Chicken liver, liver salad. Salad with chicken liver and pickles: step-by-step recipe with photos Chicken liver salad with pickles

An easy-to-prepare salad with chicken liver and pickles can become an everyday salad, or you can serve it on a holiday table. All the salad ingredients complement each other perfectly.

Prepare your food. For dressing, I mix salad mayonnaise with low-fat sour cream in equal proportions to make the salad more dietary; you can use either only mayonnaise or only sour cream, at your discretion.

First of all, boil the eggs and carrots until tender. Wash the liver, peel off the films and boil in salted water for 20 minutes. Let's salt the water. Let the liver cool. Let the boiled carrots and eggs cool.

IMPORTANT: I ​​brush the salad dressing on every second layer. That’s why my products come in pairs.

Grate the pickled cucumbers. We also grate the chicken liver.

Place grated cucumbers on the bottom of the salad bowl and sprinkle the liver on top. Coat the top with dressing.

Cut the onion into small cubes, pour boiling water over it, let it stand for 5 minutes, add water, and cool. Grate the boiled carrots.

Place onion on the liver, then carrots, and coat with dressing again.

Three chicken eggs on a coarse grater, three hard cheese on a medium grater.

Place the eggs on top of the carrots, now coat the eggs with dressing and distribute the cheese evenly on top. Place the salad with chicken liver and pickles in the refrigerator to soak for a couple of hours.

After a few hours, the salad with chicken liver and pickles can be decorated and served.

Bon appetit!

Rinse the chicken liver thoroughly under running water, remove films and veins.

Pour cold water into a saucepan, place the chicken liver there, bring to a boil, add salt, reduce heat and cook for 10 minutes. Cool, grate on a medium grater.

Boil the eggs hard, cool, peel, and grate on a medium grater. Place sides on a flat plate to form the salad. I made the sides by cutting a plastic bottle. Place some of the grated eggs in the first layer, add a little salt, and lightly grease with mayonnaise.

Place the next layer of grated chicken liver and spread with mayonnaise.

Peel the onion and chop finely. Peel the carrots and grate them on a medium grater.

Add chopped onion to a frying pan with heated vegetable oil and fry over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until light golden brown. Add grated carrots to the pan with the onions. Fry the vegetables over medium heat for about 5-7 minutes, remembering to stir occasionally.

Remove the prepared vegetables from the heat, let them cool slightly, and then place them on top of the chicken liver and lightly brush with mayonnaise.

Grate the pickled cucumber on a medium or coarse grater (this is a matter of taste). I grated the cucumbers on a coarse grater.

Place the remaining eggs on top of the cucumbers and make a mayonnaise mesh.

Grate the cheese on a fine grater and place on top of the eggs. Cover the layered chicken liver salad with cling film and refrigerate for about 30 minutes.

Before serving, carefully remove the sides and garnish with herbs. Salad with chicken liver and pickled cucumbers turns out appetizing, tasty, and filling. Try it!

Bon appetit!

Chicken liver occupies one of the leading places among all offal products. And salads made from chicken liver always turn out very tasty, tender and satisfying. A delicious chicken liver salad contains a number of vitamins we need, as well as iron, selenium and protein. Depending on at what point in the feast you want to serve it, you can prepare either cold or warm chicken liver salad. Both regular and puff chicken liver salad are popular. To prepare such a dish, both boiled and stewed or fried liver with vegetables is used.

Mushrooms, especially champignons, various vegetables, canned peas and corn, cheese and apples go perfectly with chicken liver. The most popular among culinary experts is the salad with chicken liver and cucumbers, as well as the salad with chicken liver and carrots. Interestingly, pickled cucumbers can also be used in this dish. Salad with chicken liver and pickled cucumber has an interesting spicy taste. You can season the dish to your liking with mayonnaise, sour cream, or a mixture of both. You can experiment, for example, by seasoning the salad with a mixture of vegetable oil with soy sauce, mustard and spices. In this case, you will prepare a signature salad with chicken liver; the recipe for the dish provides for the possibility of such experiments.

Unlike beef and pork liver, chicken liver is prepared quite simply and quickly. It only needs to be defrosted, washed, removed films, cut into small pieces and cooked with heat treatment. You can cook chicken liver whole. The total cooking time for the liver should not be more than 10-15 minutes, and even faster when frying. Overcooked or overcooked liver will be too dry and lose its tenderness.

Try making a salad with chicken liver; the recipe with photos on our website will help you cope with this task. A little effort and the necessary ingredients - and you will have a wonderful appetizer for dinner - a delicious salad with chicken liver. It will be much easier to prepare it with a photo. Photographs and other illustrations of dishes not only make the cook’s work easier, but also stimulate the appetite and desire to cook that particular dish. Therefore, to prepare an appetizing chicken liver salad, a photo is a necessary attribute of the recipe. Properly prepared chicken liver salad is a very tasty, nutritious and satisfying snack option not only for the everyday menu, but also on the holiday table.

We hope you won’t mind a few simple tips for preparing salads with chicken liver; a tasty and quick recipe should always be in the arsenal of a good housewife:

The main condition for preparing a high-quality chicken liver salad is the correctly selected and processed liver. The surface of the liver should be smooth and shiny, with a minimum of fatty inclusions;

A frozen liver has a light shade;

A gallbladder damaged during cutting of the carcass will add strong bitterness to the product;

Salads made from liver stewed in cream or sour cream will be very tasty;

Remember to drain liquid from canned foods.

Another masterpiece of a holiday salad. And all because the chicken liver salad with pickled cucumber is yellow, bright, looks festive and elegant. But, the jewel in the crown should be five main ingredients: Korean carrots, chicken liver, eggs and onions. The rest are spices, seasonings and homemade mayonnaise sauce. If you look at the appearance of this dish, you immediately want to cook and test spicy chicken liver with pickled cucumber.

I would like to say that almost all of my ingredients are taken from my own preparation. Salted gherkins were rolled up from our dacha in the fall, carrots were not from the market, but eggs and liver were bought from a neighbor who runs her own farm.

The amount of onions and carrots can even be increased, many times more than according to the presented recipe, if these products are your thing. So it turned out to be a gastronomic thrill! Now we carefully read the text on how to prepare chicken liver salad with pickled cucumber, remember it and include it in the holiday salad menu.

Ingredients for chicken liver salad with pickled cucumber

  • ready-made chicken liver - 350 grams;
  • egg - three pieces;
  • pickled cucumbers - 3 pieces;
  • Korean carrots - 100 grams;
  • onion - one head;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon;
  • mayonnaise - according to your preference;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Sequence of the technological process of chicken liver salad with pickled cucumber

First, you should prepare the entire food set and immediately boil the liver in salted water. When it is ready (it should be noted here that it should not be overcooked). Cool and cut into small pieces.

Take a metal ring, place it on a round plate, which should be larger in diameter than the ring itself, and fill it with tightly chopped chicken liver.

Then coat it with a thin layer of mayonnaise.

In a separate frying pan, saute the onions in vegetable oil and place them after the mayonnaise.

Fry the onion for the salad and place it on top of the mayonnaise.

5. Chop the salted pickles into small cubes and spread over the surface of the salad. There is no need to peel them, as they are young and tender.

Carefully add Korean carrots to the fifth layer. But so that there is no liquid there.

The sixth layer will be finely grated egg white.

Alternate the protein layer with mayonnaise and sprinkle with grated yolk.

Place the salad preparation in the refrigerator, as soon as it sets into a total mass, remove the ring and place the dish on a snack plate.

We test the taste, decorate with sprigs of fresh herbs and you can invite guests or your family and friends.

The salad turned out very tasty, festive and impressive. Bon appetit, good luck and festive mood! Write, I will answer all questions with great pleasure.