Bolognese classic recipe step by step. Two approaches: classic Italian spaghetti Bolognese. Traditional Italian sauce

Bolognese sauce, or, as is often called, ragu, is a thick meat sauce with the addition of various vegetables and tomatoes. One of the most favorite meat sauces for Italian pasta. The sauce owes its origin to the city of Bologna - the center of the province in northern Italy with the same name. The city has the highest standard of living in Italy, a powerful industry and is located at the intersection of important trade routes. Bologna is considered the culinary capital of Italy. Home of pasta (tagliatelle), tortellini, salsiccia and Bolognese sauce.

Bolognese sauce is traditionally served with fresh tagliatelle or used for cooking. Although often less traditional, ragu bolognese is served with macaroni or other types of pasta. There are also cases of serving with mashed potatoes or couscous.

More than 30 years ago, the classic Bolognese sauce recipe was notarized in the city of Bologna. The Bologna delegation to the Italian Culinary Academy submitted an application to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and recorded the recipe. This step allowed the recipe to be made official, to ensure respect for the gastronomic tradition of Bologna in Italy and in the world.

It is believed that the recipe for classic Bolognese sauce includes beef and pancetta, onions and carrots, celery, tomato - usually pasta, meat broth, as well as red wine and milk.

However, a classical piece of music written by the great Paganini, performed by another musician, is hardly classical. So, in the preparation of Bolognese sauce, like any other dish, in addition to the skill of the cook, subtle differences are added that make each sauce unique. It is worth saying that Bolognese is similar to another, although their compositions are different.

Ingredients (for 2-4 servings of pasta)

  • Beef 300 g
  • Onion 1 piece
  • Carrot 1 piece
  • Petiole celery 2-3 stems
  • Bacon (brisket, pancetta, rind) 50 g
  • Parsley 5-6 sprigs
  • Tomatoes 3-4 pcs
  • Garlic 1-2 cloves
  • Dry red wine 100 ml
  • Dry white wine 100 ml
  • Milk 100 ml
  • Nutmeg, salt, black pepper taste

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Bolognese sauce. Step by step recipe

  1. It is important that the Bolognese sauce is aromatic, thick and mixes well with the pasta and stays on its surface. Italians recommend preparing the sauce from different types of meat: beef, pork, pancetta (Italian bacon). But, as a rule, they limit themselves to beef fried in fat rendered from pancetta. In my opinion, beef is better suited for the sauce than young veal. Then the sauce turns out thicker and richer.

    Beef and bacon for bolognese

  2. The presence of milk in the sauce makes it taste a little more pleasant and less sour. Wine and tomatoes always give sourness. It is important not to add milk and wine at the same time. And, probably, the most difficult thing is that Bolognese sauce takes a very long time to prepare. Minimum 2 hours. But it’s better longer, then the sauce will become homogeneous, “glossy”, and combine perfectly with the pasta.
  3. Preparing Bolognese sauce is a long and painstaking process. So, first you should prepare. Well, first of all, buy groceries. I think all components are available. The problem may arise only with stalked celery. If it’s not the season, it’s simply not on sale. Sometimes, if this is the case, it is a stretch to replace the celery stalks with 2 tbsp. l. finely chopped parsley and a piece of finely grated celery root.

    Vegetables for bolognese sauce

  4. Peel the vegetables. Chop the onion very finely with a knife. Grate the carrots on a fine grater. Grind the beef with a meat grinder - twice to make it. Scald the tomatoes, remove the skin and remove the seeds. Chop very finely. Fresh tomatoes can be replaced with canned tomato pulp.
  5. Bacon or a piece of pork belly, pancetta, pork chops - cut into small cubes. Fry the chopped pork in a deep frying pan to render the fat. The cracklings can be eaten with bread or left, then the Bolognese sauce will be with pieces of fried pork. If for some reason the use of pork fat is unacceptable, you can heat a mixture of butter and olive oil, taking 2 tbsp each. l.

    Fry the pork in a frying pan to render the fat

  6. When the fat is prepared, fry the chopped onion in it until soft. Do not overcook the onions, otherwise the sauce will have a noticeable aftertaste. It is enough for the onion to turn slightly golden without any signs of darkening.

    Fry chopped onion in fat until soft

  7. Add grated carrots and chopped stalked celery to the fried onions. Fry vegetables for 5-6 minutes, stirring constantly.

    Add carrots and stalked celery to the fried onions

  8. Add minced beef to the fried vegetables, mix thoroughly, trying to break up any lumps of minced meat so that the mixture of vegetables and minced meat becomes homogeneous. Continue frying, stirring constantly, for another 7-8 minutes.

    Add ground beef to sautéed vegetables

  9. Add finely chopped garlic. Season the sauce with a pinch of salt, add ground black pepper and grated nutmeg. Sometimes, to improve the taste of the sauce, I add 0.5 tsp. sugar, which makes it sweet and sour, just a little sweet.

    Add finely chopped garlic and spices

  10. Next add a mixture of dry white and red wine.
  11. Continue simmering for another 15 minutes over low heat, covered, and only then add chopped parsley.

    Simmer covered and add herbs

  12. Add the tomato pulp and about a glass of broth or water. Stir and continue to simmer over the lowest heat you can manage. Literally the sauce should simmer. It is very important to stir periodically to prevent it from burning and sticking to the pan.

    Add tomato and broth

  13. The more Bolognese sauce simmers, the better. If the moisture boils away, you can add meat broth (or water) in small portions. The sauce should barely simmer throughout cooking.
  14. Half an hour before the end of cooking, pour milk into the sauce. If desired, you can add 2-3 pinches of dry herbs (oregano, basil, mint, savory). Stir, cover and simmer over low heat until the sauce is completely cooked.

The classic two-meat sauce for making pasta, lasagna or cannelloni was invented in Bologna, a city in northern Italy that has long held the title of culinary capital. Hence the name of the sauce - Bolognese. Italian cuisine “loves” this sauce very much; it reveals the true taste and juiciness of any dish.

They prepare it differently, although they have the same name. In our article we will talk about how to prepare delicious Bolognese sauce.

A few tips for the perfect preparation of Bolognese according to the classic recipe:

  • There can never be too many tomatoes.
  • Do not add milk/cream with wine.
  • For a more delicate flavor, use veal instead of beef.
  • It is better to fry the minced meat over high heat, and at this time you need to knead the lumps of minced meat. After all, when we add liquid, it will be more difficult to mash the minced pork.

Bolognese is served hot. The sauce is usually seasoned with spaghetti (Bolognese pasta). You can season lasagna. Or cannelloni. They differ only in the type of pasta. Lasagna is made using pasta sheets, and cannelloni are tubes of pasta dough.

They are filled with almost ready-made ground beef or veal, tomatoes, cheese and whatever suits your taste. Cannelloni is stewed in cream or milk with olive oil and tomato paste. Served with herbs and Bolognese sauce.

Classic Bolognese sauce


  • 500 g lean beef
  • 1 carrot
  • 2 stalks of celery
  • 1 onion
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1 sprig sage or thyme
  • 1 sprig rosemary
  • 2 tbsp. l. olive oil
  • 100 ml dry red wine
  • 250 g peeled tomatoes
  • in its own juice
  • vegetable broth
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 50 g butter
  • salt pepper


Grind carrots, celery, onion, garlic. Pass the meat through a meat grinder. Heat olive oil and butter in a saucepan, add bay leaf, sage or thyme, and chopped vegetables. Fry lightly over medium heat, 6 minutes.

Add minced meat, salt and pepper and cook, stirring and kneading the meat lumps until all the liquid has evaporated. Pour in red wine. Cook until it evaporates.

Add tomatoes, a couple of ladles of vegetable broth, and a sprig of rosemary. Simmer for 40 minutes over low heat with the lid loosely closed.

When the sauce is ready, remove the bay leaf, otherwise it may taste sour. The sauce is used for different types of pasta, for lasagna.

The sauce is called “bolognese” after the Italian city of Bologna (Emilia-Romagna region), where the typical dish is lasagne alla Eilian (aka lasagne bolognese).

Dishes with Bolognese sauce

Gourmet Green Tagliatelle with Bolognese


For tagliatelle:

  • 320 g pasta (green tagliatelle)
  • 50 g frozen peas
  • 2 slices ham (prosciutto cotto)
  • 6 tbsp. l. Bolognese
  • 125 ml cream
  • 4 champignons
  • 80 g parmesan
  • 1 sprig rosemary or thyme
  • 60 g butter
  • 1 sprig of parsley
  • salt pepper

For the bolognese:

  • 500 g lean beef
  • 1 carrot
  • 2 stalks of celery
  • 1 onion
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1 sprig sage or thyme
  • 1 sprig rosemary
  • 4–5 tbsp. l. olive oil
  • 100 ml dry red wine
  • 250 g peeled tomatoes
  • in its own juice
  • 4–5 ladles vegetable broth (or water)
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 50 g butter
  • salt pepper


Boil the peas in salted water, then cool in cold water (so that they do not lose their rich green color). Cut the ham into small pieces, wash the mushrooms first, remove the stems and skin. Fry all this in butter and pepper.

As soon as the water from the champignons has evaporated, add a couple of chopped rosemary leaves and Bolognese sauce, keep on the fire for a couple more minutes and add cream and peas, you can simmer for a couple more minutes on the fire (see for yourself - so that the sauce turns out to be the right consistency, not too liquid).

Boil the tagliatelle in salted water (at the rate of 6 liters of water per 1 kg of pasta) until al dente (the pasta should remain elastic). Serve tagliatelle with sauce, sprinkled with Parmesan and chopped parsley.

For the bolognese, chop the carrots, celery, onion and garlic very finely. Pass the meat through a meat grinder. Heat olive oil and butter in a saucepan, add bay leaf, sage or thyme and chopped vegetables.

Lightly fry over medium heat - about 6 minutes. Add minced meat, salt and pepper and cook, stirring and kneading the meat lumps, until all the liquid has evaporated. Pour in red wine. Cook until it evaporates.

Add the tomatoes, 4-5 ladles of vegetable broth and a sprig of rosemary. Simmer for 40 minutes. over low heat under a loosely closed lid.

Spaghetti Bolognese classic Italian recipe


  • Spaghetti (boiled) 300 g.
  • Minced meat (beef) 300 g.
  • Onion 1 pc.
  • Carrot 1 pc.
  • Tomatoes 2 pcs.
  • Paste (tomato) 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Salt 1 teaspoon
  • Marjoram to taste
  • Bacon 100 g.
  • Herbs (oregano, basil, parsley) to taste
  • Garlic 2 cloves
  • Pepper (black) to taste
  • Pepper (chili) to taste
  • Parmesan to taste
  • Water (red wine) 100 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the bacon or brisket into very small cubes.
  2. Grate the carrots, finely chop the onion, peel the tomatoes and chop finely.
  3. Grate the cheese.
  4. Use the “MENU/SELECT” buttons to select the “ROASTING” program, set the time to 10 minutes and temperature level 3. Open the multicooker lid and turn the handle to the “CLOSED” position.
  5. Fry onions, bacon, vegetables, then carrots and tomatoes. Add garlic. Fry everything until half cooked (8-10 minutes).
  6. Place minced meat, tomato paste in a bowl, pour water and add herbs.
  7. Use the “MENU/SELECT” buttons to select the “STEW” program. Press the “START” button.

RIGATONI "Bolognese"

In Italy, such pasta is not prepared, but why not experiment and make something like a traditional Soviet casserole based on pasta and Bolognese meat sauce. This serving option will definitely surprise the household.

Cooking time: 25 min

Number of servings: 2


  • 150 g dry rigatoni pasta
  • 300 g prepared bolognese sauce
  • 2 cherry tomatoes
  • 2 sprigs fresh basil (preferably green)
  • parmesan cheese (optional)
  • olive oil
  • sea ​​salt - to taste


  1. Fill baking tins with dry paste.
  2. Add water to 2/3 of the mold capacity. Place in the oven for 15 minutes, preheated to 100°C, and bake until al dente.
  3. Carefully remove the prepared pasta from the mold.
  4. Line the bottom of the pan with the prepared Bolognese sauce.
  5. Return the rigatoni to the pan and swirl until the tubes are filled with minced meat. Return the rigatoni to the pan and swirl until the tubes are filled with minced meat.
  6. Spread the rest over the surface of the paste.
  7. Place a whole cherry tomato on top (you can have a green stalk). Bake in the oven at 180°C for 7 minutes.
  8. Garnish with a sprig of fresh basil when serving and sprinkle with grated cheese.

Chef's tip! Rigatoni with a larger diameter can be filled to its entire length using a pastry bag, so the paste will definitely not dry out during baking. At the very end of cooking, we recommend adding a little more broth to the pan for juiciness.

Red lasagna

For 6–8 people.

For the bolognese sauce:

  • 2 slices smoked bacon
  • 2 medium onions
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 2 carrots
  • 2 stalks petiole celery
  • olive oil
  • 2 tsp. with a handful of dried oregano
  • 500g quality ground beef or pork, or (even better!) a mixture
  • 2 cans of 400 g tomatoes in their own juice
  • sea ​​salt
  • freshly ground black pepper
  • small bunch of basil

For lasagna:

  • 250 g dry egg lasagne sheets
  • 100 g parmesan
  • 600 ml creme fraiche
  • 1 large ripe tomato

Prepare the sauce

Thinly slice the bacon. Peel and finely chop the onion, garlic, carrots and celery. Place a large, low-sided saucepan over medium heat. Pour a spoonful of olive oil into it, add bacon and oregano. Cook until bacon is lightly browned.

Add vegetables and cook for 7 minutes, stirring every 30 seconds. Add minced meat and tomatoes. Fill one tomato can with water and pour it into the pan. Add a large pinch each of salt and pepper. Remove the leaves from the basil. Finely chop the basil stems and add them to the sauce. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat, cook under a loose lid for 1 hour, stirring occasionally.

Finishing touches to the sauce

Preheat the oven to 190 degrees. Remove sauce from heat. Tear the large basil leaves and add them to the pan. Try to see if there is enough salt and pepper. Place the lasagna sheets in a large pan of boiling water for 3-4 minutes, adding a little olive oil. Place the sheets in a colander and pat dry carefully with a paper towel. Grate the Parmesan, set aside a little and mix it with the creme fraiche.

Assemble the lasagna

Pour a third of the Bolognese sauce into the bottom of an ovenproof dish. Layer layers of lasagna sheets, then layers of sauce and 1/2 of the crème fraîche. Sprinkle with a large pinch of salt and pepper. Cover with another layer of lasagne sheets.

Top with remaining sauce and another 1/2 of the creme fraiche. Finish with a layer of lasagna sheets and the remaining creme fraiche. Sprinkle with Parmesan. Place tomato slices on top, sprinkle with small basil leaves, and drizzle with olive oil. Cover the pan with foil, place in the oven and bake for 30 minutes. Remove the foil and cook for another 20 minutes. Serve directly in the form so that everyone can help themselves. And don't forget the green salad.

Subtleties and tricks

It is important to follow the step-by-step recipe for bolognese sauce with minced meat, because if you change the sequence of adding ingredients, the taste will differ significantly from the original. For example, you should never add milk and wine at the same time.
What other subtleties of preparation are there?

  • Dishes. Bolognese dishes should be thick-bottomed and have a good non-stick coating. It doesn't have to be a frying pan; a saucepan will do. You can also cook bolognese in a slow cooker.
  • Cooking time. The sauce should be cooked for at least two hours, ideally three. It is in this case that the desired consistency of the sauce is obtained.
  • Storage. How long to store the finished sauce in the refrigerator is up to you. Of course, it can be reheated and used as needed, but freshly prepared is much tastier. The optimal period is up to five days.
  • Amount of liquid. Throughout the cooking process, it is important to ensure that there is liquid in the container, otherwise the meat will dry out.
  • Constant stirring. Don't go too far from the stove, Bolognese loves attention. Stir it so that it does not burn, otherwise the whole dish will spoil.
  • Quiet fire. The sauce should simmer slightly, that is, it is not advisable to allow huge bubbles.
  • Consistency. Ready-made Bolognese, if prepared correctly, will not be runny. Homemade Bolognese sauce has a firm consistency, but it shouldn't be too thick.
  • Color. The finished dish, if you followed the Italian Bolognese sauce recipe correctly, should turn out rich red.

Irina Kamshilina

Cooking for someone is much more pleasant than cooking for yourself))


Pasta is a classic Italian dish known all over the world. We traditionally call it pasta. According to researchers of Italian cuisine, there are at least 300 types of pasta in Italy, and the number of recipes based on them amounts to many thousands. Do you want to learn how to cook one of the best pasta recipes - a la bolognese?

What is pasta bolognese

Pasta a la Bolognese is one of the famous versions of the Italian dish beloved by many. In popularity, this recipe can be compared with French béchamel sauce. Bolognese sauce was invented by chefs from Bologna; this recipe is considered classic and includes a strictly defined set of ingredients: minced beef, tomato paste, broth, Parmesan, wine.

Recipe options at home

In addition to the classic one, there are other options for preparing pasta with sauce. In Italy, Bolognese sauce is often prepared not according to the classic recipe, but with tagliatelle pasta and lasagne. Some Italians eat this sauce with mashed potatoes, and outside of Italy it is served with rice and even buckwheat porridge. Sauce a la Bolognese is not just a sauce for pasta, but also an excellent option for a second course with a side dish. We offer several original recipes for preparing the dish.

With minced meat and tomato paste

We will need:

  • Minced beef – 0.5 kg.
  • Olive oil – 50 grams.
  • Pasta (small or spaghetti) – 1 pack 400-450 grams.
  • Tomato paste – 1 can 450 grams.
  • Garlic – 3 cloves.
  • Basil - a bunch.
  • Tomatoes – 5 pieces.
  • Parmesan – 100 grams.
  • Onion – 1 piece.
  • Salt pepper.


  1. Cut into cubes and fry the onion in olive oil.
  2. Add minced meat to the pan, simmer it under a closed lid for about 20-30 minutes until cooked.
  3. Add salt and pepper and fry for another five minutes.
  4. Remove the skins from the tomatoes and cut them into cubes.
  5. Fry garlic and basil, add tomatoes and natural ketchup to the pan. Fry the mixture for 15 minutes, stirring continuously, until a thick consistency is obtained. Excess liquid should evaporate.
  6. Combine the tomato mass with the minced meat and simmer the mixture over low heat for 15-20 minutes.
  7. Cook the pasta (according to the instructions for it).
  8. At the last stage, spoon the sauce over the pasta and garnish with grated cheese.

With cream

We will need:

  • onions, carrots, celery (stem) - 1 piece each;
  • red wine – 50 g;
  • tomatoes – 0.75 kg;
  • minced beef – 0.75 kg;
  • cream – 150 g;
  • olive oil – 40 g;
  • parmesan – 100 g;


  1. Heat olive oil in a saucepan.
  2. Chop the vegetables into smaller pieces and simmer for 4-6 minutes until they soften.
  3. Add minced meat to soft vegetables, mix the ingredients better with a wooden spoon. Add wine to the saucepan and reduce heat after boiling.
  4. After the wine has boiled away, add the diced tomatoes and simmer the meat for another hour and a half.
  5. Add cream to the dish as soon as the meat reaches a high degree of readiness, after which the sauce is simmered for another 10 minutes.
  6. Once cooked, sprinkle the sauce with grated Parmesan.

We will need:

  • home canned tomatoes – 400 g;
  • mushrooms (champignons) – 400 g;
  • vegetable broth - one glass;
  • vegetable oil – 60 g;
  • ketchup – 40 g;
  • spaghetti – 450 g pack;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • parsley, basil, salt, pepper.


  1. Cut the garlic cloves into thin slices and the onion into half rings. Fry the garlic and onion in oil until golden brown.
  2. Cut 300 grams of champignons into large slices, add to the onion fry, stir, fry for about 10 minutes.
  3. Add ketchup, herbs, fry for a few more minutes.
  4. Remove the skins from the tomatoes and add them to the vegetable mixture.
  5. Pour in the broth and the remaining 100 grams of finely chopped mushrooms.
  6. The broth should boil, after which it should simmer for another half hour.
  7. While the mushrooms are cooking, you need to cook the spaghetti.
  8. After cooking, drain the spaghetti in a colander; it should be dry.
  9. Spread the sauce over the pasta and serve after 5 minutes, garnishing with a sprig of basil.

How to cook Bolognese pasta in a slow cooker

We will need:

  • minced beef – 1 kg;
  • one onion;
  • two tomatoes;
  • pasta – 0.25 kg;
  • tomato sauce, olive oil - 2 tbsp each;
  • garlic – 2 cloves.


  1. Cut the onion into half rings, pour oil into the bottom of the bowl, and add the onion. In the “Baking” mode, fry the onion for 30 minutes.
  2. Add the pressed garlic to the onion and fry with the onion for another 10 minutes.
  3. Cut the tomatoes into cubes and add to the bowl along with the tomato sauce.
  4. Mix all ingredients.
  5. Add the minced meat, stir again, and fry for 10 minutes.
  6. Boil spaghetti separately (according to instructions).
  7. Mix the sauce and spaghetti, heat for 5 minutes (use the “Keep Warm” mode)

Classic Italian Bolognese pasta recipe with photo

Pasta a la Bolognese is a traditional side dish with many variations. But if you have never cooked it, we recommend making it for the first time according to the classic recipe, the way the cooks from Bologna intended it. Pasta a la Bolognese is an excellent second course option for lunch or dinner. If you do not use a large amount of spices during preparation, children of any age will readily eat it. The calorie content of the dish is moderate.

We will need:

  • olive oil – 40 g;
  • tomato sauce – 800 g;
  • red wine – half a bottle;
  • minced beef – 500 g;
  • beef broth – 500 g;
  • sugar – 10 g;
  • celery (stem), onion, carrot - 1 piece each;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • parsley, parmesan – 400 grams each;
  • pasta (butterflies, shells) – 0.5 kg;
  • salt – 5 g.

There are several options for how to prepare Bolognese sauce, some of them are very simple, and the taste is not much reminiscent of the original invention of chefs from the Italian city of Bologna.

Italian cuisine is one of the most popular in the world, known primarily for its excellent pizza and pasta with a variety of toppings and sauces. For their preparation, seafood, one or more types of meat, many vegetables and spices, wine, cream and cheese are used. The classic and, perhaps, the most delicious is the meaty, rich Bolognese sauce with the addition of vegetables and tomatoes, the recipe of which is not known to every professional cook.

There are several options for how to prepare Bolognese sauce, some of them are very simple, and the taste is not much reminiscent of the original invention of chefs from the Italian city of Bologna. The classic recipe includes more than 15 ingredients, and preparation takes at least 5 hours. Don’t let this scare you, you can make the sauce at home with minimal culinary skills. The main thing is to prepare all the components correctly, follow the step-by-step recommendations and put at least a spark of Italian enthusiasm, a drop of cheerfulness and a little passion into the dish.

The Bolognese recipe requires quite a lot of ingredients, but they are all available and inexpensive. Don't throw out or replace any of them if you want the real Italian sauce flavor.

For 4-5 servings you will need:

  • Meat (preferably veal, but you can use a mixture of pork + beef) – 500 g;
  • Pancetta (salted ham) or smoked bacon – 100 g;
  • Cream – 100 ml;
  • Parmesan cheese – 150 gr.


  • Onion – 1 head;
  • Garlic – 2-3 cloves;
  • Carrots – 1 piece;
  • Celery stalk – 1 piece.

Seasonings and spices:

  • Olive oil – 3 tablespoons;
  • Butter – 1 tablespoon;
  • Dry red wine – 300 ml;
  • Tomato paste – 2 tablespoons;
  • Tomatoes in their own juice - two 400 g cans;
  • Salt, black pepper, oregano, basil, thyme - to taste.

The recipe allows you to replace the spices with a ready-made dry mixture of Italian herbs, or use fresh ones. You will also need fresh green basil for decoration. The amount of ingredients is calculated for a pack of spaghetti or other pasta.

Homemade recipe step by step

Make time in advance to prepare this delicious sauce - you will need at least 40 minutes to prepare vegetables and meat, and about 4 hours to simmer it. If possible, simmer the sauce for 5 or 6 hours, it will only taste better. Also prepare:

  • a frying pan with high sides and a lid;
  • board;
  • meat grinder;
  • spatula;
  • great, cheerful mood.

Preparing Ingredients

Meat. Pancetta is usually sold in thin slices. They need to be cut into strips. If you have a piece of bacon, cut it finely and thinly, otherwise large pieces will end up in a homogeneous sauce and it will turn out tasteless. Pass the veal through a meat grinder or grind it in a food processor. In Italian restaurants, cooks chop meat on a board with a large knife - no meat grinders, which squeeze out all the juice from its fibers, making it tough and tasteless. At home, of course, not every housewife will undertake such a feat, but it is still preferable to use a food processor, where the product is chopped with knives rather than forced through a nozzle.
Vegetables. Peel all the vegetables, including the garlic, and cut them into cubes - as finely as the patience and sharpness of the knife allows. In the finished sauce after stewing, pieces of vegetables should be almost invisible, leaving only an unforgettable taste and aroma.
Remaining ingredients. The wine and milk should be at room temperature or slightly warmer—warm them slightly if necessary. Open the cans of tomatoes. If using fresh herbs, wash them, dry them, and tear off the leaves and twigs.

Preparing the sauce

Place the frying pan on the fire and heat two types of oil in it. Dip in the bacon or pancetta slices first and quickly fry them until they release their fat and brown.
Add the vegetables, stirring all the time and fry them until soft, reducing the heat. They should not turn brown, much less burn. If this happens, you don’t have to continue further, start over.
Add minced meat to the vegetables - it is better to do this in portions so that the meat does not stew in the released juice, but becomes covered with a crust. At the same time, you should knead it thoroughly with a spatula so that no meat lumps form - we need a sauce of uniform consistency, and not tomato sauce with meatballs.
When the minced meat is completely fried, pour in the cream and stir - this will give the sauce thickness and tenderness. The cream should be completely absorbed into the meat. Only then pour in the wine. Cook the sauce base, stirring, over medium heat until the liquid has almost completely evaporated.
Now you can add tomato paste and tomatoes. If you have whole tomatoes, mash them thoroughly. Simply pour the grated ones into the frying pan.
Season the sauce with salt, pepper and spices. Stir again, cover with a lid and leave to simmer over very low heat for at least 2 hours. Remember: the longer the dish is stewed, the tastier it is. You need to stir the sauce every quarter of an hour - as you can see, the recipe does not allow you to leave the stove for a long time throughout the entire cooking process.


Grate the Parmesan cheese and prepare beautiful sprigs of fresh basil.
Boil water, add generous salt and cook spaghetti or other pasta.
Let the finished sauce sit for at least 45 minutes. Italians serve pasta in deep bowls with a spoon and fork, with balsamic vinegar, olive oil and a mill of fresh peppercorns at the ready. While the sauce is “resting”, set the table in the same way. Don’t forget to serve the wine left over from cooking – it will perfectly complement the taste of the dish.
Place the pasta in heated deep plates, top with the sauce; if you followed the recipe correctly, it should be thick, homogeneous, and shiny on the surface. Sprinkle grated Parmesan cheese on top and garnish with basil leaves. Isn't it very beautiful, fragrant and appetizing? You won't be disappointed with your efforts - it's also very tasty, just like in Italy. The recipe for a real classic Bolognese will become your pride and family secret.

P.S. This sauce can be prepared in advance and stored in the refrigerator for up to two days, and in the freezer for up to two weeks. It can be served with boiled pasta or used for lasagna, pizza, stuffing cannelloni, tortellini and ravioli.

The classic sauce of two types of meat for preparing pasta, lasagne or cannelloni was invented in Bologna is a town in northern Italy that has long held the title of culinary capital. Hence the name of the sauce - Bolognese. Italian cuisine “loves” this sauce very much; it reveals the true taste and juiciness of any dish.

They prepare it differently, although they have the same name. In our article we will talk about how to prepare balanezo sauce.

The variety of the sauce is given by the choice of red wine or tomato: the taste of the sauce depends entirely on what type of grape was used to prepare the wine, or on whether a fresh or canned tomato is used to prepare the sauce.

The range of spices and the skill of the cook also play a key role.

So, how to prepare balanezo sauce.

First, let's prepare the necessary products:

  • Ground beef,
  • minced pork,
  • fresh, canned tomatoes or tomato paste,
  • green or red peppers,
  • dry wine,
  • Parmesan,
  • milk or cream,
  • pancetta or bacon
  • bulb onions,
  • carrot,
  • celery leaves,
  • garlic,
  • olive oil,
  • any greens - parsley, basil, dill, cilantro, or mint,
  • salt, seasonings.

If you are new to Italian cuisine and don’t know what parmesan or pancetta is, let us explain:

Parmesan is one of the Italian varieties of hard cheese that crumbles when cut. Serves as an independent dish, if seasoned with balsamic vinegar, or can be an addition to pizza, soups, salads, dessert or pasta.

Pancetta is Italian bacon made from the fatty part of pork belly. Dried in plenty of salt, herbs and spices.

All of the products listed above are used if you are preparing a classic Bolognese recipe. If something is missing from the composition, it is no longer classic.

As for grams, the opinions of the culinary specialists from Bologna themselves differ. We will provide you with numbers for preparing 4 servings. However, if you want to pleasantly surprise a larger number of guests, then increase the grams of products proportionally. But in general, a cook is the same as an artist. You, as the author, can do everything to your liking, deviating from the recipe.

Important clarifications

And yet, the ingredients for 4 servings of Bolognese sauce according to the classic recipe:

  • The minced meat can be half pork and half beef. There may be a different proportion. For four people we use 500 grams of minced pork and beef.
  • 400-500 grams of fresh or canned tomatoes. This is about 5-6 medium-sized pieces. If we use tomato paste - 4 tablespoons.
  • Add capsicum to taste. If you and your guests like it spicy, add 3-4 finely chopped pods the length of your palm. If you don't like it, one is enough.
  • Dry wine can be either white or red - again, to your taste. Use 1 glass for four servings.
  • You will need 100 grams of pancetta.
  • 100-150 gr. parmesan If not available, use the simplest hard cheese.
  • 1 glass of milk or cream.
  • 1 medium onion.
  • 1 medium carrot.
  • 2-4 cloves of garlic to your taste. Bolognese sauce is a classic recipe that allows you to add more garlic.
  • Olive oil is used in the amount of one to two tablespoons. Let's also add 25 grams of butter.

Cooking process

They are filled with almost ready-made ground beef or veal, tomatoes, cheese and whatever suits your taste. Cannelloni is stewed in cream or milk with olive oil and tomato paste. Served with herbs and Bolognese sauce.