Does cavitation help you lose weight? "a terrible thing - cavitation!" Features of the use of ultrasonic cavitation

What is ultrasonic cavitation

Cavitation (RF lifting) is one of the most popular methods of hardware body correction, based on the ability of cavitation sound waves to break down fat. This technology fully competes with plastic surgery: after all, a course of cavitation procedures has a similar effect, but at the same time it is painless, safe, and does not require a rehabilitation period or wearing compression garments.

How does non-surgical liposuction work?

The scientific term cavitation (this word comes from physics) refers to the effect of the appearance of bubbles (cavities) in a liquid, filled with steam, gases, etc. When the pressure changes or when an acoustic wave passes, the bubbles burst and the gas is released. This principle was the basis of the cosmetic procedure.

The cavitation apparatus produces low-frequency ultrasound pulses. They are applied under the skin with a special handpiece, and since ultrasound is an acoustic wave, when exposed to it, a huge number of such bubbles are formed in fat cells - adipocytes. As the bubbles increase in size, they burst and produce a micro-explosion, damaging the cell membranes of fat cells, but not affecting other cells and blood vessels. Decay products are removed from the intercellular space through the lymphatic system - i.e. fat, having passed into the liquid stage, leaves the body in a completely natural way.

Literally after 3 or 4 procedures the result is noticeable. One cavitation session removes up to 15 cm 3 of adipose tissue.

The conductive gel also contributes to the breakdown of fat cells - it is applied to the treatment area immediately before the procedure to reduce the friction that occurs between the working attachment and the skin. The maximum duration of the procedure without the risk of overheating is 60 minutes, although on average it takes no more than half an hour.

Why is ultrasonic cavitation needed?

Cavitation works effectively in several directions at once. In addition to reducing the volume of the fat layer, correcting weight and figure, using this procedure you can get rid of cellulite, lipomas (benign tumors that form on fatty tissues), correct defects after liposuction surgery, and also improve the structure and condition of the skin.

Is the cavitation procedure painful?

This procedure is completely painless, you can even call it pleasant. During cavitation, the top layer of skin is not damaged, and there are no bruises, scars or scars left on the body.

How quickly will the effect of the cavitation procedure become noticeable?

Already after the first cavitation procedure, even with the naked eye you can notice positive changes, because in one session up to 15 cm 3 of fat is removed from the body! The greatest effect is achieved after 3 – 4 procedures.

Do I need to follow a special regimen after the procedure?

To improve the effect of cavitation and accelerate the removal of decay products from the body, it is recommended to drink at least two liters of water in the next two to three days after the procedure. Just as before the procedure, for three days after the cosmetic treatment it is recommended not to drink alcoholic beverages, and also to refrain from fatty, spicy and fried foods.

What effect does cavitation have?

Thanks to the cavitation procedure, a visible aesthetic effect appears, excess volume in problem areas of the body disappears (from 1 to 5 cm for each session!), weight decreases (not so significantly), the notorious “orange peel” disappears. The skin at the site of treatment becomes smoother, more elastic and beautiful, and the contours of the figure acquire clearer outlines. It should be noted that the effect of cavitation lasts for two years.

Can men undergo the procedure?

Yes, the cavitation procedure is indicated for both women and men who are overweight. Particular care should be taken only in the groin area.

Is special preparation required for the cavitation procedure?

Cosmetologists advise refraining from drinking alcohol for three days before the procedure, and not loading the liver and kidneys with excessively fatty and spicy foods and fried foods. Also, within three days before cavitation, you need to drink 1.5 - 2 liters of liquid, and 2 - 3 hours before the start of the session, drink about a liter of clean still water.

1. After the session you need a diet. Avoid sweets and fatty foods, try to eat as many complex carbohydrates (cereals) as possible;

2. Many myths about cavitation say that after the session the effect will occur immediately. This is not true, ultrasound has a cumulative quality, therefore, the more procedures, the better. At the same time, do not neglect wraps and massage;

3. After a course of procedures, you need to use various methods to enhance lymph outflow. This could be scrubs, exercises.

The advantages of cavitation are:

· breakdown of fat deposits;

Improved skin elasticity;

· elimination of cellulite in problem areas;

· absence of hematomas and various injuries after the procedure.

Contraindications to cavitation include:

· pregnancy;

· malfunctions of the immune system;

· breast-feeding;

· blood clotting disorder;

· uterine fibroids;

· other tumors;

renal failure;

· hepatitis.

If there are wounds at the site of treatment, then cavitation will have to be postponed until they have completely healed.

All of the above conditions are absolute contraindications, but there are also relative ones. These include the presence of scars, tattoos, and implants in the affected area. In addition, it is important to stop taking aspirin and other non-steroidal medications 10 days before the procedure.

It should not be performed on people with individual intolerance to ultrasound or those with chronic diseases (type 1 diabetes, infectious diseases, etc.). In such cases, this procedure can worsen the body’s condition and lead to unforeseen complications.

The average course of treatment ranges from 3 to 10 procedures. It all depends on the desired result and the initial condition of the patient. If necessary, the course is repeated after six months.

The duration of one procedure depends on the affected area. As a rule, half an hour is enough to achieve effectiveness. It is not recommended to carry out the procedure for less than 20 minutes, since it is difficult to achieve the desired result in such a time. One session should not exceed 45 - 60 minutes.

No diet can give such a result; both ultrasonic cavitation and liposuction are less effective. This is the only way to influence the number of fat cells, but not their size and volume. Internal organs and blood vessels are protected from damage.

Cavitation for weight loss is based on the interaction of ultrasound and the breakdown of fat cells due to its oscillatory movements. For several years now, cosmetology centers have been carrying out this procedure and patients tolerate it quite successfully.

The essence of the procedure is that the durable shell of the fat cell cannot disappear even after long-term diet courses and fitness classes. And if you remove adipose tissue using cavitation, then there is nowhere for the “excess fat” to be stored, and excess kilograms will stop appearing.

Mechanism of action

This process is designed for gradual and effective weight loss. During the procedure, time is devoted to only one problem area until the desired result is fully achieved. Then the next part of the body, etc.

The duration of the course is 10 sessions for one zone with a break of 5 days.

The process itself takes 30 minutes of cavitation itself and another 20 minutes of drainage massage.

On average, one course will cost up to 1000 USD, the price will depend on the prestige of the salon and the quality of the equipment.

Is it really possible to lose weight this way? And how long does the result last?

According to cosmetologists, during the procedure the fatty membrane is removed and it does not grow back. Thus, fat cells will not form on the body. Does this mean that you will always be slim and fit?

Perhaps yes, if nutrition, stress on the body, fasting days, etc. are controlled. But if a person continues to eat heavy food and does not take care of it, the result will be much worse than just obesity.

Due to the fact that it will be impossible to store excess fat on the surface of the body, fat forms may appear in more dangerous places, for example in the abdominal cavity or in the intestines. Or tumor growths may appear in certain areas of the body, for example, under the knees, and surgery will be required to remove them.

Yes, but only for those people who have too heavy fat deposits, and it is simply impossible to remove them naturally. In any case, you will need dietary nutrition and nutrition, but for “loungers” and “insatiable” people the road to this procedure is closed.

Take care of your body and health, be vigilant and do not succumb to the various temptations of modern cosmetology. Remember, a healthy mind in a healthy body! And beauty loves naturalness and naturalness!

Video about the ultrasonic cavitation procedure

Video about cavitation for weight loss

Often, only one detail interferes with a slim figure - a protruding belly. And it cannot be removed by physical exercise or diet. Is it really possible that only plastic surgery or liposuction will help in this case? Not at all, because there is a more gentle method - abdominal cavitation.

Read in this article

Features of the procedure

One of the reasons for a protruding belly is the presence of fat deposits. They are composed of adipocyte cells that are susceptible to the influence of ultrasound radiation. This is what the cavitation method is based on. The procedure involves applying ultrasound to the problem area of ​​the body. It stimulates the formation of air bubbles in adipocytes. When they are affected, they break down the membranes of fat cells, turning them into a liquid state. The resulting substance is excreted from the body independently through the blood and lymph.

Indications for use

The procedure will be effective in the following cases:

  • excess fat on the front and side walls of the abdomen;
  • the need to restore the balance between fat and muscle tissues after pregnancy, tightening the latter;
  • the need to improve the results of liposuction if the result is not entirely satisfactory;
  • unevenness on the abdomen caused by the presence of wen.


Despite the absence of tissue trauma, ultrasonic cavitation of the abdomen also has contraindications:

  • serious cardiovascular pathologies, presence of a pacemaker;
  • oncological diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • severe diseases of internal organs;
  • skin damage in the abdominal area, presence of tattoos;
  • periods of pregnancy and lactation.

Preparation for the procedure

Cavitation is not considered by experts as a surgical intervention. But to achieve results while maintaining health, you need to prepare for the procedure. First, you should make sure that there are no contraindications, for which you should undergo a medical examination, and the woman should also take a pregnancy test.

But the main preparation consists of measures that will contribute to the maximum effectiveness of the procedure:

  • 3-4 days before the session, you should limit the amount of spicy, fatty, fried foods in your diet. This will reduce the load on the liver and kidneys, which are under pressure during the abdominal cavitation procedure.
  • Avoid alcohol for the same time. It stimulates the formation of new fat cells.
  • Drink 1.5 - 2 liters of water throughout the preparatory period. This will help speed up metabolism and enhance the effect of ultrasonic exposure.
  • You cannot eat 2 hours before the session, but at the same time it would be good to drink 1 liter of water. The liquid will speed up your metabolism, which will stimulate the rapid breakdown and elimination of fat.


Typically, how abdominal cavitation is done is explained by a specialist. But even if you come to a session for the first time, without knowing its details, you should not be afraid. The procedure is painless and lasts no longer than 40 minutes. It goes like this:

  • A special gel is applied to the patient's abdomen. It will prevent injury to the skin during the procedure and helps the waves more actively break down fat.
  • The ultrasonic device's manipulator is guided over problem areas. Each zone is processed, of which there are from 4 to 8. Depending on the thickness of the fat layer, 5 - 20 minutes are spent on 1 area. The patient feels warmth and comfort during the session.
  • The last stage lasts after the end of the session until the start of the next one. At this time, fat cells exposed to ultrasound are destroyed and removed.

To learn how abdominal cavitation is performed, watch this video:


There is virtually no recovery required after ultrasound liposuction of the abdomen. On the contrary, the result will be more pronounced if you also stimulate the breakdown and elimination of fats:

  • carry out lymphatic drainage massage a day or two after cavitation;
  • give stress to the abdominal muscles in the form of exercises;
  • monitor your diet, avoiding anything that stimulates the growth of fatty tissue.

Possible negative effects after

Quite harmless in comparison with liposuction, especially with abdominoplasty, the procedure can also cause side effects.

Rare side effects Why do they occur?
Burns, fever, bruising and spider veins This is possible with a small amount of subcutaneous fat and dry and sensitive skin. After all, during the procedure, heating occurs up to 50 degrees
Inflammatory diseases of internal organs This happens due to fat breakdown products entering the blood and lymph. You should also drink plenty of water to eliminate toxins as quickly as possible.
Formation of new fat cells in other parts of the body This happens if the patient does not change his diet, eating high-calorie and fatty foods
Development of atherosclerosis In this disease, fatty plaques are deposited on the walls of blood vessels, which cavitation can contribute to. Proper nutrition and active movement will prevent this.

But such consequences rarely occur. And it happens more likely to those who rely only on the procedure and ignore the requirements of preparation and recovery.


For a procedure such as ultrasonic liposuction, abdominal cavitation, it is necessary to have appropriate equipment and a specialist. Nevertheless, the price of the procedure is quite affordable and ranges from 4,000 rubles. per session. Sometimes beauty clinics offer it simultaneously with a subsequent lymphatic drainage massage, which will cost a little more. The duration of the session also plays a role in the cost of cavitation of the abdominal area.

The procedure should not be considered as a way to get rid of the problem without the slightest effort. It helps to correct the abdominal area, reducing it, if it stimulates the removal of fat additionally. Then the effect of cavitation in this area will be comparable to the results of liposuction, only without skin damage, physical discomfort and a long recovery period.

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Cavitation is a modern way to lose weight without strict diets, heavy training and surgical interventions. This procedure is not accompanied by painful or unpleasant sensations. The positive result from cavitation will last for a long time, provided that you switch to the principles of proper nutrition and perform a simple set of exercises every day. After some time, your weight will be completely normalized, and your silhouette will acquire clear outlines.

The essence of cavitation is the effect of ultrasound on the human body

As a result of oscillatory movements, the membranes of lipid cells are destroyed, and their content be displayed from the body naturally via lymph and blood. Speeds up the process of pneumomassage and lymphatic drainage massage, which are performed immediately after the procedure.

Lymphatic drainage massage performed using light and slow squeezing movements. At the same time, excess moisture and decay products are removed from the cells through the system much more actively.

Pneumomassage restores blood circulation, increases muscle tone and tissue nutrition. This type of massage is performed with a special pump with various attachments, similar to the action of medical cups.

It should be noted that ultrasound only affects fat cells, and cells with a different structure remain intact and undamaged.

When using other devices, only a decrease in the size of the lipid cell occurs, and not its complete destruction. If the patient stops following a diet, That fatty cells begin to recover, while at the same time body weight increases.

It has been experimentally proven that in a few months of cavitation you can get rid of fat layer weighing up to 10 kilograms and reduce the parameters of the waist and hips by a maximum of 4 cm.

Many experts compare cavitation with a non-surgical liposuction procedure.

To carry out this cosmetology event the device is used, which contacts with the body, calling sensations of warmth and slight tingling.

During the procedures you you should change your daily diet and increase your physical activity activity,so that the result from cavitation entrenched forever.

The first positive results from the use of cavitation can be noted after three or four procedures

Session duration is a maximum of thirty minutes. Immediately after the cosmetic procedure, you can return to your usual rhythm of life, since the body is not covered with hematomas and swelling.

For the effectiveness of cavitation, it is recommended to adhere to the drinking regime. You need to drink about two liters of liquid per day, and drink about a liter of water before the procedure. Also, a few days before the session, you need to give up alcoholic beverages, fatty and smoked foods, and also cook food without frying.

Clinical studies of cavitation have shown that this procedure is safe for the circulatory system, muscle and bone tissue

But experts it is prohibited to perform it during pregnancy, menstrual cycle and feeding breasts. Also cavitation is contraindicated for people, those suffering from oncology, sugar diabetes, chronic illnesses of cardio-vascular system, diseases excretory system organs, bronchial asthma, skin diseases.

Thus, cavitation helps not only to improve body contours and weight, but also to radically change your lifestyle. After all, after a course of procedures, in order to maintain positive transformations, it is necessary to give up low physical activity and constant overeating.

Cavitation for weight loss is a cosmetic procedure that removes fat deposits using low-frequency ultrasonic waves.

This method is a novelty among cosmetic manipulations; its action is aimed at destroying fat cells, which leads to getting rid of cellulite.

The essence of the method

Ultrasonic cavitation is a popular hardware procedure performed in beauty salons.

This method is new in aesthetic medicine; previously it was used in dentistry and in the treatment of kidney diseases, and in some cases in surgery.

The procedure is carried out using a cavitation apparatus. Reducing volumes and eliminating cellulite requires the use of different frequencies of ultrasound, for this reason the apparatus for carrying out manipulations has several operating modes.

Features of the cavitation procedure.

During the operation of the device, low-frequency ultrasonic waves are applied to the subcutaneous fatty tissue. This effect leads to the formation of a stream of air bubbles in the fluid located in the adipose tissue.

Under the influence of ultrasound, the flow of bubbles moves to a zone of high pressure, where they are compressed and damage the membranes of fat cells.

When air bubbles collapse, a large amount of energy is released. After the destruction of cell membranes in adipose tissue, the released fats are eliminated from the body through metabolic pathways. Most of it is transported through the lymphatic system and about 10% enters the blood, where it is converted into glucose.

The use of this method allows the destruction of large fat cells, which makes this procedure indispensable in the fight against the manifestations of cellulite.

A special feature of the technique is that only fatty tissue cells are destroyed, while other types of tissue are not damaged. This effect occurs as a result of the fact that the cell membranes of other tissues have a higher degree of elasticity compared to fat cells.

Ultrasonic cavitation allows you to destroy lipids at the cellular level and not only fights cellulite and helps you lose weight, but also activates metabolic processes in the subcutaneous layers.

Cavitation against cellulite gives positive results in cases where body fatness is small or medium, and one of the requirements for obtaining a positive effect is strict adherence to proper nutrition and leading an active lifestyle.

Losing weight through ultrasonic liposuction involves a gradual approach. This means working with each problem area individually. For this reason, the prescribed course of procedures will vary from person to person. The more areas with subcutaneous fat deposits there are, the greater the number of sessions required and the higher their intensity.

Advantages and disadvantages

The procedure has a number of advantages and some disadvantages when used to remove fat deposits in problem areas.

After the course, a person does not develop sagging skin and does not require a long recovery period.

Using the technique makes it possible to change the contours of the body without harming the elastic tissues of the body and without changing the color of the skin.

The main advantages of getting rid of excess fat deposits using ultrasonic treatment are the following:

  1. The procedure for influencing fat deposits with ultrasound is gentle in nature - it does not require making incisions or punctures of the skin.
  2. High degree of safety - only adipose tissue is destroyed, other tissues are not destroyed.
  3. The absence of damage to the integrity of the skin prevents the appearance of suppuration, suture separation or the formation of rough scars. Any form of infection during a course of treatment of problem areas of the body is excluded.
  4. Ultrasonic cavitation does not require the use of anesthesia - the procedure is painless.
  5. Almost complete absence of a recovery period. There are only minimal post-procedural regimen restrictions.
  6. Exposure of the skin to ultrasound leads to a compacting effect, which increases the elasticity of the skin and gives a tightening effect.
  7. Correction of problem areas can be carried out in any area of ​​the body.
  8. The procedure is well compatible with other cosmetic procedures, such as lymphatic drainage, mesotherapy, body wraps, and various types of massage.
  9. Cavitation lipolysis can be used as a means of preparation for surgical liposuction, as well as a method of rapid rehabilitation and correction of body contours after it is performed.

Despite the large number of advantages, the cavitation lipolysis method is not without some disadvantages:

  1. In one manipulation, it is possible to remove a small amount of adipose tissue, which requires several sessions to achieve the required positive result.
  2. The visible effect of the procedure does not appear immediately, but after some time - up to several weeks. This period is required for the breakdown and absorption of excess fats formed during the destruction of adipose tissue cells.
  3. The use of this method creates an additional functional load on the tissues of the liver, kidneys and pancreas.

Another disadvantage of the technique is that it has a large list of contraindications and limitations that limit the possibility of using cavitation liposuction.

Also, the disadvantages of this method of losing weight include:

  • high risk of blood clots forming in the vessels of the circulatory system;
  • the possible occurrence of a number of adverse reactions associated with the negative effects of ultrasonic waves on the peripheral nervous system;
  • the need for several sessions to obtain a visible positive effect;

The disadvantage of cavitation liposuction can be considered the relatively high cost of the procedure, which ranges from 50 to 150 US dollars per session.

Contraindications and possible harm

An ultrasonic manipulation device is a device with attachments or manipulators for smoothing the skin.

The device is equipped with a liquid crystal screen that displays information about the progress of the procedure.

The device is equipped with an internal memory designed for the use of various therapeutic programs.

During the manipulation process, a person feels a slight tingling and warmth in the treatment area.

The use of the device has significant limitations due to the presence of a wide range of contraindications for use.

The main contraindications to this procedure for weight loss and body shaping are the following:

  • gestation period;
  • osteoporosis;
  • presence of renal failure;
  • detection of any type of hepatitis;
  • postoperative recovery period;
  • the presence of damage to the skin in areas subjected to ultrasound treatment;
  • hemophilia;
  • the patient has a pacemaker;
  • identification of foci of development of oncological pathologies;
  • problems with the venous vessels of the body’s circulatory system;
  • hernia;
  • diabetes;
  • high or low blood pressure;
  • problems in the functioning of the body's immune system;
  • the presence of an increased amount of sugar in the blood plasma;
  • infectious diseases and chronic pathologies in the acute stage;
  • uterine fibroids and other problems with organs located in the pelvic area.

If the patient has implants, tattoos and scars, the decision to use cavitation liposuction is made by the doctor in each case separately.

Due to the effect of low frequency ultrasound on the body, exacerbations of some chronic pathologies may occur. This situation occurs under the influence of the increased work of the body’s lymphatic system.

After using ultrasound to destroy fatty deposits under the skin, a person may experience a number of side effects and complications that should be considered before scheduling the procedure.

Such negative reactions and complications are:

  1. Deterioration in health – the appearance of dizziness, nausea and difficulty breathing.
  2. Exacerbation of chronic pathologies in the kidneys, liver and pancreas, which is associated with an increase in the functional load on these organs.
  3. Exacerbation of hypertension and skin pathologies.
  4. As a result of a decrease in the amount of calcium in the body, osteoporosis may develop or worsen.

If the patient has increased sensitivity to ultrasound radiation, there is a high probability of local burns.

The likelihood of complications and harm to the body as a result of treatment with low-frequency ultrasound radiation is reduced if examination protocols are followed and the patient is prepared for the procedure.

Impact zones

Cavitation is not used to correct body contours if the patient has second or third degree obesity.

The greatest effectiveness of ultrasound was found when affecting local deposits of adipose tissue.

Depending on your body type, fat deposits can form:

  • on hands;
  • in the back area;
  • at the waist;
  • in the lower abdomen;
  • in the gluteal region;
  • on the hips.

Ultrasound can be used to eliminate a double chin.

The procedure allows you to get excellent results in eliminating cellulite, for this reason it is most often prescribed for treating areas predisposed to the development of this cosmetic defect.

Preparatory measures

Before the procedure, some preparatory measures should be taken.

The preparatory period consists of several stages - consultation with a surgeon, conducting a comprehensive examination to identify the presence of possible contraindications and restrictions, including laboratory tests of the body:

  1. Blood biochemistry.
  2. Analysis of urine.
  3. Blood test for the presence of viral hepatitis.
  4. HIV test.
  5. Ultrasound of internal organs.
  6. Fluorography.
  7. Electrocardiogram.
  8. Coagulogram.

It is recommended to remove spicy, fried and fatty foods from your diet 3 days before the procedure. To enhance the positive effect, it is recommended to consume more water on the day of the session and several days after it. This allows the body to get rid of waste faster.

Before the session, the skin at the treatment site is lubricated with a lipolytic with a gel consistency. These drugs include substances that promote the breakdown of lipids located in the subcutaneous layer. Lipolitics help reduce the friction force between the attachments and the patient's skin. The gel used during the procedure improves the conductivity of ultrasonic waves. The substances included in its composition are absorbed by the skin and accelerate the breakdown of fats.

How is the procedure performed?

An ultrasonic liposuction session involves treating a problem area of ​​the body surface by slowly moving the sensor of an ultrasonic device.

For this purpose, the client lies on the couch. All required settings are configured on the device.

The problem area of ​​the body surface is treated with a conductor gel or fat-soluble oil. When carrying out the procedure at home, you can use glycerin for processing.

Using a special device that produces low-frequency ultrasound, the doctor uses a manipulator to influence the skin. During 1 session, several myostimulations of the same area are performed.

Application of the gel helps improve gliding and ultrasound conductivity.

The duration of 1 procedure is from 30 to 60 minutes. The duration depends on the area of ​​the treated area. To obtain a positive result, the doctor prescribes 3-4 sessions with breaks between them of 10 days.

A repeated course of cavitation may be prescribed no earlier than six months later.

To increase the efficiency of processing, the following sessions may be recommended:

  • mesotherapy;
  • ozone therapy;
  • vacuum roller massage;
  • pressotherapy.

The use of these procedures enhances the effect of ultrasound, but requires additional financial costs.


The results of therapeutic interventions largely depend on how competently the client behaves during the rehabilitation period.

The doctor performing cavitation gives the person detailed recommendations and advises on possible prohibitions and restrictions.

During the rehabilitation period, it is necessary to properly care for the area of ​​the body that has undergone ultrasound treatment.

The doctor advises the patient about the risk of side effects and methods to prevent them.

  1. It is not recommended to eat anything for 2 hours after cavitation.
  2. Alcohol and drinks containing caffeine should be excluded from your diet for 2 days after the procedure.
  3. The diet after ultrasonic cavitation includes low-carbohydrate and starch-free foods, low-fat meals, and unsweetened drinks.
  4. Throughout the week, you need to massage the treated area of ​​the body with a dry brush. The rules for conducting such a massage should be explained to the patient by the doctor. This effect stimulates lymph circulation.
  5. To improve lymph outflow, it is recommended to perform a set of physical exercises daily. The duration of such classes should be 20 minutes.
  6. Visiting saunas, taking hot and spa treatments is contraindicated.
  7. It is not recommended to sunbathe during the rehabilitation period or expose the treated areas of the body to solar radiation, even in a minimal dose.


In its final result, cavitation is similar to liposuction. Its difference is the non-surgical method of exposure, the absence of anesthesia and a long rehabilitation period. Such features of the method allow a person not to disrupt his usual way of life.

After the sessions, body weight practically does not decrease, but volumes decrease, this is due to the fact that adipose tissue is light.

After using ultrasound, there are no bruises or bruises left on the body, and the achieved body correction is maintained for a long period.

When treating large areas of the body, stretch marks or folds may appear. To remove them, it is recommended to use thermolifting. This procedure enhances the process of producing your own collagen.