I dreamed about a funeral. Why do you dream about a child’s funeral? Likes are spinning

Recently, people have increasingly begun to turn to dream books to interpret this or that dream. In this review we will try to consider one of the possible night visions. Let's talk about what funerals mean in dreams.

What does such a dream portend?

If you dreamed of a funeral, it means that you need to prepare for changes. Such a dream implies a huge number of interpretations. And the most popular of them relate to the revaluation of value, new events that will take place in life. However, everything new will be aimed at successfully resolving problem situations. At the same time, it is worth understanding that much will depend on the person’s personality and on the spiritual state in which he is at the moment when he had the dream.

Decide who is being buried

6. If in a dream you receive condolences because you have lost someone close to you, then a magnificent feast awaits you.

7. If you cry at a funeral, expect great luck soon.

8. Why do you dream about your own funeral? The answer is somewhat unexpected - you should prepare for dizzying success.

9. Young girls usually have such a dream if they are preparing for their wedding.

10. If you saw a hearse in a dream, then you should expect separation from your loved ones. Soon you will have to travel very far.

11. Why do you dream about a child’s funeral? If it is yours, then it symbolizes health and well-being. If you dream about the funeral of a friend’s baby, this is a bad sign for the family whose child died (in a dream).

12. If you need to bury a pet, then this indicates a change in the weather.

13. Hearing a death knell in a dream means a possible illness of those people whom you saw not so long ago.

14. Ringing a bell in a dream is a bad sign. It symbolizes an accident. If trips were planned, it is better to cancel them. You should not drive before the new moon. Those who are baptized should order magpies for health in seven churches. If you are not baptized, then you need to pour salt near the threshold. In this way, you protect yourself and your family from illnesses.

15. If a sick person rings a bell in a dream, it symbolizes his own death.

A gloomy dream does not always bring only bad things

But other interpretations can also be found. So why do you dream of a funeral? Agree that a gloomy dream in which you simply looked out the window and saw a funeral procession will not add positive emotions the next day.

If you saw a funeral in a dream, you should not take it seriously. So, if you have lost one of your relatives, and it was a bright and sunny day outside, then this indicates good health for your loved ones. It is even possible to get married, which will be quite successful. However, if it rains during the funeral procession, then illness and not very good news may await you. Things will soon leave much to be desired.

Bad news and happy events may await you

Why do you dream about other people's funerals? If a person is a complete stranger to you, then you should expect complications in relationships with people. Such problems will come as a surprise to you. If you buried your child, then nothing bad will happen in your family. However, relationships with friends will be disrupted. A death knell in a dream does not bode well. It's worth waiting for sad news. The person who is far from you at the time of sleep may get sick. If in a dream you yourself ring a bell, then in this way you foreshadow the beginning of illnesses and failures.

If you see a funeral procession, then this suggests that you should expect sad news. Did you see a torchlight procession in a dream and even took part in it? This means that in real life you will have fun. However, you should behave with extreme caution, as such fun can compromise you and your achievements.

Sad symbol

Why do you dream of a friend’s funeral? Quite a sad sign, both for dreams and for reality. Soon you should expect illnesses in friends or relatives, which can lead to death. This mainly applies to rich relatives. If you saw a person you don’t know being buried, this may portend an imminent wedding. In many cases, a procession to a cemetery can speak of unhappy marriages and illnesses of children.

What should you expect if you had a dream like this?

It is worth summing up and talking about the symbols that are hidden in such dreams.

1. The person who is buried will live a long life.

2. A sunny day at a funeral is a favorable sign that speaks of health for family and friends. The person will have quick happiness. Bad weather symbolizes illness and not entirely pleasant news. There may be a decline in business.

3. A dream in which you are simply present at the funeral of a person completely unfamiliar to you may indicate unexpected complications in relation to your family.

4. The death of a child means health and peace for you, problems for friends.

5. The ringing of bells in a dream signifies sad news. A person who is absent may become ill. Ringing a bell yourself means foretelling trouble.

Why do you dream about your grandmother’s funeral? In most cases, such a dream is positive. And it leads to a happy life. There is no need to create panic after such a dream.

What if you saw a coffin in a dream?

What could a coffin mean in a dream? This item always evokes associations with death. However, you don't have to take everything so literally. In many cases, a coffin in a dream symbolizes completely different events. If it is empty, then you can rest assured that you will live a long life. And your health will be good.

In the event that you purchase a coffin or are simply present in the place where they are made, then in reality you will have real estate. The diversity in interpretations of dreams of this kind can be confusing. Therefore, you need to analyze your dream quite carefully, pay attention to the presence of people and significant, and sometimes absolutely insignificant, seemingly insignificant moments in it. If everything is reproduced with high accuracy, then the interpretation may turn out to be more detailed and correct.

If the coffin is not empty

Why do you dream about your own funeral? If you saw yourself in a coffin, then you should expect problems to arise soon, from which it will be impossible to get rid of. Matters of this kind will need to be resolved on your own, since strangers will not be able to help. A stranger lying in a coffin symbolizes imminent misfortune that will successfully pass you by. Most likely, they will try to harm you. However, the opponents' plan will not be realized.

A dream with an empty coffin speaks of health. The subconscious can thus communicate that you have a lot of strength. You can do ambitious things.

A simple coffin made of ordinary wood indicates that you are completely satisfied with your current life. If the funeral attribute is decorated with velvet and made of mahogany, this indicates that your financial situation is not satisfactory. And failure awaits you in business.

If you are lying in a coffin, then expect an imminent accident or illness. It is necessary to consult a doctor if something is bothering you. There is no need to take your health carelessly. Otherwise, everything could end quite sadly.

What does the Russian dream book say?

Why do you dream of coffins? A funeral in this situation symbolizes an imminent separation. If you bury a coffin, then in real life you may quarrel with your loved one. At work, you will encounter problems that could cause you to be fired.

If you make a coffin yourself, this symbolizes that you find and create problems for yourself.

What is Freud talking about?

If there is a woman in the coffin, then for a man such a dream may foreshadow a quick separation. However, you shouldn’t be afraid of the worst. This only means that your feelings have disappeared. And this happened a long time ago, but you did not want to perceive it.

If in a dream you saw an empty coffin, then this means spiritual emptiness. Perhaps you have experienced a separation that has had a significant impact on your state of mind.

What does Shuvalov say about his dream?

If in a dream you are lying in a coffin, expect serious problems. In the future, there may be separation from a loved one or some difficulties at work. Health will deteriorate. This may only last for a few months. Try to decide what is valuable to you. This is exactly what we need to pay special attention to. There is no need to chase after all your affairs, as you can lose everything.

What did the Mayans say?

An empty coffin represents a retreat from the problems of the real world. If you saw a funeral, it means that there are more envious people, and they have a huge influence on your actions. If you are lying in a coffin, then expect immediate problems, which will not be easy to cope with.

What does the English dream book say?

If you purchase a coffin or design it yourself in a dream, this may mean that you have prepared quite seriously for future problems. If you are digging a grave, burying a coffin, or just seeing a funeral, this promises some kind of loss. And perhaps you will part with many problems.

A coffin doesn't always portend bad news

A dream in which you saw such a sad sign does not always indicate impending troubles. However, before you do anything after such a vision, you need to carefully interpret it. People, actions, additional elements - all this can play a decisive role. Don't overlook a single detail.


You should not expect problems if you saw a funeral in a dream. Just remember all the details, and then correctly “sort out” such a dream. Perhaps nothing bad will happen. Only numerous joys can await you in the near future. In this review, we discussed in detail what a dream in which a funeral could mean. We hope this helps you understand what such a vision entails.

A funeral in a dream is usually a painful sight, especially considering the logic of the dream, according to which a variety of events can be included in the scenario. The thought of death is usually drowned out by a person during life; prolonged thoughts about mortality and the transience of life necessarily lead to depression and despondency.

Seeing a funeral in a dream is a joyless sight, but in some cases it is necessary to understand yourself and find answers to forbidden awkward questions. In reality, the meaning of the dream is positive, you are saying goodbye and parting with something unnecessary and are ready to start a new life. Don’t be scared, try to figure out why you dream about a funeral.

Basic meanings of a funeral in a dream

  • A funeral in a dream can have three main meanings with different interpretations. The first, factual meaning may be an echo of memories of a real funeral that you happened to attend. In this case, you will experience approximately the same feelings as last time - sadness of parting, awkwardness, shame from trying to hide thoughts and joy about the inheritance, the set depends on the relationship that connected you with the deceased and with others. It makes sense to think about why you needed to relive this memory again, what exactly you are trying to remember, and pay attention to the details.
  • The second meaning is based on a person’s subconscious fears, fear of death. You dream of someone near and dear to you in a coffin. Or you yourself suddenly find yourself in the place of the deceased and anxiously listen to the clods of earth drumming on the lid of the coffin. Luckily, these nightmares don't last long; you'll wake up in an icy sweat, take a sip of water in the kitchen, and go back to sleep.
  • The third meaning of a funeral in a dream is the rarest, but the most interesting. You have no idea who is being buried, but you know for sure that you have a direct connection to it. You must either hold wreaths, or carry the coffin lid, take care of the banquet, or conduct a bravura funeral orchestra. Such a dream means that you are parting with some part of yourself, burying a dream or idea, past or future, abandoning moments that are significant to you and vital in the past.
  • It’s not for nothing that army sergeants organize a solemn funeral for a cigarette butt or a bottle. These seemingly meaningless, annoying and mocking actions have serious implications for the formation of habit cessation.
  • Hammering nails into the coffin means giving up habits that have begun to harm you.
  • Carrying a coffin or pretending to carry it - it is quite possible that you are experiencing a strong feeling of guilt and would like to change something, give up a number of actions. Getting rid of the shameful secret that this is what you do in your sleep is a great idea. If you don't do this, for the rest of your life you will have to stand on the edge of an imaginary grave, feeling the weight of a non-existent coffin on your shoulders. Whatever you do, this hell to which many people condemn themselves during their lifetime is an excessive and wrong punishment. Come out of paralysis. If you still feel guilty, do good deeds. Volunteer at a hospice, go to another continent to treat dangerous diseases. All this is better than sticking around like an absurd guilty monument.

Tangled stories from a funeral

Since a funeral in a dream is often closely connected with a guilt complex in reality - they didn’t have time, did it wrong, failed to take care of it as best as possible, were happy about the vacated apartment and inheritance, the plot can be confusing.

If you dream that you are burying a obviously dead person, and he turns out to be alive and waiting for you at home, or even enjoys being treated to food at his own funeral - in this dream you are finalizing your guilt complex. In a dream, you can show concern, help, repent of premature joy, and make peace. At the end of the dream, the deceased returns to the grave with pleasure and the feeling of guilt no longer bothers you.

If the dead person swears, is demanding, and comes back again and again with terrible damage, then your sense of guilt is very deep. Perhaps you really are to blame. But this is not a reason to freeze and devote the rest of your life to repentance. Give alms to churches, buy uniforms for the school football team, do something good and useful. When the guilt passes, the terrible dreams will stop.

The meaning of a funeral in a dream according to authoritative interpretations

  • Vanga's dream book is especially attentive to his own funeral and considers it an excellent sign of future wealth and prosperity, excellent health, and possibly an upcoming wedding. If you see a gravestone with your name on it, this is a sure sign of longevity. Some people, knowing about this sign, deliberately carve their name on the family gravestone in reality. Usually this is accompanied by grumbling about careless relatives who will not be able to do it properly; you have to take care of everything yourself. Grumbling is needed to cause maximum bewilderment, which blocks understanding of what is happening.
  • An empty coffin without a body means that you are experiencing inner emptiness and deep loneliness. You would like to part with this emptiness.
  • Miller's dream book considers a funeral in a dream a good sign, provided there is good clear weather. The better the weather in your dream, the more positive you will be able to relate to changes in your life. A modest funeral means future success. A lavish funeral that resembles a holiday is not good. Serious family quarrels are possible.
  • Tsvetkov’s dream book claims that a funeral in a dream means a very possible imminent wedding. By actually burying old problems, and in your dream you are burying them, you have a chance to develop new relationships.

A funeral in a dream represents a transition to a new level of life; it is a fairly strong symbol. Death symbolizes the path to eternity. Understanding it leads to the acquisition of life-affirming strength. Many dreamers want to know why they dream about the funeral of a living person. Dream interpreters will tell you about this.

The meaning of vision

In night dreams you can see not the most attractive pictures. Some see scary images that are clearly not conducive to relaxation and rest. In fact, such a plot most often has a positive interpretation.. Each interpreter has his own predictions, but the general meaning remains the same.

Burial of a close relative

The interpretation of dreams in which they see the burial of a healthy person who is alive in reality also depends on the semantic load and emotional coloring of the night's dreams. Sometimes in a dream you can see relatives being buried. You shouldn't be afraid of this.

Seeing the mother of a deceased person, if this is not true, is not a good sign. This does not bode well for the mother. Her health will be excellent for many years to come. For you, the funeral of a mother who is alive is a warning about future disappointments that may be related to work or competition.

If you saw your dad dead in a dream and were present at the funeral, your father will have an excellent life. To hear condolences or any speech at the same time - for a fun holiday with the participation of your parent.

Also, a dream about the death of dad can have the following meaning:

  • For women this portends the collapse of illusions, the likelihood of being disappointed in your chosen one.
  • For a man this is signal to be careful in business.
  • To be the killer of a father who is actually alive - means a desire to cross out the past, to start life anew. Everything will work out well if you don’t do anything rash.
  • Seeing my dad die before the funeral - lose an important battle or become a victim of circumstances.
  • Trying to hug your father during the burial - to the absence of the need to remain silent about conflicts and problematic issues that prevent you from getting closer. Find a way to improve your relationship.

Seeing in a dream the funeral of a husband who is actually alive guarantees a quick solution to problematic issues and achieving what you want. This is also a sign that you will be left a good inheritance if you have an elderly relative in reality.

If your spouse is sick in reality, the chances of his recovery will be low. Only alternative medicine methods will help. When you dream that after a funeral your spouse comes to you and says that there is a God in heaven, this is a sign of a quick solution to your problems. You will suddenly have an epiphany.

Burying a child may mean that long-awaited attempts to get pregnant will succeed and you will have a healthy baby. If the family already has children, then their health will be fine.

Seeing a brother or sister dead - despite the unpleasant impressions of what he saw, this does not bode anything bad for relatives or for you. A long and happy life awaits your brother or sister, provided that you have not experienced grief or despondency about this in your night dreams.

A dream with a plot where you bury your grandmother, who is still alive in real life, promises her prosperity and longevity. If at the same time you hear a bell ringing, get ready to hear unpleasant news about the illness of a friend or acquaintance who has not made itself known for a long time.

The dreamer suffers from internal discomfort if he watched the burial of his grandfather in a dream. You may suffer from shyness and lack of self-confidence, which prevents you from establishing relationships with the opposite sex.

Seeing your burial in a dream

Don't be afraid if you dream about your own burial. This is a sign of the completion of an important life cycle. He suggests that it’s time to get rid of the burden of unnecessary worries and say goodbye to bad habits.

Death in a dream is the personification of longevity. If you dream about this during a period when you are unwell, expect a quick recovery. Seeing your death and funeral procession means a happy old age and a strong marriage in which there will be no major shocks.

But at the same time, the plot speaks of the inevitability of change– in your perception of the world or in the sphere of family or work. Only you can decide what choice to make so that the changes are for the better.

It is also possible that you really fear death, which is why it comes to you in a dream., to show that the transition to infinity is just a transformation of reality that should not be feared. This is not the end of existence.

When you remember a dream in detail, it simplifies the situation. Some details complement his interpretation. Minor features have the following explanation:

  • Buying a coffin for yourself - to unexpected expenses.
  • Fresh flowers in a wreath or basket - to monetary profit and luck. If they are artificial, they want to deceive you.
  • You dig a hole yourself - you will be happy in your personal life.
  • We saw ourselves in a coffin - expect fun.
  • You see a lot of familiar people - find yourself a profitable partner.
  • If you were put there against your will - for marriage.
  • Smiles on the faces of those present - harmony in the marital union.
  • Watching the funeral procession - you will suddenly be happy.
  • Getting out of the grave - you can protect yourself from negative influences and find the right solution.
  • If you notice someone trying to perform a magical ritual during preparation, Beware of ill-wishers and hypocrites.

Despite the pessimistic coloring of the dream, seeing the funeral of a living person is almost always a sign of attraction and good health.

It is interesting to find out why funerals are dreamed of - oddly enough, this tragic event in dreams often brings good news.

But before opening the dream book, you need to remember the funeral in all details - who was buried, what role you yourself played in this process, and even what the weather was like. All these nuances affect the meaning of the dream.

Dreams in which someone is buried may include the following:

  • In your dreams you saw the funeral of a stranger, a stranger.
  • In your dreams you saw the funeral of an acquaintance, friend, loved one, mother, father, child.
  • You dream about your own funeral.
  • You carry a coffin or wreaths to a cemetery.
  • You mourn, cry or sing at a funeral.

Watch from the side

It is especially interesting why you dream of a funeral at which you are only an outside observer. It is important here who exactly was buried in your dreams, provided that you yourself did not take an active part in the funeral ceremony you dreamed about.

1. If you saw in a dream someone else’s funeral, an unfamiliar deceased person, this is an unkind, but not a terrible sign. Someone else's funeral in your dreams can promise you complications in relationships with people around you in reality or the hostility of one person.

It is likely that a dream in which you saw an unfamiliar deceased person warns you of a period of difficulties, of a dark streak in life. Be careful, especially with new people.

2. If you have a dream in which someone else’s funeral is very magnificent, rich, the deceased person is buried with honors - this is a dangerous dream. It promises you loss of honor, tarnished reputation, damaged trust.

Be more careful than ever about how you behave if you dream about this. You risk losing your good position in society for a long time.

3. On the contrary, if you dream that a poor, modest funeral of some ordinary person is taking place in a cemetery, this can promise you good luck, peace, a period without problems and difficulties. If you are in need, the situation will soon improve.

4. It is especially difficult in a dream to see the funeral of a familiar person, especially a relative. . You should not be afraid: such a dream does not promise evil or danger to the one who visited your dreams.

If you dream that a relative is being buried, this may indicate that this person will be cured of his illness and will be happy. If you see the funeral of a mother, father, child, relative or friend in good, clear weather, be sure: such a dream symbolizes happiness for the one who dreamed about it.

This person will certainly live a very long time, and even if he is sick now, he will definitely recover soon and have a good and calm life. So your family is in no danger.

5. However, if in your unpleasant dream you saw the funeral of your mother, father, relative or friend in cloudy, inhospitable, rainy weather or even at dusk, this may portend bad news from this person or his illness. If possible, inquire about your mother’s health, take care of your relative’s condition, and show attention to your family.

6. If you saw the funeral of not only a relative, but also your own child, such a dream portends you health and peace, order in your family and home. And if you saw the funeral of an unfamiliar baby in a cemetery, this may mean that difficulties await you in relationships with people.

7. If you saw in a dream how your best friend or girlfriend is being buried, this is fortunate, and your relationship with this person will be good. If you yourself present a wreath to a friend, then a gift or surprise awaits you from the person you dreamed about. Despite the obvious darkness of the dream, nothing bad should be expected.

8. If you dream of a long, gloomy funeral procession in a cemetery, people in mourning carrying coffins and wreaths, this promises you an unfavorable period in life. Don't be scared: life is not all joy, so prepare for difficulties and gather the strength to survive them. Believe in your own strength, and no dream will ruin your life.

9. Seeing grieving, inconsolable people in a dream is a good sign. This dreams of good things, a favorable outcome of events, a period of calm and peaceful life.

10. But if you dream of a death knell, this is a warning. Expect disturbing, bad news. Be prepared for unexpected stress and shock.


Let's consider why you dream of a funeral where you had to actively do something - for example, help carry a wreath or coffin, grieve, or even see your own funeral. What do such dreams promise?

1. A dream in which the funeral is difficult for you, you cry, grieve inconsolably and cannot calm down is good, it means cleansing, renewal.

2. If in your dream you not only attended a funeral, but also received condolences from people, this portends a big happy holiday. On it you will be the center of everyone's admiration and attention.

3. Carrying a wreath in a dream is a symbol of the fact that in reality you are too attached to existing external conventions . Wreaths are an obligatory attribute of mourning, and such a dream simply indicates to you that you should listen to your true desires, do what your heart tells you, and depend less on conventions and traditions.

4. A dream in which a person’s funeral takes place with your participation (you help carry the coffin) warns and cautions you that you are likely to be participating in a bad, undesirable event.

The consequences of this matter can be the most undesirable, unpleasant and even dangerous for you, so think very seriously about what you are doing, are you doing everything according to your conscience, are you harming someone? If you find yourself involved in an evil deed, get out of it while you can.

5. If you happen to ring a funeral bell in your night dreams, this is a warning about possible failures. A dark period awaits you, prepare for it, be ready to face difficulties!

6. Singing at a funeral in a dream means melancholy, sadness, and disappointment. You may be overcome by depression - gather all your strength to cope with this, otherwise this condition will drag you on for a long time and may break you.

7. An unexpected dream in which you watch your own funeral should not shock you. On the contrary, unexpected happiness and joy will literally fall on you, your life will change dramatically for the better - and you will live happily! Author: Vasilina Serova

It’s natural to worry about why you dream about your own funeral. But . Such a dream belongs to the category of “reverse dreams.” The more negative the situation in a dream, the better everything will turn out in real life.

Seeing yourself in a coffin in a dream

Many people have at least once felt like Pannochka from Viy in a dream. Contemplating oneself in a coffin is not a sight for the faint of heart. But in reality this dream promises the dreamer a fun time.

If a person has a dream where he is not just lying in a coffin, but is actively being prepared for burial, then in real life his fate will change in a positive way.

Dreams associated with funerals

The circumstances of the dream where the dreamer is buried can be interpreted in different ways. It all depends on the following aspects:

  • Buying a coffin means spending money.
  • The very process of lowering the coffin into the grave in a dream means unexpected joy in reality.
  • Laying wreaths at the grave symbolizes success in business, but only if the flowers in the wreaths are real.

A woman or girl who sees herself being forcibly pushed into a coffin in a dream can begin preparations for a wedding.

The same interpretation has a dream where a person digs a hole himself. In real life, a quick marriage awaits him.

According to Miller's dream book, a dream where the dreamer is buried in sunny weather promises recovery and happiness in reality. But the same situation on a rainy day promises challenges.

Did you see your funeral in winter in a dream? You will have the opportunity to get rid of old ailments. People dream of funerals accompanied by the trills of nightingales in the spring or summer as a sign of material well-being.

When does a funeral dream of bad events?

If you dream that a person was buried alive and woke up in a coffin, then in reality he should reconsider his priorities.

Did you manage to get out of the grave on your own? Then the dream means changes that will help avoid a big disaster, but minor troubles will still happen.

Your own funeral in a dream: sleep during illness

Usually, death seen in a dream by sick people portends recovery. But if a person has practically no chance of surviving in reality, then this dream can be interpreted as quick relief from torment and peace.

Your own funeral in a dream in an unusual format

Did you dream that you were being buried during a witchcraft ritual? Beware, you have a serious enemy or an insidious rival in your life.

Fun at the dreamer's funeral is a sign that his marriage will be long and strong. Excessive grief of relatives and friends at a funeral in a dream also has a positive meaning. And the dreamer’s only threat is that he will become fabulously rich.

So why dream about your own funeral? Most often, these dreams are harbingers of marriage, good luck,... These dreams, despite the gloomy atmosphere, are interpreted positively. They also portend longevity and the solution of old problems in the best way for the dreamer.