How to prepare diet milk sauce? Diet for gastric and duodenal ulcers Bechamel sauce without sautéing for diet recipe

For diseases of the digestive system, diet therapy is the main method of treatment.

Basic principles of treatment:

1) physiologically complete nutrition through the selection of products of a certain composition;

2) chemical, mechanical and thermal sparing of the affected organ, which is ensured by the peculiarities of culinary processing of food - boiling in water or steaming;

3) strict adherence to a fractional diet (5-6 times a day).

Diet: 5-6 times a day; a glass of milk or cream is recommended before bedtime.

Cooking methods: cooking in water, vegetable broth and other liquids; steam cooking, boiling followed by frying in the oven; poaching - for preparing products with a delicate consistency and high moisture content (vegetables, fish, dumpling mass products).

It is not recommended to take: very hot (temperature above 57 - 62 °C) and very cold dishes (below 15 °C); dishes prepared by frying and baking with a crust; foods rich in coarse fiber (legumes, mushrooms, wholemeal bread; rye and any fresh bread; puff pastry products); foods rich in connective tissue - meat with fascia and tendons, skin of fish and poultry.

Fatty meats (pork, lamb), poultry (duck, goose, game) are not recommended; stale or overheated edible fats (pork, lamb, beef); cooking oil, margarine; meat, fish, mushroom broths and sauces; cabbage soup, okroshka, borscht, spicy and salty snacks; pickled and pickled vegetables and fruits; snack food canned meat, fish and vegetables, especially with tomato filling; all fried foods, smoked foods (meat, fish); sour and insufficiently ripe fruits and berries; fermented milk products with high acidity, whey; hard-boiled eggs; coffee, cocoa, spices.

Alcohol is completely excluded.

Bread and flour products: wheat bread made from premium and first grade flour (day-old or dried); dry biscuit, dry cookies (“Maria”, “School”); 1-2 times a week - savory, well-baked buns, cookies, pies with apples, boiled meat, fish, eggs or jam; cheesecakes with cottage cheese.

Soups: milk soups from well-cooked cereals (rolled oats, semolina, rice, buckwheat, etc.); slimy cereal soups; vegetable broth soups with the addition of vermicelli; milk soups-puree from vegetables, soups-puree from pre-cooked beef or chicken. Flour for soups is only dried without fat. Soups are seasoned with butter, egg-milk mixture, and cream.

Meat and meat products: beef, veal, chicken, rabbit meat, turkey (without skin and fascia); lean boiled pork in pieces or in the form of steam cutlets, meatballs, puddings; puree from boiled meat, rolls, quenelles, beef stroganoff from boiled meat; boiled meat, baked in the oven, boiled tongue and liver; jellied meat, jellied tongue, lean sausage, lean ham, liver pate, curd meat. Jellied meat and jellied tongue are cooked only in vegetable broth or broth.

Fish: all river fish, except red; sea ​​cod, sea bass, saury, silver hake, saberfish boiled or in the form of a steam soufflé (first remove the skin from the fish); steamed cutlets, dumplings, meatballs, fish puree, rolls; jellied fish, herring oil, black caviar, occasionally a piece of red fish.

Eggs: 2-3 eggs a day, soft-boiled, “in a bag”, in the form of steam omelettes (you can prepare a puff omelet with pureed boiled meat); whipped egg whites (snowballs, meringues).

Milk and dairy products: whole milk 4 - 5 glasses a day (if after drinking milk you experience rumbling, transfusion, bloating, unstable loose stools, then you should try adding milk to tea, porridge, preparing milk soups, jelly, jelly); non-sour cottage cheese, mashed with milk and sugar; curd dishes: steamed or baked cheesecakes, curd pudding, casserole (steam, curd-carrot, curd-cereal, etc.); cream.

Cheeses: low-fat, soft, only fresh varieties - Yaroslavl, Uglich, Russian.

Cereals: You can use any cereal, you just need to pass the millet through a coffee grinder. Buckwheat and oatmeal are very useful, as they are rich in dietary fiber and B vitamins, normalize digestion, and are a good means of preventing constipation. They are prepared in the form of milk soups or crumbly porridges with the addition of milk. You can eat vermicelli and finely chopped boiled pasta.

Fats: unsalted butter, including ghee, refined vegetable oils - in dishes.

Vegetables: boiled potatoes, carrots, beets, cauliflower, limited green peas; early pumpkin and zucchini; finely chopped dill - in dishes; ripe non-acidic tomatoes.

Snacks: salad of boiled vegetables, meat, fish; boiled tongue, liver pate, sausages - doctor's, dairy or diet; jellied fish in vegetable broth, red and black caviar, occasionally soaked lean herring; mild cheese; unsalted ham without fat.

Fruits: baked, fresh pureed, fresh whole (without skin). soft and sweet varieties of apples and pears; if tolerated - sweet grapes (without skin and seeds); seeds from plums, ripe and sweet berries; juices from sweet berries and fruits.

Sweets: marmalade, marshmallows, marshmallows, creamy caramel, jam, snowballs, butter cream, milk sel, sugar, honey. If there is increased secretion, one and a half to an hour before meals, eat a spoonful of honey with warm water.

In case of vitamin disorders (sweating, palpitations, persistent heartburn, sour belching, tendency to spasms, hypersecretion, pain (the so-called symptom of “irritable stomach”), it is necessary to limit carbohydrates to 150 g, mainly due to easily digestible ones (honey, jam, etc.). Refined sugar should be eliminated completely, to ensure the necessary energy value of the diet, increase the content of animal proteins (up to 120g).

Sauces: milk sauce (bechamel) without sautéing flour, adding butter or sour cream; fruit milk-fruit sauces.

Spices: a small amount of parsley or dill, bay leaf, cinnamon, cloves, herbs, caustic red pepper, white sauce with sour cream.

Beverages: alkaline mineral waters without carbon dioxide, strong tea, especially with milk, weak coffee and cocoa with milk, jelly, mousse, jelly from sweet fruits and juices; sweet juices from fruits and berries, rosehip decoction, bran decoction, yeast drink. For peptic ulcers with normal gastric secretion, it is advisable to drink fresh cabbage juice 200 - 250 ml 3 - 4 times a day, before meals for 1 - 2 months).

Also recommended for this disease are a vitamin drink made from rose hips, an infusion of rose hips, tea made from rose hips and black currant berries,

You will need:

  • milk,
  • oat flour,
  • olive oil,
  • ginger,
  • garlic.

2. Sweet milk sauce

Based on:

  • low-fat milk,
  • Rye flour,
  • Sesame oil,
  • vanilla/cinnamon.

3. Cauliflower with milk sauce


  • oatmeal - 1 tbsp,
  • milk - 200 ml.,
  • eggs - 2 pcs.,
  • coriander,
  • salt,
  • pepper,
  • granulated garlic,
  • greenery.

In this case, you will need a minimal amount of flour (1 tablespoon per 200 ml). Heat the oatmeal in a frying pan without adding oil until a light nutty aroma is felt. Then add warm milk and stir well. Divide the cabbage into inflorescences and arrange around the perimeter of the mold. Add 2 beaten eggs, coriander, salt, pepper, granulated garlic to the cooled gravy. Pour into the form with cabbage, filling all the gaps and place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. After 7-10 minutes, remove the dish. Serve with parsley and cilantro.

4. Milk sauce for porridge

You will need:

  • milk - 200 ml.,
  • sour cream - 2 tablespoons,
  • corn starch - 1.5 tbsp.

5. Milk sauce for vegetables


  • flour - 1 tbsp,
  • garlic,
  • milk - 200 ml.,
  • Cayenne pepper,
  • ginger,
  • turmeric.

Bring flour and finely chopped garlic in olive oil until golden brown (it is better to use powder or granulated). Add milk, stirring all ingredients, simmer the sauce for about 8-10 minutes. A few minutes before cooking, add cayenne pepper, ginger and turmeric. Cut vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, carrots) lengthwise. A gravy boat is placed in the center, and the slices are laid out around it. Instead of vegetables, you can take toasted whole grain bread. This holiday of taste will appeal to all family members.

6. Bechamel sauce


  • milk - 200 ml.,
  • oatmeal/rye flour - 1 tbsp. spoon,
  • cream,
  • salt,
  • pepper,
  • nutmeg.

7. Meat/fish with milk sauce


  • milk - 300 ml.,
  • starch - 2 tablespoons,
  • onions - 2 pcs.,
  • Bay leaf,
  • salt.

Dietary nutrition for pancreatitis will become more varied if bechamel milk sauce is included in your menu.

Recipe classic béchamel sauce with step-by-step instructions you will find on this page, as well as some of its options.

Tips for use are given bechamel sauce in dietary nutrition for pancreatitis.

Classic milk sauce Bechamel

Bechamel sauce is the #1 milk sauce.

In cooking, it is considered a base sauce, on the basis of which many other sauces can be prepared.

Classic béchamel sauce includes nutmeg as an ingredient. It is the nutmeg that gives the sauce the flavor it needs. Nutmeg is a very useful product that has a lot of medicinal properties, including the properties of stimulating bile formation and bile secretion. That is, this seasoning is good for the dietary nutrition of patients with liver and biliary tract diseases.

However, in case of pancreatitis, you should not use products that cause increased secretion of the digestive organs.

This recipe (if you remove the nutmeg 🙁) is confirmed by diet No. 5p and fully complies with the dietary requirements for pancreatitis.

In addition, it is included in the diets: 1, 2, 3 (options 1 and 2), 4b, 5 (5, a, high fat), 6, 7 (a, b) 8 (basic), 9, 10 (10, a, c) 11, 13, 15, 1x.

Bechamel sauce Recipe


  • Butter - 10 g (1 tsp)
  • Wheat flour - 10 g (1 tsp)
  • Granulated sugar - 2 g
  • Salt - to taste

Cooking technology:

  1. Melt the butter in a saucepan or frying pan;
  2. Let's add flour. Fry the flour for 1.5-2 minutes over low heat. Secret - To prevent lumps from forming, you can add flour using a small strainer;
  3. Add milk. The secret is that milk can form lumps, you can avoid this like this: the milk should be hot, do not pour in all the milk at once, pour in small portions and mix thoroughly with a wooden spoon (Well, if you still can’t get it without lumps, a blender will help out);
  4. After boiling, cook for 7-10 minutes at low boil;
  5. Add sugar, salt, nutmeg (if allowed). Bring to a boil.
  6. Served with meat dishes. Bon appetit!

Calorie content - 189.32 Kcal

  • Proteins - 5.38 g
  • Fat - 13 g
  • Carbohydrates - 8.9 g
  • B1 - 0.0415 mg
  • B2 - 0.0609 mg
  • C - 8.65 mg
  • Ca - 43.6306 mg
  • Fe - 0.9861 mg


  • Milk béchamel sauce can have different consistencies.
  • If we use the sauce ourselves, then the consistency is 15% -20% sour cream.
  • If we use the sauce for baking, then the consistency is thick cream;
  • You can add cream to the bechamel milk sauce. At the moment when we add salt and nutmeg. But at the same time the calorie content of the dish will be increased.

How to make BECHAMEL sauce Step-by-step recipe with photos

These photos are step by step instructions recipe for bechamel sauce.

Step-by-step recipe: How to make béchamel sauce

If the text version of the recipe is more pleasant, then read on

  1. Melt the butter in a frying pan
  2. Add flour and fry for 1.5-2 minutes, stirring constantly,
  3. Add hot milk in portions, stirring constantly and intensively,
  4. Add to a boil and cook for 10 minutes.
  5. Add the necessary spices and seasonings,
  6. The sauce is ready - Bon appetit!

The classic version of bechamel sauce was described above.

Bechamel(from French - bechamel) is a basic sauce, based on RU and milk.

Ru (from French. roux) is a mixture of butter and flour formed during thermal cooking.


  • It is used as an independent sauce for various dishes: for pasta dishes, for meat, for fish, for casseroles, for souffles, for preparing lasagna, for vegetable dishes, seasoned with puree soup, the main component of cream soup is also bechamel, etc. .
  • It is the basis for sauces derived from it: mushroom, cheese, onion. Additional ingredients are used accordingly: mushrooms, cheese, onions.

How to make BECHAMEL sauce in a slow cooker


  • Milk 3.2% - 3.2% -150g. (3/4 cup)
  • Butter - 10 g (1 tsp)
  • Wheat flour - 10 g (1 tsp)
  • Granulated sugar - 2 g
  • Salt - to taste
  • Nutmeg - exclude in case of medical nutrition

Cooking technology:

I offer you two options for how to prepare bechamel sauce in a slow cooker. I cook according to option 1, it seems more convenient to me, and I don’t like to do frying in a multicooker pan, because... I take good care of the pan.

I option. How to make bechamel sauce in a slow cooker:

  1. I pour milk into the multicooker pan. Milk porridge mode. Using this mode will protect you from milk boiling over.
  2. During this time, prepare the roux in a frying pan - melt the butter and add flour. Combine them by rubbing with a wooden spatula.
  3. Add a little milk to the roux and mix thoroughly with a wooden spoon.
  4. Pour the contents of the frying pan into the multicooker and mix thoroughly with the remaining milk.
  5. Add sugar, salt, nutmeg (if allowed).

Option II.How to make bechamel sauce in a slow cooker:

  1. We cook RU in a multicooker pan. Melt the butter in the “Warming” mode, but not in the “Baking” mode, because The oil should not be fried and should remain light in color. Next, switch to the “Baking” mode, add flour and mix (grind) using a wooden spatula.
  2. To the resulting roux, gradually add milk in portions (the milk should be hot to avoid the formation of lumps) and mix thoroughly with a wooden spoon.
  3. Pour the contents of the frying pan into the multicooker and mix thoroughly with the remaining milk. Add sugar, salt, nutmeg (if allowed).
  4. Set the mode to “Extinguishing”, time 40 - 60 minutes. During the first few minutes, open the lid and stir additionally. It is believed that it is long-term simmering that gives the sauce a pleasant taste and eliminates the taste of raw flour (taste of paste)

What sauces are allowed in the diet for chronic pancreatitis?

In dietary nutrition for pancreatitis, meat, fish, mushroom, onion, garlic, and mayonnaise sauces should be excluded.

Sauces allowed: milk (bechamel) without sautéing flour, sour cream, vegetable, sweet fruit sauces.

Stay healthy!

Sauces are served for meat, poultry, fish, as well as various cereal casseroles and pancakes.

Milk and sour cream sauces are suitable for dishes on gentle and therapeutic diets, as well as for feeding children.

Recipe for making milk liquid sauce: You will need:

100 ml milk;
5 grams of wheat flour;
5 grams of butter.

1. Dry the flour in a frying pan.

Recipe for making medium thick milk sauce: You will need:

100 ml milk;
10 grams of wheat flour;
10 grams of butter.

Prepare in the same way as liquid milk sauce.

Recipe for making milk sauce with potato starch: You will need:

100 ml milk;
5 grams of potato starch.

1. Dissolve potato starch in cold milk.

2. Add it little by little to boiling milk, stirring constantly.
3. Bring the sauce to the desired consistency.

Sour cream sauce recipe: You will need:

50 grams of low-fat sour cream;
10 grams of wheat flour.

1. Lightly dry the flour in a frying pan.

2. Mix the dried flour with sour cream, add the remaining boiling sour cream.
3. Bring everything to a boil and stir thoroughly.

Diet sauces

Tomato paste (unsalted) is diluted with vegetable broth or water, boiled for 5-10 minutes, salt and sugar are added, and seasoned with butter. For 100 g of sauce: 25 g of tomato paste, 10 g of butter, 2 g of granulated sugar and 70 g of vegetable broth.

  • Diet sauces
  • Fruit and berry sauce
  • White sauce for fish
  • Sour cream and tomato sauce
  • Milk sauce: dietary recipes
  • Diet sauces – richness of taste without harm to your figure! Recipes for dietary sauces made from yogurt, sour cream, tomatoes and other vegetables
  • Diet gravy
  • Diet sauces - useful tips and tricks
  • 8 dietary sauces for salads, meat and fish
  • Diet sauce - healthy variety
  • Principles of preparing sauces
  • Poultry sauce recipe
  • Recipe for buckwheat porridge
  • Options for unusual seasonings
  • Garlic seasoning
  • Fast and tasty dressing
  • What to remember
  • Tip 1: How to prepare diet gravy with meat?
  • Tip 3: How to make pork gravy
  • Creamy pork sauce with mushrooms
  • Diet sauces
  • Diet sauces for salads: when “tasty” does not mean “calorie-rich”
  • Lemon salad dressings
  • 1. Lemon-olive dressing:
  • 2. Lemon-honey sauce
  • 3. Lemon-honey vinegar dressing
  • 4. Lemon mustard dressing
  • Dressings based on kefir and yogurt
  • 5. Kefir dressing with herbs
  • 6. Lemon-yogurt dressing
  • 7. Yogurt dressing with green onions
  • 8. Yogurt dressing with mustard
  • 9. Yogurt dressing with garlic
  • 10. Yogurt dressing with basil
  • 11. Kefir dressing with mint and basil
  • 12. Dressing with kefir and olives
  • 13. “Mayonnaise” on yogurt
  • Dressings based on low-fat cheeses
  • 14. Feta cheese dressing
  • 15. Ricotta cheese dressing
  • 16. Tofu dressing
  • Original gas stations
  • 17. Chickpea dressing
  • 18. Avocado dressing
  • 19. Tartar sauce
  • 20. Sour cream sauce with celery and apple
  • Light sauces for traditional salads
  • 21. Spicy cheese-cucumber sauce
  • 22. Sour cream and ginger sauce
  • 23. Kefir-cranberry sauce
  • 24. Nut sauce with cottage cheese and horseradish

Flour sautéed in oil is diluted with hot milk, diluted broth or water, and simmered over low heat. Then add sugar and salt and strain. The sauce is used to top dishes.

For 100 g of sauce: 75 g of milk, 5 g of butter, 5 g of wheat flour, 25 g of meat broth or water, 1 g of sugar.

First prepare the white sauce. The sifted flour is heated, stirring with a wooden spoon and not allowing the color to change, then ground with butter and diluted with broth or vegetable broth until a homogeneous mass is formed. Then the sauce is boiled and filtered.

Add sour cream, previously brought to a boil, into the hot white sauce, add salt, cook for 3-5 minutes and filter.

For 100 g of sauce: 5 g of wheat flour, 5 g of butter, 50 g of sour cream, 50 g of meat or vegetable broth, 1 g of salt.

Fruit and berry sauce

Grind jam or blackcurrant jam, add grape juice, lemon and orange juice, rub through a sieve. Cut the lemon and orange zest into thin strips, scald, and place in boiling water for 1 minute. Also scald finely chopped onions. Cool the zest and onion and mix with the sauce. Serve the sauce with the game.

For 2 tablespoons of jam or jam - 1/2 tablespoon of lemon and orange zest, 1/2 small onion and 1 tablespoon of grape juice.

Red sauce (for chopped cutlets, rolls)

Fry a tablespoon of flour with the same amount of butter until light brown, then mix with tomato puree and dilute with 2 cups of meat broth. Add lightly fried chopped roots and onions and simmer over low heat. At the end of cooking, you can add salt, 1-2 tablespoons of grape or apple juice, strain the sauce through a sieve and season with a piece of butter.

For 1 tablespoon of flour - 1 carrot, 1 parsley, 1 onion, 1 tablespoon of tomato puree and 1.5 tablespoons of oil.

White sauce for fish

Lightly fry one tablespoon of flour in a saucepan with the same amount of oil; stirring, dilute with 2 cups of fish broth and cook for 7-10 minutes. Then add salt to the sauce, remove from heat, add lemon juice or diluted citric acid (1 tablespoon), a piece of butter, mix and strain.

Based on this sauce, you can prepare other sauces by adding the following products of your choice before serving: egg yolk mixed with 2-3 tablespoons of sour cream; 2 tablespoons of chopped green onions; 2 tablespoons chopped dill or parsley; 2 tablespoons of tomato puree; 2 tablespoons of grated cheese.

Sour cream and tomato sauce

Finely chop the peeled onion, saute in a saucepan with 1 tablespoon of butter and the same amount of flour, add 2 tablespoons of tomato puree, stir, dilute with 2 cups of fish broth, add salt and cook for 8-10 minutes over low heat. Then remove from heat, add 2-3 tablespoons of sour cream and mix thoroughly. The sauce is intended for fish dishes.

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To avoid health problems, we strongly recommend that you consult a doctor before using advice from our website.

Source: sauce: dietary recipes

A beautiful slim body means some restrictions on food. But regular diets and giving up favorite foods affect the psychological feeling of comfort. Even not very appetizing foods can be saved by milk sauce, the dietary recipes of which do not threaten extra centimeters in problem areas. It can be presented separately in a gravy boat, and can also actively participate in the process of preparing the main dish. The ingredients for dietary milk sauce are contained in the name itself. This is the most valuable drink - milk, flour or starch, butter, spices, and seasonings act as a thickener. Usually sauce increases the calorie content of dishes, but using little tricks you can avoid this.

Milk sauce: dietary recipes

1. Milk sauce for steamed vegetables

This sauce will perfectly complement steamed vegetables.

Heat the oil in a saucepan and add flour. It should acquire a soft golden color. Heat the milk and add it to the saucepan in small portions, stirring thoroughly. Leave for 7 minutes, reducing heat to low. 2 minutes before readiness, add ginger powder and squeeze out garlic juice. Garnish with herbs and serve with the main dish. Garlic and ginger speed up your metabolism and help burn extra calories. Oatmeal helps normalize the digestion process. And olive oil is an essential antioxidant.

How to prepare diet milk sauce for those with a sweet tooth? The undoubted enemy of a chiseled figure is sugar. But a lack of glucose threatens a decrease in performance, up to a complete loss of strength. An excellent preventive measure would be sweet milk sauce served with cottage cheese dishes, fruits, and cereal flakes.

Heat the oil over low heat, add flour and rub in the lumps. After introducing the milk, to prevent it from curdling, the temperature should be above 60 degrees. Combine honey with the prepared sauce, and add vanilla or cinnamon 3 minutes before the end of the process on the stove. If the consistency is uneven, you can use a mixer or blender until you get the desired result.

3. Cauliflower with milk sauce

A very light and at the same time nutritious dish is cauliflower with milk sauce.

In this case, you will need a minimal amount of flour (1 tablespoon per 200 ml). Heat the oatmeal in a frying pan without adding oil until a light nutty aroma is felt. Then add warm milk and stir well. Divide the cabbage into inflorescences and arrange around the perimeter of the mold. Add 2 beaten eggs, coriander, salt, pepper, granulated garlic to the cooled gravy. Pour into the form with cabbage, filling all the gaps and place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. After a minute, take out the dish. Serve with parsley and cilantro.

Traditional porridges will become a regular feature on the menu if you prepare an appetizing milk sauce for them. Cow or goat (200 ml.) Combine with 2 tbsp. spoons of sour cream, add 1.5 tbsp. spoons of corn starch and cook over low heat for 5 minutes. A minute before it’s ready, add salt and serve slightly cooled, garnished with a sprig of fennel. Corn starch retains all the beneficial properties of its original source and strengthens the nervous system.

Vegetables are irreplaceable storehouses of vital vitamins and fiber. The most useful are those prepared with minimal heat treatment. The rich taste of the sauce will complement the neutral taste of vegetables.

Bring flour and finely chopped garlic in olive oil until golden brown (it is better to use powder or granulated). Add milk, stirring all ingredients, simmer the sauce for about minutes. A few minutes before cooking, add cayenne pepper, ginger and turmeric. Cut vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, carrots) lengthwise. A gravy boat is placed in the center, and the slices are laid out around it. Instead of vegetables, you can take toasted whole grain bread. This holiday of taste will appeal to all family members.

The legendary Bechamel sauce, a gift from French chefs, can easily reduce its calorie content. To do this, just change a few ingredients.

You will need milk 1.5% fat, oatmeal or rye flour, a little cream 15%, salt, pepper, nutmeg. Heat the oil in a saucepan or saucepan (low heat), add flour, stirring continuously. When preparing the sauce, a wooden spoon is always used. Then add hot milk little by little. After boiling, cook for no more than 6 minutes, adding salt, pepper and nutmeg. When the sauce has cooled (to 40 degrees), add cream. Depending on the required consistency, add or reduce the amount of flour during cooking, taking into account that the sauce will thicken at the end of the process.

7. Meat/fish with milk sauce

Properly cooked meat and fish go well with dietary sauce.

In 200 ml. dilute milk with 2 tbsp. spoons of starch. Combine 100 ml in a saucepan or saucepan. milk, 2 pcs. finely chopped favorite type of onion, bay leaf, salt. When the mixture boils, remove from heat and let cool for 7-8 minutes. Strain and combine with previously diluted starch. Cook over low heat for a minute. When the sauce thickens to the desired consistency, remove from heat. Light texture and unsurpassed taste will highlight the tender meat of chicken, quail, and rabbit. The sauce is also good in a duet with salmon and trout.

France is recognized not only as a Mecca for all gourmets, but is also famous for its beautiful and slender nation. It was the royal chefs who introduced milk sauce to the world. Simple, basic ingredients for a culinary masterpiece made from milk can be found in the kitchen of every housewife. Using your abilities, imagination and love, it is possible to prepare well-known dishes by serving them with milk sauce in a completely different interpretation. At the same time, maintaining the parameters of the model, and taking care of the health of the whole family.

Treatment with folk remedies at home

Source: sauces – richness of taste without harm to your figure! Recipes for dietary sauces made from yogurt, sour cream, tomatoes and other vegetables

Any dietary dish will taste better if served with the right sauce. A good dressing will complement a boring salad, boiled breast or baked fish. With it, a dietary dish will sparkle with new flavors, and a boring diet will become much more fun. Here is a selection of low-calorie sauces for all occasions. Losing weight can be tastier!

Dietary sauces - general principles of preparation

Any sauce is based on liquid or viscous products. Usually these are yoghurts, vegetable purees and juices, broths, sour cream, soft cottage cheese. Do not forget that for dietary recipes it is better to use ingredients with minimal fat content. Oil can be added to the sauce or used during the cooking process, but there should not be a lot of it. It is better to take olive oil or coconut oil, they have pleasant tastes, are very healthy when fresh and are easily digestible.

What is added to sauces:

Fresh, sauteed or boiled vegetables;

Horseradish, mustard, adjika;

You should not use a lot of salt for dressing, as it interferes with losing weight. Flour and starch are high-calorie foods, but you don’t need to pay attention to this. For sauces, a small amount is used, but it can make a big difference in consistency. If your favorite recipe calls for sugar, you can omit it or replace it with honey. You need to be more careful with soy sauce, store-bought mustard and other industrial additives. They often contain a lot of sugar, thickeners, and preservatives, which will only be harmful to your figure.

Diet sauce “Fake mayonnaise”

A variant of a very simple diet sauce that tastes like mayonnaise. Suitable for poultry, fish, salads, meat and truly universal. You can add garlic to it to taste.

200 g natural yogurt;

1 tsp. lemon juice.

1. Boil the egg, remove the yolk, we don’t need the white. Grind the yolk until smooth, add salt and pepper, add mustard and lemon juice.

2. Continue stirring and gradually add natural yogurt. We choose a thick product so that the sauce does not turn out liquid and does not drain from the dish.

3. If desired, squeeze out a clove of garlic, throw in a little dill, it all depends on what dish the sauce will be served with.

4. Use the sauce immediately; it does not need to be infused. If fresh vegetables and herbs were not added, then it will last perfectly in the refrigerator for two days, provided that fresh yogurt is used.

Diet tomato sauce made from tomatoes

A recipe for a very delicate and dietary tomato sauce, which will be an excellent alternative to store-bought ketchups with unknown composition, thickeners and starch.

Spoon of olive oil;

Three cloves of garlic;

1 tsp. ground paprika;

0.3 tsp. red pepper;

0.5 tsp. coriander seeds;

Five black peppercorns.

1. Boil a little water in a saucepan, a liter is enough. Throw in the tomatoes with the cut skins, let them sit for a few seconds, catch them with a slotted spoon and throw them into a bowl of cold water. Remove the skin.

2. Cut the tomatoes into pieces, throw them into a cup, and grind them with a blender. You can twist the tomatoes. If you want to get a very delicate sauce, you can remove the seeds and use only clean tomato pulp.

3. Pour a little oil into a saucepan, add chopped garlic cloves, fry for a few seconds.

4. Add tomatoes, boil the sauce after boiling for about five minutes, add salt, throw in one clove.

5. Add paprika and crushed peppercorns. For spiciness, add ground red pepper. We adjust its quantity to your taste. Let the sauce simmer for another minute and remove from heat.

6. After cooling, it is advisable to remove the cloves; the sauce keeps well in the refrigerator for several days. If desired, you can add a little vinegar for greater reliability.

Diet sauce made from sour cream, garlic and cottage cheese

A variant of sour cream diet cottage cheese. Use a product with minimal fat content, usually 10%. The missing taste and thickness can be easily adjusted with cottage cheese.

70 g low-fat cottage cheese;

1. Mash or grate the cottage cheese well. You can put it in a blender and grind it together with the garlic. Or grind the cloves separately and combine with cottage cheese brought to homogeneity.

2. Mix sour cream with cottage cheese and garlic, pepper and salt. Grind the mass thoroughly or beat quickly with a blender. In this case, the sauce is homogeneous, light, and tender.

3. Cut several sprigs of dill and add to the sauce. We use it as a salad dressing, serve it with meat, poultry or baked vegetables.

Diet Tzatziki Sauce (Tzatziki)

A variation of the Greek diet sauce on yogurt. It is prepared with fresh cucumbers. Despite the low calorie content, it turns out pleasant, rich, and will complement any dish of chicken, fish, vegetables or cereals.

Two cloves of garlic;

10 ml olive oil;

Salt, herbs, pepper.

1. Grate the cucumbers. If the skin is rough or there are large seeds inside, then we get rid of all the excess. Sprinkle the grated vegetable with salt, mix, and leave for fifteen minutes.

2. While you can chop a couple of cloves of garlic, combine with olive oil, then pepper, dilute it all with thick Greek yogurt. If the oil does not fit into the caloric allowance, you can reduce the amount, but it is advisable to add it for a light aroma.

3. Let's return to cucumbers. They have already released a lot of juice that needs to be squeezed out along with the excess salt. You can just do it with your hands.

4. Transfer the cucumbers to the yogurt base, stir and the sauce is ready! Let it sit for about a quarter of an hour to allow the flavor of the ingredients to develop.

Horseradish - a popular dietary sauce

Horseradish, horseradish, gorloder is an old Russian sauce with an amazing taste and aroma. It is very simple to prepare, it is perfectly stored for several months and has very low calorie content, perfect for dietary nutrition.

G horseradish root;

Salt, a little oil.

1. The most difficult part in preparing horseradish is chopping the horseradish. The roots are quite hard and vigorous, causing lacrimation. They need to be carefully peeled, cut into pieces, twisted through a meat grinder or chopped with a food processor. You can tie a bag to the meat grinder so that the shavings fall into it and do not irritate your eyes.

2. Peel the garlic. There should also be a lot of it, since the vegetable is a good preservative. Grind. You can follow the horseradish through a meat grinder.

3. Cut the tomatoes into pieces, remove the seal at the attachment point with the branch, and chop. There is no need to remove the skin of classic horseradish.

4. Add a tablespoon of salt to the total mass. Stir until completely dissolved.

5. Transfer the sauce into jars or bottles. Apply a thin layer of oil on top to prevent mold from accidentally appearing. Close and leave in the refrigerator. It is advisable for the horseradish to sit for a day.

Diet gravy

A simple tomato sauce recipe that goes great with grain dishes, legumes or side dishes of boiled vegetables.

500 ml tomato juice;

1. Pour a little oil into a frying pan, add onion cut into small cubes, after a minute grated carrots, cook over low heat until soft.

2. Add flour, stir quickly to avoid lumps, heat for a minute. Since little oil is used, the flour will not brown.

3. Add tomato juice, bring to a boil, stirring constantly. The mass will begin to thicken.

4. After boiling, heat the sauce for a couple more minutes, add salt and pepper.

5. At the very end, add crushed garlic, any seasonings to improve the taste, season with herbs and laurel.

Diet onion sauce with broth

To prepare this sauce you will need a little chicken, meat, mushroom or vegetable broth. We remember that it should not be fat.

Two cloves of garlic;

1. Peel the onion, place it in a slightly greased frying pan, and sauté over low heat for a minute. Add broth, simmer covered until soft.

2. Remove the onion in the broth from the heat, cool slightly, then puree with a blender or rub through a sieve. You should get a tender onion puree.

3. Return the puree to the pan or transfer it to a small saucepan and put it back on the stove.

4. Add sour cream, pepper and salt, season with garlic, and heat until almost boiling.

5. Cool the finished sauce, season with green onions and dill.

To reduce the calorie content of the sauce with fried vegetables, you can saute them in a non-stick frying pan or sprinkle with oil, cook in the microwave or in the oven.

If you don’t like the pale color of the sauce, the result is not very appetizing or an unpleasant shade, then it can be corrected with the help of turmeric, paprika, beet juice and other coloring ingredients.

It is better to replace vinegar in diet sauces with lime or lemon juice; they are much healthier.

Ripe avocado has an oily texture; it is an excellent substitute for mayonnaise and other fatty dressings. You just need to add spices to the crushed pulp.

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Chief editor of the portal: Ekaterina Danilova


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Source: dietary sauces for salads, meat and fish

Many people refuse to use sauces, as they increase the calorie content of the dish, and the composition of ready-made store-bought sauces often leaves much to be desired. But, nevertheless, this is not a reason to give up delicious dressing forever, just use recipes for healthy and low-calorie sauces.

Light salad dressings:

1. Mix soy sauce, oil and lemon juice. Moreover, instead of the usual sunflower oil, it is better to use extra virgin olive oil. Olive oil contains a huge amount of vitamins and minerals that are easily absorbed by the body. It lowers cholesterol, normalizes blood pressure, and enhances the body's protective properties. In addition, olive oil helps fight excess weight due to its high content of oleic acid, which improves the absorption and processing of fats. And the natural antioxidants in its composition cleanse the body of breakdown products and have a rejuvenating effect.

2. Replace sour cream with low-fat yogurt, add chopped garlic, spices (paprika, ground black pepper and others to taste) and a teaspoon of olive oil. Garlic has bactericidal properties, so it is recommended to use it in winter and spring, when there is a high chance of catching a cold. Garlic prevents the formation of harmful cholesterol in the body, lowers blood pressure, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the bile ducts and speeds up metabolism.

3. And, of course, you definitely need to get into the habit of using only homemade mayonnaise with salads, completely ignoring the harmful “store-bought” sauce. To prepare healthy mayonnaise, take thick natural yogurt, 2 tablespoons of mustard, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, 1 teaspoon of olive oil and beat everything thoroughly with a mixer or fork. If you wish, you can add a raw egg to the sauce. If the mayonnaise is too thick, add 1-2 tablespoons of warm water and whisk again. Cool the finished mayonnaise in the refrigerator; it can be stored in a hermetically sealed container for about a week.

4. Tomato sauce with Italian herbs can be used to make Bolognese pasta. To do this, scald the tomatoes with boiling water, remove the skin and chop them. Heat olive oil in a frying pan, add coarsely chopped garlic, when it turns golden, remove it with a slotted spoon. Add Italian herbs to the heated oil: oregano, basil, savory and lemongrass. Prepare tomato puree using a blender and mix the resulting mass with herbs and oil. If you want to reduce the calorie content of the sauce, then use Herbalife Tomato Basil Soup.

5. Delicate sauce with mushrooms and cheese: chop the garlic and cut the mushrooms into small pieces, heat them in a frying pan with olive oil and, when the garlic turns golden, pour in a little skim milk and sprinkle grated cheese on top (you can use feta, ricotta, tofu or other low-fat cheese to taste). Let the sauce simmer until the cheese melts and the mixture has a smooth texture.

6. Low Calorie BBQ: Prepare tomato puree as in Tomato Sauce with Italian Herbs recipe. Then heat the olive oil in a saucepan over medium heat, add the chopped onion and simmer for about 5 minutes. When it becomes soft, add the chopped garlic into the pulp and hold for a minute. Add tomato puree, half a tablespoon of honey, half a teaspoon of balsamic vinegar, 2 teaspoons of Dijon mustard, chili seasoning and cayenne pepper. Cook everything together over low heat for about 30 minutes until the sauce thickens. Cool the sauce at room temperature and serve with the main dish.

7. Low-calorie tartare: boil the eggs, peel them and separate the yolk from the white. Grate the yolks on a fine grater, add raw yolk, lemon juice and mustard. Beat the resulting mixture until smooth. At the same time, without stopping stirring, pour in olive oil in a thin stream. Add low-fat yogurt, 2 tablespoons capers, 2 tablespoons grated pickled cucumbers, fresh dill and ground black pepper. Stir and serve with steamed fish.

8. Delicate sauce with feta cheese: grind 50 grams of feta cheese, a glass of low-fat yogurt, 1 fresh cucumber and a sprig of dill in a blender. Let the sauce sit in the refrigerator and serve chilled. This dressing is great for red fish sandwiches, just add additional ingredients of your choice: fresh or pickled cucumbers, bell peppers, lettuce or anything else you like.

You can endlessly experiment with ingredients: swap yogurt for kefir, garlic for onions, vinegar for lemon juice, spices for fresh pepper, and so on. But do not forget about the nutritional value of the finished product. If you want to make your meal truly filling, simply add a tablespoon of Herbalife Formula 3 Protein Blend. It has no taste or smell of its own, so it can be added to any sauce.

You can contact a nutrition consultant who can help you choose an individual nutrition program by clicking on the link.

Source: Sauce – Healthy Variety

Greetings to all fans of a healthy lifestyle!

Sticking to proper nutrition is so difficult in modern life, because there are so many forbidden foods around. These include various types of sauces, ketchups, and mayonnaise. But why deny yourself the addition of a dietary dish?

Try making diet sauce at home, and I’ll help you with it. In the article you will find a variety of low-calorie sauce options that will perfectly complement your dietary dishes.

Principles of preparing sauces

Sauces will help to dilute a boring diet, making dishes more piquant and unusual, and most importantly, will not harm your figure. So, general cooking recommendations I found on the Internet:

  • any sauce has a base, it is often presented as fermented milk products, vegetable purees or broths;
  • do not forget that the product must be low-calorie, so select the ingredients with this in mind;
  • if the recipe contains oil, then give preference to olive or coconut, which are absorbed faster;
  • Avoid adding a lot of salt, let the taste be natural;
  • sugar in the recipe can be replaced with honey;
  • if the recipe requires industrial additives (soy sauce, mustard, etc.), then do not exceed the dosage indicated on the menu, because such products contain many preservatives and thickeners.

As for me, the principles are simple and designed specifically so as not to affect your beautiful figure in any way.

Have you already prepared low-calorie dressings? What recommendations did you follow? - Let's talk about this topic in the comments. Now let's move on to the preparation stage.

Dressings for different dishes - we cook deliciously

At home, you can create any masterpiece for a prepared dish, but do not forget that the right sauce is the key to unsurpassed taste.

But most people eat just the taste, and only then think about the health benefits of this or that product, or even don’t think about it at all. Therefore, first, let’s look at the options for gas stations for different menus. All recipes presented are not invented by me, but found on the Internet.

Poultry sauce recipe

For women who know everything about dietary products, it is not news that among the types of meat it is preferable to include poultry in the diet, so they offer the option of sauce for chicken. Unless, of course, you still eat meat.

We will need half a kilogram of apples, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of butter, a pinch of cinnamon, 1 teaspoon of salt and oregano. Let's start with the apples - wash them, peel them and bake them in the oven until done.

Recipe for buckwheat porridge

This cereal has many benefits, so it is certainly present in a healthy diet. I offer an affordable way to prepare buckwheat sauce. I think that to select ingredients you will not need to leave the kitchen, because all the products are simple and are probably on your shelves.

I suggest looking for a couple of tomatoes, ½ cup of low-fat sour cream, 1 tbsp. spoon of flour. Choose the juiciest tomatoes and cut them into cubes. Saute the flour in a frying pan for a couple of seconds, and then add sour cream and tomato. Let them simmer for about 5-10 minutes and feel free to season your buckwheat with the mixture.

Dressing in the form of gravy for pasta

Despite the fact that pasta contains a lot of carbohydrates, nutritionists allow the product to be consumed during weight loss, but only of hard varieties. And you really want to season the dish with ketchup, don’t you? There is a solution - pasta sauce based on tomato juice. What kind of gravy do you prepare? Leave your recipes in the comments.

Now let's prepare:

  • ½ liter of tomato juice;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of flour;
  • 1 tbsp. l. olive oil;
  • spices to taste.

Prepare in the following order:

  • Pour oil into a frying pan and add finely chopped onion, and after a minute, grate the carrots and simmer until the vegetables are soft;
  • add flour and start stirring quickly so that lumps do not form, heat for one minute;
  • pour in the tomato juice and bring the mixture to a boil, do not forget to stir;
  • when the mixture boils, add spices and cook for another couple of minutes;
  • decorate with greens.

We season shawarma in a dietary way

A light white shawarma sauce with no tomatoes and mayonnaise, but the presence of cucumber, is ideal for a low-calorie diet.

  • a glass of low-fat yogurt;
  • 1 fresh cucumber;
  • 50 g dill;
  • 3 pinches of pepper mixture;
  • salt to taste.

To begin, remove the peel from the cucumber and chop it on a fine grater, finely chop the washed dill. Next, put the dill and cucumber into a blender, pour in the yogurt, add a mixture of peppers and salt. After whipping, the mixture is ready for use.

Ideal dressing for fish dishes

White mixtures are suitable for fish, and we will now prepare one of them. Start selecting products:

Place the pan on the fire, lightly fry the flour in oil, pour in the fish broth, and simmer for 10 minutes. Then the next step is to add lemon juice.

Dressing the famous Caesar salad

There are several varieties of Caesar salad based on ingredients; there is also a low-calorie salad and Caesar dressing. Let's start selecting products and cooking:

  • take 2 eggs and boil them for one minute, then break the contents into a bowl and beat a little with a pinch of salt;
  • 2 tbsp. l. mix lemon juice with 20 g of Dijon mustard and 50 g of grated Parmesan;
  • combine the mixture with beaten eggs and stir, adding your favorite spices.

Dressings based on fermented milk products

How to make a delicious sauce? – Use dairy products as a base. Let's look at the most popular options:

  1. With milk. The milk sauce is prepared as follows: take 75 g of hot milk and dilute flour (2 tbsp.) already sautéed with 5 g of butter, boil for 10 minutes and add a pinch of sugar and salt. Strain the mixture before serving;
  2. With sour cream. The sour cream version is prepared similarly to the milk version - heat flour (5 g) in butter (5 g) in a frying pan, then pour in 50 g of meat broth and cook for half an hour. After straining, add sour cream (50 g) to the hot mixture to make a creamy sauce, simply replace the sour cream with cream.
  3. On cottage cheese (cheese). A soft cheese sauce is made with feta cheese. Take 200 ml of yogurt, add 50 g of feta and any greens to it, grind in a blender and the seasoning is ready.

Seasonings based on dairy products are easy to use instead of mayonnaise for dressing various salads and meat dishes. Do you like homemade sauces or do you think the taste of mayonnaise and store-bought dressing cannot be replaced? I look forward to your opinions in the comments.

Options for unusual seasonings

Some people prefer spicy dressings or a pleasant spicy taste, I suggest considering two more common dietary recipes.

Garlic seasoning

Prepare garlic sauce like this:

  • take parsley and dill, a bunch at a time, chop;
  • add 7 chopped garlic cloves to 100 g of boiled water (already cooled);
  • add herbs and you're done.

But do not forget that you should not overuse garlic; it has many contraindications. And, if you like spicy foods, I recommend making low-calorie onion soup, the recipe for which you will find here.

Fast and tasty dressing

Bechamel - a well-known sauce is prepared like this: dissolve corn starch (40 g) in 500 ml of low-fat milk, put the pan on the fire and cook, stirring until thickened, then add pepper, salt and a pinch of nutmeg.

What to remember

  1. You can diversify your dietary dishes with low-calorie seasonings.
  2. It will not be difficult to prepare a variety of sauces for meat, fish and other dishes.
  3. Most often, homemade dressings contain fermented milk products.

See you in the next article!

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What is “Béchamel sauce” and what is it eaten with? Probably, many novice cooks ask this question to their mentors, and this is not surprising, because where are we? In Russia. Where's the sauce from? From France, it is from there that his roots grow, as one of many sources claims. Bechamel sauce is a basic sauce; many different sauces are prepared on its basis; lasagna, minced meat and pasta are baked with it (remember what we cooked with you?).

Depending on the additives, the sauce can be not only classic creamy, but also acquire a sour, spicy, spicy, and maybe even sweet taste. For example, Mornay - Parmesan and Gruyere cheese or Cheddar, etc. are added to the Bechamel base.

In order to reduce the calorie content of the dish, you can easily replace the mayonnaise that you previously added to some hot dishes. Change your habits, cook baked potatoes and fish with this sauce, and your daily diet will sparkle with new colors.

Bechamel sauce


  • Milk - 0.5 liters,
  • Butter - 70 grams,
  • Flour - 2 tablespoons,
  • Hard cheese - 200 grams,
  • Salt, black pepper - to taste.
  • A pinch of nutmeg - optional.

Cooking process:

Place a piece of butter in a thick-bottomed saucepan or deep frying pan and put it on the fire.

Over medium heat, add flour to melted butter and stir quickly.

Next, pour in a little milk (preferably warm to avoid lumps). Mix everything vigorously and bring the mass to a boil. Cook the milk sauce for a couple of minutes.

Add salt, pepper, nutmeg, seasonings (for example, Provencal herbs). And add the grated cheese.

Cook the sauce until the cheese is completely melted. The main photo shows what consistency the Bechamel sauce should have. It can be used to prepare casseroles, lasagna and other hot dishes.

We thank Svetlana Kislovskaya for the recipe and step-by-step photos.

The Notebook website wishes you bon appetit!

About prohibited and permitted types of sauces for acute and chronic pancreatitis.

Chefs from cuisines all over the world know that any, even the simplest and most unpretentious dish, with the help of a properly selected sauce, can be turned into a masterpiece of culinary art, with an exquisite aroma and exclusive taste. Many, as they say, “get hooked” on sauces and generally cannot imagine their food without them.

Alas, the situation is changing radically with the development of such a ruthless disease as inflammation of the pancreas, called acute or chronic pancreatitis. As you know, in the treatment of pancreatitis, a strict diet is prescribed, limiting the consumption of a large number of foods.

You can read in detail about permitted and prohibited dishes; in the same article we will decide on sauces - which sauces can be used for pancreatitis, and which are strictly unacceptable.

Although a person is weak by nature and is ready to find an excuse for any temptation, it is strongly recommended to completely refuse any canned sauces. The composition of any sauce made industrially includes a number of chemicals that have a pathogenic effect on the pancreas, which is already experiencing problems with normal functioning due to inflammatory processes in it. In the medical practice of any experienced gastroenterologist, many cases have been recorded when it was “thanks to” the sauces bought in the store and regularly consumed - Heinz, Krasnodar, Tomato and others, that the acute form of pancreatitis was transformed into a chronic one.

You should not eat mayonnaise or any hot sauces, including spicy and tomato sauces, even if they were prepared with your own hands from proven and environmentally friendly products.

This is exactly the case when it is useful to play it safe in order to avoid unreasonably high risks to your own health, which are fraught with far-reaching adverse consequences for the pancreas. When preparing sauces for salads, you must refrain from adding garlic, vinegar and other spicy spices to them, and do not use fried sunflower or olive oil.

Sauces allowed for pancreatitis include: soy sauce and some types of dairy products. Many experts include soy sauce in the list of products used in diet therapy for pancreatitis. Soy sauce can be added to almost any dish - salads, vegetable, fish and meat products.

The only downside to soy sauce is its price. For any form of pancreatitis, only natural soy sauce is allowed. The cost of such a product in our stores starts from 200 rubles. The choice of soy sauce must be approached with due care and caution. For well-known reasons, 99.99% of the display cases display not a natural product, but its chemical analogue, which is unacceptable for inflammation of the pancreas, both in the acute stage and in remission. The annotation for the sauce should not indicate any additional ingredients, preservatives, flavors or taste improvers.

For acute and chronic forms of pancreatitis, doctors recommend adding milk sauces prepared at home without sautéing wheat flour to dishes. These include Bechamel sauce. It should be noted that Bechamel can be used as an independent dish, added to fish, meat and pasta, as well as as a base product, on the basis of which a large number of different sauces can be prepared.

Unfortunately, taking into account the requirements of the therapeutic diet, table No. 5p, it is necessary to exclude nutmeg from the classic recipe for Bechamel sauce, since it causes increased secretion of pancreatic juice and enzymes, and can have a negative impact on the clinical picture of the disease.

Recipe for making Bechamel sauce for pancreatitis

To prepare this milk sauce you will need the following products:

  • Butter - 1 level teaspoon (10 g)
  • Milk -160 g.
  • Sugar - 3 g.
  • Wheat flour - 1 level teaspoon (10 g)
  • Salt is on the tip of the knife.

Method of preparing the sauce

  • melt butter in a frying pan,
  • through a sieve, to prevent the formation of lumps, pour flour and fry for two minutes,
  • Add hot milk in small portions, thoroughly mixing the contents of the pan.
  • let it boil, turn the heat to low and cook for 9 minutes,
  • add salt and sugar, bring to a boil, remove from heat and allow to cool.

Bechamel, when used as an independent dish, has the consistency of very thin sour cream. When preparing other sauces based on it, the consistency should be increased to a creamy state.

Despite the fact that both soy and Bechamel sauces are allowed for pancreatitis, mixing them or eating them together during the same meal is not recommended. Also, you should not get carried away with their excessive use.

You've probably heard about the five basic sauces of French cuisine? They are also called “mother” sauces or “great” sauces. They form the basis of the culinary tradition of France, they can be found in a huge number of recipes, and the large-scale and world-famous “edifice” of French cuisine is built on them.

Perhaps, standing on a par with veloute, espagnole, hollandaise and tomato sauces, bechamel is still half a step ahead - maybe because it is more famous? Or because it is especially delicate and versatile and goes well with a huge number of dishes? Or is the secret of its popularity in the special aura that is created around the Bechamel sauce - an aura of sophistication and elegance? Be that as it may, this particular recipe is the main one of the five parts that form the “backbone” of French cooking.

Knowing how to cook bechamel is practically a rule of good manners. Agree, you can’t show up in the kitchen, declare yourself a guru and start impressing guests without first learning the basics and theory. So, in order to become a chef, among other exams, you will have to pass a test specifically on the ability to cook the right bechamel - this is that undeniable and necessary basis. Let's figure it out.

Conventionally, Bechamel sauce can be divided into two parts: rublon or roux (French roux - red) and milk (cream).

Rublon is flour mixed with butter, fried until lightly golden. The standard proportion is 1:1, although some chefs sometimes change it depending on their own preferences.

The amount of milk added to the sauce can also vary significantly in different versions. Depending on the thickness of the sauce you need, you will need a little more or a little less liquid. The general rule is this: for liquid bechamel sauce add 120-180 g of roux per 1 liter of milk, for thick sauce - 300 g of roux per 1 liter of milk (thick, “like paste”, bechamel is the basis, for example, of soufflé). It’s easy to remember this ratio (for a sauce of medium thickness): parts of roux = 1 to 1, milk = 5 times the sum of the parts of roux. So, if you take 50 g of butter and flour, then pour in 500 ml of milk.

The basic, classic bechamel sauce is minimalistic - it's milk, flour, butter, salt and pepper. This sauce is the basis for the preparation of other sauces or part of dishes - lasagna, moussaka, dishes with spinach, complex pastas. But most often, milk for making Bechamel sauce is pre-flavored - with herbs, roots, spices. The goal is to give neutral dishes a more expressive taste, such as baked fish or a slice of chicken fillet. To do this, add the required set of natural flavors to cold milk (nutmeg, rosemary, thyme, oregano, marjoram, thyme, dill, onion, garlic, coriander, caraway, parsnip or parsley root), and then slowly bring to a boil - it is believed that only This is how the aromas of herbs and roots are revealed best. After boiling, turn off the fire, cover the pan with a lid and leave for 2-3 hours to infuse. After the specified time, the milk must be strained through cheesecloth or a fine sieve and only then used to prepare the sauce.

From the history of sauce

In general, the story is as simple as the world: they say that the famous sauce was invented by Louis Bechamel, the majordomo of Louis XIV, the king who ensured the flourishing of an absolute monarchy for his country. Alas, there is no intrigue, interesting turns of events or secret intricacies, despite the fact that the era itself was characterized by an abundance of mysteries and secrets. However, there is one “zest” in the loud but short epic called “Béchamel”: historians strongly doubt that the invention of the recipe belongs personally to the king’s manager of affairs, the eponymous Mr. Béchamel. Most likely, the sauce was first prepared by one of the court chefs, but the cunning majordomo, sensing how he could earn the favor of the king, quickly attributed the invention to his own person.

The famous “white sauce” was first mentioned in Le Cuisinier François in 1651 - the book was written by the court cook of Louis XIV, François Pierre de La Farenne, and it was he who left a written indication of the newfangled sauce. After this, the culinary manual was republished many, many dozens of times (only in the next 75 years - at least 30 times!), The popularity of the sauce continued to grow.

There was no exact recipe in the book, however, there is reason to assert that bechamel has survived to this day practically unchanged: the same wheat flour, the same high-quality butter, the same milk.

Classic recipe for Bechamel sauce

To start experimenting and creating, you need to learn how to implement a basic sauce recipe. In fact, there is nothing complicated, a little practice - and you will succeed!

50 g butter;
50 g flour;
500 ml milk with 2.5% fat content;
salt, ground white pepper.

Melt the butter over low heat. Make sure that the oil is not fried, otherwise the sauce will not be white, but yellow or brown.

Add flour to the melted butter and begin to quickly rub it into the butter with a wooden spatula and whisk. It will take you 1-2 minutes to combine the flour and butter - during this time the mixture will foam slightly.

In a thin stream and in small portions (literally a spoon or two), start adding cold (!) milk, each time stirring and beating the sauce until smooth. The fire is as low as possible, or remove the pan from the stove altogether. Enter a smaller portion of milk - 100-150 grams. When it becomes clear that there are no lumps in the sauce, add the remaining milk, increase the heat to medium, bring to a boil and cook the sauce over medium heat for 5-7 minutes. Don't forget to stir constantly!

Season the finished sauce with salt and pepper.

The sauce can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days, covered with oiled film.

White sauce with nutmeg

This sauce - with spices - is known even better than the classic version. The principle of preparation and the proportions of ingredients are the same, only more milk may be used since we will cook it. What spices are used most often? Nutmeg, as well as bay leaf, cloves, ground peppers. You can add a small onion and other spices and herbs, or you can get by with just nutmeg.

50 g butter;
50 g flour;
600 g milk;
salt, nutmeg, spices and herbs to taste.

Prepare the roux as described above. Let it cool.

Grind the herbs and spices in a mortar, place in a cloth bag and place in cold milk. Bring to a boil, then cook for 10-15 minutes. Discard the spice bag (if you didn't have one, be sure to strain the milk through a sieve). Add hot milk to 500 ml if it has boiled down too much.

Place cold roux into hot milk. Stir. If the milk has cooled down, put it on the stove, but do not bring it to a boil - we need hot milk, as it is before it boils.

Whisk the roux until the sauce is smooth.

Watch this wonderful video of Gordon Ramsay making bechamel sauce with cheese in his inimitable style. It is not necessary to understand English, you can even turn off the sound - you will understand everything without it.

Vegan bechamel

If for some reason you cannot temporarily or permanently eat animal products (diet, fasting, vegetarianism), no problem: you can make Bechamel sauce without milk! Read carefully, it's very tasty.

200 g cashew nuts;
350 ml water;
60 g flour;
2 tbsp. l. olive oil;
salt, pepper, nutmeg to taste.

Pour boiling water over raw cashews and leave for 4-5 minutes, then pour out the water, place the nuts in a blender bowl and fill with clean water again - this time cold, add 300 ml. Turn on the blender, bring the mixture until completely smooth, gradually pour in the remaining 50 ml of water, and if necessary, dilute the resulting nut milk with a little more liquid.

Mix flour with olive oil and lightly fry in a saucepan. Pour in the nut milk in a thin stream with constant stirring, stir until completely smooth. Cook over low heat until thickened. Finally add salt, pepper and nutmeg. If necessary, the resulting sauce can be strained through a fine sieve.

Tomato sauce "Béchamel"

A very non-standard combination, a kind of anti-white sauce, but still it is bechamel, albeit not in the usual “clothing”. Try it by all means! The sauce is perfect for pasta, sandwiches, and baked potatoes.

50 g butter;
50 g flour;
500 ml milk;
1 tbsp. l. tomato puree;
salt and pepper to taste.

Grind the butter with flour, place the mixture in a frying pan with a thick bottom or in a saucepan and, stirring, lightly fry until light golden brown (for details, see above, in the basic recipe). Pour in milk in a thin stream, literally 50 ml at a time. After each “dose”, knead the flour mixture until completely homogeneous. Gradually add all the milk. At the end, add salt, pepper, spices and tomato puree. Stir, the sauce is ready.

How to cook Bechamel in the microwave

Of course, this recipe is far from a classic - it can’t even be called canonical. However, it can be a great help for those who want to cook, but prefer to do it with minimal time and effort.

50 g flour;
50 g butter;
600 ml milk;
salt, nutmeg and other spices to taste.

Grind the melted butter with flour, place the bowl in the microwave for 1.5 minutes at maximum power.

Take it out and pour in all the milk in a thin stream, stirring constantly. A homogeneous mass is needed. Return the bowl back to the microwave for 4.5-5 minutes, maximum power. Periodically pause the cooking process and stir the contents of the bowl. At the end, add salt and nutmeg, mix well and strain through a fine sieve.

If you need a thicker sauce, increase the cooking time to 6 minutes.

  1. Use the right cookware - a thick, non-stick pan with one handle. Grind and stir with a wooden spatula and a convenient whisk.
  1. The main secret to a homogeneous, smooth, lump-free béchamel is the temperature of the sauce parts. Their contrasting, diametrically opposed temperatures: if the roux is hot, cold milk should be poured in, and vice versa: hot milk should interact with the cold roux. It is acceptable if both are warm, other options other than those listed are a recipe for disappointment. But if, nevertheless, the sauce turns out to be lumpy and completely unsuitable for consumption, pick up a blender and run it thoroughly through the resulting mass.

  1. Cooking time for the sauce after boiling is 5-7 minutes. In textbooks on French cooking you will find the following recommendation: “Cook the sauce for no more than 10 and no less than 40 minutes, since in 10 minutes the taste of raw flour will not have time to develop, and in 40-60 minutes the sauce will lose the taste of raw flour.” This is a scientifically proven fact. Classic bechamel is cooked according to all the rules for about an hour. Briefly, quickly, in less than 10 minutes, prepare bechamel at home.
  1. Don't over-fry the flour - it should just be slightly golden, creamy and have a subtle nutty smell. If the flour darkens thoroughly, the sauce will be bitter, and it will also lose its color - after all, you are preparing a white sauce. The color of the sauce is delicately light beige, light cream, without pronounced brown or yellow notes.

  1. Do not try to speed up what should a priori be cooked slowly. The heat under the frying pan should be minimal; it will only become medium at the final stage, when you pour all the milk into the pan. Burnt sauce is not the best alternative to saving time.
  1. The classic component of Bechamel sauce is milk. Sour cream and other fermented milk “comrades” will inevitably curdle, this is not an option. However, you can take the cream, but it should be borne in mind that the cream are also not the simplest guys, they can also play tricks with their ears and curl up at the most inopportune moment. For this reason, many cooks dilute them with broth - vegetable or meat.
  1. Bechamel is beautiful with its viscous, delicate consistency and creamy aftertaste. No one forbids the use of spices when preparing it, however, keep in mind that the creamy aroma must remain the leading one, everything else should stand modestly on the sidelines and only highlight the main idea of ​​​​the sauce.

  1. The sauce can be made liquid, or it can be very thick - it depends on your further goals. The “correct” consistency of a universal homemade bechamel will allow the mass to flow evenly from the spoon, slightly enveloping it with residue. Under no circumstances should the finished product fall into a thick lump, nor should it rapidly flop down into a liquid, indistinct something. If the sauce is too thick, dilute it with milk and then heat it up. Thicken any roux that is too thin with a roux specially prepared for this purpose, and then simmer for another minute.
  1. If you serve bechamel to the table as an accompaniment to certain prepared dishes (and do not use it as a component of a recipe), it must be served hot - as it cools, the sauce will become crusty, which is completely unacceptable. Therefore, serve warm and use immediately. Well, or almost urgently.
  1. If you make too much sauce, the leftovers can be safely stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Be sure to cover thoroughly with cling film or pour the sauce into an airtight container.

What to use Bechamel sauce with? 10 available ideas:

  1. Lasagna. Classic. Of course, there are recipes for making lasagna without bechamel sauce, but still the main and most popular recipe involves its use; many seriously believe that lasagna without bechamel is like borscht without beets.

  1. Paste. Bechamel is one of the most popular sauces served with spaghetti, penne, tagliatelle and other pasta. The creamy aroma and enveloping structure turn any pasta into an almost masterpiece.

Mushroom béchamel sauce

  1. Casseroles, tarts and pies. If the filling that you planned to put in the pie seems a little dry to you, a little bechamel will not only save the situation - it will transform it to incredible results! Boiled fish, fried minced meat, unleavened vegetables - everything will be wonderful and tasty in the company of this sauce.
  1. Pancakes. If you mix mushrooms, fried onions, boiled chicken fillet, a little grated cheese and bechamel, you can make an amazing pancake filling. Form them into “bags”, tie them with a feather of green onion - you have a delicious snack ready.

  1. Baked fish. Place any neutral-tasting fish (sturgeon, pike perch, cod, hake, pangasius) in a baking dish, pour Bechamel sauce mixed with lightly fried mushrooms and cheese over it, bake until cooked. Simple, elegant, delicious.
  1. Oven-baked or steamed vegetables - cauliflower, potatoes, celery root, broccoli, pumpkin and others.“Béchamel” will give discreet-tasting and often rather bland vegetables an interesting flavor note. A little grated Parmesan - and an incredibly healthy, tasty and aromatic dinner is ready.
  1. Asparagus. Classics of the genre. Asparagus and bechamel are made for each other! The taste is refined, delicate, very delicate and “clean”.

  1. Eggs. Cooked in the oven with Bechamel sauce, they will become a real feast of taste! Add some sautéed spinach to the ramekins and get the famous Eggs Florentine.
  1. Sandwiches. Down with harmful mayonnaise, try seasoning the components of sandwiches and burgers with classic “white” sauce. By the way, this is an excellent reason to learn how to cook Croque Monsieur - this sandwich is impossible without the famous bechamel.
  1. Julienne. Yes, yes, season the chicken, mushrooms and cheese with the classic Bechamel sauce and get a delicious dish in its perfection.

Today, it is no longer so important who was the first to come up with the idea of ​​​​preparing a milk sauce based on flour and butter, it does not matter what spices can be added to the milk and what proportion to choose in order to make the ideal Bechamel sauce from the point of view of a particular person. Another thing is important: based on the classic recipe, cooks tirelessly come up with new and new recipes. Who knows, maybe very soon we will hear something unusual from you? Dare and do not be afraid, many wonderful discoveries were made by amateurs.