Hypertension treatment. Hypertension: how to deal with high blood pressure at home How to cope with hypertension

Your blood pressure is determined by the strength and amount of blood pumped, as well as the size and flexibility of your vessels. It consists of two digits, for example 120/80, which reads 120 by 80.

Know your numbers

First digit- systolic blood pressure, which occurs when the heart contracts. Numbers below 140 are considered the norm for adults.

Second digit- diastolic pressure, it is determined between heartbeats, when the heart relaxes, "rests". Blood pressure measured at home is usually lower than that recorded by a doctor. If the pressure is measured independently, readings below 135 to 85 are desirable.

What is hypertension?

Hypertension in our country is often called "high blood pressure". It is a chronic condition in which blood pressure is high. Many people have high blood pressure and are unaware of it. This condition can be asymptomatic for a long time, but when blood pressure reaches critical levels, arteries and vital organs are affected. That is why they call it "the silent killer".

Global epidemic

Every year in the world 7 million people die and 1.5 billion suffer from high blood pressure... This is the most significant risk factor for death. Hypertension causes heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and kidney disease.

Medicines will help

Many drugs that are also prevent heart attacks and strokes.

But remember:

  • you need to take medications only as prescribed by a doctor;
  • it is important not only to achieve, but also to maintain normal pressure, for which the medication must be continuous;
  • about any side effects should be immediately reported to your doctor;
  • keep measuring your blood pressure while you are taking medication.

How to measure

It is important to measure your blood pressure regularly. You can do this at home with an automatic machine.

Here are tips to help you measure your blood pressure correctly.

  • Before purchasing the device, measure the circumference of the shoulder, that is, the bicep. Choose a device with a cuff that fits your size.
  • Calm down before measuring. Do not drink tea, coffee or other drinks containing caffeine, and avoid physical activity 30 minutes before the measurement.
  • Sit up straight. Lean on the back of a chair. The device should be at the level of the heart. Arms bent at the elbows lie quietly on the table. Don't cross your legs or arms. During measurements, one should not talk, watch TV, listen to the radio, or eat. The lower edge of the cuff should be 2 cm above the elbow bend, and the apparatus itself should be at the level of the heart.
  • Sit quietly for 4-5 minutes before and during the measurement.
  • Measure your blood pressure 2-3 times in a row and record the results.
  • Since blood pressure changes throughout the day, it is important to measure it at the same time every day. It is recommended to do this in the morning and in the evening.
  • Write down all your measurements so that you can present them to your doctor. If regular measurements show an increase in blood pressure, be sure to see your doctor.

Three Keys to a Healthy Life

A healthy lifestyle will help you. Here are three keys to a healthy lifestyle.

1. Decrease in body weight. Obesity leads to hypertension.

A good way to keep track of your weight is to check it by the table "Body mass index"... To calculate your index, divide your weight in kilograms by your height in meters squared.

Another way to determine obesity is to measure your waist circumference. The waist circumference is measured in a standing position, without outerwear. Hold the measuring tape horizontally. The waist circumference in men is more than 102 cm, and in women more than 88 cm indicates obesity.

2. Choosing healthy food

  • Eat 3 times a day and try to reduce your portion sizes.
  • Eat slowly. If you eat quickly, you can easily eat more than your body needs.
  • Read labels and.
  • Try to do without ready-made convenience foods and fast food - fast food.

Instead of this:

  • Have one vegetarian day a week.
  • Increase your intake of fruits and vegetables of different colors. Remember to ask yourself, "Did I eat something green today?"
  • For a quick snack, eat whole nuts, but not salted ones.

3. Active life

Your body was born to move. Be active! Walking, cycling, sports games, dancing ... Anything your heart desires will do!


  • walk to work or walk for 30-40 minutes daily;
  • leave the car 1–2 blocks before the office;
  • walk around during your lunch break;
  • if you have a sedentary job, get up every hour from the table to stretch and walk around the table;
  • go to dances regularly;
  • play outdoor games with children;
  • consult your doctor first if you want to reduce your weight through physical activity.

Hypertension affects more than a billion inhabitants of the Earth - many do not know either their diagnosis or the dangers associated with it. Every year, high blood pressure kills 7.5 million people worldwide - this is about 13% of all deaths.

Blood pressure is considered high or elevated if the systolic blood pressure is equal to or greater than 140 mm Hg and / or the diastolic blood pressure is equal to or greater than 90 mm Hg.

The disease affects men more often than women. The number of hypertensive patients in the world last years increases and, according to the forecasts of experts, will continue to grow. However, it is worth remembering that in most cases, hypertension can be dealt with. Experts from the World Health Organization call it one of the most important preventable causes of cardiovascular disease.

So what can you change in your lifestyle and diet to try to cope with high blood pressure?

Get rid of extra pounds

Overweight people often have high blood pressure, and shedding extra pounds is one of the most effective ways reduce it. It has been shown that the loss of 4.5 kg can already lead to significant changes.

Waist girth is also a risk factor: the larger it is, the higher the likelihood that the pressure will be increased. The risk group includes men with a waist circumference of more than 102 cm and women whose waist exceeds 89 cm in girth.

Go in for sports

In order to lower your blood pressure by 4-9 points, a 30-minute daily workout is enough. We are not talking about intense sports: you can just walk every night, ride a bike in the park, swim or jog. Yoga or Pilates will also work.

Sports activities will help those who have a high risk of developing hypertension - exercise will reduce this likelihood by lowering blood pressure to normal values.

Eat right

Fast food and convenience foods are not the foundation of a healthy diet. These foods are best avoided by replacing them with whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and low-fat dairy products.

For those who are monitoring their blood pressure and want to change their eating habits, it can be useful to lead - this way you can analyze your diet and remove from it "dangerous" foods that contribute to weight gain.

Hypertensive patients should increase their intake of potassium, which can lower blood pressure. Potassium is found in some fruits and vegetables, and besides there are vitamins and supplements with this trace element. It is better to consult your doctor about whether you need potassium and how to take it.

Eat Less Sodium

Sodium enters our body along with. Salt your meals less and you will consume much less sodium. Even a slight decrease in it can lead to a decrease in pressure by 2-8 points.

When preparing dishes, you can try to abandon salt altogether, replacing it with herbs and spices. You can reduce the amount of salt consumed gradually - over time, the taste of undersalted food will begin to seem familiar, and the pressure will decrease as expected.

Limit alcohol

Photo: Natasha Breen / Shutterstock.com

Scientists have shown that small amounts of alcohol can lower blood pressure, but large amounts increase it. So hypertensive patients over 65 years old should not drink more than 350 ml of beer, 150 ml of wine or 45 ml of strong alcohol per day. For those who are younger than this age, it is permissible to double this dose of alcohol. It is worth remembering that alcoholic beverages reduce the effectiveness of drugs designed to lower blood pressure.

Pay attention to coffee

Scientists are still arguing whether the increase in pressure causes or does not affect it in any way. So far, they have agreed that coffee can actually increase it slightly. To understand whether it is really worth giving up coffee, you can measure the pressure 30 minutes after drinking the drink. An increase in blood pressure of 5-10 points indicates that coffee actually affects blood pressure - this effect should be told to the doctor.

Worry less

Photo: Alohaflaminggo /Shutterstock.com

The advice may seem strange and even impracticable for a modern person who is constantly in a hurry to get somewhere. But it is still worth listening to it: due to stress, some people begin to eat high-calorie foods or, for example, drink a lot of alcohol - all this, as already mentioned above, leads to an increase in pressure.

The best way is to address the cause of the stress, but you can try changing your attitude towards what makes you anxious. Experts advise to devote at least 10-20 minutes a day to relaxation: sitting silently and breathing deeply - this method really helps.

Monitor your blood pressure and see your doctor regularly

Do not take hypertension lightly - if you have high blood pressure, consult your doctor and consult what your condition may be related to. In some cases, it may be enough to change the nature of the diet and start moving a little more, in others, the prescription of medications will be required.

Buy a pressure measuring device and use it regularly: if you know your normal pressure, you will immediately notice the readings that differ from the norm.

What to expect, what to prepare for, and most importantly - how to deal with such a dangerous disease as hypertension? Cardiologist Olga ERSHOVA told about this to AiF in Moldova.
"Rejuvenating" disease
- Why is hypertension dangerous?
- High or high blood pressure, hypertension - this is how arterial hypertension is most often called in everyday life (increased blood pressure in the arteries of the systemic circulation). Blood pressure is considered elevated above 140/90 millimeters of mercury. Hypertension can be called a silent killer, it is very insidious and gives a large number of complications. And the danger is that a person who is sick with hypertension and does not receive proper treatment develops serious complications from the brain, heart, kidneys, and eyes. Most often, it is fraught with stroke or heart attack, which can be fatal. These diseases are among the leading causes of death, and their number is growing steadily. Arterial hypertension (AH) is "getting younger": people die from cardiac and vascular complications at a young, working age. And only then, analyzing what the person died from, the doctors find out that for 10 years he knew that he had high blood pressure numbers, but did not take any measures. He continued to smoke a pack of cigarettes a day in the same way, drank excessive alcohol, ate improperly, etc.
In our republic, every third adult has high blood pressure. Can you imagine how many people with AH are around us ?! A person may not even be aware of his illness, feel no symptoms, feel completely healthy, but at the same time, his blood pressure is high. This is the insidiousness of hypertension. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly measure blood pressure in order to detect such moments in a timely manner.
In the world, 9 million deaths from this disease are registered annually. This is a huge, catastrophic figure. The worst thing is that when complications arise, they are often unforeseen, sudden. A young, efficient, completely healthy person suddenly has a sharp rise in pressure, a hypertensive crisis develops, which can lead to a stroke. A stroke is often fatal, and if such a patient survives, he becomes disabled for life.
- How can you find out that you have hypertension?
- Elementary! You can measure blood pressure in a doctor's office or a pre-hospital appointment. Or even at home - with an ordinary home blood pressure monitor. And if this figure exceeds 140/90, then it's time to sound the alarm and take some measures!
What is the cause of the disease in young age?
- The reason lies in the lifestyle of a modern person, in susceptibility to various risk factors, in the nature of nutrition, in the influence of an unfavorable environment. First of all, this is smoking, alcohol, a sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy and unbalanced diet with excessive consumption of table salt. This is obesity in children and adolescents. But it should be noted that the lifestyle of the parents themselves is also important. If they are sick with hypertension, obesity or diabetes, then the child is born with a predisposition to these diseases.
We change the way of life!
- What preventive measures can be taken to avoid the disease?
- There are few preventive measures, it is quite simple to follow them. It is much more difficult to follow these rules all the time and make them the norm. I will list the main preventive measures. Proper nutrition(low-salt diet, up to 5 grams of salt per day) - one time, no bad habits (quitting smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages) - two, regular physical exercise(running, walking, swimming) - three, psychological relief- four.
- What should you first of all pay attention to if the patient has already been diagnosed with arterial hypertension?
- Hypertension is a chronic disease, therefore, it requires constant supportive therapy, which the patient should never interrupt. Unfortunately, human psychology is such that as soon as it becomes easier for him, he stops taking medications. But this is very dangerous! Medicines should be taken constantly, in maintenance doses, with careful fulfillment of all recommendations to the patient, and only under the supervision of a family doctor and cardiologist. There are now safe drugs that are prescribed for a long time. Medicines are reimbursed, the patient pays less for these medications. 50% of their cost is compensated by the Health Insurance Fund.
- Hypertension is directly related to the human heart. How often, in your opinion, is it worth visiting a cardiologist?
- It is enough for a healthy person after 35 years to measure blood pressure once a month, but if elevated or borderline blood pressure figures (from 130/80 to 140/90) are already detected, then there is a need for regular visits to the doctor. The first time, while the treatment begins, while the dosage of drugs is being selected, it is worth going to the doctor at least once a week, and maybe more often. Then, when the pressure has stabilized, visits can be reduced to once a month. In general, a patient with hypertension needs to visit a family doctor every two months. Examination by a cardiologist is necessary if any complications arise, if the pressure is unstable, if an examination or correction of treatment is required.
But the main thing is self-control! The patient needs to have a tonometer at home and regularly, in the morning and in the evening, measure blood pressure in order to determine how the drug works, what is its effect.
- What advice would you give to our readers so that they can keep their hearts healthy?
- The main idea that we are trying to convey today is to measure blood pressure regularly. The second point: if you have it increased, then in no case should you ignore this problem. A person must realize that from this moment he will have to rebuild his entire way of life. Not everything depends on the doctor and on the prescribed medications that he takes. A lot depends on the person himself! The support of relatives and friends is also important. They should help a person follow a diet, lose weight, get rid of bad habits, help get on the right path - the path to a healthy life.
It is important for patients with arterial hypertension to remember that this disease is not incurable. The arsenal of modern means existing in cardiology and the practical experience of medicine will be able to maintain blood pressure at the required level and thereby prevent the progression of hypertension.

The prevalence of hypertension is influenced by the level of socio-economic development of society, the attitude of the population to their health, the prevalence of risk factors that provoke hypertension. Therefore, it is not surprising that, according to the director of the Federal State Research Center of Preventive Medicine Federal agency on high-tech medical care Sergey Boytsov, Russia differs from European countries by a very high mortality rate from cardiovascular diseases (CVD).

“Age is the most important risk factor. Of course, this does not mean that every elderly person should have hypertension, nevertheless, in Russia, hypertension develops on average at 35-40 years for men and at 40-50 years for women. Another risk factor is excess salt intake (double what is needed). The next factor is overweight and obesity. This does not mean subcutaneous obesity, but the accumulation of fat in abdominal cavity- it is dangerous because it is hormonally active and provokes processes that lead to an increase in blood pressure, the development of atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus and, as a result, heart attacks, strokes and death. And, of course, smoking provokes hypertension, ”explains Sergei Boytsov.

What is blood pressure

Blood pressure is the force with which the heart drives blood through the body. It is determined by the strength and amount of blood pumped, as well as the size and flexibility of the vessels. Pressure indicators are determined by two numbers, for example, 120/80 mm Hg.

The first indicator is systolic blood pressure, which occurs when the heart contracts. Numbers between 90 and 140 are considered the norm for adults.

The second - shows the diastolic pressure, determined between heartbeats, when the heart relaxes, "rests". Numbers between 60 and 90 are considered the norm for adults.

Hypertension is a chronic condition in which blood pressure is high. Many have high blood pressure and are unaware of it. For a long time, this condition is asymptomatic, but when the pressure reaches critical levels, arteries and vital organs are affected. This is why hypertension is called the "silent killer." It causes heart disease, kidney disease, stroke, and diabetes. “You don't have to have high blood pressure for it to work as a risk factor for heart attack or stroke. Even mildly high blood pressure is enough to trigger dramatic events. The fact is that hypertension is not a direct cause of a heart attack or stroke, but contributes to this to a very large extent, "emphasizes Sergei Boytsov.

Optimal -< 120 и < 80

Normal - 120 - 129 and 80 - 84

High normal - 130 -139 and 85 - 89

Arterial hypertension of the 1st degree - 140 - 159 and 90 - 99

Arterial hypertension 2nd degree 160 - 179 and 100 - 109

Arterial hypertension 3rd degree -> 180> 110

Isolated systolic arterial hypertension -> 140<90

For people with diabetes and chronic kidney disease, any numbers above 130/85 are considered high blood pressure.

Hypertension begins with a value of 140 to 90. However, there is such a thing as "high normal" pressure: zone 130-140 of the systolic blood pressure indicator. This is normal blood pressure for people who do not have additional cardiovascular risk factors (obesity, smoking, high cholesterol levels, old age) and high for those who do.

When to start measuring blood pressure and see a doctor

As soon as a man reaches 35-40 years of age, and a woman is 40-50 years old, they need to measure their blood pressure. At least once every six months. At the first symptoms - heaviness, headache, a feeling of heat, especially in situations associated with emotional stress, you should consult your local doctor. It is necessary to immediately consult a doctor if a pronounced increase in blood pressure is detected - above 160.

“The task of both the state and each person is to push back hypertension as much as possible. It is necessary to maintain a normal body weight, and, first of all, not to have an enlarged abdomen, eat less salt, increase physical activity, and stop smoking. Hypertension can be prevented by following these simple rules. This is confirmed by evidence-based medicine. If you already have confirmed hypertension, then you need to understand that, unfortunately, it cannot be cured. Taking medications will last for a long time, or rather indefinitely. The trouble with hypertensive patients is that the normalization of pressure provokes them not to take medications, and this is the principle of a compressed spring. The blood pressure has decreased, the state of health has improved, it seems that it is possible not to take medications. This is a very big mistake, because blood pressure will certainly rise again, and this is a risk factor for the development of heart attack and stroke, ”says Sergei Boytsov.

6 tips to help you measure your blood pressure correctly

1. Before purchasing the device, measure the circumference of the shoulder, that is, the bicep. Choose a device with a cuff that fits your size.

2. Calm down before measuring pressure. Do not drink tea, coffee or other drinks containing caffeine, and do not exercise completely 30 minutes before the measurement.

3. Sit correctly. Lean your back against the back of a chair. The device should be at the level of the heart. Arms bent at the elbows lie quietly on the table. Don't cross your legs or arms. During measurements, one should not talk, watch TV, listen to the radio, or eat. The bottom edge of the cuff should be 2 cm above the elbow bend.

4. Measure the pressure 2-3 times and write down the arithmetic mean of these measurements.

5. Since blood pressure changes throughout the day, it is important to measure it at the same time every day. It is recommended to do this in the morning and in the evening.

6. Write down all your metrics.

How to maintain normal blood pressure

Many drugs that lower blood pressure also prevent heart attacks and strokes. They can only be taken as directed by a doctor.

1. Follow your doctor's prescribed medication regimen.

2. Do not interrupt your medication.

3. Tell your healthcare professional immediately about any side effects.

4. Measure your blood pressure while taking medication.

You will be helped to reduce blood pressure:

1. Getting rid of excess weight.

2. Quitting smoking.

3. Drug and non-drug therapy: acupuncture, electromagnetic waves, electropuncture.

4. Physical activity.

5. Diet change:

When buying food, pay attention to the weight of the product, its calorie content and chemical composition, the content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates indicated on the label.

Diversify your diet for a more balanced diet. Refuse long-term use of unilateral unbalanced diets and diets; vegetarianism is possible only after consulting a doctor.

Change the proportions of foods on your plate towards more fish, vegetables and herbs, whole grains, and less fried side dishes, sugary drinks, sauces, and fat.

It is necessary to limit sugar, confectionery, puffs, ice cream, ice cream, sugary carbonated drinks.

Replace meat with fish (2 times a week), poultry, legumes (beans, lentils, peas.) Portions of meat or poultry should be small (90-100 g ready-made), and red meat (beef, lamb, pork) should be cooked better no more than 2-3 times a week. Preference should be given to lean meats or, when cooking, remove visible fat from the meat and from the surface of the broth, and from chicken and other game - the skin.

It is advisable to steam, boil, bake food; you need to reduce the addition of oils, sugar, table salt. When dressing salads, it is better to use vegetable oils: corn, sunflower, olive, soy up to two tablespoons a day, and not mayonnaise and sour cream.

It is necessary to choose dairy products with a lower fat content: milk, yoghurts, kefir up to 1-2.5%, cottage cheese 0-9%,

It is better to use unpeeled cereals in cereals: brown rice, buckwheat (done), whole grain oats. You can use walnuts, almonds, chestnuts, seeds, dried fruits with cereals. Do not add sugar to cereals and do not spread butter on bread.

Based on materials from the All-Russian public organization "League of Health
nation "

Dr. Peter

Hypertension- a disease that lasts for a long time and, with insufficient treatment, can lead to even more formidable complications that are dangerous to the patient's life. In order to avoid them, it is not enough to take pills from time to time.
Like any chronic disease, hypertension requires the patient to adjust their lifestyle.

Psychological climate

D Psychological comfort is especially important for patients with hypertension.
WITH quarrels, conflicts, insufficient sleep, working the night shift, business trips, dissatisfaction with their work, excessive emotional stress - all this is fraught with such feelings as anger, melancholy, fear, anger or jealousy. Negative emotions, in turn, lead to excess production of the stress hormone adrenaline, as a result of which the regulation of the nervous and circulatory systems is disrupted, blood pressure rises.

P so try to keep even and benevolent mood- this is the most important rule in the fight against hypertension. Medicinal teas have a good soothing effect. In addition, a hypertension patient needs to develop his own stress management algorithm. Some people can be helped by meditation, others by auto-training, and still others by walking, chatting with their beloved cat or knitting. The main thing is that the chosen method suits you personally!

TO Of course, it is impossible to completely avoid stressful situations, but you still need to understand the causes of conflicts, learn to control and adequately express your emotions. If you cannot do this on your own, it makes sense to seek professional psychological help.


F in fact, any strategy for treating hypertension begins with dietary adjustments. In some cases, this is sufficient to reliably control blood pressure.

N listed below main directions in which the hypertensive diet should change:

1) Calorie restriction for weight control
WITH Statistics show that many people with high blood pressure are also overweight. If your actual weight significantly exceeds the ideal, you should reduce the calorie content of the daily diet (limit sweet, fatty and flour foods). It should be noted that starvation patients with hypertension are not recommended, since a deficiency of protein, vitamins and minerals negatively affects the state of the heart and metabolism in general.

P Remember that being overweight is a risk factor for a variety of diseases. Losing weight, you not only contribute to the normalization of your blood pressure, but also help your health in general.

2) Salt restriction
AND It is known that excess sodium in the body retains water, which leads to spastic vasoconstriction and surges in blood pressure.

G Hypertensive patients should avoid any pickles, smoked meats, canned foods, chips, salted cheeses, and also reduce the amount of salt used in home cooking to one teaspoon a day. In addition, you need to give up the habit of adding salt to already cooked food. To prevent food from feeling too bland, use more herbs and spices with your meal. You can buy low sodium salt that tastes almost the same as regular salt.

3) limiting animal fats
Have reducing the content of animal fats in the diet serves simultaneously two purposes: reducing calorie content and preventing atherosclerosis, which is known to be one of the risk factors for hypertension.

AND Eliminate cholesterol-rich foods (internal organs of animals, brains, caviar) from your diet, and gradually replace butter, cheeses, sausages, sour cream, lard and fried cutlets with additional vegetables and fruits, vegetable oil and lean fish. Prefer low-fat dairy products.

4) Refusal from products that excite the nervous system
N It is not recommended to drink coffee and strong tea, as the caffeine they contain increases blood pressure. The same goes for sodas containing caffeine, such as Coca-Cola and Pepsi. In addition, hot spices and strong alcoholic drinks have a stimulating effect.
5) Saturation of the diet with potassium and magnesium
E These wonderful trace elements increase the resistance of the heart muscle to harmful influences, and also reduce the tendency of blood vessels to spasms, enhance renal excretory function and strengthen the nervous system.

Potassium rich in foods such as prunes, apricots, pumpkin, cabbage, potatoes, bananas, rose hips. Lot magnesium contain dark bread with bran, oatmeal, buckwheat, millet porridge, beets, carrots, lettuce, parsley, walnuts, black currants. Food rich in potassium and magnesium should not be combined with milk and dairy products, because in the presence of calcium these trace elements are bad assimilated.

6) Fortifying the diet with vitamin C
V Itamine C is especially needed for hypertensive patients, as it has a strengthening effect on the walls of blood vessels. To increase your dietary intake, it is best to eat vegetables and fruits raw, or at least shorten the cooking time. A large amount of this vitamin is found in wild rose, Sudanese rose flowers, sea buckthorn, black currant, citrus fruits.

Physical activity

N If you have high blood pressure, it does not mean that you should already think about disability. On the contrary, physical activity, if only it is accompanied by positive emotions and does not have a tinge of burden, serves as an excellent means of preventing and treating various diseases, including arterial hypertension. In addition, exercise can help you lose weight. It is best if exercise that you enjoy becomes part of your daily routine. Walking, swimming, and therapeutic exercises are especially useful.

P Before starting self-study, be sure to consult with your doctor. If you are over 30 years old, then before starting classes you need to do ECG(electrocardiogram).

V The staff member should advise you on the most suitable type of exercise and help you develop an individualized exercise program. For example, people over 40 are encouraged to start with dosed walking, gradually increasing pace and distance. For obese people, a slower pace and longer training period is recommended.

N the load must be increased gradually. A good method of self-monitoring is to measure your heart rate during an activity: the heart rate should not exceed age limit, which is defined as “180 minus age in years”. The appearance of shortness of breath or painful sensations also serves as a signal to reduce the intensity of the load.

Rejection of bad habits

AND of all risk factors for hypertension, the most common among the working-age population, especially among men, is smoking... This habit not only worsens the condition of hypertension, but also contributes to the further development of hypertension; paves the way for heart attack and stroke.

P Smoking habit is a complex psychosomatic addiction. It often takes a significant effort for the smoker to create positive motivation for himself to overcome it; analyze the reasons and reasons leading to smoking in his particular case; find an alternative replacement for the usual sensations.
In the difficult struggle with a cigarette, it is recommended to use the elements of auto-training with the introduction of special formulas: “By stopping smoking, I gave myself five to six years of a fulfilling life”, "After quitting smoking, I felt a surge of health." etc. Situations that provoke smoking should be avoided.

AND Sometimes, if a bad habit has taken especially deep roots, you have to resort to medical help. Drug therapy smoking conditionally can be divided into aversion and substitutionary... The purpose of the first is to develop an aversion to tobacco; for which various bitter or emetic herbal remedies are used, rinsing the mouth before lighting cigarettes. Substitution therapy allows you to relieve the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal by introducing into the body substances that are similar to nicotine in their effect on the body, but are devoid of its harmful properties (lobelin, cytisine), or nicotine (Nicorette chewing gums, patches, plates).
Adjunctive therapy(sedatives, hypnotics and other psychotropic drugs, as well as vitamin therapy) is prescribed to relieve neurotic disorders, sleep disturbances and reduce performance, often accompanying smoking cessation.

B Most smokers explain their reluctance to quit because they are afraid to gain weight. This undesirable phenomenon for many can be avoided by following some simple dietary advice: avoid overeating and follow the basics rational nutrition... So, the physiological balance of a smoker will recover faster when eating foods containing vitamins C, B1, B12, PP, A, E., as well as fresh vegetables and fruits, beans, mineral waters and juices.