Have vampires been seen in modern times? Are vampires real? A myth from a scientific point of view. Kola superdeep well. Sounds from the depths of the Earth

Often there are true stories full of pain and suffering. Horrible crimes committed in the distant past have taken the form of a legend or a story told around a campfire. Who are vampires? History tells us about various events related to them. Some events remained unchanged, while others lost their former appearance forever. And that is why it is so difficult to distinguish truth from fiction.

Vampires of Ancient Egypt

Who are vampires? The history of Ancient Egypt tells of dead people returning from the world, whose death was so shameful that they could not get to the Afterlife. One of them, dated to the 3rd century. BC e., tells the story of a young man named Azeneth, who fled from the battlefield, abandoning his post. The enemies overtook him and chopped up his body, leaving him to rot in the sand. After some time, Azenet began to appear to his relatives, demanding to be allowed into the house. The victim of this spirit was the traitor’s bride, who herself came out to him. Archaeologists discovered this story on the walls of the tomb of a poor girl whose lower jaw was missing from her skull.

Daughters of the Dark Moon

If we take a closer look at the past, stories of bloodthirsts can be traced back to ancient Greece. The Greek word for vampire is empousa. Mention of these creatures can be found in the works of some philosophers. For example, Philostratus in his work “The Life of Apollonius of Tyana” describes the story that happened to the Lycian Menippus.

According to this story, during the journey the young man met a beautiful stranger who so captured his fantasies that Menippus was ready to marry her. The philosopher's student began to spend every night in the ruins, in which, as he claimed, the chambers of his beloved were located. Only the intervention of his teacher saved the Lycian. Apollonius exorcised the ghost, and described everything that happened in his writings.
The story of vampires could have happened in reality.

It is known that from the 5th to the 3rd centuries BC. e. On the territory of Greece and Rome there was a cult of fans of Hecate. Investigation reports have survived to this day with mention of bloody rituals in which priestesses drank blood. Perhaps it was these stories that became part of the legends about vampirism.

Legends of Ancient Europe

Europeans sincerely believed in the existence of vampires. Often this belief was based on the medieval fear of a variety of diseases that deformed the body. The raging epidemics not only claimed thousands of lives, they filled the consciousness with facts about non-decomposing remains, tetanus and external deformities.

This is probably the reason why modern scientists find so many graves with evidence of the ritual burial of those convicted of vampirism. So, during excavations in the county of Dorset, strange ritual burials were discovered, among them was the corpse of a woman, the body rested on the remains of animals that followed the contours of her body. The cervical vertebrae were broken, and the head was separated from the body, the legs rested on animal limbs. Based on the results of the research, scientists came to the conclusion that the woman was killed during the period when residents were leaving the village.

Vampirism is a creature of plague

Who are vampires? The story tells that in 2009, the Italian archaeologist Matteo Borrini discovered the burial of a vampire in the vicinity of the city of Venice. The historical period to which the remains belong was marked by a plague epidemic. The terrible events of that time are reflected in many sources. Due to mass hysteria, belief in otherworldly evil forces pushed people to desperate acts. An elderly woman was buried in a mass burial ground. A piece of brick was placed in her mouth, which, according to legend, prevented the vampire from attacking the living.

One of the legends of that period tells about a wealthy lady who lived in the 16th century. Her name was Beatrice Dandolo, and she lived her married life on a family estate near Pisa. The woman was famous for her beauty; her husband spared no expense on clothes and jewelry to show off to his neighbors. When the plague began to take lives, Beatrice's husband became one of the first victims. The woman, afraid of losing her beauty and health, locked herself in one of the wings of the castle. She gave the order to wall up the entrance. Her voluntary seclusion gave rise to many legends that in fact the woman got involved with dark magic and performed rituals on blood, wanting to save herself.

Subsequently, the story of Beatrice Dandolo was used to create the storyline of the film “The Brothers Grimm”. When creating the outfit for the image of the Mirror Queen, the costume designers partially relied on portraits of Beatrice.

Vampire from Wurzburg

Who are vampires? The history of the legend of the 30s of the 19th century tells that on the territory of Bavaria there were also events related to vampires. Dr. Heinrich Spatz lived in the city of Würzburg. He was a respected, worthy man. As a practicing physician, he published several works on medicine that became part of world practice. But some facts of his life story suggest his involvement in the Nosferatu clan.

According to the data, the doctor had his own medical practice and was responsible for a hospital for the poor. For a long time, the Spatz couple did not attract much attention. But after the doctor quit his job and left the city, the police received alarming news about missing people. The doctor's former assistants said they could prove the doctor's involvement in the disappearance of Joachim Feber, who was a gatekeeper at the hospital. After a search of the former hospital, many bodies were found, one of them had a characteristic feature by which the missing Feber was identified. It was not possible to find a doctor. But, according to the protocols, one of the assistants who reported on him died under mysterious circumstances.

Bloody secrets of Bulgaria

Who are vampires? The history of the Bulgarians and their beliefs are also no less interesting. According to folk legends, a very evil person becomes a vampire. Moreover, it concerned exclusively men suspected of witchcraft. After death, such a person had his heart pierced with a steel rod or

Who are vampires? The origin story suggests that they really existed. This is evidenced by excavations carried out by scientists near the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. The skeletons of two men were found in a stone grave, their chests pierced with steel bars. Similar strange graves have been found before, but in this case it was possible to more fully restore the whole picture due to the good preservation of the remains.

Myths about vampires of Siberia

Who are vampires? The history of the emergence of these creatures is also relevant in Siberian lands. In 1725, the peasant Pyotr Plogoevits died suddenly and was buried in his native village of Kizilov. After some time, Peter’s fellow villagers began to die. The local authorities were alarmed by the fact that in their dying confession they all said that the cause of their illness was constant visits from a Siberian vampire.

Due to pressure from the village population, it was decided to open the peasant’s grave. Imagine the surprise of the inspector who arrived to oversee the exhumation procedure when it turned out that the body of the deceased had undergone almost no changes. These facts were stated in the inspector's report. The villagers took action by driving a stake into Peter's heart and setting his body on fire.

Curse of the Dark Continent

The history of vampires is a creation not only. The inhabitants of Africa also keep many analogues in their epic. In their folklore there is a creature called "fifole". It is a rejected soul that wanders among the human world, attacking the weak and infants. Many of the African tribes keep legends about how a witch cursed a person for his misdeeds, forcing him to drink the blood of loved ones. They took these superstitions with them to America as slaves.

Who are vampires? The history of the appearance speaks of one of the documentary references to such a created vampire, which dates back to 1729. The incident occurred in the state of Virginia at the villa of Gregory Wattstock, a wealthy landowner. By order of his wife, one of the young servants was severely flogged. Due to the severity of the punishment, the child died. His mother was known as a powerful witch among black slaves. Allegedly, she placed a curse on the entire plantation owner's family.

A common disease at that time was consumption, which soon claimed the life of Mrs. Wattstock. Some time later, her eldest daughter died mysteriously. And the youngest son complained to the priest that before her death, their deceased mother visited her sister. After this statement, the relatives visited the cemetery and burned the corpses, which was documented by the Reverend Father.

Who are vampires? The history of creation is very interesting and exciting. But in the modern world, the image of a vampire has changed in many ways. He was given a touch of piquancy and gloss. But do not forget that behind all the tinsel lies a completely unattractive content.


Vampires have long been featured in books and movies. But is there a scientific basis for the existence of these creations? Are there certain facts about blood-sucking creatures?

Bodies with blood leaking must have scared gravediggers in the past. Tropical diseases and insects that feed on blood and leave corpses dry and empty, seemed terrifying to other peoples. The fact that fear may have developed into superstitious beliefs, as well as the presence of clear biological and anthropological conditions, probably led to the emergence of this kind of fear.

The application of scientific hypotheses to fictional creatures is nothing new. So says Dr. Katherine Ramsland, who teaches forensic psychology at the university and writes the book "The Science of Vampires."

Turning to the origins of the myth, she asks: “Does this arise from a mythology that eliminates the basic fear of death, or from a lack of knowledge about the decomposition of the body, or from the symptoms of a mental illness now known as “clinical vampirism”? That is, does this express the need of some societies for myth or could a vampire tale be an attempt to explain a terrifying phenomenon that actually happened?"

But let's get back to science. The researchers turned directly to scientists (biologists, anthropologists and physicists) in order to find out once and for all whether vampires could exist, and also how believable today's films about them are.

Fear of sunlight. Some elements of vampire legends are cleverly combined around facts into a single scary whole. Vampires are usually portrayed as dark creatures, being quite sensitive to sunlight. This fact is real, this is a disease that applies to people suffering from porphyria, a known condition that causes allergies to the sun. When people are exposed to the sun, they immediately develop swelling and blisters on their skin.

Porphyria is a very rare condition, unlike its cousin, a similar allergic reaction. This type of allergic reaction is characterized by the appearance of rashes on exposed skin when exposed to the sun. But this is actually not a sun allergy, but an immune reaction.

Immortality. Dracula is considered not just a long-liver, but literally immortal. Ramsland believes there is scientific evidence to explain this aspect of the myth, citing a phenomenon scientists call "immortalized cells." The aging process is based in part on the lifespan of our cells; as long as they continue to divide, we remain young and the structure of our cells, called telomeres, plays a role in cell division.

What controls telomeres? Ramsland explains that through the activity of enzymes - telomerase, the life of telomeres that preserve youth is extended. In other words, there are chemicals in our cells that may hold the secret to eternal youth, and if so, this could explain why vampires live forever.

Drink blood. As Dr. Manuel Alvarez points out, mosquitoes, bats and some other creatures drink blood, and people do this in extremely rare cases, only when they are severely deficient in iron. Those who suffer from iron deficiency may have a serious need for large portions of this element, and they can eat iron-rich spinach or rare steak.

Naturally, the desire to feast on human blood and the need for iron are two different things. This may not explain the mythological stories about vampires, but it may explain one of the characteristics of these creatures.

Killing people. Physicists Kostas Efthymiou and Shokhang Gandhi talk about their findings based on the facts of physical science. In their 2007 paper Cinema vs. Reality: Ghosts, Vampires and Zombies, the pair developed a mathematical formula to calculate the number of people alive after x months of vampirism spread over a population of size n: x-2n+1.

"We conclude that if the first vampire appeared on January 1, 1600 AD, humanity must have been exterminated two years later in 1602," the document explains. "As a result, we concluded that Vampires cannot exist because their existence contradicts the existence of humanity."

In our time vampires in Russia come across rarely. Elementary logic dictates that all representatives of the “night people” who neglected conspiracy were destroyed long ago (see), so today it is possible to find a vampire in Russia only by indirect signs, just as scientists look for black holes, guided by the distorted light of stars, passing through their powerful gravitational field. In this case, the “gravitational field” will be an anomalous surge in murders or disappearances of people in a certain geographical space. Perhaps this approach seems too radical, but I don’t believe in all these Hollywood stories about vampires working out of mercy for people at blood transfusion stations or living in crypts in old cemeteries. Vampires are killers, and the desire to kill in them is no weaker than the thirst for blood (see). You can hide, disguise yourself, come up with an excellent “legend” for yourself, but you cannot change your own essence, so I will proceed from the assumption that vampires still kill, and it is people, and not wild animals (although this possibility cannot be ruled out). Let's start from this premise and see where it takes us.

The main task of the Russian state, which it has been brilliantly fulfilling for thousands of years, is to make the life of its citizens as unbearable and ridiculous as possible. And due to their age vampires in Russia must experience problems with documents: passports, birth certificates, education documents, and so on. Three hundred years ago, such problems not only did not exist, but today there are many databases, and anyone can get through them in a matter of seconds. How should vampires in Russia behave in this situation?

There are three main options:

1. Russian vampires simply kill government officials who can reveal them incognito, for example, police officers. If they really did this, then the number of strange deaths among law enforcement officers would be much higher than it is now (more on this below). The option is no longer available.

2. The main way Russian citizens communicate with the authorities is a bribe in one form or another, but personally I cannot imagine that a vampire who has lived for 300-400 years would meekly pay money to our officials. It turns out that Russian officials can suck money even from a vampire? I doubt. Vampires are a pathologically proud people.

3. Vampires in Russia They themselves become officials in order to be able to kill people without problems with the law. The idea, of course, is tempting, but an official is a public profession, and any person here quickly becomes familiar. In addition, vampires have always had a problem with sunlight, and officials don’t work at night (and don’t really work hard during the day, to be honest).

I think that nowadays vampires in Russia in general they try to stay away from the authorities and live among those who may not have any documents at all, for example, among the gypsies. People are used to crime reports about gypsies selling drugs, but I know of at least one story about gypsy vampires. In the late 80s, one gypsy family wandered around the southern regions of Russia. They killed mainly business travelers, homeless people and street children. The blood was sucked out, and the corpses were dismembered and thrown away. When they were caught, the parents were declared insane, and the children were sent to an orphanage. I don’t know what happened to them next, although I have some assumptions about this. Whether they were real vampires or really crazy is no longer possible to say.

You can ask the gypsies about this topic, maybe some information will come up. We should also not forget that the gypsies came to us from India, where vampires had settled at least since the time of Alexander the Great and for many centuries felt great in the depths of the bloody cult of the goddess Kali.

Another case occurred in Siberia. It was described in some “yellow” newspaper, but since no conclusions about vampires were made there, we will classify it as simply doubtful. I'll tell you from memory. Late in the evening, two police officers drove up to the store. One went to buy something, and the other stayed in the car. I don’t know what happened there, but when the first policeman returned, he found the body of his partner with a torn throat. Nobody saw it happen. Facts: The policeman's throat was gnawed, the driver's side car door was open. The conclusion of the police authorities: a wild animal, possibly a wolf, got into the car and killed the policeman. And this despite the fact that the policeman had a pistol with him. After all, police chiefs are rare... dreamers.

The third story of one vampire is a very well-known tale that circulated in artistic circles about 30 years ago. “People in the know” said that somewhere in Moscow there lived an underground vampire artist. At night he painted portraits of young female students whom he invited as models. He painted each girl for several days, hypnotizing her and gradually drinking all the blood. And then one day this vampire fell in love with one of his models and decided to turn her into a vampire like himself. But the girl had a boyfriend whom she sincerely loved. The artist had lived for hundreds of years and understood that he could not forcibly keep the girl near him, therefore, before turning her into a vampire, she had to be conquered and first make her stop loving her boyfriend. In the end, the guy found out about everything and killed the vampire, after which he married the rescued girl and lived happily ever after with her. The love story here is an obvious fiction; I can’t say for sure about the rest, since I don’t know either the artist’s name or even his approximate place of residence.

These and many other stories are in no way connected with each other. They have extremely few details in common. From this I conclude that all stories about a secret vampire organization, including about, are a myth, albeit a beautiful one, but still a myth. There will be evidence - there will be a conversation, but for now let’s chalk it all up to the evolution of the idea of ​​a planetary Masonic conspiracy in the mass consciousness of the era of the movie “Twilight.” Now, before setting geographic search criteria, there is one more important point to be clear. I mean the vampire "tribes" about which there is too much idle speculation.

Where to look for vampires in Russia

Conventional classifications of vampires are sometimes very interesting and elegant, but they are of little practical use. In this case, I am not interested in how exactly a person became a vampire (see), what seems much more important to me is how exactly a vampire gets his food. As a rule, vampires hunt alone or in small families, that is, they demonstrate typical predator behavior. This raises two questions:

1. Do vampires in Russia divide territory among themselves?

2. Do vampires fight with each other nowadays?

The fragmentation and small number of vampires in Russia excludes the possibility of a full-fledged war between the tribes of “shepherds” and “nomads”, so I am inclined to believe that local skirmishes are possible between them, but there is no talk of serious conflicts. If there is an agreement between vampires, it is unspoken, just like between all predators belonging to the same species: don’t meddle in my territory and you will remain safe. Scumbags and lawless people were eliminated during the Inquisition (see). By the way, there is an opinion that the Inquisition was created specifically to fight vampires, and the “witches” were burned simply as a distraction. The idea is interesting, but it has no documentary evidence, at least I don’t know of it.

So, to summarize all of the above, I can answer both questions: “Where to look for vampires in Russia?” And “How to find vampires in Russia?”, and not approximate, but very accurate. According to the parameters I set, we are looking for a place where the number of violent deaths significantly exceeds the national average. In addition to the murders of people committed by vampires, one should also add the murders of rival vampires who wander into this territory in search of easy prey. However, local vampires do not necessarily get rid of strangers using the means at their disposal, but also hand them over to law enforcement agencies as maniacs responsible for rampant crime in the region, and the police are happy to blame all the corpses on them, the investigation into which has reached a dead end .

I know of only one place that fully corresponds to this description - this is the notorious triangle Rostov - Taganrog - Shakhty. In recent years, 37 serial killers have been identified there, including the famous Andrei Chikatilo. The center of this triangle is the Grushovka River, where most of the bloody crimes occurred. Of course, Chikatilo himself was not a vampire, just as most of the 37 maniacs were not, but how many strange corpses could be attributed to them, especially since such people like to exaggerate the number of their victims. And how many innocent people were shot for their crimes (and on whose tip?). A vampire does not always commit murders himself; sometimes he just needs to train a mentally unbalanced person who will hunt for him and then take full responsibility (formally, he is a murderer - he is responsible). There is a version that the famous Jack the Ripper did not act alone, and if Scotland Yard has some assumptions about his true identity, then the real name of his hypothetical accomplice is surrounded by an impenetrable veil of secrecy.

I just stated my version. It is still difficult to say how true it is. More information is needed and, most importantly, facts. In any case, I have not yet heard a single intelligible explanation of the events that have been taking place in the vicinity of the Grushovka River for several decades now, and I do not have the slightest desire to once again disturb the inhabitants of this mysterious place. The rest is up to you.

Updated 02/18/2019. Do vampires exist in real life or are they just fiction? This is exactly what will be discussed in this story.

Do vampires exist?

From childhood, a person is attracted to the unknown and frightening. Children love stories about the existence of demons and vampires, especially when they are away from home, when they can be scared with pleasure. Adults are also no strangers to a passion for horror films, although with age comes the understanding that we should be afraid not of invented vampires, but of very real ones living next to us.

So, do vampires really exist? Yes, vampires definitely exist, and their cunning lies in the fact that outwardly they are no different from ordinary people. But to exist and maintain vitality, they don’t need blood at all...

Who are vampires?

According to legends and legends, vampires are people who feed on human blood, without which they supposedly cannot live. However, in reality:

Vampires- this is the one that pumps out someone else’s, human energy. As a rule, such people are either sick or lazy (the exception is children) who are too lazy to generate their own energy through their Vampires feed on both negative and positive energy.

Energy vampires: concept and symptoms

The world is multifaceted, parallel, one time plane is layered on another, modifying space. But in any world there are two opposing sides: Good and Evil. Both essences live in a person, being in constant dependence. The world of goodness is real, sensual, understandable, created by God: Earth, sun, flowers, compassion.

The World of Evil is complex, invisible, hidden in the darkest corner of consciousness, no one likes to talk about it, because it’s scary to admit that negative thoughts and petty actions live in your head. Rational consciousness tries by any means to disown bad deeds, finding a “scapegoat” on the side. The biggest enemy lives within ourselves, which is why it is so difficult to find it (like glasses that you wear on your head and cannot see).

A reasonable, informed person works on his weaknesses and fears, learning to accumulate his own energy. However, there are people who follow a simple path - these are energy vampires.

Why work on yourself, engage in self-improvement, accumulate knowledge, receiving energy from space, if you can steal it. It’s much faster, less energy-consuming, the number of people you can “take” from without asking is large, and the supplies are endless. A person does not think that he is harming others, the main thing is that he himself becomes better.

Most have met people, after communicating with whom, they feel a loss of strength. And this is not a simple ailment; a person actually notices physical problems after contact with an energy vampire:

  • Headache;
  • Pressure changes;
  • Nausea;
  • Inexplicable feeling of anxiety;
  • Difficulty sleeping;
  • Nervous breakdowns;
  • Unreasonable tears.

After a few days, the symptoms go away, but if the situation repeats during the meeting, you are unlikely to want to communicate with such a person again. For ourselves, we will decide that this is an “energy” predator with whom it is better not to communicate, but it is not always possible to solve the problem so simply.

How to recognize an energy vampire?

Energy vampires are insidious creatures; they mimic, playing on people’s weaknesses. Their goal is to evoke an emotional response in you in order to feed on your energy.

There are different types of energy vampires:

1.Victim. This is a man for whom everyone is to blame for his troubles, from the government to Baba Manya, who did not wash the floors in the entrance properly. All his stories are stories about how he was shortchanged, not treated, not loved, hooked on drugs or alcohol.

His task is to evoke pity in you, because by starting to feel sorry and compassionate, you automatically generate additional energy, which is what the energy vampire needs. (Such people should not be confused with those who are really in a difficult situation and need support and advice).

2. Arrogant. The opposite of the first type of vampire. The best in everything: he runs the fastest, knows how to do laundry, draw a picture, assemble a parachute. He has the most beautiful wife who cooks a five-course dinner, a cool car, and children - such a treasure!

Remember one simple thing - a truly successful person will not praise himself at every meeting, and an arrogant vampire will not fail to touch a nerve and say that the best vacation awaits him in Bali. His job is to make you feel inadequate. You will think about it, generate energy, and he will dine on it and move on, leaving you not only in a depressed mood, but also physically exhausted.

3. Criticizing. A dangerous type of vampire that loves to judge and criticize people for any reason. Intuitively selects a person who reacts painfully to comments and methodically begins to strike. He may gossip about his appearance (short skirt, rumpled trousers), condemn family life without any reason to do so, invents and retells supposedly expressed judgments about someone to his colleagues.

4. Annoying. A person’s goal is to find any “free ears” for empty talk. This is easy to do, given the availability of phones and the popularity of social networks. We often feel awkward when we refuse to talk to a person, but if we follow the lead, we will have to listen to stories from someone else’s life for an infinitely long time.

5. Unconscious. There is another category of vampires, which includes children and the elderly, people with disabilities who require attention and try to seem more helpless than they really are. They can act aggressively, or, conversely, ignore communication.

In both cases, a person begins to feel guilty for, for example, being healthy, gets irritated, worries, throwing out the energy that they need.

Energy vampires are international, they have no gender or age preferences. But why do some people fall into emotional traps and others not?

The answer is on the surface. Some people can control their lives, while others live as if in a dream. It is these “sleepers” that the vampires find. Then the question arises, what to do?

– this is not just a physical shell. All living beings have etheric, astral, mental bodies, energy centers that work as a single organism. But this is ideal. In everyday life, we do not find time to think about our purpose, and only when faced with serious problems do we begin to look for the reason for what is happening. The first blows fall on the energy bodies (there are 7 of them), and when they break through, health problems begin.

How is energy used and stored?

Let's see how energy is consumed and accumulated at different levels:

1. Physical health

Everyone wants to stay healthy for as long as possible, but objective factors: physical overload, the need to constantly be near large crowds of people, unbalanced nutrition, poor-quality products - methodically deplete energy, and if a compassionate energy vampire appears nearby, then health will go away very quickly.

You can help yourself by determining the golden mean. If you plan to stay healthy, reconsider your life, nutrition, change jobs, do yoga, learn to breathe properly, and relax. Only communicate with the “right” people.

A movement that is gaining popularity all over the world is downshifting, when people consciously give up a career, high income, prestige in favor of family, a modest life outside the city, and the opportunity to live in harmony with themselves.

The high-speed rhythm of life in big cities destroys health, therefore, when a person realizes that his life is at stake, he is ready to exchange the boss’s chair for work in the field. There is a rethinking of life perception, freeing up time for reflection. The absence of stress and internal freedom increase the energy and, later, physical strength of the body.

2. Emotional comfort

Responsible for him. Loss of energy occurs constantly when we experience irritation: someone stepped on our foot, it’s stuffy in the subway, our salary hasn’t been increased, our neighbors are noisy all night.

If we add to the little things emotions such as anger, rage, envy, unbridled desires (love for a person, games, drugs), then the energy from us begins not to ooze drop by drop, but pours out in a shower without a trace. An irritated person is the desired prey of an energy predator, since he knows how to hook him so that energy begins to continuously drain from his interlocutor.

3. Our thought forms

Thoughts form the mental body. To paraphrase a well-known expression, we will say: “We are what we think about.” Negative thoughts, resentment, worries, fixation on any episode deplete the energy reserve. Often there is a person nearby who, instead of extinguishing the fire of discord, on the contrary, teases, assents, trying to make the resentment “boil.” This is how the energy vampire will get his lunch and dinner.

Many people think that it is impossible to live without being offended, although this is not true. Everyone gets offended, but it’s one thing to be offended for an hour, another thing to be offended for the rest of your life. We are not robots and we are characterized by worries, but let them be reasonable, it was not for nothing that Solomon wore a ring on which was written “all this too shall pass...”

Vampire Protection

A few tips from an energy vampire. Ideally, you should completely stop communicating, but such a ghoul can be found on an airplane, at work, and, worst of all, in the family. Energy loss can be minimized by knowing simple rules.

  • While talking, cross your arms over your chest and cross your legs.
  • Don't let yourself be thrown off balance. If you cannot get away from the vampire, do not delve into the meaning of the words, perceive the information coming from the person as noise. Sing to yourself, pray, fall asleep with your eyes open.
  • Don't look into the eyes, learn to look past the person.
  • Find a stone for yourself, and if you feel that when communicating with a person you feel bad and cannot leave, clasp it in your fist.
  • Learn prayer, even if you consider yourself an atheist. Read to yourself when you realize that you cannot get rid of a person on your own.


They exist. Vampires are not bloodsuckers, but devourers of other people's, human energy.

Life is multifaceted and amazing. Don’t let anyone influence yours, work on your subtle bodies, and then you won’t be too tough for any energy vampire.

Do vampires really exist - evidence and legends

During the Renaissance, the existence of vampires was thought about when there was an unexpected surge of deaths in one area. After the romanticization of the image of vampires, interest in them grew into a cult. You will be surprised, but in real life they are officially recognized.

Ghouls in history

Vampires have become one of the popular types of evil spirits in the plots of films, songs, poems and paintings. Horrible deeds are attributed to these creatures, and it is difficult to distinguish fact from fiction in the legends.

Anyone who decides to commit suicide or goes against church canons becomes a bloodsucker.

There is also such a thing - when a black cat jumps over the coffin at a funeral or the eyes of the deceased open slightly, the deceased will turn into a vampire. When something strange was noticed, garlic or hawthorn sprigs were placed in the grave.

In the 20th century, at the beginning of the 2000s, the African republic of Malawi was gripped by an epidemic of vampirism. Local residents threw stones at dozens of people suspected of blood drinking. And the authorities were accused of conspiring with vampires.
In 2004, Tom Pere's parents were afraid that their son would become a bloodsucker, dug up the grave and burned his heart.

The first publication about the existence of vampires appeared in 1975. It said that death from a bite occurs due to poisoning with cadaveric venom. And visits of the dead to their relatives are caused by hallucinations of impressionable people. Now in every country there is a belief in vampires, they have different names.

List of common castes today:

  • in America they are called Tlahuelpuchi, during the day they are people, at night they are blood-sucking bats;
  • Australian Yara-mo-yaha-hoo have long limbs with suckers with which they drink blood;
  • in Romania Vorkalak, a vampire dog;
  • The Chinese believe in a vampire fox; girls who die from beatings and violence become it;
  • Japan is inhabited by Kappas - drowned children who feed on the blood of bathers;
  • India is inhabited by immortal Rakshasas who take on any form.

Scientific research is based on two opposing views about blood-drinking creatures.

First– there are no vampires, and legends are based on frightening folk tales. Based on biology and medicine, the symptoms are refuted. The “incorruptibility” of the body is caused by the specific composition of the soil; the unnatural postures of the dead are explained by the punishment of ancient times - burial alive.

Second– The myth about vampires is based on a genetic disease – porphyria. Blood cells do not form in the patient's body, which leads to a lack of iron, due to which the skin becomes pale and susceptible to sunburn. People with porphyria do not perceive the smell of garlic; the acid contained in it has a negative effect on a weak body. More often, the disease is a consequence of consanguineous marriages. Incest was recorded to a greater extent in the territory of Transylvania, where the legends about Dracula originated.

Renfield syndrome is present. This is a mental disorder when the patient drinks the blood of animals and people. Individual serial killers suffer from this disease.

The science of vampires asserts their existence in the real world, but does not define who they are. Some researchers believe that these are people who died, suffered gene mutations, or were bitten by an animal vampire. Features are inherited.

Other vampirologists claim that followers of the “blood-eating” ritual became vampires. The ancient Aztecs believed that by eating human blood you became immortal.

There is an opinion that vampires are people who have made a deal with the devil for eternal life, and this is fueled by blood.

Scientist Stefan Kaplan began searching for evidence of the existence of vampires in 1974. He created a center for the study of blood-drinking creatures in New York. According to the researcher, he found many living vampires, and they look like ordinary people.

What conclusions did Kaplan make:

  • they really are;
  • fear of the sun can be overcome with the help of protective glasses and cream;
  • nails and fangs do not cause suspicion;
  • the thirst for blood is not strong, one glass a couple of times a week is enough;
  • not aggressive and create happy families. Friends understand and supply blood;
  • Bloodsuckers also drink animal blood, but its taste is different.

The environment considers such people to be mentally ill, but the scientist claims that thirst is a physiological, not a mental problem. You should not treat them as wild, aggressive creatures.

Stories about vampires are old and have become part of folklore. It is the mystery that surrounds them that sparks interest in them. Believing whether there are certain creatures that feed on blood is a choice for everyone.