How to open your own production of sip panels from scratch. Technology for the production of SIP panels Equipment for the production of SIP panels

The sip panel production business is gradually gaining momentum. High quality of the product and its availability are the ideal combination for the material of the future.

♦ Capital investments in business: from RUB 1,000,000.
♦ Payback: 12-36 months.

Initially sip panel production business began to gain momentum in European countries and America.

But even if they are late, good ideas sooner or later find a place for implementation in our country.

Sip panels (SIP) are a specific material for construction.

This panel looks like a sandwich (which is why it deserves the name sandwich panels).

To make them, they use special technologies, which are called Canadian.

In fact, this is a panel-frame technique that is used in the construction of houses.

The main advantages that have made the business of producing sip panels from scratch popular are higher quality compared to frame technology and greater financial accessibility.

Sandwich panels are usually used for low-rise buildings.

The high demand for these products and the relative accessibility of the threshold for entering the business make it an excellent option for your business.

What market does the production of sip panels business from scratch have?

For many, the first question before organizing a business from scratch is future points of sale.

Moreover, it turns out that raw materials and production technology for different sales purposes will have their own characteristics.

Therefore, it is logical to begin our consideration with this topic, and also to disclose it in detail in the production business plan.

Potential clients for the production of sip panels include:

  • repair companies;
  • construction stores and wholesale warehouses of construction materials;
  • suppliers of goods for repair and construction;
  • private individuals.

In your business plan, it is also important to consider the advertising campaign that you will use to sell to selected potential customers.

This may include calling companies and suppliers, publishing advertising offers in the media, sending letters with commercial offers.

What advantages of sip panels can be emphasized to promote business?

“Business is the art of guessing the future and taking advantage of it. »
Unknown author

We consider wood and stone to be the main materials for housing construction.

To convince people to try innovative building material options, you need to be able to communicate their strengths.

To promote your sip panel production business, use these qualities:

  1. It has been proven that houses built from sip panels retain heat at least 1.5 times better than ordinary brick or wooden ones.
  2. Increased thermal protection allows you to spend less resources on heating your home.
    Consequently, your costs are reduced!
  3. If the house was built from sandwich panels, you can immediately begin repair and finishing work.
    This is because they do not shrink.
  4. During construction, virtually no damage will be caused to the landscape of the site.
    By the way, installing the foundation will only take a day.
    And the box itself can be assembled in a week or two.
  5. Despite the less “serious” thickness, such walls are very reliable and durable!
    And you can put the saved space to good use!
    And this is just the beginning of the list for business.

What raw materials does the production of sip panels require?

The sip panel, as already mentioned, consists of several layers - the main slabs and a layer of insulation between them.

However, it is possible that this composition will change.

For example, in the case of an individual order from a client of your business.

In this case, you will need to consult a technologist on the selection of raw materials for production.

In any case, no matter what composition is used, the raw materials must undergo strict quality checks.

You should require sellers to provide the appropriate certificates.

Without them, by the way, it will not be possible to sell the products.

In general, quality indicators boil down to this: environmental friendliness of materials, glue should not include any impurities, and should not change or lose its properties over time.

It is more convenient to purchase raw materials in wholesale quantities.

Purchase of equipment for the production of sip panels

The cost of purchasing equipment depends on whether you are ready to immediately shell out more than $100,000 to buy high-quality equipment, or whether you need to save money by buying Chinese equipment for 700-800,000 rubles.

The main difference between them is not really quality.

The problem is that Chinese equipment will have to be operated manually - that is, more workers will have to be hired for this.

While European equipment operates automatically.

The most common and acceptable option for a sip panel production business is to purchase a ready-made line.

Depending on the manufacturer, power and configuration, the amount will vary from 450,000 to more than 3,000,000 rubles!

In addition to a complete line for business, you will need to purchase a thermal knife and a machine.

The equipment may also be different, which is why the cost will also change:

  • thermal knife: 6,000 – 30,000 rubles,
  • cutting machine: 350,000 – 450,000 rubles.

Thus, just the purchase of the main part of the equipment will already take the entrepreneur at least 850,000 rubles.

And this is with the most modest approach to implementation!

Also, when purchasing raw materials, it is important to remember about such consumables for the production of sip panels as glue.

Its quality must be carefully monitored, at least because poor glue will slow down the production process.

Requirements for premises for the production of sip panels

There are not particularly strict requirements for the room in which sip panels will be produced.

It consists of several separate sections:

  • Place for storing raw materials.
    To determine its size, you need to start from production volumes.
    Usually they purchase as much raw material as is needed for 2-3 days of production.
  • The main territory is the place of production of sip panels.
    Its dimensions will depend on which set of equipment you have chosen.
    As a rule, they are limited to an area of ​​up to 200 square meters.
  • Area for drying material (possibly combined with a warehouse).
  • A warehouse in which the produced panels will be stored.
  • Additional premises - for administration, also for household purposes.
    Their number and area depend on the number of employees.
    When planning, you need to be guided by sanitary and hygienic work standards.

Theoretically, almost any average workshop is suitable for production.

There is an additional condition for ventilation of premises.

This is due to the fact that the glue used in production can release highly volatile substances.

But compliance with special measures to protect the environment is not required, since the raw materials used are already environmentally friendly.

A standard communications system is also required - water supply, electricity, sewerage.

If the premises are separate, the option of autonomous provision is also considered.

Calculation of investments in the business of producing sip panels

Expense itemAmount (rub.)
Total investment amount:RUB 4,200,000
Equipment2 150 000
Auxiliary tools and equipment150 000
Installation and configuration of equipment500 000
Indoor renovation work300 000
Registration, obtaining permits100 000
Organizing inventory500 000
Investments up to the level of self-sufficiency of the company500 000

About what kind of sip panels are produced in the factory,

watch the video:

Calculation of the payback period for the production of sip panels

Based on already functioning business representatives, preliminary conclusions can be drawn about the payback period of the project.

As a rule, we can talk about self-sufficiency after 3-4 months.

But the full return on investment will not occur earlier than in 2-3 years.

The profitability level of this business is around 20%.

Sip panel production business has excellent prospects for development.

Further growth and development of the sphere can be predicted by paying attention to the pace of popularization of this product abroad.

Its convenience, high level of quality and affordability are the ideal combination for the material of the future.

So don’t waste time, but start production now!

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SIP, SIP, sandwich panel are the names of one building material that is used in the construction of houses. The SIP panel is a three-layer block, both outer layers are made of OSB or chipboard sheets, with a layer of polystyrene between them. High thermal insulation properties, ease of installation, and low cost make the business of manufacturing these materials attractive. All that is required to start production is an automatic production line for sip materials, raw materials, several workers and premises. The high level of demand for such panels suggests a quick return on investment.

Necessary raw materials

Various sheet materials can be used for the manufacture of sandwich panels:

For the inner layer the following can be used:

  • polystyrene;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • mineral wool.

But the classic option is a combination of OSB and polystyrene sheets, the layers are connected to each other using glue.

Table of material consumption and its cost for the manufacture of one SIP panel 2500*1250*174 mm (L*W*H).

Requirements for a production workshop

The room in which the sip panel production line will be located must be more than 200 m2; it is also necessary to equip a warehouse for raw materials and finished products. If the area is small, you can save on a warehouse for finished products - you can store them outside, but only organize a canopy that protects from rain and snow. It would be advisable to place management personnel next to the production; they will require a non-production area of ​​30 m2. The workshop must have three-phase electricity; water supply and sewerage are not necessary. It is necessary to control the temperature - do not allow it to drop to -15 o C. If you rent a room, the monthly costs will be 40 thousand rubles (rent and utility bills).

Service staff

To organize the operation of the sip materials production line, four people will be needed, with an average output of 100 panels per shift. If a larger volume is planned, additional workers will be required accordingly. Management personnel – director, purchasing and sales manager, accountant. The monthly wage fund will be 120 thousand rubles.

Equipment for the production of

There are different types of lines for the production of sip panels, they differ in technical characteristics, the operating principle is the same for all. The line for the production of 100 panels per shift has the following components:

Production line for SIP panels from mineral wool
  • mechanism for applying glue and pressing;
  • foam cutting device;
  • device for cutting panels;
  • milling machine.

The adhesive applicator can be fully automated or manually operated. The automated one uses glue sparingly, applies it more evenly, and the speed can be adjusted. Characteristics:

The device for cutting foam plastic cuts the raw material in accordance with the specified parameters. The mechanism consists of a frame and two moving portals on which cutting nichrome threads are fixed. The gear motor drives the portals, and the tension cable drives the threads. Cutting is carried out using hot threads with a diameter of up to 0.8 mm. Characteristics:

The device for cutting SIP panels is designed for cutting finished products in accordance with the required parameters. Cutting is carried out on the frame with a circular saw operating at high speeds using an electric motor. Characteristics:

A milling machine is necessary to form a groove for the SIP panel, with which the elements will be attached to each other. The size of the groove can be specified by the customer individually for a separate project. Characteristics:

  • power – 2.2 kW;
  • voltage – 380 V;
  • milling depth – up to 60 mm;
  • dimensions – 1200*3000*1200 mm;
  • weight – 250 kg;
  • cost – 93 thousand rubles.

Thus, the price of a line for the production of sip panels can be 662 thousand rubles.

Technological process

The manufacturing process of SIP panels The manufacturing technology of SIP panels is quite simple. At the first stage, the panels are assembled. The OSB sheet is laid on a pressing machine, a layer of glue is applied to it, a layer of polyurethane foam is placed on top, and again a layer of glue, then water is sprayed so that the glue is better saturated, and the OSB sheet secures the structure.

At the next stage, the blanks are glued together under pressure.

The pressing unit can be part of a glue application installation. In order to save money, you can equip the sip panel production line with an inexpensive adhesive application device. A manual spray gun costs 4,500 rubles, and its performance will be at a high level - 20 - 30 seconds to apply glue on one side. The screw press will cost 79 thousand rubles. But it should be borne in mind that these two machines will require more manual labor and will increase material consumption due to losses and defects. In general, the gluing stage is completed in 20 minutes; the duration of the process will ensure a tighter fit of the sheets and fastening them together.

The final stage is cutting out the panels. Using special cutting and milling equipment, the finished material is given the required shape, size, and cutouts are made for fittings, doors, and windows. This process is carried out according to the customer’s individual plan.

Profitability of SIP panel production

Production profitability represents the ratio of profits to costs.

2200 panels will be produced per month (100 per shift * 22 working days).

Manufacturing costs per month will be:

  • raw materials - 2428 * 100 * 22 = 5,341,600 rubles;
  • salary – 120,000 rubles;
  • rent of premises and utility bills – 40,000 rubles;
  • transport and other expenses – 20,000 rubles;
  • total cost - 5,521,600 rubles.

The market value of one slab will be 2,900 rubles.

Revenue per month – 2900 * 100*22 = 6,380,000 rubles.

Profit – 858,400 rubles.

Unaccounted administrative expenses, taxes, and the advance cost of raw materials for the next production cycle should be deducted from profits. The remaining amount will partially cover the cost of the equipment. The production profitability will be 40%; if the produced panels are fully sold, the cost of the SIP module production line can be recouped within six months.

Video: Factory production of SIP panels

Many Russians would exchange a city apartment for a country house if it were possible to build it quickly and inexpensively. This makes it possible to make a relatively new material - SIP panels (sandwich panels). In the construction of private houses they are used for the construction of walls and partitions. SIP technology expands the possibilities of frame construction, making walls warmer. In Russia, this material has been used recently, demand is increasing, so the production of SIP panels in some regions may turn out to be quite profitable.

By design, a SIP panel is a layered material consisting of two moisture-resistant boards connected by insulation.

Various plates are used in production:

  • oriented strand (OSP-1, OSB-2, OSB-3)
  • plasterboard
  • cement-bonded particle board
  • fiberboard

According to traditional technology, solid polystyrene foam is used as insulation, but some manufacturers replace it with extruded polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam, and mineral wool. The choice of raw materials depends on the scope of application (for walls or partitions). In Russia, OSB is sometimes replaced with dry planed timber, which increases strength. If it is made to order, the choice of raw materials is based on the wishes of the customer.

Manufacturing technology

The technology does not depend on the type of raw material and consists of several stages.

The first one is assembly:

  • laying an OSB sheet on the table (machine platform)
  • applying the required volume of glue and water
  • laying insulation
  • applying glue and water
  • laying the second sheet

If the company uses a production line, up to 3 panels are folded at the same time.

In order for the elements to be firmly connected, a press is required (hydraulic, pneumatic, membrane-vacuum), capable of compressing the panels with a force of 25-20 tons for 10-15 minutes. If panels of non-standard sizes are required (to order), the next step is cutting using a special machine. After cutting with a thermal knife, joining grooves are created.

Equipment purchase

You need to decide on the assortment. Although experts believe that with a small initial investment, it is better to start with traditional material consisting of OSB-3 and rigid polystyrene foam. In the future, the range can be expanded and production of custom-made slabs can begin.

There are enough automatic lines and separately sold devices on the market. The choice depends on the planned production volumes and financial capabilities.


  • compressor (without it it is impossible to apply glue evenly)
  • press
  • cutting machine

The price of equipment depends on the power and level of automation. Automatic lines are expensive (from 1.5 million rubles), but they allow you to save on wages in the future. Purchasing individual elements is cheaper (from 600 thousand rubles), but 2-3 hired workers will be required.

It’s possible for 60 thousand, but large quantities for wholesale sale cannot be made using a table, a spray bottle and a saw.

Cash investment and profitability

In addition to the cost of equipment, you must include expenses for:

  • renovation of production and warehouse premises
  • (LLC), certification, advertising
  • supply, installation, line launch
  • purchase of additional equipment (beam cranes, loaders, trolleys) and tools
  • purchase of raw materials
  • activities until payback (salaries, rent, utilities, electricity)

For organizing production and warehouse with an area of ​​at least 200 m2. Water supply and sewerage are optional, the main thing is a three-phase electrical network (SanPiN It is impossible to do without heating, since the glue loses its properties at temperatures below +15C.

The rent will be from 80 thousand rubles. monthly. You can even store finished products outside if the site is equipped to protect it from moisture.

The legal status of the enterprise will depend on production volumes. A 200 m2 production line is a small enterprise that is registered as an individual entrepreneur. Before visiting the Tax Inspectorate (multifunctional center), you must select. For manufacturers of SIP panels who do not use mineral wool, this is 25.23 (production of prefabricated buildings from plastics).

Taxation system OSNO or. The first option is worth choosing if you are planning wholesale supplies with VAT deducted. The second option is preferable for a small enterprise, as it allows you to adjust the rate by taking into account production costs.

The following is submitted to the tax office (MFC):

  • passport
  • receipt certifying payment of state duty (RUB 800)
  • TIN (if assigned)
  • application (form P21001)
  • statement on the application of the chosen taxation system

After 3 days the tax authorities will issue:

  • certificate of state registration of individual entrepreneur
  • certificate of registration

SIP panels do not require mandatory certification, but a GOST certificate is required. Its presence will increase customer confidence in the products offered.

The equipment is usually supplied, installed and commissioned by the seller for a fee. It is better to order raw materials in large quantities from reliable suppliers. Boards, insulation and glue must be supplied with a certificate of conformity. You should not save on this point, since the volume of sales will depend on the quality of the raw materials.

The minimum should be within a million rubles. Half will be spent on purchasing individual elements of the production line, the rest will be spent on registration, purchasing raw materials and additional tools, and covering expenses for 2 months. If you buy an automatic line, you will have to spend 1.8-6 million rubles on it. The cost can be reduced if you buy Chinese-made or used equipment.

A small enterprise can produce 5-10 m2 of panels per hour, 40-80 m2 per shift, 880-1760 m2 per month. The wholesale cost depends on the length, width, thickness of SIP panels, batch size and varies between 1,500-4,000 rubles per piece. This means that revenue can reach 7 million rubles, income – 880,000 rubles.

But it is necessary to take into account that such indicators are achieved only if the products are produced without interruption and immediately sold to construction and repair organizations, stores or distributors. When selling material to individuals in small quantities, SIP panels will accumulate in the warehouse.

Experts believe that approximately 20%, the initial costs pay off in 9-16 months. The period depends on the cost, which consists of current expenses for raw materials and wages. Monthly income is higher if an automatic line is used, which does not require a large number of workers to operate. Simple equipment is more convenient at the initial stage, but limits growth opportunities and increases costs due to employee wages.

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The practice of using SIP (Structural Insulated Panel) panels as the main building material is not only widespread in Western and foreign countries, but at the same time is rapidly developing and is widely used in our country.

Why should you choose SIP panels?

Composition of the SIP panel

The panels are special structures made of wooden beams and two oriented strand boards (OSB) attached to it, the internal space between which is filled with polystyrene foam. The resulting layers are glued together with a one-component polyurethane-based adhesive.

The slabs are assembled in such a way that they are easily connected to each other using the tongue-and-groove system.
Structures erected using this kind of panels are, first of all, distinguished by their low specific weight, thereby significantly reducing the load on the soil and the requirements for the foundation, respectively. In addition, a significant advantage of houses built using this technology is the highest level of strength and reliability. Thus, the panels are capable of withstanding a load in the vertical direction of up to 10 tons, and in the transverse direction - up to 2 tons throughout the entire service life, which exceeds 80 years. In addition, such buildings are erected in the shortest possible time, generally not exceeding 3 months.

Excellent sound and heat insulation characteristics, complete fire safety and an absolute level of environmental friendliness - all these qualities determine the success of SIP panels.
In addition, SIP panels, with proper adherence to technology and the use of proven materials, can be produced independently at home, further reducing their cost.

Tools and materials used in the production process of SIP panels

Insulation of Sip panels

The materials and equipment used in the manufacturing process of sandwich panels are:

      • Oriented strand boards OSB-3;
      • Expanded polystyrene or other insulation;
      • Wooden beam;
      • One-component polyurethane-based adhesive. Oriented strand boards (OSB) are panels 10-12 mm thick and are the result of pressing wood chips no more than 1.5 cm long and no less than 0.6 mm in diameter under high temperature using specialized resins. Chips are usually laid in 3 layers perpendicular to each other. This material is easy to saw, drill and holds any fastening material.
        Expanded polystyrene is a universal insulating raw material consisting of foamed polystyrene. In the process of manufacturing sandwich panels, expanded polystyrene grades C-25-35 are usually used. This material consists of 95% carbon dioxide and is distinguished not only by its low weight, but also by its low cost compared to other insulation materials.
        Compositions such as, for example, Kleyberit 502.8, top-ur 15, Macroplast UR 7228 and Macroplast UR 7229 are used as glue. Special requirements are imposed on such compositions: increased level of moisture resistance, wide temperature range (from -40 to +50 degrees Celsius), being absolutely environmentally friendly and corresponding to the long service life of the panel.

The working surface should be a table larger in size than an OSB-3 sheet, and as a means of applying the adhesive, either a special sprayer or a device made from a canister and a rubber spatula with teeth can be used.

In addition, you will need a machine for pressing sandwich panels. A press can handle this task, or, if there is none, a powerful vacuum pump is used, with the help of which the desired result is achieved.

To make panels, you also need a thermal knife or thermal cutter. This device is a heating element on the handle that is heated from the mains; it is necessary for melting the insulation. Using a knife, SIP panels are cut into pieces.

Production of SIP panels

Vacuum press for SIP panels

How to make a SIP panel? The OSB-3 sheet is laid on a flat work surface (special table), and glue is applied to it using a spray gun, glue, brush, roller, notched spatula or any other device. As a rule, the consumption of adhesive composition is 150-200 g. per square meter, but, in turn, it greatly depends on the method of application. The composition is kept for 8-10 minutes, after which expanded polystyrene grades C-25-35 are placed.
In the process of making sandwich panels with your own hands, the speed of the actions performed plays a special role. The adhesive should not be allowed to polymerize between layers. Otherwise, the resulting structure will have a low level of strength and reliability; such a panel cannot be used in further construction.
The laid sheet of expanded polystyrene is carefully leveled, and a uniform layer of adhesive is applied to it. The next layer, consisting of an OSB panel, is laid on top of the insulation. Next, the second slab is formed according to the above algorithm.
You need to assemble at least 5 panels, and you should also take care of the need to apply pressure on them. For this purpose, the vacuum pressing technique is used. A pre-aligned stack of panels is covered with a cover made of awning fabric, glued together with a special adhesive, for example, Cosmofen SA-12. Having previously clamped the edges or ensured the proper level of tightness using any other method, air is pumped out from under the cover. Look at the photo above, it shows the panels lying under a vacuum press.

Thus, a significant pressure of about 1 ton per square meter is exerted on the panel. The holding time under vacuum is 40-60 minutes, after which the production of the next “stack” of panels can begin.

In 8 hours of continuous operation, about 25-35 sandwich panels can be glued. It is worth noting that finished slabs must remain in a horizontal position for at least a day in order to finally acquire the expected performance characteristics.

Compliance with safety regulations during production

Applying glue to the base for gluing insulation

As in any production process, safety precautions in the production of sandwich panels play an important and not the least role. So, all work should be carried out in a spacious, well-lit and ventilated room. All work with sandwich panels is carried out in special clothing with long sleeves, hands are protected with gloves, eyes, if necessary, with safety glasses.

How profitable is manual production of panels?

Manual production involves the following expense items:

  • Glue;
  • OSB-3 sheets;
  • Expanded polystyrene;
  • Vacuum pump for pumping air;
    So, using the example of 100 panels, we will need:
    200 sheets of OSB-3 for 500 rub. each - 100 thousand rubles;
    from a consumption of 2 kg. glue (average price per kg. 150 rubles) per sheet - about 40 thousand rubles;
    vacuum pump - 15 thousand rubles;
    expanded polystyrene from a consumption of 0.5 cubic meters. m. per panel - 90 thousand rubles. Compared to industrial panels, manual production allows you to save at least 100 thousand rubles, which is important in the current conditions. The cost of the slab is 1,300 rubles per square meter. In general, the price depends on the thickness of the slab.

Finished panels are tracked after production


Watch the video on how to make sandwich panels with your own hands: