the surface of the cell of faces displaying the charge pattern of the influencing compound, and a long-term “trace” of the influence of a substance on the structured state of water, when, after repeated coordination of information transfer between substance and water, the finally transformed matrix of structural elements in the water cell is established. This is a significant addition to our knowledge of brain activity.

    In the laboratory of S.V. Zenin studied the impact of people on the properties of water. Monitoring was carried out both by changes in physical parameters, primarily by changes in the electrical conductivity of water, and with the help of test microorganisms. Research has shown that the sensitivity of the water information system turned out to be so high that it is able to sense the influence of not only certain field influences, but also the shapes of surrounding objects, the influence of human emotions and thoughts.

    Japanese researcher Masaru Emoto provides even more amazing evidence of the information properties of water. He found that no two samples of water form completely identical crystals when frozen, and that their shape reflects the properties of water, carrying information about a particular effect on the water. Masaru Emoto's first book, Messages from Water, was published in 2002. It has been translated into many languages ​​of the world, including Russian.

    The discovery of a Japanese researcher about the memory of water, according to many scientists, is one of the most sensational made at the turn of the millennium. The starting point for Masaru Emoto’s research was the work of the American biochemist Lee Lorenzen, who in the eighties of the last century proved that water perceives, accumulates and stores the information communicated to it. Emoto began collaborating with Lorenzen. At the same time, his main idea was to find ways to visualize the resulting effects. He developed an effective method for obtaining crystals from water, onto which various information had previously been applied in liquid form through speech, inscriptions on a vessel, music, or through mental circulation.
    Dr. Emoto's laboratory examined water samples from various water sources around the world. Water was exposed to various types of influences, such as music, images, electromagnetic radiation from a TV or mobile phone, the thoughts of one person and groups of people, prayers, printed and spoken words in different languages. More than fifty thousand such photographs were taken.

    Water reacts to the thoughts and emotions of the people around it, to events happening to the population. The crystals formed from the newly distilled water have the simple shape of the well-known hexagonal snowflakes. The accumulation of information changes their structure, complicating them, increasing their beauty if the information is good, and, on the contrary, distorting or even destroying the original forms if the information is evil or offensive. Water encodes the information it receives in a non-trivial way. You still need to learn how to decode it. But sometimes “curiosities” turn out: crystals formed from water located next to the flower repeated its shape.

    Masaru Emoto announced his sensational experiments with water on March 16, 2004 at a meeting with Polish researchers and journalists at the Institute of Geology in Warsaw. These results caused a sensation. Numerous and varied experiments, many thousands of photographs, demonstrated that the information received by water is perceived and reflected in the form of a geometric structure of crystals, which are its images.

    Rice. The shape of water crystals under various influences on it

    The technology for obtaining photographs is as follows. The water whose crystals are to be obtained is poured into fifty Petri dishes and placed in a refrigerator at a temperature of –25 degrees Celsius. Then, the crystals were photographed under a microscope in a room where the temperature was constantly maintained at -5 degrees Celsius. A water crystal “lives” under a microscope for an average of no more than two minutes. Since there are no exactly identical crystals in the fifty photographs treated, a photograph is selected that reflects the most frequently occurring form.

    Thus, water has a physical memory that allows it, even after significant dilution - without a single molecule of the informing substance in the homeopathic remedy - to recognize the information stored in the molecules. At the same time, negative (i.e. harmful) information, naturally, is also retained. The fact that water has a memory for various chemical and physical (energy) influences and can be a kind of information carrier has recently become increasingly recognized in the scientific world. When water is exposed to other influences, such as technical fields, it reacts very sensitively and cannot retain the initially acquired properties and information for a long time. Water also has memory for various physical influences not associated with changes in its chemical composition, and relaxation effects, i.e. delays in changes in physicochemical properties in relation to the effects that cause them. Of great interest in this regard are the works of Dr. Wolfgang Ludwig, who showed that even after complete chemical purification of water from harmful impurities contained in it (heavy metals, nitrates, bacteria, etc.), including double distillation, it stores information about these substances in the form of electromagnetic vibrations. These vibrations can be recorded spectroscopically and, depending on the frequency, can be beneficial or harmful to the body.

    Frequencies of vibrations found in water that are unfavorable to the body:
    1.8 Hz - corresponds to water containing heavy metals, also recorded in cancerous tissues;
    5.0 Hz - causes apathy and nausea in many people;
    32.5 Hz is the normal frequency of a quartz clock (upgrading to a 1.0 MHz quartz clock is desirable, however this is currently quite expensive).

    Frequencies beneficial to the body include 1.2 Hz, 2.5 Hz, 10.0 Hz, as well as the 7.8 Hz frequency found in nature, called the Schumann frequency, which plays an important role in brain function.

    Let us highlight the most general indicators of biologically active water with increased energy. Under the influence of such activated water:

    Tissue respiration increases, measured by the oxygen absorption of 1 g of raw tissue over a certain period of time.

    Activated water will accelerate seed germination and plant growth.

    The productivity of plants, the accumulation of dry mass in them, the amount of juice in the leaves and stems, and the survival rate of the scion to the rootstock increase.

    In animals, enzyme activity increases, hemoglobin content increases, growth accelerates, and weight increases.

    A person’s high body temperature subsides, pulse normalizes, wound healing accelerates, energy and performance increase, mood improves, and stress goes away.

    Activated water prevents and cures many psychosomatic diseases and rejuvenates a person.

    The most common methods of activating and energizing water are discussed below. There are also other methods of increasing the biological activity of water that are not listed here - both natural and artificial, man-made, and experimental. Theoretical analysis and technological development of these methods is of great practical importance for biology and medicine, agriculture, and industry. Homeopathic therapy is based on a similar effect, in which microquantities and super-diluted solutions of medicinal drugs are used (and in some cases, even microdoses of substances harmful to the body, used to activate the body’s defenses), which nevertheless retain their effectiveness. Water also has memory for various physical influences not associated with changes in its chemical composition, and relaxation effects, i.e. delays in changes in physicochemical properties in relation to the effects that cause them.

    There are many known methods for obtaining activated (i.e., charged with positive or negative energy from the researcher’s point of view) water. The positive energy of water is usually associated with its enrichment with hydroxyl ions OH-. Such activated water stimulates many biological processes - seed germination, their germination and plant growth, and the division of animal cells.

    The negative energy of water is explained by an excess of H+ protons. Such water inhibits biological processes - seed germination and germination, cell division, plant growth, etc. Thus, in the monograph of the Japanese author Y. Kagawa (1985) it is indicated that in protonated water (pH 5.5) the fluidity of cell membranes decreases, membrane proteins assemble into clusters, which leads to the suspension of metabolic processes in the cell and tissues (as if they were frozen).

    Normally, this condition occurs before cell division, when the cells are practically switched off from metabolic processes. On the contrary, when water is alkalized and enriched with hydroxyl ions, the membranes of normal cells are activated, and metabolic processes in them are enhanced. This phenomenon can be called natural doping. It can play a big role in sports. Enrichment of water with OH suppresses the division of cancer cells. Perhaps this mechanism underlies the anticarcinogenic effect of such water. Kagawa himself explains the ability of hydroxylated water to enhance metabolic processes in cells and tissues by the fact that equally charged H2O ions in the membrane repel each other, promoting the opening of membrane channels for micro and macroelements and other compounds involved in metabolic processes. At the same time, the sorption of carbon dioxide on the surface of plant leaves increases:
    CO2 + HO- = HCO-3.

    Lack of CO2 is a terminating factor in plant cell division. Excess HCO-3 enriches plants with carbon dioxide, which accelerates seed germination, the growth of their seedlings, and increases plant productivity. At the same time, protonation of the plant surface leads to a decrease in CO2 sorption and slows down plant growth. H+ and OH regulate the viscosity of the outer and inner cell membranes, regulate the synthesis of ATP, DNA, RNA, and control the migration of protons and electrons, which underlies metabolic processes. Water, containing varying amounts of H+, OH-, and salt ions, regulates the assembly and self-assembly of all cellular components, cell division and function, growth, development and aging of the body.

    Protonation - hydroxylation of water along with salt ions, micro and macroelements dissolved in it is the main mechanism for increasing the bioenergetics of water. Another mechanism for increasing the energy of water is the impact on it of various - known and not yet known energy fields (electromagnetic, acoustic, band-torsion, gravitational, etc.). Even the human biofield can influence water. Water placed in a pyramid, which concentrates cosmic energy, claims some pyramid enthusiasts, does not deteriorate for up to a year, and has a therapeutic and prophylactic effect.

    Hydroxylated water, entering the human body, enriches cells and tissues with electrons, which dramatically enhances electron-proton transport, which underlies metabolism. The rate of synthesis of ATP, proteins, nucleic acids and other cell components increases. Some mechanisms of the therapeutic and prophylactic effect of activated water are associated with this.

    Under natural conditions, water is activated in the processes of evaporation and condensation of water vapor in clouds. Negatively charged hydroxylated water accumulates in the lower parts of the clouds. Here lightning is formed - concentrated streams of electrons that strike the ground, in those places where positive charges are concentrated.

    Rain and snow water is weakly hydroxylated, charged with biologically positive energy (although it carries negative charges). This is one of the explanations for the positive effect of snow and rain water on various biological objects. Another explanation is a decrease in the content of deuterium and tritium in it (at high latitudes up to 30-40%).

    All methods of water activation can be divided into specific and nonspecific.

    Non-specific ones include magnetization, water degassing and others.

    Specific methods of activating water include adding small doses of radon and supermutagens to water (Shangin-Berezovsky et al., 1982), preserving the memory of stimulating doses of supermutagens with water (Shangin-Berezovsky et al., 1991), charging water with energy (Sarchuk V. N., 1991), etc. (reviews Onatskaya, Muzalevskaya, 1985; Klassen, 1985).

    As for the artificial production of activated water, the following methods can be used:

    Exposure of water to a constant magnetic field

    Water exposed to a constant magnetic field has unusual properties. The idea of ​​magnetic water belongs to Dr. E.V. Utekhin, who introduced magnetic water into the everyday life of Russians in the early 80s. He proved that magnetized water becomes biologically active and therefore can have a therapeutic effect.

    Positive results of using magnetized water with medicinal effects in our country were revealed in the early 60s. A young science is currently studying this issue - magnetobiology.

    The operation must be carried out as follows. A stream of water passes through a magnetic field perpendicular to the flow of water. In this case, all water molecules, which are small charged dipoles, will line up along the magnetic field lines, i.e. along the X axis. During the thermal movement of a dipole water molecule perpendicular to the magnetic field lines, along the Y axis (see vector V), a moment of forces F1, F2 (Lawrence force) will arise, trying to rotate the molecule in the horizontal plane. When a molecule moves in a horizontal plane, along the Z axis, a moment of force will arise in the vertical plane. But the poles of the magnet will always prevent the rotation of the molecule, and therefore slow down any movement of the molecule perpendicular to the magnetic field lines. Thus, in a water molecule placed between the two poles of a magnet, only one degree of freedom remains - this is vibration along the X axis - the lines of force of the applied magnetic field. Along all other coordinates, the movement of water molecules will be slowed down. The water molecule becomes, as it were, “sandwiched” between the poles of the magnet, performing only oscillatory movements relative to the X axis. Moreover, a certain position of the dipoles of water molecules in the magnetic field along the field lines will be maintained, thereby making the water more structured and ordered.

    After exposure to a magnetic field, magnetized water becomes more structured than ordinary water. It increases the rate of chemical reactions and crystallization of dissolved substances, intensifies adsorption processes, improves the coagulation of impurities and their precipitation. The effect of a magnetic field on water affects the behavior of the impurities contained in it, although the essence of these phenomena has not yet been precisely clarified.

    Having passed between the magnetic poles, ordinary water acquires remarkable properties. Magnetized water becomes biologically active and can therefore have a therapeutic effect. Experiments have shown that ingestion of magnetized water increases the permeability of biological membranes of tissue cells, reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood and liver, regulates blood pressure, increases metabolism, and promotes the release of small stones from the kidneys.

    Positive results were also noted in the treatment of patients suffering from eczema and various skin diseases - dermatitis - with magnetized water. In 1990, at the All-Union Conference on Magnetobiology and Magnetotherapy, the beneficial effects of baths and turbulent underwater massage on patients with prolonged pneumonia, nonspecific infectious polyarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and some other joint diseases were discussed in detail.

    Since magnetized water has a normalizing effect on impaired cholesterol metabolism in atherosclerosis and has a positive effect on the course of the disease, a number of scientists recommend drinking it not only for medicinal purposes, but also for the prevention of atherosclerosis.

    It should be noted that the physicochemical properties during magnetic treatment change to a greater extent in water in which more salts are dissolved, therefore, its therapeutic effect will be higher. Based on this, in sanatoriums in Sochi in 1973, the method of treatment with magnetized sea water was first used. Baths were prescribed to patients suffering from hypertension. After the course of treatment, most patients disappeared from complaints of headaches, tinnitus, fatigue and pain in the heart. Almost all patients had decreased blood pressure and normalized night sleep. Today, mineral baths with magnetized water are used in many resorts in the country.

    But there are other surprising effects of water passing through the magnetic poles. A field irrigated with magnetized water produces a harvest that is 15-20 percent higher than standard. Concrete mixed with magnetized water gains increased strength and frost resistance. Magnetic water removes scale from steam boilers. And, of course, the influence of magnetized water on humans has been recorded.

    However, the “memory” of magnetized water is not very long. She remembers the impact of the field for about a day. It is assumed that its healing effect is associated with an increase in the permeability of biological membranes due to its greater structure, because Under the influence of a magnetic field, water molecules - small dipoles - are oriented in an orderly manner relative to the poles of the magnet. It helps plants better absorb soil nutrients, and helps humans cleanse blood vessels of foreign compounds. And if this is so, then magnetic water should become an invaluable assistant during physical exercise, dramatically increasing its effectiveness.

    The instability of the properties, as well as the “memory” of magnetized water, is associated with the fact that in different geographical locations our usual water has a variety of impurities, on which the degree of magnetization actually depends. But the very fact of the healing effect of such water is indisputable.

    Thanks to a course of baths from magnetized sea water (10 sessions of 10 minutes each), it is possible to reduce blood pressure (up to 30 mm), relieve headaches, pain in the heart, sleep disturbances, and fatigue.

    Irrigation of the oral cavity with magnetized water helps remove tartar, eliminate periodontal disease, and treat phlegmon. Magnetized water prevents the formation of dental plaque, cleanses the enamel of soft plaque, and stops bleeding gums.

    The condition of patients with atherosclerosis improves when using magnetized water.

    Experiments have shown that ingestion of magnetized water increases the permeability of biological membranes of tissue cells, reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood and liver, regulates blood pressure, increases metabolism, and promotes the release of small stones from the kidneys. Positive results were also noted in the treatment of patients suffering from eczema and various skin diseases - dermatitis - with magnetized water. Since magnetized water has a normalizing effect on impaired cholesterol metabolism in atherosclerosis and has a positive effect on the course of the disease, a number of scientists recommend drinking it not only for medicinal purposes, but also for the prevention of atherosclerosis.

    Candidate of Medical Sciences R.I. Mikhailova at the Central Research Institute of Dentistry found that irrigation (rinsing) with magnetized water helps remove tartar, eliminate periodontal disease, and treat phlegmon. Magnetic water prevents the formation of dental plaque, cleanses the enamel of soft plaque, and stops bleeding gums. V.V. Lisin and E.N. Ivanov (Saratov) noted an improvement in the condition of patients with atherosclerosis when using magnetized water. Professor E.M. Shimkus (Simferopol) received very encouraging results in the clinic in the treatment of urolithiasis. S.I. Dovzhansky (Saratov) achieved significant success in using this water for various skin diseases. And this list of positive effects of magnetic water on the body can be continued.

    Preliminary experiments conducted by doctors and physicists have shown that drinking water treated with a magnet increases the permeability of biological membranes of tissue cells, reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood and liver, regulates blood pressure, increases metabolism, and promotes the release of small stones from the kidneys. Positive results were also noted in the treatment of patients suffering from eczema and various dermatitis with magnetized water. In the early 90s, at the All-Union Conference on Magnetobiology and Magnetotherapy, the beneficial effects of baths and turbulent underwater massage on patients with prolonged pneumonia, nonspecific infectious polyarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and some other joint diseases were discussed in detail and recognized as beneficial.

    It is quite easy to obtain magnetic water at home. To do this, you can use simple devices - permanent magnets with induction B = 150-200 mT or a device for magnetizing water MUM-50 EDMA. As soon as ordinary water passes through a magnetic field in an optimal mode, it acquires new properties. True, her “memory” is short-lived - no more than 3 days.

    It is advisable to drink one glass of magnetized water at room temperature immediately after waking up, before breakfast. If there is the slightest suspicion of an inflammatory process in the body, you should use “northern” water in a course. If you are very tired – “southern”.

    Molecules of magnetized water, absorbed in the intestines, penetrate into the general bloodstream and lymphatics. Then spreading throughout the capillary bed of the body, they enter the cells of all tissues, including those with pathological manifestations. These molecules have an increased potential for magnetic energy compared to water molecules that are not magnetized.
    It can be assumed that the channels (pumps) of tissue cell membranes will begin to pass magnetized water molecules at an increased speed, which will lead to improved cell nutrition. This will restore the energy of cell mitochondria and prolong their performance.

    Magnetic water is the basic basis (the scientific basis of new technologies) that can solve the problem of treating all diseases without the use of pharmacological drugs. This is what the main developer of the device, Ph.D., Ph.D., thinks so. Professor E.B. Maksimov.

    However, unfortunately, the methods for receiving magnetic water have not yet been developed, so it is difficult to give clear recommendations. Most likely, you need to follow the same advice that is given for drinking mineral waters. It should also be remembered that not all properties of magnetized water have been well studied. But there is information that concrete mixed with magnetized water is 25-30% stronger than usual. The reason for this phenomenon is not clear.

    Bombarding water with electrons

    It is carried out using a cathode ray tube. In this case, the protons are reduced to hydrogen gas, which evaporates when stirred. Water is hydroxylated - enriched with hydroxyl ions OH-, charged with biologically active energy. Lamps can also be used to produce cathode rays.

    Irradiation of water with UV light

    Ultraviolet radiation (ultraviolet, UV, UV) is electromagnetic radiation, occupying the range between visible and x-ray radiation (380 - 10 nm, 7.9 × 1014 - 3 × 1016 Hz). The range is conventionally divided into near (380-200 nm) and far, or vacuum (200-10 nm) ultraviolet, the latter so named because it is intensively absorbed by the atmosphere and is studied only by vacuum devices.

    Types of ultraviolet radiation

    • Name; Abbreviation; Wavelengths in nanometers; Amount of energy per photon
    • Near; NUV; 400 nm - 300 nm; 3.10 - 4.13 eV
    • Average; MUV; 300 nm - 200 nm; 4.13 - 6.20 eV
    • Further; FUV; 200 nm - 122 nm; 6.20 - 10.2 eV
    • Extreme; EUV, XUV; 121 nm - 10 nm; 10.2 - 124 eV
    • Vacuum; VUV; 200 nm - 10 nm; 6.20 - 124 eV
    • Ultraviolet A, long wavelength, black light; UVA; 400 nm - 315 nm; 3.10 - 3.94 eV
    • Ultraviolet B (mid range); UVB; 315 nm - 280 nm; 3.94 - 4.43 eV
    • Ultraviolet C, short-wave, germicidal range; UVC; 280 nm - 100 nm; 4.43 - 12.4 eV

    During ultraviolet treatment, due to the photoelectric effect, electrons are knocked out from the surface of the water: O 2 gas is removed, H 2 O decomposes to form hydroxyls, which quickly make the reaction alkaline. This is an effective method of activating water.

    Treatment of water with ultraviolet radiation (wavelength 253.7 nm) neutralizes bacteria, viruses and other protozoan microorganisms and prevents their reproduction. The method works even if microorganisms have acquired immunity to the chemicals used.

    Van der Graaff water generator

    The Van der Graaff generator allows you to produce protonated or hydroxylated water. To test the effectiveness of water samples, you can conduct an experiment to accelerate the germination of seeds and the growth of plants grown from them. A metal wire or mesh with a voltage of 1 to 5 kV is stretched over the boxes with soil where experimental plants grow (wheat, oats, barley, etc.). A positive potential relative to the ground with growing plants will cause an influx of OH- hydroxyls into them, which should dramatically accelerate the growth and development of plants. This hypothesis is currently being tested experimentally. Confirmation of this hypothesis about the mechanisms of water-structural regulation of the functions of living biosystems opens up enormous prospects for biology, medicine, sports and agriculture. In medicine, various diseases can be treated by applying positive or negative electrodes to various organs, activating water in them by hydroxylation or protonation.

    Turbulent generators

    The atoms of a water molecule can additionally assume a wide variety of states of vibration and rotation. Presumably this is where the possibility of storing information lies. The stability of the molecule is very high, since there are only 6 electrons on the outer shell of the electron, while there would be enough space for 8. These two missing electrons are supplemented by the shell electrons of two hydrogen molecules. The polarity of water, hydrogen bonds, and the arrangement of water molecules on the surface are responsible for the surface tension that allows some water strider insects to run on the surface of the water. The length of electron trajectories must correspond to an integer multiple of the wavelength. When changing the electronic shell (associated with the release/reception of energy), the volume of the new shell must again comply with this law. Due to its own motion, a water molecule moving in a flow is constantly displaced (Lorentz force), which leads to a circular rotation of the electron shell with a Lamor frequency, depending on the strength of the magnetic field and the flow speed.

    Rice. Natural turbulence

    Turbulent generators are based on this effect. Turbulence occurs independently in rainwater, and here it first takes in (harmful) gases from the air. In streams, on the one hand, dilution occurs, on the other, to strong dynamization (turbulence) so that the entire palette of information is preserved throughout the entire path from rain to the water tap.

    Activation with minerals and trace elements

    Minerals or trace elements have their own energy and information fields that can affect water. Therefore, another powerful method of activating water and increasing its energy is the interaction of water with minerals. Not all minerals activate water, but those that change the content of H+ or OH ions in water or directly interact with water molecules, dissolving at least a little in it. Many samples of natural mineralized water are energetically charged. Homeopathy is based on the ability of water to carry information about substances interacting with it. However, this problem has been little studied. Until now, a number of fundamental properties of water, which largely determine its effect on human health, remain controversial and largely unexplored. In our opinion, such problems are the mineral composition of drinking water, the degree of its structuring, energy content and isotopic characteristics.

    In addition, a special direction in aquatherapy has emerged - treatment with water with minerals dissolved in it - biotics. Their use underlies the preparation of the so-called “biomos” by Prof. A.M. Bloodless - specially prepared aqueous solutions of various minerals.

    For medicinal purposes, various properties of minerals dissolved in water, their bactericidal properties (realgar, shungite, arsenopyrite) are used; stabilization of the circulatory system and treatment of the nervous system (mirabilite, metacynobarite, gypsum, mica, mylonite, siderite), relief of fatigue, muscle tension (pyrite, malachite, azurite, magnetite), treatment of infections (silver), tumors (native gold). Infusion of minerals in water leads to its activation, energization and structuring. This is the oldest method of Ayurveda medicine and other areas of oriental medicine.

    Rice. Nanodiffraction pattern of the natural material shungite (particles 0.3 - 0.7 nm.)

    Activated water is found in nature in high, snow-covered mountains.

    It is there that there are many sources of this truly “living water”. It is enough to release a withered branch into such an ode, and it will instantly come to life and even bloom. The water of these springs (Arshanov, as they are called in the Altai Mountains) is used to treat a wide variety of diseases, remove stones and sand from the kidneys, and rejuvenate.

    Yakutia, where they drink melt water, is a famous country of longevity.

    Rice. Nanodiffraction pattern of silver nanoparticles

    A comparison of the composition of microelements in the human body, land and sea water shows their almost complete identity; the differences are only in concentrations. This circumstance was the main reason for the creation of a special direction in medicine - the therapeutic use of microelements as biotics. The use of microelements underlies not only the already mentioned biomoses developed by A.M. Bloodless, but also treatment with various folk remedies, primarily mumiyo and silicon water.

    Activation of water by degassing

    Brothers V.D. and I.D. The Zelepukhins dedicated an entire book on methods of activating water, in which they presented the results of their research into increasing the energy of water through degassing. When water is degassed, its structuring increases, the water becomes hydroxylated, and its pH increases (in heavy water D2O, on the contrary, the pH decreases). From the point of view of thermodynamics, degassed water constantly strives for equilibrium - its previous state. It, like a stretched spring, contains energy that determines its biostimulating properties. It even accelerates some physical and chemical processes (for example, the strength of concrete increases by 20%), not to mention biochemical ones. Soaking seeds in degassed water, watering and spraying plants can increase the yield of wheat by 25%, potatoes by 35%, sugar beets by 40%, and cucumbers by 60%. Drinking degassed water before feeding young animals and birds increases their weight by 20-25%.

    The degassing technique is as follows. Degassing itself is the removal of unnecessary, “dead” gases. Usually they take a bowl of water, put it on the fire and, just before it boils (when the bubbles have left the water), close it tightly with a lid. Without removing the lid, cool the water to 20o C (average room temperature) and drink if there is no refrigerator, since it is already half “alive” - after boiling, the oxygen content in it is halved. The same amount of oxygen – 4 mg per 1 liter – is dissolved in our blood; This is one of the reasons for the effectiveness of degassed water.

    In medicine, degassed water is used in the prevention and treatment of colds (sore throat, flu), diseases of the teeth and oral cavity (rinsing), skin (treatment of affected areas for bruises, burns, wounds), hypotension (water is drunk every other day, ¼ cup on an empty stomach), kidney and liver diseases (dosage individual). It is very useful to wash your face and hair with this water - the skin and hair become soft and elastic.

    Water Cavitation

    Prof. A.F. Nemchin and his staff at the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine activate water through ultrasonic treatment. Ultrasound destroys hydrogen bonds in water, causing the formation of tiny bubbles (cavitation), water glowing, and its sterilization. Laboratory A.F. Nemchina built a supercavitation water evaporator, which makes it possible to obtain various samples of biologically activated water, including those with a reduced content of deuterium and tritium. Based on this technology, the Nemchins organized the Ukrainian Beverages concern, which includes the Ukrvino, Ukrspirt factories and other enterprises.

    Bioresonance methods of water activation

    Bioresonance methods of water activation are based on the experience of oriental medicine in India, China, and Vietnam. Eastern medicine is primarily concerned with the preparation of individualized energetically activated water. It is necessary, first of all, to determine the code (astral, etheric, mental) and the Ayurvedic classification of doshas (caps - pitta - vatta) of each person, the level of his bioenergy. After this, with the help of mineral filters using dolomite, zeolite, shungite, sandstone, granite, silicon and other components, it is possible to prepare individualized biologically active water that will energize each person, rejuvenate him, and strengthen his health.

    Electrolysis of water

    The phenomenon of electrochemical activation of water (ECAW) was discovered in 1975. EWA is a combination of electrochemical and electrophysical effects on water in the double electric layer (DEL) of an electrode (or anode or cathode) of an electrochemical system with nonequilibrium charge transfer through the DEL by electrons and under conditions of intense dispersing the resulting gaseous products of electrochemical reactions in liquid. As a result of electrochemical activation, water passes into a metastable state, which is characterized by anomalous values ​​of electron activity and other physicochemical parameters (V.M. Bakhir et al., 2001).

    In 1985, ECHA was officially recognized by the Higher Attestation Commission of the USSR as a new class of physicochemical phenomena. By order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 15, 1998 No. VCh-P12-01044, recommendations were given to ministries and departments to use these technologies in medicine, agriculture, and industry.

    If a constant electric current flows through water, then the entry into the water at the cathode, as well as the removal of electrons from the water at the anode, is accompanied by a series of electrochemical reactions on the surface of the cathode and anode. As a result, new substances are formed, the system of intermolecular interactions, the composition of water, including the structure of water as a solution, changes. Such water is obtained using a diaphragm flow electrochemical reactor (STEL), which includes a special membrane (diaphragm) that separates the water located at the cathode and the water located at the anode. The composition of the electrodes (anode and cathode) is such that they can only exchange electrons.

    The inventor Kratov was the first to receive such water, and with its help he was cured of adenoma and radiculitis. These liquids are produced by electrolysis of ordinary water, and acidic water, which collects at the positively charged anode, is called “dead”, and alkaline water (concentrated near the negative cathode) is called “live”.

    Rice. Electrolyzer for producing activated solutions
    1, 2 – glasses, glass; 3 – large electrode, graphite fiber; 4 – small electrode, graphite fiber; 5 – water seal, glass; 6 – magnetic stirrer

    As a result of cathodic (catholyte) treatment, water acquires an alkaline reaction, its ORP decreases, surface tension decreases, the amount of dissolved oxygen and nitrogen decreases, the concentration of hydrogen and free hydroxyl groups increases, electrical conductivity decreases, the structure of not only the hydration shells of ions changes, but also the free volume water. Catholyte is soft, light, alkaline-tasting water, sometimes with a white precipitate; its pH = 10-11 units.

    During anodic (anolyte) electrochemical treatment, the acidity of water increases, the redox potential increases, surface tension decreases slightly, electrical conductivity increases, the amount of dissolved oxygen and chlorine increases, the concentration of hydrogen and nitrogen decreases, and the structure of water changes (Bakhir V.M., 1999). Anolyte is brownish, sour, with a characteristic odor and pH = 4-5 units.

    Electrochemically activated solutions obtained in special installations, depending on the strength of the current passed, can be of several types (B.I. Leonov, V.M. Bakhir, V.I. Vtorenko, 1999):

    Anolyte has a pH of less than 6 and an ORP of +500 + 1100 mV. Anolyte ANK, in terms of acute toxicity parameters when administered into the stomach and applied to the skin, belongs to class 4 of low-hazard substances according to GOST 12.1.007-76 and has minimal toxicity in this class. When administered by inhalation, ANK anolyte with an oxidant content of 0.02% and a total mineralization of 0.25-0.35% does not have an irritating effect on the respiratory system and mucous membranes of the eyes. When administered orally, anolyte does not have an immunotoxic effect or increase the level of chromosomal aberrations in bone marrow cells and, therefore, does not have cytogenetic activity. When heated to 400 C, the biocidal activity of anolyte increases by 30-100% (V.M. Bakhir et al., 2001).

    The catholyte has a pH of more than 8 and an ORP of minus 200 - minus 800 mV. Its antibacterial effect is differentiated: the bactericidal effect is manifested against enterobacteria, enterococci and group B streptococci are resistant to it, and only bacteriostatic against gram-negative microorganisms. Catholyte with a pH below 10.5 and an ORP less than minus 550 does not have an adverse effect on the human body and does not cause a toxic effect when administered orally (V.V. Toropkov et al., 2001).

    Catholyte is a solution with abnormally enhanced electron-donor properties and, when entering the human blood, enhances its electron-donor background by several tens of millivolts.
    Cathode or anode water is widely used in biology and medicine. There is a huge literature on the positive effects of electrolysis water, especially alkaline water (catholyte). However, the mechanisms of this action of electrolysis water are not clear. Many authors explain the beneficial effects of, for example, catholyte, by its alkaline pH. However, no one measured the concentration of H+ and OH around the electrodes. It takes enormous energy (more than 10,000 volts) for noticeable hydroxylation of water to occur. At ordinary current energies, positive and negative charges quickly cancel each other out: 2H+ + 2e = H2, OH+ H+ = H2O. What remains is water and hydrogen, which evaporates.

    The mechanism of action of alkaline water (catholyte) may be explained by the fact that, as shown by Klotz (1952) and Alekseev et al. (1969), under these conditions proteins acquire a negative charge and form stronger, more stable hydrogen bonds. All this enhances synthetic processes in cells and organisms. Plant productivity increases and resistance to unfavorable environmental factors increases. However, these processes are poorly expressed.

    There is information about the mechanisms of action of catholyte: acceleration of regeneration processes due to stimulation of DNA synthesis; immunocorrective effect; strengthening the detoxifying function of the liver; stabilization of cell membrane permeability; normalization of the energy potential of cells; increasing the energy supply of cells by stimulating and maximizing the coupling of respiration and oxidative phosphorylation processes.

    Based on materials published in the collection of the Second and Third International Symposiums “Electrochemical activation in medicine, agriculture, industry”, monograph by V.I. Prilutsky. and Bakhir V.M., (1997) the following data can be given on some of the properties and therapeutic effects of anolyte and catholyte.

    Anolyte has antibacterial, antiviral, antimycotic, antiallergic, anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous, antipruritic and drying effects, and can have cytotoxic and antimetabolic effects without causing harm to human tissue cells. Biocidal substances in electrochemically activated anolyte are not toxic to somatic cells, since they are represented by oxidants similar to those produced by the cells of higher organisms (V.M. Bakhir et al., 2001).

    Catholyte has antioxidant, immunostimulating, detoxifying properties, normalizes metabolic processes (increased ATP synthesis, changes in enzyme activity), stimulates tissue regeneration (increases DNA synthesis and stimulates cell growth and division by increasing the mass transfer of ions and molecules through membranes), improves trophic processes and blood circulation in tissues.

    In medicine, electroactivated solutions of both anolytes and catholytes are widely used. The most widely known use of anolytes is for the disinfection and sterilization of instruments, premises, equipment, care items, skin and mucous membranes, etc., as well as for the treatment of purulent wounds. Testing of anolytes (AN and ANK) showed that when exposed to 5-10 minutes for rinsing the mouth, they reduce the contamination of microorganisms in the oral cavity and pharynx by 25-100 times (V.V. Toropkov et al., 1999), which is confirmed by successful use them for rinsing in diseases of the pharynx (L.G. Bazhenov et al., 1999).

    The use of wipes soaked in anolyte allows you to completely clean the wound cavities in case of gunshot wounds, phlegmons, abscesses, trophic ulcers, mastitis, extensive purulent-necrotic lesions of the subcutaneous tissue in 3-5 days, and the subsequent use of catholyte for 5-7 days significantly accelerates the reparative processes .

    There is also evidence of the high therapeutic effectiveness of electroactivated solutions for nonspecific and candidal colpitis, endocervicitis, residual urethritis, cervical erosion, corneal ulcers, purulent keratitis, infected wounds of the skin of the eyelids, for the correction of dysbacteriosis and immune disorders; in the treatment of stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis; for stomach diseases; in the treatment of salmonellosis, dysentery, as well as in the treatment of diabetes mellitus, tosillitis, purulent otitis, oily and dry facial seborrhea, hair loss, contact allergic dermatitis, wrinkle correction.

    A good therapeutic effect was found when using catholyte for gastritis, gastric ulcer, hemorrhoids, dermatomycosis, eczema, prostate adenoma and chronic prostatitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis, chronic pyelonephritis, chronic hepatitis, viral hepatitis, deforming arthrosis, etc. (S.A. Alekhin, 1997, etc.).

    However, there are very few pharmacological studies of these solutions as medicines. Research is carried out mainly at the Department of Pharmacology of the Voronezh Medical Academy.

    A number of other therapeutic effects of electroactivated aqueous solutions have been established, toxicity has been studied, and research continues on their effect on the cardiovascular system, blood system and hematopoiesis (A.S. Nikitsky, L.I. Trukhacheva), on the central nervous system (E.A. Semenova, E. .D. Sabitova), on the motor sphere (N.M. Parfenova, Yu.N. Gosteva), the genitourinary system and water-salt metabolism (Yu.A. Levchenko, A.L. Fateev), the digestive and respiratory system (A.S. Nikitsky), reproductive organs (A.D. Brezdynyuk), the state of the dental system (D.A. Kunin, Yu.N. Krinitsyna, N.V. Skuryatin), as well as in the treatment of surgical diseases (P.I. Koshelev, A.A. Gridin), mental illness (O.Yu. Shiryaev), etc.

    You can also use electroactivated aqueous solutions in agriculture: in livestock breeding (prevention of diseases of young animals) and field farming (increasing productivity). One of the positive properties of these solutions is their low cost (10 rubles per liter) and environmental friendliness.

    The industry is already producing installations for electrolysis at home (“STEL”, productivity up to 60 l/h, and less productive but convenient “Espero-1”). “Living” and “dead” water began to be sold in bottled form in pharmacies and stores.

    Method of electric pulse activation of water B.M. Rogachevsky

    Electric pulse water treatment is carried out. The water is then used for drinking and in the form of lotions. One or more electrical discharges are passed through the water in the chamber. The plasma cord formed during electrical discharge has a temperature of up to 2000 K (which causes its hard ultraviolet radiation). The liquid being processed is also subjected to powerful sound, mechanical and electromagnetic influences.

    Using electric pulse technology methods, various environments are disinfected, and lipid peroxidation of bacterial membranes plays an important role in the damage to bacterial cells. At the same time, the concentration of OH radicals in their cells sharply increases, a powerful oxidative system is formed, which damages the bacteria and they die.

    According to the Rogachevsky method, activated (“living”) water for treatment is given 0.01 liters per day for 8-10 days. It retains its healing properties for several days after treatment with an electric pulse discharge. Special “Thunderstorm” installations have been created that release thunderstorm activated water.

    Activated water for radon therapy

    Radon therapy is used in the form of baths, showers, injections, intestinal lavage, vaginal irrigation, and airborne radon inhalations. A.A. Lozinsky in his book “Radon baths and methods of their therapeutic use” (M.: Medizdat, 1958. – 84 p.) writes: “We can draw a general conclusion that radon waters are a powerful healing factor, they can be called “waters of the future”, because in balneotherapy they will take one of the first places.” Radon gadflies treat cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis, diabetes, arthritis and polyarthritis, neuroses, diseases of the nervous system, obesity, hypertension and others. Drink 30-50 ml per day, but not more than 300-600 ml per day.

    Decaying radon atoms have an indirect effect of 50-75%, and a direct effect of 25-50%. A kind of hormesis occurs - an increase in cell viability as a result of the action of small doses of damaging factors - radioactive radiation from radon and other isotopes accompanying radon.

    Structured biologically active water.

    Almost all peoples of the world have legends about a mysterious medicine - “living” water, the miraculous power of which is so great that it can “breathe” life into a dying or even dead person.

    Structured water is water with a certain regular structure, which can be obtained by various methods - magnetization, freezing-thawing, treatment with low-frequency electromagnetic waves (EHF) and others.

    Rice. Ice crystal lattice

    Natural water from ice and glaciers is also structured, since it retains regular ice structures. It also has a rejuvenating effect. But it is extremely difficult to get it, although legends indicate where to look for it - most often in the mountains, and not just in the mountains, but among high, snow-capped peaks.

    Coral water

    Coral water is rich in calcium ions. Coral calcium is a unique natural product that contains about 70 vital elements (including calcium - 34.6%, magnesium - 2.16%, silicon - 1.37%, as well as sodium, sulfur, iron, potassium, phosphorus , iodine, fluorine, bromine, manganese, chromium, boron, zinc, selenium, copper, etc.). Corals are marine colonial coelenterates from the class of coral and hydroid (hydrocorals) polyps, characterized by the ability to form a powerful calcareous skeleton formed from calcium carbonate, which persists after the death of the animal and contributes to the formation of reefs, atolls and islands. The most famous and important from an environmental point of view are the so-called. madreporous (stony) corals, since it is their growth that leads to the formation of coral reefs and islands. They are found almost exclusively in tropical and subtropical waters with temperatures not lower than 21 0C and at a depth of no more than 27 m. Their main places of distribution are the Caribbean Sea (Florida, Bahamas, West Indies) and the Indo-Pacific region, especially the zone to the north -east of Australia (Coral Sea).

    There are many other types of activated waters, which we do not dwell on.

    Melt water

    For a long time, melt and glacial water have been widely used in folk practice. The process of obtaining it was not difficult: they brought a full trough of snow or ice into the hut from the yard and waited for it to melt. Currently, it is not so easy to find snow that, after melting, will turn into clean, healthy water (as studies by ecologists have shown, in urban snow the amount of harmful compounds, and first of all, benzopyrene, is tens of times higher than all MPC standards).

    Later, scientists found an explanation for the phenomenon of melt water - it contains, compared to ordinary water, much less impurities, including isotopic molecules, where the hydrogen atom is replaced by its heavy isotope - deuterium. Melt water is considered a good folk remedy for increasing the physical activity of the body, especially after hibernation. Villagers noticed that animals were drinking this water; As soon as the snow begins to melt on the fields, livestock drinks from puddles of melt water. In fields where meltwater accumulates, the harvest is richer.

    In polar regions, seawater naturally freezes, and the resulting ice can provide a source of fresh water if ice fields or glacial icebergs are towed to warmer climates. By melting the ice and separating the meltwater from the seawater, fresh water can be produced for essentially the price of a tow.

    Everyone knows about the benefits of melt water and water in general for the body. Water is an indispensable element of all life processes occurring in the body, and its purity directly affects the quality of these processes. There is evidence that people who constantly consume clean melt water, for example, mountain residents, live much longer than urban residents.

    One of the important reasons for the onset of old age is a decrease in the amount of water bound in the body. The regular, ordered structure of ice is ideally suited to the ordered structure of cell membranes.

    Rice. Water structure

    It is believed that melt water after the melting of ice has a certain structured cluster structure. Once in the body, melt water has a positive effect on a person’s water metabolism, helping to cleanse the body.

    Melt water differs from ordinary water in that after freezing and subsequent thawing, many crystallization centers are formed in it. Proponents of melt water treatment believe that if you drink melt water, the crystallization centers are absorbed and, once in the desired zone in the body, they begin a chain reaction of “freezing” the body’s water, that is, the regular structured “ice structure” necessary for life is restored, and with her all full vital functions.

    Rice. Ice structure

    According to the director of the Ukrainian Institute of Human Ecology, Doctor of Physics. Sciences, Professor M.V. Kurika, fresh melt water heals the human body and improves its immunity. Numerous studies on the biological activity of fresh melt water were carried out by employees of the Donetsk Medical Institute and the Donetsk Research Institute of Occupational Health and Occupational Diseases.

    It was found that heating fresh melt water above +37°C leads to a loss of biological activity, which is most characteristic of such water. Preserving melt water at a temperature of +20-22°C is also accompanied by a gradual decrease in its biological activity: after 16-18 hours it decreases by 50 percent.

    Melt water has a unique structure. In melt water, hydrogen bonds between molecules are preserved: associates are formed - fragments of ice structures - consisting of a larger or smaller number of water molecules. However, unlike ice, each associate exists for a very short time: the destruction of some aggregates and the formation of other aggregates constantly occurs. The voids of such “ice” aggregates can accommodate single water molecules; At the same time, the packing of water molecules becomes more dense. Therefore, melt water differs from ordinary water in the abundance of multimolecular regular structures (clusters), in which loose ice-like structures are preserved for some time. After all the ice melts, the water temperature rises and the hydrogen bonds inside the clusters no longer resist the increasing thermal vibrations of the atoms.

    Rice. Elementary water cluster

    Melt water, when ice melts, maintains a temperature of 0 ° C until all the ice has melted. At the same time, the specificity of intermolecular interactions characteristic of the structure of ice is preserved in melt water, since when an ice crystal melts, only 15% of all hydrogen bonds in the molecule are destroyed. Therefore, the inherent connection of each water molecule with four neighboring molecules in ice is not significantly disrupted, although a greater blurring of the oxygen framework lattice is observed. Thus, melt water differs from ordinary water in the abundance of multimolecular clusters, in which loose ice-like structures are preserved for some time. After all the ice melts, the water temperature rises and the hydrogen bonds inside the clusters no longer resist the increasing thermal vibrations of the atoms.

    The sizes of the clusters change, and therefore the properties of melt water begin to change:

    dielectric constant comes to its equilibrium state after 15-20 minutes, viscosity - after 3-6 days. The biological activity of melt water decreases, according to some data, in approximately 12-16 hours, according to others - within a day. The physicochemical properties of melt water spontaneously change over time, approaching the properties of ordinary water: it gradually seems to “forget” that it was just ice recently.

    Rice. Melt water structure

    Ice and steam are different aggregate states of water, and therefore it is logical to assume that in the liquid intermediate phase the bond angle of an individual water molecule lies in the range between the values ​​in the solid phase and in steam. In an ice crystal, the bond angle of a water molecule is close to 109.5°. When ice melts, intermolecular hydrogen bonds weaken, the H-H distance shortens somewhat, and the bond angle decreases. When liquid water is heated, the cluster structure becomes disordered, and this angle continues to decrease. In the vapor state, the bond angle of a water molecule is already 104.5°. This means that for ordinary liquid water the bond angle may well have some average value between 109.5 and 104.5o, that is, approximately 107.0o. But since melt water is close to ice in its internal structure, the bond angle of its molecule should be closer to 109.5°, most likely about 108.0°.

    The above can be formulated in the form of a hypothesis: due to the fact that melt water is much more structured than ordinary water, its molecule most likely has a structure as close as possible to a harmonious triangle of the golden proportion with a bond angle close to 108o, and with a ratio bond lengths are approximately 0.618-0.619.

    One of the features of water that distinguishes it from other substances is that the melting point of ice decreases with increasing pressure. As the water heats up, there are fewer and fewer ice structure fragments in it, which leads to a further increase in the density of the water. In the temperature range from 0 to 4 °C, this effect dominates over thermal expansion, so that the density of water continues to increase. However, when heated above 4 °C, the influence of increased thermal movement of molecules predominates and the density of water decreases. Therefore, at 4 °C water has maximum density.

    When heating water, part of the heat is spent on breaking hydrogen bonds (the energy of breaking a hydrogen bond in water is approximately 25 kJ/mol). This explains the high heat capacity of water. Hydrogen bonds between water molecules are completely broken only when water turns into steam.

    There are suggestions that melt water has some special internal dynamics and a special “biological effect” that can persist for a long time (see, for example, V. Belyanin, E. Romanova, Life, the water molecule and the golden ratio, “Science and life”, number 10, 2004).

    There are many technologies for preparing melt water. To do this, chlorinated tap water is purified by filtration, degassing and freezing-thawing, after which, observing the thawing regime, they drink little by little.

    Wood activated carbon is used as a filter (retaining organic substances and trihalomethanes - toxins formed when water is treated with chlorine, as well as various types of bacteria). To prevent the activity of bacteria in coal, it is impregnated with bactericidal metals - calcium, silver, copper. For example, activated carbon with 0.3-0.7% silver retains its active cleaning properties for 6 months, then it must be replaced with a new one.

    Water is filtered through zeolite, shungite and other minerals - simulating the natural process of water purification.

    The most promising - in terms of simplicity of technology and cost-effectiveness - method of purifying water from everything dissolved in it is to freeze all impurities into residual brine during the harsh process of ice crystallization and then, subsequently, use the resulting clean ice (by melting it) for cooking needs, for drinks, compotes, jelly, for preparing various infusions and decoctions of berries and herbs.

    The method is based on the property of water of any salinity to release when freezing, initially crystals of pure ice, very small in size, but continuously growing during the freezing process. In this case, a more concentrated “brine” is placed in cells between fresh ice crystals.

    Since brine, even a very weak concentration, freezes at lower temperatures than fresh water (in some cases at -7°C), during the freezing process the source water containing impurities in the form of dissolved salts, organic substances and toxic chemicals is divided into fresh ice and residual brine, which, having a higher specific gravity than ice, gradually flows through the porous mass of fresh ice crystals, concentrating in the central and partly lower zone of the frozen primary local volume of source water.

    With rapid ice formation, the spaces between the ice crystals are filled with new crystals before the brine has time to flow out of the intercrystalline spaces, so a slow freezing rate is suitable.

    The proposed technology for producing desalted ice takes into account all the features of the crystallization process of compact ice formation, which occurs in accordance with the laws of phase transitions from the liquid state of water to be desalted into the solid state - fresh ice, which is then melted and “melt water” is obtained.

    The method chosen is the most widely available, simple and cheap option, which does not require additional costs for the purchase of any new equipment, since home refrigerators at the disposal of the population that have sufficiently large freezers are used: without any switching or rearrangement.
    As containers in which water is frozen, any container can be used, mainly cylindrical in shape with a sufficiently wide neck that allows manual cleaning of their interior.

    The containers available on the farm are filled with cold tap water (not to the very top) and must be covered either with an existing lid or with a piece of cardboard; then they are installed in the freezer, but on a lining, for example made of cardboard, which serves as a heat insulator for the bottom of the vessel.

    At the same time, it is noted how long it takes for approximately half of the initial volume of water in the vessels to freeze. In the future, in accordance with this time, subsequent freezing is carried out. Depending on the cooling capacity of the freezer and the volume of water to be frozen, this process takes 12-14 hours, or even more. In this case, the water should freeze by ½ - 2/3 of its volume. The most convenient interval is 12 hours, which allows you to repeat the freezing cycle twice a day, but you can choose other, more user-friendly cycles (for example, daily). It is preferable to place several containers in the freezer at once in order to obtain 3-6 liters of fresh ice, free of impurities, in 1-2 cycles, taking into account that the daily need of an adult for clean water used for cooking, tea, etc. is 1 .5-2 liters.

    The brine remaining after each freezing cycle must be poured into the sewer, since all salt and other harmful impurities from the initial volume of water have passed there in increased concentration.

    It is advisable to defrost the resulting fresh ice in the lower volumes of the same refrigerator, where there is usually a positive temperature, which will reduce the energy consumption for ice formation and, on the other hand, will make it possible to constantly have cold melt water for drinking.

    Electrical energy consumption for preparing 10 liters of melt water averages 1.5 kilowatt-hours and depends on the design of the refrigerator.

    Its biological activity is high, as can be seen by dipping a green birch leaf into it: after 20 minutes it will be covered with dark spots, while in ordinary water its color will remain the same. By the way, tea made from such water quickly loses its life-giving properties - the open liquid is saturated with atmospheric oxygen.

    Treatment of water with low-intensity electromagnetic radiation (EHF radiation)

    The effect of low-intensity millimeter-wave electromagnetic radiation (EHF radiation) has been intensively studied over the past 25 years all over the world on various biological objects (from bacteria to human tissues and organs) and model systems, and is also used in practical medicine, which led to the creation of EHF -therapy.

    A review of existing works on the effect of millimeter waves on biological objects indicates the possibility of the existence of mechanisms for the interaction of EHF waves with cells of plant or animal origin, which affect fundamental aspects of their life activity and the functioning of cell membranes.

    The most significant conclusion drawn from these experiments was the following: the nature of the impact of EHF waves on biological objects differs from the usual thermal impact of electromagnetic waves and has the properties of an “informational” impact. It should be noted that the division of electromagnetic effects on biological objects into energy (thermal) and “information” was first discussed in the book by A. S. Presman. Around the same time (1968), a theoretical work by G. Fröhlich was published, in which, from general biophysical considerations, the possibility of coherent excitation of the plasma membranes of cells or its individual sections in the frequency range 1011 -1012 Hz was substantiated, which corresponds to MM waves (3 ×1010 - 3 ×1011 Hz).

    Many researchers have noted the positive effects of EHF radiation on various living objects and studied various physiological effects caused by EHF radiation: acceleration of growth and increase in biomass, intensification of photosynthesis processes, accompanied by an increase in the release of oxygen and the content of photosynthetic pigments in cells, an increase in the excretion of organic compounds in environment, changes in the reactivity of exometabolites, changes in ion transport, etc.

    EHF radiation in the treatment of acute radiation sickness enhances cell proliferation, various energy processes and protein biosynthesis. This is indicated by a higher content of hemoglobin, reticulocytes and leukocytes compared to the control. In addition, EHF radiation stimulates the formation of precursors of erythrocytes and reticulocytes and promotes protein metabolism in them. And if you influence the brain with EHF radiation, the secretion of hormones of the anterior pituitary gland increases, which have a stimulating effect on erythropoiesis and hemoglobin synthesis. When exposed to EHF radiation on the kidneys, gonads and adrenal cortex, the amount of hemoglobin and reticulocytes also increases. However, it has been established that EHF radiation catastrophically reduces the quantitative indicators of leukocytes. The total number of leukocytes in the control group throughout the experiment was 69-72% less than in non-irradiated animals. The main reason for the catastrophic devastation of the bone marrow that occurs in the earliest stages after irradiation is a sharp inhibition of cell division processes.

    The effects of EHF radiation are associated with:

    ATP synthesis (in green leaf cells);
    synthesis of biologically active substances (in blue-green algae);
    changes in the metabolism of microorganisms;
    synthesis of biologically active substances by immunocompetent cells;
    increasing the yield of agricultural crops (pre-sowing seed treatment);
    resonant frequencies on the graph of the relationship “biological effect - wavelength of millimeter radiation”.

    Particularly noteworthy is the work of a group of famous Ukrainian scientists under the leadership of M.V., professor of the Laboratory of Molecular Photoelectronics at the Institute of Physics of Ukraine. Kurik and professor of the Department of Physical and Biomedical Electronics of the National Technical University of Ukraine P. P. Loshitsky. This work was carried out jointly by a number of leading scientific organizations in Kyiv - the Polytechnic Institute (Department of Physical and Biomedical Electronics), the National Institute of Physics, the Research Institute of Biochemistry and Oncology, the Institute of Human Ecology of the Kiev Academy of Sciences, etc.

    In the reports of professors M.M. Kurik and P.P. Loshitsky “Mechanisms of the influence of low-intensity electromagnetic waves on water and aqueous solutions” summed up the results of work on studying the properties of water under the influence of electromagnetic radiation in the EHF range (EMR EHF).

    Although researchers focus on the impact of millimeter waves (EHF) on the aquatic environment, they emphasize that all considerations are also valid for other types of low-intensity impacts, including radiation of lower frequencies, and mechanical effects (for example, ultrasound) and etc.

    The fact that in all living substances the percentage of water content is very high determined the direction of the search for the primary mechanisms of interaction of EHF EMR with biological objects. However, since the latter represent highly organized structures, this can lead to certain difficulties in identifying the mechanisms of the influence of radiation on them, since the high organization of the system significantly complicates the picture of its response to external influences.

    It is known that the energy quantum of EHF radiation has a very small value compared to the thermal energy of the particles of the medium (in this case, water) on which this radiation affects:

    where kT 0 is the thermal energy of particles of the medium (water molecules), here k=1.38·10 -23 J/K –
    Boltzmann constant, T0 – absolute temperature of the medium;
    hν is the energy of a quantum of electromagnetic radiation, here h=6.62·10 -34 J·s –
    Planck's constant, and ν is the radiation frequency.

    The wavelength of EHF radiation is millimeters. Therefore, theoretically, the resonant effect should occur at the supracellular level. The depth of penetration into biological tissues, which characterizes the degree of absorption of EHF radiation by a substance, is only 300-500 microns.

    Thus, the problem of EHF exposure on living organisms is part of the general problem of the influence on them of weak external factors of different physical nature, such as electromagnetic waves, radio waves, etc. The EHF radiation method is widely used in medicine.

    However, the radiation used in EHF therapy (or MRI) has an extremely low intensity, and given the small value of hν, we can conclude that the influence of EHF radiation in this case will be “invisible” against the background of thermal factors. This argument has long been the main one among opponents of EHF therapy. However, the results of medical practice and biological research indicate the opposite: despite the extremely low power values, EHF EMR, as a rule, has a positive effect on biological objects, including humans. This means that they have some special ways of storing EHF energy. What are these mechanisms? What is their role? Many scientists both here and abroad have tried to answer these questions.

    One of the first in the former Soviet Union to try to do this was a professor at the Institute of Physics of Ukraine M.V. Kurik, who predicted that complex biological systems give cell membranes certain properties of oscillatory systems that can be excited precisely in the EHF wave range. This allows you to accumulate EHF energy and transmit it within the system. This idea was developed by Moscow scientists under the leadership of Academician N.D. Devyatkov. They put forward a hypothesis of electroacoustic vibrations of biological membranes, which are “fed” by metabolic processes and are redistributed within the body in a certain way. In this case, the relaxation time of chemical structures that arise during EHF exposure is 10-11–10-12 s.

    In general terms, the biological effects of electromagnetic radiation in the optical and microwave ranges are not fundamentally different. It is believed that the effect is based on structural and functional changes in membrane formations of cells and intracellular organelles, which are targets of resonant oscillations of the electromagnetic field. As a result of this interaction, a physicochemical basis is created for changes in metabolic processes associated with the transfer of protons and electrons in cell membranes, and on this basis, consistent nonspecific reactions of the cell and the organism as a whole arise. Differences exist only in the biophysical subtleties of the interaction of electromagnetic fields and biological tissues.

    An interesting idea was even put forward that these millimeter-scale fluctuations arose during the evolution of a living cell and are one of the main mechanisms for maintaining vital processes. Cell to cell “talks” in the language of vibrations precisely in the millimeter wavelength range. That's why they are so important for all living things.

    Now the use of EHF radiation in the treatment and prevention of a number of human diseases is one of the actively developing areas of modern clinical medicine. Electromagnetic waves in the millimeter range are successfully used to treat diseases of the circulatory, respiratory, digestive, genitourinary, nervous and other systems. The first encouraging results were obtained in reducing the effects of X-ray irradiation on bone marrow, red blood cell parameters, lipid peroxidation, etc., using preliminary exposure to millimeter waves.

    All devices that generate EHF radiation use low-intensity (low power) EHF radiation, which does not cause tissue heating when exposed.
    The absence of thermal effects during EHF therapy removes a number of limitations inherent, for example, in most physiotherapeutic devices: strict contraindications in the presence of malignant neoplasms, benign tumors, some inflammatory diseases, pregnancy, etc.

    -The standard version of EHF therapy uses standard frequencies: 42.25 GHz (7.1 mm); 53.57 GHz (5.6 mm); 61.22 GHz (4.9 mm), resonantly influencing structures common to various biological objects (enzyme proteins, cell membranes, etc.). As a result, the body’s existing reserves are activated and adaptation and recovery processes are accelerated.

    -EHF exposure stimulates nonspecific adaptive resistance in the body, while protective (immune status) and regulatory (neurohumoral factor) functions are mobilized in the body.

    -EHF exposure changes the physicochemical properties of blood and the lipid composition of biological membranes.

    -The specificity of EHF exposure manifests itself at the level of the skin. Approximately 80% of subjects experience certain sensations (sensory indication): pressure, tingling, touch, burning, rarely - warmth, cold.

    -EHF exposure causes frequency-dependent effects: the occurrence of resonant oscillations in the bilayer lipid membranes of the cell and interference on the surface of the skin of primary and secondary waves and various biophysical effects.

    Bioenergetic impact on water by humans

    A special type of structuring influence on water systems, worthy of detailed study, is the bioenergetic influence of a person, in particular, a trained psychic operator.

    The peculiarities of this type of influence, in contrast to the physical factors discussed above, are that in this case the effect is determined by the individual characteristics of a particular person, his emotional state, as well as the directional nature of the influence, depending on the will of the operator. Such methods of influencing water systems as “charging” water (carried out both directly and remotely, including even on television), “charming” alcoholic drinks (treatment of various diseases, getting rid of alcohol addiction without the patient’s knowledge, love spell, induction spoilage, etc.) are widespread in alternative medicine. Conventional science until recently viewed such effects as either hoaxes or a “placebo effect,” based solely on the patient’s belief in the effectiveness of the hypothetical intervention. However, recent research allows us to conclude that human bioenergetic influence can lead to a significant change in the structure and properties of water and aqueous solutions. Researchers have shown that the influence of a trained psychic operator on systems such as solutions of acid-base indicators, vodka, tap water and benzoic acid solution has a noticeable effect on their transmission/absorption spectra. The most revealing and informative were studies using UV spectroscopy. In most of the systems considered, the bioenergetic impact carried out by the operator’s hand from a distance of 5-10 cm led to a sharp decrease in transmittance (increase in UV absorption).

    This can be explained, firstly, by an increase in the alkaline properties of water (increase in pH) due to a decrease in the content of free molecules and, as a consequence, an increase in the solubility of microimpurities such as benzoic acid, and secondly, by the very effect of water structuring, which, as indicated higher, leads to increased UV absorption. In addition, it was established that there is a certain induction period between exposure and registration of changes in transmittance, amounting to several minutes. There was also a change in the optical properties of liquid samples that were not directly exposed, but were in direct contact (in one container) before the experiment with portions taken for exposure. All this indicates the presence of a remote connection between separated liquid samples, the nature of which is not yet clear.

    It is also noted that after the directed impact of a trained operator on a container with distilled water, which he held in his hands for 5 minutes, in the presence of control samples taken from the same source and located in the next room, “the results show that the treated water has "higher absorbance at 200 nm compared to control samples, which showed higher absorbance at 204 nm. These results extend previous findings of characteristic changes in the IR spectra of water treated with bioenergetic healers."

    Also interesting is the work of Professor Schweitzer, who studied the structural changes occurring in water as a result of bioenergetic influence, using the unique method he developed of thought form photography or biophoton photography. Thus, he obtained microphotographs of samples of London tap water, placed on a glass slide and applied to various energetically active points (endocrine glands, corresponding to chakras in Indian philosophy) of a trained person (yogi), specially concentrating his energy on these points. The results obtained show that bioenergetic influence leads to the formation of clear structures, individual for each of the energetically active points of the body and in some cases even resembling the shape of the corresponding glands (for example, the pineal gland), while the original tap water does not have any clear structure.

    Explaining the mechanism of the method used, Professor Schweitzer himself considers the presence in water, especially those contained in living organisms, of tiny energy bodies called biophotons or Somatids. Dr. Enderlein (Germany) and Gaston Naessens (Canada) reported the observation of such microparticles with a negative electrical charge in blood and other living fluids.

    In general, we can conclude that the bioenergetic effect is a certain energy-informational program that structures liquids in a certain way and is capable of changing their properties over a certain time.

    Weak mechanical influences and the Earth's magnetic field

    The literature provides information about changes in the properties of water even after weak mechanical influences, as well as during movements in the Earth’s magnetic field. S. Bordi and J. Papeshi noted a periodic change in the specific electrical conductivity and surface tension of the tridistillate during its mechanical stirring.

    Using methods of rapid relaxation of small values ​​of surface tension and electrical conductivity, the temporary change in these indicators when the distillate moves in space has been established with statistical reliability. If the water was protected by a steel screen, this effect was not detected. A change in electrical conductivity in resting and moving water was also noted.

    An important factor ensuring the effectiveness of external influences on water is its flow in the presence of turbulence, vortex flows - the so-called vortex, examples of which are stones and other disturbances in the structure of the bottom that create obstacles to the flow of water in a river or stream. The main tenet of this theory is the idea that flowing water, seemingly homogeneous, actually contains many separate internal surfaces or countless strings intertwined with each other, each of which also consists of intertwined fibers. Such surfaces move at different speeds, insignificant in the outer layers and high in the inner ones. It is assumed that the speed at the center of the vortex is theoretically infinitely high. Since in an ideal vortex all forces tend to infinity, the hydrogen bonds in the water molecule cannot withstand the pressure difference and begin to stretch and weaken, which causes an increase in the sensitivity of water to weak external influences such as electromagnetic and gravitational fields and mechanical vibrations. When the movement of water stops, for example after shaking or stirring, the relative position of its internal planes, sensitive to external influences and largely formed by them, is fixed. At such a moment, water becomes a “sensitive organ” capable of remembering and storing information.

    An experimental comparison was carried out of the structuring effect exerted on water by the following factors: simple vigorous shaking; shaking when placed in a magnetic field; when flowing through small obstacles such as quartz pebbles forming microvortexes, in the absence and presence of a magnetic field; when creating a vortex in water in the absence and under the influence of a magnetic field. It was found that the combination of vortex with a magnetic field has the most powerful effect. As effective structuring influences, the author recommends stirring the water with a magnetic stirrer, fast enough to form a vortex (for about 30 s), as well as passing the water through a funnel that provides a clockwise rotational movement, with two magnets attached to the lower, narrow part of the funnel and opposite poles located opposite each other. The first of these methods is recommended for treating small quantities of water, the second for larger quantities (more than one quart); it is indicated that the highest structuring effect is achieved at least 6 minutes after exposure (induction period of structure formation).

    It was even discovered that water, when vortexed clockwise (similar to rapid stirring with a spoon), forms its own magnetic field with an induction of 0.07 Gauss and becomes a permanent magnet.

    Water and astronomical phenomena

    Of great interest is the study of the impact of astronomical phenomena on water systems. For example, back in 1929, George Lakhovsky conducted a series of experiments in two different laboratories - Salpetriere and the Pasteur Institute - to establish the influence of the phase of the Moon on the sterilizing effect of silver in direct contact with water. In April 1929, during a full moon, it took 26 hours to sterilize the water; a month later during the next full moon - 40 hours; and when the experiment was carried out on June 18, 4 days before the full moon (June 22), contact with silver led to the exact opposite result - instead of sterilizing the water, an increase in bacterial growth was observed. During the waning moon, water sterilization was carried out in 6-7 hours.

    Similar experiments using filter paper, which revealed different behavior of a silver salt solution during the full and new moons, are described in the book “Das Silber und der Mond” (“Silver and the Moon”), published in the same 1929 by the Biological Institute Goetheanum (Stuttgart, Germany).

    An interesting experiment is also in which a comparison is made of the rate of germination of seeds (for example, wheat), simultaneously and under the same conditions placed in different portions of water, previously subjected to shaking or stirring at certain points in time associated with some significant astronomical event, for example, through certain time intervals on the day of a solar or lunar eclipse.

    Thus, the problem of biological activation and energization of water is a pressing problem of natural science, full of secrets and exciting mysteries. It touches on many, sometimes the most unexpected aspects of human life. Since the human body is 65-80% water, it is water that apparently determines the energy code of each person in the first stages of his life or even in the womb. Only when the energy of water and the body coincide, as Eastern medicine believes, do biological, natural, cosmic conditions arise for a healthy, happy human life. Experimental work in the field of water bioenergy will undoubtedly bring great theoretical discoveries and practical results that will amaze our imagination.

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