Cumin oil for weight loss reviews results. Ways to use cumin for weight loss. Mask with oil and apple cider vinegar

Today, the fight against excess weight can be very simple, quick and successful if you approach the solution to this problem competently, applying a whole range of measures at once.

Those who want to lose weight should first of all realize that diet alone will not be enough to achieve good results in the fight against excess weight and weight. In addition to dietary restrictions, you also need to exercise and apply various cosmetic procedures aimed at maintaining skin tone. This is an important point, since rapid weight loss often leaves stretch marks and sagging sagging skin as a “memento.” It is quite difficult to deal with such consequences, therefore it is more advisable to simply prevent them immediately, in the process of losing weight. This can be done by regularly taking a contrast shower, visiting a sauna or steam bath, spa treatments, salt and soda baths, body wraps, anti-cellulite massage and many other means. All this will bring the desired effect if you perform the procedures regularly, with clearly defined frequency.

But today, on various women’s forums, the question of how to drink black cumin oil for weight loss has begun to arise more and more often. It turned out that this product helps speed up the weight loss process, so taking it will be a useful and effective addition to your diet.

Properties of black cumin oil

Black cumin oil can be used as a weight loss remedy both internally and externally. It is a rich source of phytoestrogens and is especially recommended for people prone to hormonal imbalances during strict diets.

The composition of the oil includes a whole complex of linoleic and oleic acids, as well as iron, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, vitamins A, C, E and B. Numerous studies have proven that regular use of the oil helps accelerate the process of skin cell regeneration, and in general has a positive effect on her appearance.

Quite often, black cumin oil is used to lower blood sugar. But in this case, we are still more interested in the properties of this product as a means of losing weight.

How to use black cumin for weight loss?

In order for black cumin oil to help you achieve good results in losing weight, you need to take it in a full course, and not chaotically.

So, for the first month, exclude simple carbohydrates and animal fats from your diet. Take black cumin oil according to this regimen:

  • first week - a teaspoon of oil and a glass of water;
  • second week - a teaspoon of oil and a glass of water before breakfast, as well as before dinner (half an hour before);
  • third week - 2 spoons in the morning and 2 glasses of water;
  • fourth week - a teaspoon of oil and a glass of water.

During the second month, use a different oil intake regimen:

  • the first week - a tablespoon of oil, drunk on an empty stomach (you can no longer wash it down with water);
  • second week - 2 tablespoons of oil (also on an empty stomach and without water), as well as limiting the consumption of fat in food to 20 grams;
  • third week - 2 tablespoons of oil 20 minutes before meals (before breakfast, lunch and dinner);
  • fourth week - a teaspoon of oil and a glass of water before breakfast and lunch.

In the future, use black cumin oil about 1-3 times a week, adding it in small quantities to vegetable salads. But you should refrain from using other oils for several months after completing the course.

Do not forget that the results in losing weight and improving the health of the body will depend not only on whether you use the oil correctly, but also on the quality of the product used. There is no need to buy oil that has already oxidized - there will be no benefit from using it. Even more: it can cause heartburn, so carefully study the packaging of the product you purchase.

Today we’ll talk about black cumin oil, or rather, let’s look at its beneficial properties and how it affects weight loss.

At the moment, black cumin oil is not particularly popular in our country, but its healing properties are highly valued in the East (their mention can be found in the works of Avicenna and the hadiths of Islam).

It is known that the queens of Ancient Egypt loved to use it in order to maintain their health, beauty and youth for as long as possible.

Black cumin is the seed of a herbaceous plant from the ranunculaceae family. There are also other names - nigella sativa and black coriander.

Because black cumin seeds have a strong aroma, they are often used as spices or to make oils. Since ancient times in the East, cumin oil has been considered an effective remedy for various diseases. In addition, it has found wide use in Ayurveda.

Its composition is truly unique, because it contains a huge amount of useful substances. Among them, it is worth mentioning first of all the following:

  • Microelements: zinc, phosphorus, calcium, copper, iron,
  • Vitamins: beta-carotene, vitamin E,
  • various acids (linoleic, stearic, myristic, petroselinic).

In modern medicine, black cumin oil is considered an excellent remedy for a wide range of diseases. It has an antiseptic and bactericidal effect on the skin.

Helps in the treatment of psoriasis and eczema, reduces the healing time of various types of wounds. Very beneficial for hair: prevents hair loss, significantly improves the condition of the scalp. By going to my page about, you can find out more.

Black seed oil can act as an alternative to many antibiotics. It not only fights a number of diseases, but is also used as a general restorative preventative.

Men and women struggling with extra pounds use black cumin oil for weight loss. Scientists have long proven that the beneficial substances included in its composition can significantly improve the process of lipid metabolism in the body.

This oil is usually consumed in two forms: either as a dietary supplement or as a medicinal tea made from it.

This tea will prove to be an indispensable remedy for bloating, biliary colic, diarrhea, and so on.

The recipe for its preparation is simple. To start, take a large spoon of crushed black cumin seeds. Then pour it with fifty milliliters of boiling water. The resulting drink should be left to steep for about ten minutes, then strained.

To get good results, you need to drink two cups of this tea a day, morning and evening, respectively.

Black cumin oil is a light yellow oily liquid with a characteristic spicy aroma and a not very pleasant bitter taste. That is why honey is often added to drinks with it.

By the way, black cumin oil will help in the fight against one of the most common women's problems -. It not only removes excess swelling from the skin, but also normalizes blood and lymph circulation in the body.

Why does black seed oil help you lose weight?

The main thing is that it contributes to a significant reduction.

In addition, it maintains the required level of sugar in the blood. By the way, substances that maintain sugar balance reduce cravings. This allows you to steadily lose weight (about two to three kilograms per month), however, before this you should definitely balance your diet.

Those planning to use black seed oil for weight loss should take several precautions.

In particular, do not use it in combination with other medications that lower blood sugar. For example, insulin, ginseng and so on. Otherwise, there is a risk of developing hypoglycemia. Sometimes it leads to blurred vision, convulsions, loss of consciousness and sweating.

There are practically no contraindications to the use of black cumin oil.

Naturally, it should not be used by people with individual intolerance.

Black seed oil for weight loss is available in several forms: tablets, herbal tea and oil extract. Some believe that the last option is the most effective.

The standard dose can be from fifteen to forty-five milliliters per day.

For the production of oil, high-quality raw materials from Egypt are most often used.

The fruits of the plants - large elongated capsules containing a large number of seeds - are harvested in August. The oil is obtained by cold pressing these seeds and then filtering them. If the packaging is sealed, the shelf life reaches twelve months.

You can use black cumin oil for weight loss either separately from other means and methods of losing weight, or in combination with them.

I advise you to periodically use other oils: such as, or, which also promote weight loss. And also use . Therefore, I invite you to these pages of my website.

Be beautiful and always strive for it!

All the best!!!

Nutritionists are constantly discovering new foods and substances that promote weight loss. After all, the main reason for the appearance of excess weight is often a slow metabolic process.

Therefore, diet alone is not enough; it is important to help the body restore the correct rhythm of metabolic processes. Black cumin oil has a special composition that can help in the fight against excess weight.

Beneficial properties of black cumin oil for weight loss

Black cumin and its oil in particular have a complex of vitamins B, C, E and A. In addition, it is a source of zinc, copper, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, the lack of which leads to poor functioning of the body.

The oil has a high content of phytoestrogens - a natural hormone that can naturally solve the problems of the endocrine system and the thyroid gland.

This composition normalizes blood sugar, which helps fight extra pounds and prevents the development of diabetes.

How to drink black cumin oil

The main course of oil intake is carried out over two months. During such weight loss, you need to refrain from hot food, you need to eat only warm and cooled dishes.

Month 1.

It is necessary to exclude non-vegetable fats and carbohydrates from the diet. The oil should be consumed every morning before meals according to the following scheme:

First week - 1 glass of water with the addition of one teaspoon of oil.

Second week - a glass of water with a teaspoon of oil half an hour before breakfast and before dinner.

Third week - on an empty stomach you need to drink two glasses of water with two teaspoons of oil.

The fourth week - the schedule and dose are the same as the first.

Month 2.

In the second month of losing weight with oil extracted from black cumin, you need to reduce the fat content in foods to 20 grams per day. Now the oil should be consumed without water, except for the last week.

You should drink black cumin oil as follows:

The first week - in the morning, half an hour before meals, you need to take one tablespoon of oil.

Second week - two tablespoons of oil on an empty stomach.

Third week - oil should be consumed 2 tablespoons before each of the main meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner).

Fourth week - one glass of water with oil 20 minutes before breakfast and lunch.

After the main course of losing weight, oil should still be included in the diet. Gently add it to salads about three times a week. It is important not to use other oils with the same effect for 2 months after a course with cumin oil.

It is very important to remember that the oil must be fresh, otherwise it can cause heartburn and other digestive system disorders. Therefore, when purchasing, you need to pay attention to the production time, and after unpacking the tube, it should be stored in a cool, dark place. It is also important not to store a metal spoon in oil, it will oxidize.

Cumin oil massage

External use of black cumin oil for weight loss helps to tone the skin, fight cellulite and actively lose weight. The recipe for this massage is very simple:

You need to mix 100 grams of cumin oil with rose or jasmine oil (three drops), add 7 drops of any citrus fruit oil to the mixture.

Before the massage, the skin must be thoroughly cleaned and warmed. Then the mixture is heated in the palms and applied to problem areas and rubbed in in a circular motion.

Rubbing with your palms lasts about 3 minutes, then you can pinch the skin for the same amount of time. You need to alternate stroking and pinching, patting in order to speed up blood circulation and help all the beneficial substances penetrate into the deep layers of the skin.

Massage movements should be directed from bottom to top, for example, from the legs to the waist, etc. The procedure is recommended to be performed before bed.

If you have diseases of the digestive system, liver or kidneys, you need to consult a doctor before such a weight loss system.

And, of course, for the procedure to be successful, you need to combine taking the oil with exercise and an active lifestyle without bad habits.

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The world of organic products used in cosmetology is very rich. The list includes black cumin seeds, which are available in different release forms. The most popular is oil. The substance is actively used for both health and beauty. Many positive reviews indicate that black cumin oil is effective for weight loss. What is the connection between caraway elixir and weight loss? Let's find out in the article.

The benefits of oil for losing weight

The benefits of cumin oil are easy to determine by paying attention to the composition of the product. Its main component is nigellon. It is rather not a substance, but a mixture, since nigellone contains vitamins A and B. The main effect of nigellone is antioxidant.

Interesting to know! Black cumin seed oil is also called nigella or nigella oil.

In addition to the active element, the product is rich in:

  • lipases;
  • ethers;
  • phospholipids;
  • selinene;
  • catechins.

The spin also contains a number of fatty acids:

  1. Palmitic, myristic - 10–12%.
  2. Linoleic (omega-6) - 55–65%.
  3. Stearic - 1–3%.
  4. Oleic (omega-9) - 15–18%.

The composition contains linolenic (omega-3) acid. However, the percentage of the compound is unknown.

Beneficial properties of squeezing caraway seeds:

  1. Removes harmful substances from organs.
  2. Strengthens the body's protective functions.
  3. Normalizes cholesterol and sugar levels.
  4. Helps convert incoming fats into energy.
  5. Increases stress resistance.
  6. Normalizes metabolism.
  7. Improves sleep quality.

These were the main properties of the oil that help fight excess weight. The product can also be used for medicinal purposes. The healing power of nigella has been proven hundreds of thousands of years ago. The herbal mixture was used for colds, digestive disorders, pneumonia and liver diseases.

Interesting to know! The product obtained by cold pressing retains much more nutrients.

Learn more about the benefits of nigella from the video:

Impact on the body

You can also lose weight with black cumin oil. Girls discovered this property of Nigella while trying various methods of improving their figure. Only many people have a question in their heads: how high-calorie raw materials suddenly became an assistant for burning fat. Yes, oil is not a dietary product at all. However, there are much more benefits in it than calories. If used correctly, both your health and appearance will improve.

Cumin oil is not a weight loss potion that works like magic. The elixir just helps you lose weight.

The effect of nigella on fat burning is as follows:

  1. The body receives a portion of nutrients, which helps reduce appetite.
  2. Energy metabolism is normalized and mood improves, which reduces the need for sweets.
  3. Metabolism accelerates, which activates the process of destroying stored fats.
  4. Resistance to anxiety and stress increases, the nervous system is strengthened, which helps withstand diets and physical activity.
  5. There is more energy, which significantly helps when playing sports.

The plant product also normalizes blood sugar and cholesterol. This makes it easier for overweight people and prevents heart and vascular diseases.

Best Black Cumin Supplements

To avoid buying a fake or low-quality product, it is recommended to purchase nigella extract from trusted, reliable places. Popular online health store iHerb offers a line of premium cumin oil supplements.

Among the presented assortment, TOP 6 stands out:

All top products are also available in city pharmacies. However, at high prices. On iHerb you can buy the supplements you want at a lower cost - 30–50% lower. All thanks to the high turnover and the absence of intermediaries.

The store’s website pleases with a pleasant interface, a detailed description of each product and thousands of real reviews (most with photos).

Delivery of orders is carried out in various ways on favorable terms anywhere in the world. Buyers will also be pleased with the competent support service.

And especially for readers of the magazine there is a special offer: a 5% discount on your first order using the promotional code AGK4375 or

Application of the product internally

Each package contains instructions on how to take black cumin oil, but there is a separate scheme for losing weight.

The substance is drunk in a course of several stages. The period is quite long - from 2 to 4 months.

The dosage is gradually increased from 1 to 2 tsp.

Diet with black cumin

The cumin diet is gentle and effective. Results can be achieved with proper nutrition and regular exercise.

Admission at 1 month

A specific dosage has been developed for each week:

  1. First week. Drink 1 tsp. elixir on an empty stomach half an hour before breakfast. The product is washed down with a glass of water.
  2. For the second seven days, the portion of oil does not change. Only an evening dose is added (half an hour before dinner) in the same dosage of herbal product and water.
  3. Third week. Only the morning dose is left in an increased dosage - 2 tsp. cumin oil to 2 cups of water.
  4. The last days follow the same pattern as the first week.

2 month

Starting from the second month, the portion of vegetable extraction increases:

  1. For the first 7 days, the product is consumed 20 ml on an empty stomach. Do not drink water.
  2. In the second week, the serving is 2 tablespoons. Take it in the morning, without water. The amount of fat consumed during this period is reduced to 20 g per day.
  3. Third week. Take 2 tsp. in the morning and in the evening. Do not drink water.
  4. The last week. 1 tsp. on an empty stomach. Drink with a glass of water.

It is permissible to continue the course for another 1–2 months. True, the product is no longer consumed in its pure form, but as part of dishes. Caraway oil is used to season salads, complement cocktails, etc.

Interesting to know! It is permissible to take black cumin not only in oil form. The seeds themselves, as well as caraway powder, are also useful.

Recipes for weight loss with black cumin oil

It is recommended to include dishes with the addition of cumin extract into the diet after a two-month course of the cumin diet. The combined use of the product in its pure form and as part of food will violate the daily fat intake.

Appetite suppressant

Juice made from carrots or oranges with cumin is an excellent appetite suppressant.

Just add 1 tsp to a glass of freshly squeezed drink. plant product. Use in the morning on an empty stomach and before bed.


Ginger tea with black cumin reduces hunger.


  • green leaf tea - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • chopped ginger root - 1 tsp;
  • black cumin oil - 5 drops.

Brew tea with ginger. Oil is added to the finished drink. Such tea parties are held in the morning, half an hour before the first meal.

Diet cocktails

Spicy fat burning cocktail.

You will need:

  • 1 tbsp. l. honey;
  • 1 tbsp. l. cinnamon;
  • 150 ml water;
  • 0.5 tsp. cumin in oil form.

All components are connected to each other and infused a little. The cocktail is consumed in the morning, before breakfast, and in the evening, after dinner.

Oatmeal smoothie

A tasty, healthy and satisfying drink.


  • 50 ml natural yogurt without additives;
  • 1 banana;
  • 3 strawberries;
  • 4 tbsp. l. oat flakes (whole);
  • 10 drops of caraway seeds;
  • 8 tbsp. l. hot water.

The flakes are poured with hot boiled water. Wait for the cereal to swell. Then put all the ingredients into a blender and bring the mixture to a puree-like consistency. You can add a little honey to taste.

Divide the portion into two meals: breakfast and lunch.

Black cumin against cellulite

You can remove “orange peels” using nigella. External use is no less effective than internal use. It’s even better to use vegetable extraction in a comprehensive manner.

Fat burning wraps

Anti-cellulite wraps are easy to do at home. The sessions will not take long. And all the ingredients are available:

  • cumin in oily form - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • 2 tbsp. l. any cosmetic oil;
  • 3 tbsp. l. ground (not instant!) coffee.

This mixture can also be used for home scrubbing.

A mixture of the above ingredients is applied with massage movements to problem areas of the body. They are wrapped in film on top and covered with a blanket or towel. After 40 minutes the composition is washed off.

Oil massage

Mix the following components:

  • 140 ml cumin oil;
  • 5 drops of citrus ether;
  • 3 drops of jasmine essential oil.

Rub the mixture in your palms for a warming effect and rub into the skin. We pay special attention to problem areas of the body (cellulite, sagging, etc.). We do the massage for 5 minutes. The effect is noticeable after a month of daily procedures.

Mask with oil and apple cider vinegar

This mask tightens the skin and prevents the appearance of “orange peels”.

Mix apple cider vinegar and black cumin in oil form. Proportions - 1 to 1. Apply to the problem area and wash off after 5 minutes. The optimal frequency is 1–2 times a week.

Side effects and allergies

No side effects were identified. However, in order to avoid negative reactions, you should not take the product in increased doses. It is also recommended to study contraindications.

In rare cases, allergies may occur.

Contraindications and precautions

External use has virtually no contraindications. It is not advisable to apply the product to the skin if there are wounds, abrasions or other damage. Areas with dilated veins should also be avoided.

Ingestion is contraindicated for pregnant women, hypertensive patients, those suffering from cancer and taking insulin.

Cumin is not only a spice, but also a wonderful product for health and beauty. The aromatic seeds have many beneficial properties and can be used for weight loss. Possessing thermogenic properties, they accelerate metabolic processes in the body, promote the burning of fat cells, improve skin quality and provide many other beneficial properties. You just need to learn how to use them correctly.

Main properties for weight loss:

  1. Cumin removes excess water from the body, eliminates swelling, the figure tightens, the waist becomes slimmer.
  2. When consumed, the spice improves digestion and normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, which is important for weight loss.
  3. Suppresses hunger, reduces appetite.
  4. The body is cleansed of decay products, toxic substances and allergens.
  5. Regulates blood sugar levels, which prevents sudden and intense feelings of hunger.

In addition, cumin can be used for weight loss for another purpose. The spice improves the taste of dietary, low-fat and bland foods, helps diversify the diet, use less salt and harmful sauces. They often increase the calorie content of dishes, reduce the biological value of products, and contribute to weight gain.

Important: It is important to understand that not a single remedy will help you achieve a slim figure if you do not change your eating behavior. Spices will help speed up metabolism and benefit the body, but they cannot break down and remove eaten cakes or lard.

Video: What are the benefits of cumin

General rules of use

Any type of cumin can be eaten, regardless of the degree of ripeness, grain size or variety. It is usually purchased in spice departments or specialty shops. If you plan to take a whole course and use cumin for weight loss for a long time, then you need to calculate the required amount in advance, since in ordinary bags the weight of the product rarely exceeds 10 g. A person can eat up to 20 grams per day.

General rules:

  1. Be sure to sort and rinse the seeds before use. It is convenient to pour into a sieve and rinse under running water. You should not eat dirty cumin, as it contains a lot of germs and dust.
  2. You can eat the whole seeds. In this option, they need to be chewed thoroughly. Otherwise, most of it will leave the body in transit.
  3. It is allowed to grind the spice. But you shouldn’t do this in advance in order to preserve the maximum amount of nutrients in the seeds. For grinding it is better to use a mortar and pestle.

If cumin is used on its own without adding to other dishes, then it should be washed down with clean warm water.

Classic scheme for taking cumin for weight loss

Cumin can be used in different ways, added to dishes and drinks, but most often the seeds are consumed according to the following scheme. If you strictly adhere to all the rules and do not convey them, then gradually your body weight will decrease. It is important not to skip spices.

Scheme for using cumin

First week: daily on an empty stomach 1 tsp. seeds and 1 glass of warm water
Second week: daily, in the morning on an empty stomach and an hour before dinner - 1 tsp. cumin and 1 glass of water
Third week: daily 2 tsp. on an empty stomach, 1 glass of water
Fourth week: 1 tbsp. l. on an empty stomach daily and 1 glass of warm water

On average, you can lose 2-4 kg per month of eating seeds. If you change your eating behavior and reduce your caloric intake by at least 20-25%, the results will be much better.

Recipes using cumin

Very often, for weight loss, cumin is brewed with boiling water or mixed with other liquids, for example, with fermented milk products. The result is very aromatic teas and cocktails with a piquant taste. Warm drinking suppresses the feeling of hunger, fills the stomach, and prevents overeating. There are many recipes for weight loss teas and decoctions that work no worse than advertised pharmaceutical products and dietary supplements.

Cumin drinks for weight loss can be consumed throughout the day, preferably 20-30 minutes before meals. They can also be used to reduce appetite in the evening, but if there is no insomnia and if another method of use is not indicated in the recipe.

Classic tea for weight loss from seeds

To brew the seed, you can simply use boiling water or hot green tea. Pour 1 tbsp. l. washed, prepared spices 300 ml of boiling water, cover and leave for 15 minutes. Drink 100 ml before each meal, you can warm it up.

Weight loss drink with cinnamon

Cumin – 0.5 tsp.
Honey – 1 tsp.
Cinnamon – 0.3 tsp.

Combine cinnamon with cumin, pour 120-150 ml of hot water, leave for 10-15 minutes. As soon as the temperature of the drink drops to 60-70°C, add honey, dissolve and drink. The effect will be much greater if you use crushed cinnamon sticks. This weight loss drink can be consumed up to 3 times a day, 30-60 minutes before meals or an hour after meals.

Cocktail with yogurt and pepper

Yogurt (kefir) – 200 ml
Cumin – 1 tsp.
Red pepper – 1/5 tsp.

Mash the seed in a mortar, combine with pepper, stir and pour into yogurt. You can use kefir. Leave the cocktail for an hour. To lose weight, you can drink it in the morning, at night, or completely replace one meal with the drink.

Tea with lemon and honey

Cumin seed – 1 tsp.
Honey – 1 tsp.
Lemon juice – 2 tbsp. l.
Ground cinnamon – 1/3 tsp.

Pour boiling water (200 ml) over the seeds, cover and leave for an hour. Grind honey with cinnamon and lemon juice, add to the brewed seeds. Stir. Drink tea between meals, no more than 2 servings per day.

Ginger drink that speeds up metabolism

Cumin – 1 tsp.
Fresh grated ginger – 1/2 tsp.
Boiling water – 200 ml
Lemon – 2 slices

It is advisable to brew the drink in a thermos or use a jar and then insulate it. Add the seeds, grated ginger root and 2 slices of fresh lemon. Pour boiling water over the ingredients, seal the thermos, and leave for 3 hours. Or close the jar, wrap it in something warm and let the drink brew.

Precautionary measures

Not everyone can use cumin for weight loss, weight loss or other purposes; there are categories of people for whom this spice is contraindicated. Also, do not forget about individual intolerance to the product and personal preferences. It contains a lot of aromatic substances and oils, the product has a specific taste and not everyone likes it.

Main contraindications:

  • cardiac ischemia;
  • stomach problems;
  • diarrhea or tendency to diarrhea;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • sleep disturbances, diseases of the nervous system.

If the use of cumin causes discomfort in the stomach or contributes to the appearance of flatulence, you need to temporarily abandon it, then start taking it with a small dose, gradually increasing the portion. The seeds can be consumed during breastfeeding, but this must be done with extreme caution, it is important not to harm yourself or the baby. It is not advisable to use the spice during pregnancy, but a small amount is acceptable in baked goods or other dishes.

Video: Super food for weight loss in the “Live Healthy” program