How to download an audio file to iPad. How to download music to iPad. Standard download via the iTunes Store

The joy of buying a new iPad (iPad, iPad) for users who have never worked with iOS technology before often turns into sadness when, when connecting their gadget to a PC, they suddenly discover that as an ordinary storage medium, or, simply put, how flash drive, the computer does not see it.

What can you do, this feature of Apple devices is a price to pay for the closedness of the iOS platform on which they all work. A closed operating system means maximum security, but minimal freedom for the user - you can’t just download or download anything onto an i-device, even your favorite tracks from your “native” PC. However, special tools will help you do this easily and quickly.

In this article we will tell you how you can download music to your iPad using these very special tools. By the way, these methods will also be relevant for downloading and listening to music from iPhone and iPad.

Let's start, of course, with the classics - iTunes.

iTunes is a special service created by Apple, in particular, for the convenient exchange of certain content between an i-device and a PC. Unfortunately, not everyone finds the program convenient, but you can’t do without it, because it allows you not only to upload various files to your gadget, but also, for example, to update or restore the device. In short, every self-respecting Apple fan should have this utility in their arsenal and be able to use it.

Of course, no one is forcing you to record music on your iPad using iTunes. Maybe in this material below you will find a more convenient way for yourself, but we simply cannot provide instructions on how to transfer audio files to an iPad using this must-have service from Apple.

Create a music collection on iPad using iTunes

So, how to record music on iPad using iTunes? To do this, follow the instructions:

1 Download and install iTunes. 2 Open the program, click the “File” menu, then “Add file to library...”.
3 A standard Windows Explorer will open in front of you, and you can use it to select any tracks on your PC and add music to iTunes.
4 Connect the iPhone to the PC, when the program recognizes the device, a tablet icon will appear, click on it. 5 In the menu on the left, select the “Music” section.

6 In the window that appears on the right, check the “Synchronize music” checkbox, and then mark all the songs that you want to “upload” to the device.

7 If you select the “Entire Library” option, all the tracks that you have ever added to your iTunes library will be transferred to your tablet. To view the contents of the program's media library, click on the icon in the form of a note. 8 After selecting the songs, start the synchronization process by clicking on the “Apply” button - the tracks will begin to be transferred to the device, depending on the number of selected songs, this process can take several seconds or minutes. 9 When the synchronization process is complete, open the Music app on your iPad, all the added tracks will already be there, and you can immediately start listening to any copied ones!

As you can see, iTunes works according to an interesting mechanism - first you need to transfer songs to the program itself, and then from it to the device. The scheme is unusual, but you can’t call it complicated, would you agree?

How to remove music from the native application?

You can delete tracks from the Music application on your iPad directly through its menu - just select the annoying song and click "Remove from My Music", but you can also use iTunes. The latter method is much more convenient if you need to delete many songs at once.

Using the program, removal can be performed in two ways.

If you are used to synchronizing your entire media library:

Otherwise, to remove annoying songs:

  • Connect the tablet to the PC, wait until the device icon appears, click on it.
  • Select the “Music” section, then check the “Synchronize music” checkbox.
  • Select the tracks and albums you want to keep on your iPad, leave the ones you want to delete unchecked.
  • Start synchronization by clicking "Apply".

Ready! Tracks that are checked will remain in the Music app, and unchecked tracks will be deleted.

Waltr program: a revolution in sharing content between PCs and i-devices

Well, as you can see, downloading music to an iPad using iTunes is not difficult, but for some reason there are quite a few users who dislike this program. It’s not scary, to help such users, third-party developers have created a bunch of alternative services available completely free of charge. Unfortunately, most of them only promise that copying music with their help is much easier than through iTunes, but in reality everything turns out to be different.

However, there is one service that actually helps save time and nerves that require learning a new interface - its name is Waltr. The program works really simply, see:

All! Please note that the music will be downloaded directly into the native application, despite such a simple scheme. And one more important point - this method is suitable for all types of files and any Apple mobile equipment.

With Waltr you can add not only tracks, but also videos, books, etc. on iPad, iPhone and iPod. Moreover, the instructions will be the same - the program itself recognizes the type of files and “shoves” them into native applications, tracks into “Music”, books into “iBook”, etc.

iTunes Store: not a free option for the lazy

Another way to listen to music from an iPad is to buy tracks from the iTunes Store - this method will really appeal to those who are too lazy to download something, master it, connect the device to a PC to transfer tracks, and don’t mind paying for their laziness.

The iTunes Store is a content store for i-techniques; the application is installed on all Apple devices by default. There is a wide variety of music here - from Christian operas to simple pop compositions.

To buy a track in the store, you just need to open the iTunes Store from your iPad, enter the name of the song in the search, go to it and click the price. Once the download is complete, which will vary depending on the quality of the Wi-Fi you're connected to, you'll be able to find your purchases in the Music app.

Free (!) methods for the lazy

Well, for dessert, so to speak. Of course, you won’t be surprised to know that there are a lot of third-party applications that make it possible to listen to music online and download it offline under certain conditions.

All these applications can be divided into two categories - “illegal” downloaders and official streaming services.

Streaming services

Another issue is streaming services that operate officially, have agreements with domestic and foreign music labels and comply with copyright law. Stream services work like this: users are invited to buy a subscription of a month or more for a reasonable price and listen/download music to their heart’s content. If you are a music lover, it will be much cheaper than buying each track separately from the iTunes Store, even if only for 19 rubles.

In 2015, the Apple giant introduced Apple Music - this is, let’s say, the official streaming service for iOS users. The service is cool, convenient, pleasant in terms of interface, but (!) paid. Its analogue, Google Play Music, is also excellent, but again paid.

Separate line: “Yandex.Music”

But “Yandex.Music” is a different matter, the same quality as the two previous services, but free! Although there is one rule - if you want to get free access to music from the most popular search engine in Russia, please create a mailbox on Yandex and... that's it! You will receive a huge amount of free functionality, it will be a little limited, but the main features are to listen to any compositions, create your own track lists, use “Radio”, etc. will be available to you.

The fly in the ointment is that tracks will only be downloaded offline if you buy a premium account.

Let's summarize

As you can see, there are simply a huge number of possibilities for downloading music to the iPad - programs for working with a PC, applications, streaming services, and finally, the banal iTunes Store.

Surely, one of the methods will suit you, and perhaps you will use several at once - at home, for example, you can listen to music via Wi-Fi via the Yandex streaming service, and when getting ready to travel, you can quickly upload your favorite tracks via iTunes or Waltr !

The iPad tablet is good for everyone - convenient, comfortable, stylish, productive. But when you come across the limitations inherent in this apparatus, sometimes out of ignorance you simply fall into a stupor, from which it is quite difficult to get out. One of these difficult moments for novice tablet owners is how to download music to iPad.

Many people don’t bother with this topic at all, but calmly use their music library "In contact with" and everyone is happy. But in principle, there is nothing complicated about ordering the album you like on "pill" no – you just need to understand how to do it.

Method one - download music to iPad legally

The easiest way to get the desired album or track, and it is also the most legal, but also the most expensive, is to buy it in the iTunes store directly on your tablet. Purchasing music is carried out in the same way as purchasing applications: select the album or track you like, tap on the price, enter the payment password and, depending on the connection speed, after a while you enjoy the piece of music you like. If you buy the entire album at once, then at the same time you get a bunch of useful and pleasant bonuses such as additional tracks, booklets and other joys of life. In principle, such a completely legal album is not very expensive - usually from 100 to 200 rubles. You can buy one track rubles for 15 -19.

iTunes Music - 50 Popular Albums

You might say, why do this if trackers already have everything for free? Oddly enough, sales in Russian iTunes are growing steadily, people vote with rubles for licensed music. Of course, no one buys everything, but more and more people consider it obligatory to spend a little money on an iconic item rather than use a pirated version. You just don’t need to download everything and the expenses will be reasonable. Moreover, in iTunes you can listen to a decent portion of each track from each album before purchasing and form your own and unbiased opinion.

How to download music to iPad for free

The second way to transfer music to your tablet is to use the iTunes computer application. Using this program, you can transfer any music file from your music library to your tablet, provided that it fully fits the iPad format. It should be noted right away that the Apple tablet does not understand all sorts of flac, since it has its own high-quality sound format. If you download music from Rutracker or other similar places, then download it immediately in the required format.

Well, when the file is on your computer, transferring it through iTunes is as easy as shelling pears.

  1. Connect the tablet to the PC,
  2. launch iTunes,
  3. drag the music tracks you need from your computer into the iTunes program in the “Music” tab on the iPad and start synchronization,
  4. a few minutes of waiting and all the tracks arrive on your tablet, where you can now listen to them using a standard music player,

On the tablet itself, these files can be seen in the section "Music".

These are the two main ways to record music on your iPad. We have sorted out a small problem that arises for a new owner of Apple equipment. By the way, you can transfer books and films to your tablet in approximately the same way, but this is the topic of another article on our website.

If you were unable to download a piece of music to your tablet, write in the comments and we’ll try to figure it out together.

Another addition to our iPad FAQ. To the question To ak download music to iPad an advanced user will answer: “What should I download there? You take it and download it.” However, for beginners (I was one myself) separate explanations are required.

How to download music to iPad/iPhone via synchronization

This method involves adding music to your iTunes library and then downloading it to your iPad. The method is not the most convenient (for some users), not the fastest, but the most reliable. And Apple suggests that this is the method that should be used.

You have files on your hard drive. I assume that mp3 (m4a and mov, to support other formats, you need to connect plugins).

On the iPad, go to the Music program. Our music is already there:

If the folder with a music album contains a picture with a cover, then the music player on the iPad looks stylish during playback:

How to download music to iPad without synchronization

The easiest way that comes to mind is to use a third-party program for this matter. For example, iTools. But why use third-party programs if iTunes itself allows you to do it? In this method you no need to upload music to your iTunes library. All you need is music on your hard drive and an iPad connected to your computer.

Let's go to iTunes. Connect the iPad to the computer. Select iPad. In the tab Review Scroll down and find the parameter: .

Click “Apply”. We agree with everything that iTunes offers in pop-ups, if any.

This method is suitable for anyone who does not want to use the iTunes library, but still wants to upload music to their iPhone/iPad.

note that when you enable this method, old music from the iPad/iPhone goes nowhere doesn't disappear. But when turning off ticks “ Process music and videos manually“, iTunes will say that “all existing content on iPad will be replaced with content from your iTunes library,” meaning the music will be deleted.

How to download music to iPad/iPhone from CD

Go to iTunes and insert the CD into CD/DVD – Rom. Let's say your disk is pirated or homemade. You will almost certainly get a picture like this:

The names of the songs have not been decided. You can press the button No and rename them yourself. If the disc is licensed or high-quality pirated, then you will see:

Next we can click Yes and the music will be converted with default parameters. We can click No and set the import settings (the button at the bottom “Settings for import”). There we can change the music format.

Everything - if you click Import CD or Yes a little earlier, the disc is imported into iTunes. The operation time depends on the power of your computer.

And the iPad is a relic of the past; users of Apple products have long learned to bypass the requirement to synchronize the device with a PC and download music to the gadget through other computer software (in particular, iTools) or directly from the Internet. Applications available in the AppStore and in an alternative store can help you load your favorite songs into the device’s memory. Cydia– the article will tell you in detail how to use such programs and how to access the iPhone file system to install tweaks.

Jailbreak(literally translated from English - jail break) is the process of hacking the firmware of the iOS operating system, upon completion of which the user gains full access to the file system of the iPhone or iPad. It must be said that jailbreaking has been a completely legal operation since 2010 (recognized as such by the US Government), but not supported by Apple. Representatives of the company intimidate users that jailbreaking can lead to the failure of the gadget, however, according to mobile experts, this is not true.

Jailbreaking is possible due to vulnerabilities in the security systems of Apple gadgets. There are a lot of simple utilities freely available on the Internet that allow you to jailbreak at home - such utilities include redsnOw, Absinthe and others. The participation of the user in the process is minimal: you need to download and run the utility, connect the gadget to the PC, enter the device into the required mode ( DFU) and wait for the computer program to notify you that the operation is complete.

Jailbreaking provides many benefits:

  • The user can download applications not only from the AppStore, but also from alternative stores, such as Cydia. The situation is reminiscent of the “black market”: on Cydia presents programs that were not allowed into the AppStore due to an excessively strict selection process.
  • Jailbreak allows you to change the iPhone interface.
  • Finally, jailbreak allows you to download music to your iPhone without synchronizing through iTunes and without connecting the gadget to your PC at all using special downloader applications.

Despite the fact that the likelihood of a gadget failing due to jailbreak is minimal, this procedure still carries some risks:

  • Personal data is protected to a lesser extent.
  • The iPhone is void of warranty because jailbreaking is contrary to the terms of the license agreement with Apple. If the user discovers a factory malfunction and takes the gadget for service, he will be refused service without hesitation. In the event of a breakdown, it is recommended to restore the firmware, completely erasing all traces of the previous hack.

UC Browser: a browser that does it all!

Built-in browser Safari will allow the user to listen to a musical composition, but if the owner of the iPhone wants to download the song, he will definitely not succeed. It is doubtful that the functionality Safari will someday be expanded to such an extent that downloading ringtones will be available, because this is contrary to Apple policy. This means that in order to download music via the Internet, you will have to look for another browser.

A worthy option is one who came from the Middle Kingdom UC Browser. The browser is distinguished not only by its cross-platform functionality (suitable for both iOS and Android, for example), but also by the presence of advanced functions for downloading content directly from the Internet. You can download content with or without jailbreak.

Download music to iPhone from the Internet via UC Browser according to this instruction:

An important advantage lies in the fact that all downloaded media files are automatically sorted by type - Video, Image, Music. However, UC Browser there are also disadvantages:

  • All compositions are named Untitled. You can rename it manually, but this already means that you cannot do without additional loss of time. In addition, there is a high risk of confusion if several songs are downloaded at once.
  • Tracks are not available in the standard iPhone app " Music».
  • Tracks are not collected into playlists and are not played in order - each subsequent one must be turned on manually.

Bridge: guest from Cydia!

Another option to download music from the Internet is only suitable for jailbroken devices. You need to use a tweak (that's what applications from Cydia are called) called Bridge, located in the well-known BigBoss repository (storage). The main advantages of the tweak are that it allows you to add files to the standard application’s media library “ Music", makes it possible to edit the metadata of songs and costs little - $2 is affordable for any iPhone user.

Instructions for using the tweak Bridge is this:

It seems that downloading music via Bridge– an option without any disadvantages, however, there is still one drawback: the program is quite picky about download links. For correct downloading, the user needs to find a direct link that does not require registration with a login and password, entering a captcha and a redirect.

File Master: a jack of all trades!

File Master considered one of the most effective file managers for iPhone. This application allows you to download music to your iPhone without connecting to a computer and is freely available in the AppStore - iPhone owners can breathe a sigh of relief, because for installation File Master No jailbreak required.

Download music to iPhone without a computer using File Master It’s easy – you just need to follow these instructions:

It is easy to see that by the way the manager is used File Master similar to the application UC Browser although the functionality of the latter is disproportionately higher.


Ability to download music from the Internet to iPhone without a computer yes – software developers long ago created cures for iTunes addiction and introduced programs to the world UC Browser And File Master. However, the user must be prepared that he will have to put up with inconveniences - for example, the inability to play his favorite tracks through the standard Apple application " Music"and create playlists from songs downloaded in a pirated manner.

Simple and convenient!

There are many ways to download music to iPhone or iPad without iTunes or other file managers. But most often, users are asked to use various dubious applications or even use Telegram as a player. In this guide, we've shared the best way to download music from your computer to your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. It's free, ad-free, and incredibly user-friendly.

Those who are not familiar with this method of downloading music to iPhone and iPad without iTunes will definitely be surprised. After all, Google will help us with this process, and more specifically, the Google Play Music service.

Before you start directly downloading music to iPhone and iPad without iTunes, you need to make a few preparations:

  • Create Google account, if you don't have it yet;
  • Install for Chrome browser;
  • Install free Google Play Music app on your iPhone or iPad and log in using your Google account information.

After all the preparations are completed, you can start downloading music to iPhone and iPad without iTunes.

? How to Download Music to iPhone or iPad Without iTunes

Step 1: Using the Chrome browser on your computer, go to home page Google Play Music service.

Step 2. Click the open menu button in the upper left corner of the page and select " Replenish your music library».

Step 3. Drag songs or album folders to the page that opens.

❗ If the error “Secure connection failed” occurs, temporarily disable your antivirus - this will help. For some unknown reason, antivirus programs prevent the Google browser from making a secure connection to the same Google service.

Step 4. The page will close and the music download will begin. You can monitor the download progress by clicking on the button that appears in the lower left corner of the page. Once the download is complete, all your music will appear in the “ Music library».

Here you can see the music download progress

Step 5: Launch the Google Play Music app on your iPhone or iPad and sign in with your account.

On the first page of the application all the music you have downloaded will be presented. Choose a track or an album - you can now freely listen to music in excellent quality!

Step 6. To save any song, album or playlist to the device’s memory, you need to click on the download icon next to the desired object. After downloading, you can listen to music without an Internet connection.

? Is there a limit on the number of songs you can download?

Yes, there is a limitation - 50,000 (!) tracks. Only the most dedicated music lovers can download so much music.

? Is Google Play Music suitable as an alternative to the standard music app?

The Google Play Music application can completely replace the standard “Music”. The Google application has a convenient interface (albeit imperfect), the music being played is displayed in the Control Center and on the lock screen, and most importantly, there are no advertisements in the Google Play Music application, unlike similar applications from the App Store.

Music plays quietly on the locked screen

If the music doesn't play, won't load, or another problem occurs

Any problem in the application can be solved by resetting the cache and settings. To do this, go to “Settings” and click “Reset application data”. Do this if you have any difficulties listening to music downloaded from your computer.